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1/1/1942 - ORDINANCES
209 affect other provisions or ap- Mayor of the City of December, 1941, by the follow- plications of this ordinance Palm Springs. ing vote: which can be given effect ATTEST: Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, without the invalid provision PIymire, Pershing, Shannon, or application, and to this end ROBERT W. PETERSON, So-um and May Boyd. Che provisions o£ this ordinance City Clerk of fire City P Noes: None. are desired to be severable. of Palm Springs, California. Absent: Councilman Murray. Section 16. The City Cleric I, the undersigned, City Cleric I further certify that said. I is hereby ordered and directed of the City of Palm Springs, Ordinance was thereupon sign- to certify to the passage of this California, hereby certify that ed by Philip L. Boyd, Mayor ordinance and cause the same the foregoing ordinance, being of the City of Palm Springs, to be published once in the Ordinance No. 112 of the Citv and attested by Robert W. Pet- Palm Springs Limelight, a of Palm Springs, was introdue- erson, City Cleric of said City. weekly newspaper of general ed at a meeting of the City Witness my hand and the circulation, printed and pub- Council of said City held on seal of said City this 23rc1 clay fished in this city and thence- the 17th day of December, of December, 1941. Myth and thereafter the same 1941, and was then read in full (CITY SEAL) shall be in full force and ef- and was passed at an adjourned ROBERT W. PETERSON. feet. regular meeting of said Conn- City Clerk of the City of PHILIP L. BOYD, eil held on the 23rd clay of Pahn Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were pub— lished December 26, 1941, in the Palm Springs Limelight, a Weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. /- ity Clerk of the City of Falm pr ngs, California. IOADINANCE NO: 113 be expended for promotion, tivities and services herein An Ordinance Of The City Of publicity and advertising for enumerated. Palm Springs Appropriating the City of Palm Springs. (b) To promptly and care- The Sum Of Two Thousand Section 2: Said fund shall be fully answer all communica- Five 13undred fitijlars (,$2,- disbursed on claims and de- tions and inquiries relative 500.0) For Use to Promo- niands presented, audited and to the resort, scenic, climatic tion, Advertising And Pub- paid as in the case of all oth- and residential advantages licity For Said City During er claims against the City of and attractions of the City The Current Fiscal Year. Palm Springs, and in the man- of Palm Springs, facilities for The City Council of the City per provided by law and ordi- accomodation of visitors, and of Palm Springs does ordain nance, and shall be expended the various recreational and as follows: through the instrumentality of sporting events here, and to Section 1: The City Council the Palm Springs Chamber of distribute information in re- of the City of Palm Springs, Commerce according to the gard thereto by correspond- having jurisdiction, power and contract or agreement which ence, publicity through the authority for that purpose, pur- shall he made with that or- press, and personal contacts suant to and in compliance ganization by the City of Palm favorably promoting, pub- with an act of the Legislature Springs for. that purpose, licizing and advertising same., of the State of California en- whereby it shall undertake to (c) To prepare and distri- titled `An Act Authorizing carry on such promotional, ad- bute to the press and pub- Municipal Corporations to Ex- vertising and publicity activi- lie articles, news stories, peed Money for Advertising'or ties and services on behalf of photographs, literature, and Publicity Purposes" (Statutes of the City of Palm Springs during scientific and historical in. 1927, page 114), and Section the current fiscal year ending formation and advertising, 862.23 of "An Act to Provide .June 80, 1942, as the City promotional and publicity for the Organization, Incorpora- Council may require of it, and matter descriptive of the City lion and Government of Mo- to use its facilities and its'spe- and its attractions and ad- nicipal Corporations" approved cial knowledge and ex,,erience, vantages, and to develop and March 18, 18S3 (Statutes of and shall act as an administra- make proper surveys where- 1883, page 93), and having de- live agent to perform the mech- by desirable outside per- termined that the public in- apical and ministerial functions sons may be induced to visit terest, necessity and conven- of applying and expanding said and reside in the City. ience so require, and that the hinds in furtherance of the (d) To aid in promoting mnonnt hereinafter apnropriat- objects for which they are ap- home building programs and ed is within the limits fixed propriated,'-by rendering the the desirable development by law, there is hereby apnro- following services' during the and beneficial use of 'unoc- priated from the general fund current fiscal ve.An copied and vacant properties. of the Citv of Palm Snrintrs (a) To maintain suitable (e) To promote and invite the snm of Two Thousand Five quarters aria facilities in the desirable classes of trade. Mindred Oollars ($2.500110) City of Palm Springs and professional and business for vi-e dniinir the current fiq- employ competent, personnel meetings and conventions eal vear in providing a fund to to properly carry on the ac- whereby additional persons 210 may visit and become ac- contemplated by it, and no be effective thirty (30) days cprafnted with the City of payments shall be made to after passage. Pahn Springs, idle Chamber of Commerce PH[I IP L. BOYD, (f) To study the needs of until the reports required in Mayor of the City of the community as to public this paragragh are so filed. Palm Springs. improvements of every char- (c) The Chamber of Com- ATTEST: actor and to prepare data, merce shall receive payment ROBERT W. PETERSON, attend conferences, and by only for the expenses actual- City"Clerk of the every proper method aid in ly paid out or incurred by City of Palm Springs. securing and in regulating it, in carrying out the duties (CITY SEAL) ' and planning such improv: required of''it as specified in I, the undersigned, City Clerk I ments so as to benefit the Section 2 hereof, 'and shall of the City of Palm Springs, City, not receive any compensa- Californi , hereby certify that .(g) To carry on such oth_ lion for services a its own tiro fore sing ordinance, being er duties as may be required officers' or employees in car- Ordinance No. 113 of the City of the Chamber by 'the tarn rying out such requirements. of Palm 'Springs, was fntrodue- Council in order to promote (d) The within appropria- ed at a meeting of the City the, further development of tion of funds. by the City for Council of said City held on the CitV as a high class win- the expenditures and serv- the 261h day of Februarv. 