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5/15/2002 - STAFF REPORTS (40)
CITY OF PALM SPRINGS Preliminary Departmental Budget And Capital Improvement Budget FISCAL YEAR 2002 - 03 May 15, 2002 w:a VVOD.," F o 3CIM en CITY OF PALM SPRINGS U1462 CASH RESERVE ESTIMAATES FOR FY01-02 & FY02-03 OPERATING FUNDS* REVISED ESTIMATES FOR PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1 ADJUSTED CASH BALANCE, 7/1/01 8,073,951 2 3 4 FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 5 Revenue 45,716,121 6 7 Transfers In 2,445,000 8 9 Appropriations (44,041,047) 10 11 Transfers out (4,908,135) 12 13 surplus or (Deficit) (788,061) 14 18 16 ESTIMATED ADJUSTED CASH BALANCE, 6/30/02 7,285,890 17 18 19 FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 20 Revenue 49,380,236 21 22 Transfers In 2,020,000 23 24 Appropriations (45,796,356) 25 26 Transfers out (5,915,674) 27 28 Surplus or (Deficit) (311,794) 29 30 31 32 ESTIMATED ADJUSTED CASH BALANCE, 6/30103 _ 6,974,096 * General Fund and Community Promotion Fund i i i 1 ' lmleM v gaz.mperm CITY OF PALM SPRINGS BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 01-02 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 02-03 FY 00-01 Fiscal Y&qr 01-02 FY 02-00 Actual Adopted Budget at 5114102 Preliminaryrst Revenue 1 Property Tex 9 394 820 10,Ooo,000 10,000,000 10 G00,000 2 TOT•Base 11.681,444 12,40000 10800,000 11,700,000 3 TOT•Rate Increase - _ 11000.000 1 700 000 4 Sates Tax 6186.120 0.400000 6,400,000 6,592,000 5 WIT 4,854.177 4.834,000 5600,000 5800,000 $ Franchise Fees 2,205,391 2300,000 2,500000 2,625 OW 7 Motor Veh Lic Fees 2,505,664 2,200,000 2320,000 2,400,000 8 Admin Sc Charges 757822 $75,121 875,121 9231500 9 Business License 675,230 715000 715,000 750 O0o 10 All Other 7,184,032 5173403 5,506,000 $,259736 11 Total 45,245,500 44,897,524 45,716121 49,360,236 12 13 Transfers In 14 Gas Tax 600,000 6OQ000 600,000 600,000 i5 Rlsk Management 600,000 300,000 300.000 400,Ooo 16 PERS 400000 745,OOo 745,000 850,000 17 Master Lease - 150.000 150,000 - 18 Capital Projects _ _ 450,000 _ 19 Facility Maintenance - 200.000 200000 - 20 All Other 13158$ - 170,000 21 Total Transfers In 1.613.583 1,995,000 2,445,000 2,020,000 22 23 24 Appropriations 38418,335 44,489.047 44,489,047 47,OGG,366 25 Addl Tourism funding _ 100 OOO 26 Add l Film Fest funding _ 100 00O 27 expected Savings (548,0)0) (1,270,000) 26 29 Transfers out 30 COMCntion Center 3617,208 3,6011166 3,195461 3,448,368 31 Cow Ctr EKpanslon Debt Sve - - 30QOoo 1.700,000 32 Gol(course 200.000 200,000 200,000 200,000 $3 Oasts Project Area 72 DDO - 34 YehquWAndreas 263.538 _ _ 35 Police Bldg Dept$W 173,904 177,594 177,504 175,434 36 Traffic Signal Lamp Loan 28,465 2$465 23,6$$ 37 Measure Y Capital 400,000 40000O 400000 300WO 38 Skate Park 50000 500 000 39 AD No 155 15p ODD _ 40 Fading Fund Operatlons - 50000 50,000 Iowa 41 Parlang Structure Dept sVc _ - - 42 All Other 98861 56,705 $e,Mii $8,039 43 Total Transfers Out 5025511 4713862 4,906,135 5,915,674 44 45 46 Surplus or(Deficit) 3,415,637 (2,310385) (7$8061) (311,794) 47 45 Trunsfer.FY Mal to 01-02 (800,000) 500,000 49 so Net Surplus or(Deficit) 2,615,637 (2,310,385) 11,939 (311.794) 2 budovlew allotheaev02-03 5114102 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS " COMPARISON OF "ALL OTHER" REVENUE IVY 00-01 Fiscal Year 2001-02 FY 02-03 REVENUE Actual Adapted Budget 5/14/02 Prelim Estimate 1 Timeshare Occupancy Tax 45,785 - 46,000 - 2 Documentary Stamp Tax 370,678 300,000 325,000 325,000 3 New Development Tax 332,498 300,000 250,000 300,000 4 Building Permits & Fees 762,498 700,000 700,000 700,000 5 State Homeowners Exemption 224,925 240,000 224,000 224,000 6 State ERAF Reimbursement 126,686 - - - 7 Safety Grants 711,369 - 20,000 20,000 8 Special Police & Fire Svc 712,437 750,000 770,000 770,000 9 Plan Checks 599,273 575,000 500,000 550,QOD 10 Interest Income 593,180 300,000 500,000 500,000 11 Fines & Penalties 228, 774 222,000 222,000 250,000 12 Recreation Programs 551,742 510,000 510,000 569,000 13 CRA Admin Charges 211,565 215,000 214,000 220,000 14 Police Building Rent 195,689 179,000 225,000 225,000 15 State Mandated Reimbursement 154,864 50,000 50,000 50,000 16 All Other 1,362,069 832,403 950,000 1, 566,736 17 Total 7,184,032 5,173,403 5,506,000 6,289,736 w CPCY of PALM SPRINGS 611DGET PROJECTIONS FISCAL YEARS 20M.01 to 200243 ' Revised 00-01 - Budget 01 -02 Revised 0l -02' Growth Growth changes - Projected 02.03 1 REVENUE Properly Tax 9,394,820 10,000,000 10,000,000 600% 600,000 10,600,❑00 2 TOT-Base i1,681,444 12,400,000 10,B00,000 8.33% g00,000 11,700,000 3 TOT-Rafe Increase 1,000,000 100,000 1,700,000 4 Sans Tax 6,186,120 6,400,000 8,400.000 3.00/ 192,000 6,592,000 5 UUT 4,864,177 4,834,000 5,600,000 3.67% 200,000 5,800,000 6 Franchises Fees 2,206,391 2,300,000 2,500,000 5.00% 125,000 2,625,000 7 Motor Veh License Fees 2,305,864 2,200,000 2,320,600 3.45% 80,000 2,400,001) 6 Admin Svc Charges 757,822 875,121 875,121 5.53% 48.370 923.500 9 Business License Tax 675,230 715,000 715,000 4.90°% 35,000 760,000 10 All Other 7,184,032 5,173,403 5,506,000 1423% 783,7W 6,2B9,736 11 Total Revenue 45,246,900 44,697,524 45,718,121 3,664,116 0 49,3E0,236 12 TRANSFERS IN Gas Tax 600,000 600,000 600,000 0.00% 0 600,000 13 Risk Management 600,000 300,000 300,000 0.00% 0 100,000 400,000 14 Other 13,583 450,000 000°% 0 (26D,000) 170,000 15 PERS 400,000 745.000 745,000 0.00% 0 850,000 16 N.aster Lease 0 150,000 150,000 0 OD% 0 (150,000) 0 17 Facility Marnten ante 0 200,000 200,000 0 00% 0 (200,00D) 0 .583 1,995,000 iB Total Transfers In 1,813 25445,000 0 0 (00,000) 2,020,000 19 APPROPRrATIONS Wages 19,234.985 21,413,669 21,413,6% 662% 1,416,794 22,830,463 20 PERS 1,128,258 1,978,250 1,97B,259 11.60°% 229,446 2,207,705 21 Health Ins.&Other 2,338,70E 3,340,669 3,340,669 18 6B°% 624,177 3,964,846 22 Workers Compensation 1,067,921) 1,162,766 1,162,766 1217% 141,471 1,304,237 23 Utilities 1,469,581 11522,932 1,522,932 0OF/. 