803 Robert Moon 2019-09-19 Harold MatznerBehested Payment Report A Public D 1. Elected Officer or CPUC Member (Last name, First name) Date Stamp Moon , Robert 2019 EP 19 PH 12: 56 -:-A-g-en_c_y__,N,.,.a_m_e--------------------------1 City of Palm Springs OFFICE OF THE CI TY CLE Rr Agency Street Address 3200 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs CA 92262 De si g nate d Co ntact Pe rs o n (Name and title, if different) 0 A men dment (See Part 5) Area Co de/Ph o ne Numb e r 7603238200 E-mail (Optional) robert.moon@palmspringsca.gov Date of Origina l Fi ling: --,--,--,---,-- (month, day, year) 2. Payor Information (For additional payors, incl ude an attachment with the names and addresses.) Harold Matzner Name 181 S , C ivic Drive Suite 1 Palm Springs Address City 3. Payee I nformation (For additional payees, include an attachment with the names and addresses.) American Legion Post 519 Name 400 N . Belardo Road Palm Springs Address Ci ty CA 92262 State Zlp Code CA 92262 State Zlp Code 4 . Payment Information (Complele al/information.) 8/2 3/2019 Da te of Payme nt: ______ _ (month, day, year) 5999.00 Amo unt of Pa ymen t: (tn-Kind FMV/ $ ---,-=--___,..,--,-,-_,....,,.--,--- (Round to whole dollars./ Pa ym ent Typ e : [gJ M o netary Donation or D In-Kind Goods or Services (Provide description below./ Bri ef Descripti on of In -Ki nd Payme nt: ------------------------------ PU rpose : (Check one and provide description below.) D Legis lative D Governmental ~ Charitable Describe the leg islative, governmental , charitable purpose, or event: D onated f unds to pay for the labor for the pa int ing of the Palm Springs American Legion, a 501c3 organ ization . 5. Amendment Description and/or Comments 6 . Verification I certify, under pena lty of pe~ury under the laws of t he Sta herein is true and complete . Executed on ___ s_e_p_t _19_,_2_0_1_9 __ _ DATE FPP C Fo rm 803 (January/201 8 ) FPPC To ll-Free He lpl i ne: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772)