1942• ter' resort and residential ices contemplated hereunder V area. shall not create' any fixed or and was then' read, in full and binding obligations'upon the was passed at an adjourned Section 3: All payments ce City to pay same to the. regular meeting of said Coun- raid Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Cotnmerce,"btrt cil held on the 41li day or from the fund hereby appro such payment shall be de- March., 1942, by the following ruiafid shall be subject to the, de- pendent upon the filing of vote: following conditions: pro proper claipirs' and reports Aves; Councilmen Cliffton, (a) Al] payments shall be, P p p Murrav, Plvrnire, Pershing, made upon a claim or demand evidencing 'the services ren- g, resented, audited and aid dered and expenditures made Shannon and'Mayor Boyd. p p s'required hereby, and shall Noes: None. as in the case of all other also be dependent upon the Absent: Councilman Serum. Palm Springs, and in claims against the City e availability 'of funds for said I further cerhty that said Or- purposes daring the fiscal dinance was thereupon signed manner provided by law an, year. by Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of ordinance. the City of Palm Springs, and (b) The Chamber shall, on Section 4: The City Clerk is attested bv_ Robert W. Peter- or beforethe first day of June hRreb�! ^rder�ed and direef—I son, City Clerk of said City. this fiscal year, submit to to certify to the passage of this Witness my hand and the the City Council a report ordinance and to cause the seal of said City this 5th day describing its activities fa samento- be .Published once in of March, 1942. the preceding months, and The Palm Springs, Limelight, a I particularly setting forth the n^wspaper of general, circula- ROBERT W. PETERSON. L services referred to in the tion; printed, published and City Clerk of the City of preceding Section which have circulated in the City of Palm Palm Springs, California. been rendered and which are Springs. This ordinance shall (City Seal) 1' hereby certify thet the fore'rojnE�orcinauce and certi.l'icRt'o we're rablish•- ed TJlar°ch 6, 1142, in the Falar Springs Lim,eli-hts a weekly neva.,naPer of .-eneral- circulation, printed, published and circulated in the Cit.r of Pa]m ,9n•_^snA;e o ' City ^tor°h 9f t'er© Uity' 'ot. I lm ..a_nrin�s, Cal].f ornia I, ORDINANCE NO. 114 Alcoholic Beverage Control Act establishment at which per- An Ordinance Of The City Of are being sold or offered for sonal solicitation of trade is Palm Springs Regulating En- sale for consumption on the made on the public streets or tertainment In Places Where premises. sidewalks at or near the en- Alcoholic Beverages Are Sold. Section 2:'There shall be no trance' thereto. The City Council of the City entertainment conducted in es- Section 5: There shall be no of Palm Springs does ordain tablishments where the prat- entertainment conducted in any as follows: tice of employees soliciting or such establishment in which Section 1: As used in this accepting drinks of alcoholic any person participating sings ordinance the word "entertain- beverages from, patrons is per- or speaks any obscene or in- rrient" shall mean every act, mitted, decent: words or performs any play, burlesque show, revue, Section 3: There shall be no lewd or indecent acts. pantomine scene, song and entertainment in any such es- Section 6: There shall be no dance act, song rendition, mus- tablishment which is visible entertainment in any such es- ic ,rendition, or other entertain- from the public streets or side- tablishment which does not ment participated in by one walks, nor shall there be any provide •unlocked doors with or more persons which is per- entertainment therein' which is free ingress and egress while i"ormed, exhibited, shown or audible on the-public streets patrons are in the establish- produced in any Blare within or sidewalks. i ment. the, City where ,alcoholic bev- Section 4: There shall be no Section 7: There-shall be no erages as defined by the State eutertainment''conducted in any entertainment in any such es- 211 tablishment-between the hours hereby ordered , and directed. Council of said City held on of 2:00 o'clock A. M. and 6:00 to certify to the passage of the 18th day of February, 1942, o'clock A. M. this ordinance and to cause the and was then read' in full and Section 8: Any person, firm: same-to be published once in' was passed at an adjourned re- or corporation violating any of The Palm Springs 'Limelight, gular meeting of said Council the provisions of this ordinance a newspaper of general circu a held on the 4th day of March, shall be guilty of a misdemean� la tion, printed, published and 1942, by the following vote: or, and upon conviction"there-., circulated in the City of Palm Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, of shall be punishable by a" Springs. This ordinance shall Murray, Plymire, Pershing, fine of not more than Three ^be in full force and effect thirty Shannon and Mayor Boyd. I Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, or days after passage. Noes: None., ^ by imprisonment in the River- PHILIP L. BOYD, Absent:' Councilman Serum. side County Jail for a period Mayor of the City of I further certify that said of .not more than three '(3) <,- Palm Springs. Ordinance was thereupon sign- months, or by both such, fine - (CITY SEAL) ed.by Philip L. Boyd,- Mayor and imprisonment, Each such , of the City of Palm S rings, person, 'firm ' or corporation ATTEST: and attested by Robert W. shall be deemed guilty of a ROBERT W. PETERSON, Peterson, City Clerk of. laid separate offense for every flay City Clerk of the City. dnring 'any portion of whicn City of ,Palm Springs. Witness my hand' and the anv violation of any proi+ision:; I, tale.undersigned, City Clerk seal of said City this Sth clay of this ordinance is committed, of the :,City of Palm Springs, of March, 1942. continued or permitter) by such California, hereby certify that (CITY SEAL) person, firm or corporation, and the foregoing ordinance, being ;:hall be punishable therefor as Ordiu:mce 'No. 114 of the City;- ROBERT,W. PETERSON, provided by this ordinance. of halm Springs, was' intr6- City Clerk of the City of Section 9:. The City Clerk is duced at a meeting of the City Palm Springs, California. 'I hereby certify that the forcmoing' ordinance and cerL2icate were publish- ed Larch 6, 1942, in the Palm Sttrinos Limejli:;ht, a vaeeh-ly newspaper of general circulation,, printed, published.-and cirr:ulaced in the City of Palm Spri_n s ° - le City ^lerl, pf l,he Uity of Palm, Springs,, California, I ORDINANCE NO. 115 said Palm Canyon Mesa Section 3: The City Clerk is An Ordinance of the City of Tract No. 2 and the North- hereby ordered and directed Palm Springs Closing Up In erly line of said Lot E; to certify to the passage of Part Camino Carmalita, A thence along a curve con- this ordinance and to cause Public Street Within The cave to the Northwest hav- the same to be published once City of Palm Springs. ing a radius of 145.83 feet in The Palm Springs Limelight, and a central angle 34°-4�, a newspaper of general cir- The City Council of the City a distance of 88.36 feet; culation printed, published and of Palm Springs does ordain thence South 79°-05' West a circulated in the City of Palm as follows: distance of 187.73 feet; Springs, This ordinance shall Section I The City Council thence along a curve concave be effective thirty (30) days of the City of Palm Springs to the Southwest having a after passage., having acquired jurisdiction, radius of 125 feet and a cen- PHILIP L. BOYD, authority and power for that tral angle of I5°-11' a dis- Mayor of the City of purpose pursuant to and in tance of 33.12 feet to a point Palm Springs, compliance with an Act of the on the Southerly line of lot ATTEST: Legislature, of the State of 53 of said Palm Canyon ROBERT W. PETERSON, California approved March 6tbr Mesa Tract No. 2,' said, point City .Clerk of the City 1889 (Statutes of 1889, page being North' 63°-54' East , of Palm Springs. . I 70 as amended), and having distance of 10.55 feet front I, the undersigned, City determined that the public in- the Southwest corner of said Cleric of the City of Palm terest, necessity and convent- Lot 53; thence along the Springs, California, hereby cer- ence so require, the portion of Southerly lines of Lots 53, tify that the, foregoing ordi- Camino Carmalita, a street 52, 51 and 50 of said Palm nance, being Ordinance No. 115 within the bounds of the City Canyon Mesa Tract No. 2 of the City, of Palm Springs, designated as Lot 3 on Map to the point of beginning, ' was introduced at a meeting of of Palm -Canyon Mesa Tract Section 2: No lands, or dis- the City Council of said City Unit No. 2 filed in Book 16 tri6t of lands are to be as- held on the 1st day of April, at 'page 42 of Maps, Records sessed to: pay any damaures, 1942, and was then read in of Riverside County, Califor- costs or expenses or such clos- full and was passed at an ad- nia,' and described as follows, ing tip in part of said Camino journed regular meeting of