HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/1/1943 - ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. IU0 to certify to the passage of this City Council of said City, held AN ORDINANCE OF TfIE ordinance and to cause the April 7, 1943, and was passed at CITY OF PALM SPRINGS same to be published once in an adjourned regular rneeting REPEALING ITS ORDIN- The Palm Springs Limelight- of said Council held April 11, ANCE NO. 88. News, a newspaper of general 1943, by the following vote: The City Council of the Cit circulation, printed, published Ayes: Councilmen Therieau. of Palm Springs does ordain as and circulated in the City of Adams, Connell, Cutler and follows: Palm Springs. This ordinance Mayor Shannon. SECTION 1: Ordinance No. shall b�zrfrccazo thirty days Noes: None. 88 of the City of Palm Springs, `+.ffei`4!assage. Absent: Councilmen Boyd entitled "An Ordinance of the F. V. SHANNON, and Housman. City of Palm Springs regulating Mayor of the City of Palm I further certify that said the solicitation of donations for Springs. C,dinance was thereupon sign- charitable, philanthropic and ATTEST: ed by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of I patriotic purposes" adopted No- LOUISE McCA1i.N, Acting the City of Palm Springs, and vember 13, 1940, is hereby re- City Clerk of the City of attested by Louise McCara, pealed. Palm Springs. Acting City Clerk of said City. SECTION 2: The reveal of 1, the undersigned, Acting Witness my hand and seal of said ordinance No. 88 shall not City Clerk of the City said City of Palm Springs, this constitute a bar to the prosecu- of Palm Springs, Califor- 14th day of April, 1943. tion and punishment of any nia, hereby certify that !CITY SEAL) acts heretofore committed in the foregoing ordinance, being violation of said Ordinance 88. Ordinance No. 130 of the City LOUISE McCARN, SECTION 3: The Citv Clerk of Palm Springs, was introd7le- Acting City Clerk of the City is hereby ordered and directed cd and read at a meeting of the of Palm Springs. / I i i I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certilicate were published April 1% 1943 in the Palm Springs L,imelightt-News, a weuklV newspaper of general circulation, printed published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. , .r am e. 0 c", C;ty Clerk of Palm Springs, California. 131 137 8-4-43 1 248 Repealing Ord. No. 131 241 ORDINANCE NO. 131 inisdeauteanor, and upon con. Springs, California, hereby ccr- AN ORDINANCE OF THE, viction thereof shall be punish- tifv that the foregoing ordin- CITY OF PALM SPRINGS able by a fine of not more than ance, being Ordinance No. 131 RESTRICTING DEPOSIT three Hundred Dollars ($300.- of the City of Palm Springs, O 13 UNNECESSARY 00), or by imprisonment in the was introduced at a raecting WATER AND RUBBISH IN Count" Tail of the County of of the City Council of said City, THE PUBLIC STREETS. Riverside for a period of not held April 14, 1943, and was The City Council of the City snore than three (31 months, or ilien read in full and was pass- of Palm Springs does ordain as by both such fine and such hi - ed at an adiourned regular follows: prisonment. meeting of said Council held SECTION 1: No person, farm SECTION 4: The City Cleric April 21„: 1943, by the follow- or corporation shall wet or is hereby.ordered and directed ing vote: «'e s h sidewalks, driveways, to certify to the passage of this Wes: Couneilm�n Tberieau, I courtvards, service yards, park- ordinance and to cause tho Adams. Connell, Boyd, Cutler, ways, lawns or any other prem- same to be published once in and Mayor Shannon. ises in such manner that water The Palm Sprinr's Limelight- Noes: None. is allowed to run into and ac- New,- a newspaper of general Absent: Councilman Hous- cmnulate in the public str•eels, circulation, prinfcd, published man. roadways or gutters. and c;rculated in the City of I further certify that said SECTION 2: No person, firm Palm Springs. This ordinance Ordinance was thereupon sign- or corporation shall wash, shall be effective thirty darn ed by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of sweep or brush any rubbish after passage. the City of Palm Springs, and from sidewalks, driveways, F. V. SIIANNON, a`tested by Louise MCCarn, courtyards, service yards or Mavor of the City of Palm i%eting City Clerk of said City. from any private premises into Snrina�. Witness my band and seal of the public streets, roadways ni .hTTFST: said City of Palm Springs, this nutters and allow same to re- LOUISE MCCARN, "21st day of April, 1943. main there. Acting City Clerk of the City SECTION 3: Any person, of Palm Springs. (CTTY SEAL) firm or corporation violating ——— LOUISE McCARN, any of the provisions of this t, the undersigned, Acting Acting' City Clerk of the City ordinance shall be guilty of a City Clerk of the City of Palm of Palm Springs. / I her*cbv certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published April 24, 1943 in the Palm Springs Limelightt-News, a weekly newspaper of general- circulation, printed I published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. ity Clerk of Palm Springs, California. 242 ORDINANCE NO, 132 eepL to the nearest edge of ance, being Ordinance No. 132 AN ORDINANCE OF THE the pavement from the of the City of Palin Springs, CITY OF PALM SPRINGS point any such condition was introduced at a meeting of ADDING SECTION 27.5-TO occurs ❑u'ough accident" the City, held on the 14t.h clay ORDINANCE NO. 36. SECTION 2: The City Clerk of April, 1'-943, and was then The City Council of the City is hereby ordered and directed read in fuH and was passed of of Palm Springs does ordain as to certify to the passage of this an adjourned regular meeting follows: ordinance and to cause the of said Council held April 21, SECTION 1: There is hereby same to be published once iu 1943, by the following vote: added to Ordinance No. 36, be- The Palm Springs Limelight- Ayes: Councilmen Therieau, ing "An Ordinance of the City News, a newspaper .of general Adams, Connell, Boyd, Cutler of Palm Springs regulating traf- circulation, printed, published and Mayor Shannon. fic upon the public streets," and circulated in the Citv of Noes: None. adopted November 9, 1935, a Palm (Springs. This ordinancx, Absent: Councilman Hens- I new section comprising part of shall be effective thirty flays man. Article VII, to be known as after passage. I further certify that said Section 27.5, reading as fol- P. V. SHANNON, Ordinance was thereupon sign- Eows: Mavor of the City of Palm ed by R. V. Shannon, Mayor of "Section 27.5: No person Sprints, the City of Palm Springs, and shall drive, operate, tow or ATTEST: attested by Louise McCann, otherwise move anv motor Acting City Clerk of said City. vehicle, equipped with rims LOUISE McCARN, Acting Witness my hand and seal of to acco'modate rubber tires, City Clerk of the City oI said City 'of Palm Springs, this over or across any street in Pahn Springs. 21st clay of April, 1943. the City of Palm Springs ——— (CITY SEAL) with tires removed or de- I, the undersigned, Acting flated so that the metal City Clerk of the City of Palm LOUISE+ MCCARN, flanges or rims are in con- Springs, California, hereby cer- Acting City Clerk of the City tact with the pavement, ex.- tify that the foregoing ordin- of Palm Springs. V l ems' i I I herelA ertify that the foregoing ordinance and ccitificate were published April 2-1. 1943 in tl,(�'Palm Springs Limelightt-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulatiou, printed published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. (� n City Clerk of Palm Springs, Calilfornia. 