HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/1/1952 - ORDINANCES D. Subsection (L), a new subsection, is mat, give notice to the Humane Of-
hereby added to Section 2, to read ficer or to some police officer of said Excepting the southerly six hundred
as follows: City of the fact that he has small animal sixty-eight feet (6631) and also excepting
(L) Roadway: Roadway is that par- in his possesslan and shall furnish there- the westerly one hundred feet (1001)
trap of the city Streets, including with a description of such animal and and the northerly fifty feet (So') thereof,
State Highways within the City a statement of the place where he Said above described lands are desig-
limits, Improved, designed or or- found and where he has confined the nated and established as being within
dmarIly used for vehicular travel. same. Land Use District R-1.
E. Subsecton (E), a new subsection, is In case such notice Is given to any SECTION 2.: The City Clerk is hereby
hereby added to Section 22.5 to read as police officer, such officer shall im- ordered and directed to certify to the
follows: mediately notify the Humane Officer, Passage of this ordinance and to cause
(E) Sunrlse Way between Tachevnh furnishing thereto all the informa. the same to be published once in Palnn
and Ale,lo and Sunrise Way be- tion which he has obtained. Springs News, a newspaper of general Car-
tween Ramon Road and State If the taking up of such animal oc- culatmn, printed, published and circulate,
Highway No. 111. curs at a time when such public pound in the City of Point Springs. This ordn-
SECTION 2: The City Clerk is hereby is not open for the transaction of Once shall be effective thirty (30) days
ordered and directed to certify to the business, the notice herein required after passage.
I ri,,.rc of this ordinance and to cause shall be made to the Police Department. CHARLES D FARRELL
the same to be published once in Palm Any person taking up any such stray Mayor of the City of Palm Springs
Springs News, a newspaper of general domestic animal or animals found run- ATTEST:
nirculatimr, printed, published and cir- ning at large shall surrender such am- LOUISE MCCARN
culated in the City of Palm Springs. This met to the Humane Officer upon de- City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs.
mdlnance shall be effective thirty (30) mind. I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the
days,after passage. It shall be unlawful for any person City of Palm Springs, California hereby
1 CHARLES D. FARRELL taking up any such animal to fail or certify that the foregoing ordinance, be-
T vyor of the City of Palm Springs neglect to give notice thereof ns re- ing Ordinance No. 243 of the Cny of
AT1ST: LOUiSB MCCARN quired by this section, or to fail or TO- Palm Springs, was introduced at a meet-
City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs fuse to surrender such animal to said ntg of the City Council of sold city held
I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the Humane Officer. an the 5th day of December, 1951 nad was
City oll Palm Springs, California, hereby SECTION 2: The City Clerk is hereby read in full and was passed at Adjourned
certlfy thou the foregoing ordinance, being ordered and directed to certify to the meeting of said Council held on the sit,Ordlnagce No. 241 of the City of Palm passage of this ordinance and cause the dap of January, 1952'by the fallowing vote:
spr'ings', was introduced at a meeting of same to be published once in the Palm _ AYES: Velth, Strobe, Boyd, Miller,
the City Council of said mty held con the Springs News, a newspaper of general Nathanson and Mayor Farrell
24th day of October, 1951 and was read circulation, printed, published and cir- NOES:None
Ol full and was passed at Regular meeting culated in the City of Palm Cprings. This ABSENT: Hardy
o. said Connell held an the 7th day of ordinance shall be effective thirty (20) I further certify that said ordinance
November, 1951 by the following vote: days after passage. was thereupon signed by Charles D. Par-
AYeES: Vehth, Strobe, Boyd,' Miller, CHARLES D. FARRELL rel Mayor Of Palm Springs, and attested
Hardy, Nathanson and Farrell Mayor of the City of Palm Springs by Louise McCarn City Clerk of said City. -
NO- None ATTEST: WITNESS any hand"and seal Of said
ABSENT: None LOULSH/MCCARN City this 14th day of January, 1952
City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs _
I further certify that said ordinance I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City
was thereupon signed by CHARLES D. of Palm Springs, California, hereby certify - -
FARPvEI,L, Mayer of Palm Springs, and that the foregoing ordinance, being Osili-
attested by LOUISE MCCARN, City Clerk nonce No.242 of the City of Palm Springs,
Of said City. was introduced at a meeting of the City '
WITNV6S my hand and seal of said Council of said city held on the 7th day ✓'J e 11��" Q_
QLy this 3th day of November, 1951. of November, 1951 and was read in full ^r--,J, i(
and was passed at Adjourned meeting of
said Council held on the 21st day of LOUISE MCCARN
November, 1951 by the following vote;
%1 AYES: Strobe, Boyd, Miller, Hardy, Nat- City Clerk of the City of
Q. hanson and Mayor Farrell. Palm Springs, California.
( r_ NOES: Nona I hereby Certify that the foregoing
ABSENT: Veith. ordinance and certificate acre published
I further certify that said ordinance was January 14, 1952 m the Palm' Springs
LOUISE MCCARN thereupon signed by CHARLES D. FAR- News, a weekly newspaper of general mr-
City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, BELL, Mayor of Palm Springs, and at. culation, printed, published and Circulated
California. tested by LOUISE McOARN, City Clark in the city of Palm Springs.
I hereby certify' that the foregoing of said City.
ordinance and certificate were published WITNESS my hand and seal of said City
November 12, 1951, in the Palm Springs this 23rd day of November, 1951.
News, a weekly newspaper of general --
circulation, printed, published, and cir- IN 4
culated in the City of Palm Springs. .;
r t„
City Clerk of tine City of
LOUISE MCCARN Paint Springs. '
City Clerk of the City of
Palm Springs, California.
LOUISE MCCARN I hereby certify that the foregoing ordin.
City Clerk, City of Palm Springs, once and certificate were published No-
California, vember 26, 1951 in the Palm Springs
News, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation in the city of Palm Springs.
City of Palm Springs, California. FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEEii
SPRINGS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. The City Council of the City of Palm
129, REGULATING THE KEEPING OF Springs does ordain as follows:
CITY, AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC POUND City of Palm Springs, being an ordinance
AND CREATING THE POSITION OF granting to Tanner Motor Livery, as a
HUMANE OFFICER. corporation, a franchise authorlcm, the
The City Council of the City of Palm operation and maintenance of an auto-
Springs does ordain as follows: mobile passenger transportation service,
SECTION 1: Ordinance No.129 of the City for a Period not to exceed five (5) years,
Of Palm Springs, being an ordinance over, along and upon all streets of the
regulating the keeping of fowls and ant_ City of Palm Springs, adopted on the still
trials within the city, authorising a public day of October 1948, is hereby amended
pound and creating the position of Iin- by the following particulars:
mane Officer, is hereby amended as fol. (a) Subsection (it) of Section 2 of Sold
lows: Ordinance is hereby amended to read as
ANIMALS Subsection (it): The grantee of this
It shall be the duty of the Humane franchise, by the acceptance of the same,
Officer of this city and of his Reels- agrees with the City to chat-go such rates
tents and of the Police Department of for the transportation of passengers as
this city to take up and impound in may from time to time by resolution be
I the public pound o1 this city any ani- prescribed by the City Council, provided
mal found running at large in or upon that until adoption of such resolution
any public highway, street, land, alley, ORDINANCE NO. 243 grantee shall not charge in excess of
park or public place or upon any on= AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PALM fifty (50) cents for the first one-third
enclosed lot or land, or found staked (1/3) mile of travel and ten cents (roc)
out, herded or grazed upon any Pub- SPRINGS AMENDING SECTION 3.1 OF for each additional one-third street, land, alley or other public ORDINANCE NO. 180 AND THE OFFICIAL of travel. third (1/3) mile
Place; provided, that animals shall be LAND USE PLAN ADOPTED THEREBY. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is hereby
running large within the THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ordered and directed to certify to the
manning Of this ordinance unless tied restrained by chain, strap or card PALM SPRINGS DOES ORDAIN, as Sol- Passage of this ordinance and to cause actually held by some person seven lows: the same to be published once In the
Years of age or more and secured firm- SECTION 1: Section Pa of Ordinance Palm Springs News, n newspaper of and
IY to the animal, or unless tied or No. 180 aF the City of Palm Springs and era' circulation, printed, published and
restrained in a closed vehicle. the official Land Use Plan adopted there- circulated in the City of Paint Springs.
Any person finding at any time In by is hereby amended by designating and This ordinance shall be effective thirty
said City any stray domestic animal, establishing the areas of land hereafter (30) days after passage.
or any such animal found running at described as being within the Land Use CHARLES D. FARRELL
large, may take up and hold the same. District Indicated, as follows: Mayor of the City or Palm Springs
Lot 37 of Section 23,,T4S,RAN,SBB&M., ATTEST:
provided, however, that such person Sp as shown by the Ma of Palm Valley Louise McCann
taking up such animal shall, within P City Clerk of the Cityof Palm Springs.four hours after taking uP snclx aN. Colony Lands, Hook n p. 052 of Maps 7, the Undersi , Ift
and records a1 San Diego County, City Of Palm Springs,
CClerk h the
California; pringa, California,R1l hereby
ee'tify that the foregoing ordinance, be- the City of Palen Springs any explosives Certificate or Fitness shall be valid dur-
Ittg Ordinance No, 244 of the City of Palm without first hnvvig obtained from ale ing the fiscal year of the City during
Springs, was introduced at a meeting of Pao Clnsf a permit In writing so to do; which :t Is Issued ....less sooner revolted
�] the City Council of said city held on the such Permit shall show the area and by the City Engineer for sense The
,7 Oth daY-.I Januavy T!f.S and was rend address of the person for whom such far for e Certificate or Phrases shall be
--•-� �avas nE adlourved explosives are to be brought, carried or s5 00 a ;year or portion there.[.
meeting of said Council held on the 3OLh transported Into this CRY, the Purpose (b) Secure a Blasting Permit from the
day of January, 1952, by the fallowing for which, and the address or definite City Err,„inner, Said PartnlL shall set forth
vote: locution where said explosives ar'e to be a description of the mcinnses, the nave
AYES: Veith, Stree , Hardy, Boyd. stared and are to be used; said Permit of the person, firm or coyooratlon to
Miller, Nathanson and Mayor Farrell. or a copy Lhersed, shift accompany such whom said Permit Is Issued and the
NOES! None, load or shipment of such explosives and hours between which such blasting shalt
ABSENT: None. shall be produced .it Oxhfblted upon be dmte. The City Engineer Most, before
I further certify that said ordinance demand of any Police Officer, or other issuing such Permit s.L1,ly himself that
was thereupmi mgild by Charles D. Far- employee of this City: provided, howevo' the, blasting will In no tvay unnecessarily
fell, Mayor of Palm Springs, and attested that nothing in this Section rantalned ,jeopardize or seriously menace the public
by Louise McCarn, City Clerk of said shall be decreed or Watrncd to rcmdr'e peace, health or ealcby. Ono Per':ntt shall
City, such permit to be obtained for the ship- cover all blasting on one Contiguous I
WITNESS my hand and seal of said mien, nit. Lld. C;Ey of any exploeva for property under the same ownership. A
City this List day of January, 1952. delivery to any recolar dealer theism or Permit shall be rout ml,ac laid within
(City Sea]). Tor shipment thereof m transit through In days after Issuance. The ;as for
this City from and to mdsncle rants. Ne a Elasttng Permit shall be 52.00.
fee shall be charged for the issuance (a) Pile with tine City Clerk a Public
,y of the Permit herein in this Section Liahllity insurance policy In the amount
pig ;.y required. of $25,1300 for death at Injury to one
r "•i�_ ;�'" Section 4: No person using or transpor- person and $50,000 for death m' Injury
i.fra� li lr� ting any ..:plosive, upon any ,Liner, aide-
to more than one person its any one
='may"`v'4„ welt. or alley wiLhnn III, City ]' ti
tits Of accident canted by fit. operaons of the
LOUISE McCARN N the City of Palm Springs shall violate or person firm or corporation to whom the
City Clerk of tie City Of Paint Springs, fail to comply nath nay Of the following Blasting Permit is Issued, and 310A00 for
California. provisions' property damage eeffovd by any one
Pub. News, :PeU. 4 1953. (a) All aerploapvcs tr'anslmrted along or ownership on account of the operations
I hereby certify that Lire foregoing loot any ,treat or sidewalk m' elley shall of the person, firm or corpor.tlon to
ordinance and cextHicate pub, be carried in vehicles equipped with sent- whom the Blastingo Permit Is issued and
-fished February, 1952 in the PA"'0 rings able options approved by the Pie Cnref e50,000 for property damage suffered
News, ¢ weekly newspaper of general (b) No oxild.n'e Caps or elestrical aP- by more then One ownership. Sceh in-
circulation Printed, published'and-err- P!mnoe, shall be Placed, kept or cartind science shall be written by a company
cutaied in the city of Pa(m Springs. _ ,n the,some compartm vehicle
compartment of any satisfac'.my to the City.
