HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/1/1944 - ORDINANCES 256 ORDINANCE NO. 144 the laws of the State of Cali- the total gross receipts and also AN ORDINANCE GRANT- fornia and ordinances of the the total gross earnings receiv- ING TO TANNER MOTOR City of Palm Springs relating ed, collected or charged by said LIVERY, AS A CORPORA- to or regulating the operation grantee during such preceding,' TION A FRANCHISE AU- of motor vehicles upon such. quarter; and it shall be the duty THORIZING THE OPERA- streets or highways. and obligation of said grantee TION AND MAINTEN- (f) No other franchise for any to pay to the City of Palm ANCE OF AN AUTOMO- taxicab service in the City of Springs the sums clue it under RILE PASSENGER TRANS- Palm Springs shall be granted said franchise for such pre- PORTATION S E R V I C E, until the City Council, after ceding quarter or portion there, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO public hearing of which any of, within ten (10) days from EXCEED FIVE (5) YEARS, franchise holder shall have at the time said statement is re- OVER, ALONG AND UP- least two weeks notice, con- quired to be filed. ON ALL STREETS OF THE ducted in accordance with orcl- The first statement hereunder I CITY OF PALM SPRINGS. inance and rules and regula- shall be filed within thirty (30) The City Council of the City tions of the Council, if any, de- days from the date this ordin- of Palm Springs does ordain as termines that the public con- ance becomes effective. follows: venience and necessity requires (j) Any neglect, omission or Section 1. A franchise is here- such additional franchise. refusal by said grantee to file by granted to TANNER MO- (g) A, declaration of public said verified statement or to TOR LIVERY, a, corporation, convenience and necessity shall pay the said percentage of the hereinafter designated as not be necessary for the opera- said gross receipts at the times Grantee, to operate and main- tion by the franchise holder of or in the manner here--inbefore tain a taxicab service for a pe- any additional taxicabs under provided, shall work a forfeit- riod of five(5)years,namely the the name and color scheme ure of said franchise. period beginning September adopted by it. if the City Coun- (k) The grantee of this fran- lst, 1943, and ending August oil shall, as herein provided, de- chise, by the acceptance of the 31st, 1948, unless sooner term- tenpin that the public conven- same, agrees with the City of inated hereunder, over, along ience and necessity requires Palm Springs to charge such and upon all streets of the City the operation of additional taxi- rates for the transportation of of Palm Springs. cabs to those being operated passengers as may be from Section 2. The terms and coil, under this franchise or the time to time prescribed by the dition upon which said fran- granting of another franchise, City Council or any other gov- chise is granted and subject to it shall notify the franchise ernmental body of the City of which the same shall at all holder of its findings and de- Palm Springs. Provided that in times be held and exercised termination, and the holder no event shall such grantee by the grantee, are the follow- thereof shall have thirty days charge in excess of thirty (30) ing: in which to increase its service cents for the first one-third mile (a) The term of such fran- to comply with the findings of travel and twenty (20) cents chise shall be for said period and decision of the City Coun- for each additional one-third of five (5) years unless sooner oil. If it fails to do so then and mile of travel; provided that for terminated, and shall be sob- only then an additional fran- the first six months, such fees iert to the right of the City of chise may be granted. to be charged by grantee for Pgbn Springs to terminate or (h) The holder of this frau- its services shall not exceed the alter or amend said franchise chise shall, during the life 'sum of fifteen (15) cents for at any time as hereinafter pro- thereof, pay to the City of the first one-thud mile of trav- vided. Palm Springs in lawful money el and ten (10) cents for each (b) Said franchise may be of the United States, in quar- additional one-third mile of trrmfnated by said City at any terly installments, a sum of travel. ;tine after one (1) vear from the money equal to two per cent (1) The City of Palm Springs date the ordinance granting of the gross receipts of said hereby expressly reserves the said franchise becomes effec- company, from the operation of right to modify, amend, alter, tive by delivering to said taxicabs in Palm Springs, or change or eliminate any of the mrantee a%notice in writing of from fares from passengers provisions of this franchise, at sack termination at least six boarding taxicabs in said Palm The expiration of each one (1) 0 months prior to the date on Springs, to-wit„ moneys receiv- year period during the life of which the City proposes to ed or derived from doing or The same for the following pur- +^rminate said franchise at any nerforining any acts under and poses, to-wit: time subsenuent to the expira- by virtue of this franchise. 1. TO eliminate or delete from !ion of said period of one year. Said grantee shall also pay the same such conditions as (c) The automobiles operated annually in advance to the City then prove obsolete or imprac- r rhain+nined under suclh fran- of Palm Springs, or its succes- tical; chise shall be used for tb^ p'lr- snr, a sum of money equal to 2. To impose such additional cost, of transportation of nas- Five Dollars ($5.00) for each conditions upon the grantee as stingers and the personal lun- separate taxicab operated or may be lust and reasonable, nape of such nassengeis and put in service by such grantee. such conditions to be those as TTn;}ed States Mail. (i) Said two percent of gross may be deemed necessary for (d) The City of Palm Springs, receipts referred to in the pre- the purpose of insuring ade- in granting such franchise ex- ceding, parapranh shall be corn- quate service to the public; cressly reserves the right to puted and paid for each quar- S. To increase the percentage grade. re-grade, improve, nave. her of the calendar year, name- of