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3/7/2007 - STAFF REPORTS - 2.D.
�VALM SA c V N e � ``F°R ,P City Council Staff Report DATE: March 7, 2007 CONSENT CALENDAR SUBJECT: TREASURER'S INVESTMENT REPORT AS OF JANUARY 31, 2007 FROM: Craig A. Graves, City Treasurer BY: Department of Finance and Treasury SUMMARY Attached is the Treasurers Investment Report as of January 31, 2007. The report includes the face value and coupon rate (if applicable) of the investments and the source for the market value estimate. Also included is information on the investments of Bond Issue reserve funds, and on loan repayment programs managed by a bank. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Treasurer's Investment Report as of January 31, 2007 STAFF ANALYSIS: The attached monthly Treasurers Investment Report is for the period ending January 31, 2007. The report includes the face value and coupon rate (if applicable) of the investments and the source for the market value estimate. Also included is information on the investments of Bond Issue reserve funds, and on loan repayment programs managed by a bank. The investments, in type, maturity and as a percentage of the total portfolio, are in compliance with the existing City Council-approved investment policy with one exception, the FICO notes ($500,000, 4116/18, 9.8%) exceed the 5 year limitation on maturities (Detail of Investments, Long Term Investments, Mortgage Pass Thru's). The investment in question was purchased prior to the adoption of the 5-year limitation. Since it appears to represent no additional risk either because of credit-worthiness or liquidity, earlier councils decided to allow it to be retained in the investment pool because the yield is higher than attainable under current market conditions. We recommend that this exception to the policy be continued. State law requires this report to be submitted within 30 days of the end of the quarter. Because all of the City's bank accounts may not be completely reconciled, there may be minor adjustments to the cash on hand in the checking account and to the valuation of the bond issue's money market investments. All other amounts are actual. ITEM NO. P�. City Council Staff Report March 7, 2007-- Page 2 Treasurer's Investment Report as of January 31, 2007 i The weighted average maturity (WAM) of the portfolio is 369.60 days. The maximum WAM allowed by the Investment Policy is 1095 days. The current portfolio and expected revenue cash flow will be sufficient to meet budgeted expenditure requirements for the next six months and the foreseeable future thereafter. FISCAL IMPACT: None Craig raves, C ty Treasurer