said is hereby closed up, namely . Carmalita as described in Sec- Council held on the 8th day Beginning at the point o£ tiorr 1 hereof, and there shall of April, 1942, by the follow- compound curve on the be no damages, costs, or ex- ing vote: Southerly line of Lot 50 of penses of such closing. Ayes Councilmen Cliffton, i. 21-2 Murray, Plymire, Pershing, Ordinance was thereupon sign- seal of said .City this 8th day Sorum and Mayor Boyd. ed by Philip L. Boyd, Mayor ' of April[, 1942. Noes: None, of the City of Palm Springs, ROBERT W. PETERSON. Absent: Councilman Shan- and attested by Robert W. Pet- City Clerk of the City of non. erson, City Clerk of said City. Palm Springs, California. I further certify that said Witness my hand and the (CITY (SEAL) i hereby certify that the foregoin„ ordinance and certificate were published April 1C, 1942, in the Palm Sprin;°s Limelight, a weekly newspaper of' , cnora.1 circulation, printed, published and circulated in the Ci.t," of Palm Srrin;s. I City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, Cal.ifor,a;a, ORDINANCE NO, 116 agar shall use its uncontrolled (g) To prepare and sub- AN ORDINANCE ESTAB- discretion and its action shall mit to the City Council the LISHING THE CITY MAN- be final, and shall not depend annual Budget. AGER FORM OF GOV- upon any particular showing (h) To prepare and recom- ERNMENT FOR THE CITY or degree of proof at the hear- mend to the City Council a OF PALM SPRINGS, AND ing, the purpose of which is salary plan. DEFINING THE POWERS to allow the Manager publicly (i) To purchase all supplies AND DUTIES OF THE to present to the Council his for all of the departments or MANAGER. grounds of opposition to re- divisions of the City. No ex- The People of the City of moval prior to its action, penditure shall be submitted or Palm Springs 'do ordain as fol- (Section 2. The City Manag- recommended to the City lows: er.shall be the administrative Council, except upon report or Section 1. (a) The City Man- tread of the City Government approval of the City Manager. ager form of government for under the direction and con- To make investigations in- the City of Palm Springs is trol of the Council. He shall (1) 1° herebyadopted. The City Man- be responsible to the City a the affairs of the City, and P Y any department or division I ager shall be appointed by Council for the efficient ad- thereof„ and any contract, or the City Council solely on the ministration of all the affairs the proper performance of any basis of his executive and ad- of the City which are under obligation running to the City. ministrative qualifications, and his control. In addition to his k To running ute all com- shall hold office during the general powers as administra- (,) g` pleasure of the City Council. five head, and not as a linrita_ plaints in relation to matters No person elected to menthe:'- tion thereon, it shall be the concerning the administration ship on tha City Council shall duty of the City Manager and of the government of the City be eligible for appointment as he shall have power: and in regard to the service City Manager until one year (a) To see that all laws and maintained by public utilities has elapsed following the ter- ordinances are properly en- in the City, and to see that initiation of the tenure for forced within the City. all franchises, permits and which he last was elected. (b) To appoint discipline privileges granted by the City (b) In case of his intended and dismiss the Chief of Po- are faithfully observed. removal by the Council the lice, City Judge, all heads of (1) To exercise general su- Manager shall be furnished departments, and all subordi- pervision over all public build- with a written notice stating note officers and employees of ings, ;public parks and other the Council's intention to re- the City, except the City public property which are un- move him and the reasons Clerk, the City Attorney and der the control and jurisdiction therefor at least thirty days the City Treasurer; to trans- of the City Council. and not before the effective date of fer employees from one de- specifically delegated to a par- his removal. Within seven partment to another; and to titular Board or Officer. days after the delivery to him consolidate or combine of- (m) To devote his entire of such notice, the Manager fices, positions, departments, or time to the duties .and inter- may by written notification to units under his jurisdiction. ests Of the City. the City Clerk request a pub- (c) TO exercise control over (n) To perform such other lic hearing before the Coun- all departments' and divisions duties and exercise such other cil. Thereafter the Council of the City Government and powers as may be delegated to shall fix a time for the pub- over all appointive officers and him from time to time by or- I lic hearing which shall be held employees thereof. dinan6- or resolution of the at its usual place of. meeting (d) To attend all meetings City Council. before the expiration of the of the Council and its commit- Section 3. The City Council said thirty day period, and at tees unless excused therefrom and its members shall deal which the Citv Manager shall by the Council, except when with the administrative services appear and be heard. After his removal is under consider- of the City only through the furnishing the City Manager ation by the Council. City Manager, except for the with written notice of inten- (e) To recommend to the purposes of inquiry, E neither lion to remove, the Council Council for adoption such the City Council nor any menu- mav suspend him from duty measures and ordinances as he her thereof shall give orders but his salary shall continue deems necessary or expedient. to any of the subordinates of until his removal by resolution (f) To keep the City Coun- the City Manager. of the Council passed subseou- cil at all times fully advised Section 4, The City Manag- ent to the public hearing. The as to the financial condition er shall receive such salary as Council in removing the Man- and needs of the City. ' the City Council shall from 100 8-12-47 1 307 Repealing Ord.. Wo. 117 213 time to time determine and directed to certify to the pass- The City Council of the City fix by resolution. age of this ordinance and to of Palm Springs at its meeting Section 5. If any section, cause the same to be published held April 21st, 1942, duly subsection, sentence, clause or once in The Palm Springs canvassed the returns of said phrase of this ordinance is for Limelight, a newspaper of gen- election and determined and any reason held to be invalid, eral circulation, printed, pub- declared the result thereof such determination shall not lished and circulated in the whereby it appears that a to- affect the validity of the re_, _ City.of Palm Springs. tal of 323 votes were cast at maining portions of this ordi- FRANK V. SHANNON, such election in favor of the nance. The people of the City Mayor of the City of ordinance and that a total of ' of Palm Springs hereby de- Palm Springs. 311 votes were cast at such clare that they would have ATTEST: election against the ordinance. passed this ordinance and each ROBERT W. PETERSON, I further certify that upon gection, subsection, sentence, City Clerk of the ;such canvass and declaration clause and phrase thereof, ir- City of Palm Springs. of results of the election the respective of the fact that any I, the undersigned, City said ordinance was thereupon portion thereof be declared in- Cleric of the City of Palm signed by Frank V. Shannon, valid. Springs, California, hereby cer- Mayor of the City of Palm Section 6. This ordinance tify that the following Ordi- Springs, and attested by Robert shall be submitted April 14th nance No. 116 of the City of W Peterson, City Cleric of and effective ten days after Palm Springs, was duly sub- said City. the returns of such election mitted to the electors of the Witness my hand and seal of shall have been canvassed, City of Palm Springs at the said City this 22nc1 day of providing it appears that a General Municipal Election Anril, 1942. majority of the votes cast at held April 14th, 1942, and that (CITY SEAL) such election were in favor it appears that a majority of ROBERT W. PETERSON, of the ordinance. The City the votes cast at such ,election Clerk of the City of Clerk is thereupon ordered and were in favor of the ordinance. Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify i: p hat the ioreoing or'inanco and certificate were published April 245 1942, in the Palm Sprinrs Limeli,-ht, a weskly newspaper of general •irculaLion, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm springs. ;r CitIT ClCrk of the City of PEILM "'Prinos, CaliPornia , ORDINANCE NO. 117 map recorded in Book 12, 117 of the City of Palm AN ORDINANCE OF THE page 94 of Maps, records of Springs, was introduced at a CITY OF PALM SPRINGS Riverside County, Califor- meeting of the City Council AMENDING SECTION 4 nia, is hereby placed in and of said City held on the 21st (g) OF ORDINANCE NO. shall be subject to the regu- day of April, 1942, and was 75 OF SAID CITY, BEING lations of District C-1 as Dien read in full and was pass- THE PALM SPRINGS established by said Ordi- ed at an adjourned regular LAND USE ORDINANCE, nance No. 75. meeting of said Council held ADOPTED ORDINANCE, Section 2: The City Clerk is on the Gth day of May, 1942, ADO ED hereby ordered and directed by the following vote: to certify to the passage of Ayes: Councilmen Adams, 'Ihn City Council of the City this ordinance and to cause Connell, Pershing, Boyd, Sor- of Pahn Springs does ordain same to be published once in um and Mayor Shannon. as follows: the Palm Springs Limelight, a Noes: None. Section 1: Section 4(g) of newspaper of general circula- Not Voting: Councilman Ordinance No. 75 of the City tion, printed, published and Clifton. of Pahn Springs (being thc. circulated in the City of Palm Absent: None. Palm Springs Land Use Ordi- Springs. This ordinance shall nance, adopted December 13th, he effective thirty days after I further certify that said 1939) classifying the lands in passage. Ordinance was thereupon sign Section 10, Township 4 South, F. V. SIIANNON, ed by Philip L. Boyd, Mayor Range 4 East, S.B.B.&M., as Mayor of the City of of the City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs. and attested by Robert W. Pet- per Map Spent 7 of the Of- P '" rrson; City Clerk of said City. ficial Zoning Map is hereluy ATTEST: Y y. amended by the, following P.OBERT W. PETERSON, Witness my hand and seal e:hange of classification of land City Clerk of the of said City this Gth clay of City of Palm 5 nmr May, 1942• zoned therein, namely: P rye. I 1, the undersigned. City (CITY SEAL) The Easterly 120 feet of Clerk of the City of Palm Cots 1, 2, 3, 115, 116, 117, Sni-ings, California, hereby cer- ROBERT W. PETERSON, II& 119. 123, 124 and 125 tify that the foregoing ordi- City Clerk of the City of of Merito Vista Tract as per nance, being Ordinance No, Palm Springs, California. 1 hereby certify that the fore*,oing ordinance and eatifieate were publisbed May 3, 1942, in 0,, Prini Springs Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circa11"I( i "] illc City of Palm Springs. Ciiy Clerk of the City of Pahn Springs, California 214 ORDINANCE NO. 118 in;g on of the various depart- 118 of the City of Palm /ia Ordinance of the City of mcnts of the City, other than Springs, -as introduced at a f'ohn S-arnngs fixing the said public library, the sum meeting of the City Cormcil uxxioan8 of money necessary of Sixty Six Thousand Eight of said City held on the 17th to be raised by taxation for hundred fifty ($66,850.00) clay of June, 1942, and was the fiscal year lrsnyenning Ju- Dollars. then read in full and was pass- Ty 1: 1942. Section 2: ]"he City Clerk ed at an adjourned regular The City Council of the is hereby ordered and directed meeting of said Council heed Uty of Palm Sprinas does or-, to certify to the passage 'of on the 30th clay of June, 1942, dain as follows this ordinance and to cause by the following vote: ucgoticn 1: The amount of the same to be published once Ayes: Councilmen Adams, I noncy necessary to Ue raised {n The Palnx Springs Lime- Connell, Pershing, Boyd, So- iw taxation upon the taxable fight, a weeldy newspaper of rmn and Mayor Shannon. property vaithin the City of 1,e11e1"al circulation, printed, Noes: None. Palm Sprinas as a revenue to i nblished and circulated in Absent: Councilman Clill- earx7 on the various depart- the City of Palm Springs. This ton. PLents of such City for the fis- ordinance shall be effective I further certify that said f al year beginning July 1, lhh-ty days after passage. Ordinance was thereupon sign- tl942, is hereby fired as fol- F. V. SHANNON, ed by F. V. Shannon, Mayor l'uws: (a) For the mainlen- Mavor of the Citv of of the City of Palm Springs, ante and support of and the Palm Springs. and attested by Robert 'iJ. purchase of property for the Peterson, City Clerk of said ,public library, known as the City. `\Jelwood Murray Memorial ROBERT W. PETERSON, Witness my hand and the ]Library, of the City of Palm City Cleric of the City seal of said Citv this 30th day Springs' (the maintenance of of Paim Springs. of June, 1942. said public library not being L the undersigned, Cily otherwise provided for), the Clerk of the Citv of Pahu. (CIVY SEAL) srnn of Two Thousand One Spring's, California, hereby cer- ROBERT '"r. PETERSON, mmorcd ,Fifty Dollars ($2,- tify that the foregoing ordi- City Clerk of the City or 15t1.f i01, and '(b) For the carry- r,ance, being Ordinance No. Palm Springs, California. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published July 3, 1942, in iho Palm Sayings Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated M the City of Palm Springs. City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, California I 146 4-18-44 1 259 mending Sub-pares. 124 and 125 of See. :P 149 6-21-44 1 263 Amending gec. K and P 153 9-18-44 1 267 Amending Sec. K 157 5- 2-45 1 273 Repealing Ord. No. 119 I 215 ORDINANCE N®, 110 bushings without first obtai€s= whole the business, tra€o or AN ORDINANCE OF THE hug a license to conduct Such eoculiation is Nought to he var- GXTY OF PriBI SPI(ING5 badness shall not re1_tev@ such Tied on is rtot in the proper 1"inOVIDING FOil Trip person from paying ill@ It= Zane or district thereof, of Is LICE MING OF iVHCLE- c@im Fee €lire and unpaid at Oth@fwis@ not qualified, In Rom SALE &ND RETAIL lIV8F- tho thilO Of shah conviction, eovdano@ with the provisions NVf3ClM TRADES AND BC• tar small the payment of ails of tho polling ordinances Of the Q �ik�.�`I'AOtr'd, AN I I • lie@1S0 to@ pf�dy@fit a ej°Imleal City of palm Springs, PEALING ORDINANCEq Peosocutlon for the violation No l'eoliso For anyonstrin NOS, 11, 22, g4� 27, :`ll, :.41, or any of the 1provisions of this current or un@xpIv@l lle@nso3 I 4% 47, 57, 38, r2 AND 8�. ordlithnoo: All fomodles pr@= pealOd shall knowingly be is:= gcrib@€I e and he shalt by sued to any poison who at the '7h@ CI#i Council OF tho CIl)% pumu'ativo and the use Of ate c€ PRl;1n Spring® dace OIxIRIn or none rem@di@® by th@ City lions Of alai€it,g appplieation for - it fa'lows, any Ikons@ to hi @1Rtod to the shall net bar tie use Of ana City for any unpaid line as@ SECTION A; it shall be fin= other roluody toy ih@ ilurpos@ to T@€inir@d to be paid ender la v€ul for am person, ivbcth= of enforcing tie provisiions of the provlgtOng of this Ordt= or as owner, manage-s; prin= thls ordinance, nano@. ct 1a1, agent, el@rk, @jnployoe, SECTION M No 11oens@ No lieenso leaned under, the c'[lo@r or l@see@, either for stall be issued under a ficti- iNo Itns of this uder the 1AIlm if or for any otlog pop= tioug nano to any person pone p' son or for any body corporate, dueling or carrying fin any shall be construed as Ruthofiz= or as Rn offlpox of any corm bfisitess, show, exhtbftien or its the conduct or continuance poratlon, Or otherwise, to cunu= gaol@. such license shall be Is= of Rriy illegal of unlawful