revenue to be paid to the I repave, macadamize remacad- ly the periods: City of Palm Springs under the amize, sewer or reseiver or r- July I — September 30 in- provisions of this franchise. For urw anv of said streets, or lay elusive. the purpose of determining the gas, water or other nines there- April 1st — June 30th, inch'- amount of such increase and in, said work to bn clone <o as live. for the purpose of determining in iniure said road as little as October 1st—December 31st, what conditions, if any, shall possible and the nrantee of inrlusive. be modified, amended, altered, snub Franchise by the accept- it shall be the duty 'and ob- changed or eliminated from the ance of the same will waive anv lination of the grantee to file provisions of this ordinance, r1nma4e occasioned by any such with the City Clerk of the City grantee of such franchise, and wo*k. of Palm Springs within thirty the City of Palm Springs, agree (e) All automobiles or vehi- (30) days after any such quar- that at, any time within six (0) rl,s used in connection wi+h ter. a statement verified under months next preceding the ex- this automobile service shall b- oath by the manager or presid- piratiorrk of any one year period, n,-^r-tcd in accordance with ing office of grantees showing they will, upon demand having i^C AL,, Col eP;a Le s Lates Lhu, t'7e of i,u5" in Publicat'on do not necessita'Le t?he.t the ordinance be pvbl.ished. a[;ain. 145 See Ord. Uo. P,=,-fi ri d 7elok zat]2 ActTrin ISO 8-12-47 1 307 Repealing Ord. No. 145 257 first been made by either oP 5. To examine and license all cessors or assigns to comply them, appoint a board consist- drivers or operators of any taxi- with any of the conditions and ing of three (3) members, one cab or vehicle operated or stipulations contained in said to be appointed by the City maintained by such grantee un- franchise shall thereupon im- of Palm Springs, one by the der the provisions hereof; mediately ipso facto, effect a grantee hereunder and a third 0. To inspect the books of forfeiture thereof, and the said by the two so appointed, to such grantee at all reasonable City by its City Council, may sit as a board for hearing and times and to prescribe reason- thceurion declare the said fran- determining whether or not any able rules and regulations con- chise forfeited, and may exclude such conditions shall be modi- cerning the method of keeping said grantee or his or its suc- fied, amended, altered, changed such records by such grantee: cessors and assigns from further or eliminated from or added to 7. To make such other rules use of the streets of said City ' the conditions hereof or for and regulations as may be rea- under said franchise, and said the purpose of determining the sonably necessary to facilitate grantee and its successors or amount of increased revenue to the service to be rendered to assigns shall thereupon and fin- be paid the City of Pahn the public sunder such fran- mediately surrender all rights Springs, if any; such board chise. in and to the same, and said shall make its findings and fee- (p) Whenever in this ordin- franchise shall become and re- onnnendations to the City ace any right or power is con- main null, void and of no ef- Council and upon acceptance ferred upon or duty imposed feet. of the some by the City of upon the City, such right and Section 3. The City Cleric is Palm Springs, by amendment power shall inure to and be hereby ordered and directed to of this ordinance, shall become exercised by and such duty Citify to the passage of this a part of this franchise, effec- shall be imposed by or upon ordinance and to cause the tive thirty (30) days thereafter. the City Council of said CAN same to be published once in (m) That said franchise shall (q) The provisions of said The Palm Snrings Limelight- not be assignable or transfer- franchise and all rights, obli- News, a weekly newspaper of able or otherwise alienated by gations end duties hereunder general circulation, printed, the grantee or its successor, shall inure to and be binding puublished and circulated in the without the consent of the City upon the grantee and its suer City of Palm Springs. This or- of Palm Springs, cessors and assigns. dinance shall be in full force (n) The revenue and fees (r) Said grantee will be re- .,nd effect thirty days after pas- agreed to be paid by such mired to file, and said fran- snap said grantee taxicabshereunder in lieu lof all condition shall that the granted grantenshall te '•:The 'City Cl>;zk is li@reUy,oil defied and directed to certm, license fees prescribed by the file a written acceptance of the io the,,passage of this ordinance provisions of Ordinance No. franchise granted and an agree- n,cl to`;post�he sanle� in th ]19 of the City of Pahn Springs meat to comply with the terms minerrth l for t1 e tiirw re_ \ or any ordinance amendat ons erein et or supplementary thereto roo v itiandc on the CitytClerk sof (said o AAppro ed aw.this 2nd day of any fees for any permit requir- City within ten (10) days after February, 1944. ed by the provisions of any the date the ordinance grant- F. V. SIIANNON, existing ordinance of the City ing said franchise becomes of- Mayor of the City of of Pahn Springs or any ordin- fective, said acceptance and Palm Springs. anee amendatory or supplemen- agreement to be signed by the sal to any such ordinance which President and Secretary of said -ATTEST: would have to be paid for the grantee and to bear its cor- LOUISE McCARN, privilege of operating or main- ,orate seal. City Cleric. Paining said taxicabs if exemp- (s) The grantee shall file and (CITY SEAL) Lion from the payment of same maintain with the City Clerk was not provided for by the, of said City a bond running to I, the undersigned, City Clerk provisions hereof. For all other the said City in the penal sum of the City of Palm Springs, automobiles for hire or automo- of One Thousand Dollars California, hereby certify that bile transportation business or ($1.000) executed by a corpor- the foregoing ordinance, being service, Tanner Motor Livery, ate surety authorized to trans- Ordinance No. 144 of the City shall pay such fees and charges act surety business under the of Palm Springs, was