HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/2008 - STAFF REPORTS - 1.A. THE PALM SPRINGS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION ;o*ikLM SRO u ZIFO c MISSION STATEMENT: "The Mission of the Palm Springs Human Rights Commission is to promote and protect the diversity of our community and to improve human relations through education and community awareness " WHO THE COMMISSION IS: The Palm Springs Human Rights Commission (PSHRC) is here to serve you, our local citizens. We are a nine-member Commission of volunteer citizens, appointed by the City Council. We meet at 3 p.m. on the second Monday of the month at City Hall. Meetings are always open to the public and we invite anyone with a human rights issue or question to participate and speak in the public comment period that begins each meeting. WHAT THE COMMISSION DOES: • Promotes interracial, interreligious and intercultural understanding. • Conducts programs to eliminate discrimination and tension between various groups. • Investigates and mediates disagreements between individuals, groups and organizations that are the result of discriminatory practices. If a complaint cannot be resolved through mediation, we refer it to other resources that may provide a remedy. • Advises the Mayor and City Council on actions, policies, procedures or legislation on human rights issues brought to us by local citizens. • Disseminates educational and informational material about prejudice and discrimination and how to eliminate them. • Where appropriate, consults with public agencies, employers, labor unions, property owners' associations, professional associations, national origin groups, social welfare organizations, and such other private organizations and institutions as the Commission shall deem advisable to further the Mission Statement. WHAT ARE"HUMAN RIGHTS?" Every citizen has the right to be free of all forms of discrimination, prejudice and injury, whether based on racial, religious, ethnic, socio-economic, age or sexual orientation bases. Some specific human rights issues on which the Commission has worked are: Racial/ethnic discrimination Housing/employment discrimination Hate crimes Elder abuse Gay, lesbian, bisexual &transgender community rights Visit the Commission's Web page for meeting schedules and agendas: htto://www.ci.oalm-springs.ca.uslindex.asox?page 97 LA COMISION DE DERECHOS HUMANS DE PALM SPRINGS sf9 io Q u •. cgL1FORN�'- DECLARACION DE MIS16N: "La misi6n de la Comisi6n de Derechos Humanos de Palm Springs es promover y proteger la diversidad de nuestra comunrdad y mejorar relaciones humanas con la educaci6n y el conocimiento de comunidad." 4QUIEN ES LA COMISION?: La Comisi6n de Derechas Humanas de Palm Springs (PSHRC) as aqui servirle, nuestros ciudadanos locales Somos una Comision del nueve-miembro de los ciudadanos voluntaries, designada por el Ayuntamiento. Nos encontramos el segundo lunes cada mes an ayuntamiento a las 3:00 P.M. Las reuniones estan siempre abiertas al publico a invitamos a cualquier persona con una edition de derechos humanos o to preguntamos para participar y para hablar en el periodo del comentario publico que comienza cada reunion. 6QUE HACE LA COMISION?: • Promueve la comprensi6n interracial, interreligious a intercultural. • Programas de las conductas para eliminar la discriminacidn y la tensi6n entre los varios grupos. • Investiga y media desacuerdos entre los individuos, los grupos y las organizaciones que son el resultado de practicas discriminatorias. Si una queja no puede ser resolved con la mediacibn, la referimos a otros recursos que puedan proporcionar un remedio. • Aconseja el alcalde y al Ayuntamiento sobre acciones, political, procedimientos o la legislation sobre las ediciones de derechos humanos traidas a nosotros por los ciudadanos locales. • Disemina el material educative a informativo sobre prejudicar y la discriminaci6n y c6mo eliminarlos. • En su caso, consults con las agendas poblicas, los patrones, los sindicatos, las asociaciones de los propietarios, las asociaciones profesionales, los grupos del origen national, las organizaciones de la asistencia social, y las otras organizaciones a instituciones privadas tales que la Comisi6n juzgara recomendable fomentar la declaration de mision. IcUALES SON LOS "DERECHOS HUMANOS? " Cada ciudadano tiene la derecha de estar fibre de todas las formas de discriminaci6n, de prejudicar y de lesion, esta basado en bases raciafes, refigiosas, 6tnicas, socioecon6micas, de la edad o de la orientation sexual. Algunas ediciones de derechos humanos especificas que la Comisi6n han trabajado son: • Discriminaci6n racial/etnica • Discriminaci6n de la