—City Clerk, Louise McCain together with dyuaelic, black powder, or rd If the City Engineer believes it,.'
City of Palm Springs, California other exolOslve the nature of the bins LlnG job or the
(c) Each vehicle cmMunitg or trans- proxim"y of property' j,vmd by persons
( s,ortntg any explosive or explosive cam other Chen the owns' of the property ono
- _ on any such Sweet sad-well: ar alley which the blasting Is to be performed.
y y shall have dc3playcd on it a sign sitting requires that the worir br -,upeirlsed by
forth the wards "EYq)1csives" in lean'. a representative of the City. than the
Yy M1'
not less than Lhnee (3) nachos its height, applicant for a Blasting Permit shall de-
colors of Lha letter. and the back-
, post In advance with the Cityportion
the cost
T.OUfSFI MCCARN moun(I shall be of bee at . distrastllor C. de said supervision. Any portent of the
mike the Uo,t readable at n chs mere of deposit on shall otter returned
to Litethe
CLti Clerk, City of Palm Springs' fiftyvision.
(50) Iect by a Pe's.v with ordinary ppou t.ion shall be re the blasting e uby
Ca]iforxua ,,(it). pie Ci Sshall Ile of Lhe epoi by
(d) N. Person in ahnrge of, m' y cc- Lire City shrill na reLlor Lhe person,
In or upon, or no person ucor any cc- Ginn, or corporation established
performing the wort:
hide colo'c". in oarrying qua of twhatsoever,rting of r Ifnbtlfby c-tablappli by this , nor
ahi IY.anake 1n any htre.n ' strike
whatsoever, once or ¢nY ¢Liter applicable Low, nor
shall smoke ar light ex sfn'ilce nay shall such say other
make the Citytchas, or onic any have or Pinch.e ployere liable
or any other City official or persons
city hue o mute any car, any
of any pinye eagle for any Injury,,, to per'sone
kind n or upon, or near, any such ve- or damage
op to property eansed by Ehe
hide. b!a^.ring operation.
(e) No vehicle left
standing any ex- Section whenever any Certificatet .,
least, shall It haft standing ' lass at ex losives or Permit to epos of to uer
least, one hang pthere remains at all In ac oes toe with (lie
Purposes, is issued
times m charge thereof, .and until all Ol irmn , s with the ficat.sioof of this
.x(f)Nos en:"e bean removed therefrom..1"1be Ordinance, such C any
o[ e City
tt I
[f? o r co Ill tiito section -shall be may he revolted at any time by the City
ONANCE CE N0. "_l L,mg(learned a .p.trid i to apply LO ex➢l.slvrs Ekamis n• when Ordinance appeals that any pra-
AN OICSPRINGS OS TTIE CITY O- eamg nauseated mLo aler City for dto vislone of this lolcLcby time e ex.
EX ALE, lively v av,: libeler
are dealer therms at' to
9I165, REGULATING TIIE SALE, explosives witch are u. transit Lhrda h plosive; has been viola Led by the person,
TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING 1 S cant m corporation l the
such revoCercation
PEGULATING THE this ttty 5: N and to outside Points, such
a Permit, but the revocation pre-
SceL sh 5; S o Pm'anv Finn or corpora- such Certificate of Fitness shall not Pre-
BLAST- Lion shall store any d'lwhethe black vent . recovery Ouponrdinance
the bond, for, far
PURPOSES, PROVIDING ATE powder, or ed h reinore, whether specie above In this Ordinance provided prior
T L CERTIFICATE S- Cityreallylimits named Imrein m' not, au Sp the any dainages m• ere. . snsthe e prior Co
IN FITNESS TO ALL R BIAS U5- in ita of Line City of P¢hn Springs, the revocation thereof. In i the event that
BLASTING m violation of, m' it,[$ Sector;complying the holder of a Ciolsni of oP firmer-
ANCE5ES , AER TS OR ISSU-EACH tv:th the prov(sons eY bets orfeels .L:gnaved by .rasa... of rho aappea-
BLAS OR PERMITS FOR EACH (n) There shall not he or stored Eion of his ouncicnte, he may appeal
BLASTING 'THE OPERATION ANIU PPE- in any storage establishment.anytime
5021SIN6 �TTtC FEES THEPEFOIt to the City Council of the City OL P¢hn
nL any time more than Springs Qant the decision of the City
(5 of blackpounds
powder, nor Engineer revoking his Certificate, mid the
ANCE. more erahan fira (510 pexplo .f dynamite, be
tumand L sued C;ul re the shall
The City Counsel of the City of Palm nor more than 100 explosive caps or be final and ppealss to f 0 the taking
Springs does ordain as follows: Ortele "e fuses h any one Flus.lan in lens of any snch Ica s s to the City Connell
Section 1: ➢efmitton of Exnl.slves: That Clitingx'sha where special permission ed n fame and Place shall he set by the City
whenever Lhe terms "explosive" and "ex- he. t shall have first been 'obtulnei Council for such appeals and at such
loerves" are used in this ordinance, said Gem the Elseexplosives
Chief; tile.agar t thenap may be heard for and
} original
All containers
shall he kept on tund' Council
the appeal in order Lunt the City
terms shell itmhndo any of the following: floor
ell- building
end upon the ground such may determine Lho merits of
blasting powder, dynamite ;loot of the bvflnd it witch they are such appeals
gun cotton, nitroglycerine,giant
a n➢tr.gly- kept d r providing
and mania hen ere feat make
6: The Cue one nor nay
compound, giant pe, an herelles of a door Providing al exit therefrom: make rules and to f ispn,
ewdet, fPltmnite, vigonte, any .spins- g governing
1 kept
'Pic explosives shall at all tines se bee City
and i the use of ercphosices w1brin.
eve substance having an explosive power kept in e m suitable Fire
and safe storehouse stows- ❑)e. City limits of the City comply
egta] to r greater than e to blast'- approved shall
the Fire Chief .veldt store- 'Springel and the failure to .ion s with
powder, or any substance to force
ex- house seal] be. securely lashed at all times any such rules and sonic,
plodel or fissile to Produce a force far when ut erenrled by some person in actual notice of the same sis he demn-
stancehng ..mashes or rending other slid charge thereof: provided. that during ad ct be a eel Fire hi this Oran
stoned,; provided ver, that said blasting operations sufficient of said may
Section t The Ph'. Chief shall have the
terms shall not he construed fixed
'chide be rem for such blasting operations said authority,. to supervise the storage of all
any subsmunition
for m lire felarms,
of fixed a et be removed therefrom and arringe... said Springs,
within ere City ut ri Palm
include gasoline,Lo small arms and shall not hlasting ill explosives so removed for Springs, and he ns hereby ny explo erd
similar gash cleaning solvents or other ._-- said a person
shall he kept in plain sight cept Lot
to confiscate any explosives
inflammable hydrocarbon rfir products ,of the on the cs charge of said ball ex- kept or' stared contrary y to, or rd viola-
Section a Every person, firm or coy- and upon .11 completion immediately
thereof all ex- riot.. tt,, the provisions of this a onlyttc f
potation dealing lu the sale of .City vof, plosives lace m. ❑id Ater ha removed a .ion 10: It shall be the duty o1
within the City hurl., of the ore le to, and placed iv, said sninga strength
the e Department Engineer, f t CCity and Lhe
Paint f tip, shall, on le before tl.. 'eaD No explosive cper cent a 0%) th Police 1it the City of Pain
hour r ten o'clock in tote morning of greater than yceri per cent kept
of otherwise
and all oliicers e said City
each business day, make Out and deliver or used nitroglycerine shall he kept stored ,otherwise charged withenforce
the enforcement
S the F[ll Chief of the City of ained or used; said
the law, to enforce this the same.
Springs, h swum, firm fornn p he obtained (e) Nn blastingshag or explosive caps or and all of the provision of Lhe same.
by such Pso Sinn or corporation,ifo, jthat electric with.
a� shall be kept In the soma Section w Any person, firmaipa or agent
tile office of said Pus comp for that room with, 6r wirer. twenty (20) Peet .4 pm'aoyce whether e, olatinpal, ..gent
purpose, a full trine and complete the
report any dynamite, back po.vtlef or other ex- 'Vispl.yee or otherwise, violating any Jiro-
d all explosives sold livery bee bussuch
re-ess plosive: .vision of this nor, and shall be guilty
day preceding report
the delivery of such re- Section shal 6: No person City
of corporae of a f,shelf bee, and neon conviction
poet. Said report h ex show the hour d. tionCity shall, within the blast
limits e the u. nor, shill d punishable Hun ed a Sine
the day when such 'explosives were
nea sold explosive
of Palm Springs, blast or use any bf not to exceed Three Hundred a City
the titre name and address, as nearly ed first o for blasting purposes without (g30 nun of it for
Imprisonment in the City
the same is known p can , ascertained first complying with the following re- ex County jail 3') a tins, of not to
by such hem in explosives, of each Per. qn(a) Sec exceed three (p martins, or by both
son to whom such explosives were sold. (a7 Secure a Ceft1r In of Fittest such fine and Imprisonment. Such Person,
and the street address or other deon of from the City Englnsai Indicating that firm m' corporation shall he deemed
Lion Indicating accurately the whit s o1 the Person holding said CettiT ere is guilty of a sell orate offense roe elicit
the particular premises trpor which said capable of handling explosives. The City and every day daring easy portion of
explosives are of be kept or stored, and Engineer, as a condition precedent to which any violation of this Ordinance er
upon which said explosives etc to be the orienting a o1 said Certificate send re. each ipers continued or Permitted and
used.Sction 3: No person, firm, or corpora- quire an applicant an submit evidence -such person, f s e rein prove and
1 P establishing expert a in,applicant's knowledge or, -dial] Le punishable12: Ifaas herein subsection,
Elan shall bring, curry, or transport into and experience in, bundling explosives, A Section 12: H any ,.orlon, subsection,
lout once ohoiso or phrase of ihiv Clain- cations fn the competitive service. SECTION 6. ADOPTIONS OF RULES. Per-
:mre is [or any reason Held to be un- The plan, and any revisions thereof, sonnet rules, a copy of which hall be
constnulronal, suoh decision shall not shall become effective upon approval supplied to the Secretary of the Personnel
a11uID the vandlty of Iho Tonralulug pm•- by the Council. Board 7 days prior to their submission to
hones of ❑is ordinance. The City Conn- SECTION 3. PERSONNEL BOARD. There the Council for approval, prepared by the
,,it Horoby ceclares that it would have is hereby created a Personnel Board to City Manager sab)ecl to this ordinance and
passed Hite Or➢nanoo can each stollen, consist of five members, to revision by the Council, shall be adopt-
sub„ectrmr slLurce, clause and Phrase Two members shall be appointed by ed by resolution of the Council, establish-
lherooi, in.s a',ima u[ Nee tart that any the Council. ing specific procedures and regulations
sire or more other sreGons, subsections, Two members shall be elected by re- governing.the following phases of the
11"it'i res, Clovers nr Phrases be de- .,at ballot by the employees of the Personnel system:
ctircrl unimr„Ilivlimral. City in the competitive ...vice, Tire a) Preparation, installation, revision, and
ticr Wan 19: Ill[PL!tJ'NG Ci AUEE: Ar- election shall be conducted under rules maintenance of a position classifile-
t@lo VIl .,I On.Pum;mo No. 19 of the City established by resolution of the Corn- it.. plan covering all positions in
of P.,h,: MIlhigs is hemby repealed. ail' the competitive service, including
Sci.11on lI: The City L7m'k shall car- One member shall be appointed by mmimrm standards and qualifications
the four members chosen above. for thy to rho Pa•sn€'e of this Orditleree The first Board to be a b Preparation, revision, and admintstra-
and nhvl oansr the same to be Pub- meeting,
ed and ) p
' 11.1ioa once nr Lhe Palm Springs News elected shall, at fls first meeting, so class- lion of a plan of compensation on
and !laity B6) ,lays From and after or its members by lot that one hall serve really aorrelel la with the position
r•ucl; 1nrLlt.;a Worn thls Ordinance shall far a term which shall expire January 1, classification Dlan, providing a rate
r ' expire
one shall serve fora term which shall or range of pay for each class.
wko tl_11 M'1 ra lss Tut➢ Poxes. expire which
1, 1959, one shall serve for c) Public announcement of all leers and
!'lotto Es D. PARRELL, D term which shall expire January 1, 1955, the acceptance of applications for
'n r„,,vr al it,,, Pnsm Springs and two shall serve for a term which shall employment.