introdue- and conform to such regulations laws of the State of California, ed at a meeting of the City as are or may be provided by and approved by the City Council of said city held on the ordinances of the City of Paint Council, conditionoAthat the 19th day of Jan. 1944, and Springs. grantee of such franchise shall was read in full and was pass- (o) The City of Palm Spriggs well and truly perform each ed at a regular meeting of said shall have the right to regulate and every condition of such Council held on the 2nd day of the operation of such grantee franchise, and that, in case of Feb., 1944, by the following under such franchise in the fol- anv breach of the conditions vote: ]owing particulars: of such bond the whole amount AYES: Councilmen Therieau, J. To make reasonable orders of the penal sum therein namecl Adams, Connell, Boyd, Cutler respecting character, extent, shall be taken and deemed to and Mayor Shannon. quality and standard of serv- be liquidated damages and shall NOES: None. ice; be recoverable from the prin& ABSENT: Councilman Hous- 2. To fix such rates as are pal and sureties upon such man. I act in conflict with the express bond. I further certify that said or- p:•ovisions hereof and to make (t) Should it be determined dinance was thereupon signed reasonable orders respecting the that any clause, condition or by F. V. Shannon, .Mayor of same; covenant of such franchise is, Palm Springs, and attested by 3. To prescribe the number for any reason illegal or unen- Louise McCarn, City Clerk of of taxicabs to be operated by lorceable, such clause, condi- said City. such grantee; tion or covenant shall be disre- WITNESS my hand and seal 4. To inspect, improve or re- garded and the existence of the of said City this 2nd day of ject any and all equipment uses same shall not affect the re- February, 1944. ar proposed to be used by maining clauses, conditions or (CITY SEAL) _ -rantee for the purpose of exec- covenants of such franchise. LOUISE McCARN, rising any right or privilege um (u) Any neglect, failure or City Clerk of the City of der such franchise; uefusal of such grantee, its sae- Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate mere published February 4, 1944, in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper/of general circuation, prihped, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. Cry r'ler�Palm Sprints, Calif. 258 ORDINANCE NO. 1€5 F—Merly and FJesterly di- Ordi`nsnce No. 145 of the City AN ORDINANCE OF THE mensions, measured from of Palm Springs, was intro- CITY OF .PALM SPRINGS the Northerly and Easter- dnccd at a me'' iinq of the CtN AMENDING SECTION 4 h, boundaries of the rights Comici'L of said city held on (ar) OF ORDINANCE NO. '75 of sway of -aid streets, is the 22nd day of lvlarch, 1914, OF SAID CITY, BFJNC hereby placed in and shall and was read in full and -,vas THE PALAI SPRINGS LAND be subject to the rcgula- nassed at an adjourned meet- USE 0,,PaDINANCE, ADOPT- Lions ol�District R-3 as es- ing of said Council held on the ED DECEMBER 13., 1939, tablished by said Ordin- liib day of April, 1911, by the The City Council of the City ance No. M following vote: of Palm Springs does ordain Section 2: The Citv Clerk is AYES: Coune_ilman Therieau, ns follows: hereby ordered and directed to Adams, Co=!11 and Mayor Section 1: Section 4 (g) of certify to the passage of this Shannon. Ordinance No. 75 of the City ordinance and to cause same NOES: None. I Of Palm Springs (being the to be published once ni The ABSENT: Councilmen Hous- Pahn Springs Land Use Ord in- Limelight-Netvs, a newspaper man, Boyd and Cutler. ance, adopted December L,, of general circulation, printed, I further certify that said 1939) classifying the lands in published and circulated in the ordinance was thercunon sign- Section 10, Township 4 South, City of Pabn Springs. This or- ed by .17. V. Shannon, Mayor of Range 4 East, S. B. B. & Al., dinance shall be effective thirty Palm Springs, and attested by s per Map Sh et 7 of The OF- clays after passage. LOUISE MCCARN, City CIerk fieial Zoning Map is hereby F. 1'. SIIANNON, of said City. amended by the following Mayor of the City of WITNESS my band and seal change of classification of land Palm Springs. of said City this 181h day of zoned therein, namely; (SEAL) April, :L944. The rectangular parcel Attest: LOUISE MCCARN, of land at the Northeast City Clerk of the City of (CIT"4 (SEAL) corner of Stevens Road and Palm Springs. LOUISE MCCARN, Wawona Road measuring 1, the undersigned, City CIek City Clerk of the City of 163.26 feet in its Norther- of the City of Patin Springs, PRIm Springs, California. IV and Southerly dimen- California, hereby certify that sions and 125.31 feet in its the foregoing ordinance, being I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certifica } were published April 21, 1944, in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a Nveeldy neusspaper of gel@ral circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. cj�c`_� ' I� A c C�L/L LOUISE McCARN, C-,ty Clerk cf Palm Springs, California. I l 146 15'7 5- 2-45 1, 273 Repealing Ord. IvTo. 14G 1 259 ORDINANCE NO. 146 said Ordinance No. 119 of the rrnment of Municipal Corpor- A.N ORDINANCE OF THE City of Palm Springs is hereby ations," approved March 18th, CITY OF PALM SPRINGS amended to read as follows: i883: Statutes 1883, pa,e 9% AMENDING SUB - INGS 125. WIRED `MUSIC as amended and shall be effec- t END G AND 725 A- AND PI ONOGBAPHS: Live immediately. SECTION P OF ORD1N- For every person owning, A statement of the Facts can- ANCE NO. 119, ADOPTEI? operating, possessing or tihiting such necessity is as AUGUST 25TH, 1942. maintaining a wired music follows: system by which music, The City of Palm Springs has The City Council of the City sound or voice intended no adequate ordinance or If- oi Palm Springs does ordain primarily for amusement censing regulations on the fore- as follows: purposes is distributed or ?oing subjects. An ordinance SECTION ONE: Sub-para- reproduced over wires from re<_mlating and providing for graph 124 of Section P of Or- a central station to outlets, the licenses and revenues here- dinance No. 119 of the City at more than one separate inbefore set