Attachments: Treasurer's Investment Report , trcasrep CITY OF PALM SPRINGS 2/22/2007 TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT SUMMARY OF INVESTMENTS JANUARY 31, 2007 On Call Deposits Adjusted Basis Category Total Percentage Checking Account $ 295,577 Smic Pool 32,190,000 S 32,485,577 42.G65; Short Term Inve,unenrs 0 car or less) Time Deposits 2,500,000 U.S.Gov't Agencies 6,500,000 U.S Treasury Note 1,979 974 10,979,974 14.42% Medium Tcnn inv45mlenl5 (1 ear t9 3 eats) Corporate Notes 1.983,760 Mortgage Pass-Thins 5,099,795 U.S Gov'r Agencies 19,232,450 26,316,005 34.56% Long'pertn InvcSmlen[5 (3 cars to 5 cars) Corporate Notes 986,120 Mortgage Pass-Thins 2,877,75(, U.S.Gov't Agencies 2,499,594 6,362,470 8 36% Total lnvcsmd Cnsh $ 76,144,026 100.W% *Some mvesvnems made prior to dlc implementation or the current Investment Policy exceed the 5 year Imtit Bear TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT 2R�P0 ? DETAIL OF INVESTMENTS 7ANUARY 31, 2007 Coup¢a Yield Adjiil J Imam only) Pnm Qir Par V!sx Rile R3dnS hlaludp C9s1Hva Camg9p•Tclal h1arAe Value Swan Markzrl'alue On CJf 4 osiu ChxUng Bskof Amerla S NfA .,Vt .MA cpeo 403% 5 2en,577 5 S 295,m S ;2,814 l J Aecn_y lnru.Fug][ FJ 32,193,03] cariaslc NIA opn 516% 32.150,W3 ]],1w W3 L3IF 24,190,RU ]2,465,3TI Sr¢Tcrm Inter'nn f I e or 4ss7 Timc Npmiu Wuhlnslan hlu2=l Barak I,[W,CW 4.8sx AAA 02N210y 400% I.CW.W0 l,Og0,0]0 As irslun Mural 1,OW,O3]WmidinOlon MUM31 Bar [,OBO,WO 4.E3% .tAA 0MA37 468% 1,1W,W0 1,OW,00] K'a.Ainglun Mama)Washinglun hlumal Bank(Ltbrq Tus) SLYI,OW 5.01% .qAA B]R?N3 5 01% aCO,W] 50],0V Wn,ns i n hluwal 50],CW US Gr'tesy Saurd� re&rA Hcreem,B.�F l,W],CW 313% NIA O2,UT107 3.13x 1.W0,000 559,688 BI.'1'44'rslem Tr 998,125 Fp JHmr.loanB a l,Dl],CW 3.Q% NIA OLWID7 3.W% I,Dl3,ppl1 559,686 BI."Y K'rsLrrt Tr 998,435 rederA FLU CeMit➢anl. ],CTe],000 3 95% NIA OSN].bi 3.94% 1,CW,CW 99a,03] ➢NY W'L m Tr 993,4i8 F:dcral N�rHime-A[onga2e As.mdinn ],CW,LYMI 3.50% WA LW12itl] ]50% I,LYQWO 987,813 BIN W9 stern Tr 986,ET5 CWmI Home Lon Bank sW.w 4 T6% WA 10.26W 4 768 Federal Home Inv, SCOW] H3N 1,LCO,OW 5.00% NIA 11 R8�ll-i S lq o 1•ppl0yj �92�813 2NY Wesern Tr i41,813 997,185 BN5'W.s Tr 55g188 Rd�ml R., ....➢aN 1,W0,03] 510% AfA I?1)%YJT 510% 1,BW.0.V 99d,4]8 BNS'14'nmruh 559.750 fi,SW,pp0 U.S.Treasury NnL US Treasury Nule (Gbrsy Trwl) 503.0V 3.36% NIA O MI67 3 S3% 495.059 No"S T r 999,535 HYt Wra'em Tr 493,R0 US Tureas�y iv 'NoL 935,625 362% NIA OSr5Ab7 9]6R 9 .,I5 993,950 HYY Wermm Tr W3281 H. 493.490 5.25x NIA H1'31iW 435% 498,490 495,915 BNY Wesrem Tr 49 .7W 1,939.W4 Medium Term lrv:,e nu errw3 0 Co;ream NrL, Be.sl,a Co. 1,CW,BCO 4.W% AA1 01I31NS 434%Cc Far "An 935,010 BNY WesRru Tr 596,19p W'elfs do m{nnY ],000,ppp 3.30% AA] 04IBq,Ct3 3 73x 993,0A3 9Te,]90 BNY We lero Tr W9,290 ],983,ifA Alnngae Pass TAaos FM:ral H.