_11Tii51% 1d31JISE1 MG(:ARN expire annery 1, 1956. At the expiration d) Preparation and conduct of tests and
City Cbs'h of Lhe O'fty of Palm of each of the terms so provided for a the establishment and use of result-
.Springs, successor shall be appointed by the Coun- ing employment lists containing
I ihr alolm lgncd City Clerk of the cil for a term of four years to the case names of persons eligible for appoint-
O%6 a[ Paha J1n'li&b ^l'alifnrnria, hereby of members appointed by the Council, and, ment.
sir(ify 11rvxL :Le £oicil ieg m-linaaee, be- a successor shall be elected by the am- e) Certification and appointment of Per-
Ine OldrIaueo No. 245 of ilm Cfty of Ployees for a term of four years in the sons from employment lists, and the
Palm Spilogs, was lmrodviced, at a meet- case of members elected by the em- making of temporary and emergency
hug of his City Club it of sat@ city held Ployees, and a successor shall be appoint- appointments.
wr iht :id tli any of January, 1952 and ed by the ocher members of the Board for f) Evaluation of employees during the
'vas read fu fall and Was passed at ad a period of four years in the ease of the probationary period.
Jeuilmd nmclii.k' of said Commit held member appointed by the Personnel Board. g} Transfer, promotion, demotion, and
on the, 6ih day of Proinuary, 2952 by 'tiro Annually, an or before the 1st day of Ian- reinstatement of employees in coin-
Inll twin, v:": nary, the Mayor shall designate the chair- isetitive service.
AYES: WILL, Strei man of the Personnel Hoard. h Separation of employees from the
ae, Boyd. nuttier, Vacancies on the Board hall be filled ) P y
1PO= elihan_on astl BSnyar P'axrelL city service iuml.h lay-off, susPen-
NOEE: None, far the a mom ed term in the y is be m .ion, and dismissal.
I further
which the member whose vacancy is being i) Standardization of hours at work, at-
i Lur LHet• certify rhv,t said ordinance filled was elected or appointed until
the Ing con and leave regulations, work
ordinance sighed by Charles D. Hoard. Each member hall serve until his ing conditions and the development
pas thMa inn i successor is appointed or elected and of employee morale_ welfare, and
rurrdb Mayor se Prior Springs, and at. qualified. A majority vote of the body ap- training.
tested E Louise and ap City OIefLo pointing or electing a member to the Board 1 Suitable provision far orderly and
WITNESS my hard and seal . 'Gatti hall be required to remove the member equitable presentations to the city
Olt1' this 9Ur day of 1'eh'tuary from the Board before the expiration of manager and to the city council by
his term. employees to general conditions of
NEL BOARD. The Personnel Board shall SECTION 7, APPOINTMENTS. Appoint-
determine the order of business for the ments to vacant positions in the compeh-
N Cry conduct of its meetings, and shall meet live service shall be made in accordance
L regularly if co required by the rules, or wl lh the personnel rules. Appointments
on call of the chairman or three members and promotions shall be based on merit
ISE`.Z) LODICE MCGARN _ of the Board. Three memhere of the Board and fitness to be ascertained so far as prao.
City Clerk of has Ul4.y of shall conshtute a quorum for the Irancac- 4cable by competitive test. IE not provided
Pater Sinyhr s. Lion of business, for in the class specifications the rules
I hereby ceri,ify that the foregaing The functions of the Board shall be: shall provide for each class of position
oidivance suit certhirate a•-re Published a) As provided by this ordinance and whether the competitive test fs to be w it-
Pubrum'y 11. 1952 in the Palm 6prmge by the rules, to hear appeals sub- ten, oral, practical demonstration, or a
paws, a weekly newspaper or general mitred by any person in the com- combination thereof, or any other form
eirculetion, printed, published and sir- petitive service relative to any dis- which w,R test fairly the qualifications of
I oulalsd in line xl'y m Palm Gprinr,;. ciplinary action, dismissal, demotion the m>plicants, Appointments shall be
or alleged violation of this ordinance made by the Council, the City Manager, or
or the personnel rules and to certify by the officer in whom the power to make
its findings and recommendations as appointments is vested by law.
provided in this ordinance. When appointment is to be made to a
b) In any investigation or hearing on- vacrn,, in the competitive ill.
Q ducted b the Board, it shall have City Clerk shall transmit to the appoint.
(J0� ��-"-✓"'.%r�'� the power to examine wHnasses un- ing power the names of all Persons on the
L61➢v9L' 2,1010A_M7 der oath and compel that, attendance oppo."Iste certified e olo iremt or ro-
rtltty Clerk, City n?f iP'd7IIi, ra8S99gs,. or Production of evidence by sub- motional list, in the .,ear in which they
y poems issued in the name of the City appear on the list.
California. and attested by the City Clerk. It In the absence of appropriate
shall be the duty of the Chief of Pa- meat lists, a tem ppon et may
to cause all such subpoenas to temporary appointment authority
P the
made by the appointing authority of
to served and refusal of a person the person meeting the minimum the oc-
.r attend or to a shetify in answer to and shop. An empl qualifications for the ao-
such a subpoena shall subject the shed within
employment list shall be .,ma-
anner to _prosecution in the same fished within ill may to for any perma-
manner set forth by law for failure vent Position filled by temporary appoint-
to appear before the Council in re- mini. The sty Council with the approval
ORDINANCE NO. spouse to a subpoena issued the of 5d7 of the Council, map extend the
AN ORDINANCE THE CITYTY OF PALM Council, Each member f the Person- period for any temporary appointment to
SPRINGS ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL nil Board shall have the power to t temporary position For not more than
SYSTEM. admublisr oa po to witnesses. Fashion
dais, by env one action.temporary
The City Council of the City of Palm c) To Publish or post notices of tests for position s to a filled by p ointme ap-
SpSECT does ordain as follows: positions in the competitive rime: t of be e xt or a temporary it shall dir is
OF PERSON- c receive applications therefor; to to b i extended, the council shall direct
NEL SYSTEM, u order o establish an conduct and grade leers; to certify all
the city clerk tt record sroh action n the
equitable and uniform procedure for deal- the appointing Power a list appointment all minutes df the meeting f the inncil
to with Personnel matters; a attract Persons ehgate for ninit,. c i No credit shall r i allowed in meeting
to municipal service the best and most the appropriate seance Position in tine con any qualification or in the giving m ny
competent persons available; to assure that hall calls.
service, The Personnel Board test or the promotional
lient of any employ-
appointments and promotions of employees shall cause the dashes imposed upon Cent or der ahonal lists, for service ren-
will be based on merit and fitness as it by this subdivision tot t performed deed render a temporary appointment.
determined by competitive test; and to by the City Clerk except which
duty 11 During the period of suspension n any
provide a reasonable degree of security conduct and grade loses vhiel shall c..dinrespi.r.., or pending final action on pro-
for qualified employees- the following be performed for flit Personnel Hoard orcdormd to review suspension, demotion,
personnel system is hereby adapted. by the City Manager. m dismissal of an employee, the vacancy
d) When requested by the Council or the may be filled by the potnt. authority
SECTION 2. PERSONNEL OFFICER. The City Manager, the Personnel Board only by temporary appointment.
Casty Manager shall bev the Personnel Of- shall Bold hearia y and make reseal- SECTION S. PROBATIONARY PERIOD.
theWith the approval E the Council, mendahons on any matter of person- All regular appointments including pro-
the City s and du may delegate any of nel administration, within the limits
the Powers and duties conferred upon him of a request of the City Council, the motional appointments,of six shall s, for a pro-
as Personnel Officer under this ordinance City Manager, or the employees. bationary petted of six months, except that
to any other officer or employee of the as to any class of position the rules a,
city or may recommend that such Powers SECTION 5. COMPETITIVE SERVICE.The provide for an extension of the period for
and duties to be performed under con- poiw mono of ibis ordinance shall apply not more than an additional six months.
tract as provided in Section 19 of this or- to all offices, positions and employments During the probationary period, the em-
I dtnance. The City Manager shall: in the service of the city, except: ploy.. may be rejected at any time with.
a) Attend all meetings of the Personnel a) Elective offices, out right of appeal or hearing.
Board and serve as its secretary. b) Positions on appointive boards, coal- An employee rejected during the Pro-
b) Administer all the provisions of this mossiom and committees. bationary Period from a position to which
ordinance and of the c) Persons employed under contract to he has been promoted shall be reinstated
personnel rules
net specifically reserved d.the Coun- supply expert, professional er tech- ea the position From which ed was pro-
cfl or the Personnel Board. It..l services for a definite period of motes, unless he is dismissed from the
c) Prepare and rand arced m the Coun- time. city service as provided m this ordinance
oil revisions and amendments to the d)Volumverfire personnel. each o rvolun.egular
and the rules.
Personnel rules, The City Attorney leer firemen, who receive no regular employee in the competitive service
shall approve the legality of such compensation from the city. promoted
oted or transferred to a position not
theirens and amendments prior to e) City Attorney, City Judge,rcha City Treat- included in the competitive service shall
their submission to the council. urea hie Clerk, Purchasing Agent, be reinstated to the position from which
d) Prepare a position classification plan, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Director of six
was promoted or transferred if, within
includingclass specifications, and re-and
Public Works,City Engineer, Planning ix months after such promotion or trans-
visions of the plan, The sh Plan, and Director, Chief Building Inspector, Di- fir, action i taken to reject or dismiss
any revisions thereof, shall become rector of Parks and Recreation, Super- him, unless he is discharged in the man-
ef[ective upon approval by the Coun- Recre do of Parks, Superintendent Secret of per provided in this ordinance and the
oil. Recreation, City Manager, Secretary Pe
m l rules for positions in the com-
e) Prepare a plan of compensation, oil i istfy Manager, Personnel Director, Petiole titive service.
revisions thereof, covering all classifi- Ass sistant City Attorney. SECTION 9. STATUS OF PRESENT EM-
PLOYEES. Any person holding a position e) Act as a worker at the polls or dis- ATTEST:
Included I. the onersiditly. service who, tribute badges, pamphlets, dodgers. Louisa McCarm
on the effective date of this ordinance, or handbills of any kind favoring or City Clerk, City of Palm Springs.
shall have served continuously in such opposing any candidate for election I, the undersigned, Cry Clerk of Ilm
position, or in some other Position in the or nomination to a county or city of- City of Palm Springs, California, timidly
competitive service, for a period equal to lice. certify that the foregoing ordinance, being
the probationary period prescribed in the SECTION 16. ACTIVITIES NOT AFFECT- Ordinance No. 246 of the City of Palm
rules for his class, shall assume regular ED. This ordinance does not prevent any Springs, was introduced by title at a
status in the competitive service in the officer or employee from: meeting of the City Council of said city
position held on such effective date with- a) Becoming or continuing to be a mem- held on the 26th day of March, 1952 and
out qualifying test, and shall thereafter be ber of a political club or organize- was passed without further reeding, said
subject or all respects to the provtsim, of fion reading being waived by the unanimous
this ordinance and the personnel rules. b) Atle elson. at a Political meeting. can sera of the City Council al an ad
Any other persons holding positions in of Enjoying entire freedom from all m- iourned meeting of said Council held on
the competitive service shall he regarded the ISih day of April, 1952 by the fellow-
a. in casting his vote.
be Probationers who are serving out the d) Seeking or accepting election it ap- ing vote:
balance o{ ntheir Probationary periods as filler, Councilman Vuilh, Scrosprtrebe, Boyd,
Pointment to Public office while on I
st us the rules before obtaining Miller, ; NonHitedy and Farrell,
leave of absence.
regular status. The the data period shall et Seeking signatures io any initiative NOES: None.
be computed from the data of appoint- fa referendum petition directly a[- AHS'ENT: None.
meet or employment. facing his rates of pay, hours of I further cerl[Ey that said ordinance was
SECTION 10. APPOINTMENTS SUBJECT work, retirement, civil service, or thereupon signed by CHARLES D. FAR-
,TO ORDINANCE. The Council, the City other working conditions. BELL, Mayor of Palm Springs, and enacted
Manager and any other officer in whom R Distributing badges, pamphlets, dodg- by LOUISE MCCARN City Clock of slid
s vested the Power to appoint, make trans- ers, or handbills or other particips- City.