forth is essential im- oi Palm Springs adopted Aug- place of business, the oper- mediately so that the City may ust 25th, 1942, is hereby amend- ation or use of which wired not be without such regulation, ed to read as follows: music is controlled by plac- licensing and revenues during 124. WEIGHING AND ing therein any coin or flip time this ordinance other- OTHER COIN OPERAT- disc, $50.00 per year for wise would require before be ED MACHINES: For ev- the central station. plus coming effective. ery person owning, possess- $50 00 per year for each SECTION FOUR: The City ing or maintaining any speaker outlet. Clerk is hereby ordered and weighing, vending or For every person oNim- directed to certify to ilre pas- amusement apparatus or ing, operating, possessing sane of this ordinance and to other devices or machines or maintaining a phono cruise the same to be published (exclusive of those covered graph by which nnusic, once in The Palm Springs by sub-paragraph 125 fol- sound or voice intended Limelight-News, a newspaper lowing), the operation or primarily for amusement of general circulation, printed, use of which is controlled purposes is reproduced at published and circulated in the by placing therein any coin a .single place of business, City of Palm Springs. or disc: and the operation or use F. V. SI-IANNON, (a) For each such ma- of which is controlled by Mayor of the City of chine exclusively used to placing anv coin or disc in Palm Springs. vend foods or beverages, a receptacle, $50,00 per Attest: LOUISE McCARN', or exclusively used to year for each phonograph City Clerk of the City of weigh persons or prop- together with one speaker Palm Springs. erty, $12.00 per year or either integral or separate I, the undersigned, City fraction thereof; and one coin receptacle, Clerk of the City of Palm (b) For each such ma- plus $5.00 per year for each Springs, California, hereby cer chine exclusively used to additional coin receptacle, tifv that the foregoing ordin- vend commodities o t h e r and the further sum of ance. being Ordinance No. 146 than foods or beverages, $25.00 per year for each of flip City of Palm Springs, $25.00 per year or fraction additional speaker. was introduced at a meeting of thereof: The license fees herein- the Citv Council of said city (c•) For each of such ma- before provided in this held on the 5th day of April, chines used for other pur- sub-paragraph are in addi- 1944, and was read in full and poses, $100 per year or tion to the license fees re- was passed at an adjourned fraction thereof. quired by this ordinance meeting of said Council held This provision is not in- for any other business, oc- on the 18th day of April, 1944, tended and shall not he cupation, show, exhibition by the following vote: construed to allow or pro- or game that the same may AIFS: Councilmen Therieau, vide for the licensing or be conducted in conjunc- icLuns. Connell and Mavm use of any machine or de- tion with, notwithstanding Shannon. vice prohibited by law. The the provisions of subdivi- NOES: None. license fees hereinbcfore lion 127 (b) of Section P ABSENT: Councilmen Hous- in this sub-paragraph pro- of Ordinance No. 119. The man, Boyd and Cutler. vided are in addition to provisions of this subdivi- I further certify that said or- the license fees required sion 125 are not intended dinance was thereupon signed by this ordinance for any to apply to public tele by F. V. SHANNON, Mayor other business, occupation, phone systems. of Pahn Springs, and attested show, exhibition or games SECTION THREE: This by Louise McCarn, City Clerk that the same may be con- ordinance is hereby declared of said City. ducted in conjunction with, to be an urgency measure nec- WITNESS my hand and seal notwithstanding the pro- essary for the immediate pies- of .said city this 18th day of visions of subdivision 127 ervation of the public peace, April, 1944. (b) of Section P of Ordin- health and safety within the (CPIY SEAL) ance, No. 119. meanina of Section 861 of "An LOUISE McCABN, SECTION TWO: Sub-para- Act to Provide for the Organ- City Cleric of the Citv of graph 125 of Section P of the ization, Incorporation and Gov- Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate we published April 21, 1944, in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general curculation, ,z Tinted, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. .\_ C LOUISESIc ARN, City Clerk of Palm Springs, California. 260 ORDINANCE NO. 147 oleums: Patin , Springs. This ordinance ORDINANCE OF THE Section Three: Section 6 of shall be, effective thirty clays AN CITY PALM SPRINGSsaid Ordinance No. 75 of the after passage. AMENDING SECTIONS 4 Cit of Palm Spring11 s is hereby EUCENE E. TII]sIllE1[i, amended by adding to pare Mayor of the City of (r), 5 (a), 6 (a), 7 ta) and 17 graph (a) ihereof, entitled "Uses Patin Springs. OF 'ORDINANCE NO. 75 Permitted," a new classification OF SAID CITY, cinder subparagraph (S) gum_ Attest: v Clerk A4heCil The Citv Council of the Ci , bored (f), and reading as fol- City Clerk of the Cily of Palm Springs. of Palm Springs does ordain as lows ➢. the unden;igncd, City Clerk tolllows: `(f) Cemeteries and Mans- of th" City of Patin Spyiio,s, Section One: Section 4 (r) of oleums.' Californa, hcrcby certify that Ordinance No. 75 of the City Section Four: Section 7 of the foregoing ordinuiu:c, beint*, oT Palm Springs (tieing the said Ordinance No. 75 of ih° Ordinance No. 131 of the City Palm Springs Land Use Ordin- City of Palm Springs is here- of Palm Springs, was introchs- ance. adopted December Bib, by amended by adding to pain- cd at a meeting; of the City i939), classifying the lands in graph (a) thereof, entitled '*Use; C;omici,l of said city held on Section 19, Township 4 Sonth, Permitted" a new classification the 7th day of June, 1944, and Range 5 East, S.R.B.