243 ORDINANCE NO. 133 C-1, C-2 and C-3 as from Springs. AN ORDINANCE CREATING time to time fixed and ATTEST: AND ESTABLISHING FIRE established under the LOUISE McCARN, ZONES IN THE CITY OF Palm Springs Land Use Acting City Clerk of the City PALM, SPRINGS AND RE Ordinance, being Ordin- of Palm Springs. PEALING ORDINANCES ante No. 75 of the City --- NOS. 9 AND 45. as amended, not included 1, the undersigned, .feting The City Council of the City in Fire Zone No. 1. City Clerk of the City of Palm of Palm Springs does ordain as (c) Fire Zone No. 3 Springs, California, hereby cer- follows: shall comprise all that port- iify that the foregoing ordin- SECTION 1: The following tion of the City of Palm ance, being Ordinance No. 133 lire zones are hereby establish- Springs, County of River- of the City of Palm Springs, ed in the City of Palm Spring•. side, State of California, Vas introduced at a meeting of I in accordance with the provis- described as follows: the Citv Council of said City ions of Sectimi' 1601 of Ordiiu- All portions of said City held April 14, 1943, and was ance No. 8 of the City of Palm of Palm Springs not in- then read in full and was pass- Springs, being the Palm Sprinris chided within fire zones ed at an adjourned regular Building Code: No. 1 and No. 2 her;in- mccting of said Council held (a) Fire Zone No. 1 before described. April 21, 1943, by the follow- sball comprise all that per- SECTION 2: Ordinances in,-, vote: tion of the City of Palm uumb-rs 9 and 45 of th, City Aves: Councilmen Therieau, Springs, County of ]liver- of Palm Springs, adopted Tare Adams, Connell, Boyd, Cutler side, State of California, 8, 193•S and February 11, 19`tn, and Mayor Shannon. described as follows: respretively, are hereby repeal- Noes: None. The Northerly 50 feet of ed. Absent: Councilman Hous- the East half of Lot 6 is SECTION 3: The City Clerk man. Block 23 of Palm Springs is hercbv ordered and directed I further certify that said as shown by map record- to certify to the passage of this Ordinance was thereupon sign- ed in Book 9, page 432 ordinance and to cause the erl by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of of Maps, records of San same to be published once in the City of Palm Springs, and Diego County, Califor- The Palm Springs Limelight attested by Louise McCarn, nia. Newt a newspaper of general Acting City Clerk of said City. (b) Fire Zone No. 2 circulation, printed, published Witness my hand and seal of shall comprise all that por- P-1 circulated in the City of paid City of Palm Swings. this tion of the City of Palm P•,h, .Snrinas. This ordinance 9,lst day of April, 1943. Springs, County of River- ,ball be. effective thirty days (CITY SEAL) side, State of California, after t,,ssaae. LOUISE MCCARN, described as follows: F. V. SHANNON. Actin, City Clerk of the City All of zones or districts Mayo of the City of Pabn of Palm Springs. I f I / I hereby celtify that the foregoing ordinance and eeitificate were published April 24. 1943 in the Palm Springs Limelight-News. a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. ~! C- City Clerk of Palm Springs, California. 244 ORDINANCE NO, 134 Thousand One Hundred Fifty tify that the foregoing nrdin- ORDNANCE OF THE Dollars ($2,150.00), and (b) foi ance, being Ordinance No. I" AN I C1 PALM SPRINGS the carrying on of the various of the City of Palm Springs, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF departments of the City, other was introduced at a meeting MONEY NECESSARY TO than said public library, the of the City Council of said City, TAXATION sum of Sixty-Sit Thousand held on the 2nd day of June, BE RAISED BY Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars 1943, and was then read in full FOR THE FISCAL BEGINNING DULY 1,YEAR ($66,850.00), and was passed at an adjourned Section 2: The City Clerk is regular meeting of said Council The City Council of the City hereby ordered and directed to held on the 16th clay of June, of Patin Springs does ordain as certify to the passage of this 1943, by the following vote: follows: ordinance and to cause tht Ayes: Councilmen Tberiean, Section 1: The amount of same to be publio-bed once in Adams Boyd, Cutler, and May- I money necessary to be raised The Patin Springs Limelight- or Shannon. by taxation upon the taxable News, a weekly newspaper n,- Noes: None. property within the City of general circulation, printed, Absent: Councilmen Connell Palm Springs as a revenue to published and circulated in the and Housman. carry on the various depart- City of Palm Springs. This ordi- i further certify that said ments of such City for the fis- ance .shall be effective thirty Ordinance was thereupon sign- cal year beginning July 1, 1945, days after passage_ ed by F. V. Shannon, Mayor n1 is herebv fixed as follows: (a) F. V. SHANNON, the City of Palm Springs, and For the maintenance and sup Mayor of the City of Patin attested by Louise McCain, port of and the purchase of Springs. Acting City Clerk of said City. property for the public library, ATTEST: Witness my band and seal of known as the "Welwood Min- LOUISE McCARN, said City of Palm Springs, this ray Memorial Library of the Acting City Clerk of the City 16th day of June, 1543. City of Palm Springs" (the of Palm Springs. (CITY SEAL) maintenance of said public l-r- I, the undersigned, Acting LOUISE McCARN. brary not being otheifwise pro City Cllerk of the City of Palm Acting City Clerk of the City vided for), the sum of Two Springs, California, hereby cer- of Palm Springs, California. /�r I �0 I i I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published June 19, 1943, in the Palm Slunigs Lhnelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. /�� Cfty Clerk of Patin Springs, California. 245 ORDINANCE NO. 135 (b) To promptly and care- templatd by it, and no pay- AN ORDINANCE OF THE fully answer all communica- merits shall be made to the CITY OF PALM SPRINGS tions and inquiries relativ:: Chamber of Commerce until h_P.111€:9PRFAT QNGx T II G; to the resort, scenic, climatic, the report required in this 6'Yjel OF :+TTVE HUNDBET) and residential advantages paragraph has been filed. DOLLAR. ($500.00) FOR and attractions of the City of (c) The Chamber of Con.- USE IN PROMOTION, AT+- Palm Springs, facilities foe coerce shall receive payment r ERTISING AND PUBTJL - accomodation of visitors; and only for the expenses actual- CITy FOR SAID C I T F' the various recreational and ly paid out or incurred by I?=NG THF a ?JRRENT sporting events here, and to it in carrying out the dutieti FISCAL YEAR. uistribute information in m required of it as specified hi The City Council of the City Bard thereto by correspond- Section 3 here^f, and shall of Palm Springs does ordain a, cnce, publicity through the not receive any compen•a- follows: press, and personal contacts lion for services of its own SEC-iYON I: The City Ceur: favorably p;mnoting, publi- officers or employees in l ear- of t`.i • Clip- of Palm Sprints, cizing and advertising sane. vying out :,uch requirement;.. iovmg p111:diction, power and (c) To prepare and dis (d) Thu, within appicpria- autlrority for that purpose, pun tribute to the press and pub- Lion of funds by the City fen suant to and in coanpliancc he articles, news stories; expenditures and services an a:•t of the Legislature photographs, literature, and contemplated hereunder shall of she Stat,,, of California ell- scientific and historical ir, not create any lixed or bind- titled 'Ali Act Authorizing nh, formation and advertisinn, ing obligations upon the City n;cipal Corporations to ExpenJ pronotionaI and publicly to pay same to the Chamber Money for Advertising or Pub matter descriptive of the of Commerce, but such pay- licity Purnoses" (Statutes of City and its attractions and i nent shaft be dependent up- i927, pace 114,) and Section advantages, and to develop on the filing of proper claims 862.23 of `An Act to Provide and make proper surveys and report evidencing the for the Organization, incorpor whereby desirable outside services rendered and ex- ation and Government of Muni- persons may bee induced to penditure•S made as required cipal Corporations" approved visit and aside in the City. hereby, and shall also be de- March 18, 1F,S3 (Statutes cf (d) To aid in prornoting pendent upon the availabil- I883, page 9R), and having dc- home building programs and ity of funds !or said pur- termined that the public inter- the desirable developrnece- poses dinning the fiscal year. est, necessity and convenience and beneficial use of unoc- bECTION 4: The City Cler;c so require, and that the amour.