vivienda/de empleo • Crimenes de odio • Abuso de los viejitos • Gay, lesbiana, bisexual y las derechas de la comunidad transexual Visite el page del Web de la Comision para los calendarios y las agendas de reunions: http://www.ci.palm-springs.ca.us/index.aspx?pace=91 10I II 1�r�r 1f��_ yorg sees a'w , AW rneana cla;,T.onCepalmspringsSun.Ccm �,rw" Luaders:lln and 1;ber e �! '+t e ��flg �'G �Cvr Changes crzdLiu+':c Pahn a Springs 1 luman Rights Con;- f!r l ne palm Springs Human Runts m;ssici v+-ci.1Cn to a c, Commission unanimously voted heated esc.",: ,c and or. ac• M to "ire Sly Zelnys, Cathedra; cu8atioq of•14 iaLli'g prccc- ��1 City human resources manager, di-c dur;nf; ;�.. prg:a_ilaLor_'s i; as the facliNii, r of its retreat clectia.r 1.«�e-s_- irom i:.9 a.in. oonl,ng. 9 at At the rn.,iif.re,ir}r,'s month- w 200 S. CiAc 'rive,at a fee of ; :+,.�t_day, al:ree $500.Tile fee, along ivith no e;ew-co;;cr+s;,,ucrs were rec- SS m•e than $100 for maa Z. k orlpictm_-the refreshments, will be paid out der-:eIrictnber group arc of the commission's budget. Sreven ec:er7ack, ,,Lchacl Plodlgsv+n and Luciano P-nnirc7.. Ralph AI„ Brown Act,which. Loading The group is Tom since 1ri53, safeguards thz john%ron,wllo was re-elected public's ability ro obtain au- commission chairman.And cess to and toardcinate x local 3oicija..k, .,ho was enc-uur- F,eve.mnenr,rr el;sigs and tic- aged by follow commissioners, liberations i r rh•,,crate,a also was named vice chairman regulates rho Harr her of aec- The election outcome plc in govalllmental positiolis sharked reaction f:om Coin- who can an,! Cannot missioner Barbara Barrecu each other ouimtde n^formal She was the only other mem- meetings abour omcial bras: oer nominated for the cop po- Hess. sttto3,but she made it clear ro COmmlSSiom"r 14e27ie Klein the group that she would only screed wlth Barrett. accepT..the chairman positirn "I beacve m s cli:�,election," tf 100 nercene of Lhe:commis- Mein said. "I tiihk Ll;ere is a ;ion supported her. Other- faizreess issue. ... I'm in su000- wise, she said,she'd withdraw of snythiyg d;at can maims gov- her name as an option. e.'nn]ent Clean.I want dial in- `i think it'y really important vcstigatcd." that all of us come Logeiher," Lee Fi,;iildr. Pain Springs Barrett told the commission, city spal.esv-o gran, said she "I don't think it serves oar- -ould :auk to [:ierk selves well with a:vote (of) jomes'I'homi_son about par- 4-3-" sett')request and go from Dmre::t, I:+r�.1.1-rr, Ci."ngcd There. her:hind anu resctndud h::r Near the end of the mceL- t•:.nulawal, sa}ing ale mg, BaLr:it.uauounCed ltr. +,"uld iike Lo be 'h.,;r, after resi t ateon Irim the Conanis- _�..c c,on, saying ,,hc didr`c like the I rr'n:Cn ;;1 C+Jp. way shc" I+ee11 Tree L"_. Buz Fhsv1re was ThiCp.or,johP_- a{YcrplcjsaPdeviciut.igin-- ston and two for Enn'ctr,with -.v u_d: fr;m some znamhcra ,f 3rlcrj.:zk and I--T_od,so.: ab- Lhu grj 1p. �bz decided r , . eirung because rley said ,,, Lhdrar he rosigLla*ion, at- tn_y were too nc-cv to the com- tend the -To.ip', rarrar on mission ra rar.ke ar,aritbrmed Aug. 9 a-id ;;:plc s rnal de- dL'CLslon. Corfmllsi1011tr1 Kris crsion rher, i,••. ',✓•r 01hl F r6 rr•- Fen_and icrry Tnusell were sign. eY,e.enr du—,ng the election Mnr,e h,. + :.i d:=Cus^lon 11:w AN hr • rc 1,:,C's ',i:' +v Edo r a,a. . ,.11 i ��;rri, ;.i r font'.. wi,a ;3- IPlf M1y�'M1rY �j' S�. IQtic�iA >. �lu:;,i�4 ric_ �...�__ -_ ca•.liLLs �aneeha darvrl!`� spr�pssl'n.co^1 four _ _ _,dy.:nu l_u!icu-Li said dus wrcl_ _l;t!:'al.n_.r.r.�• ^.-. - -..e!:.c.ticr.v,..o o:..... Rtig}' (`.D(1]I:115-,1U „18$')C: lr,'- aePsio,, (tll`]r;' -kaM i0VII"I' i!;e- LgPVeC r:' redr• 1-s cll-r-,,,.'.fni' 'Ilsffi 1-^,PYll,f., =h"i•e (12*;f dl'�145' r ... 'Il�. •„ ._ ,1. s,.. ^tribes - =-n`ti ]"1. '1:3i1.�t'n ud a 1Jo:Lls dial .='\ .+ _ �'.\._ liaCt.. J4ae1(;�=:6 a:yi�.1mg to th,. lrpt ba,.;tcc:dt_ not Nj] et•'• • , 9Cl aPl 7C • , Ci^.15 2_1L ^,r-, - .-r • v _ mcrcn' . ,rn' tc L-a-.adc^.r. ,lr ,I�:'• •h=i(i":.,.1 ., 'hl u. "i vv:al l ..I-� ,._.- ._ _. 7'.1 - r..[,.aq.'11,_. ,.cn 1! e .'AL, ,a ,•C,_- we, . C:2. io i 'ro-m i,._ � .1 d".LL i.,_ .:[,_., _2L'_'he L'a_ uC,,will i)e_Ccod- .'Isilc3a' avai'_ab'o:u me pub is if s,c Ibe Den �; cicr .._)form. Rcadl- a;d, - _ t.hnu.m Sr•v,;r. Bo "?.think:r"umbni lv a goad ._ _ �cw Lo:^.. �ssi.l_rc:-_„iiC:,lri Id' 'L•'+ulc-;acac aid. "i ca:: _-icL'gSUn abS:._l.._i irorf, ➢I_ dCISLS,[1 `^'I:y (City JL'i L'. s,ts; orlon.