&1\4., as under subparagraph (51 gum- was read in [till and was pass- pen- Map Sheet 1S of the Offi- bored (e), and reeding as fol- ed :it an adjonmed mediag of cial Zoning Map, is hereby lows: ,said Council hold on the `ilst amended by the following `(e) Cemeteries and Mans- daP of )une, 1944, Uy the fol- chanwe of classification of land cleums! ;owing vote: 'rolled thrrein, namely: Section Five: Section 17 of 10-ES: Conncilincu Nichols, The Ncrthcast qua-'icy of said Ordinance No. 75 of tb;' Adams, Hyde, McCaum. A11cu Northw(- st quarter o_ said City of Palm Springs is hereby and Turonnet and Mavor Tbnr- S'ection 14 is herebv placed amended by adding at the end leer. in and shall be subject to thereof an unnumbered para- NOES: None. the re,^,u lations of District graph reading as follows: 1 further certify itrnt paid F,..-2 as established by said "CEMETERIES AND ordinance was the, sign- Ordinance No. 75. r.1AUSOLEUMS, in Dis- ed by 'EUCENE F. THER- Section Two: Section 5 of tricts U, R-11 E-1 and E-2." [EAU, hdavor of Palm Sfnimis, said Ordinance No. 75 of the Section Six: The City Clerk and attested by Louise Me- City of Palm Springs is hereby is hereby ordered and directed Cain, City Clerk of said City. amended by adding to pare- to certify to the passage of this «7ITNESS my hand and seal graph (a) ,hcrcof, entitled `rises ordinance and to cause the of said City this 21st: clay of Permitted" a new classifica- same to be published once in Tune. 1944. pion under subparagraph (4) The Palm Springs Limelight- (CTTY SEAL) numbered (e), and reading as News, a newspaper of general L,OUISE McCARN, follows: circulation, printed, published City Clerk of the City or `(e) Cemeteries and Mans- and circulated in the City of Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published June 23, 1942 in I the Pahn Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of goner• circulation, printed published and circulated ui the City of Patin Springs. - cr,_,cxq-tee��/� � i� G✓t/� LOUISE McCARN, City Clerk of Patin Springs, California. I J 147 JUM 180 B-12-47 1 307 Repealing Ofd. Ilo. 147 261 ORDINANCE NO. 148 the activities and services ceding months, and par- AN ORDINANCE OF THE herein enumerated. ocularly setting forth the CITY OF PALM SPRINGS (b) To promptly and services referred to in the APPI'OPRIATING T FI E carefully answer all con:- preceding Section which SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED miuiications and inquiries have been rendered and DOLLARS ($500.03) FOR relative to the resort, seen- which are contemplated by USE I]I PROMOTION, AD- ic, climatic and residential it, and no payments shah' VERTI9INC AI^dD PUBLIC- advantages and attractions be made to the Chamber ITY FOR SAID CITY DUR- of the Citv of Palm of Commerce until the re- INC THE CURRENT FIS- Springs, facilities for ac- ports required in this pma- CAL YEAR. commodation of visitors, graph are so filed. The City Council of the City and the various recreation- (c) The Chamber of Or Palm Sprints does ordain as tional and sporting events Commerce shall receive, ' Inflows: here, and to distribute in- payment only for the ex- f �. goon I: i;he City Council fur-^ation in r°¢ard there- peirses actually paid out or of the City of Palm Springs_ to by correspondence, pub- incurred by it in carrying having jurisdiction, power and liciiy through the press. out the duties required Of anthodiy for that purpose, pun- and personal contacts fa- it as specifi,d in Section scant to and in compliance with vorably nromoting, public- 2 hereof, and shall not ro- an act of il:e Le,islaturc of the izinq and advertising satire. ceive any compensation State of California entitled "An (c) To prepare and dis- for services of its own of- Act Authorizing Municipal Cor- tribute to the press and ficers or employees in cai- poations to Fxp-rid Monev public orticles, news stor- lying out such require- for Ado;rtirinv, or Publio;h" ics.'phatogiaphs, litcraturr, merits. Purposes' (Siunit^s of 1n21, and scientific ar.d histor- (d) The Nviihin appro- par=e tt4), and Section 86223 teal information and act- priation of funds by the of "An r ,t to Provide for the ertking, promotional and City for the expenditures Cre,anizatiou, Incorporation and publicity matter descriptive and services contemplated Covernment cI Alimicipal Coy- of the City and its attrac- hereunder shall not create pwations' approved March 18, tions and advantages, and any fixed or binding oUli- LR,cg (SCut tc, of 1885, page to develop and make prop- nations upon the City to W), and having determined er enrvevs whereby do- pay same to the Chamber that the pnbhic interest, neees- sirable outside persons may of Commerce, but such sity and convenience so re- he induced to visit and ie- payment shall be depend- nuire, and [hat the amount side in the City. cut upon the filing of prop- 11,1cinafte, appropriated is (d) To aid in promoting er claims and reports evi- ivitliin the fir ifis m fixed by law, hoe building progranis dencing the services rend- ihere is hereby appropriated and the desirable develop- crud and expenditures fonn [he i'mural fund of the ment and beneficial use. of made as required hereby, City of Palm Springs the sun unoccupied and vacant and shall also be depend- of Five Ilunched Dollars properties. eat upon the availability (,t'500.00) for use during the (c) To promote and in- of funds for said purposes I current fiscal year ;n providing vito desirable classes of during the fiscal vear. and to be expended for pro- trade, professional and Ser_tion 4: This ordinance is motion, publicity and advertis- business meetine;s and con- hereby declared to be an or- in« for the City of Palm i,entions wherebv addition- gency measure nececsary for Spun;*c, of persons may. Visit and the itm_Zediate preservation of ficcHrn, 2: Said innd shall be become acquainted with the public peace, health and disbursed on elairris anci cic- the City of Palm Springs. afety within the meaning of nrards nresI'Ard, audited and (f) To study the needs of Section 861 of `An Act to Pro- paid as in the case of all other tlr, com.nunity as to public vide for the Organization, In- (-]aims against the City of Palm <"mrov,•-newts of every corporation. and Government of Springs, and in the niarn-r pro- character and to prepare A4nnicipal Corporations,' ap- y4+ d by law and ordinance, ria+a attend conferences. proved March 19th, ISS3, and shall be cxpencled thiouurlr and by every proper meth- Statutes 1883, page 93, as ibe instnnuenlality of the Pabo nd aid in securing and I'll amended and shall be effective Springs