- copied :and vacant propo- is hereby ordered and directed hereinafter appropriated from ties. to certify to the passage of this flip general €»nrl of the City of (c) To promote and invite ordinance and to cause the Pah,.l Si ings the corn of Five desirable classes of trade, same to be published once in ITnnd-rd Dollars (3500.00) fe• professional and business The Palm Springs Limclight- cee dnrinn ill', enrrent fiscal meetings and conventions (yews, a newspaper of general vear in a bind to hi: 'whereby additional persons circulation, printed, published "Imended for prgrrotion, pnh- may visit and become ac- and circulated in the City of i 4f,• and adv-rtisn:g for the quainted with the City of Palm Springs. This ordinance C'r.• of Palm Springs. Palm Springs. shall be effective thirty (30) I SECTION 2: Said Erma she':: (f) To study the needs Or days after passage. r" b°n rr.1 no -lams and cur the community as to pubis F. V. SHANNON, rnrde presented, fodjt•d and iriprovementc of every Mayor of the City of Palm roil as in the case of all ntbe character and to prepare Springs. "claims a'sain,t the City of Palm data, attend conferences, and ATTEST: mid in the manner by every proper method aid LOUISE McCARN, provided by law and ordinance. in securing and in regulating Acting City Clerk of the City and +all b,• 'xn-ndrd through and planning such improve- of Palm Springs. lrstrv, r-uia?ih' of the Palen inents so as to benelit the 1, the dnciersigned, Acting Fn-9: Cha:rber of Conmerc,+ City. City Clerk of the City of Palm according to the contract or (g) To carry on such other Springs, California, hereby cer- T•^anent-which shall b- made duties as may be required of tity that the foregoing ordin- v'rh i'-iat nrg'anizaticn by tin• the Chamber by the City ance, being Ordinance No, 135 City of Palm Springs for that Council in order to promolo, of the City of Pahn Springa, pnrnose., whereby it shall und. the further development of was introduced at a meeting ertalce to carry on such promo- the City as a high class wint- of the City Council of said City, tional, advertisin¢ and null;- or resort and residential area. held on the 2nd clay of June, City activities and services oil SEC:TION 3: All payments to 1943, and was then read in full behalf of the City of Palm said Chamber of Commerce and was passed at ,in adjourned Sp inr;s daring' the curl-rift fi, born the fund hereby appropri- regular meeting of said Council cal year rndirm Junp 30, 1941,t atcd shall be subject to the fol- held on the 16th day of June, lowing conditions: 7943, by the following vote:as the City Council may re. quire of it, and to use. its fa- (a) All payments shall be Ayes: Councilmen Therieau, rilities oral its special know- made upon a claim or de- Adams Boyd, Cutiei, and Ma}- led�- and ezneriei,ee, and shall mand presented, audited and or Shannon. act as an administrative agenl paid as in the case of all Noes: None. to perform the mechanical awl other claims against the City Absent: Counciiirien Connell minis'---4al functions of in-ml - of Palm Springs, and in th^ and Housman. nie and expanding; said foods manner provided by law and I lurther certiry that said I i,n fin-thrrance of the object; ordinance. ordinance was tIrereupon, sign- er which fhev are annropriat (b) The Chamber shall, at r-d by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of cd. by rendering the followiii the time of presenting its the City of. Palm Springs. and s�-vr^s donne, the current fi:- claims for funds hereunder, attested by Louise rMcCarn, cal year: submit to the City Council a Acting City Clerk of said Citv. (a) To maintain suitable report describing its activi- Witness my hand and seal of o,mi ters and facilities in the ties for the pro-ceding said City of Palm Springs, this Citv of Palm Springs and months, and particularly 16th day of June, 1943. employ competent personnel setting forth the services re- (CITY SEAL) to Properly early on the ac- ferred to in the preceding LOUiSE MCCARN, twiHes and cervices herein section which have been Acting City Clerk of the City enumerated. rendered and which are con- of Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing crdinaaee and certificate were published June 19, IQ43, in (lie Palm 5o'nigs Limcli2hi-'.yews, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published t:nd circulatcd in tl) � City of Palm Springs. City Clerk of Palm Springs, California. 246 ORDINANCE NO. 136 dance or dances desired to nor shall the Chief of Per AN ORDIPIA VCE OF TFIC be held before the next suc- lice issue any temporal, CITY INT ICE ,4PRIN L seeding meeting of the permit under this ordinance CITY 1OF P SECTIONS ) Council. The Chief of Po unless and until it appears MvIE 4 OF ORDINANCE 2 lice may issue such tempor- and the Council, or thu AN 4a OF SAID CITY, 3 he permit only in the event Chief of Police the leas,: NO. AN ORDINANCE e determines upon sacra In of temporary pennits Inds vestigatioy and the report and deters;incs that the C:REJ AIING DANCING of his investigation, ffnding� conduct of such dance hall, IN PUBLIC PLACES conclusions and recommend- dancing club or public ADOPTED NOt7ISA47,?ER 30, ations to the City Counci! dance will comport with 193S. concerning such application and not prejudice or work The C'.ty Council of the City has been filed with the City to the disadvantage or fr- I oI Pahn Springs does ordain as Clerk stating that the con- jury or harm of the public allows: duct of such dance hall, peace, safety, morals, health Scciia.l 1: Ordinance No. 4" clancing club or public or welfare, ,aid the City of the City of Palm Springs, be dances will comport with Council and Chief of ]Police; au orclinanec regrdatin!; and not prejudice or work to in acting upon any such hoeing in public places, adopt- the disadvantage or injury of application shall consider ed November 34th, 1933, is harm of the public peacr, any and all facts and evi- berebv amended as iolloevs: safety, inorals, health o wel- denec pertinent, relevant at fare. material with respect there- A. SECTION 3 THEREOF IS Any temporary permit is- to. AA/IFNDED TO READ: sued hereunder may be (d) Whenevei the public "Section 2: PERMIT RE. granted conditionally and peace, health, safety or g'en QUIRED. with such restrictions as may oral welfare so require, the (a) It shall be unlawful for be determined by the Chief City Council in issuing any any person, firm, association, of Police to be in the public permit and the Chief of Po- corporation or club, wl:ethc+r interest. lice in issuing any temporary as principal, agent, employee, Any temporary permit so permit antler this ordinance, or otherwise, to conduct. issued by the Chief of police or at any time during the manage, carry oil, or partici- shall expire at the close of term of any hermit issued pate in any dancing clot, the day of the next succeed- hereunder, snall make such public dance, or public inn* Council