bust= nlC-',nwo; mattfgo, etgag@ in, good in the true narno or neSS er the Violation of any mildnet op earn: on anv bust- ilaalos of tin@ Owners of such ordinanco of ih@ City, ncsR, show, exhibition or garao, business, shm, exhibition or The City Clerk shall Mahe In this ordinanc@ specified, Ili gate, it ollarg@ of fifty cents for @Roll 111€+ fifty of rahn eaprinvg, with- duplicate license issued by h'n3 €fit final Navin,c� procured a SECTION Ft Every parson under this Ordinance, Ill OP9e0 1lcetso from sai€t City to do required to have a keens@ fill= whine ill@ Original license hag Re or without Oolllphdoff with d@r this ordinance and carrying b@en lost or €testvoy@d, (lily and all regulations Of such on a business at a fixed plat@, Any poor road@ by the City h+,sin@ss, show, oxhlbltion 01` shall keep such license posted Clerk or any of Tito deputI6, mono contained fit this Old[- In a conspioueus location It to preparing it liconse, stet= r;ancos alld th@ oar g�Inv On of 'such place of bushim go as In,g the kind of bfiglness; the, r,nv Mich blisinoss, show, @x= to b@ easily s@@n: every peg- location t1@roof, #fie RmOunt of hibitlo, Or gajil@ sp@piHed to son r@gfilod to have R 'ieenso, tiro charge th@rofor, Of to d@= We ord[nnuee without hRshl€ but not carrying On a business t@vninlilg lino proper zone, I Plmt 1lroonged a lloonso from or pursult at a fixed place of shall net prejudice tlr@ Della@= said City to do so, or vvitlu• bushmss, shall exhibit shah It= tien by the City Of pain ant conuAving with ant% and Rollin wbonover requested to 8 Rings of the amount actual= all roanlationg of such bust= do so by any public officer Of IV due under this or any ether ncss, show, exhibitiongetu Or p tho City. ordhuanc@ nor cnfopcealeot of eonined In this Opdinanp@ SECTION Of No 110e11g@ any fegufaticns it p r I I it IfI@ 001 oollk"U ate a swnai°at@ v1e= granted or issued under the thereto, nor shall the Asuard o lation of this Ordinance for provisions of this Ordinance Of a lic@nee authorize ill@ ear= eneh and every day that Buell shall be hi any mann@r tiang: ring on of any bumitim, tied@ hilslness, show, e.Itibitlon or forrod, nor shall it authovizo or occupation in ally Zen@ or value is so carried on, any poison, firms or corpora= location contrary to ill@ pre= SECTION ll; Tbo amount of tiuu other than therolrl ales= vlglens Of ill@ zoning ordl= o;,v lloense cbarve Imposed It tioned or mined to do btsl= mopes of the City of palm iIA' ordin Rice Or anv sun To- floss nil@ss it Hest be tars= Sprigs, r uI _d to be paid ereumd@r €@reed by the City Clerk, At SECTION I; All licenses ball br deoind a debt due th@ the bole any snob license Is shall be prepared and Wood Cfh, of palm sprhl,gs from anv transferred the porgon ap lv- by the City Clerk upon th@ poison w1 o ongarres In Rnir Ing for such transf@r s];all mym@nt of'th@ sues required business, Phew, oxhibition Oo. Make application fog 11e0n90 Rs #O be paid luncundor, and ill@ rianle reonirod to be 110011er€1 provided in Section I ber"' furnlsbing to the City Clerk without first obtaining a It= Rnd comply with all require= by ill@ applicant of such ill= ;en e so to CIO, Rtd an 1i+1- meats as though there w@r@ ail formation In ;nitro , verified if jrlediato cauee of action shall Initial issuance of a lipefim to w roqu@sted by 91e Clerk, as ooertle to the 01ty of pa1n1 sfioh tvjuSf@pep, and shah pay Is necessary to @liable the 811vings for [lie eoi_lnetlolu thorp- the City Clerk a cbargo for Clerk to fill determine tip, of h, anv court of competent such OR Wei- equal to tors pop= applleailOn eft this and other 1uu'isdic#Ion: cent (lo �j of the fe@ then City Ordinances to ill@ partlorr= SMCTION C; Any person ptovi€Tipp y this Ordinance fog lar clreunustaneeg, Each license I violalting any portion of this go Issued shall state upon il@ ordinance shall be guilty of SECTION Hi No 11eonse face thereof il@ following, It! a ;nisd@;ueallOr and upon col= shall be issued hevoundor when addition to any Other p@rtt= vleti©n th@roof eball be punish= the ppOAN1011s of goal@ other input Information; able by a title of not move ovdhnRfim of this City require (a) The p@rsOo to when; than hoe Hundred Collars a penult to be obtained as a gain@ Is Issued; Mlooloo) ov by Iuprtsonnn@nt In promooquisite to @ntering Into (b) The kind of business ilac Illvprsido County Tall fop such business, until such por= licensed thereby; a period of not nog@ than anit Is first applied for or ob- (0) The amount paid there. three (v) innths, of- by boll, tatted, Any lieerig@ Issued con= for; ash fine and tnpglsounont, teary to the proyisions of this (d) The location of such SECTION D; The conic- paragraph shall be Vold, business; ilon and punishlnout of any No license shall be issued on (o) The date of expiration person for ongaging In ally any application, when the place of such license. 21-6 SrCa,IO i J: The City Cleric (4) The word "peddling" War, any Indian war, the shall keep a record in which shall mean and include trav- Spanish-American War, any he -,hail enter all licenses is- cling or going from place to Philippine Insurrection, the ,;red by him, the date thereof, place, or from house to house Chinese Relief L:xpedition, to whom issued, for what pm- within the City of Palm or in the World War of pose, the location where the Springs, and peddling, hawk- 1914 and years following, name fs to be carried on, the ing, vending or selling any who is physically unable to time when the license expires, goods, wares or merchandise obtain a livelihood by manu- and the amount thereof. carried or caused to be car- al labor, and who shall be a The Clerk shall make a quar- ried or conveyed by or with qualified elector of the State terly report to the Council of the peison peddling, hawk- of California, shall have the I all licenses issued and fees col- ing, vending or selling the right to carry on any busi- lected, same. ness or pursuit specified in All police officers are here- (5) The word "soliciting" this ordinance without pay- by appointed inspectors of li- shall_ mean and include trav- ment of any license tax or ya cn:es, to examine all places cling or going from place fee whatsoever. of U sines-, and persons liable. to place or from house to Every such soldier, sailor, io procure a license, to see house, within the City of marine or nurse, before carry- hat such licenses are taken Palm Springs, and soliciting ing on any such business or out, and shall have the right or taking orders for anv nur:suit, shall first procure from to enter free of charge at any goods, wares or merchandise the City Clerk a license to do time. any place of business for for future deliverv. so, and shall be subject to all which a license is required bv the provisions of this ordi- this ordinance, and to demand SECTION M (1) Where a nance. Such license shall not the exhibition of such license license fee in this ordinance extend beyond the current fis- for the current terin by any is fixed at a daily rate, a part person engaged or employed of a clay shall be deemed a cal veal. during which same is in the transaction of such busi- dav, and the 'full fee shall be issued. lrr. s, paid for a day or fraction Every such soldier, sailor, hereof. marine or nurse claiming ex- 5 G T1Pl 1L: All licenses emntion under the provisions mccificd in thus ordinance shalt (2) Where a quarterly license of this section, shall exhibit be due and payable in ad- is provided for herein, the to the City Clerk his or her vance in full; and each per- same shall apply to the Pei.