` iMe hoed aaep Page l never-never land." Here's a look at toP es& we re ere i Sly Zelnys,The retreat facilita- covered at the commission's re- tor,is expected to give a Two-hour treat,according to johnaton: session at the Sept. 8 meeting to delve deeoer into the issues the fm A%Veb site has been aeated group d,Iscus;ed Saturday.Zehrys for the commission and should be is employed as human resources up and rL.nning by September or manager For Cathedral Ci y. October. "I'he he facilitator was really ou- is More coruu=W outreach stand—mg,"Johnston said. "It was that raises awarcncss about die productive having all outside par- commission and its purpose was n:coordinating and directing"the Set as a goal. meetng. N Another goal was set to in- Earretr weed. "I fct}very en- form i1e community that the couragcd with Sly helping us," comm;ssiou is available to help sht said. mediate hun^-an rights-rclatcd li So "i did=%go rLe: Off tilto issues. Rights panel. iz,zdag names new chairman BY RANEEKA I aWON raneeka claxton@thedesedsun cam Jerry Trussell will lead the Palm Springs Human Rights Commission as its new chairman. Tsussell,a teacher . �."•",t� in die kralm Springs Unified School Ots- trict,was elected � . Monday with five votes from the nine-member cony mission.Two com- Trussell missioners were ab- sent,and the other two voted for four-yu-tr Commissioner Kris Benz. This week's election was a redo, following the commission's July 14 election tbat reseated then-Chairman Tom Johnston with three votes-Two commis- sioners were absent from the mid-July meeting,while two oth- ers voted for Commissioner Bar- bara Barrett to become the new leader.But City Manager David Ready and City Attorney Doug Holland told the commission at its Aug.9 retreat that it talces four votes to elect a chaiman,and it would have to go through the process again- Johnston decided not to run again for chairman on Monday,saying"a personal dilemma"pushed him to make that decision. To give the commission time to adapt to its new murnbas and re- sponsibilities,Mondays meeting was not broadcast on television. Ready recently said he wanted to matte sure all the rules and roles were dear ro all the members before broadcistlnn their meeiings again on plaasa see CO64>x MSSIOP,Page 7 COMMISSION: Second time voting for new chai Cnntinaed from page I A few ground rules . Assessmcnt of prc-dc$ucd cx- luol Channel 17, pectations--Commissioner Michael But the meriting was retarded and Meeting ground rules were established IN Respect Hodgson will be au iilable to the public in CD at the Palm Springs Human Rignts 7 Honest,thoughtful communication ■ Media liaison—Vice Chairman form,Read has said. Commissiods,august retreat N All participate y They are: p p Steven Boletj cic Sly Zelny,,the nroup's August ■ No sidebar conversations or cross talk ■ £rate:aimcs;—Johnston retreat facilitator,gave a two-hour A No interrupting when someone is Diplomacy ■ Mentor for forthcoming student session at Monda s meetingto talking the roue delve into Agree to disagree 0 Issues first,personalities second or out representatives—Jerry Trussell sues.Zelnys is employed Q Presence at Village Pest—Com- missioner as a s Leave the oast in the past • No negative body language Luciano Ramirez human resources manager for ■ Potential Ent showing—Com- Cathedral City,and is a former munity outreach.The commis- maintenance. missioner Maiile Near member of the commission. sioners came up with the follow- To move the group toward its goal, ■ Visits with constinienls and Zelnys led the group in dis- ing methods:services,public rela- here are some steps that were as- training on voter registration— cussing ways it can perform com- tions, education and city Web site signed to various commissioners. Conmissioner Sidney Craig - Rights. group secs more, publicity W7�1 community know of its existence, going to focus on her business. cVAnI171SSI0I1 members said. a The public will be able to nom- ss'(�a 1 ooffi at �e The Greater palm Springs Pride Fes- irate Coachella Valley residents for tival will take place Nov.1 and Nov 2 at the commission's annual human Pride Festival the Palm Springs Stadium at Sunrise rights awards. Park- In the past,commission members 9Y STEFANIE FRITH As a part of the weekend festivities, have nominated people, Commis- ste me frith@thedesertsunmm the Greater Palm Springs Pride Parade sioner Tom Johnston said the group The Palm Springs Human Rights will Rep oft at 10 a.m.Nov 2 at Alejo has come under fire for nominating Commission will have a booth during Read and move south down Patin its own members or past members the Greater Palm Springs Pride Festival Canyon Drive in downtown Palm of the Human Rights Cominis- in Nuvember. Springs to Ramon Road. Sion. "(It will get out our) message about Other items discussed' Commissi= Michael Hodgson our function, purpose and reason__" 9 Commissioner Luciano Ramirez is suggested