Fars, promoimns, demotions, reinstatements, lion in any campaign in connection WITNESS my hand and seal of said
lay-offs, atld to suspend or dismiss ear- with such petition, if the achvily is City this 1611, day of April, 1952.
ployees, shall retain such power, subject not carried on during hours of work, I
to the provisions of this ordinance and or when he is dressed in the uniform J..,
the personnel rules. repelled in any department of them, „ /T� J,
SECTION 11. SUSPENSION. Any person city government.
holding a Position or employment in the The violation of any provision of Sec- LOUISE McCARN
competitive service shall be subject to tions 15, 16 or 17 is ground for discharge (City Seal)disciplinary suspension without pay by the of any officer or employee. City of Iho City Of Palm Sprng s,
appointing power and without right of ap- SECTION 17. DISCRIMINATION. No per- California.
peal, but such suspensions shall not ex- an in the competitive service, or seeking
ceed a total of thirty calendar days in adaraacnr thereto shall be employed, pro- I hereby cerlily that file foregoing Or-
any fiscal year. A department head not mated, demoted or discharged, or in dramer. and Certifersin was Published
having power of appointment may make way favored or discriminated against be- April 21, 1952 in the Palm Springs Nevis, a
disciplinary suspensions inop
accordance cause of Political inions or affiliations weekly newspaper of general ctrpulatiom
with the rules. or because o{ race or religious belief. Hated and circulated in the City o
Permanent employee in the postpone'. SUCTION . o sillier, agent,
OF CON- Spnngs.
service who has been demoted, dismissed, TRIBI)TIGNB. No officer, agent, clerk, or
or reduced in pay, shall be entitled 1. employee_ under the government of the �J
request a written statement of the reasons city, and no candidate for any city offer-
for such acllem. Such a itquest must be shall directly or indirectly solicit or re- o„Ci� y^0 � s-^��'T✓d"
made within three working days fallowing solve, or be in any manner concerned in
Ih- action, and he shall have [here oddi- soliciting or receiving, any assessment, LOUISE MCCARN
honal workingdays wither which to an- subscription, contribution, or political set- fCCAity deal) o[ Palm Springs, Cali-
Y vice, whether voluntary involuntary, City Clerk, City j
liver the charges n witting. In the event forma.
the employee request; the statement and for any political purpose whatsoever from
prepares his written answer, copies of both anyone on the employment the
lists or hold-
shall e filed with the City Clerk who this a y Position under the provisions of
shall transmit them o the Personnel Board, this ordinance.
Within fen days from ilia date of filing No officer or 1, directly
m the ompely
his answer to the written charges, or to five service shall, d be i or indirectly
Ill. even! such written charges have not solicit concerns receive, or be in any manner
been made ed,the e to firm tathin thessessmn m soliciting or receiving any
time prescribed, then within ten days after assessment, mars -1 in lu contribution,
the action taken to demote, dismiss or re-may
whether voluntary or involuntary, for any
duce thewritten
pay of Ibe employee,City
may Purpose affecting his working conditions, ONA14C NCF NO. 2li
fee ir written demand with the C er Clerk from any personm other than an officer or AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TI A F OF
Solid. Th a rsonne before the Personnel employee to Ilse competitive service' PALM SPRINGS ENAION A FRAN-
Bpzrd. The Personnel Board shall then in- SPECIAL
as prat- the case and conduct a hearing SPECIAL SERVICE, The city manager shall METER Council
Of the 14 I
ru provided in this ordinance and by the consider and make recommendations toCityrules. the city council s regarding the extent to The Conoco of the low of Palm
The to reductions
of this section shall not which the city should contract for the Per- S Section
does order,fir ns follows:
part to reductions m pap which are a ties it of technical gems in -ratio- Sectiox s A y alerted shall U and
pail of a general plan to reduce salaries fion with the establishment or operation the .a.•me is hereby ^vented O I T10N,A-
and wages. of the Personnel system. The council may TIONAL TELEMETER CORPORATION. a
SECTION 13. RIGHT OF APPEAL, Any contract with any qualified person or corpm'vtion, and Its successors, and .,-
SECTION in the competitive service shall agency for the pcLormonve of all o any signs, heron called "Grantee," to con-
have the right 1. appeal to the Personnel of the following responeilippies and du- street and use pales, wires, conduits
Board relative to any disciplinary action, ties imposed by this ordinance: and appurtenances mrdes, along, across
dismissal demotion, or alleged urlabou a) The preparation of personnel rules oe upon any or all public streets, ways,
of this ordinance or the personnel des; and subsequent revisions and amend- alleys and places is the more now or Italy
except in instances whole the right of meats thereof. harea"Or exist within said City Of Palm
appeal is rauhib,led by this ordinance, b) The Preparation of a positron clImi- Springs and within the bounda'les Of
Thereupon, the Hoard shall make such in- ficaeon plan, and subsequent revision said City of Palm Sm Inge is the gains
vest,gation as it may deem necessary and a d amendments thereof. may hereafter be extended for ti'nnsmitt-
rthm twenty days attar the quest for cl The preparation of a plan of coin- ing ¢tad dlstributhrg electricity and elea-
Lamers ,,a, filed, the Board shall hold a peramhoc, and subsequent revisions trrcal impulses and signals for television
hearing. Hearings may be nforally con- and amendments ihrer-of Purposes, namely to produce repioduc-
ducted and if,. rules of evidence need not d) The properahon, conduct and grading dons of sights and sounds In combina-
apply. of competitive tests d the cerlifi- fish to the residents if the City Of
Within tin days after rescinding the pa ti on of employment lists lists. Palm Springs, upon till terms harem-
h-orinq, the Personnel Board shall certify e) Special and technical services of after set forth.
it., kruju es d mrommendrhous to the advisory or informational character on Section 2. The Grantee and Its suc-
Council, the City Manager, to any other salter. relating to personnel ad- cessors'� and assigns shall annually Pay to
official from whose action the appeal we. ministration. said City during the life of this fran-
taken, and to the employee affected. The SECTION 20. APPROPRIATION OF chest, five per cent. (2r„) of the gross
Council shall revi w the {indices and FUNDS. The cmmail shall appropriate such annuahl receipts of the Grantee arising
recommendations of the Personnel Hoard funds as are necessary to carry out the from all services rendered within the
and may then affirm, revoke, or modify provisions of this ordinance City, except oily as :aereinafter pro-
tho action taken, ns in its judgment seems SECTION 7.1. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION, vided In Section 4.
svarranl.d, and the action taken shall be Section 3. This franchise and all rights
fin,l. Any person, firm or corpornpon violating and privileges hereunder, unless sooner
SECTION 14. ABOLITION OF POSTITON, any of the provisions of this ordinance surrendered or arnrinnted as Itersin
Wheneve, in the judgment of the Council shell be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor provided, shall be and remain In farce
it has....a teresery In the interest of and open a conviction thereof shall be alit c-]:feet for Elhe full term and Period
enemy or beranse the necessity for the Punishable by a fine of not mare than of fifty (50) years from and after the
position or employment involved no longer 1500A0 au by imprisonment for a period of effective date Of this Ordinance.
exists. [he Council may abolish any nest- not more than six months or by both Station 4. This franchise shall confer
fion or employment to the compef[live such fine and imprisonment. upon the Grantee, its successors and as-
service end Jay Off, demote, or transfer SECTION 22. SEVERABILITY. If any signs, the right to use and to construct,
the employee holding such position or resdon, subsection, subdivision, sentence, to lay, Operate, mahntahn, repair and
employm n ent wIt r,I filing writte chr,Has simile or phrase of this ordinance is for replace pales. Wires, ducts, conduits,
and without the rgln of apneal. If within any rearon held in,...dtutional, such de- cables, guys, supports, braces, transform-
Poo veers an appointment is to be made piston shall not affect the validity of the ens, switches, and other attachments i1x-
h, any position or emple"o-t in all ex- remaining portions of this rockiness. The lures and appurtenances for the Purpose
Isling or new class having the same or Council hereby declares that it would have of transmitting and distributing electricity
suhatnuhaev smile, puallications and passed this ordinance, and each see ties, and electrical impulses for television par-
duoris as the no itfpn abolished, the ear- subsection, subdivisio enten n, sentence, else.. poses, namely to Produce reproductions
p „ee laid off, demoted or transferred and Phrase thereof, holoreective eE the of sights and sounds In combination to
shoe'have the vfght to such appointment, fact that any one or more sections. sub- the r,:ddress of Lire City of Palm Springs,
unless he shall file a w iver in writing sections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses under, along. across or upon any or all
w#h the City Clerk, or if lard off he shall or phrases be declared unconstitutional. public streets, ways, alleys and liters.
fail to report I. the City Clark within SFCTTOPT 23. EFFECTIVE DATE. PUB- as the same do now or may hereafter
twenty working days after slice is mailed LIGATION. This ordinance shall take -f- exist within said City.
to his tact known idd,ess. feet thirty days after the data of its edop- The installation and use of the Glatt.
SECTION 15. IMPRO viR POLITICAL lion and prior Io the expiration of fifteen tee's equipment and facilities under,
ACTIVITY. Anv person holding an office days from the passage thereof shall be along, across and upon public streets,
or employment in the competitive service Published at least once in the Palm ways, alleys and Places for operation
all"It ,let: Sprngs Thews, a weekly newspaper of of trievislon receiver's, for the Purpose
a) Seek or accept election nomination, general circulation, published and air- of receiving. virrehm and hearing events
or appointment as an officer of a po- culated In the City of Palm Springs and which are not broadcast to the Grantee's
litical club or oi'ganizahom thensidellll and thereafter the same shall regular subscribers without additional
bl Take an active part in a county er be in full force and effect. costs, but for which a special charge
municipal Political campaign. Adopted and approved this Pith day hi made, are not included within this
c) Serve ae a member of a committee of April, 1952. franchise and accordingly the payments
of such club, orourcha Lion or circle.
d) Seek signatures to any petition pro- (Signed) CHARLES D. FARREL'L to the City as hereto provided shall
vided for by any law. Mayor of the City of Palm Springs net hotline, any Percentage Of receipts
from that source, nor shall they include City within five (5) days after the date by said Grantee to file such verified state-
any percentage of initial equipment in- of the granting of such franchise; and, ment, or to pay said percentage at the
stillation charges. in case it shall not be so filed or shall times or in the manner hereinbefore pro-
Suction 5. In those areas and por- not receive the approval of the City vided, shall be grounds for the declara-
tions of the City where either the trans- Council, such franchise shall be forfeited tion of a forfeiture of this trenches, and
mission and destrlbuthon facilities of the and any money paid to said City in con- all rights hereunder.
public utility providing telephone service, nection therewith shall likewise be for- Section 13. The Grantee hereof shall
or those of the utility providing electric felted. pay to said City a sum o1 money suf-
service are underground or hereafter may Section 9 (a). The Grantee of this ficient to reimburse it for all publication
be placed underground, than the Grantee franchise shall from time to time sub- expenses incurred by said City in con-
of this franchise shall likewise construct, not to the City Council of the City its nection with the granting of this fran-
operate and maintain all of its trans- rate schedules providing the amounts of these: such Payment to be made within
mission and distribution facilities under- all rates and charges to be made for all thirty (30) days after said City shall
ground. Amplifiers in Grantee's trans- services to be rendered by It, which are furnish said Grantee with a written
msssum end distribution lines may be covered by this franchise. No rates or statement of such expenses.