- honorable discharge, or a cer- scn required to have a license Lion of a year as follows: tified copy thereof, together ,,mall be liable for payment of First Quarter--July 1st to with a certificate signed by a the fee for the full term. September 30th, inclusive; licensed physician practicing in An}, person who shall pay Second Quarter—October the City of Palm Springs, set- the license fee at the rates ist to December 31st, in- ting forth the plivsical disab- f;xcd herein for a full fiscal_ cssi - ilities of such soldier, sailor, veal., cash in advance, on or marine or nose, and stating I before Tune thirtieth of the Third Quarter—January Ist whetber in the opinion of such prior fscal year, shall be en_ to March 31st, inclusive; physician the disabilities ren- titiccl to a discount of ten per- Fourth Quarter — April der such person physically un- ccrrt from the amount of such Ist to June 30th, inclusive; able to obtain a livelihood by license. This provision shall and shall be paid for each manual labor. A license tinder Yet allow any person to eon- quarter or fraction thereof. this subsection shall not be mence, manage or carry on (3) Where a yearly license is transferrable. any Business. show, exhibition provided for herein, the same 2me iu this ordinances e- Pr SECTION YJ: Nothing in or g p shall anphy to the fiscal year this ordinance contained shall cified without first having pro- from Tuly ist to and including be. construed as imposing a li- cored a license. the following June 30th and cense tax on or otherwise reg- SECTION L: Definitions: ::hall be paid for each year or ulating or restricting, foreign For the purpose of this orcli- fraction thereof. or interstate commerce. Every nance the following defim- SECTIONei: Exemptions: person claiming to be entitled iinitious are adopted and (a) No license shall be to exemption from the payment ruade a part hereof: required for the conducting of any license provided for in (1) The word "person" of any entertainment, con- this ordinance upon the ground shall be deemed to includo cert, exhibition or lecture on that such license casts a bur- persons, associations, firms, scientific, historical, literary, den upon his right to engage partnerships and corpora- relfgfots or moral subjects, in commerce with foreign na- tions, in both the singular when the receipts thereof tions or among the several and plural number. are to be wholly a no niat_ states, or conflicts with the (2) The phrase "eondne.p ed to any church or school regulations of the United or carry on" shall mean and within the City of Palm States respecting interstate cont. include the engaging in, Springs, or to any religions rnerce shall file a, verified carrying on, owning, main- or benevolent purpose with- statement with the City Clerk, taining, managing or opeat- in the City. disclosing the interstate or oth- ing any business, trade, art, er character of his business en- I profession, calling, employ- (b) The City Council for titling such exemption. Such ment occupation or any corn- good cause shown satisfac- statement shall inchrde the mercial, industrial or pro- Cory to it, may order the is- name and location of' the com- €essional pursuit, vocation suance of a license for less pany or firm for which orders or enterprise in the City of than the fees herein provid- are to be solicited or secured, Pahn Springs. ed or without the payment the nanne of the newest local (3) The word "selling' of any fee whatsoever. or state manager if any, and shall mean and include sell- (c) Every honorably dis- his address, the kind of goods, ing. offering to sell or co:- charged or honorably releas- wares or merchandise to be. tracting to sell, at wholesale ed soldier, sailor, marine or delivered, the place from which or retail, any goods, wares nurse of the United States the same are to be shipped or merchandise within the or of the Confederate States or forwarded, the method of City. who has served in the Civil solicitation or taking orders, 217 the location of any warehouse, hire, for the first table $40.00 menagerie, or entertainment factory or plant within the per year and for each addi- at which feats of horseman- State of California, the meth- tional table $0.00 per year, ship, acrobatic feats and od of delivery, the name and whether used or not, owned trained or wild animals, are residence of the applicant, and by or under control or su- exhibited or displayed in the any other facts necessary to Pei-vision of such person, lo- City of Palm Springs, $75.00 establish such claims of exemp- cated on the premises where for each performance. For tion. A copy of the order such business is conducted, each separate exhibition or blank, contract form or other (b) BOWLING ALLEY: sideshow of any panorama papers used by such person For ever bowfin alley, for figures, jugglers, necromanc- I in taking orders shall be at- y g y ers, magicians, wire or rope tached to the affidavit for the the first alley $40.00 per walking, sleight of hand act information of the City Clerk. year, and for each additional or other attraction, an ad- If it appears that the applicant alley or pool or billard ta- ditional $75.00 for each per- is entitled to such exemption, ble therein $6.00 per year, formance. When a separate the CityCleric shall forthwith whether used or not, owned price is charged each must by or under control or su- be considered a se issue a free license. paste ex- pervision of such person, lo- hibition; and an exhibition SECTION P: The several cated on the premises where in the daytime must be con- rates to be paid for licenses such business is conducted. sidered one performance, and to commence, manage, engage (c) BOX BALL: For ever, exhibitions after dark on the in, maintain, conduct or carry box ball or similar alley or same day considered other on the businesses, trades, oc- place, for the first alley performances. cupatio amesho hereinafterexhibitions 140.00 per year, and for each (f) DANCE (PUBLIC): For and froth, within the City of Palm additional alley $0.00 per public dances, for which a Springs, are hereby fixed and year, whether used or not, permit has been procured established as follows: owned by or under control or from the City Council, $3.00 supervision of such person, per day or $150.00 per year, I. ABSTRACTS: For the located on the premises in addition to the license fee business of con. ilin, or issu„ where such business is con- required by this ordinance P g ducted. for any other business, oc- ing abstracts or certificates of cupation, show, exhibition or title, $24.00 per year. (d) CARNIVAL: For every game, that the said public 2. ACCOUNTANTS: For ev- person owning, maintaining, dances may be conducted in ery public accountant, $12.00 conducting or presenting a conjunction with, notwith- per year. carnival, as defined herein, ;standing the provisions of in the City of Palm Springs, Section 127 (b) of this ordi- 3. ADVERTISING: For the after having first obtained a nance. business of advertising, $50.00 permit to do so from the For the purposes of this per year or fraction thereof. Council of said City, the fol- ordinance "Public Dance" For the purpose of this ordi- lowing license fees shall be sball mean a gathering of nance, advertising shall mean charged and collected in ad- persons in or upon any pre- and include the business of Vance: $150.00 per day, plus mises where dancing is parti- posting, affixing, stenciling or `r9 additional fee or charge of cipated in, either as the main painting of an bill or sin $•'�5.00 per day for each and purpose for such gathering P P y g every separate show, attrac- or as an incident to some upon any post, fence, bill- tion or exhibition carried on other purpose, and to which board, advertising signboard, as part of such carnival. premises the public is ad- building or other structure, and For the purpose of this mined. also shall include the operat- ordinance the word "carni- ing d, maintaining of any bill- val" shall mean and include (g) DANCING CLUB: For board, signboard, advertising any group of attractions, such every dancing club for which structure or sign device or dis- a permit has been procured iributinI any posters, dodgers, as ball games, dice games, P P merry-go-rounds, ships fer- from the City Council, year circulars, handbills, brochures ng ris wheels, or other riding per day or $15he l per year m other printed advertising devices, freaks, dancing in addition to the license fee matter of any kind. Said bust- required