0 1,435,952 24 PSDRCVA 1,235,562 1,285,562 1,155,582 0.38% 4,438 1,125,000 25 Tourism 1,649,853 1,581,516 1,681,516 000% 0 1,508,760 26 Convention Center Ops 1,652,346 1,458,002 1,458,002 -0.06% (914) 1,365,088 27 Insurance fM,096 1,035,139 1.035,139 2349°% 243,174 1,299,510 28 Motor Veh Replace 1,533,841 1,683,281 1,683,281 2 43°% 40,958 1,706,504 29 Facility Mamten ante 1,470,691 1,733,SB7 1.733,687 -139°% (24,105) 1,709,582 30 Parks Maint Contract 711,503 796,503 796,503 4.00% 31,860 828,363 31 Leisure Programs 323,094 296,028 295,028 400% 11,801 306,829 32 Contractual Legel Svc 454,400 474,000 474,000 10.97% 52,000 526.000 33 Film Festival 150,000 150,000 250,000 000% 0 (100,1130) 150,000 34 All Other 4,300,039 4,578,034 4,660,034 2.95°% 137,4133 4,797,517 35 Savings (1,155,541] (600,000) 0.00% (670,000) 11".,000) 36 Total Appropriations 38,418.335 44,499,047 44,041,047 (1(10,000) 45,796,360 37 TRANSFERSOUT Convention Center Debt Svc 3.647,208 3,801,188 3,195,461 252,907 3,448,368 a Conv Ctr.Evanson Finanang 300,000 3 1,700,000 9 Golf Course Debt 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 200,000 40 Oasis Project Area 72,000 0 0 0 70,000 ❑ 41 TahqutlzJAndreas PA 263,538 0 0 0 0 0 42 Police Bldg Debt Svc 173,904 177,504 177,504 [2,070) 175,434 43 Traffic Signal Lamp Loan 0 28.465 28,465 0 (4,632) 23,833 44 Was ureY CaPItal 400,000 400,000 400,000 0 (100,000) 300,000 45 Skate Park 50,000 500,000 (500,000) 0 46 A.D.155 150,000 0 0 0 0 47 Parking Fund-Operations 0 50,000 50,(100 0 10,000 48 Panting Shuctu re Debt Svc 0 0 , 49 All Other 98,861 56,705 56,705 1334 58,03 50 Total Transfers Out 5,026,511 4,713,862 4,903.135 (202,4G1) 5.915,674 51 SURPLUS or(DEFICIT) 3.415,637 (2,310,305) {780,Oo1) (391`l94) 4130102 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS BUDGET WORKSHEET PC FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 PROGRAMF / / IN DEPT. F GENERALFUND DEPARTMENT .=T -- _ , --- - - - • PROGRAM. _ _ - : -. -, _ _ .- _ - -_ _ - - ._ - - .. .AMOUNT 1 'FINANCE ; - = . - - - - Reciass i PCr Temp Bus Lie Clerk to 314 Rey.Sus Lie Clerk - - - _ G25f1 Additional - _ - ' - 2,35t1 2 FIRE ADMINISTRATION'-__.-)' -_ .-_ ` _Update Disaster Plari for City 3 [HUMAN RESOURCES-__ - = - _ - - -_- __=Real_locatton of HR_Speckalist i to HR Specialist tl MX4l#W to hAX4413 - .,: 2,550 4 .ENGINEERING c..` - - - - - - - " � - = _- _ - - - = 3 - - -- -_ - , ' "Reclasa Enpineerinp_AssL_to EngrAssoclate.- "` `__ _-_ _ - _ == G4014 to GSW.1-_ -. . ;_ - {,387 -, - - - _ - _-- - - __=_-`__ `='Upgrade Eng Field Supervisor ompress11 Mandatory MOCK_ • "_ - PS58I4to,PS6015 -=-3 -- - nds'St.-Maint Supervi6or=Compiessio'n-hdanda_tory MOB'-= .__ -__`..`__`c_.PS&S_to P55215_=_-_= _2,380: 7 PROCUREMENT 8:CONTRACTING • - -_=_ Recluse Sr: Secretary to Admin Secretary- =_ - - -- - -- _ -. - - - G3312 to M%3477 `_- _ --_- ___ =9,995 8 _ -- - ----_ - _ - _- _- _-- - _, Reciasc Prac Specialist i.to_Proc_Speclalut-il ,, - - - _ _ -` _ - _M%4314 to M%4812- - - - 2,989_1 9 BUILDING S SAFETY -- _ -_. _-- -_ .- -`_ - n - - - - _ Upgrade Bldg Insp,Supervisor-Compression-Maridatory NLOi} `;.; _;' _ :- PS5514-to-k6i,3-_ -_ 10 ,RECREATION DHUC'-- _ - -- -.Add 1,Litera -_ - -- - - - _ - _ - _,-- - _ 3,751.' _ cyCoorrlinatar�dFTE]'=�=<'.- _._`- -' � -- --- - - - 11 GOMhl8 ECONChAId-l]EV " Ecendm_it Development Pragnm; 12 ;._General Plan Ut•, 13 POL[CE_ UpprsddDis}ratch.B.;Comm,Manager to 14 , - _ - _ Police_ Comm Records Manager'-- = AtX4715 to MXSi1i iO,itB_� - - 15 `CITY MANAGER =- `-- _ '--___,_ - _ __ -:Upgrade P_!O td'Directar of Public AHain ._ -=- - - _ _ _ __ - --== - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - _ E%5215 to-E7(8012 _ NON GENERAL FUND 16 IXRPORT' 'Add 1 Airport- Operations Aide - 37,- 282321117 Downgrade i i Airport O s Specialist to Airp6rt -- --__ _ _ -- " -__- '___' Operatioa5_Aide[PositionVacani}-_: - - -_ __- _ _ G4?J1 to G321i 18 _._ --_ _ - - _ --_=Reciass,Air Svc Dey$ PR Coordinadorto= --_ - - - - --_ - -- --- - - Marketing S Camrn Administre4_or _ = - - "- _ " _ __- _ '-_PS_46I1_to P95211.- _•__ .__ ,_ . i,446: 19 cRISK.MANAGEMENT_ - _ -- -_ City-wide Safety Proyjrams '' �< `--__ -_- _ _ -_- -_ -_ _. - _ _ - - _- = -- _ - - _ -_ 25,000 20 FACELITIES = _ -_ ; _ .' _ -. _ -_Upgrade Fleet Ops Supervisor-Com rasston-Mande - --- - - - "-_-_ -_ p _ taryMUU' " - _ PS59I5_to 5614 5,433 21 'CIBRAfiY TRUST' . =Add 9 Literacy Coordinator(.6FTE)=See note heiow - _ _ --_ G_ 2711 22 '70URlSM_. - - - Addltiona{Fundlrig -_- _ -- - -- _ - - _ ---_- 700,000 ' 19 "Note: Additional funding for Literacy Coordinator from CDBG of$101000 wiff continue for 02.03 FY for total Salary of$32,935 5114102 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS BUDGET WORKSHEET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 PROGRAM ■ ■ ■ IN DEPT. ■ GENERALFUND DEPARTMENT- ` ::' ,'' =_ PROGRAM ,' _ Ah1_dUN_T 1 FIRE ADMINISTRATION _ -Increase Paramedic positions from S to 12 - i �_ _- _ __ _' - -' (is%Premium Pay for 3.additional people) _- `- - ._..__- -- -_ _ __ _ --- --- _ -28,391 2 `_ -_ - - _ - - -_- -Train 2 Hazmat Technicians _ - (10%Additional pay,fquipmenl, Training)- - -- - _- _ '44.818 s 3 r _. . NFPA StafFing Phase-4n Compliance 3-Man) _ - - .-1,349,843 4 .... .. . .:. .. . . . - -` _ NFPA Staffing Phase in Compliance(4- Ann} :_--�-- _ = _ _ _ - - - _ ` _ _ _ _ _ -_- -- _ , Additional �- _ 1,257,186 5 i - _ _-. - _- - ____- Add one naw EMS CootdinaMr --__ -_ - 81,448 Add one.new Training Captain" 96,426 i . 7 ; ;`__ - :- .._ _ - - _- =Add one new Fire Inspector- ' _ - __- -_ _ --•--- _ - . - _ = TS 423 B -HUMAN RESOURCES_.= - =_Add"one now HR Assistant , =_,__-_-__- ' _: . = -G28I7`': =- _ _ __- _ - - - -. .-31 352"= 9 [PROCUREMENT CONTRACTING "= Reclass Sr Proc. S _c to Principal Contract-Spec e - - - - - - - - - pe-c pa- ---_-=:=:r- MX54to_MX59.' Add one' new Iris In Technician Re`ro ra hits `_ '_ G_30ft � 1 11l - _'- - - _ -___--=;Reclass S,eniorGraphic' Technician to - E Re o ra h' - pr g_ p its&Dig!latl hnagin9 Specia_list::._r _ G41 to G45' - - 12 .PLANNING I-BUILI]ING =>--.