meeting. Issu- permit conditional on the at- dance hall unless by author- cares or denial thereof s.al! tendance of a special polier. by of a written permit from not preclude the Council officer or officers appointer) the City Council of the City 1. frorn full consideration and under Section 7 hereof, at of Palm Spring's or a tempor- determination of the applicar any dancing club, public ary written permit from the; tiou on its merits as though dance or publi dance hall Chief of Police first had ance the temporary permit had during all times dancing is obtained as provided for in not either been granted or being conducted, carried on, Section 4 of this ordinance, denied. or allowed and in such event (b) It shall be unlawful to (b) All applications shall the permit shall be effective I conduct or manage or carry be brought before the City only during the attendance on any dancing club, pubh2 Council ac its meeting next of such police officer or of- dance, or public dance club folIewing the filing of the fieers. or hall in the City under ar , application. Ater receivinn hall y �, I p t (e) The issuance of any permit issued under this the report by ilie Chief o; permit or temporary permit ordinance while such permit Police provided for in Sec- shall not be deemed to per- is in a state of suspension of tion 3(c) hereof, the City mit any violation of law or while any suspension or rc- Council may, make such ordinance or rule prescribed vocatien with respect to the further investigation as it pursuant to Section 6 there- rame continues to exist, and deems proper or advisable in of." it shall be unlawful for any the interest of tine public Section 2: The City Clerk is person to participate in any peace, health, safety and hereby ordered and directed to such dance. general welfare and within certify to the passage of this: (c) All permits and fee; thirty days from the filing of ordinance and to cause the provided for in this ordir the application shall either same to be published once ire ance are in addition to thos^ approve, conditionally all the Pahn Springs Limeligh'- provided for and required by prove or deny the applica- News, a newspaper of general Ordinance No. 119 of the tion according to the re- circulation printed, published City or any other ordinance quirements of the public and circulated in the City of thereof." peace, health, safety and Palm Springs. This ordinance B. SECTION 4 THEREOF IS general welfare. Failure o: shall be effective thirty days AMENDED TO READ): tyre City Council to either after passage. "Section 4: AUTHORITY OF approve or conditionally ap- F. V. SHANNO1Nr. CITY COUNCIL. prove the application within Mayor of the City of Pahn (a) In those instances such time shall amount to a Springs. where an application is file? denial thereof. The action of ATTEST: and fee paid as required b} the City Council shall be LOUISE McCARN, Section 3 requesting a permit final and the City Clerk in Acting City Clerk of the City of for a dance or dances desir- the event the application is Palm Springs. I ed to be held before the nest either approved or comb I, the undersigned, (Acting succeeding meeting of th; tionally approved shall is- City Clerk of the City of Palen City Council, then the Chick sue a permit strictly in ac- Springs, California, hereby cor- of Police upon making the cordance with the action of Iffy that the foregoing ordin- investigation, findings, con- the City Council. Such per- ance, bein'a Ordinance No. 1„6 elusions, recommendation, mit rim- be conspicuously of the Cit}+ of Palm Spring9, and report referred to in Sec pasted capon the premises was introduced at a meeting cc lion 3(c) hereof shall have referr 1 to *herein, during the City Council of sari City and is hereby granted au; the t 2Nn the:zoF, held on the 16th day of June, thority to issue a temporal;, (c) 'file City Council 1943, and was read in full and written permit covering the shall not issue any permit was passed at an adjourned 247 14 regular meeting of said Conn- Noes: None. Witness my hand and seal of cil held on the 29th day of Absent: None. said City of Palm Springs, this June, 1943, by the following I further certify that said 29th day of June, 1943. vote: Ordinance was thereupon sign- (CITY SEAL) Ayes: Councilmen Therieau, ed by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of Adams, Connell, Housman, the City of Palm Springs, and LOUISE MCCARN, Boyd, Cutler and Mayor Shan- attested by Louise McCarn, Acting City Clerk of the City non. Acting City Clerk of said City. of Palm Springs. I i i I i I / I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published July 3, 1943, in the Palm Sprnngs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. J ^� City Clerk of Pahn Springs, California. 248 ORDINANCE, NO. fl37 unrestrfctotl passage of pedest- is hereby ordered and din Ictl rians or veltic]es on the public to certify to the passage o{ enis AN OIi'DENANCE OF Till, ,"'-efts or sidewalks, nor cause ordinance and to cans.- 'ho CITY OF PALM SPRiN(-- s: or allow writer to fall upon same to be published o.lce in FEiT1liQ IUS?C DEPO35P such edesfrians or vehicles, he Palm Spring, Limelight- OF U N AI E C'E S `i Ali"' SECTION zi.: In order to pro News, a new,,,paper of general WATER 4,ND RUBBISI3 IN vide for the repair and main- circulation, printed, published THE PUBLIC STREETS, Penance of public streets, works and circulated in the City of The City ,ourcil of the City and property, the Superinten- Palm Spring,. This ordinance; ,,,f Palm Springs dues ordain at rent of Strccls is attthorized to shall be efi'ective thirty daVS , 'lams: n'ive Written uctice to the per- after passage. SECTIOR' 1: No, person, firm sons; firms or corporations own- f V. SHANNON or corporation shad wash,sweep ing or controlling any premises Mayor of the City of Pahn or brush and, vra,te, trash or in the City either by personal Springs. rubbish fro": sidewalks, drive- delivery or by posting upon the ATTEST: ways, coiu'tvards, service yards premises, providine for a speci- LOUISE MCCAIIN or fro:" ally private promises IiFd tune, to commence not less Acting Cii:v Clcrl: of 'dnr f:i., into the public �trects, road- than twenty-four hours afic'' of Palm Springs. ways, or gutters and allow same the dehvery or posting of the to remain 'there. notice, and to continue for not 1, the undersigned, Acting SECTION 2: Excepting as more than thirty days in all, City Clerk of the City of Palm expressly permitted by the iol- during which period of time so Snrings, California, hereby cer lowing see.tior: 3 of this mrlin specified in tine notice, no per- tify that the foregoing ordin- ance, no person, firm or color- son, firm or corporation sha ' ante, being Ordinance No. 12, ation shall use water upon any cause or allow any water to ran of the City of Palen Springs, sidewalk, driveway, courtyard,. into the public streets, road- was introduced at a meeting of service yard, parkway, Iavr-a or ways or gutters fnWna the preen- the City Council of said city any private premises within the ices specified in the notice, or held on tile: 21st day of July. City for any purposes, in such a, the sidewalks, driveways, court- 1943, and was read in full and manner that water is allowed yards, servioc yards. parkways was passed at file regular meet to run into and accumulatee ill, or lawns on such premises or ing of said Council held on the or flow away in; the public adjacent thereto. 