HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/1/1948 - ORDINANCES 622 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT to be filed under the provisions of or furnish in the making of any of November, 1947, by the follow- this ordinance otherwise than in such report any false, untrue or ing vote. the regular course of his duties misleading information or state- Ayes: Mayor Hyde, Higley, Mar- and the provisions of this ordi- went relating to any information tell, Farrell, Turonnet, Nichols, nance which unlawful act shall required by any of the provisions Kieley. constitute a misdemeanor; pro- of this ordinance to be made or Noes: None. vMcd, however, that nothing con- furnished, shall be guilty of a Absent: None. - tained in this ordinance shall pre- misdemeanor, and upon conviction I further certify that said ordi- vent the Chief of Police from fur- thereof, be punishable by a Pine nance was thereupon signed by Wishing to the Sheriff of any of not to exceed Five Hundred C. A. Hyde, Mayor of Palm county, the Chief of Police of any Dollars ($500.) or by imprison- Springs, and attested by Louise municipality or the head of any ment in the county jail for a per- IdeCarn, City Cleric of said City. other law enforcement agency iod not to exceed six months, or WITNESS my hand and seal of which maintains any system of by both such fine and imprison- said City this Ath day of Novem- registration of convicted persons :Went. ber, 1947. , copies of the statements required Section 4: If any phrase, sen- (City Seal), eall I ` ' to be filed tinder the provisions of tense or part of this ordinance is LOUISE McCARN, this ordinance, together with pho- for any reason held to be uncon- City Cleric of the tograph and finger prints of the stitutional, such decision shall not City of Palm Springs, person malting such statements all the validity of the remain- California. when and if such Sheriff, Chief ing portion of this ordinance. The Publ'd Limelight 11/7-11-14/47. of Police or other head of any City Council hereby declares that I hereby certify that the fore- law enforcement agency furnishes it would have passed this ordi- going ordinance and certificate to the said Chief of Police of the nance, and each phrase, sentence were published November 7, 1947, City of Palm Springs copies of and part hereof, irrespective of in the Palm Springs Limelight- statements, photograph and finger the fact that any one or more News, a weekly newspaper of gen- prints procured by him, and it is other parts be declared void. eral circulation, printed, published hereby made the duty of said Chief Section 10: This ordinance is and circulated in the City of PN_ of Police of the City of Palm Springs. d`f hereby declared to be an curer-Springs to arrange for the ex- ^envy measure, and necessary for -LOUISE McCARN, change of such information. the immediate preservation of the City Clerk of Palm Section 6: Any convicted per- public peace, health and safety, Springs, California. son who is required to register for the reason that it is necessary under the provisions of this or- to take steps immediately to sup- dinance, who changes his place of press the activities of a certain residence, stopping place or living criminal class, including those quarters, shall within twenty-four known and reputed to be "Gang- ORDINANCE No. 184 (24) hours after the changing of sters," who are coming into the AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY his place of residence, stopping State of California, and various OF PALM SPRINGS, AMEND- place or living quarters to any communities of Southern Cali- ING SECTION 46(a) OF OR- new or different place or places fornia particularly, in increasing DINANCE No. 36, BEING AN within said city other than any numbers, as is shown by recent ORDINANCE OF THE CITY place last shown in such report to criminal acts of major character REGULATING TRAFFIC UP- saA Chief of Police, notify the in this and adjoining counties, and ON THE PUBLIC STREETS. Chief of Police of such fact and by reason of the close proximity The City Council of the City of furnish to said Chief of Police the of the City of Palm Springs to a Palm Springs does ordain as fol- new address of his new residence, large center of population, to-wit: lows: stopping place or living quarters, the City and County of Los An. Section 1: Section 46(a) of in the same manner and with the gcles; and that there is no means Ordinance No. 36 of said City, same detailed information as is provided by law whereby the law being "An Ordinance of the City enforcement officers of this Cit of Palm Springs, Regulating Traf- rcyuired under the provisions of Y Sections 2 and 3 of this 'ordi- may be apprized of the arrival fie Upon the Public Streets," into said City such criminals, until adopted November 9, 1938, is nance. a crime or act of violence shall hereby amended to read as fol- Section 7: Any person violat- have been committed by them, and lows: ing the provisions of this ordi- therefore this ordinance shall be- "SECTION 46: UNLAWFUL nance or railing to comply with come effective immediately upon PARKING—PEDDLERS,VEN- any of the provisions hereof, shall its passage, and prior to the ex- DORS, ETC. piration of fifteen (15) days from (a) No person shall stop, stand be guilty of a misdemeanor and the passage thereof shall be pub- or park any vehicle from upon conviction thereof shall be lished for at least three (3) times which merchandise or food- punished by a fine of not to ex- in the Limelight Daily News, a stuffs are displayed,offered coed Dive Ihmdred Dollars ($500.) newspaper of general circulation, for sale or sold, upon any or by imprisonment in the county printed, published and circulated portion of any street with- jail for a period of not to exceed in the City of Palm Springs. in this City, except in com- six months, or by both such fine LOUISE McCARN, pliance with all the fol- and imprisonment. The duty to City Clerk lowing: furnish ,the statements when and City of Palm Springs, First: Such vehicle shall in the manner provided by this California. stand or park only at the ordinance is hereby declared to be a continuing one, and for each day I hereby certify that the fore- request of a de that any person required under going is a true copy of Resolution tourer or purchhaseraser or and for ex- the provisions of this ordinance to No. 183, duly adopted by the City a period time not furnish a statement fails to do so, Council of the City of Palm seeding tenn ( minutes such failure shall constitute a Springs in a meeting thereof held at any one place. separate offense; provided, how- on the 5th day of November, 1947. Second: Such vehicles at I all times shall each have a ever, that no person may be con- LOUISE McCARN, gross weight of less than victed more than mice on account City Cleric 5,000 pounds. of violations occurring by reason City of Palm Springs, Third: Such vehicles at all of failure on a series of days, to California. times shall have an overall furnish such statements; provided, Dated at Palm Springs, Cali- further, that nothing contained forma, this 5th day of November, length not exceeding 18 feet. herein shall be deemed a bar to 1944 subsequent prosecutions for viola- I the undersigned City Clerk of Fourth: Such vehicles shall tions of tile , ,e provisions of this or- not so operate on Sundays the City of Palm Springs, Cali- holidays, dinance occurring subsequent to a or nor before 9:00 prior conviction or an acquittal of forma, hereby certify that the o'clock A. IA., or after 5:00 a violation thereof. foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- o'clock P. M. on other days. nance No. 183 of the City of Palm Fifth: Such vehicles during Section 8: Any person required Springs, was introduced at a meet- the time they are stopped, by any provisions of this ordinance ing of the City Council of said standing or parked, shall to furnish a statement who shall city held on the 15th day of Octo- be at the extreme right of in such statement give any false ber, 1947, and was read in full and the roadway, entirely off or fictitious address, or any ad- was passed at regular meeting of the paved, improved and dress other than a true address, said Council held on the 5th day LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVV'R7•ISEMENT main travelled portion of tions to Expend Money for Ad- ficial use of unoccupied and va- the roadway. vertising or Publicity Purposes" cant properties. Sixth: Such vehicles shall (Statutes of 1927, page 114), and (e) To promote and invite de- be used for display, offering Section 862.23 of "An Act to Pro- sirable classes of trade, pro- for sale and sale of mer- vide for the Organization, Incor- fessional and business meetings chandise and foodstuffs Poration and Government of Mu- and conventions whereby addi- other than fresh meat, nicipal Corporations" approved tional persons may visit and fish, poultry, fruits and March 18, 1883 (Statutes of 1883, become acquainted with the vegetables. Page 93), and having determined City of Palm Springs. Section 2: The City Clerk is that the public interest, necessity (f) To study the needs of the hereby ordered and directed to and convenience so require, and community as to public im- certify to the passage of this that the amount hereinafter ap- provements of every character I Ordinance and to cause the same propriated is within the limits and to prepare data, attend to be published once in the Palm fixed by law, there is hereby ap- conferences, and by every prop- Springs Limelight-News, a news- propriated from the general fund er method aid in securing and paper of general circulation, of the City w Palm Springs the in regulating and planning such printed, published and circulated sum of Two Thousand Five Hun- improvements so as to benefit in the City of Palm Springs. This dred ($2,500.00) Dollars for use the City. Ordinance shall be effective thirty during the current fiscal year in (g) To carry on such other (30) days after passage. providing a fund to be expended duties as may be required of C. A. HYDE, for promotion, publicity and ad- the Chamber by the City Coun- Mayor of the City vertising for the City of Palm cil in order Lo promote the of Palm Springs. Springs, further development of the City as a high class winter resort ATTEST: Section 2: Said fund shall be and residential area. LOUISE McCARN, disbursed on claims and demands Section 3: All payments to said Ciiy Clerk of the Presented, audited and paid as in Chamber of Commerce from the -City of Palm Springs. the case of all other claims fund hereby appropriated shall I, the undersigned, City Cleric against the City of Palm Springs, be subject to the following con- of the City of Palm Springs, Cali- and in the mariner provided by ditions: forma, hereby certify that the law and ordinance, and shall be (a) All payments shall be foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- epended through the instrumen- made upon a claim or demand nance No. 184 of the City of Pahn talxty of the Palm Springs Cham- presented, audited and paid as Springs, was introduced at a ber of Commerce according to in case of all other claims meeting of the City Council of the contract or agreement which against the City of Palm said city held on the 3rd day of shall be made with that organ- Springs, and lathe manner pro- December, 1947, and was read in nation by the City of Palm vided by law and ordinance. full and was passed at regular Springs for that purpose, where- (b) The Chamber shall, on or meting of said Council held on by it shall undertake to carry on before the first days of Janu- the 7th day of January, 1948, by such promotional, advertising and ary and June of this fiscal year, the following vote: publicity activities and services submit to the City Council a Ayes: Mayor Hyde, Bigley, Mar- on behalf of the City of Palm report describing its activities tell, Farrell, TuronneL, Nichols Springs during the current fiscal for the preceding months, and I and Meley, year ending June 30, 1948, as the particularly setting forth the Noes: None. City Council may require of it, Absent: None. and to use its facilities and its services referred is in the Pre- I further certifythat said ordi- special knowledge and experience, ceding Section which have bona and shall act as an administra- rendered and which are con- nance was thereupon signed by templated by it, and no pay- C. A. Hyde, Mayor of Palm tive agent to perform the me- ments shall be made to the Springs, and attested b Louise chanical and ministerial functions P P� Y Chamber of Commerce until the McCain, City Clerk of said City. of applying and expending said reports required in this para- WITNESS my band and seal of funds in furtherance of the ob- graph are so filed. said City this 8th day of January, jects for which they are appro- (c) The Chamber of Com- 1942. priated, by rendering the follow- O coerce shall receive payment (City Seal f r ing services during the current only for the expenses actually ✓vv� fiscal year: paid out or incurred by it in LOUISE McCARN, City Clerk of the C carrying out the duties required ity of (a) To maintain suitable quar- Palm Springs, California. ters and facilities in the City of it as specified in Section 2 of Palm Springs and employ hereof, and shall not receive I hereby une-fy That the fore- competent personnel to proper- any compensation for services gong ordinance and eert;flcate ly carry on the activities and of its own officers or employees ,ere Published January 9, 1948. services herein enumerated. in carrying out such require- in the •Palm Springs Limelight- _ News, a weekly newspaper of (b) To promptly and carefully menu. general circulation, printed, pub- answer all communications and L The within appropriation f lished and circulated in the City inquiries relative to the resort, of funds by the City for the of Pala Springs. scenic, climatic and residential expenditures and services con- (City il) ,{ C ( �. advantages and attractions of texnplated hereunder shall not �wt-h.P the City of Palm Springs, fa- create any fixed or binding ob- I GUISE l'IcCARN, ciliLies for accommodation of ligations upon the City to pay City Cleric of visitors, and the various recrea- same to the Chamber of Com- Palm Springs, California. tional and sporting events here, merce, but such payment shall and to distribute information be dependent upon the filing of G:yIDIINANCF. No. 18o proper claims and reports evi- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY nx regard thereto by or dencing the services rendered dense, publicity throoughh the he I OF PALM SPRINGS APPRO- and expenditures made as re- Piess, and personal contacts PRIATING THE SUM OF ouired hereby, and shall also be favorably promoting, publiciz- TWO THOUSAND FIVE IIUN- dependent upon the availability DRED DOLLARS ($2,500.00) ing and advertising same. of funds for said purposes dur- FOR USE IN_PROMOTION, (c) To prepare and distribute ing the fiscal year. ADVERTISING AND PUB- to the press and public articles, LICITY FOR SAID CITY DUR- news stories, photographs, liter- Section 4: The City Clerk is ING THE CURRENT FISCAL ature, and scientific and histor- hereby ordered and directed to YEAR, real information and advertis- certify to the passage of this or- ing, promotional and publicity dinance and to cause the same to The City Council of the City of matter descriptive of the City be published once in The Palm Palm Springs does ordain as fol- Springs Limeli Limelight-News, a news- lows: - and its attractions and advan- g Section 1: The City Council tages, and to develop and make paper of general circulation,print- of the City of Palm Springs,Council av- proper surveys whereby desir- ed, published and circulated in the ing jurisdiction,of P power and au- able outside persons may be City of Palm Springs. This ordi- p induced to visit and reside in nance shall be effective thirty an- t for that purpose, pursuant the City. (30) days after passage. to and in compliance with an act of the Legislature of the State (d) To aid in promoting home- C. A. HYDE, of California entitled "An Act building programs and the de- Mayor of the City Authorizing Municipal Corpora- sirable development and bene- of Palm Springs. 624 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT -LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT _ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ATTEST: fee then provided by this ordi- referred to in subsection 90 LOUISE McCARN, nance for original issuance of thereof. City Cleric of the such license. 