`= Add one no*scanning .7ecFfnician=," __ - - -_-_ -- =G29f1 - __ 2S,32Z; 13-- _ Add one now Person or Contract out for ONIPP duties = _ 40,1100 ; 14: _ - A�3d one'new Plarining Technician for GIS P__royram' `- .' __ _= G3711_` _ 3.7;368 . 15IPOLICE _ _ --_ __'- - Add two new Police Ser dcsa Officers_- _ _ - = G2411 _ - - - -_ - 55,8i8 - -Add two'now PofeelnvestlgaticnsNcaOfficsrs=. =-P45f9 93,788; 17' Reclass_ID Technician.to Forensic Specialist.- - =G4013 to 64512 - _ 2,188 16 CITY CLERK Upgrade Assistant .Clerk '_- - ,.. - �"`Y - - MX52 to MX61 7,684-. 19' Reclass I Upgrade Two Rewards=Coardinatar Positions G3Sto PSC44- - 2,648' 2{3`RECREATION -_- _ - - Reclass Spec Events Coord to Spec Events Manager__ =_- PS47_to PS51 - - 3,097 21 PARKSDOWNTOWN- _ -- - Rdd 4 Parks Maintenance Workers: - -__ G18,- - :.- MAINT_EN ONCE, world reduce'Comractu5! Svcs b 168,80§ - 3,424,565 NON CAPITAL DEPARTMENTAL REQUESTS - - - - - - _ _ __ __ _ Total Cost_ CfY Cast 22lRevtisehtutmgOr6ioancz, - - -_ - - -- - .- - - - -- — -==7D,000 ---- 23-Zoning Ordinance Update - _ _ 60,000 '- '60,000 - - 60,000 NON GENERAL FUND 24-PJSK MANAGEMENT_ _, - Reclass Risk Management_Speclalist-- - t Risk ManagementAnatys4__ ` G40 to MA.49 _. 6,753_ 25 HUMAN RESOURCES Add 1,New HR Assistant-Workers Compensation G2511 31;352 5114102 s CITY OF PALM SPRINGS BUDGET WORKSHEET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 OUTSIDE ORGANIZATION REQUESTS .DEPARTMENT- = . . :: PROGRAM:° AMOUAET S `SENIOR CENTER_ Request Additional_Fuildireg 02103 Fiscal Year = 100,b00, 2 F[LM.FESTRVA_L =,Re-questAddit octal Funding 02103 Fiscal'Year _;. _;- 100,0007 3 Request funding for Short Film=FestlVal for 07f03 FY_ 251000 4 'PARADES FOR PALM SPRINGS - Request funding_for62103 Fiscal Year 30,000 j 5 -BOYS S GIRLS CLUBS- • ' _ - Requestfunying fior.02W3 Fiscal Year fi €YOUTH CENTER Request funding for 02J03 Fiscal Year100,000` 7 TOURISM RequesEAdditionaP Fmridiieg 02I03 Fisca! Year '•_' .:' 250,000 ? 605,000 . OF this, an additional $100,000 is included in the FY 02-03 budget 5114102 V CITY OF PALM SPRINGS FY 02-03 PROPOSED BUDGET DETAIL Line=- DepL.:-t amen 7 - _ _-_ _- = _FY01=02-_ '-. -.Personnel_._ -- Mtls,Suypli�s_ - - speclal = -r;- Debt .- .Capital_ ' ;FY 08-03= ._Line: -Na: --No.�' _ _ __, - _ - _ `_ -TOTAL = _- _- -Costs = -- &.Servaxs= i_`- Char es. ., --.'Service ___ c_ -_- - -_ __ TOTAL- No Fund 001 General Fund -- 1=-;3 1010 ,C'rty 243,730= _- : .'I18iL3iB. - '93,732-`---:`43,396= -. "2 ._ _ _ 53,196 2 1100 City Man 9er _ _ 536.256 396,703 �_ 86,352 __ 61,B32 _ - - - 544,977 2_ ]ii0 .Execu4v05er+icee 506;868 __.. _., =_ 594291 "- .,c - _ _ -, _ _--- - b57,W9--_-3__- 4 1120 Information Services - _ - _ - 1,248,885 - _ 801,946 _ 376,5U5 iD6,9H4 --�- _ - 1,285,435 _4 _5 : it50 ;Cdy Clerk_ < <:c _-'._ . :. _;."-; ._ � _ _450,553 .___.� _ - . _ .: 76,$33 _ „3fi,A2] '327988 " - -_fi -' 1160 'Human Resot<rces_ s :-.. - -- _ _ 274290 _ - ,.--_ - ., _' -ta7,050 - - `95,687_ --.25,364 - .- - _ _ - -- ___. 268,181- - 7 1180 Rent Cenlrol _ -- ��- - - 85,078 10,909 -- - 29,979 _ 16,08256,970 - 7 -- 1200 :City A[tcrreeY_: _ __ ..> _ -- _: " _ `_--389,600: - - :: _. - _ _ - - - __ . -- - - -_ - __ - - - . 9 12211 Dn allocated , Appropn-a5or, - _ -- - -- 620,,046=- - 5070$.70G750 _'----- 3757,,00D 1231 524 . , , 9 1261 Reprographrrs __ , __„_ _ _. _--_ 331,600 - t67,183 207,53G:.. e_34;255. -_ 12 130D Finance 1,374,218 _ -- - 1,257,771 _ 160,406 134.148 1,000 - �- 1.553,319 12 c43 1330 ;Procurement _ _= - "."---_ _"_- 378,5g9.. __ _�._ , .4_gv,796 - _- - -58 41 ,4G,298 _ 14 1400 Community&Economic Development 386,575 263,105 17,700 5%836 r 36,000 378,691 14 ,-=15,- 1401 .Fct-Wr rtrade=Zonz=ED%. - '_., _- 39,900---''_ = _ _ _ - _ _ .._ _ _ _ Z6�Oa0_ 3,000-`_. i6 -' 1500 :Comraunrty Redeve!uPlrienf 53,872,- .�. - -. _ . .0 - ._-O; - -� -- 17 3010 Police .. . - - - __ _ _... _ . _ ._ . _ - . . _. _ .. - _ _ _ .]8 3010 ' -- - _ . .< .12,t0 _ i _ - _ 567,996 -fi57,755 1,689,423 _ 30,000 12,945,174 17 1,00 1D, - rJatl 6perafions -_ - _ -_ - :0-_ .. _, "__ "_352,258_'> - 82,500; :: - - - - _ - - - -- '439,756-_`98- _ _ 19 3019 Downtom Expedence-Pn_;ce -563,596 439,842 - - ]i,000 95,752 - '_. _ .._ . _..__ .. .-: __ _ _ _ _ 2G. 3116 i . ._ ._ ,. . - _ . ,_ - - _ _ --- - - - 536,694 19 !COPS Grant-Pdice -: ---,_�: .: `�': =_607,BS1_r=._� _�� - � . . -- _- -`21 3304 'Ani:iaai Control- _ - - - - _.' 375,692 - - - 207,908 = - 74990 ` - 68,400 .._ ;- ..._- :- _ „- - " 411,26B= ,21 22 3400 Dispatch Center _ _ _ - - 1,078,967 _ - - _ 1.091.360 - 25,066 -- 45,156 _- -- - - - - 1,161,584 22 -,23 -< 3520 ,Frfe. _ -_ - =6,pp 1L _ - _ _ 5fi09,358 _' 558.500- . - ._847,91 B-.'- - i =�`, .32 - ___ - __. _. _ __ �000 __ ,7,Qo7776__ 23 - 24 3522 Disaster _ 2_7,802 _- _ _ -� -- 7,381 _ _34,200- - - 41,587 -24. 25 40t0 _Grants&Spemzf,PrD'EjELcts b- _ -, _0 . -25 4151 'Ranrnng $2.2 , ,E17 ;-_- 297,315: 3i2,Qs3'.'.. _ _' �_6,OD6.- ,],515. 75_- 26 27 4161 Building&Safety i,072,0ifi_ - - _ 994,887 - 64,460 _ 116,92.6 _ _ _ - - --- 5,000 1,181,273 27 28 4171 ;Enpin_eenn9,, _ _-_ 1 ._,794 29 4204 Street tdamlenance _ 62D,B70_ 417,571 83,254 148,794 5,600 654,619_ 29 - - 3�_ i 4204 =Traffic Ala!nterrance - , - -> ' _ �_ _ �_402,428 _._ _- _- __ _ _-238,i50 . ' _ _- _ .. 91�90] �_--_ � 59,533. '___'-_ -_ .__ ___ 31 4210 Dvrmtctim Experience t.]aintenance 333,542 257,494 6$976 10,927 337,397 31 5115102 m CITY OF PALM SPRINGS FY 02-03 PROPOSED BUDGET DETAIL -Line,;- Dept No: ' Nam - _ _ ."_- No-: _ -0 .Personne=l-. _ =- M. tfs,Su pplies - _- Speial Debt . Cd dal Y02A3`_ Line YOTAC Costs 8 Service Cha e i;rZ _TOTAL ; Nu. _ 32 4240 33 4260 PM-1ll Removal - - - -i8,837 i2,0U8 0,E65f - _ - ' - -18,665 _33 3d -- 9307 SVeet Ligh$np _. _554,519 -_ - _ _ 1]6,823 .- ' _ - 243,9EI{] :__ "_--..265,557 - . 028,580 3¢ 35 4471 Staton Site Davelopment _ 41,750 _ 41,750 _ - _ '- -- - - -- ' 41,750 --35 _36_? 