allowing the public to nom- Viee Chairman Steven Bolerjadc said. also looking into getting a booth during inate people as wv lH 'Tits was met with The Human RighLi Cariurniaion dis- the wecldy Thursday night Villagelcst positive response frnnt the rest of the cussed the booth during its monthly event in downtown Palm Springs. co a ussion. meeting Monday at Pahn Springs City ■ Commissioner Maile Klein is Por information about the nom- Hall. working on a way to show and sponsor ination process,contact 3m. liaison Ise The group hopes to increase the films about human rights issues. Husleldt at 323-8255. amount of publicity is receives. The ■The commission accepted Barbaro Nominees will be discussed during booth will allow the conunission to Barren's resignation. Barrett wrote a the nu'tit Human Rights Commission pays out information mid let the letter to the commission saying she v ds meeting at 3 p. Nov 10_ palm springs Commission to have booth at Pride Festival Attendees at this weekend's palm Springs pride Festival will have an opportunity to get to know the local Human Rights Commission. The commission will have an in- formation lbuoth at the festival, which takes place from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.Saturday and 10 a.m. to G p.m. Sunday at Falm Springs Sta- ditun, 1901 E.Baristo Road. "'Ale want our participation in pride Fest to send a strong signal to P,ahn Springs citizens that,first and fOrcmOst, the commission is here to help them,"said Jerry Trmssell, newly elected commission cha man- The commission advises the mayor and City Council on hu- man rights issues ranging from hate crimes to discrimination against minorities and senor cit- izens. It meets at 3 p.m,on the sccnnd Monday of each month at City Hall,3200 E.Tahquitz Caanyon way. The meetings are open to the public- VYNI DEAN I Anti-Defarnation League Hate crimes traumatize victims and polarize Does a perpetrator have to be convicted communities. However, the decision of a hate crime for the FBI to count the HATI031AL OFFICE (2i2}885-7700 of law enforcement officials whether to crime as a hate crime? WASHINGTON OFFICE(Grmnment L Nah M.ffairs)___(202)452-8320 REGIONAL OFFICES classify a crime as a hate crime, and the ARIZONA _ (602)274.0991 HATE separate decision of a local prosecutor No. For reporting purposes, it does not ATIAMA[sonheasu ._._.__ (4n4)2s2-347oI whether or not to bring hate crime charges, matter whether or not the perpetrators of BOSTON Srfe'n'Englanoi (617)406 6300 can be complicated and further inflame the crime were ever charged with a hate CHICAGO(Gr-aterfa.w u7upper euaia,t) {312)782-5080 1 , �� community passions. The purpose of this crime. CLEVELAND(0r n7Ya:r,uckyj eeperr} . __.._.(21.6)579 9600 i C R-11V FAQ is to address some of the basic legal CONNECTICUT__.__..._.. _(203)288 6500 and practical considerations involved in Exranlple: A vandal throws a brick through OALLAS[S83Mreras',)Aahonna] __(972)960 0342 labeling and charging a hate crime. the window of a Jewish persons house. DC(R�Wi nrcu:.nhialaaplanal54�nmlrf•MCave-.ap __(202)452-8310 The words "Gas all Jews" appear on die DENVER(A7cunLain 51ales) - _ ..._(30a)830 ,1 How does the federal government brick. 'I11e vandal is never caught. Law of RGr g1nh:�nlAL (249)ELI 2t4Q JL At record hate crimes? enforcement should properly record this act FLORIDA (561)989-2900 COLLECTION AND PROSECUTIONS: as a hate crime and it should be counted HOUSTON lsuu:nr,essl _ __..__(r13)627-3490 Pursuant to the terms of the Federal Hate in the FBI's annual HCSA report. For saTELLHE oFFTCE:AusnN Frequently Asked Questions ! Crime Statistics Act (HCSA)1, the FBI is reporting purposes, it does not matter that LOS VEGASANGEL (702)31u)44z-shoo required to issue an annual report detailing no one was ever charged with a hate crime. LOS ANGELES[PacF:Siuva�s4 �(310}4-0B-8000 the total number of hate crimes reported by NEVIME IC - (973)505)823-2712 law enforcement authorities nationwide.2 How do state hate crime statutes work? N EVI AI EXICO _(505}823-2712 Under this statute, hate crimes based on N NEVI ORLEANS[3o4h Gnve:] _ ____ ,{5Q4]780-5602 ' ELr7}'ORI[__ _ ______ _._.__-{212)885-7970 the victlm's race, religion, edinicity, sexual Forty-five states and the District of OiMAHA 1Phim Sues) ._ _ .{402)333-1303 orientation, or disability are recorded. Columbia have adopted some form of ORANGE COUNTY/LONG BEACH ___..__. ....__.