4th day of August; 1.943, by the streets, roadways or gutters. SECTION 5: Any person, following vote: SECTION'3: Between the firm or corporation violating Ayes: Councilmen Therieau, hours of five and seven o'clock any of the provisions of this or- Connell and Boyd. each morning; water may bc' dinance or the orders of tine Noes: Councilman Adams used to cleanse paved surfaces Superintendent or Streets pro- and Mayor ';hannon. of public and private premises vided for in Section 4 hereof, Absent: .Councilmen Iloa,sman located within Zones C-1, C--, shall be guilty of a misde- and Cutler. and C-3, as presently or here- r.neanor, and upon conviction I further certify that said after established by Ordinance thereof shall be punishable by ordinance was thereupon ,sign- No. 75 of this City, provided it a fine �of not more than Three ed by P. V. S13Al''NON, Mayor I is used only in such quantity Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or o` the Citv of P.:lrn Springs, rind with snc'_n pressure that by imp-isomoent in the Comity and attested by I,OIiI SE Me- may be nece: 'sary to remov,: jail of the County of Riverside CARN, Acting City Clerk of dirt or foreign matter from the for a period of not more than said City. paved surfaces. In the process three (3) months, or by both WITNESSi any hand and the of such cleausing as permitted such fine and such imprison-- sea] of said City of .Palm by this section no person, firm ment. Springs, this 4th day of August, or corporation shall use any SECTIW^ 6: Ordinance No 1943, greater quaidity or pressure of 131 of the City of Palm Sp'iugs I-,OU1SI- MCCARN water at anv fine. nor shall is hereby repealed. Acting City Clerk of due Citv they interfere with the free and SECTION '-!: The City Cleric of Palm Springs, California. I i I Inercley certit"y that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published August 6, 19 3, i❑ thn 17alrn Sprnigs Limelight-News, a 'a,,eekly mew raper of general circulation, printed, published end circulated in the City of Palm Springs. ^"C l n City Clerk of Palm Springs. Californ'a. 137 150 6-21-411 1 264 Amending Sec . 3 162 11- 7-45 1 289 Amending See. 3 ; 138 170 1-22-47 1. 298 Repealing Ord. No. 138 249 ORDINANCE NO. 138 shall be secured in place at boxes in exposed cable wir- AN ORDINANCE OF THE intervals not exceeding V ing. Openings in such devices CITY OF PALM SPRINGS feet and within 12 inches shall form a close fit around AMENDING SECTION l] from every outlet box or fit- the outer covering of the ca- OF ORDINANCE NO. 33 rings, except that in conceal- ble and the device shall ful- OF SAID CITY. ed work in finished building ly enclose that part of the ca- The City Council of the City where such supporting is im- ble from which any part of of Palm Springs does ordain as practicable, the cable may be the covering has been remov. follows: fished from outlet to outlet. ed. If connections to conduc- SECTION 1: Section 1.1 of Each cable shall be securely tors are by binding-screw ter- Ordinance No. 32 of the City fastened to each outlet box minals, there shall be avail- of Paten Springs being an ordi- with a type of fitting ap- ;ble as manv screws as con- ' nance of said City regulating proved by the Electrical In— ductors, unless cables are electrical construction and ap- spector. clamped within the structure, paratus adopted November Ist, 3364. Exposed Work or unless terminals are of it 1938, is hereby amended to General. In exposed work, type approved for the our- read as follows: except as provided in sec. pose. "Section II: Installation re- tions 3365 and 3366, the cable 3369. Boxes of Insulating quirements: shall be installed as follows: Material. Non-metallic out- A. All wiring regulated by a. The cable shall closely let boxes approved for the this code shall be either (I) follow the surface of the purpose may be used as pro- approved metal protected in- building finish or of running vided in section 3716. stallations, or (2) non-metal boards. 3370. Thermal Insulation. he sheathed cable in confor- b. It shall be protected If thermal insulation is used mity to and as defined, regu- from mechanical injury where in the hollow spaces of walls lated and allowed by Article necessary, by conduit, pipe, and ceilings in which non- 336 (Sections 3361 to 3379 guard strips or other means. metallic sheathed cable is in- inclusive), and also Section If passing through a floor stalled, only approved non- 93361 of the 1940 National the cable shall be enclosed corrosive, non-combustible, Electrical Code, Standard of in rigid conduit or pipe ex- non-conducting m a t e r i a l s the National Board of Fire tending at least 6 inches shall be used, and these shall Underwriters for Electric above the floor. be applied in a manner not Wiring and Apparatus. The 3365. In Unfinished Base- liable to place a strain upon said electrical code estate- ments. If the cable is run the cable, its supports, or lishes rules and regulations at angles with joists in un- terminal connections. for the installation of elec- finished basements, assem- NON-METALLIC SHEATI1- tric wiring and other similar blies not smaller than two ED CABLE: work, which rules and regrr- No. 6 or three No. 8 conduc- 93361. General. Non-metal- lations have been and are tors may be secured directly lic sheathed cable shall con- printed as a code in book to the lower edges of the form to the following: form, and the portions above joists; smaller assemblies a. Conductors. The con-referred to are hereby adopt- shall either be run through ductors shall comply with the ed, reading as follows: bored holes in the joists or ou requirements for rubber-cov ARTICLE 336—NON-ME- running boards. Where run eyed conductors, except that TALLIC SHEATIIED CABLE: parallel to joists, cable of no braid need be provided 3361. Scope. Installations of any size shall be secured to directly over the rubber cov- non-metallic sheathed cable the sides or face of the joists. eying. shall comply with the provi- 3366. In Accessible Attics. b. Number and Type of lions of sections 3001 to 3018 Cable in accessible attics or Conductors. Cable shall be inclusive, 3071, 3072, and roof spaces shall be installed approved type, in sizes Nos. shall also comply with the as follows: 14 to 4, inclusive, and in ad- provisions of the following, a. If run across the top or dition to the insulated con- sections 3362 to 3370 inclu- floor joists, or within 7 feet ductors may have an approv- sive. of floor or floor joists, across ed size of uninsulated copper 3362. Use. Non-metallic the face of rafters or stud- conductor for grounding pur- sheathed cable may be used cling, the cable shall be pro- poses only. for both exposed and con- tected by substantial guard c. Marking. The cable shall cealed work. Non-metallic strips at least as high as the have a continuous distinctive sheathed cable shall not be cable. I£ the attic is not ac- marking so that the maker embedded in masonry, con- cessible by permanent stairs may be readily identified. crete, fill, or plaster. It shall or ladders, protection will SECTION 2: This ordinance not be installed (1) in com- only be required within 6 is hereby declared to be an mercial garages, (2) in thea- feet of the nearest edge of urgency measure necessary for ters, (3) in motion-picture scuttle hole or attic entrance, the immediate preservation of studios, (4) in storage-battery b. If carried along the sides the public peace, health and rooms, (5) in hoistways, (6) in of rafters, studs or floor joists, safety within the meaning of any hazardous location; nor neither guard strips, nor run- Section 861 of "An Act to Pro- (7) in breweries, ice plants, ring boards shall be requir- vide for the Organization, In cold storage warehouses, and ed. corporation and Government of similar wet locations where 3367. Bends. Bends in cable Municipal Corporations" ap- subject to mildly corrosive shall be so made, and other proved March 18, 1883; Sta- fumes and vapors, but not handling shall