33. Pawnbroker as referred City of Palm Springs. Licenses hereunder shall be to in subsection 92 thereof. I, the undersigned, City Clerk transferable excepting the fol- 34. Peddler as referred to in of the City of Palm Springs, Cali- )owing types and classifications subsection 93 thereof. fornia, hereby certify that the of licenses which shall not be foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- transferred: 35. Plumbing Contractor as nance No. 185 of the City of-Palm referred to in subsection 96 Springs, was introduced at a 1. Any license granted under thereof. meeting of the City Council of the exemptions provided in 36, Salesman as referred to said city held on the 3rd day of Section N of this ordinance. in subsection 102 thereof. December, 194'7, and was read in 2. Abstracts as referred to M, Secondhand Dealer as re- I full and was passed at regular tar subsection 1 of Section P. ferred to in subsection 103 meeting of said Council held on 3. Advertising as referred thereof. tc dayuo January, 1948, by to in subsection 3 thereof. 38, Sheetmetal works as re- the followi vote: 4. Accountants as referred ferred to in subsection 105 Ayes: Mayor IIyde, Biglcy, Mar- Lo in subsection 2 thereof. thereof. tell, Farrell, Turonnet, Nichols 5. Air Conditioning Sales and and Kieley. Service as referred to in sub- Veterinarian as referred to Noes: None. section 4 thereof. to in subsection 117 thereof. Absent: None. 6. Amusements of all kinds Section 2: Section, P of said as referred to in subsection 6 Ordinance No. 157 is hereby I further certify that said ordi- thereof. amended by repealing and delet- nance was thereupon signed by 7• Architects as referred to ing therefrom subsection 53, en- C. A. Hyde, Mayor of Palm in subsection 7 thereof. titled "Fruit and Vegetable Springs, and attested by Louise 8. Attorneys at law as re- Wagons." McCarn, City Clerk of said City. ferred to in subsection 9 WITNESS my hand and seal of thereof. Section 3: The City Cleric is said City this 8th day of January, hereby ordered and directed to 1548. ,�P C C � `i Astrologers as referred to �pn.,w�R 1..7rrii 9. subsection 10 thereof. certify" to the passage of this or- (City Seal) 10. Auction as referred to in dinance and to cause the same to LOUISE McCARN, subsection 11 thereof. be published once in the Palm City Cleric of the City of 11. Automobile dealers as re- Springs Limelight-News, a news- Palm Springs, California. ferred to in subsection 12(b) Paper of general circulation, I hereby certify iliat the fore- thereof, printed, published and circulated eoing ordinance and certificate 12. Automobiles and taxi- in the City of Palm Springs. This were published January 9, 1948, cabs for hire as referred to ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after in the Palm Springs Limelight- in subsection 12(c) thereof. News, a weekly newspaper of 13. Automobile wrecking as passage. general circulation, printed, pub- referred to in subsection 12(i) C. A. HYDE, lished and circulated in the City thereof. Mayor of the City of Palm Springs. 14. Bankrupt, Assigned or of Palm Springs. (City S( 1 �^yl �6 ­ Damaged Goods as referred ATTP:ST: to in subsection 15 thereof. LOUISE McCARN, LOUISE McCARN, Y5. Bicycles or Motor-Driven City Clerk of the City Clerk of Cycles as referred to in sub- Palm Springs, California. section 19 thereof. City of Palm Springs. ---- 16. Brokers as referred to in I, the undersigned, City Cleric ORDINANCE No. 186 subsection 25 thereof. of the City of Palm Springs, Calf- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 17. Clubs - private recrea- forma„ hereby certify 'that the OF PALM SPRINGS AMEND- tional as referred to in sub- foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- ING SECTIONS G AND P OF section 33 thereof, nance No. 186 of the City of Palm ORDINANCE No. 157. 18. Collection agencies as re- Springs, was introduced at a The City Council of the City of ferred to in subsection 35 meeting of the City Council of Palm Springs does ordain as fol- thereof. said city held on the 3rd day of lows: 19. Contractors as referred December, 1947, and was read in Section 1: Section G of Ordi- to in subsection 36 thereof. full and was passed at regular nance No. 157, being an ordinance 20. Detective-Private as re- meeting of said Council held on of the City of Palm Springs pro- ferred to in subsection 41 the 7''th day of January, 1948, by viding for the licensing of whole- thereof. the following vote: sale and retail businesses, trades 21. Doctors, dentists, ebiro- Ayes: Mayor Hyde, Biglcy, Mar- and occupations, and repealing praetors, opticians, osteo- tell, Farrell, Turonnet, Nichols earlier ordinances, adopted May paths, etc., as referred to in and Kieley. 2nd, 1945, is hereby amended to subsection 42 thereof. Noes; None. read as follows: 22, Electrical Fixtures and Absent: None. Supplies when same includes "SECTION G: Licenses grant- contracting, as referred to in I flurther certify that said ordi- ed or issued under the pro- subsection 47 thereof. nance was thereupon signed by visions of this ordinance shall 23 Employment agency or C. A. Hyde, Mayor of Palm not be transferred, nor shall bureau as referred to in sub- Springs, and attested by Louise they authorize any person other section 48 thereof. McCarn, City Clerk of said City. than therein named to do busi- 24. Escrows as referred to ness, nor shall they authorize - W:[TNESS my hand and seal of the person therein named to do in subsection 49 thereof. said City this 8th day of January, C . I business at, any location or 25. Heating Sales and Serv- 1948 n premises except as specified in ice, when same includes con- (City Seal) the license, unless they be tracting, as referred to in LOUISE McCARN, transferable licenses and first subsection 63 thereof. City Cleric of the City of be transferred by the City 26. H C House mover as referred Cairn Springs, California. Clerk. to in subsection 68 thereof. Before any license is trans- 27. Investments and Loans I hereby certify that the fore- ferred the person applying for as referred to in subsection gong=; ordinance and certificate such transfer shall make ap- 71 thereof. were published January 9, 19482 poication for license as pro- 28, Laboratory as referred to in the Palm Springs newspaper of vided in Section I hereof, shall News, a weekly newspaper of in subsection 74 thereof. general circulation, printed, pub- comply with all requirements 29. Locksmith as referred to hailed and circulated in the City of this and other ordinances of in subsection 77 thereof. of Pahn Springs. the City as though there were 30. Medicine show as referred (City S 1) to be an initial issuance of a vv� license 'to such transferee, and to in subsection 82 thereof. -+'�LA-44 shall pay the City Clerk a 31. Neon signs as referred to LOUISE McCARN, charge for such transfer equal in subsection 86 thereof. City Clerk of to ten per cent (1001) of the 32. Painting Contractors as Palm Springs, Calif. :A? 186 278 4-20-54 2 34 Repealing "#157 and all amendments (-14- p 025 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ORDINANCE No. 187 Council of the City of Palm said City this 5th day of Febru- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Springs does ordain as follows: ary, 1948. Section 1: That under the An- IN PALM SPRINGS ANNEX- 0 / / ❑exation of Uninhabited Territory (CITY SEAL) u _t ��1Q G TERRITORY TO SAID CITY. Act of 1939, the boundaries of WHEREAS, the Annexation of the City of Palm Springs shall LOUISE Mof the Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939 and hereby are altered and thatherein- City Cleric of the City of (Slats. 1939, Chapter 297 as after r described territory herein- Palm Springs, California. after described a I hereby certify and the same amended, Deerings General Laws, is annexed to and incorporated Y that the fore- Section 5162), provides for the and included in said City. going:. ordinance and certificate were published February 6, 1948, alteration of the boundaries of Section 2: The said territory in the Palm Springs Limelight- incorporated towns and cities by hereinabove referred to is par- g News, a weekly newspaper of the annexation of uninhabited ter- titularly described as: I ritory thereto and for the incor- BEGINNING the South- general circulation, printed, pub- poration of such annexed terri- west corner of Section tion 34, T3S, fished and circulated in the City Cory in and as a part of such mu- of Palm Sprigs. _ R4E, S.B.B.&M.; nicipality, and for the districting, Thence Northerly along the �-y"s✓+--A �:'e'�e "=•"�-•�--�. government and municipal control West boundary of said Section � LOUISE McCARN, of such annexed territory, and M, approximately one mile to (SEAL) _City Clerk of Palm WHEREAS, the City Council of the Northwest corner of said Springs, California. the City of Palm Springs on the section; llth day of December, 1947 by Thence Easterly along the Resolution No. 2230 initiated pro- North boundary of said Section _ ceedings under said Act to alter 34, approximately one mile to the boundaries of said City and the Northeast corner of said annex to, incorporate and include section; ORDINANCE No. 188 in said City, uninhabited territory, Thence Southerly along the AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY which said territory, together East boundary of said Section OF PALM SPRINGS, ALTERING with the boundaries of said terri- 34, approximately one-half mile THE BOUNDARIES OF DIS- tory is specifically described, to the Southeast corner of TRICT No. FOUR. identified and designated herein- Northeast quarter of said Sec- The City Council of the City after in this Ordinance, and Lion 34; of Palm Springs, does ordain as WHEREAS, the said territory Thence Westerly along the follows: was found to be uninhabited un- South boundary of said North- der the terms of said Act, and east quarter of Section 34, ap- SECTION 1: The boundaries of WHEREAS, the said uninhab- proximately one-half mile to District No. Four of the City of ited territory was designated as the center of said section; Palm Springs, established in ac- "THE SECTION 34 TERRI- Thence Southerly along the cordance with the provisions of TORY," which said designation East boundary of tine South- Section 852 (d) of an act to was and is deemed by said Coun- west quarter of said Section 34, provide for the organization, in- cil to be an appropriate identifi- approximately one-half mile to corporation and government of cation for said territory, and the South boundary of Sec- municipal corporations, are here- WHEREAS, the said Council tion 34; by extended to include the fol- desires to annex said territory Thence Westerly along the lowing described property: for the reasons that the said ter- South boundary of said Section BEGINNING at the South- I ritory, is situated North of the 34, approximately one-half mile west corner of Section 34, T3S, northerly boundaries,of said City to the point of beginning. R4E, S. B. B. & M.; and is crossed by the principal The said area proposed to be Thence Northerly along the highway leading from the North included and annexed consti- West Boundary of said Section to said City. The tremendous Lutes, the West Half of said approximately one mile to growth of population and in- Section 34 and the Northeast 34,the Northwest corner of said creased building in said City in- quarter of said Section 34. section; dicates that, in the near future Section 4: The City Clerk i, Ilse said territory will be im- hereby ordered and directed to Thence Easterly along the proved with buildings and other certify to the passage of this Or- North boundary of said Section - structures. The location and an- dinance and to cause same to be 34, approximately one mile to licipated development of the said published once, in the Palm the Northeast corner of said territory is such that an exten- Springs Limelight-News, a news- section; lion of fire and police protection paper of general circulation,print- Thence Southerly along the by the City will benefit the said ed, published and circulated in City and the said territory, and the City of Palm Springs._ This East boundary of said Section WHEREAS, the said resolution Ordinance shall be effective thirty 34, approximately one-half mile 130) days after passage. to the Southeast corner e containing a notice of the time p g ' Northeast quarter of said Sec- and place of Hearing where any C. A. HYDE, tion 34; person owning real property with- (SEAL) Mayor of the City in the -.aid territory proposed to of Palm Springs. Thence Westerly along the he annexed and having any ob- South boundary of said North- ,jection to tine proposed annexa- ATTEST: east quarter of Section 34, ap- iion, could appear before the said Proximately one-half mile to the Lity &OUISE of the , center of said section; Council and show, cause why such City C]erk of the Icrihory should not be so an- City of Palm Springs. Thence Southerly along the nexed and a copy of the said East boundary of the South- Resolution was published once a I, the undersigned, City Cleric west quarter of said Section 34; week ter two successive weeks of the City of Palm Springs, Cali- approximately one-half mile to prior to the said Hearing, in the tornia, hereby certify that the the South boundary of Section Limelight Daily News, a news- foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- 34; I paper of general circulation pub- nance No. 187 of the City of Palm lished in the City of Palm Springs. Springs, was introduced at a Thence Westerly along the and meeting of the City Council of South boundary of said Section WHEREAS, on the 7ih day of 'grid city held on the 7th day of 34, approximately one-hall mile J ]947, at 8:15 o'clock P. January, 1948, and was read in to the point of beginning. Iv[., at at y' Tull and was passed at regula.the City Council Chambers, The said area proposed to be meeting n 810 North Palm Canyon Drive, in of said Council held o included and annexed consti- the City of Palm Springs, being the 4th day of February, 1948, by iutcs the West , half of said the time and place fixed for the following vote: Section 34 and the Northeast lleai'ing, a hearu,s was had, evi- Ayes: Mayor Hyde, Bigley, lvla:- quarter of said Section 34. Bence introduced and the objec_ tell, Farrell, Turonnet and all person , owning real Nichols. SECTION 2: The City Clerk is Lions of s tioP of within the said territory Noes: None, hereby ordered and directed to having been accepted and passed Absent: Kieley. certify to the passage of this Lip on, and I further certify that said ordi- Ordinance and to cause same to nance was thereupon signed by be published' once in the Palm WHEREAS, all hearings and C. A.' Hyde, Mayor of Palm Springs Limelight News, a news- other proceedings were had and Springs, and attested by Louise paper of general circulation,print- taken as prescribed by law. McCarn, City Clerk of said City. ed, published and circulated in the NOW THEREFORE, the City WITNESS my hand and seal of City of Palm Springs. This Or- 3126 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) dinance shall be effective thirty "Building" shall, in addition to cured ;pursuant to the provisions d ina days after passage. the ordinary meaning, include any of the Palm Springs Electrical C. A. IIYDE structure. Code and in compliance with same Mayor of the City of "Face or wall of building" shall and all other applicable laws and Palm Springs mean) the general outer surface of ordinances. (SEAL) any main exterior wall or foun- Section 3: (a) All applications ATTEST: . dation wall of the building, and for permission to erect, construct, LOUISE McCARN shall include windows and store maintain, move, alter, change, re- Clerk of the City of fronts, pair, place, suspend or attach Palm Springs "Sign" shall mean any name, any sign shall be filed with the I, the undersigned, City Clerk figure, character, outline, specta- Building Inspector on forms to be rf the City of Palm Springs,Cali- cle, display, delineation, announce- provided therefor, and shall be fornia, hereby certify that the ment, advertising, billboards, accompanied by detailed plans loregoing ordinance, being Ordin- signboards, device, appliance, or and specifications showing the ante No. 188 of the City of Palm any other thing of similar nature number of square feet therein, as I Springs, was introduced at a to attract attention outdoors or well as proposed construction, let- meeting of the City Council of on the face oi� wall of any build- tering, location, and such other said city held on the 4th day of ing, and shall include all parts, details as may be required. February, 1948, and was read in portions, units, and materials (b) All such applications shall full and passed at regular meet- composing the came,together with be accompanied by the written ing of said Council held on the the frame, background, structure, consent of the owner, holder, ?rd dr:v of March, 1948 by the and supports or anchorage there- lessee, agent or trustee having follcwing vote: for, as the case may be , charge of the property on which Ayes: Mayor Hyde, Bigley, I{ie- of sign shall mean and it is proposed to creel., construct. Icy, Martell, Farrell, Turonnet and "Area" a include that of each face of a maintain, move, alter, change, re- Nichols. sign, and each such face shall be pair, place, suspend or attach such Sloes: None sign, F,bsent: None deemed a separate sign. Where I further certify that said or- a sign is painted on a wall of a (c) All applications shall be dinance was therupon signed by building, without any border, and accompanied by a fee of Two Dol- C. A. Hyde, Mayor of Palm with its background the same lays ($2.00) to defray expenses Springs, and attested by Louise color as the wall of the building, of investigation, which fee shall AlcCarn, City Clerk of said City. the area of the sign shall be com- be retained by the City whether WWITNESS my hand and seal of puted by enclosing the lettering such permit is granted or not. said City this 5th day of March, and images within sets of parallel (d) The Building Inspector be 1948. lines and taking the area thus en- fore the granting of a permit for (City Seal) closed. The area of signs on mar- the erection, construction, recon. W �,, )-PC �i,,.,_tuees and indirectly lighted signs struction, repair or alteration of Jb-u-c2�1 having letters not over ten ;aches any sign, shall determine that: the LOUISE NICCARN in height shall be similarly coin- proposed sign in all respects of City Clerk of puted. design, construction, location and the.City:of. 