2451 _Par,[3,1arnleriance_ - --. _ 9,963i853 - _- 208,2"oi 3,590.850 i,925.430 =' ?8`r 37, 2510 ;Recreation.._,:_ -::_: --r5• '. _5.,4B9:SA0 -LL_ - ;,BS_4,28T -_ - ' `718,'33d - i,4_9,738:.._.`- - __. ___ 1,532�t39 ='=37 `� 3B 2511 Tens Center 46.101 _ - - --" 6,DD0 - - -- 5,400 38 2594 !James.7esse D:iqC"__ ._°'-_ __398,iA9_`- _ - _-- - 303;496-"._ - - 78 8pD 7- '' .:40;354 _ _ _ ,-1,SQD:.___ 427;14.0 -_38 r_ 48 2710 Library - - --- 2,104,875 1,595,065 -- 497,4fi4 99,350 _ - - 2,735,879 40 _4{_- ITOTAL.GEtdERAL FUND._- _ _ " -,39,653,?87 _30063,518_- -, 7,27i,144= _4,o34,86D 97- '_-=i,000_'-__5 ,0¢a -_ 42.5D7,522 �4 1 Fund 112 Community Promotion _42: 20D1 Aon6ention V�itors Bureau_;.-.. _ --. -1,285,562_.-_ :_: -_= _`" - -_- _ - -- - f t25000 = -= - r -- `- - -" i,125;fh70 .-42- . 43 2017 Tounsm S AC 1,581,51fi - _ . _ 244 1,698,51fi - - - ' _ _ _ _ _ -_ -_ _ .. .. .,_ . ,-. . _... - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1�608.760 43 _d9 2018 !Spada.!Events _'.. `-.248.2D0 :. . -,..:- -. - - _- - - - - _ _-- 45 2019 Speo-aLContributions 62,480 - - _ _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_- - .= 84586 45 -`1_6:., 2080 [ConveiiLo'n Center _ _ --."_ - - - - _ _ c __- _ _1,444.�8_ _ 45 -- _: r. - .1;458�062 _c ''' . 1,352,_500, 52 088 ' - _ 95,986 , ,'47 .. iTOTAL 0440jI7Y Prt6MOT1aN - __ = k,63576Q -24a, _- "`.`k;466,502 --- -92_OBB `. .._ _ - _ - - . � ._ _ _-._ � : _ _ _ '_ _ <D____.�_ •_ 4-. _ =,4,558,834' -=47 46,_: ;TOTAL OPERRTIFFG FUHOS 48 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS FY 02-03 PROPOSED BUDGET DETAIL Cint =- Dept. Home' - _ _ _ _- _ -=FY 01;02- :- _ _ Personnel--. -- _Mt€s,3up�ks' 'Special_ Dehf = _" =Capital -L FY 42-03. Line, No. '- No. _ - - _ - -- _- _TOTAL- -"_.- `r "Cdsts =_ r: '- &Services -Charges- Service = -_- = TOTAL"'No. - -= Fund 120 Forfeited Assets - - 49 3012 1i6rfeited Assets-Police,= _ - = 419,700 - - _ _" --__-' 19,706. =i =. -__ _ - - - _ - '0_ ' 19,700 49 -'50 MOTAU FORFEETED ASSETS__--=-_ --_ __ 418,7_00._ - - - --_4 __ _19,700=- _ _ -._ 0_ 0 _ 0__._ -_19,700 '50.. Fund 121 Safety Augmentation _ _ _. _. - _ _51'_ 3013 SafSty_Augmenfa56n-Pokce - .: _ 336,874 _ _.`-._ 276,104 -' 1000- -> 78,086:. .__ 37 -51, _52 , 3523 Safety Augmentation Fire _290,151 _ 140,832_ i41,70U _41345 32,500 _356,377. =52 - 53' ,TOTAL_SAF_ETYAl1GUENTATION_._ 47:500----- 72fi,557._ 53 Fund 124 GSA 152 54.. 4242 `CSAi52-StreefC_lea-. n.g_:,_ _ ,-; 69 -,-_ - - 0- _-_" . 378,64- 31;450 --1524 54., _ _ , -55 TTOTAL GSA 152 15240 55_37E,fi7 Fund 126 Recycling 56-- 1280 Recycriny 207,183 '; .= .:__ - __=130,OQ4_`� � =.-�" _ _- 3U220' � , _ .-29,329--.-�__:-__..`- �_, .28,d31 -- ' 237,984. ;56 `57=' ,TOTAL RECYCLIN_G_. .=-_ _ ,.287,183_ _. ,_- _ _ 130,004_ -___ 50,220 __-__.-_29,329_=_ =-,- 28,433 _237,984 -_57 = Fund 127 PS VillageF_est -58 2554 Vilfa'eFbst __,_ ---_--- - _ 344,611 f9B,672_-;a1_ -. -, = if4,62.4_._ '=_49,782:._ = -__ - _ :--[ -361,078_ f58 - 59TOTALVILLAGEFES7 344611 __ ,i96622 _ _114,624 Fund 131 Parking _ 66- 4461 ;Parking:Contial _. --�'-_::'_ -- _- -V7,f02 --_ - !1i;593_: _= 138;100° ,= 5D,869'.-_. . ."_ _ - - - - 230;502- 61 -TOTAL PARISI_NG CONTROU 217;102._ 4i;5.93__.=._=_j_j38,1nD, . 511,609 `-__-=0 _. _ _- 0_ ;230,5Q =61 Fund 132 Parking Capital Programs 62 4462 ,parking Projects&Programs - .`295`000 _ :" _ `.. - 63 ,DoWntman Parking Structure_.__ .'`- - - 0_?. _ _ _ - __...0 _64_ tTO7AL PARIUNG CAP,PRCGRAM_S 29_5,00_0._. . _ .._ '_0 .::_--.:_ 2Q,0_00=p-_ ___-2.404-_- 0 --' _ _.Q, 1 _ __ 71,404-_ ;64. Fund 133 Special Gas Tax Improvements _ 65 4298 improvements 2106 Fund _ _ 546,500. - _ - 497,000 - -497,000 65 - _66 V TOTALSP ECIAL GAS TAX IMPRO _, _546,500_ �0_ _``- -- CJ -V., `_ _" 497,000_ __'_' 497,400 =.68" Fund 134 hleasuie A Improvements _. _. . -- .. _ _ =57- 4498 :Loral lAeasure A= :_ '- - .. � _- -.' : "-1,619,000,-.._; :_-, � -._ -• `�i;40o,04u-.-. :}1,400,004= -67` 88 +TOTAL_MEASURE_A fMPROVE -__--1,619;000_ =68 Fund 135 Drainage - 69, 4370-4375 Drainage, - - - - ._404,Q00>_. . - - _ - ` _- - - _-. - -` - _ .. - - ? 400,000= .:- 440,D00. 69 70 TOTAL DRAINAGE_ -- 1= , _ _._ 4GO,000 _ .-__ _ _ 0 =400,000 -.74 Fund 137 Community Dev.Block Grant _71 4801 CD Block Gtanl 62fi3 - ___ - 732,774_ _ -. _ - - =='80,291 . - 2B,8i5- -._ - 14,069 - - _ 586,360 - _ 71f1,555;--7f- =-72 jTOTAL _MMUNITY_DEV_ ,_-_ _ 732,714 .--_ 81•_ ---80,291_ -_ _ =29, 5- _ . 14,059 - _ _ ,0 --_-= 586,366 55__. -_710, 5=. 72=_ _ Fundi39 Master Lease _ 73 7851 iMaster Lease - _ -_ _. .- 1,062,279 - __--. 3,500 _ ...- 78i _t,062,828 - _-_ _:3,067,1 49 73=. ;TOTAL tAA9_TEi2 LEASE ., _ - _1,062,279-_ _. _ _ `0 ; _. _ -„ 3,500 781 .1.062,628, -_ 0_ _ -1,067,t09-__74 Fund 149 Air Quality Management 75 4609 'Air Quetity Management _ ._- -; 48,Q60=='_ _.`". __- - - ' = 48,4Q0.- . - _ - _ - - - _ - _ - -- '"48,000-- 75 -76 TOTAL AIR Ol3AUTY-. - - __.- _ ._ . d8i --- =0 _ _ = '= r48,QD0 4_� _!_0_ =_0 48,D00- 76-. CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 02-03 PROPOSED BUDGET DETAIL Line- - Dept.' = Name - - _- _ _ -__FY 91-02 _ _ - -. - Personnel- _ Mt35;Supplies - -Special _ - Debt - - -.C__ap'ai : J _ FY 02-03: Line r -Nd.' �'_No�'. - _ - - - _ --- -=- -TOTAL. i - --- - Costs-;i d.Servlcgs _ Cho' "es `---- - ` Services_ - - - :.TOTAL=No. Fund 150 Public Arts = =77 ? 4408 'AA Aagiasitinns; - _ 209,368. _-- - ----- - _ _'_i27,432 5 >94;250 .:Y2:124": :; -;:. 78 `TOTAL PUBLIC ARTS = - = - - - " -='.-= - -_ - - - - _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ -" 274,806 __7-7 - .. _ _ - - 209368 _ -- = - _ t27,432 : _ 44250- _- =_-Z2z124 _ _- i0.- - 81,000 274,806� 78 Fund 151 - - - .. . .- - -- _ 7$.-` 2752 Library Trust .p-.._ _: _ .! -= 5y3,9QU=,.. _ -_ 25,840 _r- " '"ti 397,506... - _., ._ 79 80 2753 Virtual University_ _ 49,500 _ _ __ _ _ _ ❑ 80 ;70TAL_LlBRARY_TRUST -,-_= 643,400 - _ -_ .. ___---- 25,640._ _ 307,500._ -_ 8, - 0 ._3t_g009 __643_3 i,4❑ 81 Fund 261 82 Ins 'City Fa.ilriy,l mprovenierds . _' .. - -_ __� _ __-.