be such, that totes 1883, page 93, as amend- including dairy barns, chick- the protective coverings of ed, and shall be effective im- en houses and similar loca- the cable will not be injured, mediately. tions. and no bend shall have a A statement of the facts con- 3363. Supports. Non-metallic radius less than 5 times the stituting such necessity is as fol- sheathed cable shall be se- diameter of the cable. lows: cured by approved staples, 3368. Devices of Insulat- The United States War straps, or similar fittings, so ing Material. Switch, outlet Production Board will not designed and installed as not and tap devices of insulating presently permit the use of to injure the cable. Cable material may be used without any type of metal covered or , 2 C, protected electric wiring in general circulation, printed, tember, 1943, by the following incidental work and it also is published and circulated in the vote: virtually impossible to obtain City of Pahn Springs. Ayes: Councilmen Theriean, such materials in the -nmy- F. V. SHANNON, Adams, Connell, Housman, market, thereby rendering Mayor of the City of Boyd and Mayor Shannon. necessary alternative provi- Palm Springs. Noes: None. sions of the Palm Springs Attest: LOUISE McCABN, Absent: Councilman Cutler. Electrical Code immediate- Acting City Clerk. I further certify that said ly in order that construction I, the undersigned, Acting ordinance was thereupon signed work in progress be not de- City Clerk of the City of Pahn by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of layed pending the period Springs, California, hereby cer- Palm Springs, and attested by otherwise necessary for this tify that the foregoing ordi- Louise McCarn, Acting City ordinance to become effec- nance, being Ordinance No. 13S Clerk of said City. I tive. of the City of Pahn Springs, WITNESS my hand and the SECTION 3: The City Clerk was introduced at a meeting of seal of said City this 15th day is hereby ordered and directed the City Council of said City of September, 1943. to certify to the passage of this held on the 1st day of Septem- (City Seal) ordinance and to cause the bey, 1943, and was read in full LOU ISE MCCARN, same to be published once in and was passed at an adjourn- Acting City Clerk of the the Pahn Springs Limelight ed meeting of said Council City of Palm Springs, News, a weekly newspaper of held on the 15th clay of Sep- California. I I I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published September 17, 1943 in the Pahn Sprnigs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of eneral circulation, pri Led, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. t C Qt^ City Clerk of Palna Springs, California. 251 Ordinance Ne. 139 specifically described in Sec- Palm Springs. AN ORDINANCE OF THE tion 2 of this ordinance, and Attest: LOUISE MCCARN, CITY OF PALM SPRINGS also excepting lateral travers- Acting City Clerk. A34E7,,7DTNG ORDINANCE ing thereof at intersectionswith NO. 74 OF SAID CITY. public or private streets or I, the undersigned, Acting The City Council of the City ways. City Clerk of the City of Patin of Palm Springs does ordain as (b) It shall be unlawful for Springs, California, hereby cer- follows: any person, firm or corporation tify that the foregoing ordin- SECTION 1: Section 3 of to stop, stand, park or place ante, being Ordinance No. 139 Ordinance No. 74 of the City of aziy vehicle on or to drive any of the City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs being "An Ordin- vehicle on or across any of the was introduced at a meeting of ante of the Citv of Palm Springs portions of public property, the City Council of said city Establishing and Defining Por- streets or ways described in the held on the 20th day of Oe- I tions of Public Ways to be Set preceding Section 2, duringthe tober, 1940, and was read in .Aside for the Us: of Persons and portions of each year prior full and was passed at a regu- Animals" adopted January 3rd, to May 30th and after Octo- lar meeting of said Coun- 1940, is hereby amended to read ber 1st, other titan on public cil held on the 3rd clay of No- as follows: or private streets and ways in, vember, 1943, by the following Section a: (a) All pavedpor- tersecting same, or otherwise vote: tions of public property, streets obstruct the use thereof by per, Ayes: Councilmen Therieau, and ways within the City, ex- dons or animals during said Adams. Connell, Housman, Cut- cepting Palm Canyon Drive and periods. ler and Mayor Shannon. the areas specifically described SECTION 2: Noes: None. in Section 2 of this ordinance, The City Clerk is hereby ord- Absent: Councilman Boyd. are hereby closed to use by Bred and directed to certify to I further certify that said horses at all times, excepting the passage of this ordinance and ordinance was thereupon sign- only that horses may cross same to cause the same to be nub- ed by F. V. Shannon, Mayor laterally at intersections with lished once in the Palm Springs of Palm Springs, and attested public or private streets or Limelight-News, a weekly news- by Louise McCarn, Acting City ways. It shall he unlawful at paper of general circulation, Clerk of said City. all times for any person, firm printed, published and circulated WITNESS my hand and the or corporation to drive, ride., al- in the City of Palm Springs. This seal of said City this 3rd day law, or stand any horse on anv, ordinance shall be in full force of November, 1943. paved portions of any public and effect thirty clays after pas- (CITY SEAL) property, streets or ways with- sage. LOUISE MCCARN, in the City excepting Palm F. V. SI-IANNON, Acting Clerk of the City of Canyon Drive and the areas Mayor of the City of Palm Springs, California. I I I hereby certify that the €ore"6m, ordinance and certificat were published Novmeber 5, 1943, in die P_.Is'n Springs Limelightr Dews, a weekly newspaper of feral circulation, printed published surd circulated in the Cth- of Palm Springs. L City Clerk of Palm Springs, California. y 0i1 DEN ANCE NO. 140 The city, county, state; or passage. &2� 0RDI14TANCE OF THE the United States of Ameri.. F. V. SHANNON, CIT, f Of PALM SMINGS ca shall be exempt from the Mayor of the City of Pahn A.R/1t.P'd1'iING SECTION 209 paying of any fee for any Springs. OF ORDINANCE NO. 6 building. (CITY SEAL) B,E I N C T&I E P A L At 1Vhere woric for which a ATTEST: SPRINGS B U I L D I N C permit is required by this L OUISE McCARY. COI E. Code is started or proceed- City Clerk of the City of Palm The Citv Council of the City ed with paior to obtaining Springs. Of Pa➢.m Springs does ordain said Permit, the fees above 1, the undersigned, Acting as follows: specified shall be doubled, City Clerk of the City of Pr1111L SECTION 1: Section 203 of but the payment of such Springs, California, hereby ccr- Ordivance No. S of the City of double fcc shall not relieve tifV that the foregoing ordin, £'ahn Springs, being the "Palle any persons from fully con;- an being Ordinance No. 1/10 Springs Building Code". adopt- plyinC, with the requirements of the City of Palm Springs, I eel Julie 8th, 1908, is hereby of this Code in the eyeeution was introduced at a mcctmg of amended to read as follows: of the work nor frown any the City Council of said city "Section 203: imy person other penalties prescribed held on the 3rd day of No- desiring a building permit herein. vember, 1943, and was read in shall_, at the time of filing The Building Inspector Full and ,vas passed at on ad- an application therefor, as shall keep a permanent, ac- iourncd meeting of said Couw provided in Sec. 201 of this curate account of all fees cif held on the loth day o£ No- Code, pay to the Building and other moneys collected vember, 1943, by the following inspector a fee as required and received under this Code vote: in this section. and give the names of the Ayes: Councilmen Therican, For a total va➢nation e£ persons upon whose account Adams, Connell, Bovd, Cutler $100.00 or less a $100 fee; the same were paid, the date and Mayor Shannon. l�,or a total valuation from and amount thereof, togeth- Noes: !