'Sign' shall not include the materials, conforms to all applir- Palm Springs; California American Flag nor any support. able ordinances, regulations,sound 1 hereby certify that the forego- frame or standard which is used practices, and as near as may be ing ordinance and certificatewere exclusively for display of the and is in alignment with and can- published March 9, 1948 in the American Flag. forms to existing signs for the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a Section 2: (a) It shall be un- purpose of insuring that no pub- weekly I weey newspaper of general cir- lawful for any person, firm or lic hazard be created. culation, printed, published and corporation to erect, construct, Section 4: Palm Springs is a circulated in the City of Palm maintain, move, alter, change, re- restful resort community in a Springs. �2 i pair, place, suspend, attach or to scenic desert area, and the pub- +)...aL��d? df �._ r✓-zr�cmtse or permit to be erected. lie health, morals, safety and wel. LOUISE McCARN constructed, moved, a 1 t e r e d, fare, as well as the popularity City Clerk of changed, repaired, placed, sus- and prosperity of the community 'Palm Springs, California pended, attached or maintained are dependent largely upon quiet, within the City of Palm Springs, restful„ health inducing, attractive any sign or advertising structure and orderly arrangement and an- other than one existing prior to pearance throughout the City, all ORDINANCE No. 189 the effective date of this ordi- improved parts of which are used AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY nance, conforming to the prove- for residences, apartlnentg, resort OF PALM SPRINGS, REGU- sions hereof, without first obtain- hotels, hotels, and placeq of abode EATING THE CONSTRUC- ing from the Building Inspector and lodging. Therefore, the City TION, LOCATION, PLACE- of said City, a written permit so Council hereby declares that in MENT AND MAINTENANCE to do, paying the fees prescribed the interest of the public health, OF ADVERTISING SIGNS therefor and conforming to and morals, safety and welfare, it is AND DEVICES. complying with all the provisions the policy of the City of Palm The City Council of the City of of this ordinance. A permit shall Springs to restrict and regulate not be required for minor repairs advertising signs as herein pro- Palm Springs does ordain as fol- or painting or changing of adver vided. lows: tising matter on a permitted sign Section 5: (a) No sign shall Section 1: (a) This ordinance or advertising structure, proved- be supported in whole or in part shall be known as the "Palm ing the area is not increased. from any street, sidewalk, park- Springs Sign Ordinance," and it (b) Said permit shall be grant- way or other public property. shall be sufficient to refer to ed by the said Building Inspector (b) No sign shall be placed same as such in any prosecution only under the conditions here- upon any vacant lot or unim- for violation of any provisions inafter set forth, and said permit proved, property in Zones or Dis thereof, or in any ordinance add- may at any time be rescinded by tricts R-1, R-1(a), R-3, R-4, R-I-1 ing to, amending or repealing the City Council of said City E 2, or T, as established by Or same or any part thereof, or ,giould any of the provisions of dinance No. 1.80 of said City and I otherwise. this ordinance be violated. The amendments thereto, except that (b) The provisions of this or- "ranting of a permit shall not be it deal exclustvely wills the sale, dinance shall apply to all terry decreed to be a permit for or an lease or transfer of such property. Tory within the City of Palm approval of any violation of this and no such sign shall exceed five Springs.,, It shall be the duty of ordinance. No permit shall be (5) square feet in area (exclu• the Building Inspector of the valid except so far as the work sive of supports), nor be erected City, to enforce all of the pro- or use which it authorizes is valid. nearer than fifteen (1:5) feet to visions of this ordinance, and it The granting of a permit shall any property line or any othni shall be,unlawful for anyone to not prevent the Building Inspec- sign. Such signs shall not be interfere ,with the said Building tor from thereafter requiring the illuminated nor shall any part Inspector in the performance of I correction of errors in the work thereof be more than five L5t his duties. or from preventing further oper- feet above the general level of (a) Unless another meaning is ations being carried on thereun- the surrounding ground within clearly apparent from the con- der when in violation of this or fifteen (15) feet of said sign. text,.the following words, terms any other ordinance of the City. (c) In Zones of Di,tricts R-1 and phrases, when used in this (c) Any electric wiring or in- and R-1A, as established by Ordi ordinance shall have the mean- stallation to be used in connec- nance No. 180 and amendments ings hereinafter in this section tion with any sign shall be done thereto, unlighted, non-elecirie set forth: under permit for the purpose pro- signs shall bo permitted on im. P�- 197 6-30-48 1 332 Amending Secs, 5(b e, 7(a) , 10(a) 207 2-16-49 1 340 Repealing Ord. No. 189 (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) proved properties as follows: one dential or business purposes. similar structures or attachments unlighted name plate, not exceed- When buildings in said C-R Zone which are parallel with the street, ing one (1) square foot in,area, are being used for both residen- way, public property or private indicating the name of the occu- tial and commercial purposes, a property intended for use by the pant, for each dwelling unit; one 100% increase in the area of the public. identification sign not exceeding signs permitted, shall be made for Section 7: (a) The total ar four (4) square feet in area for such commercial use, aggregate area of all signs af- each public utilities building,park, (e) Two signs, not to exceed fixed to or upon any building or playground, athletic field, church, twenty (20) square feet each, premises shall not exceed the club, museum, library, public or may be affixed to each subdi- equivalent of one square foot per private school or real estate of- vision of land within the City to Lineal foot of frontage which said fice, when such uses have been designate that fact and the name building or premises has on the properly established under the and address of the seller. public streets upon which it in, provisions of said Ordinance No. (f) The City Council of the mediately abuts. No single busi- I 180, one sign not exceeding five City of Palm Springs hereby de- ness regardless of its lineal from.- (5) square feet in area for each termines that the public peace, age, shall have affixed to exceed parcel of property to advertise safety, morals, health and wel- fifty (50) square feet of signs by only the lease, rental or sale fare requires that all signs and reason of its frontage on any one thereof, one sign not exceeding advertising structures heretofore public street, except as allowed three (3) square feet in area for constructed or erected, be and by Section 7(b), as limited by each parcel of property to warn they are hereby made subject to Section 7(c), and when direct against. trespassing. No part of the provisions of this Section 5 and lighting, as opposed to shadow any such sign affixed to a strue- its subdivisions, and shall conform lighting, is used to illuminate any Lure shall extend more than eight and comply with such require- sign, the area above provided for (8) feet above the general ground ments not later than September shall be reduced fifty per cent. level within fifteen (15) feet of I, 1948, and that all signs and (b) Businesses abutting on said sign. No part of any sign advertising structures which shall more than one public street shall affixed to the land shall be more not conform and comply prior to be allowed their respective quotas than five (5) feet above the that date shall be and they are of sign area on any two of the ground nor less than fifteen (15) hereby declared public nuisances streets, provided that the areas feet from the street line, and all to be removed and abated in the may not be cumulated on one signs and name nlates shall be manner provided by law. street, and shall not exceed the parallel to the street. Section 6: (a) Except as here- allowed area on any one street. In Zones or Districts R-3, R-4, in provided, no sign of any kind. Where same are set back twen- R-A, E-2 and T, as established having a greater surface area or ty (20) feet or more from the by said Ordinance No. 180 ana expanse than thirty (30) square property line, an additional twen- amendments thereto, signs shall feet, shall be erected, applied. ty-five per cent (25%) of sign be permitted on improved proper- constructed or maintained with area may be used for non-illumi- ties as above provided for Dis- the City of Palm Springs. "In nated signs or shadow lighted tricts R-1 and R-lA, and also as those cases where a business does signs, provided further that the follows: one shadow lighted or not deal in, sell or display per- lineal footage of the property on unlighted identification sign not sonal property, nor have any win- the particular street is sufficient exceeding six (6) square feet in dow displays adjacent to the to provide for all sign area at the area for each premises improved street, but does have an entrance ratio of one lineal foot of front- and used in compliance with said way from the street, and is se' age for each square foot of sign Ordinance No. 180, for purposes back a distance of twenty-five area. I other than residential, a similar (25) feet or more, its entire al- In those cases where a business sign for each multiple dwelling lowed sign area may be incor- does not deal in, sell or display premises having three or more porated into one single sign, pro- personal property, nor have any dwelling units but less than one vided that it be constructed en- window displays adjacent to the hundred four (104) feet of front- tirely of steel, glass and non-in- street, but does have an entrance age on public streets, one or more flamable materials, be indirectly way from the street, and is set shadow lighted or unlighted iden- lighted, have its lowest portion at back a distance of twenty-five tification signs not exceeding ten least ten (10) feet above the sur- (25) feet or more, and its signs (10) square feet in aggregate face of the entrance, have letters- are entirely of steel, glass and area for each multpile dwelling not more than ten (10) inches non-inflamable materials, indirect- premises having three or more in height, and be supported only ly lighted, an additional twenty- dwelling units and one hundred at either side of such entrance five per cent (25%) of sign area four (104) feet or more of front- way" may be used. age on public sheets. When di- (b) No part of any sign shall (c) The total or aggregate area rcet lighting, as opposed to extend over or above any street. of signs affixed to premises upon shadow lighting, is used to illumi- parkway, alley, sidewalk or other which a public parking lot is op- nate any sign, the area of such public property, or over or above erated, or upon which motor ve- sign shall be reduced fifty per any private property used or in- hicles are parked for compensa- cent. All signs allowed by this tended for use as a public way ex- lion, shall not exceed ten (10) sub-paragraph shall be parallel to cept in the following instances: square feet. The total or aggre- the street lines, except that ver- Where the lowest part of guch gate area of signs affixed to tical signs attached to buildings sign is eight feet or more above premises upon which automobiles and which do not project more the grade of such street, side- are parked for the convenience of than eighteen inches beyond the walk or way immediately below, or in conjunction with other wall, may be at right angles to the sign may extend for not ex- premises or businesses, shall not the street lines. No part of any cceding sixteen (16) inches over exceed five (5) square feet. sign affixed to a structure shall such street, sidewalk or way Section 8: No sign shall extend extend above the top of the main Where the sign is non-electrical above the roof or walls of the roof line of the buildings and im- and is used in connection with building to which it is attached. provements on the property ex and on the premises of a regular- No sign shall extend higher than cept when affixed to a flat roofed ly licensed business at a location twenty (20) feet above the aver- structure, less than ten feet in where conduct of such business is age grade of tire ground surface I height. No part of any sign af- not contrary to City ordinance. of the premises immediately be- fixed to a structure shall extend and the lowest part of such sign low. All signs shall be parallel to more than twelve (12) feet above is one fool. or more above the the street lines except that. the lowest ground floor level of grade of such street, sidewalk or shadow lighted vertical signs at- such buildings and improvements. way immediately below, the sign lached to buildings and which do Illuminated signs allowed by this may extend for not exceeding four not project more than sixteen sub-paragraph shall be designed, (4) inches over such street, side- inches beyond the wall may be constructed and installed of such walk or way. at right angles to the street lines. materials and in such manner as (c) Provided, however, that on Secion 9: The lettering and to avoid any glare or reflection marquees, canopies, awnings, ar- advertising matter on all signs of light on other property in the cades or similar structures or at- within the City, except as herein neighborhood. tachmems now lawfully existing provided, shall solely deal with (d) In Zones or Districts C-R or hereafter erected in conform- and clearly indicate the business as established by said Ordinance ity to the ordinances of the City done or services rendered upon No. 180, the provisions in this - _ of Palm Springs and all other such premises. section applicable to Zones or applicable requirements, painted, Section 1.0: (a) No rotating Districts classified as R-3, R-4. non-illuminated signs or shadow or moving signs shall be permit- R-11, E-2, and T, shall be applie- lighted signs, shall be permitted led, nor shall any electrical or il- able to the buildings erected in on the borders of such marquees, laminated sign blink or be in- said C-R Zones and used for rest- canopies, awnings, arcades or termittently lighted. All signs (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) (LEQ.AL ADVERTISEMENT) shall be kept safely and securely tee or the owner, holder, lessee, portion, article, section, sub-sec- fastened and in safe condition agent or trustee having charge of Lion, sentence, clause and phrase and in good order and repair at the premises or building where thereof, irrespective of the fact all times. the sign or advertising structure that any one or more of the por- (b) Clear floodlights or similar is situated, may appeal the order tions, articles, sections, sub-sec- lights