-]mn[.1crt2age Q,.don 2.f ,03] 4W.% N!A X-Duns 402% M.271 631.E BNY Wesmm Tr 812,455 Fp lj H.en Lmn ldru,eC.,ir Jnn 4 S." 4w8 NIA MMS 5.56% 16n,99] ]6],9e8 BNY Western Tr [T0,888 re&rA Hnrs Loan I.]une.,CmPm.dw W9,333 4W9, NIA 03.•➢MB 543% 312,319 515,4C0 BNY Weslao Tr 514,690 Fe&r:[Hcme Loa hlmlgide Coryorr 1,EN,CCO 4.50% NIA 1N01N3 5Oi% 5L2,319 591,E?I 3NYWeslms Tr 602,fi FeferA Mimi,u,mml"i,Ca Bq gorauna 3,CW,0g9 S.CQ% NIA W.Suw 508% 299,742 259,95fi Bt.R'K'e.Lm Tr 309,48] Federal Home L .Vralgree Co, Uv 2,335,M 4.a0% I.fA MAIM q.84% 981,110 977,693 ➢.YY w,,l m Tr 3",T10 Fedrral llom.Inn\{,30jSe Cm6 codex g80,OW 4 WO N!A OSN]aT9 4.89% 255,937 Facral Humo A{ 258,W, BVY Wesern Ir =,986[.tda9e Ceeperallun 54B4OW 350Y, WA O6om 4,79% 356,998 356,0➢3 BNY W,,em Tr 361,B96 Fetlral H.-]mn Llc .,e Cc[ .mmn 57➢,03] 45B.^a NIA 09.•lll�b9 5.37% 418.66 4]A,]41 BNYWcsmm Tr 426,453 Fd:r3l Naacnal hlCRap A,ximm, 2,7wpm 4505 NIA ol.-Wile 4.91% R96,T➢5 682,5w BNYWesMTr 6 ,762 S,Ofl,i93 pea=rre TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT In+n➢n DETAIL OF INVESTMENTS JANUARY 3I,2007 C.Pon You AL1os1N {rs pnlYl Prior 1]1r. Far\'alw Nate 1 oipg bl.timy mNalunl, C.H6 . Gle erY Tmal tinker Valu: Soortt M1[nkeL Valx [3.5 Gri r A-eu.:Y Sresu�s FN"I ur—lam Ha 5N,000 430 WA Olaww 4W% Y.g00 493,3[3 BNY Were.Tr 495.313 F0.1 F[¢_z[.nrn Bork 1,r0B,C00 5.Ok% NIA WnMa 5 N% L,0.O,0'O 997,813 BNY Wersrn Tr Moll FAclNv nA SfW.aZe As u,Wion I,CCO,cC 5n% NIA MOW 5.25% 0 OpA 998,[35 BNYt4'elern Tr W4.413 FH.I lls Lein Bank I,CW,C00 4 U% N1.1 AMTE 4.02% L.0 ,WA 98i,63e RNY Wuov Tr 9L ps Fwd lllc Lean Bork 7.cm.00 550% NIA MUTE 5,30% I.S96,]Sa 2.OW,BN BWW.s Tr 3,0,0,Q5 FNereI Else Lean M1[oKm6 Co,"'o . I,CW,CW 5 2S% VIA N113108 5.25% I.CQ.g1 992,7:0 ➢NY W.Il Tr Y.B,SN F_-l—i Rc fern Back im." 435% VIA D]I25.'➢S dAa% SN,NO 4N.219 BNYWes1.Tr 494,1L9 Fir A Ras[^,"Brok I,m.w SO)% NIA MUMS S.W% I,M.= W5,525 BW Wul[rn Tr 995,65 fcdn.]FL,s Lean Bork I,CW,NO 532% NIA O9,OWS 5.32% 1,NO,BW 993,125 BNY We.:ro Tr 998,L25 FN:rA ff [.cm B."L 7".w 5 W% NIA LOM.w 51m iM.W) 745.Mrd B1.Y W,s,Tr 745.313 F_I:rA Farce lira it Ba,.T I.W.00] 3.53 WA Loa9,w 1.85 a ],p0],BO] 00,433 BM1Y Wevero Fr 978,7Y1 Ward W.I,Lea Bad 1,0),W] 4.rAe NIA LIYL7,Y.a 4Wq 1,0.'a],W) 98W5 BNYW...Fr 9.4A9_ll Yu3era5 Hcmc 1.,.Bank 1,Iq),OV 4.23% hrA ➢LLII- 9 423% l.ON.DV 902.aw BNYWeW.Tr 9 .w Fr3eral Na!ioral blorlg{^x M,..n L, ,C?3 5.21% 1.fA OVIfiN9 531% L0.V,0.0 999,688 BNY H'<sler Tr W3.11" Furaf Noon_Lc M¢rgaSe CcToraoon