Chamber of Commerce regulating and planning immccliately. A statement of irt-ording to the contract nr rnrch improvements so as the Facts constituting such agreement which shall be made to 11cncfit the City. rxcessay is as follows: with that organization by the (g) To carry on such oth- The City of Palm Springs Cil,- o` Palm Snrhigs for that rr duties as may be, re- is in need of reasonetUle nurnose, whcreby it shall nit- (wired of the Chamb^r by amounts of proimotion, ad- deriake to carry oil such pro- fl,e City Council in order veitising and publicity in motional, advertising and pub- to promote the further de- order to prepare for the ]city activities and services on veionment of the City as immediate future. It is es- h^half of the Citv of Palm a high class winter iesort sential that appropriations �in'inrs durnn, the current fie- and r^sidential area. on that account be made cal vear ending Tune 30 1914, 3,W-n 2: All p_avinents to within the current fiscal as the City Council piav re- said Chamber of Cornrnci^c vear within the limits J- nuire of it, and to use its faci- from the frind hereby appro- lowed by law, none having I Iitirs and its special knowledge %ute8 -hall bA aubject to the heretofore been made dun and experience and shall act art following conditions: ing said year. an administrative anent to per- (o) All payments shall be Section 5: The City Clerk is loan the mechanical and min- made imon a ctl+ni or de- hereby ordered and directed istcrial functions of applvins( nand nre,cented. audited to Certify to the passage of this zinc] expanclfng said fluids in and paid as in the case of ordinance and to cause the furiSiera.nce of the objects for all other claims against same to be published in The which they arc appropriated, the Citv of Palm Spring's. Palm Springs Limelight News, by rendering tile, following* and in the manner orovid- 11 newspaper of general ciren- eervices rdming the current fis- ed by law and ordinance. lation, printed. published and cal year: (b) The Chamber shall, (a) To maintain suitable on or before the thirtieth muartcrs and facilities in clay of Tune of this fiscal dhe City of Palm Springs vear, submit to the City and employ co inctent per Council a report describing sounel to properly carry of its activities for the pro- Continued 262 circulated in the Cite of Palm of Palm Springs, was introdue- NOES: None, Springs. . ed at a meeting of the City I further certify that saicl EUGENE E. T11ERTEAU, Council of said city held on ordinance was tiureupon si,n- Mayor of the City of the 7th day of June, 1944, and ed by EUGENE i?, TlIER- Palm Sprigs. was read in full and was pass- 'EAU, Mayor of palm Spriu,�, Attest: LOUISE MCCAhN, ed at an adjourned meeting of and attested by Louise Me- City Clerk of the City said Council held on the 21st Carp, Citv Clerk of ;paid Cih�. of Palm Springs, clay of June, 1944, by the fol- WITNESS my band and scaI 1, the undersigned, City Clerk lowing vote: of said City this 21st clay of of the City of Palm Springs, AYES: Councilmen Nichols, Juno, 1944. California, hereby certify that Adams, I-Bide, AleCann, Allen (CITY SEAL) the foregoing ordinance, being and Turomiet and Mayor Ther- LOUISE McCA13N, Ordinance No. 143 of the City ieao. City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, Californi;l. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published June 93, 1944, in the Patin Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of '.neral circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Sprigs. LOUISE McCAEN, City Clerk of Palm Springs, California. I 149 157 5- 2-/15 1 273 Repealing Oi-d. No. 149 I 2i[9e3 ORDINANCE NO. 149 weighing, vending or certify to the passage of this anusement apparatus or ordinance and to cause the same AN ORDINANCE OF THE other devices or rnachires to be published once in The CITY OF PALM SPRINGS (exclusive of those coveted Palm Springs Limelight-News, AMENDING SECTIONS K by sub-paragraph 125 fol- a newspaper of general circu- AND P OF ORDINANCE lowing), the operation or lation, printed, published and NO. 119. use of which is controlled circulated in the City of Pahn by placing Therein arry coin Springs. This ordinance shall The Clty Council of the City or disc: be in full force and effect thir- of Palm Springs does ore€atn "(a) For each such ma- ty days after passage. as follows: chine exclusively used to EUGENE E. Tf3ERIEAU, Section 1. Section I4 of Or- vend commodities other Mayor of the City of dirance No. 119 of the City of than foods or beverages, Palm Springs, Palm Springs, being an ordin- $4.00 per year or fraction Attest: LOUISE McCARN, ante for the licensing of whole- thereof; City Clerk of the City sale and retail businesses, trades "(b) For each such ma- of Palm Springs. and occupations. adopted Aug- chine exclusivel_y used to I, the undersigned, City Clerlc list 12, [942, is hereby amend- vend foods or beverage's, of the City of Palm Springs ed to react as follows: M.00 per year or fraction California, hereby certify that "Section K: All licenses thereof; the foregoing ordinance, being specified in this ordinance "(c) For each such ma- Ordinance No. 149 of the Cite shall be due and payable chine exclusively used to of Palm Springs, was introduc- in advance in full and ea<h weigh persons or property, ed at it meeting of the City person required to have a M.00 net year or fraction Council of said city held on licenso shall be liable for thereof; the 7th day of Jim(,, 1944, and pavment of the fee fur the "(d) For each of such was read in Full and was pass- fulI Teem. machines used for other ed at an adjourned meeting of `"Che fees and charges purposes, $100.00 per year said Council h_ld on the 21st for all licenses hcreunde' or fraction thereof. clay of June, 1944, by the fol- procured after July 31 of "This provision shall not ]owing vote: the particular fiscal year be construed to allow or AYES: Councilmen Nichols, covered thereby shall be provide for the use of any Adorns, Hvde, McCann, Allen One Hunelred Ten (1107) machine or device prohib- and Turounet and Mayo Ther- Percent of the rates, fees ited by law. The license ieau. and charges specified by fees herein'acfore provid- NOES: None. .