to illuminate partially un• to the City Council, by delivering tions, sentences, clauses or phrases occupied land upon which is con- to the City Clerk a written and thereof be declared invalid or un- ducted a regularly licensed and signed notice stating in detail constitutional. lawfully conducted business shall the grounds of such appeal, which Section 18: Ordinance No. 82 be permitted when wholly in- the City Clerk shall without de- of the City of Palm Springs, and stalled on private property, and lay deliver to said Council at its all ordinances amendatory thereof when no direct beams therefrom next meeting, at which time the inconsistent herewith, to the ex- fall on public streets, alleys, high- appellant shall be entitled to be tent of such inconsistency and no ,ways or other private property heard. Said City Council shall at further, are hereby repealed. to any objectionable degree. such meeting or the one next Section 19: The City Clerk is I Section 11: No illuminated, succeeding, review such order hereby ordered and directed to J!'lectrical or tube sign shall use and record its decision thereon certify to the passage of this or- !1)ther colors than gold, white, yet- With the City Clerk, who shall dinance and to cause the same to 16W.and the softer shades of blue without delay cause a copy of be published once in Palm Springs 4 d green as predominating colors. such decision to be served in the Limelight-News, a newspaper of Section 12: (a) Nothing here- manner set out in the preceding general circulation, printed, pub- in contained shall prevent the paragraph. Unless such order is lished and circulated in the City erection, construction and main- revoked or modified by the Coun- of Palm Springs. This ordinance t6 nance of official traffic, fire cil, it shall be and remain in full shall be effective thirty (30) days And police signs, signals, devices, force and effect; in the event it after passage. and markings of the State De- is modified, it shall be in force C. A. HYDE, partment of Public Works, the and effect as modified from the Mayor of the City Council or other competent time of service by the City Clerk City of Palm Springs. public authorities, nor the post- of a copy of the decision. Any ATTEST: ing of notices required by law. permittee failing to comply with LOUISE McCARN, tb) Nothing herein contained such order of the Building In- City Clerk of the shall prevent the City Council specter within ten (10) days from City of Palm Springs. from granting a temporary spe service of such order, or in the I, the undersigned, City Clerk vial permit on such terms and event an appeal be taken, within of the City of Palm Springs, Cali- conditions as it may deem proper five (5) days after said appeal fornia, hereby certify that the for signs advertising or pertaining has been determined otherwise foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- to any civic, patriotic or special than by revocation of the order, nance No. 189 of the City of Palm event of general public interest and copy of such decision served Springs, was introduced at a taking place within the boundar- by the City Clerk, shall thereby meeting of the City Council of ies of the City when it determines automatically have his permit re- said city held on the 3rd day of that same will not be materially yoked and shall be deemed guilty March, 1948, and was read in full detrimental to the public welfare, of a violation of this ordinance and was passed at regular meet- interest or safety, nor injurious and liable to all the penalties ing of said Council held on the to,adjacent property or improve- Provided thereby. 7th day of April, 1948, by the fol- ments. Section 15: The City Council of lowing vote: Section 13: No person anal; the City of Palm Springs does Ayes: Mayor Hyde, Bigley, Kie- I place, maintain or display upon, hereby determine that the public ley, Martell, Farrell, Turonnet or in view of any street or high- peace, safety, morals, health and and Nichols. way any unofficial sign, signal welfare, require that all signs and Noes: None. or device or any signal, sign or advertising structures heretofore Absent: None. device which purports to be or is constructed or erected, be and I further certify that said or- imitation of or resembles an of- they are hereby made subject to dinance was thereupon signed by ficial traffic sign or signal or the ;provisions of this Ordinance. C. A. Hyde, Mayor of Palm which attempts to direct the and shall conform and comply Springs, and attested by Louise movement of traffic or which with such requirements not later McCarn, City Cleric of said City. hides from view any official than September 1, 1948. and that Witness my -hand' and seal of traffic sign or signal. ell signs and advertising strue- said City this 8th day of April, Section 1.4: (a) The City here- lures which shall not so conform 1948. by reserves the power and au- and comply within that time shall (City Seal) p C, thority to revolve any permits be and they are hereby declared granted hereunder when any sign public nuisances to be removed or advertising structure covered and abated in the manner pro- LOUISE McCARN, thereby is maintained in violation vided by law. City Clerk of the City of of this ordinance, or contrary to Section 16: Any person, firm Palm Springs, California. the permit for sane, and the or corporation violating any of I hereby certify that the fore- Building Inspector shall order it the provisions of this ordinance going ordinance and certificate to be altered, repaired, changed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, were published April 9, 1948, in reconstructed, demolished or re- and upon conviction thereof shall the Palm Springs Limelight-News, moved as may be necessary to be punishable by a fine of not a weekly newspaper of general conform and comply with the or- more than Three Hundred Dol- circulation, printed, published and dinance and permit, and such lars ($300.00), or by imprison- circulated in the City of Palm work or act shall be completed ment in the Riverside County Spring:j within ten (10) days from the Jail for a period of not more than date of service of such order, on- three (3) months, or by both Ices an appeal be taken as here- such fine and imprisonment. Each LOUISE McCARN, inafter provided. such person, firm or corporation City Clerk of The service of any such order shall be deemed guilty of a sep- Palm Springs, California. shall be made upon the holder arate offense for every day dur- I of the permit to whom it is di- ing any portion of which any vio- ---- ---- rected by either delivering a true laiion of any provisions of this copy of same to such permittee or ordinance is committed. continued ORDINANCE No. 190 one of its officers personally or or permitted by such person, firm AN ORDINANCE OF TIIE CITY by delivering the same to and or corporation, and shall be pun- OF PALM SPRINGS, AMEND- leaving it with any person in ishable therefor as provided by ING SECTIONS 4 AND 34 charge of the premises, or in case this ordinance. OF ORDINANCE No. 36 AND no such person be found upon Section 17: In the event any ADDING SECTION 22.5 TO the premises, by affixing a copy portion, section, sub-section, sen- ORDINANCE No. 36, BEING thereof in a conspicuous place on tence, clause or phrase of this AN ORDINANCE OF THE the door at an entrance to said ordinance is for any. reason held CITY REGULATING TRAFFIC Premises, and mailing another to be invalid or unconstitutional UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS. copy to said permittee's last by the decision of any Court of The City Council of the City of known post office address by de- competent jurisdiction, such de- Palm Springs, does ordain as fol- positing same in the United vision shall not affect the validity lows: States Mail at Palm Springs, of the remaining portions of the Section 1: Ordinance No. 36 of postage prepaid. ordinance. The City Council here- the City of Palm Springs, being (b) Within five (5) days from by declares that it would have an ordinance of said City, regu- service of such order, the permit- passed this ordinance, and each lating traffic upon the public Ordi�ia��,ce ,do 7.90 oo?; llo. r'<^.,.;e Sr_e Oa dillaii.^,o ifo. i assocl ev»�u�.'-✓/�-�j�'n:tC�^ LIr:21` �/�/-.// C�.✓.C/> �.� /o!�./. ,7/ r:�./ . .�- , � �,. v-3+r' F (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) " ""'"" —' _ (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) streets, adopted November 9,1938, traffic in the City and on the hereby amended by designating is hereby amended as follows: streets above mentioned, makes it and establishing the areas of land A. Section 4 is amended to necessary for the safety of the hereafter described se being wand read: residents and guests of the City, h "Section 4: Obedience to Po- to so regulate the pedestrians and in the land Use districts indicated,follows: lice—Loitering. the speed and parking of such (a) No person shall wil- automobiles and that such regu- (a) Lots 8 to 11 inclusive fully fail or refuse to core- lations be provided during the Block B' and Lots 1 to 10 tri- ply with any lawful order, time this ordinance otherwise elusive Block E all of the Tah- direction or signal of a po- would require to become effec- quitz River Estates No, 2 Sub- lice officer. tive. division as per map recorded in i Book 22, pages 76-77 of maps, (b) It shall unlawful Section 3: The City Clerk is Records of Riverside County, are for any person to dle or lot- hereby ordered and directed to designated and established as be.- ter upon any public street certify to the passage of this or- ing within Land Use District R-3 I or sidewalk of the City in dinance and to cause the same to such manner as to block or be published once in Pahn Springs (Multiple Dwellings). obstruct the free passage of Limelight-News, a newspaper of (b) Lots 12 to 19 inclusive vehicles or pedestrians." general circulation, printed, pub- Block "B" and Lots 1-19 Inelu- B. Section 34 is amended to lished and circulated in the City sive Block D all of Tahquitz read: of Palm Springs. This ordinance River Estates No. 2 Subdivision "Section 34: NO PARKING shall be effective thirty (30) days as, per map recorded in Book 22, ON PORTIONS OF CER- after passage. Pages 76-77 of maps, Records of Riverside County; are designated TAIN STREETS. Except as C. A. HYDE, and established as being within' expressly required by law, Mayor of the Land Use District R-4 (Flotol Dis- no person shall stop, stand City of Palm Springs. triet). or park a vehicle at any ATTEST: , time on the following areas LOUISE McCARN, (e) All of within the City: City Clerk of the exception of thhee w 'esterly 160' of , with the (a) Either side of Alejo City of Palm Springs. said Block of Tahquitz River Es- Road between Palm Canyon tales No. 2 Subdivision as per Drive and Indian Avenue. I, the undersigned, City Clerk lnap recorded in Boole 22, pages (b) The East side of In- of the City of Palm Springs, Cali- 76.77 of Maps. Records of River- dian Avenue between Alejo fornia, hereby certify that the side County, as designated and Road and Baristo Road. foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- established as being within Land (c) The South side of nance No. 190 of the City of Palm Use Distrlet C-2 (Retail Business Arenas Road between Palm Springs, was introduced at a District). Canyon Drive and Indian meeting of the City Council of Section 2: The City Clerk is Avenue. said city held on the 24th day of hereby ordered and directed ut ld) The West side of In- March, 1948, and was read in full certify to the passage of this or- dian Avenue between the in- and was passed at regular meet- dinnnce and to cause the same- tersection of Andreas Road ing of said Council held on the to be published one(, In Palm and Indian Avenue and a 7th day of April, 1948, by the fol- Springs Limelight.-News, a news- point thirty (30) feet north lowing vote: paper of general circulation,print. of said intersection." Ayes: Mayor Hyde, Bigley, Vie- ed, published and circulated in C. There is hereby added to ley, Martell, Farrell, Turon ilia City of Palrn Springs. Thisnet ordinance shall be effective thirty Ordinance No. 36, a new sec- and Nichols. (10) days after passage. I tion numbered 22.5, which Noes: None. C. A. LIYDE, will read as follows: Absent: None. Mayor of. the City Section 22.5. Speed Limits: I further certify that said ordi- of Palm Springs. The City Council having de- nance was thereupon signed by ATTEST: termined upon the basis of C. A. Hyde, Mayor of Palm LOUISE McCARN, an engineering and traffic Springs, and attested by Louise City Cleric of the survey, that the prima facie McCarn, City Clerk of said City. City of Palm Springs, speed limit of 55 miles per WITNESS my hand and seal of I, the undersigned, City Clerk hour is more than reason- said City this Sth day of April, of the City of Palm Springs, Cali able or safe upon the streets 1948. forma, hereby certify that the hereinafter named, and that (City Seal) foregoing ordinance, being Ordi• a maximum speed limit of x ll, ty) nance No. 191, of the City of Palm 35 miles per hour is most �-�- 'vr✓�-(� dd d 1. "�-°vv-�Springs, was introduced at o appropriate to facilitate the LOUISE McCARN, raoetln ' of the City Council of orderly movement of traffic City Clerk of the City of seed elty held on, the 7th day of and is reasonable and safe Palm Springs, California. April, I948, and was tend hi full on said streets, upon the and was passed at ,in adjourned erection of appropriate signs, I hereby certify that the fore- pa s^ j a maximum speed limit of going or and certificate meeting of said Council held an 35 miles per hour shall be were published April 9, 1948, in theOth day of April, 1.94$, by the Palm Springs Limeli Limelight-News, tho following vote: effective on: g Ayes: Mayor Ilyde, 131gloy, Xio- Ramon Road between a weekly newspaper of general ley, Martell, Farrell, Tttronnct Palmlm Canyon Drive and a circulation, printed, published and point 2,640 feet East of Sun- circulated in the City of Palm and Nichols, rise Way. Springs. Noes: None, f absent: None, (b) South Palm Canyon ' p /- s� � �- r , I further oortlfy thlni� said ord�r and between Indio Road 't`'1L ivunce was thorcu pon signed by and the Southerly City LOUISE McCARN, 1, f, City Clerk of C. A. 11,yde, ]Aaycr of Palm boundary line, Springs,Palm Springs, California. l xrin 6 and attested said Louiso (c) Tamarisk Road be- McCown, City Clerk or misaidCity. tween Via Miraleste and Wl':fN'ESS my Iurncl and seal of Sunrise Way, said City this 23rd defy of April, (d) Paseo El Mirador be- t9418. tween Avenida de his Cab- __ _ lt'ity Soa11 alleros and Sunrise Way. ('LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) Section 2: This Ordinance is _ 1,01aSli; -.... h ORDINANCE No. 1,91, hereby declared to be an emer- City C;,lurle of the City of CITY measure for the immediate AN ORDINANCE OF THE, Palm SYarings, California. preservation of the public peace, OF' PALM SPRINGS A'M:[ND- I hereby costify that the 'fore- ING SECTION 3.'1 AND 'I'11F,' health and, safety, within the "OFFICIAL LAND USE PLAN"' wgreS ublIshance and certtlf9, !it meaning of Section 861 of "An ADOPTED THEREBY, OF OR- th" pul'dlshin s Lin .light-No s. Act to Provide for the Oiganiza- DINAN'CE No, 180 OF SAID Llnu lr'alm .,prbnp'{s T,im(,lighl;-News. Lion, Incorporation and Govern- o wuckly ncw:q)apor of r;eneral CITY. (Slats. merit . Municipal Corporations,- The City Couneetl of the City etrculat on, n ilieel, puhliof and (Snots. shag page 93, ve amend- of I'abn S wings does ordain a:: "ircalaied Iho C!