(714)979 4733 11ie data is taken directly from police penalty-enhancement hate crime statute, PHILAOELPHIA fEa;ten Penns,harajD.1avareL 568 2223 reports. IF the officer writing the report many based on an ADL model hate crime SAN OIEGO _ ___(619)293-3710 includes information about an alleged bias law, which increases the sentence if the SAN FRN,'GISCA{centPacnc) __. .._ (A 15)981-3500 motivation in the report, the incident will crime was motivated by the victim's actual SANTA BARBARA -.-..... — .(805)564-6GIO be included in the FBI report. Many states or perceived personal characteristics.4 s FATTLF 1Paan Nnw,a,.) _ .._ (2os}44a-5349 also have their own independent systems Under this type of law, the prosecutor SL LOUIS[,16wuWSceMan111inuis} _..._._..___.__(31-0p r32-6868 of recording hate crimes and many publish needs to prove two things: (1) that the OFFIC ES OUTS 10 E TH E U.5. Issued by separate state crime reports, with specific perpetrator committed the crime and (2) JERUSALEM 011972-2-566-7741 Anti-Defamation League hate crime sections.3 that he or she committed the crime because MGSC(YW { CANAOA and h O o,pmdae Association witu the League Cook COltri Hate Crimes for human Rights of Canadian B'nai 0n1h_ (416)633-6224 �) ES O.S.C.531 Num. a Odfcren[states have different mo,ared a aorics As ofjcnc 200G,ire r Aral®H on are included in the h3rc came,law nfa1195 stars,but onl 4a Web sRe:t�ww.adl.org Prosecution Council ] '-]tePoainggau]untarj.mil dte repot[n pLeucd by under¢poamg In 2001, & P-- die sere af.7lahama rcpp ad rhrR tiara aimcs.17m GPI FlS]YjhTA¢poa is sr-ta sta[utes include«oJ onmatimi,23 state,mdude acnd�r,and 32 states avadaL+le ar d:e "�C'eb sir'.Ha !""ii ,�miva7urr hrm�haa include diahthry. O 2006 Ant[Aefainatle n League P cvunplc,Hers Cr,,ar in C Ar,- 20.?l,eiaW&m Fim 77ae ca l govlvsdpuL•1 ea 'nnsR amen uer71 N37rref erL of the victim's race, religion, or some other we, as a society, address hate violence. calling, verbal abuse or expressions of However, even under these limited personal characteristic. i Higher-level felonies already have serious hatred toward any group even if such circumstances, the Federal government's consequences regardless of the offender's statements amormt to hate speech. It is only backstop authority has proven very valuable So returning to the vandalism example motivation. A murder based on the victim's when the perpetrator crosses the line from in some high-profile cases and in others above, if a perpetrator ,vas arrested, a race, for example, while certainly a hate speech to criminal action that hate crime involving organized hate groups. prosecutor would have two choices. If crime, would likely not be charged as a laws might come into effect. the prosecutor chooses to simply charge hate crime tinder a penalty-enhancement What can individuals do? the perpetrator with criminal damage to statute. The criminal penalties for murder Why do defendants "get off' on a less property; he or she would only have to are already the most severe, so it would not serious charge? Regardless of whether a crime is charged prove that the defendant threw the brick make sense from a prosecutor's perspective or prosecuted as a hate crime, Americans though the window. Alternatively, the to also charge the perpetrator with lesser Plea bargaining is common in our criminal should actively=speak our in support prosecutor could proceed on the hate j included penalties. However, this crime System ofjustice. Criminal defendants of victims and against hate violence. crime charge and seek higher penalties. The should still be classified and reported as a will often plead guilty to a lesser charge in Unfortunately, many hate crimes are never state would then have to prove both that hate crime for HCSA purposes. order to receive a lesser penalty. Prosecutors reported and of those that are reported, the perpetrator threw the brick through agree to reduce the charge to avoid the many are never solved. However, there are the window and that he or she had done I Are hate crimes charges more difficult to risk of a trial. In hate crime cases, criminal many ways to address bigotry and to keep it intentionally because of the victim's prove than other crimes? defendants will sometimes plead guilty to it from poisoning communities. For useful religion. In this case, the words on the i a lesser charge and in return the state will ways to prevent bias-motivated behavior, brick would provide strong evidence of Generally, yes. Some prosecutors have drop the hate crime charge. see http:Ilwww.adl.orglprejudice. For a the perpetrator's motive. Assuming that expressed a reluctance to prosecute bias compilation of the League's best programs the state could prove both elements of the crimes because of the additional evidentiary Can the Federal government become and initiatives to address hate violence, see charge, the perpetrator would be subject