I.VA,0.O 3.18% WA WI W 3.0% 9e9,22p 96k,N3 BNYWzsoc Tr %5,313 F--zr,LNum_l Bank 1.00,0V 5.50% WA O5..b" 5.50% 1CrVlQ "5.435 BNYWuo=Tr 99a,Ta0 Fae Lllpm-La.M lg.g COTora000 LWO,co S.N% NIA ]Pm" 512% MA75 AU,TSL NNY W.I.Tr 0 Fnleral Frrm Ca Bork L,NO,000 4Z% NIA 11I1N09 4 2a% 1,IN = BNY W s:m Tr 976,125 FWuml Now Lum Ba SN,cCO SW% VA 1105.YN S.N% SW,N3 4 313 NI.Y W,: .Tr 595,761 FWle l No.U.Sz L,NO,BN 4 30% VA F2N1.G9 4 311 a 1,W],N3 9]7.S BKY W¢ rnT 9riy,➢fi] F9$32,ASO 3 1 Tern]50',r,mI , 3 rM< 5 Cogerue Mau G.LL-anS—Grl�.ln- L,WA.000 5.N% A93 ON15111 5.3]e 985.IM S39.%3 BNY f4'e¢rn Tr W1,W) 936,120 1fcn0a£:Pass T:.rus FWenl Hansel M1[nogage Assocullon 1.455.00 4-%% NIA 0DOULB 4 U% T15,]69 119,30E BW Weslrrn Tr 49J,I86 Falxnl Noma 3n•n blo"".CoO x.aion 1,455,W 4 N% NIA OLOIILO a.22'A 485,463 484,^ BNY Wec:rn Tr 731,923 FNera1 Nome Laor M11png.�x ColgrYrLar 2,715.W] 4.50% NfA 05rWI! 4.23% T_3,841 5]O,AW HNY Wexrn Tr 9 ,62E FNcnl Novz Laor Back 775.N3 4.75 a N.'A ]R25f10 9.83% 603,I9] SS8,6i4 BNY N'rrrsrnT 6R,415 FW.111ons Co¢onbn W),W) mll6 NIA omil11 5.31% 119.451 129,2N BNYWn!,.Tr 131,019 3.M.756 [].5 Ii.-w'[Age.cy Srwritxs Yed-N R.mei Back L,000,rQ 4 39% NIA BL22ell) 43 % L,CCO,ra W5,00 BNY Wea•m Tr 976,875 f JZW Rcmel By L,000,COO S W% NC9 0]P_3![I) a.50% L,W,1A0 996,5G1 BBY W..1, 0 Four ing CoT,rion[F[CI)) 3130,CW 9r") WA 01.'BSIIB gm% 498,59; 692,145 NaliirnA i 693995 ],4W3 A TON[]n,rslM Cug 5 76.l4a,B26 5 760QM.374 5 65.999465 TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT umsrcp BOND ISSUE RESERVE, DEBT SERVICE&RELATED FUNDS QVMW JANUARY 31, 2007 Caupa¢ \'re13 P.Qu. Paz Value 74te Ra[ing hfuurisy m:.famnty C¢a Bsis C.wZ.q Tma1 MUM Vain Scarce Make[Value 199119 MIDI Ccmvr¢unm Cu r AM Gove.m &Agcocy Pont Pnsa[e 346,401 variable AAA op:m 4.89% 346,401 346,40L BNY Western Tr 469,165 AEG]o .0 d Agrecmrm 1 28n,M 5.36% AAA 11IMM 5.36% 1,28D,673 1,2W,673 ➢NY Wee:m Tr L.U0.673 A1G Lrvrsuvenl AgreLmem 1,2A1,000 669% AAA 1IMI12L 6.68% 1,290.0w 1,28V,000 ➢NY 1Vamm Tr L,299.0W MIA favut¢eu Agrermm 3,303, D2 "81, AAA WOWS 5m% 3,300,402 3,303,402 BNY%VW9 mTr 3,3W,402 6,217,476 [9921D6 Aupen 1,119 BNYIVr.,mm Tr L,I19 Cash 1,119 1,1[9 AA1 am Tcrm lnveoTr P ,a 1,316,259 vanablc AA4 open 4 88% 1,3L6,259 1,316,259 BN W.Lm Tr 1.556,57D 1,3Li,3]8 1991N1 Sene.,B H.g A f Gove cu&AV ,Vcn Niv.te 122,963 sanable AAA open 4 99% 12Z.963 122,863 BNY W'e[em Tr 4,170 AIGl w.a Agrzemrm 468,1D5 322% AAA mm 121 5.22% 468.L05 468,105 BNY W'o[em Tr 460,105 590.968 1994MI Series A&B A111 G.a&Agmcy Poni Private 3,102,L77 v..V. AAA eyn 4.95% 3,302,317 3,302,M BNY W.L.'IT 3.289.490 hf➢L1 ln,."m[Apre,.