�i4y of Palm iat and shall be effective immed- -I `9pritags. C iaLc1Y. follows: Section 1: Section 3.1. of Ot'di- � t"Z,� A statement of the facts con- nance No. 1,80 of the City of Palm L01.51S1' MeC-ARN, siitut.fng such necessity is as Lol- f;prbir,,s and the "Official Land City Clerl; of Palm - lows: The tremendous increase Uqe, Plan" adoptod theroby is Spring% California. of pedestrians and automobile 330 (LEGAI. ADVERTISEMENT) d (I,EGAL,AD ERTISEMENT) (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) ORDINANCE No. 192 validity of the, remaining per- ORDINANCE No. 193 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY tions 'of this ordinance. ' The AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PALM SPRINGS GRANT- people of the City of Palm OF PALM SPRINGS AMEND- ING AUTHORITY FOR LEVY Springs hereby declare that they ING SECTION 3.1. AND THE OF AN ANNUAL TAX FOR would haVe adopted this ordin- "OFFICIAL LAND U S E ADVERTISING AND OTHER ance, and each section, subsec- PLAN" ADOPTED THEREBY, PURPOSES, tion, sentence and phrase there- ._OF ORDINANCE No. 180 of The people of the City of Palm of, irrespective of the fact that SAID CITY. Springs do ordain as follows: any portion thereof be declared The City Council of the City of Section 1: Pursuant to an Act invalid. Palm Springs does ordain as I of the Legislature of the State Section 8: This ordinance shall follows: of California, entitled "Taxation be effective ten days after the Section 1: Section :3.1 of Ordin, for Parks, Music and Advertising returns of the Special Election ance No. 180 of the City of Palm Purposes" (Statutes 1911, page to be held ,thereon shall have Springs and the "Official Land 846), the electors or the City of been canvassed, providing it ap- Use Plan" adopted thereby, is Palm Springs do hereby grant pears that a majority of the vot- hereby amended by designating to the City Council'of said City es cast at such election were and establishing the areas of land authority to levy, collect and ex- in favor of the ordinance. The hereafter described as being pend an ad valorem tax for pro- City Cleric is thereupon ordered within the land use districts in- viding and maintaining parks and and directed to certify to the dicated, as follows; music, and particularly for ad- passage of this ordinance and to (a) The North 18.444 acres vertising purposes, in such cause the same to be published of the Northeast quarter of amounts and at such rates as once in the, Palm Springs Lime- the Southwest quarter of See- the Council may determine but light-News, a newspaper of gen- Lion 11, T4S, R4E, S.B.B.' k not exceeding fifteen cents on oral circulation, printed, publish- M., also described as that each one hundred dollars, of the ed and circulated in the City of property bounded on the North - value of property within the city, Palm Springs. by 'rachevah Drive, on the as assessed and equalized. West: by� Via Miraleste, and Section 2: The tax herein pro- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED p that the Mayor shall sign the on the East by ;Avenida De vided for may be levied, collect- said ordinance thus adopted, and Los Cabalos, is designated and ed and expended for the fiscal established as 'bein within year 1948-49, and for each sue- the Can Clerk is thereupon o'tord- g. ceeding fiscal year, in the same eyed and directed r certify to Sect Use District City manner and at the same times the fihssage of the obe pu l and Section 2: The, dia ;Clerk is as the ordinary municipal, taxes to'cause the same to be published hereby ordered. anr]„,directed to upon the taxable property with- on,e' in the Palm Springs Lime- certify to the passage of this in one City for revenue to carry light-News. newspaper of gen- ordinance and to cause the same on the various departments of eral citculatiion, printed, publish- to be published once in,the Palm the City. crl and circulated in the City of Springs Limelight-News, a'news- ' The proceeds of the levies Palm Springs. paper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated herein provided for shall be CHARLES D. FARRELL, carried in a separate'account on Mavor of the City in the City of Palm Springs. the books of the City Treasurer, of Palm Springs. This ordinance, shall be effective entitled "Advertising Fund." c thirty (30) days after passage. ,, Section 3: The levies provided ATTEST: CHARLES D. FARRELL, for by this Ordinance shall not I OUISE McCARN, Mayor of the City existing maximum City Clerk of the of Palm Springs. increase the e City tax rate xi one dollar for City of Palm Springs, ATTEST: one hundred dollars of as- I, the undersigned, City Clerk LOUISE McCARN, each each d valuation. of the City of Palm Springs, City Clerk of the sesseSection 4: Expenditures from California, hereby.certify that the City of Palm Springs. ,said -Advertising Fund for the foregoing ordinance, ,,being Or- I, the undersigned, City Clerk dinance No. 192 of the City of of the City of Palm Springs, "purposes as herein provided, shall Palm Springs, was introduced at California,'hereby certify that the not in any fiscal year exceed the a meeting of the City Council foregoing ordinance, being Or- revenues to the City from bus- of said city held on the 27 day dinance No. 193 of the City of iness license fees during the same of April, 1948 and was: read in Palm Springs, was introduced at period, it being intended that full and was passed at said meet- a meeting of the City Council of expenditures from the Advertis- ing of� said Council held on the said city held on the 27th day_ ing 1••und shall be fully offset 27 day of April, 1948 by the fol- of April, 1948 and was read in by revenues and returns- from lowing vote: full and was passed at regular City 'business licenses. ` Section 5: The money in said Ayes: Veith, Feekings, Boyd, meeting of said Council held on Advertising Fund may be used Kieley, Hardy and Martell and the lith day of May, 1948 by and disbursed by the City Coun- Mayor Farrell. the following vote: cil for advertising purposes, for Noes: None Ayes: Veith, Feekings, Boyd, calling attention to,,the advan- Absent: None. Kiele;y, Hardy and Mayor Farrell g Noes: None tages of this community, and I further certify that said or- Absent: Martell for parks and music. dinance was thereupon signed by I further certify that said or. The City Council may by or- Charles D. Farrell, Mayor of dinance was thereupon signed b, dinance or resolution, from time Palm Springs, and attested by Charles D. Farrell, Mayor of to time, determine the manner Louise McCarn, City Clerk of Palm Springs, and attested' by and terms and conditions of use said City. Louise McCarn, City Clerk of at said moneys, and may also in WITNESS my hand and sea] said City. like manner determine the of said City this 27 day of April, WITNESS my hand and seal amounts 'thereof, up to the whole, 1948 of said City this 5th day of May, to be devoted to the respective (Cit�Seal) 1948. purposes or to any one of them. IJ`/J-(l (City Seal) F n Section 6: Said fund shall disbursed on claims and demands s � presented, audited and paid as LOUISE McCARN, in the case of all other claims City Cl-.rk of the City of LOUISE McCARN Palm Springs, California. City Clerk of the City of the City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California. and may be expended either do- I hereby certify that the fore- I hereby certify that the fore- rectly_by the City or through going ordinance and certificate going ordinance and certificate other qualified organizations em- were published May 4, 1948 in were published May 7, 1948 in ployed as administrative agents the Palm Springs Limelight- the Palm Springs Limelight- to apply and expend same ac News, a weekly newspaper of News, a weekly newspaper of cording to agreements with the general circulation, printed, pub- general circulation, printed, pub- City in furtherance',of the said - lished and circulated in the City lishedl and circulated. in the City objects. of Palm Springs. of Pa hn Springs. Section 7: Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or �6tif-,12-P (�� �_ ,�1 �7✓1 `- phrase of this ordinance for any LOUISE McCARN LOUISE McCARN reason be held invalid, such de- City Clerk of City Clerk of termination shall not affect: the 'Palm Springs California. Palm Springs, California. lished and circulated in the C ,ity t,nanc, and operation thereof. LEG kL ADVERTISEMENT of Pa Springs. O Y ) ( 5vetiun 5: This ordinance is ORDINANCE NO. 194 here y declared to be an emerg- OUISE�?&CARN, eu•y measure necessary for .1n Ordinaof the City Patin City Clerk of Palm Springs, t h e immediate preservation Springsrings,, amending Ordinance California. of the public peace, health No. 74 of said City. and safety within the mean- The City Council of the City ing of Section 861 of "Au of Palm Springs does ordain as -- AcL to Provide for the Or- follows: (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) ganization, Incorporation, and SECTION 'L• Paragraph (a) of ORDINANCE No. 195 Goverment, of Municipal Corper- SectioM.2 of Ordinance No. 74 of AN ORDINANCE OF THE ation'i�," approved March 18, 1883, he Cit,'v of Palm Springs, being An i CITY OF PALM SPRINGS (Stal.utcs 1853, Page 93, as Ordinance Establishing and De- ESTABLISHING A PARK AND amended), and shall be effective fining Portions of Public Way RECREATION BOARD PRO- immediately. to be Set Aside for the Use of VIDING FOR THE APPOINT- A statemznt of the facts con- Persons and Animals, adopted MENT OF THE MEMBERS OF slitu!ing such necessity is as fol- January 3rd, 1940, is hereby THE BOARD AND DEFINING lows: amended to read as follows: THEIR POWERb AND DUTIES. Palm Springs is a resort city. (a) RAMON ROAD TRAIL. The City Council of the City A public recreaLlon program is The Southerly rectangular ten of Palm Springs does ordain as ❑,cesscry for both the residents (10) 'feet of the Northerly rec- follows: and the vlsltors of Ihc city. Mat- tangular forty (40) feel. of Sec- Section F: A Paris and Roe- icrs of immediate concern exist tion 19, T4S, R5E, S.B.B. & M. reation Board of the City of which require the study and rec- The. Southerly rectangular Palm Springs is hereby estab- ommendal ions of the board here- ten (10) feet of the Northerly fished. The said Board shall con- by created within the time which rectangular Forty (40) feet of sist of seven members. who sJ,Pll elbrrvaise ;vould elapse before Section 24, T4S, R4E, S.B.R. & be appointed by the Mayor with 1h'c Ordinance becomes effective. M. tha approval of the Council. O1 5o'ftou 6! The City Clerk is The Northerly rectangular the members so appointed, one, hereby ordered, and directed to sixteen (16) feet of the South- shall be nominated by the Palm certify to the passage of this ,rly rectangular forty (40) Springs Unificd School District ordinance and to cause the same feet of Section 14, T4S, R4E, S. Board from the membership of to be published once in Palm B.B, & M., excepting the West- such Board, and one shall be a Spring, Limelight-News, a news- erly two hundred (200) feet of member of the City Council. All p'lpe: of general circulation print- said Section. of said board members shun c,i published and circulated in serve without compensation" The the Cily of Palm Springs. 'The Soutnerly rectangular ten term of office of the meiml,rs r*f CTIAR.LES D. FARRELL (160 feet.of the Northerly rec- said board shall he fo:-n• year:;; Mayor of the City lungular.-Forty (40) feet of the c-ov;drd, however, that the term of Palm Sprigs I',ast half (E?5) of Section 22, of office of the members of 4..TTEST: T4S, R4E, S.B.B. & M. said board 'first appointed shall 1 OITIST� McCARN, SECTION 2: The City Clerk is o,nmronre ajion it-w date thi; C11, Cleric of the City hereby ordered and directed to Ordinance becomes effective, and of Palm Spring,, rectify to the passage of this Or- members so appointed shall so I, the under"signed, Chv 'Clerk dmanse and to cause the same classify themselves li-y lot That of the City of Palm Springs, to be published once in The 'Lime- ono shall gn out of ofl'i"e California, hereby certify that light News, a newspaper of gen- on tle first Mondnv of •July, 1949, 1bc foregoing ordinance, being oral circulation in the City of nv, on the first Monday of July, Ordinance No 195 of the City of Palm Springs. This Ordinance Ilrp. two nn the first noonday PPhlt Spring,, will ful.roduced at shall be `effective thirty (30) of July, 1951, and two nn the • meeting of the City Council days 'at'ter •'passage rral Alondoy of July, 1952. The of s:lid city held on the 19th day CHARL,ES D. FARRELL, members apl"rnintod 10 the Park of May, 1948 and was read in Mayor of the City of Palm and Recroation Bou*d as in this full and urns passed at a regular Springs'.' section provided shall be subject mooting of said Council held on ATTEST: Louise 'MeCarn, City to removal from said board by the 2nd of June, 1948 by the fol- Clerk of the pity of Palm Springs, effirmativo vote of five members lowing vote: I„ the cupidersigned, City Clerk of the City Council. Vacancies AYe;: Verth, Feekings, Boyd, of the, City 'of Palm •Springs, on the Park and Recreation Nklcy, Hardy, Marioll and May- Califor"•rthi bereliy certify that the Bon•rd shall be filled by the or -Farrell. foregoing ordinance, being Or- Mayor with the approval of the 'N)os. Clone. diiglileer No.• 194 of the City of t'oune•;l Each member of tho Ahs,-nU None. Prilm Springs, was introduced at board shall se-ve until his rue- 1 furLhrr corlify tllst said or- a meeting-of the Cily Council of is appointed and quail- ;i'nnnce wn, Ihero-upon signed by F:..d city held on the 5th day of tied. Ch•rloa D. Farrell, Mayor of Ma.se, 1948 and was read in full Se+•Tien 2: TLr Board .,hall or- TiAm Spring;, and aflested by Mad was pusscd at . adjourned gntize by ob cling from its mom- f 'llisr Mrc,arn, City Clerk of mecpting ,of said Council held on b,-'s e. chairman and sunh other roil City, the 10th;day„of May, 1948 by the off7cera as m•iv be necessary. The ViITNE'SS cn' hand and seal of following vole: - socretary need not be a momb^r .nRl Oily this full de}' of Jan," Ayes: Vieitlt,`Feekings, Boyd, of t.hc board. The offfrcrs first 1948. Kic ev, ITard.)'i Martell and Mayor "'""fed ,h,➢ hold office until the (CITY SEAL) d-a M �,;; �• Far'r!oll. '' Pirnt Monday in July, 1919, and f OUISE McCARN, Nocs: None. o.,t,il their successor, ar^ elected. City Clerk of the City of Absent: None. All subsequent, officers shall Palm Springs, California ' t-'Id off' until the fist Mon- T 'Cutrther ethero. ' flat said by clay in July following the effo,'_ I !Wtotr•l corlify that the fore- Charles D. Farrell, signed by iv, dn'e� ref their appo''ntmcnis [i-sir,c> nrd'mocc and certificate Charles D. Farrell, Mayor of majority of the members small v+c''o pahllshed June 11, 1948 in Louise. bIcC Palm Sir cCal and attested by ronstitute a quorum for hens- tile ' Pclnl Springs Limelight-New,, arn, City Clerk of action of business. The board :4cly newspaper of generat said City. sell cruse a re••ord of its Pro sir^Walion. printed, published derlhtgs to �b, kept. WITNESS my hand and seal of - ^nri (+culated in the Chy of void Ci1.3 this,20th day of May, Section 3: The board shall hold -'rh=� S,or nf;r.. d R48, regular meetings at such times t OUTSE WCARN, o ,+t-vim• (City al) \ Ir, and places as it may designate by Lila Clerk of IV1J�, res ut" n. It shall adopt rules Palm Springs, California c r f s proceodinps aid shall Toro- - LOUISE McCARN, vide for the manner in which City Clerk of the City of Special meetings may he ,all,d. Palm Springs, California. SmIkin 4: It shall be the duty I.hereby dgrtify that the fore- of the .board to advise, report going ordinance and certificate Ind recommend to the City were published May 21, 1948, in Council regarding play,groands, the Patin Springs Limelight- parks and all matters of public News, a weekly newspaper of rcoroat.ion within the City, as general circulation, printed, pub- well as the lands, facilities, and pu'operties for such purposes, anR the acquistion, construction mFdn- 332 ORDINANCE No. 196 ATTEST: - one identification sign not ex- AN ORDINANCE OF THE LOUISE McCARN, reading four (4) square feet in CITY OF PALM SPRINGS EST- City Clerk of the City of area for audit public; utilities ABLISHING A PARK AND Point Springs. - building, park, playground, ath- R,ECIvEA'FION DEPARTMENT, I, the undersigned, City Clerk letic field, church, club, museum PROVIDING FOR THE AP- ul flip City of Palen Springs, library, public or private school f U3NTMENT OF A EARIi AND California, hereby certify that or real estate office, 'wltcn such RECREATION SUPERINTEND- the foregoing ordinance, being uses have been properly est.ab- ENT AND DEFINING TIME Ordinance No. 196 of the City lished tinder the provisions of ]:'OEfiERS AND DUTIES OF of Palm Springs, was introduced said Ordinance No. 180, one sign SUCH SUPERINTENDENT. at a meeting of the City Council not exceeding two (2) square fuel The City Council of the City, of said city field on the 19th day in area for each parcel of pro- of Palen Springs does ordain as of May, 1948 and was read in full perty to advertise only the lease,. I follows: and was passed at regular meet- rental .Or sale I,herool': by only Section 1: A Park and Rec- ing of said Council held on the the owner of such parcel; one reation Department is hereby 2nd day of June, 1948 by the sign not exceeding three (3) created. The City Manager of following vote: square feet in area for panic par- the City of Palen Springs shall Ayes: Veith, Feekings, Boyd, cel of Property to warn against appoint a Park and Recreation Kieley, Hardy, Martell and May- trespassing. No part of any, such Superintendent at a eomperea- or Farrell. sign arfixed to a structure shall fnln to he fixed by the City Noes: None. extend more then eight (8) feet Council. Absent: None above the general ground level Section 2: The Park and Re— I further certify that said or- within fifteen (15) feet of said creation Superintendent under dinanep was thereupon signed by sign. No part al tiny sign affixed the supervision and direction of Charles D. Farrell, Mayor of five the land shall be more than five s feet above fire ground Ll.a� Ciry, Manager shall have gee- Palm Spring.;, and attested by nor less than fifteen (15) feel eral s,upervisfen over all matters t.ouise filcCarn, City Cleric of tram the street line, and all of public recreation, such as play said City, signs and name pintas shall by a r e a s, community recreation 'VPINPSS my hand and seal parallel to the street. centers, swimming pools, golf of said Cily this 9th day of June, Io Zones or Dtstricu R-3. R-4, courses, and picnic parks, includ- 1948. ,� , , �, ' R-H, E-2 and T, as established ing all buildings, structures, ap- (City Seal) s,w<n.