-0. :',:p - 63 3200 Pofce Improvements ❑ -- =_ -•-_ -- * -=- - --+ -- -- - --- 82 _ . _ _ ._. _ 84;_ 3600 FrelmproVement@-'��. � ' _ � �- " � - _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ _ _ __ ._ _ - 0 �0 83 65 4491 Street Improvements _ 10,000 . . . _ .5: __ _._ -. r=._ _ s. : .�-r _. -_ __ _. -, 0_....y - <.:.,.0_`84. `86 2493 _-_ - - - - - - __-_' - -__ - - ___ __ - __ -0_- - _❑ 85" 87 2494 Measure YImprovements 400,❑DO -- - - - - _ ._ _ , _ .-.--_ ,- _ _,- _ - -- --- - _ _ _ _ _ _ 300,000 30D,000 87 ` •88 :TOTAL CRPITAL?ROJECTS_.. _"-867477 ' ' - ;- 3_U0,000_ = 300,00.6 68_ Fund 301 89_; 7650 Ca!Energy Lcsn_ 23,833 ._ =- - -.23 83 .-69'_. 90 7B52 Convention C e nter Debt 4,251,168 _ - - - '- - - -- - ... _ . -. -- . -. _ .. _9t_ 7853 _Po]ice,Bdifdi, Lea6e-_ -' "'- •-; . . .- _ - - ,-- _ -_ - - 1,000 � 3,847,063 - � 3,808,063 90 92 7854 "[so Capital Projects 56,705 _ 58,039 56,039 92 93 _: 7855 iCe_ases Payable ;-: _= - 220,524": = :' .:_ _-.-=-_� :- ::. 220,524 -'..: = .. -22Q,524- 93-. 94 TOTAC DEBT SERVICE _ _ - _-4,7343E6 _;0, -❑ =4284893 4,285,893 94 Fund 410 Airport PFC _95-_ 6D01 'PFC Admiarrsh'ationt' ;-: '-,8$4,037 = - _ - -- _ __- -- _ _ -'_ - __ _ _ _ _ ._.- . - _ - _ _ -- - - r_ - - 847,Q8i _ "897,08] -95 - 96 TOTAL AIRPORT PFC_-__ _594,037 =_ __ ,•_ `- - _- _2_,5Q0-_ 89.7.081__ _._ . `=_0.' _-_ _"8_97,08_i s 96 Fund 415 Airport r97 6002 ,AirportAdmintsha5on ' - _2,641,453 '-2_: -vd__ - y 788,653 = r.1,417;394' 632�041 -- _ ;120,889 .- _- " - 2,958,977==,97- 98 6010 Corporate Yard Property ., 97,211 - - - - - -- - _ - - --- - - - 49-: 6050 'AS side Operaticn_s-- ' ,100 100 6075 Airport Rescue-Fure 1,142,659 959,347 160,065 79,259 _ ` _ _ e,ouo a,isisil i❑o -10 [, 610D iLandside 9pers0ans -' '.. ; .-_ .. i76,6fi5 < ..-. - .. - "2frt,939- _ - -. 584,880-.=' = _65,359; .;. - - - - -7935; E8<�_101 i02 6125 Multimadalism p - - -" - - - - - - = - - 403= 6]50 `Leased SRe Area;.� .?-� � --- 0 1❑2 104 6175 Grounds Maintenance 524,220382.297 B7,362,3 - `._- - _=_ - - _ - - - .. ___, _ 382 297 _ _ 68,701-105 62D0 ;Terminal Bldg Operations _ = (2,.135694;. --- _-- -` - = 718,379r -" , _I,OE7,684' "= 8d,414__ --- - " " - = - - f03 _ 538,360 104 870,477_.1.05 106 6225 Control Center operation_ i,022,259 __ 822,433 90,450 _ 39,93i _ 952,814 106 rC!elign Trade i3irf 656261) 707- 108 6255 Foreign Trade Zanc-AIP 0 iQ6 109_- 6275 ,Series 19 Debt Ser+nc� . 1.2i2,70Q - =_ ' - _ -' - - - _ - - "_ _ __ _ - . __ - - - - _ - -- _ - - _ : z4A00 : :- .. _"_1237L624 _ 4271,620'�Y64 110 6276 Series 1996 Debt Service _ 069,409 - - - -- - - - -- - -" - - 568,534 - - 568,534 110 --t1i- 6400 ;Airpdri Ile+relo mrart.� _--'''=' .�-.- 753,500-�._., - =_ _:_r��- _ __ _ - _ - - _.- _ -_ - _ _ _ .. ..P. --- - 112 6500 Special Capital Projects 265,000 - : 335,Of1❑ 335,000, tt1 _ 25,000 25,000 112 fi13 6690 :Federa]Grarrts_: . . - - 20;600 - - - - _ __ •. -, - - _ - - . ._i= �, .. _ . =6.8000PQr,'� 6,SDO,OW- 113 114 ;TOTAL AIRPORT FUND- _ _ ]2,16T,976 ,__ _ _ --. _ 4,312,417__ 3,968,345 = .. _t,124.9f0 i8,467.715i 114 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 02-03 PROPOSED BUDGET DETAIL S L'me =_.Dept= -Name �� _ . - -_- - -_-- _: _ _- -_ '- - --"�FY OfaJ2 =, _ ;. -_Fenarm_ei-_-_ --Mils,5upplies_�- ._'=5peraal---, _ '�Debt' `-_ _ � Capital _._-.'FY 02-03:Line No.' No: TOTAL Gasis'_ 6 serv--* = 5` ,:CKa�a -.."Service - - - - _ - TOTAL No Fund 420 Wastewater Treatment Plant _ ; 115 6800 Wastewate Adrnfilshatioq;-=_ ____ „ -.5,647,277 .- -15,988 _" _ 3,160,607•=_ i34;728,:.;, _2,244,801_. _-.__:3W,000r= ._'5, 5;322.1f5 116 6810 Wastewater Treahment D _ _ _ _ 0 116 117� 6320 118 6830 Wastewater Disposal _ 0 _ _ _ 0 lie 1191 DOTAL VJIfY TREATMENT FUND - _ =5_647 277 Fund 430 Golf Course 120_ 7020 Legends Mnt,4 Qps- a -"_ *_ -__ , 276,059 - - ;a'_' 30,941 _'fi,50Q .--_."3.490 _ _ _- 40.931 _126. 121 7021 Resort Course hint&Ops 2,198,474 30,926 2,100,625 42259 2,173.810 121 -122 7056 - --.. .. _ .- - - - - - - _ -_ _ - - - - - - - -"_" :Resort Course De6l Syc` _�- .' .. �. -- - - -� - - - - --- _ 1,089,887; t,08g,887_112 123_ 70TAC GOLF COURSE FU_ND,= 3,562,340_: - -. 6]_85i '2,107023-_ - 45,749 .._ 1;089,887x -_ _ =_a _=3_304,6__8-::123 Fund 6i0 Fleet Operations _ _ 1124 5470 .F1eelOperatidns_= -- __ -___ -___ __-t,64B,84G- "_ 74730k -. -_-; 867�31Q.-_ `i64,284;r. ?.10,000 - ._1,75@,89d:'124 125 5471 Riverside County Fleet lint 12,501) " _ 12,500 _ 12,500 126 126 5472 !Catfledr5l_Gily_F'ue Flt lAflt_ � : - -'s_"-� _ 5,006_= .` �_•.-:-'_-.. - `,.:.� �-.�`__`�5,000.--- =12fi 127 5473 Desert Hospital Fleet hint 12,500 _ _ _ 12,500 _ 12.500 127 128__ 5474 Cat#redral:CiEyPolice: •''._<. :"-i_= 5,000_-. __ _ .. _ _ 2,5W 2.5t70=128 1211 5415 1IVR Reserves _ 1,909,Od0 11,00g _913,54.0 , - �_914_,000 - __1.67.7,540 129 130_' M76 -Bureau of Landhlaraagemenl:- _•: 2,500 .+__ .- '. -- 5,I706 - ; .`-_ _ -___ _ - _- _-- _ _5.008 130 i31 5477 Landscape West -- - _ _ it __. ._ 0 131 132. ,TOTAL hIVR F1IND �- -�;_ � :�-� _ __ __ _ 3;596,486-_ _-_'-�- 7.]7;3D4_._ "_'.. _'9�4_8i0 1fi4,26S_-=_= ;_91E,544-_--=-924,000,_,__ 3,673,938`-132 Fund 620 Facilities_Maintenance -134, 5641 -Facililies A9aintenaEice _; - 4,824,039 _ 9.41,1 -1 510,200 " 102,162, --. 10,000 = 2,54508 -_133 �134 f-OTAL FACfL[I1ES MAJNTENANCE , . _ 2,824,D39_.. --_ _' 944;i4fi=- 1,510,206;_ _= 162,162 ___, 0,__-:, _10,004 _2,563,50E-734 Fund 530 Employee Retirement Ser arb _ 135 - fri 5701 'Emp]oyee Retireme benefits 2,381,036 _2,575,395 135 93& :TOTAL EMPLOYEE RETfRE1OENT _ -_;:_ 2.381,D3fi- ._ __ _$,0110-_. ___2,fi7i3:395_ . _ =Q :_ . _ _-0�.__ - _-:6' 2,675.395 136 Fund 540 Risk Management _ _ 137; 5902 �Erriployce BenefRs,;••`.._ _ . :' 4,122005.. _ - - 99,658 _ <_4.943,¢71 _:__9,606� ... _ `:-5,052r935 137 138 %D3 Workers Compensation _ 1,495,605 _ 117,483 1.414,817 _ 21,2D7 _ 1,653,507 138 139_ 5904 :LiabiF[y lrsdrance _ - -_ -_ _' .. 957,198 - ___._'.. ;�147,378 : _. . . 9T1,399 _ 22,613.;:__ _-_. _ _ - :: .- -- i,146r785 139 146 5905 Property Insurance _ _ _ 475,353 17,768 631,238 _ 649.06 140 141 5919 :Unemployment 26,500- _ _- _- --_-- -"_ . . _ 30,000 _ - _ -- _-. .