to burden at trial, but proving the element involved with hate crime charges? httl2a/Fvvviv.2di.org/blueprin[.pc[f. higher penalties, likely resulting in a longer of intent at trial is nor unique to hate period of incarceration, crime statutes. Many criminal offenses In rare situations, where the state is unable — including possession of a controlled or unwilling to proceed, the federal Special aba+ikr to Cook Curnuy Stater Sometimes especially serious offenses like substance with the intent to deliver, government has limited jurisdiction to A ttorrrey Richard Devine murder or attempted murder that are aggravated battery or assault on a peace charge some cases as federal criminal motivated by bias are not charged as hate officer, or murder in the first degree civil rights violations. In these cases, a crimes.Why not? — require additional intent elements to be federal prosecutor must demonstrate a proved beyond a reasonable doubt. specific federal interest, and must prove In many states, the hate crime charge only that the victim was prevented from applies to certain offenses such as assault, Do hate crime laws violate the First exercising a constitutional right on the battery, and criminal damage to property. Amendment or punish thought? basis of race, religion, or national origin. The purpose of the senreace-enhancing These are traditionally difficult cases to feature is to attach more serious penalties No. Hate crimes laws punish violent acts, charge and prove because the government I , 605 Third Avenue to bias-motivated crimes in an effort to not beliefs or thoughts— even violent generally must prove that the victim was York, NY 10158-3560tim was www.aar.org demonstrate the seriousness with which thoughts. Hate crime statutes do not prevented from engaging in some type punish, nor prohibit in anv ,rvav, name- of constitutionally vrotecred activity: ADL IN ` PROGRAMS ADL'S PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICE AT WORK ILL To Stop the Defamation I- of the Jewish People To Secure Justice for AIi • With offices in Los Angeles, Santa I Barbara and San Fernando valley, -Jim _ this region focuses on combating i anti-Semitism and bigotry of all kinds • Anti-bias Education: initiatives to _ counteract bias and bigotry for ��gD -r I� teachers, students, workplace .� A I' and community from preschoolers to adults „ • Global anti-Semitism: education _ 9 i - `•� - ' and outreach, Including pro-Israel advocacy, to universities, . • communities and international - - _ -- - - !°ROTEG� _ diplomatic corps r " F - - r i.''i'+•rr II If% -_ = � f ?;'i i_. e !I f ; -,; i� lj "I i., rr. II.f Interfaith: Latino Jewish - - - -- - - _ ---- -- - --Jl - - - -- - - - ---- - - -J Roundtable, Bearing Witness I Expose Extremism _ _ Stop Hate Before It Takes Root Institute with L.A. Catholic •Primary Resource for FBI & Other Federal, - - - -- I •A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE" Institute Archdiocese for educators, and State & Local Law Enforcement Nencies ? J ?; •- ,' j other interfaith alliances II • r mac; • Information Clearinghouse on Extremist L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Pre-K through 12th Grade f—- Activity of Individuals, Groups and Over 400,000 Teachers Trained • Law enforcement partnership: I_I Safeguard Civil Ri s Organizations � � I 36 Million Students Across United States i trainings, resources and •Pioneered Landmark Hate Crimes Law— collaborations on hate crimes and •on the-Ground Investigators & Lawyers • 16 Countries Worldwide i. Active in All Regions Adopted by 46 States extremists with law enforcement I •24-Hour Internet Monitoring of Hate •Foster Interfaith Understanding . Over 350 Colleges & Universities professionals Web Sites & Chat Rooms *Assure Separation of Church and State Fight far Social Justice • Over 200 Corporations I • Communi •Published Extremism 1n America, Leading g Ty: Working with the �•�;��;� •CONFRONTING ANTI-SEMITISM Project ', entertainment industry to "Encyclopedia on Topic � Y serve Ensure Safety and Security of Jewish as a resource on program content Communities Worldwide Create Responsive Law Enforcement questions and to foster an ADL _= •First Call for Help by Victims of Ant!Semitic Community presence -- - Incidents •Hate Crimes &Anti-Bias Training -------- • Hold Public Officials &World Leaders •Over 20,000 Law Enforcement Professionals "___ '•- Accountable for Anti-Semitic Speech/Acts Trained Last Year --- •Suppor€ State of Israel •30 States Ha€lenwi de •CcnducL Security Training for Jewish 10495 Santa Monica Boulevard Institutions Nationwide ? Los Angeles, CA 90025 I I (310) 446-8000 IE NATION, IGLOBE i i 1 k .a u ,!a;.ttc+Cdanra,,,,r=s•�'+� . -�!.tl 1T -- __ _ ___ _ _ , I, ,ti;1'IIa�L• :6'40 ':[Ear vl' �f - Yao-l�9<[nl;i.