�$Q �t,,,�. said Ordinance No. 180 and naratus and enttipment that may LOUISE McCARN i,;anrllipnts therotu, signs shall roe erected thereon, and also all City Clerk of the City of be p:r;mitted on improved pro- parks, park areas, squares, pub- Palm Snrings, California. perties as above provided for lie pleasure grounds and areas Districts R-1 and R-IA, and als t surrounding public buildings now I horeby certify that the fore- as follows: "One sh:uloo� light firing ordinance and certificate olvnrd, or that may hereafter be r ed or unlighted identifical for pro -r rb_ished June 11, 194S in aceuired by the City of Palm �� np, sign not exceeding six (6) squor,� Springs. Said park and recreation c m Springs Limelight-News feet in •rrra for each premises Ehir, n w:pk.y newspaper of general ,....;erintendent, shall have con- improved and used m roinplirmo circulation, rimed, published.., trnU of all planting. prruting, P p rep tb aid elydrreuu.p No ISfI, i'n sr^d rig°totaled it the City of othe- thin rvs'dmuial trimming and removing of Lees, I purposes 'shrubs, favor^ and other growth f a1r_t Spr.ngs. C- �s..=sv"?OIIISE MpCARN, c *�.(,ry,simitar ,sign for peril nr'l)tiph in all parking areas in pablic dwelling premises hiving flit^:p City Clerk of shall . and public paths, and r S or more dwelling 'or but less: :rha.] `r�orrn such fiarthpr• dot- I.Jm pangs, California 1' ^ = uric hmximd L•:u� !10g1 fp,, ins as may be required by the ORDINANCE NO. PSi of frontage on pnbli^ sn'cets, on, City minagan, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY or rmr'o shadow lighl;gd or un- Sertion .Si'In the absence of OI' PALM SPRINGS, AMEND- lighted identifications- signs not the Park and .Recreation Super- iNG ORDINANCE NO. 189, execeding ten (10) square feet in intendent, the City Manager BEING AN ORDINANCE RF.G- aggregate area for each multiple IJLATING THE CONSTRUC- dwelling promises having thmt of shall tent to a`,7ne to of the P g Department pro "PiYnt to perform TI(IN, LOCATION, PLACE- mole din-tilling units and one Pun all of the duties and excleise AIENT AND MAINTENANCE dred four (104) feet or more of the powers of the Park and Rec- OF ADVERTISING SIGNS frontages on public streets. When realion Superintendent. AND DEVICES direct Righting, as opposed to Se;^,Lion 4: This ordinance is The City Council of the City shadow lighting. is used to if)- hereby-declared to be an emerg- of Palm Springs dote ordain as mninalc any sign, thr area of ency measure necessary for the follows: such sign shall he rrdnrnd 1'ifl, in- immediate e preservation for the Section One: Section .> (b) o' per cent. All signs' allowed by t')-dinanco No. 189 of the City Ibis sulb-paragraph .gall be par- pcbl'.c peace, health and safety Of Prim Springs, being an ord'ur- idle) to the street 11res. er.rept within the mraning of Section ance regulating the construclion, ntil of "Ant Act to Provide for g buildings vgs land sign) dllrr of to the O.ganlzation, incorporation, location, placement and maid d(,-on- buildings and !c•hicI do not p:•n- and Clovernmenl of Mtmaipicah `roe, of advrrtin�ing signs and dr ject more than eighteen inrhe. ti ir.es, is h<r:by amended to road beyond the wall, may he at right Corncrations," approved March r, follows: angles to the strvnt lines. No i8, 1883, (Statutes 1883, page 93, (b) No s;gn .shall be placed part off any sign affixed to a as amended), and s o hall be of- upn arts v,aQmrt lot or un;mprov- sIrgetulr, shall extend above, the feePve fntntndintely. cd propert.y, except that it deal lop of the main :oaf line of the A sintement of the fa^is con- pxchlsivoly whir if), sale, leas: huildingc and improvempnt'v on stituting such necessity is as fol- or transfer of such prop(-rt!, and Ihp propotty errel'rt when aCfiiral lows: no such sign shall exceed five (5) In a flat roofed structuree. ties A Pane and Recreation De- s<ptarp fret nr area Irxrltt¢ive_ of than i,rn feet in heialrl- No pail pariment is necessary in Order to supports), nor by erected nearer of any sign affixul Ina strrrhr?^e implrmonl the recommendations than fifteen (15) feel to any pro- ,shall extend mo-o than (rvelm of the Park ant Recreation perty line or any other sign. (12) fret above 'flip lovve f Bnar•d. Recreation matters of im� 90rh signs shall not be illumi- cround, floor level or snnh hu"d- mcdiato mnc:ern exist which ro- nndrd nor shall any part (here- ings and improvemen'Is ilium - ou'rp the exorcise of the powcr, of 'bp mnrc than five (5) feat nated Signs 'allowed by Iles snr.r- ard dlltle�; of the Park and Roe- nhn)ie the general Ir—cl +f !'if n-- jlaragrepb shall ern designed, eon- *oatina Denar•tment herein crest- rounding ground within Cfloen strutted and installed of am:h ed without the elapse of time (15) feet of said sign. Innterfals and in such rnannrr rp; .n;,]r other"ise would work be- See' nn Te"': Serlinn Irl n1 In avoid am' glare nr r' flo^floe fore this ordinance becomes of- said Ordinance of the City of of light on other properly in the fective. Palm Springs is hereby amended neighborhood. Eye-flon o The City Clerk is to read as follows: +••' n•• '^hors S-ribn T (::1 herehv ordered and directed to (c) In Zones or Districts R-1 of said Ordinance of the City of cortify to the passage of this and I-1A, as ozl Alrhslred by Ordi- Palm Springs is her(hy lnnenrb,,l ordinance and to cause the same nance No. 180 and amendment. Io n-ad a5 follows: to he published once in Palm the^eta unlighted. non-,lectrie (a) The total cn• rg�nee,-pr Springs Limelight-News, a new, signs shall, be permilled on ing- area flf all Ogn, afftod Ice ' - pnper of general circulation proved properties ns follow;: Ohre upnn nnv building shall not I— printed, published and circulated unlighted name plate, nnl ex- 'e"d Ihp orlon-1.nl at Oro squve in the City of Palm Springs. cording nab (1) square font in fool to r lineal foot of fr'nr1 'Illo CTTARLES D. FARRELL, ruv-i. ind,raling rile moue of flip ­i- ,, i r"r nth" I"" ", 'u• Mayor of the City of ocrutir(tr, for eaeh draclling unit; np1h1:, upon which it hn- Palm Springs 197 53: 207 2-16-49 1 340 Repealing Ord. No. 197 202 10-18•-48 1 336 repealing Ord. 3Jo. 198 I C) "- Oaf mcrhatcly abuts. No single busi- The City Council of the City of n,ss .egardloss of its lint-al front Palm Springs does ordain as fol- LOUISE McCARN age., shall have affixed'"if ercecd , lows: City Cleric of the City of 11W (50) squal"C' feet+ot signs SECTION t:-All Official Meet- Palm Springs, California by reason of its fmut 4* on any ings of the City Council of the une public street, ixid'pt as al- City of Palm Springs after the I hereby certify that the fore- lowed by Section 7" (b), as effective date of this Ordinance, going ordinance and certificate �.unled by' Sccton t (c), and and until further order of the were published July 9, 1948 in when direct lighting, as oPPosId City Council, shall be held in the the Palm Springs Limelight-News to shadow lighting, is used to .1- _ auditorium of ,the El Pasco a weekly newspaper of general taraniate any sign, Ihz aria a:,,,,c ' Theatre at the Northeast corner circulation, printed, published provided for shall be ri dui'='tt of Palm Canyon Drive and Tam- and circulated in the City of fifty per cool. arlsk Road, which premises also Palm Springs. -P 8eutloo Four: Section 10 la1 are known as 810 North Palm LOUISE I BARN, of said Ordinance of (he Cry of Canyon Drive, in the, City of City Clerk of Palm ,Springs, is hereby amended Palm Springs, County of River- Palm Springs, California to read as follows: side, State of California. The (a) No rotating or nuivmg regular, meetings of said City signs shall he p iruitted bon Council shall be held on the first ORDINANCE NO. 199 .hall any eketric•al or illuminated Wednesday of each month. AN ORDINANCE OF THE ei.es btiolt or be inicrnx.ttcnl.l-r SECTION 2: During the months CITY OF PALM SPRINGS I ghtotl, raor shall any sign tr of July, August and September FIXING THE AMOUNT OF constructed of scotch light or of each year, following the ef- MONEY NECESSARY TO BE t hiliiar malet•ral. .kll signs shall fective date of this Ordinance, RAISED BY TAXATION FOR BEGIN- It,. krp safet) and s cu ely has said regular meetings shall be THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN- ienerl ae(i in gale cund;t.ion an. Y NING JULI 1, 1948. Is good or held at the hour of 3:30 o'clock The City Council of the City der wry repnh ran all p.m At all other times said reg- of Palm Springs does ordain as I °1i`s filar meetings shall be held at Cl Section I�'ive: • The City er' the hour of 7:30 o'clock m. follows is hereby ordered and d'necv.d SECTION ONE: The amount Iu caa•t,ifp to the p%:ssage of this SECTION 8: Ordinancea No. 179 of money necessary to be raiser -ordtuauco and to sauce the sam„ of the City of Palm Springs is by taxation upon the taxable hereby repealed. within the City of Palm Now an P;ilm ' property I9ECTION 4: This o:d_nan.c Sprits as, a revenue to carry Fi'll,I_, tiiial s, a news g is hereby declared to he an omen- on the various departments of flap,r __oF gencrai c'.rculatio:t p '- p :n ell fiublj,hc-d mod ci"Culate.I gooey irreasure necessary Por the such City for the fiscal year be- nr ,110 nit} of Pair, Springs nnmid,at.e p;eservaton of the ginning July 1, 1948, is hereby this mdinencehall he ol'feet•vo- 'public neace,- health and safety fixed as follows: that) CSOI days att„ p sage. I'Ah.n llic meaning of Section (a) Fox the maintenance and CHARLES D- 1�AIC tf2Eh1i 8t11 of "'Ali Act to Provide for support and the purchase of pro- 7 . Mayor of the City of the organization, T.u.:o poi al n, perty for the public library, Palm Spt-Mg, and Government of itiunic:pal ]mown as the Welwood Murray VTI EST Cu_poiaL.ons,' improved .,arch Memorial Library of the City of 1 OUl4F vl.,C. Vt'". 18, 1881, (Statutes 1883, page 93, Palm Springs (the maintenance Cit> Ctrrk ill' the i' �) I] i3 ,.nr ndti and shall be effec- of said public library not being Patin I Springs. lk+ Immediately. otherwise provided for), thestun I, the und,rslgnrd Ct1 C'Ie1'1 A 00cment of the facts coil- of five thousand one hundredand of the City of 1',011 Springs, Cat- stituting such necessity is as fifteen dollars ($5,115.00). and fornia• hereby ,orl,ly thnl Ih„ follows: I (b) For the purpose of provid- Inr,going ordnance, being Ord - The hour at which meetings of in., and maintaining parks and saner No. 19'i of the City uI. the Council have been held is music and for advertising pur- Palrn Springs, wn introduced Of "unsatisfactory and inconvenient, poses, to be used and expended r nueting of the• City Coun i1 of during the summer months, for for such purposes, in accordance /fA rid c'ly hold our the 2nd day of I ( r, ,tens of Palm Springs. Ac- wrih Ordinance No. of the Arco 1948 and was read in full cordingly the time for City Coun- City of Palm Springs, the stun And wax passed at an adjourned ' t I,,re; ngs is being changed. nt twenty-four thousand five huu- rn,grin_ of said Counc9 hold on "till€v1 _4 5: The Cly Clerk dred dollars ($24,500.00), and - t1,o 301h dap of June, INS illy is hereby ordered and dire.tied (c) For the carrying on of ihr following rote: to certify to the passage of this the various departments of the Pr• th P'ro!<ings. Boyd, ordinance and to cause the same City other than said public li- I rd,, Martell, and Ma- i u. published' Once in Patin brary, the stun of one hundred r• P' rroll :'!'rings Limel:ghf News, a news- forty thousand eight hundred N iec None. ti'.p.r ,if gone•-al c reu'adon priu;- eighty-five dollars $140,885.00). ' I, III: None ed, published and circulated '-n SECTION T W O. The City I Iti I::er c•e^t il'c that said the C"ty of Palm Springs Cleric is hereby ordered and di- 'Ill n v,-z Ihrronpon signed Ii,RiES D. r"P.RRE'.1, rected to certify to the passage I r'h: in D F,wrell, h4ayor of Mayor of the City of of this ordinance and to cause ],,III Spring and attested by Palm Springs the same to be published once in TO •Caro. (`ih Clerk of ATTE,•fT: Pahn Springs Limelight-News, a illn C'Ily LOUISE MCCARN newspaper of general circulation, V I'p`;'h][;,-, rr. hand Ind son' City Clerk of the City printed, published and circulated .. ,I r•t: i'r OC, day of Patin Springs in the City of Palm Springs. This , ?tine 1948. fSEf.Lf nrd,nance shall be effective thirty 1 "ffoc �0�>a✓ 1; the undersigned, City Clerk of QO) days after passage. the City of Palm Springs, ('alilo:- CHARLES D. FARRELL LOUISE McCARN. p'� Clerk of the City of nia, hereby certify chat the fnrm- Mayor of the City of R.lm Springs, California. f, irg o din:nco, being Orrin^sec Palm Springs No.,'198 of the Cite or Palm 1,TTFST: 1 heribv certify that the fore- � "- I'✓'rs introdiced of a LOUISE McCARN meeting of the City Council of City Clerk of.the Cit. of ;niug ord'nannn and certil to ,;.i:d city held on the 30th day of Patin Springs wr- puhlichcd JuP; 9 1948 in ,lane, ].948 and was read in hill I the undersigned. Ci'.y Cleric ill P"]nr Springs Limelight-News of the City of Palm Springs. Cali- , v;c elav newspaper of general pod was Passc3 at an adjourned Forni a. he•cby cent ify that the it noted• P'.tbllshed mcef.ing of said Coun^il 1-ld no c,rrnlah„n, f 'i", -1 foregoing d•:v of July, 1948 h, the foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- %od circulated in the City of following vote: nance No. 199 of the City of `alrn Spr:rrga.• .t,I;v,� e Mar• Pulm Springs, was introduced at n'•T"1] xIr'.1E Ce�""� Ayes: V¢ith, Boyd, Hardy,1, and Minor Farrell. a meeting of the City Council of , - Cil� Clerk of „ . n--„i,e ;tid city held on the 7th day of TI:i'rn Sp-'nig; California Absent: PidnS and Fecldngs •luly and was read in full and was I further cortlfc flat passed at an adjourned meeting ORDINANCE NO. 198 ordoinwe was thereupon signed of said C'otinc.! held on the 14th AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY by Charles D.' Farrell, Mn,iu, nt day of July, 1948 by the following OF PALM SPRINGS FIXING r--ts•, S., inps, r.,,fl 1, vote: THE TI11IE AND PLACE OF Louise McCann, City Clerk of Ayes: Veith. Boyd, Hardy and OFFICIAL MEETINGS OF Mrvor Fnrrell THE. CITY COUNCIL OF WITNESS mY hard a^rl It Noes: None SAID CITY UTER JULY 7, of said City this 8th day of July. Absent: Martell, Feekings and 194$ 19,18. Nicley. ) 3-34 classified and placed in and made fornia, hereby certify that the I further certify that said or- subject to the regulations and foregoing c;dinance, being Ord- ,finance was thereupon signed by provisions provided for Zone or inance No. '.200 of the City of Charles D. Farrell, Mayor of District R-3 as provided by said Palm Springs, was introduced at Palm Springs, and attested by Ordnance. a meeting of the City Council Louise McCarn, City Cleric of Section 2: Section 7.7 of said of said city field on the 31st day said City. Ordinance No. 180 is hereby of August, 1948 and was read WITNESS my hand and seal amended to read as follows: in full and was passed at an ad- of said City this 15th day of July, Section 7.7. Lot Coverage Per- journed meeting of said Council 1948. mitted': in no case shall more held on the 15th day of Septem- (CITY SEAL)L- 11-`A rtl t'VlAl, than s}xty (60) per cent of any ber, 1948 by the following vote: LOUISE McCARN lot or'building site be covered Ayes: Veitf, Feekings, Boyd, I City Cleric of the City by buildings. Required automo- Noes: None.; rl' Palm Springs, California. bile stdIrage space shall be in- Absent: Martell. eluded within the lots coverage I further certify that said ord- I hereby certify that the fore- permitted. No bungalow court inance was thereupon signed by going ordinance and certificate or multiple family dwelling shall Charles D. Farrell, Mayor of were Published July 16, 1948 in be permitted which provides less Palm Springs, and attested by the Palm Springs Limelight-News than 2000',square feet of land area Louise McCarn, City Clerk of said a weekly newspaper of general per family; or dwelling unit. No City. circulation, printed, published building skull be permitted which CITY SEAL, and circulated in the City of is not at least 20 feet from anoth- myhLOUISE McCARN, se Palm Springs. ,G C ' cr building when the front or rear Witness my ,hand and seal 3' BAR `y-� l5. of such building is adjacent o1' said City this °16th day of Sep- LOUISE McCARN; Zi.