- - -_ - -30;660147 142 :TOTAL RISK_MANAGEMENT FUND __ -__ 1,076,661= _ `382,288-` --' -'7.997,119 -__52,826._- - ---- _ 0 - _` - 4 a,432,233. 142 Fund 650 1631- 5805 Energy AdminMra@on_ - - -_ -i,000 : .. _.- - ---------4,000.-143 144 5806 Sunrise Plaza Cegen 1,105,716 467,942 336,670 157,150 _ 951.662 144 145 5807 =Mimiclpal Corripkt Crlgen='- .; 4,954.,687 'i ` - 861,996 - . 318,576 = " 314,306 - 1,574,E72.145 - - - - _ ._ _ 146 5812 Energy Development_. _ _ , - _ 3,700 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,700 _ 3,70g 146 14T_ :TOTALENERGYFUND _- -_3,067,583 --_. _ 0 ],342,93E _ _°715,146 472,450_. _3,70U =_,=P,534,234;_147 1{$; TDTAE HON-OPERATING FUNDS_ _ -54,735,107_ _=7,649,393 _ 24,664a.98 _- _2,780,941_ _12,861,723__,-12_053�g11 ',. 60,007,466' 148 149= iroraL ALi.FUN05 _ = = 99224,154� 37,713,155 - '- -6,342,5" - _ '-7,567,889 � -f 2,862,723 - 12,650,011 -iV,073,822 149 CAPITAL IMPROIEMENTPL.4N PROGRAMSUMMARY Capital moan NAME OFPRWECTS Improvement Cnrrent See Note: Prolfpt Fund F/Y 1 Sidewalk Construction(Match-SB82I) 10,000 10,000 2 Install 2 Fire Hydrants 10,000 10,000 3 Benchmark Replacement 75,000 25,000 4 Indian Utility Underground-City Share 10,000 10,000 (A) 5 Traffic Counts 12,000 12,000 6 Fire Station#I Repairs 50,000 50,000 7 Portable Toilets-Vlllagefest 36,000 35,000 8 Procurement Software 66,000 65,000 (B) 9 City hall Infrastructure Improvements 50,000 50,000 (C) 10 Uptown Lighting 104,500 0 (D) 11 Replace Electrical&Irrigation Systems-Plm Canyon 1,522,160 100,000 (E) 12 Replace Oleanders&Install Irr.Sys-Var.Locations 152,000 50,000 (F) 13 Skate Park Funding 1,800,000 200,000 (G) 14 Install 2"Conduit for fiberoptic cables- 15 Avoided costs of$150,000 via Federal.Grant 70,000 0 (H) 16 Palm Canyon Theatre Repairs 60,000 60,000 17 Animal Shelter Construction 1,600,000 100,000 18 Repamt Signals&Lightposts Downtown 120,000 120,000 19 Tennis Club Area Relighting 250,000 50,000 (1) 20 Electronic Fingerprinting Machine-Leisure Center 30,000 30,000 (J) 21 Indian Ave. Corridor 1,250,000 250,000 22 Optical Imaging/Records Management System 258,000 268,000 23 Library-10,000sgft Expansion Bldg 3,500,000 60,000 24 Tennis Courts Overlay @ Ruth Hardy&Demuth Parks 31,800 31,800 25 SUS-TOTALS-CAPITAL PROJECTS 10,943,660 1,586,800 26 FUNDS AVAILABLE: 27 10%SALES TAX DEDICATION FY 02-03 732,000 28 REDIRECTED FUNDS FROM FY 01-02 120,000 (K) 29 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 852,000 All Projects in bold type (Line 1 through Line 18) are recommended for funding in FY 02-03 The total amount of these projects (excluding lines 11 and 16, which are recommended for funding in other funds) is $842,000. F T (A) Total Project Cost is$2,200,000. Funded by Co. of Riverside Rule 20a money. (B) Total Software cost is$90,000. $25,000 balance provided by Recycling Fund- (C) ADA Doors-$50,000 (D) Gran Via ValMonte to Tachevah-30 Lights, both sides of street,to be funded from CRA Project Area#1. (E) Palm Canyon from Vista Chino to E. Plm Cnyn-approx 3 mi. @$50/Lin. Ft, (both sides of street). (F) Initial replacement will begin in Cherry Hill Dr area. (G) Amount currently budgeted$1,266,105. CIP funding 02103 of$200,000 would leave S300,000 to be raised- (H) To be funded from Forfeited Assets Fund or Police Technology Grants (1) Recommend funding with assessment increase to Selardo area Landscape&Lighting District#1. (J) This project will be evaluated separately on its revenue potential vs, cost. If feasible, it will be implemented as part of the Recreation Department's operating budget. (K) Most of the redirected funds would come from the cancellation of the City Hall Parking lot project. 5115/02 13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PROGR"SUMMARY Gm -Ifeavnrd d!¢arure )VAMEOFPROJE•CTS Tac 11 J:caao,+c F Parfcrr:" Fund fund F=, ClP furred Fund 1 Transfer to General Fund ' 2 Tahgnitz Signal Snterconneet 3 Sunrise Way Signal Interconnect 4 Mesquite Ave Widening-South Side 5 Signal Loop Repairs 6 Residential TrnfBc Speed Reductions ' 7 Tragic Congestion Rellef Pmj,-Annual Slurry Seal 200.000 8 TrniBc Signal Flaw Improvements 50,000 9 LED Loan Pay back 12,000 10 SL Widening-ludimi C)n(Frumview-Train Sta) 11 Indian Arc/1-10 interchange(I,wul Share) 12 Crack Pilling City Streers ' 1° 13 Traffic Signal Mods-S.PIm Cnyn-Ramon 14 E,Plin Cyn lu,S.Pim Cvn 15 L Plm Cyn(a2 Armv "' 16 Traffic Signal-Racquet Club&Ave Caballeros 150,000 17 Traffic Signal-Sunme 4 Sunnv Dunes 11)6,000 18 Farrell(q),Barisro L Turn Phuuing 125,00,6 19 Mesquirc Ave Widening-Sourb Side 20 TrnRft Safen,Prnyecrs-Tochevs Lighted Walk(2,Wlnspu 25,00CI 21 BclnrdoP Bridge 22 LJr.:i7:fpu L�rogram" 23 amino 20 Stomas)Draito i:.:cn.ion 24 Lihralq Prnjccis ' 25 Pa rles;md Recreation Projvm 26 Doenown y arlUng SLtuedu rc(Fard.ing Rand) y o1e o @ 0 0 27 SUB-TOTALS-CAPITAL PROJECTS 1,019,750 1,323,750 =,300 $00,000 8,000,000 26 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT$ 11,013,500 29 FUNDS AVAILABLE-CURRENTYEAR 1000,000 1,400000 50.000 300,000 _ 30 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE-CURRENT YR 2,750,000 31 PROJECT AMOUNT PAID FROM FUND BALANCE 35O,W 32 5/15/02 14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ENTERPRISE FUNDS Antoula MaRewarei, NFIMSOFPROJECTS Airport Current Treaduent Ar�u:zrn.rc� Fly Nlaltt 1 Blast Damage Assessment 150,000 15,000 90% FAA 2 Harden Terminal Bldg. (mitigate terrorism blast damage) 4,000,000 100,000 90% FAA 3 Centralized Vehicle Inspection Facility 2,500,000 - 100% FAA, 4 Revise Loop Road @ Airport(300' Rule) 4.725,000 - 100% FAA 5 Annual Crack Filling 25,000 25,000 6 2 New Loading Bridges for Regional Jet Service 65,000 65,000 7 Airport Development(Parking Lot&Term. Entrance Area) 250,000 250,000 8 Upgrade Security Access Controls 1,900,000 - 100% FAA 9 WNlTP Nitrate Study 75,000 10 TOTALS-CAPITAL PROJECTS 13,615,000 455,000 75,000 _ 5/15/02 15 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FY 2002 -03 Date of Period Action 1122102 Review sessions with City Manager re: Mid-Year Budget Report 1123/02 Study Session Mid-Year Budget. 