`Done. $10000 to $1,000 a $3.00 or with the location of the Absents Councilman Hells- fee; and an additional building or premises to man. fee of $2.00 for each addi- which they relate. I fm ther certifv that said tional $1,000 or fraction SECTION 2: The City Clerk ordinance was thereupon sign- thereof of total valuation to is hereby ordered and directed ed by F. V. Shannon, Mayor and including $1V00; to certify to the passage of this of Palm Springs, and attested and an additional fee of ordinance and to cause the by LouiseIQcCaty, Acting City $1,00 for each additional wine to be published once in Clerk of said City. $1,000 or fraction thereof of the Palm Springs Limelight- WITNESS my hand and the total valuation to and inclurl- News, a weekly newspaper of seal of said City tins 10th din, img $50000; and an addi- general circulation, printed, of November, 1943. Tonal fee of 30c for each, published and circulated in the (CITY SEAL) additional $1.000 or fraction City of Palm Springs. This ord- LOUISE McCARN, thereof of total vaid:ation e:: ante shall be in full force Actin; Clerk of the City of eeeding $,50,000, end effect thirty clays after Palm Springs; California. I I I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published November 1.2, 7.943, in the; Paim Springs, i 1aelight-^dews, a weeldy newspaper of�rcne'al cis-7lation, pp�ted, published and circulated in the City of Pahn Springs. /�,� C III d tip PPP City Clerk of Palm Springs, California. ORDIMUTCE N0. -Ila See Ord. No, Passed Book Page Action 219 5-4-51 2 59 Revealing �li 253 ORDINANCE NO. 141 posed to be moved and with- ($10.00) Dollars per day or yN ORDINANCE OF THE in which removal will no portion thereof which shall CITY OF PALM SPRINGS completed; be paid by the applicant in AMENDING ORDINANCE (5) the name of the ownns advance; NO. 36 BY ADDING SEC of such building or srructm� (j) In case of damage to TION 28.5 THERETO, and the approximate date, any street or other public The City Council of the City when same was erected; property by reason of the of Patin Springs does ordain as (6) the estimated cost or moving of any building or follows: value of the building or structure or portion thereof SECTION 1: Ordinance No. structure proposed to be the Superintendent of Streets Mi o£ the City of Palm Springs moved and the estimated cost shall do such work as may being an ordinance of the City- or value of same when the be necessary to restore the regulating traffic upon the pull- removal and reconstruction street or other public prop- Vie streets adopted November has been completed; erty to as good condition as I 9th, 1988, is hereby amended (7) such other pertinent in- same was in prior to such by adding thereto a new sec:- formation as the Superiu- damage and shall charge the Lion numbered 28.5 and react- Lendent of Streets may re- cost thereof to the applicant ng as follows: quire. for permit; "Section 28.5: HOUSE MOV- (f) That each such appliea- (k) No person moving any ING. Lion shall be accompanied by building or structure "there- No person shall move any a plot plan showing the lo- of over, upon, along or across pre-existing building or strut- cation of such building or any street shall fail, neglect an lure or y section thereof, structure upon the lot to or refuse to keep a red light over, upon, along or across which it is proposed to move burning at all times between any public street within thus same, together with photo- sunset and sunrise at each City without first obtaining graphs of all sides showing corner of such building or a permit for that purpose the general architectural de- structure or portion thereof from the Superintendent of sign and appearance of the and at the end of any projec- Streets. building or structure pro- tion thereon while the same No such permit shall be is- posed to be moved. In th:, or any part thereof is loeat- sued by said Superintendent event that any material al- ed in or upon anv street or of Streets except upon the teration, repair or other work other public place. following terms and conch- is proposed to be done upon SECTION 2: The City Clerk lions: such building or structure, is hereby ordered and directed (a) That a permit in writ- after removal has been corn. to certify to the passage of this ing so to do has been first pleted, then plans shall be ordinance and to cause the obtained for each separab: furnished showing the gen- same to be published once in building or structure from the oral architectural design and he Palm Springs Limelight- City 1Buildinc: Inspector; appearance of the building or News, a newspaper of genera_ (b) That each application structure, on all sides, after circulation, printed, published to the Superintendent of such work has been corn- and circulated in the City of Sheets for such permit shall pleted; Palm Springs. This ordinance be made in writing_ upon (g) That no such permit shall be in full force and ef- I blanks and forms to be pro- shall be issued by the Super- feet thirty days after passage. \4cled by the Superintendent intendeut of Streets unless- F. V. SHANNON, ref Streets and filed with tic, the Superintendent of Streets Mayor of the City of Shulrrinterdent of Streets; shall first find that the grant' Palm Springs. (r) That at the time of ing of such permit will not (CITY SEAL) along application to the be materially detrimental or Attest: Superintendent of Streets ap- injurious to the public safet,, LOUISE McCARN, Plicant pav as a filing fee or public welfare, or to the City Clerk of the CiL;r the smn of `f25.00 phhs a de- property and improvement, of Palm Strings. teosit or; 3200.00 to indemnify in the district to which such I, the undersigned, Acting uhe Cite for efpe se of anv building or structure is pro City Clerk of the City of Patin repairs to 1:heets nr other posed to be moved; Springs, California, hereby cer. Public nroper[ly occasioned by (h) That upon determining tify that the foregoing ordin- the applicant, and chargeable that the granting of any such snee, being Ordinance No. JAI to applicant under paragraph permit is justified and +:+eels of the City of Palm Springs. jj) of this section for each said requirements, the Su- alas introduced at a meeting of such application; that no ale perintendent of Strects may the City Council of said city plicatioa be accepted for fi1- grant such permit upon such held on the 3rd day of No- 'ng unless accompanied by terms and conditions as h+: vember- 1943, and was read in said fee; may deem necessary and Iull and was passed at an ad- (d) That a separate applica- proper, to the end that the 'corned meeting of said Coun- tion he oracle and a Separato relocation of such buildin,, or eil held on the loth day of No- T:ernit be obtained froin the structure will not be mate- vember, 1943, by the following Buildin, Inspector for the rially detrimental or injuricu, rote; moving of each ,cpara[n to public safety or public Arcs; Councilmen Thcriean- lnuilding or .stmctuie or an, welfare, or to the property Adams, Connell, Boyd, Cutler ,eeton or portion thereof: and improverenF� in the «is• and ivlavor Shannon. (r) That each such appli- trict to which such building Noes: None. sat�on show: or structure is proposed `o Absent: Councilman Hous- I (1) the kind of building or be :roved, or to any person :ran. �twctrle to be moved; or property necessari➢y in I further certify that said (=2) the street location or volved in such removal, ordinance was thereupon sigp- athei identifvin4 desormflon nublic or nrivate. rd by F. V. Shannon, Maven' to .,h„ It it is proposed to he (i) Every building or strut- of Palm Springs, and Oteslod r-mcd- nncl the "note over, Lure or portion thereof mov- by Louis(, McCain, Acting City along'- across and upon which ed over, upon, along o; Clerk of said City. <; ch buldin, ni structure rn across anv street shall he \rirl'pNBSS my hand and the section thrrco£ is to be mov moved under inspection and seal of said City this 10th clay- ed supervision of the Superin- nF November. 