In concrete boxes or vaults upon the charges shall be levied or collected ex- Section 14. This franchise shell be
surface of the ground . cept in Prem'dance with rate schedules assignable, except as herein otherwise
The Grantee of this franchise shall submhted to the City at ]east sixty (GO) expressly provided, and in the event of
I not Instal] public erect any facilities or aof days prior to effective dates thereof and a valid assignment or transfer hereof,
pay w ai h property or nose o[ not disapproved by the City within that enob and all of the terms, Provisions and
way within the City (except those in- time. The City shall at all times allow conditions hereof shall inure to the
stalled or erected upon public utility and provide for a [air and reasonable benefit of and be binding upon the sue.
facilities now existing), without approval return upon its investment to the holder tweets and designees of the Grantee.
of the City Council evidenced by a rose- 01 the franchise after allowance of d,- Section 15. The rights, Privileges and
lotion of record. The Grantee shall first preciation charges and expenses of op- franchises hereby granted are and shall
submit plans and specifications for the erations be exclusive so long as the City retains
famlities to be installed or erected by (b) In the event the Public Utilities authority to It... upon and approve
It, and the City Council thereupon may Commission of the State of California rates and charges of the Grantee under
approve, deny or modify same by reso- takes jurisdiction over the operation and the provisions o1 Section 9 (a). During
lotion of the Council. rates at the Grantee of this franchise, that time the City shall grant no like
The Grantee, in making asmInble to then the authority of the City to ap- rights, privileges or franchises to any
its patrons outlets and connections for Curve rates and charges as .set forth in others.
Its service shall not discriminate for or the preceding Section 16. This Ordinance shall be
against any suppliers of television rarely- . g Paragraphs 9 (a) shall
mg sets and in those areas where sere- cease. signed the Mayor and attested by the
provide Section 30. The Grantee shall (a) con- Clerk and the Clerk is hereby Instructed
ice is made available it shall
P conduits
install and maintain all pines, within
cause the same to be published once
service outlets and connections of its ec all aof in ter o poles, tutees and appurtenances with
sage fifteen m days after its Pas.
order.ts In the order of its receipts o[ in accordance and in conformity with sage in the Palm Springs News, n etews-
ot'ders therefor. all of the ordinances, resolutions, rules paper of general circulation printed, nub-
Section 6. This franchise shall net be. and regulations heretofore or hereafter lished and circulated in said City. This
come effective until written acceptance adopted by the legislative body of said ordinance shall be in full force and effect
hereof shall have been filed by the Gran- City In the exercise of Its Police Powers thirty days after Passage.
tee with the City Clerk and said no- and not in conflict with the Paramount CHARLES D. FARRELL
coplanar shall be filed with the City authority of the State of California, Mayor of the City of Palm Sprig's
Clark within thirty (30) days after this and as to State highway., subject to d
franchise is granted. When so filed, the ATTEST: y
such acceptance shall constitute n con- Pt ovisions of general laws relating f ♦ r%f
to the location and maintenance of each (CITY SEAL)"���.�� �, t_„/;_,t�„
tinuing agreement of the Grantee that, LOUISE MCCA
facilities therein; (e Puy, to Lhe said City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs,
aand when the City since hereafter City b demand, the cost o1 all repo by
annex. or consolidate with, intentional ter- public property made necessary by Calif the
ritory, vny and allowned
franchises, rights, and of the operations ) the Grantee I, the undersigned, Clay Clerk of the
and privileges owned by the Granted under this franchise: (c) indemnify it and cCityertify
of Palm , California. hereby
therein shill he deemed o to be oboe, hold harmless the said all
and its of- certify that the o24 foregoing ordinance, be-
dotted within the this
c such territory, facts from any and all gliabilityom for eng Ordinance Springs.
No. 20 ce the City of
and thereafter this franchise ,tall fully damages proximately resulting form any of t Springs. was it of said
i a meeting
e VSec thereto. operations under this franchise; m) re- of the City da Council 1, said City held an
Section 7.construed
herein sh ail be move, relocate or place underground the full day of Aprils seed and was read
deemed or , to any ex impair or affect,of without expense d said City any facile- m full and said
passed at ..the 2nnd
any way, to any extent, the right of tees installed, used and maintained ostler meeting p 1. 1 Council held on the vote:
said ra to nether, the property r for franchise if and when made necessary day of April. 195, by their,following vote:
the Grantee, either by purchase nigh m' m any ]awful change u1 grade, align. AYES: in Hardy, Boyel, Miller, Nathan-
through the exercise of the right of meat or width in any public street, way, son, S: —None Mayor Farrell.
eminent domain, and nothing herein alley or place, including the construction NOES: —None
tract wed shall be construed to con, of any subway or viaduct, bye b y of NOT VOTING: — Strobe
tract away or r modify or abridge, and (ei file with the legislative body eL
I slider for i teen nc in perpetuity, said City twithinransfer,
thirty (30) days after ABSENT: — None resaidspect
Clty's right of eminent domain In any sale, transfer• assignment a ]ease I farther certify that said ordinance
respect el any public utility. This iron- of this franchise, or p part thereof granted
was thereupon signed by Charles at-
fore shall not be given any authority,
Ito- any y, the rights de privileges grans, tested Mayor of Palm Springs, and at-
Orre any court ed other public authority, hereby, written ,elder, of the same, tested by Louise MCCarn City Clerk of
ex in any Proceeding of any character he certified to by the Grantee or its duly said City.
excess of the cost n the Grantee of the authorized 1 (cars. - WITNESS-my hand antl seal of said
necessary publication and any other sun Section a (a). In event the Grantee City thus 24L1r day of April, I952
pied by it to said City therefor at the re this franchise shall fail, neglect or
time of lire further,
thereof. vision to comely with ere of the pro-
In tram', City t, to re this the visions or conditions hereof or of the
right of said City ea acquire this inter- Palifor is Art of rda of with
State of
chase and the property at the Grantee, visions of i accordance with the pet-
its successors and assigns, by purchase visions shall
which this franchise is granted,
by right of eminent domain at any and shall not, within ten phi days after Louise McCann
time die is the existence of e this
an Iran- writtenawork
demand for compliance, begin City Clerk of the rCity ia of
chile, it is expressly ordained and Pm- the work h ll not prosecute
ec after such be-me Palm Springs. California
ceded that, if, at any time, this Iran- ginning, shall not prosecute the same
ratan shall di agcy a by eminent do- with due diligence le dative iod then
loam Proceedings by any municipal tor- the said City, by its legislative body, may I anreby certify that the published
location, public di ision,di Public declare this franchise forfeited Said ordinance and certificate a were published
agency, Political subdivision,slo a district or fCityorfeiture
may sue In its own name for the April weekly
new In Lhe Palm Springs News,
other public or political a entity, except forfeiture m this franchise,the, in the event a weekly ublerb d n general ted i the
said City, then and n any such event, of non-compliance by the Grantee, its prated, alrasSpr and circulated in the
said City reserves and shall have the successors or assigns, with any of the City of Palm Springs.
any time after this frmtchese conditions Ats hereof.
shall become vested is any such munch- (h) all times Grant cr hall provide
e rg
Pal agency,
public corporate..aru Public this tiesfranchisethe Grantee shall to
agency, Political subdivision, district or facilities antl smelt,politic
wet to meet `.- D Crdd �I
other public or nimate, entity, excise the needs of the public welfare, and l�(�'�4.S.m.!
s:utl City, to tennmato, this franchise shall ate ant its keeping
and service
by ordinance or resolution and this fern- up to r date and in event
with technical LOUCity Cl MCCARN
and all rights and privileges hale- - Progress. In the event that the Grantee City
under shall such
thereupon terminate and be after sly months prior written notices from City of Palm Springs, California
prod as In such ordnance on resolution the claimed
setting out the details in rvhi to
PrSectio it be claimed the Grantee has fueled to
Section ng t Grantee shall file a comply with the ill of this rsubparar
bond running to the said City with at graph (b) shall not they, remedied
least two brood and sufficient Council
to the conditions halisspecified, then and only _
approved by the City Council of said _ then shall its sal to
constitute it intfailure,
Crty, or in lieu d such two zed tee, a neglect or refusal tt comply, entitling the
surety company duly to bonds
to he 'City to Make nation as Provided m the
bootees and to execute wands en the Preceding subparagraph 11 (a).
State of California, in the Penal sum o1 Section 13. The Grantee ofle this iran-
Ten Thousand Dollars tee 000ll con- city, withi site with the Clerk to said ORDINANCE NO. ..^.I8
andpod that such Grantee shall install he Ceti, within three (3) months after- the
and Provide Sortie the City limns of the expiration n of the calendar year, hi• AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PALM
City of December,
Sprigs on or before the 315t date of t calendar year, following anchis the SPRINGS AM 3.6, 14. SECTIONS d"
' day of December, less, television diste•et date of the granting of this franchise and AD IN SU SEC 14.fi AND 16d AND
inbutionten cables net less than 10i000 feet within tome h months after the ex- ADDING SUBSECTION (j) TO SECTION
to length capable r furnishing frost class thereon r, each and every calendar year TH OF ORDINANCE NO. E AND
service outlets for not less than three thereafter, a duly a total
rties,sisu Colonels a all adjacent showing In detail the total gross re- he City THEREBY
able accidents,
nts, go rnwent to vial re- ---to of such Grantee, its successors or The City Council of the City of Palm
able necidects, government thereat re- assigns, during the l calendar
calendar Springs Ores ordain n(I4.12
strictmnt Acts of God, and to share being year, or v such Fractional calendar• year, for SECTION ONE: rSectionya end 0[ Onto-
sufficient broadcasts in Progress and also all services rendered with the City, and ante No. 300 is hereby amended to read
conditioned that it also shall well and also a profit and loss statement and as follows:
truly observe, fulfill antl perform each balance sheets as of the sauna date. It Section 4.sh shall
be provided
Storage Space:
and every term and condition of this shall be the duly of the Grantee, its 1 There shall be provided b the time
iranchlse. successors or assigns, to Pay t said of the erection t any main building or
In case of any breach of condition m City, within intern (it) days after the building
or at the time any main
such bond, the whole of the Penal sum time for filing such statement, in live crease g or capacity, a enlarged or age
therein to named shall be taken and deem- specified
money ce the f its
States, thepis creased In capacity, automobile storage
be re be liquidated the principal s and shall foecthed percentage of its gross receipts space as Follows, said space to be re-
tie ties a•oble from the idbodand for the calendar year or such fractional ate- after only for is construction erected
sureties upon said bond. Said bond shall meat.calendar year, covered si such state- after Passage of this ordinance.
be tiled with the City Council of said rent. Any neglect, omission or refusal (n) Par one-family dwellings, at least
one such storage space for each dwelling. Along major streets so determined by ORDINANCE NO. 249
(b) For multiple-farmly dwellings, hotels, resolution of the City Council upon no- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF
resort hotels, apartment hotels, guest omeaendation of the Planning Commission, __PALIII SPRINGS GRANTING A FRAN-
ranches and clubs, such storage space vehicular access to parking areas may CHISE TO INTERNATIONAL TELE-
shall be provided on the basis of at least be provided as follows: METIER CORPORATION.
three (3) such spaces for each Sour (4) (a) Vehicular access to a property from
duelling units or the nearest equivalent any major street sbell be limited to not The Council of the City of Palm
ratio thereto. When the fraction one- more than thirty (30%) percent of file Springy, does ordain as follows:
half (1/5) appears in the computing frontage along the major street. Section 1. A franchise Shull be and
figure, this fraction shall be deleted, (b) Private driveways shall not be the snnne is hereby granted to INTERNA-
the whole number remaining to be the wider than twenty-five (25) Peet at the TIONAL TELEMETER CORPORATION, a
storage space required curb line, or on any Portion of the pub- corporation, and its successors, and as-
(c) For church, high school, college he right-of-sway. signs, herein called "Grantee," to con-
and university auditoriums, stadiums. (a) If more than one driveway is in- struct and use poles, wires, conduits
theatres, nightclubs and similiar places stalled, the distance between any two and appurtenances under, along, across
of assembly, tit least one (1) storage space such driveways measured along the curb or upon any or all public streets, ways,
far each twenty (20) seats Provided in line shall not be less than thirty (30) alleys and places as the same now or may
said buildings or structures. feet. hereafter exist within said City of Palm
(d) For hospitals, at least one (1) (d) Corner Lots: Same as Section 4,12, Springs and within the boundaries of I
storage space for each one thousand 3 (h). said City of Palm Spring's as the same
(1000) square feet of floor area in said SECTION TWO: Section 7.8 of Orden- may hereafter be extended for transmitt-
building, site, No. 180 is hereby amended to rend ing and distributing electricity and elc-
(e) For commercial and Industrial as follows: trical Impulses and signals for television
buildings buying a floor area of four Section 7.9 Automobile Storage Space purposes, namely to Produce ,droduc-
thousand (4000) square feet or more, at Required See Section 4.12. dons of sights and sounds in combine-
least one (1) storage space for each one SECTION THREE: Section 38 of Ordin- thin t.o the residents of the City of
thousand square feet of gross floor area over No. 180 rs hereby amended to read Palm Springs, upon the terms herein-
in said building, extent as otherwise as follows: after set forth.