�„ g 1 City Clerk of to the front''or rear of such other tember, 1948. Palm Springs, California building. In' all other cases no City Cleric of the City of Palm building shall be permitted which Springs, California, is not at least',15 feet from anoth- I hereby certify, that the fore- er building. going ordinance land certificate ORDINANCE NO. 200 Section 3: Section 8.7 of said were published September 17, RD INANC OF THE CITY Ordinance No. 180 is hereby 1948 in the Palra'•Springs Lime- AN amended to read as follows: light-News, a weekly newspaper OF\PALM SP,nINGS AMEND- Section 8.7. Lot Coverage Per- of general circulation, printed, ➢NG\SECTIONS 7.7 AND 8.7 OF mitted: The same as in R-3 dis- published and circulated in the ORDINANCE NO. 180, AND tricts (see Section 7.7) except City of Palm Springs. THE i3OFFICIAL LAND USE that in no case shall any R-4 use LOUISE :McCAStN, PLAN'., EMBODIED IN SAID other than a hotel be permitted City Cleric of ORDINANCE. which provides less than 1000 Palm Spr;ingS, California The City Council of the City of square feet of land area per Palm Springs does ordain as fol- family or dwelling unit. lows: lSection 4: This Ordinance is section 1: Section 3.1 of Or- hereby declared to be an urgency dinance No.i180, being the Palm measure necessary '',for the im- SPrings Land Use Ordinance mediate preservation of the pub- I adopted August 12, 1947, and the he peace, health and safety with- Official Land-,Use Flan therein in the meaning of Section 861 of referred to and which is part of Organization, Incorporation and Act to Provide for the said Ordinance, `are hereby amend- Government ed as follows: Government of Municipal 188- (a) The Northerly rectangular atkons", approved March 8, 1 Statutes 1883, p. 93) as amended 1ded ended 70 feet of the southerly rectan5 and shall be effective immediate- ular 170 feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3 ly. of Palm Valley Colony Lands in A statement of the facts con- Section 23, T4S R4) , S B E & M., stituting such urgency is as as shown on map on file in Book follows: - 14 Page 462 of Maps,in the office In order properly to regulate of the Recorder of, San Diego and govern the use and develop- County, California, is classified mcnt of land and to provide ad- and Placed in and made subject equate open spaces for light, air to the regulations and provisions and ventilation as part of such provided for Zone or °;District T use and development in the in- as provided by said Ordinance. tcrests of this community it is (b) Lot 1, Block Bi, of Tah- necessary that the City not be quitz River Estates Tract No. 2, without the foregoing amendments as shown by map on file;.in Book during the time this Ordinance 22. Pages Y(i and W of Maps- �•e- otherwise would require before cords of Riverside County, Call- becoming effective. fornia, is classified and placed in There is a large amount of and made subject to the),regula- construction and development tions and provisions provided for beginning and about to begin with Zone or District R-3 as provided in the City which must be made by said Ordinance. subject to the foregoing regu- (c) The West Half an the lations in order that the pur- Northeast quarter of Seetigr. 39, poses and safeguards of this Or- T3S 114E, S. B. B & M, as crown dinance may not be lost: by map on file in Book 22, Pages s,ovon 5: The City Clerk is 76 and 77 of Maps, records', of hereby ordered and directed to I Riverside County, California,, is certify to the passage of this classified and placed in and made Ordinance and to cause 'same to subject to the regulations and be published once in Palm Sprrings Limelight News, a provisions provided for Zone or newspaper of general circula- 17istrict W as provided by said'a tion, printed, published and cir- Ordinance• rulated in the City of Palm. (d) The Northerly rectangu Springs. far 70 feet of the Southerly rec- CHARL ES D. FARRELL, tanglar 200 feet of the Wester- " Mayor of the City of Palm ly icctangular 200 feet of Lot 1 Springs, of Palm Valley CoRmy Lands ! ATTFCT in Section 23, T4S R4E, S. B. B. _LOUISE McCARN, & M., as shown on map on file in r City Clerk of the City of Palm Book 14 Page 462 of Maps in the Springs. office of the Recorder of San I. the undersigned, City Clerk Diego, County, California, is of the City of Palm Springs, Cali- i E T3S R4$, S B B & M, are Springs, classified and placed in and made �7i) subject to the regulations and ATTEST'—t`i"s h]y�"�� provisions provided for Zone or LOUISE McCARN, District W as provided by said City Clerk of the City of Palm ordinance. Springs. P gs. Section 2: Section 7.7 of said Ordinance No. 180 is hereby (CITY SEAL) amended to read as follows: I, the undersigned, City Clerk Section 7.7. Lot Coverage Per- of the City of Palm Springs, Cali- mitted: in no case shall more forma, hereby certify that the than sixty (60) Per cent. of any foregoing ordinance, being Ord- lot or building site be covered finance No. 200 of the City of by buildings. Required automo- bile storage snare shall be in- a meeting of the City Council ; eluded within the lot coverage of said city held oil the 31st day permitted. No bungalow court m August, 1918 and was read or rnultip;e family dwelling shall in full and was passed at an ad- be permitted which provides less urned meeting of said Councii h than 2000 square feet of land area held of the 1.5'h day of Septem- buifamily l dwelling unit. No building shall be permitted which bar, 1948 by the following vote: is not at least 20 feet from anoth- Aves: Veith. Feckiags, Boyd, er building when the front or rear Kieley, Hardy, Mayor Farrell. of such building is adjacent Nees: None. to the front or rear of .such other Absent: Martell. building. In all other cases no building shall be permitted which I further certify that said ord- is not at least 15 feet from anoth- inance was thereupon signed by er building. Charles D. Farrell, TKayor of Palm Springs, and attested by ORDINANCE NO. 200 Sce:ion 3: Section 8.7 of said Louise McCarn, City Clerk of said aN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Ordinance No. 180 is hereby City. OS' PALM SPRINGS AMEND- amend d to read as follows: Witness my hand and seal Sep- INN SECTIONS'C7.7 AND 8.7 Or section 9.7. Lot Coverage Pe y ORDIN TITW C 270. 180, ALSO g �'- of said City this Y6th day of Sep- T1IE OFFICIAL LAND USE mitted: The same as in R-3 dips- tembcr, 1948./l tricts (see Section 7.7) except V{ ti, PLAN THEREIN REFERRED that in no case shall any R-4 use CITY SEA., n D�V5`to TO. _ other than a hotel be permitted LOUISE MCC-ARN, The City Council of the City of which provides less than 1000 C;ity Clerk of the City of Palm Palm S square feet of land area pee 3m'hiia;, California. Springs does ordain as fol- family or dwelling unit. lows: Section 1: section 3.1 of Or- Section 4: This crdinance is (Pub. Limelight 10/1/48) d ranee No. 180, being the Palm hereby declared to be an urgency measure necessary for tile. im- Springs Land Use Ordinance mediate preservation of the pub- adopted August 12, 1917, and the l;c peace, hralth and safety with- Official Land Use Plan therein in the meaning of Section 861 of t eferrcd to and which is part of "An Act to Provide for the ,a d ordinance, are hereby amend- Organization, Incorporation and ed as follows: Govcrnnt-lit of Municipal Corpbr- (a) The Northerly rectangu- ations," approved March 18, 1881 ar 70 feet of the southern- rec_ (Sialutes 1883, p 93) as amend-d tangular 200 feet of the Easter- and shall be effective immediate- h rectangular 200 feet of Lot 1 ly. ,f Palm Valley Colony Lands A statement of the facts Con- n S-ciion 23, T4S R4E, S. B. B. stituting such - urgency is as & M., as shown rnr man on fil" °-. follows: Book 14 Page 652 of Maps in the ,ff ce of the Recorder of San In order properly to regulate D ego County, California, is and govern the use and develop- r q- ified and placed in and made ment of land and to provide ad- _ subject to the regulations pro- equate open spaces for light, air sided for Zone or District R-3 and ventilation as part of such as provided by said ordinance. use and development in the in- (b) The remainder of the terests of this community it is Northerly rectangular 70 feet of nec�ssary chat the City not be tie Southerly rectangular 200 without the foregoing amendments feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Palm during the time this Ordinance Valley Colony Lands in Section otherwise would require before 23 T4S, R4E, S B B & M., becoming effective. as shown on map on file in Book There is a large amount of 14 Page 652 of Maps in the office construction and development of the Recorder of San Diego teginning and about to begin with- County, California, is classified in the City which must be made aid placed in and made subject subject to the foregoing regu- to the regulations and provisions lations in order that the pur- provided for Zone or District T poses and safeguards of this Or- as provided by said ordinance. dinance may not be lost. (c) Lot 1, Block B of Tah- Section 5c The City Clerk is qurtz River Estates Tract No. 2, hereby ordered and directed to as shown by map on file in Boole certify to the passage of this oZ Pa?e; 76 and 77 of Maps re- ordinance and to cause same to cords of Riverside County, Cali- be published once in Palm fornia, is classified and placed in Springs Limelight News, a and made subject to the regula- newspaper of general circula- tions and provisions provided for tion, printed, published and cir- Zone or District R-3 as provided culated in the City of Palm ')v said ordinance. Springs. (d) The West Half and the CI-IARLES D. FARRELL, Northeast quarter of Section 34, Mayor of the City of Palm 201 21111 1-9-52 1 373 Amending SUBSTITUTED FOR ORIGINAL PAGES 335 and 336 �3S destroyed by Limelight in printing. ORDINAi`•r'Clv'NO. 201 and color scheme adopted by it. (1) The_City,hereby expressly AI\ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY If the City, as herein -provided, reserves the right to modify, OF PALM SPRINGS GRANT- shall "determine that the public amend, alter, change or elimi- ING TO TANNER MOTOR convenience and necessity re- hate any of the provisions of this LIVERY, AS - A CORPORA- quires the"operation.,of.addition- franchise„ at the expiration of 'PION, A FRANCHISE AU- at taxicabs, to. those- .being op- each one (1) year period during THORIZING THE OPERA- erated"-under this franchise .or the:lifc of the same for the fol- TION AND MAINTENANCE requires the, granting Hof another lowing purposes, to-wit: OF AN AUTOMOBILE PAS- franchise, it shall notify the with- 1. To eliminate or delete such SENGER TRANSPORTATION in grantee, of its, findings and conditions as prove obsolete or SERVICE, FOR A PERIOD determination, and the within impractical;, NOT TO EXCEED FIVE (5) grantee shall have thirty days . 2. :To .impose such additional YEARS, OVER, ALONG AND inwhich to increase its service conditions upon the grantee as UPON ALL STREETS OF to comply with the findings, and may be just and reasonable, such THE CITY OF PALM decision of the City. If it fails conditions to be those as may SPRINGS. - to do so then and only then may be deemed necessary for the pur- The City Council of the City an additional franchise be grant- pose of.insuring adequate service of Palm Springs does ordain as ed. to the public; follows: - - - ---" (h) The grantee, during _the 3. To increase the percentage SECTION 1. A franchise is life thereof, shall.pay to the.City of revenue to be paid to the City hereby granted 4o TANNER MO- in lawful money of the United under the provisions I of this TOR LIVERY, - corporation, States, in quarterly installments, franchise. hereinafter designated as sums- of money equal to two per For the purpose of determining Grantee, to operate and maintain Bent of the gross receipts of saia the amount of such increase or a taxicab service over, along and grantee from the operation of for Lhe purpose of determining upon all streets of the City of taxicabs in Palm Springs, in- what conditions, if any, shall be Palm Springs for a period of five cluding fares received from pas- inedificd, amended, altered, (5) years, namoN, the period be- sengers boarding or leaving taxi- changed or eliminated from the ginning September 1st, 1948, and cabs in said Palm Springs. provisions of this ordinance, the enciing August 31st, 1953, unless , Said,grantee also shall pay an- within grantee and the City sconer is rnrhated 'hereunder. nuallyin advance to the City of agree that at any time within SECTION 2. The terms and Palm Springs, or its successor, a six (G) months next preceding conditions upon which said sum of money equal to Five Dol- the expiration of any such one franchise is granted and subject lays ($5.00) .for each separate ;ear period, they will, upon de- to which the same shall at all (axicab operated or put in serv- maid having first been made by urges be held and exercised by ice by grantee. Payment shall be either of them, appoint a board the gran Lee, are the following: made on each September 1st for consisting of three (3) members, (a) The term of such franchise the number of taxicabs then in one to be appointed by the City, abut. be for said period of five operation, and for additional,taxi- one I7y the grantee hereunder (5) vcars unless sooner terminal- cabs each time the number in and a Lurd by the two so appoint- ed ands!,hall be subject to the operation is increased. cd to sit as a board for hearing right of the City' to terminate or (i) Said two par cent of gross and determining whether or not alter or amend said franchise receipts referred to in the pre- any such conditions shall be I at any time as hereinafter pro- cecling paragraph shall be com- modified, amended,altered chang- vided. pet''-ed mic, paid for each quarter ed, or eliminated or for the pur- (b) Said franchise may be der- of the calendar iea-r, namely the pose of determining the amount of mipated by said City at any time Pericds: increased revenue.to be paid the after one (1) year from the date January 1st—March 31st, in- City of Palm Springs, if any. this ordinance becomes effective, elusive. Such board shall make its find- 11,; delivering to said grantee a April-1st—.June 30th, inclusive, ings and recommendations to the notice in writing of such term.- July 1st—September 30th, m- City, and, in event of aceeptancc naticin at least six (6) months elusive. of the same by the City, by prior to the late on which the October 1st--December 31st, amendment to this ordinance the City proposes to terminate said inclusive. same shall become a part of irarichise.. I It shall be the obligation of this franchise. (cl The aatornobilrs operated the grantee to file with ,the City (m) This franchise shall not or maintained under this franch- Cleric of the City within thirly be assignable, transferable, or ise =ball he used for the purpose (30) days after each such quar- otherwr,a alienable by the grantee of` transportation of passengers, ter, a statement verified tinder without the consent of the City. Lhe personal luggage of such Pas- oath b7; the manageror nrosiding (n) The revenue and fees sengers, and Unified States Mail. officer of grantee showing the agreed to be paid by the grantee (d) The City- in granting this total gross receipts and also the hereunder for said taxicabs be in franchise expressly reserves the total gross earnings by said lieu of all license fees prescribed e.rhl- to oracle, re-grade, improve, g so,tee during such g_eeeding by the provision; of any business pave, repave, macadamize, remac- quarter, and it shall be the duty license ordinances and in lieu of cdaimve, sewor or resewcr or re- and obligation of said grantee to any fees for any permit which new any of said streets, or lay pay to the City the sums due it othrrvise would be required by :,a'<, -,cater er other pipes there- ucdef said franchise for such pre- any ordinance of the City to be in The grantee, by the accept- ceding quarter or portion there- paid for the privilege of operat- once of the franchise, waives any of, within ten (10) days from the ing or maintaining said taxicabs. damage occasioned by° any such time said statement is required For all other automobiles for hire work. to he filed. ur aulermobile transportation busi- is) All automobiles or vehicles (j) Any neglect, emission o, ness or service, the grantee shall used in pursuance of this franch- refusal by said grantee to file pay such fees and charges and :hall be_operated, in ,accord- said verified stat(ment. or to pay conform to such regulations as ar:co with the laws. of the State Lhe said percentages of the said are or may be provided by ordi- of California and ordinancesof cross receipts at the -times or rances of the City of Palm the City of Pabin Springs. m the manner herembefore pro- Springs. i 1') No other franchise for any \ided. shall' work a forfeiture of (o) The City of Palm Springs t,ce_nl) service in the City shall Lh:s Franchise. shall have the right to regulate be granted until the City, after (k) The grantee of this franch- the operations of the grantee un- pubhc hearing of which, the irC, by the acceptance of the der this franchise in the following „rantee small have at -least two Name, agrees with the City to particulars: weeks notice, determines that C)iarge such rates for,the trans- 1 1-. To make reasonable orders �2ubhc convenience and necessity nortaton of passengers as,many respecting character, extent, requires such additional franch- irom Lane to time be prescribed quality and standard of service; !so. lr,; the City, provided that in no 2. To fix such rates as are tg) A declaration of public event ,sl,all such grantee charge not in conflict with the express ror",cnieime and necessity shall in excess of thirty (20) cents, for provisions hereof and to make not be, necessary for the opera- Lhe first one-third mile ot travel reasonable orders respecting the troy by the grantee of any addi- and Lwenty (20) cents for each sanne; tional taxicabs under the name additional one-third mile of travel. 