- _ e _ tlr�r d:!R.pnelS'i1.1 �[T1sL} f t3 1 9 C0�'tl 1,[il�•Ilt�1 'Sr - � i6 ----_ _JI, .. it - i' i e _ � :, � II• o -li__ _ __ e• . �' _ r.. !L'I�j li il,mil} i,-i,$,�.;'+i'+ (. ;0 j:i','a4.V I o f I,`I'fif�!f,'alS V r J I. • I .i i I' i J r ii711 i'� �[)�i�s y:rli }'r l/r Itl-I �i;'il�}� _ _ �rr"�- r,ti';:pr:rr,•I,Ilrt Y;S;{p,'; ; Is I , r� „rl!!r:::f. ._r`7 C,;i'P:;'-- !�i �•!:'�I�l-' I! i i I j'J'il'�i'�I f -rt l+nel' rfo;'—;r'f�i f1Y 11�11Yi' I - 41� � .:pp b ._ I.is 4. 11 r Al• r: ., ,f f'=�,: lir +, x LOCAL .gip • , ' In local schools, community centers, civic �~_ - D• --" _ agencies and workplaces, ADl_exposes hate and provides effective strategies to combat it, !, s reinvigorating the commitment to democratic ! principles that define America's sport. i I NATIONAL i Our (National Headquarters in New York City 'I •��ptE � �\V G ■ links our neLvrork of Regional Offices across the r ,: country and our Government and National Affairs i'• L Am • r Office In Washington, DC. ll _ PPPP INTERNATIONAL .,. ADI- provides experlise to governments and non-governmental institutions worldwide on i fighting anti Semitism and hate. unit=le is lwoirii rlr::a, Ills,l,. Im1a!-. •oh r):Clq 3 ,�! i`•GIs'`' � � : cm I LU N T 3 N LU LU LLM lll� f�i i TEN oECADES ofFIGHTIN HATE The Anti-Defamation League is safeguarding our future by I NVESTIGATING, EDUCATING, and PROTECTING to defend democratic ideals and ensure civil rights for all. j For almost 100 years, the Anti Defamation League has been fighting hate. Today, ADL is the nation's premier human relations and clivil rights agency combating racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry. www.adl.org INVESTIGATE ADL monitors and tracks the efforts of hate-mongering extremists and their groups We are also an important resource on extremist and terror- ist activity online. We publish our findings and distribute them globally to teachers, elected officials, law enforce- ment, media, community leaders and our supporters. EXP05E EXTREMISM COMBATIN ► AbL is a primary resource for T�'BI and other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and is an infor- mation clearinghouse on extremist activity of individuals and groups- ■ ADL Investigative Researchers and lawyers are active in all regions. ■ ADL moxutors, analyzes, and exposes extremist Web sites, and social networking sites (Web 2-0),24/7. � ADL administers a unique Web site for law enforcement, and publishes"laxtremism in America"—a leading ency- clopedia on the subject- ► A]7L provides evidence and trial testimony,which aids in the conviction of perpetrators ofhate-related crimes- fI h.1 ©fly Il. EDUCATE .. From pre-school children to FBI agent I s,fr opftuam'- 1 teachpeople , stand u to _ 1 1� 1 -rtY down stereotypes,foster respect for 6�ver an com it rebecomes , hatred 1 , violence. STOP RATE BEFORE IT TAKES HOOT e. ■ A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute Classroom, Campus and Workplace • Pre-K through 12th Grade • Over 440,000 Teachers Trained impacting nearly 40 Million Students • 17 Countries Worldwide • Over 350 Colleges and Universities • 250 Corporations and Non-Profit Organizations ■ Confronting A.nti-SemitismPrograms ■ holocaust Education and Remembrance. CREATE RESPONSIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY 00 ADL is a major resource for local, state and federal law enforcement (and the U.S-military)in the fight against hate crimes, extremism and terrorism—providing them with invaluable training, information and resources. ADL has trained over 75,000 law enforcement professionals throughout the country, and abroad, since 2004. ■ ADL works closely with law enforcement to ensure the safety of newish institutions. ANTI-BIASTRAININQMANUAL THROUGH THE EYES o, OUR FUTURE I � 1 C r r ITECT k rk� freedomADL,founded on core American values,protects constitAdonal rights and religious 1 bigotryhate and combatexpose and r NM�NY • SAFEGUARQ CIVIL RIGHTS ■ tiDL fights discrimination through litigation and legislation, and has pioneered model hate crimes legislation—adopted in 45 states—and programs educating law enforcement and the public about hate-motivated crimes. ■ ADL partners with interfaith and interethnic community greups to ensure and advance civil rights for all. ■ ADL promotes the separation of religion and state, essential to preserving religious rights and liberties for al] Americans. • ENSURE SAFETY ANQ SECURITY OF JEWISH CQMMUNITIES WURLQWIQE ■ Provides assistance to victims of anti-Semitic imcidents. ■ IIolds public officials and world leaders accountable fox anti-Semitic speech and acts. ■ Woxlss to bring peace in the Middle last and enhance the security and international stature of the State of Israel. ■ Conducts Hate Crimes Training for law enforcement and non-govcxnmental orgaxuzations. Faiths , , Jewsfitufion DO Y00 KNOW w af THIS PERSON? ',�" w 1 rr.