provided m this ordinance. Section 3.8 Automobile Storage Space Section 2. The Grantee and its sub-
2 Automobile storage space as re- Required: See Sectton 4.12. censors and assigns shall annually Pay to
gored above shall be on the same lot SECTION FOUR: Section 9.3 of Ordin- said City during the life of this fran-
ar building site with the main indlding ante No. 180 is hereby amended to read chlse, two per cent. (2%) of the grass
or structure, and shall be Permanently at follows. annual receipts of the Grantee arising
nnsintanned. ]Excepting if, the case of a Section 93 Automobile Storage Space from all service. rendered within the
single Tinnily development, such space Required. The same as that required City, except only es hereinafter pro-
shall be Properly surfaced with concrete, for hotels (See Section 4.12). wood in Section 4.
brink or suitable asphaltic surfacing to SECTION !FIVE: Section 13.6 of Ordin- Section 3. This franchise and all Tights
Current the emanation of dust, once No. 180 is hereby amended to mad and privileges hereunder, unless sooner
3. Requirement. far Bays and Driveways ae follow,' surromits'ed of terminated as herein
along Minor Streets - Except fin Single- Section 13.6 Automobile Storage Space Provided, shall be and reumin In force
Family Districts Required See Section 4.12. and effect For Ehe full term and period
Minor sweets for the purposes of this SECTION SIX: Section 14.6 of cordite- of fifty (50) years from and alter the
section shall be determined by resolution ante No 130 is hereby amended to rend effective date of this ordinance.
o' the City Council npan reomnm,ndation as follow:. Section 4. This franchise shall confer
of the Planning Commission Along minor Section 14.9 Automobile Storage Space upon the Grantee, its successors and as-
sLreete, except In single-farmly districts, Required. See Section 412. signs, the eight to use and construct,
parking far all residential uses nmy be SECTION SEVEN: Section 15.7 of Ordin- to lay, operate, maintain, repair and
provided in bays opening directly into the ante No. 130 is hereby amended to read replace Poles, wires, ducts, conduits,
street, cars to park at right angles to as follows' cables, guys, supports, braces, transform-
the street frontage except as hereinafter Section 35.7 Automobile Storage Space an, switches, and other attachments fix-
otherwise provided; bays and driveways requited' See Section 4.12. tines and appurtenances for the purpose
shall observe the following reeutenncerts: SECTION EIGHT: Subsection (3) is of transmitting and distributing electricity
(a) If the owner elects, Penang may hereby added to Section 4.19 of Ordinance and electrical impulses for television pur-
be installed at an angle of not less, then No. Ho to read as follows: poses, namely to Produce reproductions
401 with the street frontage. (3) Beat....d yards easy be used for of sights and sounds in combination to
!b The width of say one vehicular ouhraor ontncoulle parking in all districts the residents of the City of Palm Springs,
.acres crying shall ,at exceed 76.5 feet sub,cct to the Innitations set forth in under, along across or upon any or all
(This Provides for 9 stalls at right angles Section 412 of this ordinance Should public streets, ways, alleys and places
o to the street, each 9'4 feet in width or stoetures for the storage of autoniebnles as the same do now or may hereafter
a lesser number of stalls together with a be desired, said structures shall comply exist within said City,
driveway or driveways) with the provisions of this ordinance. The installation and use of the Gran-
(r) These shall be a minimum eapera_ SECTION NINE: Effective Date. Palo- tee's equipment and faculties under,
Lion of Canty -four (24) feet between Ilection. This ordinance shall take of- along, across and upon public streets,
such access openings feel, thirty (0O days after tee ]air of its ways, alleys and Places for operation
(d) No Parking bay or driveway shall adon Hon and one, to the expiation of of television receivers, for the Purpose
be installed closer that 12 feet to a fifteen Q5) days from the passage of receiving, viewing and hearing events
stde lire or to iti rear line which extends thereof shall be pntbhshed no least once which are not broadcast to the Greater'.
to a street. hit the Palm c'prhige News a weeky news- regular subscribers wntheut additional I
(a) Within any one bay, opera not paper of g,'enaul mrealation, published costs, but for which a special charge
need for vehicular parking may be pro- and ciinalotkd rit the it, of Palm Is made, are not included within this
ended to serve as a separation between Suring,, and thenceforth and thereafter franchise and accordingly the Payments
stalls, driveways or between a stall and the some shall be it, tall force and effect. to the City as herein provided shall
. driveway. Such space shall be less than ADOPTED and approved this 23rd not include any percentage of receipts
twenty-four (24) feet T. width is day of April. 1952, from that source, nor shall the Include
measured along the property frontage. CHARLES ➢. FARRELL any Percentage of Initial equipment In-
The entire width of the access opening Mayor of the City of Palm Springs stallethon charges.
within the street shall be considered as A^TIEST: Section 5. In those areas and por-
bay approach and shall be unproved as LOT]IS9 'NIeCARN dons of the City where either the trirs-
her'einafter required. City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs mission and distribution facilities of the
(D If to... parking spares ins needed I, the undersagned, Clty Clerk of the public utility Providing telephone service,
than can be provided in the bays, the City of Point Springs, California, hereby or those of the utility providing electric
additional spaces shall be Provided else- certify that the foregoing ordinance, be- service are underground or hereafter may ..
where than in the front yard. ing Ordinance Do 248 of the City of be placed underground, then the Grantee
(g) To qualify as of parking specs, Patin 5nrivg:a, was ru Lroducad at a meet- of this franchise shall likewise construct,
each stall nun at have . miuwmn width all; of Life City Council of said city held operate and maintain NI of its traus-
of eight (8) fast and . minimum depth on the latli day of April, 1952 and was
mintime and distribution facilities under-
w, twenty (20) feet, the entire depth read in ioll end was passed at adjourned ground. Amplifiers In Grantee's trans-
to be eat private property. if a front meeting o1 said Counml hold on tine 23rd mission and distribution lines may be
wheel stop is used, there shall be a day of PqP ll, ta52 by the following vote: in concrete boxes or vaults upon the
co ntar m clear distance of 17 feel. be- A'yES' Strobe, Ilardy, Lloyd, Miller, surface of the ground. -
tween the property line and such stop, Nathanson, McK,...y and Mayor Farrell The Grantee of this franchise shall
(h) In the case of a corner lot, no NOES: None not Liston or erect any facilities or up-
bay or drlvcwny Providing access to a ABSENT: None paratus on public property of fights of
given sEtcet shall be nearer than thirty I further certify that said ordinance way within the City (except those In-
(30) feet to the ultimate curb line of the was thereupon signed by Chiles D Par- stalled or erected upon public utility
Intersecting street. Stich curb has shall Tell BO.iyor of Prim Springs and attested facilities now existing), without approval
be deterrmned from the latest official by Ic arse MCCarii, Onty Clerk of sad city, of the City Council evidenced by a reso-
plan of ultimate pavement widths as aP- WITDiESS my hand and said of said City lution of record. The Grantee shall first
proved by resolution of the City Council this 23rd day of April, 1952. submit plans and sp,cifmatunce for the
and on file on the effort, of the City facilities to be installed or erected by
Engineer. it, and the City Council thereupon may
W The nppronch to any parking bay approve, deny or modify same by reso-
sball be paved and developed in no- �Q lution of the Council.
cardance with current city specifications, t�/1. ( � The Grantee, In making available to
such developments to include installation (N`.E�^v°:rJ �� P�'L� Its patrons outlets and connections for
of concrete gutter, yoking carting or its service shall not discriminate for or
other suitably tier,drai rolling
provision curb along Louise McCarn against, any suppliers of television recely-
the entire width of the bay and vencanl City Clerk of the City o1_ ing eels and in those areas where serv-
and/or rolled curbing elsewhere along the Palm Springs, California ice Is made available It shall provide
frontage on which such Lay is located. service, outlets and connections to all ap-
Suitable curbing or edging shall be in. order.
In the order of Its receipts of
smiled within the street along either edge ordain ..therefor,
of the bay entrance for the nuxpose of I hereby certify that the foregoing Section G. This frnnchase ah¢11 not be-
defining the width of the vehicular opera- ordinance and certificate were published come effective until written acceptance
ing, said curbing or adoring to conform April 29, 1952 in the Palm Springs News, Formed shall have been filed by the Gran- I
to city specifications as to extent, de- a weekly newspaper of general circulation, tee with the City Clerk and said as-
sign and construction. Where the street printed, Published and circulated in the septarae shall be filed with the City
is Paved, the ,Pace between curb line City of Palm Springs. Clerk within thirty (30) days after this
franchise is granted. 'When so filed,
and existing pavement shall be paved: such acceptance shall constitute a con-
otherwise no improvements shall be re- ^ tinning agreement of the Grantee that,
qujred between curb lines. All Improve- if indl when the City shall hereafter
wrote within the street shall be installed ` t- annex, or consolidate with, additional ter-
m grade as approved by the City .Ern- C Bf „L��s�� 'AJj
grocer. -' ralndry, any and all Ir y the rights,
4. Requirements far Curb-O eons in privileges owned by the Grantee
q P g dismair shall a deemed f to be t at territory,
Sin Ie.Fanuly Districts LOUISE MCCARN
g City Clerk, doped within the limes of such territory,
(a) erring sit width of vehicular tis-he Clty of Palm Springs, California and thereafter this franchise shalt fully
weds opening sage not exceed 3su of the apply thereto.
width of frontage neon which such open- Section 7. Nothln¢ herein shoal be
mg shall he installed. deemed or construed to impair or affect,
(b) Coiner Lots: Sane as Section 4.12, in any way, to any extent, the right of
300. said Grantee,
e, either, Ilse property of
5, Requirements reet for Curb Openings the ftrat ee, either of purchase of
Along Major Streets through the exercise of the right of
Pay Q�
eminent domain, and nothing herein of any subway or viaduct, by said City, the CrLy Council at an adjourned meeting
contained shall be construed to con- and (e) file with the legislative body of of Said Council held on the 9th day of
tract away or to modify or abridge, sold City within thirty (30) days after July. 1952 by the following vote:
either for a term or In perpetuity, any sale, transfer, assignment or lease AYE8: McKinney, Strobe, Boyd, Miller,
sold City's right of eminent domain in of this franchise, or any part thereof or Hardy. Nathanson and Mayor
respect to any public utility. This Iran-
any of the rights or privileges granted Farrell.
chise shall not be given any value be- hereby, written evidence of the some, NOES: None.
fore any court ed other public authority, authored to by the Grantee or its duly ABSENT: None.. _
ex es any proceeding of any character in authorized officers. I further certify that said ordinance was
excess of the cast to the any of of the Section Il. (a), In event the Grantee therea_nar signed by CHARLES D, FAR,
necessary publication and any other sum of this franchise shall fail, neglect or Rli L, Mayor of Palm Springs, and at.
paid by it to said City therefor at the refuse to comply with any of the pro- jested by IODISE-MOCARN, City Clerk of /p time of the acquisltlon thereof. visions or conditions hereof or of the Bald pity. _ Y/e'
In order, further, to preserve the Franchise Act of 1937 o1 the State of WITNESS my ha and seal of said right of the City to acquire this Iran- California, in accordance with the pro- [hi: 11th day of y, 19s
chise and the property of the Grantee, visions of which this franchise is granted, (City Seat)
its successors and assigns, by purchase and shall not, within ten (10) days after 1 Clerk of the City
of' or by right of eminent domain at any written demand for compliance, begin Palm Springs, California.