1125/02 Finance department issues departmental budget worksheets, Targets/Goals sheet and CIP budget request sheets to departments. 2/11/02 Departmental budget worksheets returned to Finance department. 2/12-2/25/02 City Mgr/Finance/ Department heads review budget requests 2/19102 CIP budget request worksheets returned to Finance department 3/5/02 Commencement of Budget Review Committee Meetings-every Tuesday (City Manager, Asst. City Managers, MR Staff& Finance Staff) 3113-3/22/02 Finance provides feedback to department heads. 3/27/02 (Wed.) City Council Preliminary Budget Discussion 3127/02 -4/9/02 City Mgr. & Finance incorporates changes from above reviews, incorporates revised revenue forecasts and provides feedback to department heads. 4/11/02 (Thurs.) City Council Budget Workshop-Operations & Capital Projects (Additional Workshops as deemed necessary by City Council) 4130/02 (Tue) City Council Budget Workshop-Operations &Capital Projects (Additional Workshops as deemed necessary by City Council) 4/30/02-517/02 City Mgr. & Finance incorporates changes from above reviews, incorporates revised revenue forecasts and provides feedback to department heads. 517/02 (Tue.) City Council reviews Preliminary Budget with City Manager, Finance, and department heads at study session. 5/8/2002 (Wed.) City Council reviews Preliminary CRA and CIP Budgets at Study Session Council directs staff on budget changes. • 5115/02 (Wed.) City Council reviews Preliminary Budget Council directs staff on budget changes. 5115102-5/22/01 Finance incorporates changes from above. 5/22/2002 (Wed) City Council reviews Preliminary Budget at Study Session Council directs staff on budget changes. 5/23/02- 6/05/02 Finance incorporates changes from above. 6/05102 (Wed) City Council hearing & adoption of FY 02-03 Budget and CIP Budget. 5/15/02 16 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS Budget Reduction Proposals FISCAL YEAR 2002 - 03 May 15, 2002 bads« CITY OF PALM SPRINGS hudbaiance BUDGET BALANCERS srt6.roz FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 1 SURPLUS OR(DEFICIT)@ 4124102 (610,541) 2 3 Expenditure Reductions: 4 Leave Pollee Commander position vacant for 6 months 79,(100 5 Eliminate Gen'I Fund transfer to CRA Merged PA s1 70,000 6 Eliminate Police Fitness Program 50,000 7 8 Revenue Increases: 9 Increase in various Planning foes 10 Other revenue increases 13,000 11 2,000 12 Add Backs: 13 Increase funding for Economic Development (465,000) 14 City Attamey Rate Adjustmont($S per hour,111/03) (12,000) 15 Additional Tourism funding (100,000) 16 General Plan Update (250,000) 17 18 19 SURPLUS OR(DEFICIT)@ 4130/02 (1,223,541) 20 21 22 23 For Further Council Consideration: 24 Revenue Adjustments: 25 Revised TOT revenue projection 200,000 26 Repayment by Airport of 12 deferred Police&Fire Overhead 170,000 27 28 Expenditure Reductions: 29 See attached schedule 442.747 30 31 Revenue increases: 32 See attached schedule 99,000 33 34 35 36 37 SURPLUS OR(DEFICIT)@ 5/15/02 (311,794) r 38 r 39 , 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1 wdw CITY OF PALM SPRINGS Mmn.yna BUDGET BALANCERS .rzemz FISCAL,YEAR 2002-03 1 SURPLUS OR(DEFICIT)04/11/02 (1,717.442) 2 3 Adjustments: 4 Carrodons to Preliminary Budget (90.099) 5 6 SURPLUS OR(DEFICIT)@ 4111/02 As ADJUSTED (1,807,541) 7 8 Expenditure Reductions: 9 Savings-COLA reduction from 3%to 27% 75.000 10 Hiring Slowdown 240.000 11 Savings from early retirements 205,OW 12 Miscellaneous Savings 150,000 13 Revenue Increases: 14 Sale ofproperty 465,000 15 Alarm Permit(from$10 to$20 per year) 40.000 16 Rent Control(from$50 to$80 per unit) 1A,0O 17 Dog Licenses(from$10&$20 to$15&$25) 8.000 18 19 SURPLUS OR(DEFICIT)P—424102 (610,541) 20 21 22 23 For Further Council Consideration: 24 Expenditure Reductions: 25 Eliminate Asst City Manager Position 127.000 26 Eliminate Police Commander Position 158,000 27 Eliminate Gen'I Fund transfer to CRA Morged PA R7 70,WO 28 Changes In restmin maintenance staffing i8,W0 29 Eliminate Police Fitness Program 50,000 30 Eliminate Sacraments lobbyist 42.000 31 Eliminate Washington,D.C.lobbyist 36.000 32 Revenue Increases: 33 Increase in Sign Permit Fees(20%) 2.600 34 Returned Check Charge(horn$25 ts M 30D 35 Parking Citation Increase(minimum S40 tine) 30,OW 36 $tmot Vacation Fee(from$330 to$5M 1.700 37 SURPLUS OR(DEFICIT)@ 424102 with Addl Adjustments (74,941) 38 39 40 Potential Add Backs: 41 Literacy Coordinator-Library Trust Fund portion (9,761) 42 City Attorney Rate Adjustment (35,0W) 43 Paramedics-premium pay for 3 more (28,391) 44 Paredes of Palm Springs (30.000) 45 Senior Center(from$52,880 to$15:,.=) (I00,OW) 46 Film Festival(from$150,000 to$275,000) (125,OOD) 47 Youth Center/DA.R.E./PA.L.Combination 000.000) 48 Boys&Girls Club 777 49 Tourism Budget phcraase from$1,481,516) (250,009 � 50 General Plan Update(1st year cost;total 15$463,000) (289.70D) 51 Zoning Ordinance Update (60.000) 52 Mining Ordinance Revision 00.wo) I 53 54 SURPLUS OR(DEFICIT)@ 424102 with Add Backs (1,092 r CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002 - 03 FISCAL. YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS SUMMARY L;" �u�nilnnni cin„ �1�p1}!"iCl_io]Inl=, 1 City Manager 15,252 2 Information Technology 10,192 3 City Clerk 4,417 4 Human Resources 5,471 s Risk Management 11,500 s Finance 24,000 7 Procurement 13,383 8 Community & Econ. Dev. 6,630 s Police 128,118 10 Fire 28,900 11 Planning 125,000 12 Building & Safety - 13 Engineering 41,814 14 Parks & Recreation - I I 15 Library 29,121 j 16 Other changes (2,081) Totals Reductions 442.7d7 Additional 17 New Parking Bail Fees 40,000 1s Increase in Parks / Rec Fees 59,000 19 Total New Revenues Generated 99,000 2a Net Total Budget Adjustments 541,747 5115/02 3 WY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002-03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS DEPARTMENT