1943. 3) the number of Sections Lendent of Streets. The Su- CITY SEAL) n which th, building or perintendent o£ Streets shall L0I7ISE MCCARN, "meteoe will be hoaxed; appoint an inspector for such acting Clerlc of the Citv of 14) the tlmr when it is pro- work at a salary of Ten Patin Springs. California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificoie were nnblisli-d November 12- 1943, in the P:,urn rinq,. Limelight-.News, a weekly n ewspaper of go cral circulation, _printed, published and circulated in the My of Palm Springs. '�T City Clerk of Palm Springs, California. 254 ORDINANCE NO. I42 in drive, ride, allow, or shall be in full force .and e( AN ORDINANCE OF THE stand any unattached horse 1'ect thirty days after passage. CITY OF PALM SPIUNC.S on anv naNed portions of F. V. SHANNON, AMENDING ORDINANCE any public property, streets Mayor of the City of 11,0. 74 OF SAID CITY. or ways within the City Palm Springs. The City Council of the Cite rlccpting Palm Canyon Attest: of Palm Springs does ordain Drive and the areas speci LOUISE MCCARN. as follows: fically described in Sec Acting City Clerk. SECTION 1: Section 3 of tion 2 of this ordinance, I, the undersigned, City Clcrl: Ordinance No. ` .Uof th:: CitN and also excepting lateral of the City of Palm Springs, OF Palm Springs being "Au traversing thereof at inter- California, hereLv certify that Ordinance of the City of Palm S-c ions with public or pri- the foregoing ordihhanec, being Springs Establishing and De- vale streets or ways. Ordinance No. 142 of the Ciiy lining Portions of Public Ways (b) It shall be unlawful of Palm Springs, was introduced to be Set Aside for the Use for any person- finn or at a meeting_ of the Citv_ Conn- of Persons and Animals" adopt- rornoraiion to stop, stand, cil of said city held on tho ed January 3rd, 1940. and nark or place any vehicle Ist day of December, 1943, amended November 3rcl, 1943, on or across any of the, and was read in full and was is hereby amended to read lr-tions of public property, passed at an adjourned meet- Iollows: streets or ways described ing of said Council held on the Section 3: (a) All paved in the preceding Section 3tb day of Dec., 1943, by the portions of public propertv, 2, during the portions of following vote: , streets and ways within each vear prior to May Aves: Councilmen Tbericau, the City, excepting Pahn 30th and after October Ist, Adams, Council, Housman, Canyon Drive and the other than on public or Boyd, Cutler and Mayor Shan- area., specifically described private streets and ways non, in Section 2 of this ordin- intersecting same, or oth- Noes: None. ance, are hereby closed to envise obstruct the use Absent: None, use by horses (not draw- thereof by persons or an!- I further certify that said or- ir g vehicles) at all times, orals during said periods. dinance was thereupon signed excepting only that such The Citv Cleric is hereby or- by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of horses may cross same lat- tiered and directed to certify Palm Springs, and attested by erally at intersections with to the passage of this ordin- Louise McCarn, Acting City public or private streets ante and to cause the same to Clerk of said City. or ways. Horse drawn ve- be published once in the Palm WITNI,,SS my hand and seal hides are not intended to Springs Limelight-News, a of said City this Sti day of be prohibited on paved weekly newspaper of general Dec.; 1943. ways. It shall be unlaw- circulation, printed, published (CITY SEAL) ful at all times for any per- and circulated in the, City of LOUISE MCCARN, I son, firm or corporation Palm Springs. This ordnance Acting Cffy Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, California. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published December 10, 1943, in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Spring's. 0 City Clerk of Palm Springs, Calif. I 143 179 7 22-47 1. 306 ReRea7.in.g Ord. No. 143 I 255 ORDINANCE NO. 143 Section 861 of "An Act to Pro- I, the undersigned, City Clerk \N ORDINANCE OF THE vide for the Organization, In- c,i' the City of Palm Spring's, CITY OF PALM SPRINGS corporation and Government of California; hereby certify that FIXING THE TIME AND Municipal Corporations," ap, the foregoing ordinance, being PLACE OF OFFICIAL »roved ]March 18, ISK, (Stat• Ordinance No. 143 of the City MEETINGS OF THE CITY utes 1883, page 93, as amend- of Palm Springs, was introduc- COUNCIL OF SAID CITY cd) and shall be effective im• ed at a meeting of the City AFTER DECEMBER 20, mediately. Council of said city held on the 1943. A statement of the facts con- loth day of Dec. 1943, and The City Council of the City stituting such necessity is as was read in Pull and was pass- of Palm Springs does ordain as follows: The lease by the City ed at an adjourned meeting of i'ollows: of the premises where meetings said Council held on the 22nd SFCTION 1: All official of th- Council heretofore have cdav of December, 1943, by the meetings of the City Council bec-n held is now being tenpin- following vote: of the City of Palm Springs ❑t,d so that it will not be pos- AYES: Councilmen Theriean. after December 20th, 1943, and Bible to use said quarters any Connell, Housman, Boyd, Cut- until further order of the City longer. Accordingly the Coun- der and Mavor Shannon. Council shall be held in the cil has arranged for a new NOES: None. ¢uditoiiann of the El Pasco »lace of meeting which has A13SENT: Councilman Adams Theatre at the Northeast eor- been ,i"ade available only with- I further certify that said or- ner of Palm Canyon Drive and in the nast few days. dinance was thereupon signed i"ainarisk Road, which preni- SECTION 4: The City Cleric by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of iseS also are known as 810 i- berebv ordered and directed Palm Springs, and attested by Nerth Palm Canyon Drive in to rertifv to the passage of this Louise McCarn, Acting City the City of Palm Springs, Coun- ordinance and to cause the Clerk of said City. 1v of Riverside, State of Cali- ame to be uublishedd once in WITNESS my hand and seal fornia. The regular meetings of The Palm Springs Limelight- of said City this 22nd day of said City Council shall be held News, a newspaper of general Dec., 1943. on the first Wednesday of each circulation printed, published (CITY SEAL) month at 7:30 o'clock P. M. of and circulated in the City of LOUISE McCARN, said day. Palm Springs. Acting City Clerk of the City SECTION 2: Ordinances No. of Palm Springs, California. I and 41 of the City of Palm F. V. SHANNON, Springs are hereby repealed. Mayor of the City of SECTION 3: This ordinance Palm Springs. is hereby declared to be an .ATTEST: urgency measure necessary for LOUISE McCARN, the immediate preservation of Acting City Clerk of the the public peace, health and City of Palm Springs. safety within the meaning of I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published December 24, 19-13, in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. y J City Clerk of Palm Springs; Calif. I