time during the existence of this fran- the work of compliance, or after Bush be-
chise, it is expressly ordained and pro- ginning, shall not prosecute the same
vided that, if, at any time, this fran- with due diligence to completion, then
chise shall be acquired by eminent do- the said City, by Its legislative body, may
main proceedings by any municipal cor- declare this franchise forfeited. Said
poration, public corporation, public City may sue In its own name far the
agency, political subdivision, district or forfeiture of tills franchise, in the event f hereby certify that the foregoing or-
other public or political entity, except of non-compliance by the Grantee, its culture and certificate were published
said City, then and in any such event, successors or assigns, with any of the July 14, 1952 in the Palm Springs News,
said City reserves and shall have the conditions hereof. a, weekly newspaper general choulntio,
right, at any time after this franchise (b) At all times during continuance of Orbited. published ti circulated in the
shall became vested in any such munici- this franchise the Grantee shall provide city at Pnlm SPrin�
Pal corporation, public corporation, public facilities and service sufficient to meet
other public' Political subdivision, district or , the needs of the public welfare, and - It y Clerk` E'/&public or political entity, except shall maintain its feclllties and service City of ahn Springs, California.
said City, to terminate, this franchise!. pr to r date and in keeps"with technical ORDINANCE NO. 250
y ordnance or resolution and this fran- progress. In the-eves E"that the Grantee
chise and all rights and Privileges here- ;° after six months prior written notices from AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF
under shall thereupon terminate and be the City acting out the details in which PALM SPRINGS FIXING THE AM-
void as In such ordinance or resolution it be claimed the Grantee has failed to OUNT OF MONEY TO BE RAISED
provided. comply with the terms of this Subpara- YEAR BEGINNING BY TAXATION DULY 1,E H152. CAL
Section 8.in The Grantee shell Ida a graph 11 (b) shall not have remedied The City Council of the City of Palm
bond running to the said City with at the conditions specified, then, and only
]east two good and sufficient sureties to then shall its conduct constitute a failure, Springs does ordain as fellows:
be approved by the City Council of said neglect or refusal to comply, entitling the SECTION 1: The amount o1 money
City, or in lieu Of such two sureties, a City to take action as provided in the necessary to be raised by taxation upon
surety company duly authorized to do Preceding subparagraph 11 (a), the taxable property within the City of
business and to execute bonds In the Section 12. The Grantee of this fran- Palm Springs as a revenue to carry on
State of California, in the penal sum of chise shall file with the Clerk of said the various departments of such City
Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) con- City, within three (3) months after the and to pay the bonded and other in-
ditioned that such Grantee shall install expiration of the calendar year, or debtedness of the City Par the fiscal
and Provide within the City limits of the fractional calendar yen,-. following the year beginning July 1, 1952 is hereby
City Of Palm Springs on or before the 31st date of the granting of this franchise and fixed as follows:
day of December, 1952, television dtstri- within three (3) months after the ex- (a) For the maintenance and support
billion cables of not less than 10,000 feet Ph'atlon Of each and every, calendar year and Purchase of property necessary far
in length capable of furnishing fust class thereafter} . duly verified statement the public library, known as the Wel-
service outlets Of not less than three showing m det¢il the fatal gross re- wood Murray Memorial Library of the
(3) television channels to ell agjacion ceiPts of Scott Grantee, its successors or City of Palm Springs, the maintenance of
Properties, subject, however, to uiftimid- assigns, during the Preceding calendar said public library not being otherwise
able accidents, government material re- of Twenty-oneer Year, or secs fractional calendar year, pod provided for, the suThousand Four Hundred Fifty-six Dol-
strmlfons, Acts of Gad, and to there being all services rendered with the City, and
condition broadcasts 1.-I Progress and also also epshee and loss stame, cl, and jars (Far the conditioned that fi also shall well and shall b sheets as Of the same date. It (ar For the the City
on o of the various
truly observe, fulfill and perform each shall be the duty of the Grantee, its departments of the Ctty' other than said
and every term and condition of this successor's or assigns, to public library, the sum of Two Hundred
franchise. City, within fifteen Pay to said SixtyThousand, Eight Hundred Port six
(st days offer' the Dollrs ($260,846.0W; y
In case of any breaaii,of condition Of time for tiling such statement, m laho
Bich bond, the whole oP the penal sum fill money ce the United States, the (c) For the purpose of providing and
I therein named shall be Lalcen and damn- specified percentage of its gross receipts maintaining parks and music and for
be be liquidated d damages and shall for the calendar year or Bueln fractional expanded purposes, to es used and
be reaoverable from the principal and calendar Year, covered by such Bice- expended for such Purposes f ilia
upon said bond. Said bond shall bent. Any neglect, omission or refusal once with Ordinance No. 192 of the City
be filed with the City Council Of said by said Grantee to file such verified state- of Palm Springs the sum of Thirty-three
City anthill five (5) days after the data nrent, or to Pay said percentage at the Thousand Dollars ($33,000.00);
of the granting of sold franchise; and times or in the manner herOmbemad pro- (d) As concerns the bonds, lesions.
I- ease it shall not be so filed or shall Tided, Shall be grounds i'or the declara_ of which was authorized at the special
not receive the approval of the City tion of a forfeiture of this franchise and election held April 26, 1949, for the
Council, such franchise shall be forfeited all rights hereunder. purpose of paying the annual Interest
and any money paid to said City in con- Section 13. The Grantee hereof shall thereon as the same becomes due, and
Motion therewith shall likewise be for- Pay to the City a sum of money sOf- also the principal as shall become due,
failed. ficient to reimburse It for all publication the sum of Sixty-nine Thousand, Six
Section 9 (1) The Granted of this expenses Incurred by said City m con- Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($69,625.00):
franchise shall from time to time sub- notion with the granting of this fran- Section 2: This is an ordinance fixing
out to the CrtY Council of the City its chise; such payment to be made within the amounts of money to be raised by
fate schedules providing the amounts of thirty (50) days after said City shall taxation. The City Council Therefore
all rates and charges to be made for all furnish said Grantee with a written dater u Inc. and declares that same shall
services to be rendered by it, which are statement of such expenses. be effective immediately by authority of
covered by flits franchise. No rates or section 14. This franchise shall be the provisions of Section 36939 of the
charges shall be levied or collet Led ex- assignable, except as herein otherwise Government Code of the State of Call-
coptin accordance with the rate schedules expressly provided, and in the event of forma.
submitted to the City at least sixty (60) a valid assignment or transfer hereof SECTION 3: The City Clerk is hereby
days Prior to effective dates thereof and each and all f the terms, provisions anrt-'lVrirdered and directed to certify to the
.at disapproved by the City within that conditions hereof shall inure to the pasage of this ordinance and to cause
time. The CIL, shall at all tunes allow benefit of and be binding upon the sic- the same to be published are in Palm
and provide for a fair and reasonable cessors and assignees of the Grantee. Springs News, a newspaper of general
return upon its investment to the holder Section 15. The rights, privileges and circulation, printed, published and cir-
of the franchise after allowance of de- franchises hereby granted are and shall culated in the City of Palm Springs. This
preciatimr charges and expenses of p o _ be exclusive so long as the City re Ealis ordinance shall be effective thirty (30)
erations. authority to pass upon and approve days after passage.
(b) In the event the Public Utilities rates and charges of the Grantee under CHARLES D. FARRELL,
Canmussion Of the State of California the provisions of Section 9 (a). During Mayor of the City of Palm Springs.
takes ,jurisdiction over the Operation and that time the City shall grant no like ATTEST: LOUISE McOARN,
rates of the Grantee of this I' rights,a d rights, privileges or franchises to any City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs.
than the authority of the City to ap- others. I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the
prove rates and charge, as set fm'th in Section 16, This ordinance shall be City of Palm Springs, California, hereby
tine Preceding Paragraphs 9 (o) shall signed by the Mayor and attested by the certify Ehat the foregoing ordinance,
cease. Clerk and the Clerk is hereby instructed being Ordinance No 250 of the City of
Section 10. The Grantee shall (a) con- to cause the same to be published once Palm Springs, was introduced at a, meet-
struct, install and maintain all pipes, within fifteen (15) days after Its pas- Ing of the City Council of said city held
_ conduits, poles wires In a sage in. Palm Springs News, a news- an ilia 9th day of July, 1952, and was
Si pputtenances paper of general circulation printed, pub- read in full and was passed at regular
in aceoi'dance and'ia' conformity with fished and circulated in said City. This meeting of said Council held On the
all of the ordinances, resolutions, rules ordinance shall be in full force and effect Oth day of August, 1952, by the fol1Ow-
and regulations heretofore o hereafter thirty days after passage. Ing vote:
adopted he the legislative body o1 said AYES: McKinney, Strobe, Boyd and
I City in the exercise of its police powers CHARLES D. FARRELL Mayor Farrell.
and not 1n conflict with the Paramount Mayor of the City Of Palm Springs NOES: Norm.
authority of the State of California, ABSENT: Miller, hardy and Nathanson. !`mad r to State highways, subject to ATTEST: -I further certify that said ordinance the provisions of 'general ]nws relating (C SEAL) /� was thereupon signed by CI3ARLE „ L r ✓to the loo¢tion and maintenance re such a✓ PAR.RELL, May m pf Palm SpYInRe, g 'facilities therein: (h) pay, to the said ♦ �)/�p [ _ attested by LOIIISE OCARN,"CIty;C�6j City on demand, the cost of all repairs i " i of said Clt f y/to public property made necessary by � "``r-`�'��'� 0 f 1'�' e�WITNESS sit my}�i d_and "'deal Y said
any of the operations by the Grantee City this 7th do August, 1962.
under this franchise; (c) indemnity and LOUISE MCOARN (CITY SEAL) / OVISE McCARN,
hold harmless the Sold City and its of- City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, /�
ficers from any and all liability for California.
damages proximately resulting from any I the undersigned, City Clerk of the
operations under this Irchlse; (d) re- City of Palm Springs, California, hereby City Clerk of the City of
move, relocate or place underground certify that the foregoing ordinance, be- Palm Springs, California.
without expense to said City any faclll- Ing Ordinance No. 349 of the City of Palm I hereby certify that the foregoing
ties installed, used and maintained under Springs, was introduced at a meeting-of ordinance and certificate were published
the franchise If and when made necessary the City Coattail of Bald City held on the August 11, 1952, in the Palm Springs
by any lawful change of grade, align- Both day Of June, 1952 and was passed News, a weekly newspaper of general
ment or width of any public street, way, without further reading, said reading be. circulation, panted, published and cir-
alley or place, Including the construction Ing waived by the unanimous consent of culated in the city of Palm Springs.
city o Palm Springs, California. "' ----<—
ORDINANCE NO. -51 ORDINANCE NO. 2a,- thence 'westerly on the north Section line
AN Ordinance of the City of Patin Springs An Ordinance of the City of Palm Springs to the point of beginning, Beginning at
Amending Section 3.1 of Ordinance No. Amertdlnp Section 3.1,of Ordinance No, a point on the east section ]life a dls-
'80 and the Official Land Use Plan 180 and the Official Land Use risk tance of 2890 feet ham the southeast cor-
Adopted Thereby, Adopted Thereby, ner of said section, thence west a dis-
tance at 4129.e feet, thence south a dls-
The City Council of the City of Palm The City Council of the City of Palm tance or 620 feet, thence east a distance
Springs, does ordain 9a follows: Springs does ordain as follows: of 1296.4 feet, thence north a distance
SECTION I' -Section-3.1 of Ordinance SECTION I: Section 3.1 of Ordinance of 80 feet, thence east is distance of
No. 180 of the City of Palm Springs and No. 180 of the City of Palm Springs 2834.48 feet more or Cosa to the east
the !Official Land Use Plan" adopted and the "Official Land Use Plan" adapt- section fine, thence northerly @Ong the
thereby is hereby amended by designating ad thereby is hereby amended by desig- east seictlon line a distance of 940 feet
and establishing the areas of land-liere, Sodmg and establishing the areas of land more al' less to the point of beginning.