BUDGET ■ REDUCTION —.TOTAL Ci„ Manager i,4J�, Vi '16.24G U.96io City Council ',on C8P:, 1 Eq:lp;nent Travel &Training 2,450 Contingency-Council 1,000 Contingency - Ccnferences 2,000 Dues& Subscriptions 2,778 City Manager Office Equip Ops& Maim 80 Special Dept Supplies 500 Office Supplies - Printing & Publishing 4,000 Pub Education Newsletter 5,060 City Attorney Contractual Legal Svc - Other Contract Svcs 2,000 SubTotal Proposed Reductions 19,868 Additions Upgrade P10 to Director of Public affairs (3,586) Total Proposed Reductions 16,282 4 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002-03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL -• •• ■ PERCENT NEW -DEPARTMENT ■GET REDUCTIONS REDUCTIPNTOTAL Information Technology 1,409,588 10,192 0.72% 1,399,396 Areas of Reduction Video Conferencing 2,500 Special Dept Supplies 1,000 Travel &Training 3,700 Communications 1,000 Non Capital Equipment (PSCTV) 1,276 Software Maint 716 Office Eq. Ops. &Maint. - Total Proposed Reductions 10,192 5 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002-03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL PROPOSED PERCENTi NEW �DEPARTMENT BUDGET REDUCTIONS REDUCTION TOTAL City Clerk 445,359 4,417 0,99% 440,942 L Areas of Reduction J Non Capital Equipment - Travel &Training - Conferences - Dues & Subscriptions - Elections 4,417 Total Proposed Reductions 4,417 6 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002 -03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL PROPOSED PERCENT, NEW �,DEPAP,TMENT BUDGET ■ • ■ • TOTAL Huff-lan Resources 273,572 5,471 2200 a 263,101 Areas of—Mdu6Iion Recruiting Expenses 5,000 Plaques & Presentations 471 Total Proposed Reductions 5,471 7 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002 -03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL PROPOSED PERCENT! NEW DEPARTMENT BUDGET ■ • ■ • OTAL Risk Management 8,433,535 11,500 0.14% 8,422,035 Areas of Reduction Safety Program - Team Palm Springs 10,000 Non-Capital Equipment - Unemployment Insurance 1,500 Total Proposed Reductions 11,500 8 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002-03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL PROPOSED PERCENT� NEW DEPARTMLNT BUDGET ■ • ■ • TOTAL Finance 1,564,819 24,000 1.53% 1,540,819 Areas of Reduction Overtime 1,500 Other Contract Svc(GASB 34 Consultant) 10,000 Auditing (Convention Center) 12,500 Comm. Promotion Fund Activity Total Proposed Reductions 24,000 i 9 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002 -03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL • -• ■ PERCENT ; NEWt ,DEPARTMENT BUDGET ■ • ■ • TOTAL Procurement 1,275,057 13,383 1.05% 1,261,674 Areas of Reduction Non Capital Equipment 3,000 Vehicle Reduction 6,383 Recycled Paper Savings 4,000 Contractual Legal Service - Total Proposed Reductions 13,383 10 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002-03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL PROPOSED ,DEPARTMENT BUDGET REDUCTIONS REDUCTIO� TOTAL Comm. &Econ. Dev. 414,271 6,630 1.60% 407,641 Areas of Reduction Regular Employees 6,630 Conferences - Printing & Publishing Econ Dev. Program - Total Proposed Reductions 6,630 i 11 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002-03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL - • •• • PERCENTI NEW DEPARTMENT • • • 00 TOTAL Police 15,758,034 128,118 0,81% 15,629,916 Areas of Reduction Personnel 69,618 Materials&Supplies 35,000 Misr, Special Charges 23,500 Total Proposed Reductions 128,118 i i 12 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002 .03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ❑EPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL PROPOSED PERCENTI NEW DEPARTMENT BUDGET . REDUCTIONS RFVUCTIO� TOTAL Fire Department 7,128,257 28,900 0,41% 7,099,357 Areas of Reduction Personnel - Special Dept Supplies - Non Capital Equipment 4,000 Travel &Training 3,400 Conferences 6,000 Printing & Publishing - Radio Maintenance Special Parts& Repairs - Building Repairs/Maint. 2,500 Grounds Maintenance - Contract Services 13,000 Office Furn& Equip. - Computer Software - Total Proposed Reductions 28,900 13 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002 -03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL -• •• !DEPARTMENT .GET REDUCTIONS REDUCTIOjTOTAL Planning 1,390,775 125,000 8.99% 1,265,775 Areas of Reduction General Plan Update 125,000 Total Proposed Reductions 125,000 "Balance of$250,000 total cost to be funded by Planning Department salary savings in FY 01-02 14 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS ` 2002-03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL PROPOSED PERCENT11 ■ . - ■ •NS REDUCTION TOTAL Building &Safety 1,181,273 0.00% 1,181,273 Areas of Reduction Total Proposed Reductions Building/Planning will now be split into Building & Safety Dept and Planning Dept, I I I 15 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002.03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS s -PROPOSED ■ BUDGET REDUCTIONS ■ • TOTAL Engineering 2,903,367 41,814 1.44% 2,861,553 Areas of Reduction Personnel Casts 41,814 Computer Software - Total Proposed Reductions 41,814 16 CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2002.03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTALO•• ■ PERCENT, NEW DEPARTMENT BUDGET • • ■ TOTAL Parks& Recreation 4,268,826 0.00% 4,268,826 Areas of Reduction Contractual Services Spec, Dept Supplies Non Capital Equipment Travel &Training Proposed Reductions New Revenues proposed totaling $59,000 I I I I 17 I CITY OF PALM SPRINGS • 2002 -03 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSALS TOTAL ' • 'O ■ PERCENt NEW DEPARTVIENT BUDGET ■ • ■ oTOTAL Library 2,165,000 29,121 1,35% 2,135,879 Areas of Reduction Personnel Costs 18,671 Postage - Travel &Training - Dues& Subscriptions 700 Microfilm 2,750 Office Equip Ops&Maint - Books 3,000 Magazines& Publications 2,000 Audio Visual Materials 2,000 Total Proposed Reductions 29,121 I I 18