[ 1,65L,456 5.17% AAA 09iYf1fi4 SA75E L,651356 L,65[,45.6 BNY1V.L.Tr 1,65L,456 4,953,633 1996 N1041e Capml Fa,Aw.s Prnjeei AN Gavemmcm&Agm7•pour P..i, IJ06 saniblc AAA aped 4.88% L,[06 1,106 BNY W. .Tr 1,101 A.NBAC]nrom•m Aemcm,, L.n%689 640% AA 04011R 6.40% 1.729.699 1,729,689 BUY Wm.Tr [,729,689 1,730.195 L999 Airport GA1t6 AIG 1¢s'anvrn[Abr. 1Lsrn•e 56L,221 5 70`.b AAA DIN[28 5 70% 561,22L 361,22[ BNY We3[em Tr 563,221 ARI &Agency Pmli Nme 5L,395 vaziablc AAA UU, 51,395 51,395 BUY 1Vcrem Tr 377,850 632.636 TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT laa•=.p BOND ISSUE RESERVE, DEBT SERVICE& RELATED FUNDS 02nzmx JANUARY 31, 2007 C.P. Ydd Adjuslal (mcma aaly] Paor Qlr. Par Value Racy Raw; 14am617 w\4a qy Cuss Ba_ti Ca 'my Teul Niilas Value &anez hfahc[L'alue 1998 Aj"a PB AIG1¢1 UM.91ASr Rcu c 849,728 5.70% AAA Glf01n8 510$ 849,72B 849,720 RNY W.w.7} 849,728 AM Gown &ASmcy Purll Privy 93,TD vaaa6le AA ug<o 48B5 98,777 98,TD RNY W�Gcm7r 594,681 94$505 1998 NWriplE CapoA Wa .cxaxr AM Gwcmmms&Age¢cy Paal Pn az 3D4,209 s.iAle AAA ¢per 4.888 3N.209 3N.N9 RNY W.m Ts 303,G40 3N,209 1998 Azs. .a DsMrs 155 A&➢ AM Guvc=cd&AV. y Panf PRvale 307,1N vuiab'e AAA epe¢ 4.884. 39T,103 307,103 BN4'We�em Tr 305,923 3M,103 2031 As,..f Damct 157A58 AM G¢+ernm.&A,.,PomCP nW 175,693 vanable AAA op¢ 4 e8% 175,693 173.693 ➢NY Ww.Tr 175,D18 175,693 2002 P.1ing Rrucwre C lk 3 3 3 B1Y Weaem Tr 3 AM Govenuacm&Agcoc Poaf Pnrazc 35,258 sam_Lle AAA op:n 488R M,258 35,258 BNY We mTc 37.7B7 35,241 2fi0:Ass...D wu 16l AM Wv.re-nem&.A,c yN.r M,i u 415,498 vsahe AAA opa 4.88% 415,499 415.498 MY Wsa¢rn Ti 413,901 415,498 2W4Ass. ,,m Drsuim 162 AM &Ageoy Ponf Psrvalc 349,335 v.i bh AAA opc¢ 4 89% 349,335 349,335 RNY W.wm Tr 347.992 349.335 2035 As•csornt Dhrrin 164 AM &Ag.,Puof Pnvalx 587,015 variable AAA opeu 4.88 0 587,015 3K.015 RNY Wul.m Tr J&.760 581,015 Tom 5 19.50,485 $ 18,545,4h 5 19,593,944 TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT treasrep MISCELLANEOUS AND TRUST ACCOUNTS 212 212 0 0 7 JANUARY 31, 2007 Yield Adjusted Par Value Coupon Rating Maturity to N7amrity Cost Basis Category Total Total Invested Cash $ 76,144,026 $ 76,144,026 $ 76.144,426 Miscellaneous Accounts Petty Cash 2,925 NIA NIA open none 2,925 Revolving Fund-Sank of America 10,027 NIA A°IA open none 10,027 Trust&Agency -Bank of America 1,386,497 NIA NIA open none 1,396,497 Downpayment Assistance (Housing Fund) -Washington Mutual 33,503 variable NIA open 0.40 0 33,503 Workers Compensation-Bank of America -9,656 NIA NIA open none -9,656 1.423,2% Deposits Held In Toast Time Deposits (FDIC Insured) Downey S& L(Cat Cyn Country Club) 65,045 4.40% NIA 2/11/2007 4.40% 65,045 Downey S& L (Donovan Bequest) 13,8 t1 5.12% NIA 