`section P of this ordinance ed are in addition to the, I fur[ber certify that said at the time of issuance of license fees required by ordinance was thereupon sign- such licenses." this ordinance for any othc-r ed by EUGENE E. THER- Section 2. Sub-paragraph 124 business, occupation, show, JEAU, Mayor of Palm Springs, of Section P of said Ordinance exhibition or game that and attested by Louise NIc- No. 119 of the City of Palm the same may be conduct- Cam, Citv Clerk of said City. ' Springs is hereby amended to ed in conjunction with, not- WITNESS m}, hand and seal read as follows: withstanding the provis- of said City this 21st day of "124, WEIGHING AND ions of subdivision 127(b) Time, 1944. OTHER COIN OPERAT- of Section P or Ordinance (CITY SEAL) ED MACHINES: For ev- No. 119. LOUISE McCARN, cry person owning, pos- Section 3. The City Clerk is Citv Clerk of the City of sassing or maintaining any hereby ordered and directed to Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published ]tine 23, 1944, in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly news paper of ge!�31'al circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. C �� LOUISE McCARN, Ctty Clerk of Palm Springs, California. I 264 nRDD+ANTCE NO. 150 [lie paved surfaces. In the of Palm Springs. I]"ri ORDINANCE OF THE process of such cleansing I; the uudersicred, Citv Clerk CYTY OF PALM SPRINC;S as permitted by this sec- or the City of Palm Springs, AMENDING SECTION a tion no person, firm or con- California, hereby certify that- OV 0EDINANCE NO. 1,47 poration sball use 'anyhe foregoing ordinance, being OF, SAID CITY Greater quantity or Ines- Ordinance No. 130 of the. City sure of water at any time, of Palm Springs, was introor-c The City Counc�l of the City nor shall thev interfere with ed at a: meeting of the City of Palm Springs does ordain a.s die free and unrestric!ed Council of said ciry held cn follows: passage of pedestrians or the 7th day of Tuic, 1944, and Section I: Section 3 of Or- vehicles on the public was read in frill and ,vas i;ess- dinanee No. 137 o£ the City of streets or sidewalks, nor ed at an adjonrncd i e, itrg rf Palm Snrines, being an ordin- cause or allow water to :,Jd Council held on th^ 21st once re_,trietng the deposit of fall upon such pedestrians clay of Time, 1944, by the fol- nnneeessary water and rubbish t,r vehicles' ovine 'note: %n the public street,, adopted Section 2: The City Clerk is AYES: Councilmen Nichols, Jul, 21st, 1943, is hereby herebv ordered and directed to `ldams, Ilvcic., \McCann, Allen emeuled to read as follows: certify to the passa,. of This lid Turonnct and Mayor Thcr- "Section 3: Between tht, ordinance and to curse the can. hours of five and eight same to he published once in "+OE S: None. o'clock each morning wa- The Palm Springs Limelight- I further certify that said to may be used to cleanse News, a newspaper of general ordinance was tlicreupon si^n paved surfaces of public circulation, printed, published 'd by EUCENE E. T',iPP- and private: premises Io- rtci circalatcd in the City of IEAU, Mavor of Palm Sprha¢s. cated within Zones C-1, Palm Springs. T111s oi-dinai,ce ,nd attested by Lonise iJe C-2 and C-3, as presently shall be effective thirty d tt Clays � ''n, City Cletk of said Cty. ov hereafter established by after passage. WITNESS my hand and seal Ordinance No. 75 of this EUGENE E. TIIER A.U. of said City this 21sit day of City, provided it is used Mayor oC the City of Tune 1944. only in such quantity and c (CITY SEAL) with such pressure that may Palm .,prints. ti 1 Y LOUISE i�4cCr I3N, he necessary to remove attest: LOUISE MCCARN,, Citv Clerk of the Citv of dirt or foreign matter from City Clerk of the Cih, Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published Tune 23, 194zl, in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of ge, ral circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. ✓G /0 �s (-, Z �� t �1v/'_ LOUISE MCCARN, City Cleric of Palm Springs, California. I I 265 ORDINANCE NO. 151 and (b) for the carrying on of of Palm Springs, was introduc- the various departments of the ed at a meeting of the City AN ORDINANCE OF THE City, other than said public li- Council of said city held on the CITY OF P.1LM SPRINGS brarv, the sum of Eighty-one 28th day of June, 1944, and FIXING THE AMOUNT OP' Thousand Dollars ($81,000.00). was read in fill and was passed MONEY NECESSARY TO SECTION 2: The City Clerk at a regular meeting of said BE RAISED BY TAYA'IION FOR THE FISCAL. YEAR is hereby ordered and directed Council held on the Sth day of BEGINNING fULY 1, 1944. to certify to the passage of this July, 1944, by the following ordinance and to cause the vote: The City Council of the City same to be published once in AYES: Councilmen Nichols, of Palm Springs does ordain as The Palm Springs Limelight- Adams, Hyde, McCann, Alicia, follows: News, a weekly newspaper of 'furounet and Mayor Th erieau. SECTION ]: The amount of 'general circulation, printed, NOES: None. money necessary to be raised published and circulated in the ABSENT: None by taxation upon the taxable City of 1 alm Springs. This c'r- 1 dinance shall be effective thir- T nce further w certify that said ed Palm S within the City of tu, clays after passage. dinance was thereupon signed Palm Springs as a revenue to EUGENF E. TIIERIEAU, by FUCENE E. THERIEAU, early oft the various depart- FNF of the City Mayor of Palm Springs and at- nn;nts of such City for the fis- y oftested by Marvlou Kingsburv; cal year beginning xt July 1, 19,4, Palm Springs. DeIty Citv Clerk of said City. ' Attest: LOUISE MCCAPIN ,F hereby fixed as follows: (a) City Clerk of the City WITNESS my hand and seal For the maintenance and, snp of Palm Springs. of said Citv this 5th day of port of and the purchase of p Julti 1944. property for the public library, L'c MABYLOU KINGSBURY (CITY SEAL) kng>}vn as the "WelWood Mat- Deputy. t:a'i:''Memorial Library for the (SEAL) TVI_ LOUISE McCARN, City of Palm Springs" (the I, the undersigned, Utv clerk City Clerk of the City of Palm maintenance of said public li- of the Citv of Palm Springs, Springs, California. bran, not being otherwise pro- California. hereby certify that By MARYLOU KINGSBURF, vi(lecl for), the sum of Twenty- the foregoing ordinance being Dcpuh City Clerk of the City live Hundred Dollars ($2500.00) Ordinance No. 151 of the City of Palm Springs, California 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate Nyeze published July 6, 1944, in he Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly C 11 newspaper of gcnclacirrul�tion, printed, Ieblished and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. � p{ ° GUISE McCARN, Cuty Clerk of Palm Springs, California. 