after described as being within the land hereafter described as being within the R-3 (Multiple Dwelling)-Hcginoing aL
-use districts indicated as follows: land use district indicated as follows: the northeast corner of Section 14, thence
_ A portion of the Nm'Ehoast one-quay- All land herein rezoned lies within southerly along the east section line a
Lev (NEK) of the Northeast one-quarter Section 14, TsIR IME, SCE&U. distance of 2362 feet, thence west 195.4
_ (NEVI) of the Northeast one-grafter C-3 (General BushoSs)-Beginning at feet, thence northerly apirroslma'.ely 2352
(NEt/) of Section 22, T4S', RHI, SBB&M., the southwest corner of Section 14, feet to a point on the north section line
,L�_said Portion being that bounded by Ra- thence northerly along the section line 190 feet hest Of the northeast corner,
anti Road Indian Avenue xad Palm Ca,. 3303.6 feet, thence east a distance of 286 5 thence easterly along the north seetlon
yen Drive feet, thence southerly and parallel to line to the POlnt of beginning, Beginning
,t Said above described leads are desig_ tile west section line to the south section at a paint on the east rention )file 540
acted and established as being within line, thence westerly along Said section feet from tie southeast carder of the
Land Use District 0-2. line to a point of beginning. section, thence northerly along the east,
I SECTION II: Section 3 1 of Ordinance Beginning at a paint on the west sec- 5catmn line a distance of 1£I0 lent, thence
,7 Tie. 180 of the City of Pali. Springs and tion line of Section 14 a distance o1 west a distance of 196.48 feet, thence
tine "Official Land Use Plan" adopted 3303.6 feet from the southwest comer of soutli.y,ly a distance of apPvoxnuotnly
_ -thereby is hereby further amended by ..,it section, thcnse northerly along the 1590 feat to a post 1U9.34 teat +vast
designating pad estalsodug the areas of section ]fire a distance of 1496.134 feet, of the east section line and 761.51 feet
laid' hereinafter. described ¢s being In thence east a distance of 264 feet, thence north Of the south section line, thence
the land_ use dlst_rie in_ts indicated, as fat. southerly and parallel to the west .sec- Southwesterly appWXimanly 340 feet to
In"s: tied line a distance of 146 09 feet, thence a point on the centerline Of Barlsto Storm
Let I of a re-subdivision Of Patin easterly on a curve of 700 feet radius Chanel which paint lies 630 feet-north
a', le. Estates No. 4 as drown by Map and all angle of 14° 40' a a distance of Ehe south sect-. Milo, idhencechri seal to a
on f�le I. Book 18, Page , 0l Maps, of gent feet, thence is a straight line along the ceneet to of said a Coucl to n
reaor a cr ed la vde Comity, vlongrvi a tanfeet, thence
to c said curve i distance of 200 Pon Joe, t feet ninth of the South sec-
north aide
]and is located vl he the Pest, thence southerly oil a curve of 1 C, tiobegs line, thence east Ln the paint o1
porch side h the street within the O1Ly feet radios and ¢ogle of 14- 4So the ¢ beAll Chat
of Palm Bermes enida as Pasco dTRIe Mira_ Slid
pa of e Ito 37 feet, thence southerly All that proper GY on SectionSierra
M sou Gh
rim' between Avenida Palos Verdes an,d and parallel to the west sectfou line a and vest of the Ba Asia Storm Chmmel
Via od above teRS,dista co of 170 feet, thence )vest a dis- I. reclassified
-way which ili not clsewhefl here-
food Said above described ]antls ma desig- canoe 86 O6e feet, loot'¢ a' less to a I. reallfrst Shall he RaL or tale Toole-
Land end District
red as befit lvithln point d 1 tees east of the west sectfou also Sierra
raCmuch property west fe the Til)cd)
Laud Us,IO Di s Leint le' line and 13. the feel south of the iallel ear Storm Chmnew ereleic Nin described)
mr 3,1 of Ordinance too Lice line, thence i lie, ly and parallel which Is not elsewhere herein reclasslfled
No. 160 of the City -I'se P 6" ad and to flee most seeE we live a set toe of shall lie(Single
4Frinei y tlo.n.
Clio '•Otihclnl aby further
Gad poi foot, thgin west 2865 fact to 'he opr (Single Lion lly Estates lie All that
design is h,Ind able emhe . by Pmni, of beginning. property in Section Li which Iles east eof
designating and r described the areas rth eRetail Business)Section
th itheft. the Taed) .) Stm'm Channel (portionftof
theland heUsr Dist ctscn di a.to being in northwest cower a1 Section 14, trainee described) and v hOr of that portion of
Lhe Land Use Districts indurated aS LOl- southerly along the west section it
a the rc Stara Channel nightid way in
tom.: distance of 48f tact,thence
l east a [ins- thin -apropeat quainot of sold section
The southerly 668 feat air Lot 87, Sec- trots of 264 feel„ Chance narth0tla and renal alssifled shall iserty not
R-1 A...Ifieatial.herein
ran, 23, T4.5, R4E, SNII&M, Palm Vallev Parallel to the west seethed line a dis- Tachzvah 6tonn Ohantel-Tip center-
III Lands, as shown by map on file lance at 487.06 feat innair Or less to the line IR the art,, all SLonn Ocenter-
in Book 14, Page 652 of Maps, records of north section line, there, westerly RIOng
San Diego County, California excepting the north etetion has to tile pilot of right-of.way is described) CIS follows: Be-
therefrom the southerly 40 feet and beginning, ^timing at v Paint an the vast section
west Orly 100 fact• Beginning of x Point 286.5 feet east and line which is 20 feet south at Lhe nor'Lh-
The verthsily 250 feet of the ono'¢ 2973.6 feet north of the southwest carre, west corer of the sectmn, thence easterly
descrlbed parcel is hereby mooned Lo an of Section 14. Prom said polmt east 841.7 and Parallel to north section line a dis-
R-1 District (slugle family estates). feet, thence southerly 660.2 feet to inner, of 712 feet, thence southerly of a
The southerly 175 feet of the northmly Point 1121 feet east, of the west sectov Curve of 143 feet radius and angle of
425 feet of the above described pairs is ling thence west 844.E feet, thence north- 52` 24' a distance of 131 feat. trance In,
hereby rezoned to Land Use District R-1 en'ly to a point of beginning. a straight line tangent t0 Sold Curve a
(multiple dwelling), C-I Mestrmted Business)-Beginning at distance of 340 test, thence easterly on a
The sontharly 20.2 feet of tire above the southeast corner of Section 24, thence curve of 573 feet millus and angle of I
desmdbed hm•parcel is eby rezon
ed to northerly' along the cast section line a 2V 11' a distace of 262 feet, thence in
Land Use District E.1 (hotel), distance of 540 fee[, thence west to the a straight line tangent to said curve a
SECTION IV: The City Clerk rs hereby centm'lfne of the Brilliant Storm Channel distance of 823 feel, thence southerly on
ordered aact directed to certify to the r9ght.Of-Way, thence southerly along said a curve of 819 feet radius and angle of
passage of tills ordinance and to cause centerline to the north line o1 Ramon 63° 32' a distance of 908 feet, thence in
the same to be published once in Palm _ Read tbeuoe continuing In a straight live a straghs ]ins tangent to said curve it
Springs Nears, a newspaper of general cir-. to the --mill section line, thence rester]) distance of 1074 feet to s-ath ]tile of the
culation, printed, nleblished sled circulated along the section line 3597 feet more al• right-of-way of Tahquita Road, said tell.
tothe City Of Paint Springs. Tills ord- less to the point of beginning. gent being pm'allel to and 215 feet. )vest
Enance shall b v'e effeetive thty (901 days T (Trader Pa'k)-Starting ail the west of the centerbne of the s,ca 01, theaso
after passage„ section Ihre Of Section 14 at a paint southwestarl,y 00 IS, front the aioremetl-
CHARLES E. PARRELL, 2933.6 fact north of Lhe southwest corner Cloned tangent extended lit a ,straight
Mayer of the City, of Pam Springs, of said section, thence east 1308.2 feet hire, a distance of 891.5 fact, thence cast-
in the Paint -1 beglnmllg, Thence North Only art an 800 fact radius curve Of all
075 feet, U nnee Rest La the centerine of angle of 59- 32' a distance of 768 feet,
( the Taobevah Storm Channel hereafter thence southeasterly .11 a str.l,hC Imo
-'„I--•�CJ� r�J'�'M-,^1 two dCscifled, thence southerly along the tangent to said curve 645 feet to filter-
centerline of said channel to a Pont section of Centel line of Baristo Storm
ATTEST: LOUISE McCARN, 2912,E feet north of the south section Chancel, angle of inteisichon bang 30"
City Clark of the City of Palm Springs. line. thence west 1116.4 feet more Or less 28'.
I, Ehe uder.lgncd, City Clerk o1 t o
he to the pohit of beginning, SECTION II` Section a.l Of Ordln nce
City of Pv
a of Springs, California, hereby R-4 (HOt-P-Beginning at If point on No. I8,0 of the City of Palm Springs and
certify that the foregoing ordinance, the south section pile of Section 14 the "Official Land Use Plan?' adopted
tieing Ordinance NO. 251 of the City of whmh point fs a distance Of 286.n feet thereby is hereby lm'ther amended by
Palm Springs, was introduced at a meet- east of the west sectmn line, thence north- designating and estabflsiung the areas
tag of the City Counted of said City held iffy and parallel to the west section ]life of land ltet alnafter described a., being
on the Itch day Of August, 1952, and was a distance of 2310.44 feat, thence cast a within zone or district 0.2:
,,Sssed without further reading, said distance of 844.5 foot, thence southerly The east l' of Lot 26 dad the east
rending being waived by the unanimous and parallel to the west section line a of Let 27 of Polue S'pe(ngs in Srcton 15,
consent of the City Council at an Ad- distance of 3549 feet, thence west a dis- T4S, RAB, SB➢&M„ as shown by map on
,.Jou'teed malting of said Council held on tonee of IDS feet, thence southerly and file in Book 9, Page 432, of Maps, records
the 27th clay of August, 1I52, by the Parallel to the west Scotto. line a dis- of Sam Diego Comity. Said property Is
-[allowing vote: tones of 835 feet more or less to the that fronting Indian avenue between
AYES: McKinney, Strobe, Boyd, Miller, cmdolhne of the BallSto Storm Channel. Andreas end Arenas Roads.
Nathanson nod Mayor Parrell. right-of.may, thence southerly along the A mop showing the proposed changes
NOES: None. centerline of said right-of-way to a point inlay be exomined in the office of the
ABSENT: Hardy. 653 feet east of the west section line, Palm Springs Planning Commission.
I further certify that said ordinance thence southerly and parallel to the SECTION III: The City Clerk is hereby
was thereupon signed by CHARLES D. west section line of distance of Da feet ordered and directed to certify to the
FARRELL, Mayor of Palm Springs, and more or less to title south section line, passage of tills Ordinance and to cause
attested by LOUISE MCCARN, City Clerk thence westerly along said line to the the soma to be published Once li Palm
.of said City. point of beginning. Beginning at a point Springs News, a newspaper of general
WITNESS all, hand and the seal of said on the north section If.. 264 feet from circulation, printed, published and air-
CiLy'this 27th day of August, 1952. the northwest corner, thence southerly ciliated In the City of Palm Borings. This
//�1 r) and parallel to the west section line o'dm (ad)nce Shall be effective thirty (3
c i�h f ,1 C I a distance of 633.77 feet, thence easterly days after passage.
[I'"I✓t-d.j` 7 f= on rt curve of 700 feet radius and angle CHARLES I). PARRELL,
- .Z✓'� of 14- 40' 55" a distance of 179.38 feet
(CITY SEAL? LOUISE MCCARN, thence in a straight line tangent to said Mayor of tile City of Palm Springs.
City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, curve a distance of 200 feet, thence south-
Cafffornln. erly On a curve of 700 feet radius and l� 1
I hereby certify that the foregoing angle of 140 40' 55' a distance of 179.37
Ordinance and certificate were,published feet, thence Southerly and parellel to the
'September I; 1952. In the Palm Springs west section line a distance of 170 feet, Ali"-;,%r� .G v;•.,,
News,- 4' Meekly newspaper of general thence west 86.5 feet to a point 286.5 ATTEST: LOUISE MOCARN,
circulation, printed, published and often- feet east of the west section it.. and City'Clerk of the City of Palm Springs.
later)-in the city of Palm SpNngI:, 1324.3 feet south of the north section I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the
_ line, thence southerly and parallel to the City of Palm Sprfngs, Cniifornin, hereby
f wash section line a fact,
the a 998 feet, certify that the farseeing Ordinance, bring
��1 (�e'7✓� thence east 041.7 feet, thence northerly Ordinance No, 252 of the City or Palm
and parallel to tile west section Ilnr Springs, was Introduced 'at n meeting a6
¢ dlstnnce o1 3$0 feet, thence west 578 the City Council of said Olty held an the
" LOUISE MCCARN, feet, thence northerly and parallel to the 6th day of August, 1952, and was passed
City Clerk,' City of Palm Springs, west section Ifne a distance of 1935 feet wuthomt further rending, said reading
California. more or less to the north section line, being waived by the unanimous cay.eht