3. To prescribe the number of SUBS("I^1UYED FOR 0RIGSNAL PAGES 335 and 336 destroyed b;T Limelight in printing taxicabs to be operated by the become and remain null, void and of each year, said regular meet- grantee; of no effect. ings shall be held at the hour of -'4. To inspect, approve or re- "'SECTION 3. The City Clerk is 3:31) o'clock p. in. At all other ject any and all equipment used hereby ordered and directed to limes said regular meetings shall or proposed to be used by grantee certify to the passage of this be held at the hour of 7:30 for the purpose of exercising any ordinance and to cause the same o'clock p. in. right or privilege under such to be published once in The Pahn SECTION 3: Ordinance No. 198 franchise; - Springs Limelight-News, a week- of the City of Palm Springs is 5. To examine and license all l;y newspaper of general circula- hereby repealed. tion, printed, published and circu- SECTION 4: This ordinance is drivers er operators of any taxi- p P heireb declared to be an emer- cabs operated or maintained by, lateThis in the City h Palm Springs. envy measure necessary for the the grantee under the provisions This ordinance shall be in full. g y P force and effect thirty days after immediate preservation of the hereon; passage. public peace, health and safety 6. To inspect the books of the CHARL:ES D. FARRELL, within the meaning of Section grantee at all reasonable times Mayor of the City of Palm 86"L of "An Act to Provide for and to prescribe reasonable rules Springs. the Organization, Incorporation, and regulations concerning the ATTEST: and Government of Municipal method of keeping such records (SEAL) 16- -^�—z-¢�j�'� L Co rporationsa approved March 93, by the grantee. LOUISE McCARN, 18. amended), (Statutes 1shal page ef- 7. To make such other rules City Clerk of the fee' amended), and shall be ef- and regulations as may be rea- festive immediately. City of Palm Springs. A statement of the facts con- sonably necessary to facilitate I, the undersigned, City Clerk stituting such necessity is as fol- the service to be rendered to of the City of Palm Springs, lows: the public udder this franchise. California, hereby certify that the The above mentioned regular (p) Whenever in this ordinance foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- quarters at the City Hall any right or, Power is conferred nance No. 201 of the City of Palm have just been prepared upon or duty imposed upon the Springs, was introduced at a and made ready for use and City, such right and power shall meeting of the City Council of it is essential that the change inure to and be exercised by and said city held on the 15th day to adequate quarters be made such dirty shall be imposed upon of September, 1948, and was read without unnecessary delay. the City Council of said City. in full and was passed at Special SECTION 5: The City Clerk (q) This franchise is granted meeting of said Council held on is hereby ordered and directed to no the condition that the grantee the 6th day of October, 1948 by certify to the passage of this shall file a written acceptance the following vote: ordinance and to cause the same thereof and an agreement to cam- AYES: Veith, Feekings, Boyd, to be published once in Palm Fly with the terms and condi- Kieley, Hardy and Mayor Far- Springs Limelight-News, a news- lions herein set forth with the rell. Paper of general circulation City Clerk of said City within NO: Martell. pr'inted, published and circulated ten, (IM days- after the date ABSENT: None. in the City of Palm Springs. CHyor f e City oL, ihis� ordinance becomes effective. I further certify that said ordi- Mayor of the City of •Sa:d acceptance and agreement nance was thereupon signed by Palm Springs shall be signed by the President Charles D. Farrell, Mayor of Palm ATTEST: and Secretary of the grantee and Springs, and attested by Louise LOUISE McCARN shall hear its corporate seal. McCarn, City Clerk of said City. City Clerk of the City of (r) T"he grantee 'shall file and WITNESS my hand and seal of Palm Springs _ maintain with the Cleric of said said City this Rh day of October (City Seal) City a bond running to the said 1948. /S I, the undersigned, City Clerk City in the penal sum of One (City Seal) )11 �extZ��f the City of Palm Springs, Thousand Dollars ($1,000) axe- LOUISE McCARN„ California, hereby certify that ,0ted by a corporate surety au- City Clerk of the City the foregoing ordinance, being 1horized to transact surety busi- of Palm Springs, California, Ordinance No. 202 of the City ness under the laws of the State (Pub. in Limelight 10/8/48) of Palm Springs, was introduced of California, and approved by 1 hereby certify that the fore- at a special meeting of the City the City, conditioned that the going ordinance and certificate Council of said city held on the erantee of this franchise shall were published Oct. 8, 1948 in 6th day of October, 1948 and was well and truly perform each and the Palm Springs Limelight-News, read in full and was passed at every condition of such franchise, a weekly newspaper of general special meeting of said Council and that. in case of any breach (Arculatimn, printed, published and held on the 18th day of October, of the conditions of such bond circulated- 'n the City of Palm 1948 by the following vote: 1Ue whole amount of the penal .Sruings. � AYES: Veith, Feekings, Boyd, sum therein named shall be taken ,'J/ Kicky, Hardy and Mayor Far- and deemed to be liquidated dam- V�"'"Vu' i�Jl,� rely ages and shall be recoverable LOUISE McCARN, NOES: None. from the principal and sureties City Clerk of ABSENT: Martell upon such bond. Palm Springs, California "f further certify that, said (s) in cent it be determined ordinance was thereupon signed that any clause, condition or by Charles D. Farrell, Mayor of oo«cnant of this franchise for Palm Springs, and attested by ^.ny reason is illegal or unen- ORDINANCE NO. 202 Louise McCarn, City Cleric of forceable, such clause, condition AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY said City. or covenant shall be disregarded OF PALM SPRINGS FIXING 'WITNESS my hand and seal and the existence of the same THE TLgE AND PLACE OF of said City this 19th day of shall not affect the remaining OFFICIAL MEETING OF THE October, 1948fJ (,,_ (� CITY COUNCIL (City Seal)K, ,a�,R in `Ql", clausal, conditions or covenants +of such franchise. The City Council of the City LOUISE McCARN, (t) Any neglect, failure or re- of Palm Springs does ordain as City Cleric of the City of fusal of such grantee, its suc- follows: Palm Springs, California. censors or assigns to comply with SECTION 1: All Official Meet- Published 10/22/48. any of the conditions and stiPtt- ings of the City Council of the lotions curtained in said stipro- City of Palm Springs after the I hereby certify that, the fore- lat shall thereupon immediately effective date of this Ordinance, going ordinance and certificate ise and until further order of the were published Oct. 22, 1948 in mso facto, effect a forfeiture City Council, shall be held in th�h Palm Springs Limelight-News, thereof, and the said City by the City Hall Building known a weekly newspaper of general its City Council, may thereupon as No. 3240 McCallum Way in circulation, printed, published and declare the franchise forfeited, the City of Palm Springs, County circulated in the City of Palm and may exclude the grantee from of Riverside, State of California. Springs. further use of the streets of said The regular meetings of said City City under the franchise, and Council shall be held on the first < Gw-•n �1]L`D,r>�� the grantee shall thereupon sur- Wednesday of each month. LOUISE II4cCARN, render all rights in and to the SECTION 2: During themonths City Clerk of same, and the franchise shall of July, August and September Palm Springs, California "26Z 239 11-7-51 1 372 Amending Ord, f¢202 Sec, 2 L e,' . ... . 203 278 4-20-54 2 34 Repealing j#15 and all. amend— ments i ORDINANCE NO. 263 I hereby certify that the fore- printed, published and circulated AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ordinance and certificate in the City of Palm Springs. OF PALM SPRINGS AMEND- Were published Dec. 3, 1948 in CI3ARLES .D FARRELL ING SECTION E OF ORDIN- the Palm Springs Limelight-News Mayor of the City of ANCE NO. 757 a weekly newspaper of general Palm Springs - circulation, printed, published and ATTEST: —he City Council of Use City circulated in the City of Palm LOUISE McCARN, of Palm Springs does ordain as Springs. City Clerk of the City of follows: - " � L' '� Palm Springs SECTION I: Section E of �^ ?-1, (- ' Ordinance No. -151 of the City G-s;, the s-:®Lf��� /� undersigned, City Clark of Palm Springs, 'now, being an, of the City of Palm Springs, ordinance providing far the h- LOUISE McCARN, California, hereby certify that the censp g City Clerk of foregoing ordinance, being Ordin- busineg of wholesale and retail ance No. 204 of the City of Palm businesses, ' trades and occupa- Palm Springs, California tions, etc., adopted May 2, 1945, mSpreeting was introduced at a is hereby amended to read as ORDINANCE NO. 204 meeetining of the City Council of said city held on the 2nd day of follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY February, 1949 and was read in SECTION E: 'No person shall OF PALM SPRINGS AMEND- full and was passed at said meet- be licensed under this ordinance as ING SECTION P OF ORDIN- ing of said Council on the 2nd to any business, vocation, pursuit, ANCE NO. 157 day of February, 1949 by the profession, calling, show, exhibi- following vote: tion or game which is regulated The City Council of the City AYES: Veith, Feekings, Boyd, or licensed by the State of Cali- of Palm Springs does ordain as Kieley, Hardy, Waring and Mayor forma unless at the time of is- follows: Farrell suance of a city business license SECTION 1: Subsection 119 of NOES: None hereunder such person is duty Section P of Ordinance No. 157 licensed by the State of Cali- ABSENT: None fornia, Presentation of a valid of the City of Palm Springs being unexpired State License shall be an ordinance providing for the I furthercertify that said unex p licensing of wholesale and retail ordinancecewas was thereupon signed prima facie evidence that such businesses, trades and ' occupa- by Charles D. Farrell, Mayor of person is'so licensed by the State tions, and repealing earlier ordin- Palm Springs, and attested by of California. ances, adopted May 2nd, 1945, is Louise McCann City Clerk of said "No license shall be issued hereby amended by adding there- City. under a fictitous name to any to a new paragraph entitlod person conducting or carrying on "(dd)" to follow the existing of WITNESS my hand and seal any business vocation, profession, paragraph "(d)", and reading as said City this 3rd day of F calling, show, exhibition or game. follows: February, 1949. p Such license shall be issued in - (City Seal) tl ,,;.` the true" name—or-na-m_es of the "(dd)" For each coin operated LOUISE McCARN owners of such business, vocation, device or machine used to activ- City Cleric of the City of profession, calling, show, eXhibi- ate or turn^on radio receiving set, according to the following Palm Springs, California. I One or game." schedule: From one to ten such SUCTION-III:The City Clerk is devices or machines, at the rate I hereby certify that the fore- hereby ordered and directed to of Six Dollars ($6.00)- each; for going ordinance and certificate certify to the Massage of this the next ten, at the rate of Three were published Feb. 4, 1949, in - ordinance and to cause the same Dollars ($3.00) each; for the the Palm Springs Limelight-News, ";, be P"-bushed once in Palm next ten at the rate of One a weekly newspaper of general Springs Limelight-News, a stews- ($1.00) each; for the next twenty circulation, printed, published and paper of general cireulat.ion. at the rate of Fifty Cents (.50) circulated in the,City of Palm ed, published circulated Springs, 1, t S in the City of Palm prings.This each; and for all in excess of p fifty, at the rate of Twenty-five C ordinance shall be Effective thirty Cents ($.25) each. All of such (-Of days,afteY passage. rates -shall apply to each year LOUISE- McCARN, CHART-ES D. FARRET 1, or fraction thereof. This license City Clerk of Mayor of the City of Palm charge shall apply only to the Palm Springs, California Springs coin operated devices"or machines mentioned in this paragraph and ATTEST: shall not apply to radio receiving LOUISE McCARN sets." City Clerk of the City of SECTION 2: This ordinance is ORDINANCE NO. 205 ;Palm Springs hereby declared to be an em- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 1, the undersigned, City (Perk ergency measure necessary for OF PALM SPRINGS AMEND- of the City of Palm SPr ngg:. the immediate preservation of ING SECTIONS TWO AND California, heitby certify that the ' the public peace, health and SEVEN OF ORDINANCE NO. foregoing ordinance being Ordin- safety within the meaning of 163 BEING AN ORDINANCE ance No. 203 of the City of Palm Section 861 of "An Act to Provide OF TIIE CITY OF PALM Springs, was introduced at a for the Organization, Incorpora- SPRINGS CREATING A DIS- meeting of the City Council of Lion, and Government of Munici- ASTER COUNCIL AND PRE- said city held,ore the 17th day of pal Corporations," approved SCRIBING ITS POWERS, November, 1948 and was read in March 18, 1883. (Statutes 1883, DUTIES AND RESPONSI- full an was passed at regular page 93, as amended), and shall BILITIES meeting of said Council held on be,effective immediately. the 1st day of December, 1948 The City Council of the City by the following vote: A statement ec the facts con- follows: Palm Springs does ordain as I lows:ing such necessity is as 1'0l- tollows� AYES: Veith, Feekings, Bo�od, lower Yieley, Hardy and Mayor Farrell SECTION ONE: Section 2 of NOES: None. The City presently has no Ordinance No. 163 of the City licensing provisions applicable to of Palm Springs is hereby amend. ABSENT: None the above matters and by rea- ed to read as follows: I further certify that sold son of the seasonal nature of business in this community and SECTION 2: DISASTER ordinance was thereupon signed the fact that persons subject to COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP: The by Charles D: Farrell, Mayor of g Palm Springs Disaster Council Palm Springs, and attested by the Foregoing are now operating is hereb Louise McCann. CityClerk of without licenses, it is essential y ,created and shall cop- the above provisions shall become sist of the following: said City. efective immediately. (a) The Mayor, who shall be WITNESS my hand and seal of chairman. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is said City t fs 2nd day of Decem- hereby ordered and directed to (b) The City Manager and ex- ber, 19- '1. O � certify to the passage of this officio Commander, who shall be (City Sea "�''�' t�'1 ''� ordinance and to cause the same Vice-chairman. LOUISE MCCARN to be published once in Palm (c) The Chief of Police and ex- City Clerk of the City of Springs Limelight-News, a news- officio Vice-Commander, who in Palm Springs, California. paper of general circulation the absence of, or at the direr,