--------------- - r C REGIONAL OFFICES C`- l•-� NATIONAL NFaDQUAIRENS • I� - r;� '"`ram-,a� rA� • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS J1, �Lalh 1 ..r wwNuµy� o �ewl�ew .Wrlmr muXl�_,WMpMiw ReggiWal W5009 DORM WokWc��cDlWwWa�'���W..W WMII_,.WMYWr 11� ■A�GIINIYIX��.WIImm" r+-w mi uuwlY••+•uXY`WWML • «ro.•.-wwwW.rnn•BI u�rAi IIiIWu�dYY!i. .���.�rma.✓..J. niwaww -��� ^r�.rw�.�.1.h,...,..r.uWryr�rWn� IW._-_.. .�.'.�-:MWMlrplroWluw••......wwwwwrr�w -www�wr•y�r'_w,u.�•uu�W+�lu iJ ir�Y l^I r_n ili r�1���1°J J�hIrL �1Vir..�WWY /+�rL'!'r'ry iuum�WYYrMW! ..A�T � Mx ui IM'Y'rL WI'll l�&lllyA iii �urr� W--mounIiIii a I ii F016 F�FWW"Whom r W+MwrpMWIWM�A�MAMMA.�yW MI +N� IMMWFMw r ' 1 I_- �i«�[rN� �M�Xh°'� � - PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGION ■ This region focuses on combating anti-Semitism and bigotry of all kinds in the counties of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside and Kern. ■ Anti-bias Education: Our initiatives in classrooms and the workplace counteract bias and bigotry in the community ■ Global anti-Semitism:We provide education and outreach, including pro-Israel advocacy, to the community and international diplomatic corps. ■ Interfaith and Inter-group relations! Our programs engage Latino and Asian leaders, Catholic educators, and other diverse communities. ■ Law enforcement partnership: Our trainings,resources and collaborations on hate crimes and extremism for law enforcement are unsurpassed. r ■ Community: Specialising in outreach to the community,we have a unique and extensive relationship with the entertaii anent industry. ,• �� 1411111111 y V•• .y��y��,�, ��IX'�'I•XYY!YXY� dam' ��Yl ''� +"��rw�Xy ryayrrrii�y. i wrw.y, w YY._ .-id ilme.YrnXXMrrM M YX�4WX!I KryiN-w.e".w_ _ "...TO STOP by appeals to reason and conscience, and if nece sary, by appeals to law, THE DEFAMATION OF THE JEWISH KOPLE... ...TO SECURE JUSTICE AND FAIR TREATMENT TO ALL... -ADL Charter, 1913 6 m �p 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-3560 www.adl.org 02006 Anti-Defamation League TO: David Ready FROM: Lee Husfeldt DATE: Nov. 12, 2008 RE: Human Rights Commission's goals The Human Rights Commission came up with the following goals.at their August retreat: GOALS • Outreach for mediation, other problem solving; develop programs so people can use the HRC mediation service Broader public relations strategy; media ahead of time; radio stations, maybe put together an hour program on Channel 17 explaining what the HRC is, what it does, and what its goals are. Vice Chair Bolerjack talked about putting together a Human Rights Commission 101 with basic information about the HRC. • Go to the community to identify needs and educate them. Commissioner Craig said he has been meeting with representatives of different groups and organizations and they prefer that the HRC comes to them to learn and discuss what their needs are rather than them attend HRC meetings. Commissioner Ramirez suggested having a booth/table at VillageFest each month or twice a month. • Human Rights film showing. Commissioner Klein said San Diego's Web site has lists of educational films that are human rights oriented. She suggested that Palm Springs HRC develop a list of these films and show them perhaps quarterly. The Commission could be sponsoring a movie night. • Web site— Incorporate HRC pages into the City's Web site BROAD GOALS • Mediation process policy • Public relations strategy, media • Outreach (educate and learn needs) • Human Rights Film Showing • Web site The following is the list generated at the September meeting: • Pride Festival and Parade — ad hoc subcommittee of Commissioners Bolerjack and Hodgson and Chair Trussell • Presence at VillageFest-- Commissioner Ramirez 11/12/08 ITEM I .A. • Write-up on the HRC, feature in The Desert Sun—Vice Chair Bolerjack • Film showing — Commissioner Klein • Visits with constituents—Commissioner Craig • Training on voter registration—Commissioner Craig • Invite constituents to come to HRC meetings—Chair Trussell • Assessment of predefined expectations—Commissioner Hodgson • Media liaison; work with the press —Vice Chair Bolerjack • Hate crimes, how are police trained? Gather preliminary information. Police Chief to speak to HRC--Commissioner Johnston • "Mentor" to HRC student reps regarding projects, etc. — Chair Trussell to coordinate