6nno07 5.12% 13,813 Downey S&L(Palmer Cable TV) 5,240 4.97% NIA 1/18/2008 4.97% 5,240 Guaranty Bank(Coyote Springs Apt) 18,032 4.67% NIA 6/2412007 4.67% 18,032 102,128 --------------- Total Cash Deposited $ 77,669,45I treasrep TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT 02122/07 CALCULATION OF INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS JANUARY 31, 2007 Allowable Percentages By Maturity: Minimum Maximum Current Mo. 1 day to 365 days $8,000,000 NIA $43,465,551 1 year to 3 years 0.00% 50.00% 34.56% 3 years to 5 years 0.00% 30.00% 7,70% over 5 years NIA NIA 0.66% By Type of Investment: Bankers Acceptance - in total NIA 40.00% 0.00% Bankers Acceptance - single bank NIA 20.00% 0.00% Commercial Paper N/A 15.00% 0.00% Certificates of Deposit N/A 30.00% 3.28% Corporate Notes NIA 20.00% 6.53% Money Market Mutual Funds NIA 10.00% 0.00% Mortgage Pass Thru's N/A 10.00% 10.48% U.S. Government Agencies N/A 50.00% 37.07% U.S. Treasury Notes/Bonds NIA NIA 3.00% CNcuYenn nfWcryLmrl Avg M,.H, Mamm Cman1 Nn of pays%ua Oam D. 0', 39 113 191W 39,113 1 295577 39,11n 39,119 1 12 190(N)✓' 3Y.115 39,113 20WOW 19.113 39113 _ 2 WO WO 39,IG3 39111 50 15"Wq 99 1.0 39,113 i 7,000,000 39= 39.IIJ 9 9WYm 39340 19119 127 MO W 39.367 39113 �W 354 WO,M 19 381 39 113 26R IY1,00,000 994W 39113 301 10TAW,WO 1Y,444 39,113 391 331 CW W0 39 141 39113 2A 13 88C,00 39 Ml 99 113 150 I49 M3'/6. 39.396 39113 2f3 136011110 19,453 J9,113 365 161.5w,550 19 NS 39 113 429 nd6,035 610 39 wD 39113 439 003 367 Or 39 661 39 113 54P On 913,748 3965^_ 39 lu 579 296 OP,101 39753 39119 6m 37933D 9W 39.8n3 39,113 932 219 011 l41 391A93 39,113 760 915,>95,600 39 904 19.113 791 M3 15^_,939 39 965 39 113 S52 304 155 490 JO 051 39113 94C 39C.861.984 4179 391u I,O66 na p^_'1616 39 J]] 39113 JG 1311f COO 39,50G 39 111 391 393 WO" JY,346 39,113 435 635.00,000 19,M9 39,113 496 446 M,M 39612 39,113 499 99f I 5 1 205 39 626 39 113 513 513 CW 0(I0 39 6M 39113 W I 270 500 W0 39 668 19113 555 555 OW m 39,696 99 113 SO SRI WO" J9,718 39,113 615 e16,M,CW 19950 J9,113 633 637,m.m 39769 39113 656 656"OW 39954 39113 741 7¢1,OW WO 39 R83 3Y.113 775 715 MI 0) 39 919 39113 805 796 370 JN 39 937 39113 1134 OLI WO,WO CO IL° 39 113 999 DOS 616 12, 0'135 39111 I.Or 101"'Dii'i9 I 0,142 39,113 1 029 3IC 500.000 CO 146 19 111 1.035 1 035,M,CC4 40,558 39113 1,JC5 1 IN 943,000 00 210 39 113 1091 go 139 593 10 210 39113 1,091 532 M2.911 In 299 39 111 I.IU6 1095 675 C"_fi 40,476 39 113 1 561 522,147,970 CO 66,1 39 Ili 1551 2w,313,613 40,�-31 39113 I,ug IUROWOR 40,201 39,1U IAMB 1,OW,CW,WO 43 196 19,113 n 093 2,035 759 1u2 M 101 732,406 Ibutl lmc:mens n C\SL 76,ld4,@6 WAM In 0U5 369 OG