266 ORDINANCE NO. 152 part of same shall be disburs' I, the undersigned, City Clerk ed therefrom for anv other pur- AN ORDINANCE OF THE pose excepting after author[za_ of the City of Pahn Springs, CITY OF PALM SPRINGS tion by the electors of this City hereby certify that the forego- CREATING A FUND FOR as provided in said Act, ing ordinance, being Ordinance ChPITAL OUTLAYS, TO I1.E KNOIV17N AS "SPECIAL SECTION 4: The Citv Conn_ No. [52 of the City of Palm FUND FOR THE RI - oil may from time to time in- Springs, was introduced at a PLACEMENT OF MOTOR- vest such portions of said fund meeting of the City Council of IZED VEHICLES." as it may deem wise or expel- ;aid ,city held on the Kith clay rent in either bonds or war- r-IIE CITY COUNCIL OF rants as provided for by an Act Of August and was read in full TIIE CITY OF PALM approved April 23. 1913 (Stats. and was passed a jkregular meet- SPRINCS does ordain as fol- 1913, p. 76, as amended), and ing of said Council held on the lows: such investments and the in- 6th day of September, 1944, by SECT[ON 1. The City Coun- come therefrom shall remain isle following vote: oil laving acquired power and part of the find. authority in that regard by the SECTION 5: The City Cleric AYES: Councilmen Nichols, terms of an Act approved May is hereby ordered and directed ,Adams, Hyde, McCann, Allen, 24. 1941 (Stats: 1941, p. 1590, to certify- to the passage of this Turonnet and Mayor Therieau. as amended), there is hereby ordinance and to cause the Provided and created a fund same to be published once in NOES: None. for capital outlays, to beknown The Palm Springs Limelight- ABSENT: None. and described as the "Special News, a weekly newspaper of fund for the Replacement of eneral c relation, printed, I further certify that said or- \fomi;zed Vehicles and Equip- iublisbcd and circulated in the (linauce was thereupon signed ment." Citv of Pahn Springs. This by Eugene E. Therieau, Mayor SECTION 2: The Ciiy Cann- ordinance shall be effective of Pahn Springs, and attested l r.:av trap time to time placo shirt}' (30) days after passage. by Louise McCann, City Clerk in such find such amounts o� of said City. EUGENE E. THERIEAU, :nonev as it may deem wise and WITNESS :nv liand and seal rxpedient. Mayor of the City of Palm of said City this 6th day of SECTION 3: The monccs Springs. September, 1944. h'om tine to time on deposit Attest: (CITY SEAL) in ',aid fund shall be used for LOUISE MCCARN, LOUISE MCCARN, capital outlays in the purchase and replacement of motorized City Clerk of the City of Pahn City Clerk of the City of wliicks and equipment. No Springs. Pahn Springs, California. I hereby certifv that the foregoing ordinance and ccrtificatUiQre published Sent. 7, 1994, in [lie P:dn: Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulati6oprini d, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. C� -O CLJ ) t LOUISE MCCARN, City Clerk of Palm Springs, California. I . ..... . ' ,i, y i:,' , 153 157 5- 2-45 1 273 Repealing Ord. No. 153 267 ORDINANCE NO. 153 ed at a meeting of the City AN ORDINANCE OF THE Council of said City held on CITY OF PALM SPRINGS the llth day of October, 1944 AMENDING SECTION K and was read in full and was ' OF ORDINANCE NO. 119. passed at an adjourned d on S h The City Council of the City the h I d of ay of Council held 1944 of Palm Springs does ordain by the following vote: as follows: SECTION 1: Section K of Ayes: Councilmen Nicbols, Al- Ordinance No. 119 of the City Adams, McCann, Hyde, u. of Palm Springs, being an or- len and Mayor Therieau. 1 o g Noes: None. dinance for the licensing of Absent: Councilman Toren- wholesale and retail businesses, net. trades and occupations, adopted August 12, 1942, is hereby I further certify that said amended to read as follows: ordinance was thereupon sign- " ed by Eugene E. Therieau, SECTION K: A11 licenses Mayor of Palm Springs, and at- specified in this ordinance tested by Louise McCann, City shall be due and payable in Clerk of said City. advance in full and each per- son required to have a li- WITNESS my hand and sea] tense shall be liable for pay- of said City this 18th clay of ment of the fee for the full October, 1944. term. (CITY SEAL) In those instances where LOUISE McCARN, the license is sought for a City Clerk of the City business, show, exhibition wi of Palm Springs, game which was commenced, managed, engaged in, con= California, ducted or carried on during I the preceding fiscal year, but for which application is made ,d'ter beginning of the cur- rent fiscal year and also in those instances where the ap- plicant has commenced, man- I hereby certii)r that tine _'o.-eeFoing ordir'a.nc e and aged, engaged in or tannic oertifica`L--e were published (October 19 1944 on same without first procur- L P 4 ing a license, the fees and III vhe Palm Springs Lisnel.igh,;_krews, a +reeklJ charges shall be 110% of the "eusPaper o general eircul„tion, printed, rates, fees and charges spe- published and circula.•ted in the C:Uy of Palm oified by Section P of this; 'oprings, ordinance at the time of is-. suance of such licenses." SECTION 2: The City Clerk CITY S AL is hereby ordered and directed to certify to the passage of LOUISE PdcCarn, City Clerk' oi' this ordinance and to cause palm Sjrings, California same to he published once in The Palm Springs Limelight- News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty clays after passage; (SEAL) EUGENE E. TIIFRIElR,1 k I Mayor of the City of Palm Springs. LOUISE McCARN, City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs. f, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, California, hereby certify that the forego- ing ordinance, being Or- dinance No. 153 of the City of Palm Springs, was introdug=