by this ordinance ness also shall include dis- bows, negro minstrels, or for any other business, oc- tributing any samples of goods, any other like entertainments cupation, show, exhibition or wares or merchandise or ad- or games for which a charge game, that the said public vertising by means of vehicles is made for playing or par- dance may be conducted in ticipating therein. equipped with sound devices. conjunction with, notwith- 4. AIR CONDITIONING attraction every game, show, or standing the provisions of attraction mentioned in this Section 127 (b) of this ordi- SALES AND SERVICE: For section, individually and se- nance. the business of air condition- parately from the person or ing sales or service, $24.00 per persons conducting a earn:_ For the purposes of this year. val, when said game, show ordinance "Dancing Club" or attraction is shown as a shall mean any club or asso- of 5. AIRCRAFT: For the bust- ciation persons whcilr con- I ness of maintaining aircraft for Part or at the same time the other , shows, or attrac- ducts dances other than pub- hire, carrying passengers for games, lie dances for its members are hire inn aircraft, $50.00 per r as mentioned herein, or bona fide guests more year. are shown under proper li- often than per month tense, each person so con an once- P 6. AMUSEMENTS: For any ducting, managing or operat- at which a fee is charged, of the following amusements, ing the same shall pay a either for admission to such shows, or places of recreation, license fee of $25.00 per day dance or for dancing there- to which an admission is for each such separate game, in, or at which any collection charged, the following rates: show or ,attraction, or donation of momeny is made or received, or in (a) BILLARDS OR POOL: (e) CIRCUS, MENAGE- which the amount of dues For every place where bil- RIE: For each exhibition for to be paid by each member lards or pool are Played for pay of a circus, caravan, is dependent upon attendance 218 at such Glances by such mein- show, game, attraction or tures of, any kind, $12.00 per hers. A club dance shall carnival, as mentioned herein, year. mean any dance held by a ;a license fee of $5.00 per 8. ART GALLERIES: For dancing club. day, every art gallery, $12.00 per (h) DANCE HALL (PUB- (m) RIDING ACADEMY: year. LIQ: For every public dance hall or ballroom open to the For every riding academy or ) ATTORNEY AT LAW: general public for which a riding school, $12.00 per For every attorney at law, b P , ear. $12.00 per year. permit has been procured from the City Council, $3.00 (n) SHOOTING G A L- 10. A.STBOLOGERS: For ev- I per day or $150.00 per year LERY OR SKEET SHOOT- ery person who carries on, in requiredti nrby this lordir ante 1NG: F'or every shooting gal- {rue tthe businesseor .arto of rao- for any other business, oc- lery, $25.00 per year. For trology, palmistry, phrenology, cupation, show, exhibition or any skeet shooting or trap life-readings, fortune telling, game, that the said public shooting range, $25.00 per cartomancy, handwriting an- dance may be conducted in .year. (It shall be unlawful anlysis, chirography, clairvoy- conjunction with, notwith- ante, Clair-audience, crystal- standing the provisions of to carry on the business spe- gazing, hypnotism, medium- Section 127 (b) of this ordi- cified in this subdivision ship, prophecy, augury, divina- nance. 'without first procuring a per- tion, magic, necromancy, num- For the purpose of this or- mit from the Building In- erology or psycho-analysis (or dinance `Public Dance Hall, Spector so to do. The Build- similar business, are or call- shall mean a place where ing Inspector shall issue such ing); (and who shall not be dancing is conducted, wheth_ ]permit when safety devices prohibited from doing or con- ey for profit or not for profit, and appliances are installed ducting any of these practices, and to which the public is so as to render conduct of professions, businesses or call- admitted, either with or such place safe. Such permit ing by any statute of this without charge or at which shall be filed with the Chief State, ordinance of the City the public is allowed to par- of Police and City Clerk of Palm Springs or by any ticipate in the dancing, eith_ prior to the issuance of a li- other ]law) and who demands er with or without charge. tense hereunder). or receives a fee or compen- DANCING SCHOOL: (o) SKATING RINK: For sation for the exercise or ex- For every skating rink, $40.00 per hibition of his art therein, or For every dancing school m year. who gives an exhibition there- academy for persons over the y of at any place where an ad- age of eighteen years for (p) SWIMMING POOL: mission fee is charged, $300.00 which a permit has been pro- For every swimming pool or per quarter or fraction there- cured from the City Coun- natatorium, where a fee or of. The provisions of the fore- cil $50.00 per year, in addi- charge is made for use, or going subdivision 10 shall not I tion to the license fee re- where rooms, lockers, or apply to those persons provid- quired by this ordinance for bathing suits are rented in ing bona fide and incidental any other business, occupa- connection therewith, wheth- entertainment and amusement tion, show, exhibition or or said natatorium or swim- for the, guests and patrons of game, that the said public ring pool is conducted in an and on the premises of any dance may be conducted in amusement park or else- other business duly licensed by conjunction with, notwith- where, $40.00 per year. the City of Palm Springs for standing the provisions of (q) THEATRES AND Which no separate or addition- Section 127 (b) of this ordi SHOWS: For every motion al charge or consideration shall nance. be aid b the guests and picture or vaudeville then- P y g For every dancing school tre at an established place patrons. or academy for children not of business, wholly within a 11. AUCTION: For the busi- rmore than eighteen years of permanenC building con- ness of selling lands, tene- age, $12.00 per year. structed for theatrical pur- merits, hereditaments, goods, (j) GAMES (M,ISCELLAN- Poses, the license fees shall wares, merchandise, or real or SOUS): For every amusement be as follows: personal property of any kind game, or test of skill, Permits for less than one or description at auction or strength, physical endurance year, $10.00 per day; public outcry, $300.00 per or capacity of any kind what- Permits for one year: for quartet. (Permit from Council soever, not specifically in- theatres with one hundred required). eluded within any other sub- seats or less, $25,00, and for No license shall be required division of this ordinance, for theatres with more than one for the selling at public sale participation in which a fee hundred seats, $25.00 plus of goods or property, belong- is ebarged or which is con- five cents for each seat in ing to the United States or to ducted for profit, $100.00 per excess of one hundred. the State of California, or by year. For every open air theatre virtue of process issued by any nor tent show wherein vaude- (ld GOLF DRIVING State or Federal Court, or by BANCE OR ARCHERY Ville, comic, dramatic or the legally appointed adminis- RANGE: For ever golf rac_ uPeratic productions or per- RANGE: P trator, executor or guardian of formances are given, or mo- ticc driving range or arch- tion pictures shown or ex- an estate.cry range, the sum of $12.00 hibited, as an independent 12. AUTOMOBILES; per year. business and not as an in- (a) ACCESSORIES: For (I) MERRY-GO-ROUND: or of another business dealing in automobile acces- or entertainment- the license sories, parts or equipment, For the conduct or operation fee shall be the sum of $24.00 per year. of any flying horses, merry- $75.00 per day. (b) DEALERS: For deal- go-rounds, ferris wheels, or 7. ARCHITECT: For every ing in new or used motor- other riding devices, not in architect, or person who draws cycles or automobiles, $24.00 conjunction with any other plans for buildings or strut- per year. 219 (e) AUTOM;OBILES AND stock of goods, wares or mer- Springs, and which fixed place TAXI-CABS FOR HIRE : chandise of whatsoever nature of business is subject to ad For operating any taxi cabs or kind, $50.00 per day. valorem taxes of said City, or automobiles for hire, 16. BARBER SHOP: For ev- $100.00 per year. 824.00 per year per car; pro cry barber shop, for the first For every general building vided that the rate for five chair, $5.00 per year, and $2.00 supplies business from a fixed or more cars operated by per year for each additional place of business outside the the same person, firm or chair. City of Palm Springs, and corporation shall be $100.00 di- rectly or indirectly individual- per year for all such cars. 17. BATHS: For every pub- ly or by agent, representative, I (Permit from Council re- lic bathhouse, or for keeping, servant, or employee or other- quirecd). maintaining or furnishing steam wise, conducting, carrying on (d) AUTOMOBILE PAINT- baths, Harriman baths or Turk- or engaging in the business of ish baths, $24.00 per year. This selling building supplies or so- TER: For the business of section shall not apply to na- liciting or accepting orders for p a i n t i n g automobiles or tatoriums or public baths li- the sale of building supplies trucks, $12.00 per year. censed under other provisions in the City of Palm Springs, (e) PARKING: For the of this ordinance. 8150.00 per year, provided that business of parking automo- 18. BEAUTY PARLOR: For such person shall use not more, biles for compensation in the every beauty parlor with or than one motor vehicle for the City of Palm Springs, for without toilet articles or cos- said business within the said each place of such business nretics kept for sale, $12.00 per City of Palm Springs, and for having sufficient space for year. each additional motor vehicle the parking of twenty ma 19 BICYCLES OR MOTOR used in the City of Palm . ebines or more, $12.00 per Springs, $25.00 per year. year. 1 DRIVEN CYCLES: For every �7 CANDY STORE OR bicvele stand or shop, for the (f) GARAGES: For every rental or sale of bicycles or bi- SHOP: For every candy store garage or repair shop where cycle :supplies, $12.00 per year. or shop where candy is manu- any part of an automobile For every motorcycle, motor factu'ed or from which candy is repaired and where a scooter or any other motorized is sold, where less than three stock of goods, accessories, vehicle stand or shop for the paid clerks or helpers are ern- equipment or parts is kept rental or sale of motorcycles, plowed at all times during the for sale in connection there- motor scooters or any other mo- term of the license, $12.00 per with or where automobiles torized cycles or vehicles, year, where from three to not are stored on the premises, 824.00 per year. (Permit from more than six such clerks or $24.00 per year; or $12.00 Council required.) helpers are employed at any per year where no stock of time during the term of the li- goodssor parts are kept for ]20. BLACKSMITH, FORGE cease, $24.00 per year, and sale or automobiles stored OR MACHINE SHOP: For where the number of such I on the premises. For every every blacksmith, forge or ma- clerks employed exceeds six such garage or repair shot') chine shop, $12.00 per year, during the term thereof, $40.00 business where the business 21. BLUEPRINTS: For the per year. of selling or dealing in new business of making blueprints 28. CARPENTRY SHOP: For or used automobiles also is or maps for sale, $12.00 per every carpentry or joiner shop, carried on, $48.00 per year. year, where wood-working or repair- (g) TOP SHOP: For every 22. BOOKS AND STATION- ing is done, $12.00 per year. automobile top shop, uphols- ERY: For every book and sta- 29. CIGARS AND TOBAC- tering shop or store, $12.00 tionery store carrying said CO: For every dealer in cigars per year. lines either separately or to- or tobacco, $12.00 per year. (h) WASH RACKS: For gither, $8.00 per year. every automobile wash rack 23. BOOTBLACK: For every 30. CLEANERS-BUILD- every the U I L D- or automobile wash place, of cleGS,aning ETC.: For the business 1 bootblack or shoe shining part- of cleaning buildings, rooms or 812.00 per year. or or stand, $5.00 per year. furnishings, by hand power, (i) WRECKING: For ev- 24. BRICK YARD: For every $8.00 per year; if power ma- ery person conducting or brick yard where brick is chinery is used, $12.00 per maintaining an automobile manufactured, or from which Year. wrecking business, where brick is sold, $24.00 per year. 31. CLEANERS-CARPETS wrecked or damaged auto- 25. BROKERS: For every AND RUGS: For the business mobiles are bought or sold g stock or bond brokerage office, of cleaning carpets or rugs, in whole or in cart, $241JC 1 $12.00 per year. $12.00 per year. per year. For every real estate broker, 32. CLOTHING AND FUR- 13. AWNINGS AND TENTS: $18.00 per year, plus $6.00 per NISHINGS: For dealing in lad- For every tent and awning year for every real estate sales- ies' or gentlemen's clothing or shop or store, $24.00 per year. man who is not a broker, and furnishings where less than who works under such broker three paid clerks or helpers I 14, BAKERIES: during the term of the license. are employed ar all times dur- (a) For every bakery or For every insurance broker ing the term of the license, bake shop, $12.00 per year. or agent, $18.00 per year, and $12.00 per year, where from (b) For selling or offering three to not more than six to sell bread or other baked for every insurance salesman such clerks or helpers are em- stuffs in said City from a who is not a broker or agent, ployed any time during the wagon or other vehicle, $6.00 per year. term of the license, $24.00 per suchper year for each 26. BUILDING SUPPLIES: year, where from six to not such wagon or other vehicle. For every general building more than ten such clerks or 1.5. BANKRUPT, ASSIGNED supplies business, which busi. helpers are employed at anv OR DAMAGED GOODS: For ness is conducted and carried time during the term, $40.00 selling or offering for sale anv on at a fixed place of business per year, and where ten or bankrupt, assigned or damaged within the City of Palm more such clerks or helpers 22 are employed at any time du,-- 39. DELICATESSEN: For or helpers are employed at ing the term thereof, $60.00 conducting, managing, or car- any time during the term, per year. Tying on the business of sell- $40.00 per year; and where ten CUBS ing of cooked or prepared food or more such clerks or help- 3S, EAT CLUBS-PRIVATE REC-For every prfv- for human consumption., and ers are employed at any time ate tennis chill, at the rate of commonly known as delicats- during the term thereof, $60.00 y25.00 per year for each ten- sea, 12.00 per year. per year. nis court on the premises of 40. DEPARTMENT STORE: 46. .EATING PLACES: such club, whether used or For every department store (a) For every cafeteria, not, with a maximum charge where less than three paid $24.00 per year. of $K0.00 per year; and for clerks or helpers are employ- (b) For every lunch coun- I ether private clubs at which eel at all times during the term ter, $12.00 per year. recreational, Sport or other fa- of the license, $12.00 per year; (c) For every restaurant, cihtis are provided for mem- where from three to not more $24.00 per year. hers and others, $100.00 per than six such clerics or helpers For every eating place at year, are employed at any time dur- ingwhich any dancing chill, pub- M. COBBLERS:y the term of such license, BLERS: For every p2_1.00 per year; here from lic dance or public dance hall cobbler shop operated b.y six 0 not more than ten such is conducted in conjunction fiane li- where; electrical ctrical power is used clerks or helpers are employ- with nse sfe s proviaid ded place, in Sec- in the operation thereof, $12.00 ed at any time during the tion P. subdivision 5 (f), 5 (n) year. term, $40.00 per year; and and 5 h shall be added to Pc }'`` where ten or more such clerics ( ) the said license fee for eating Sir. COLLECTION AG- or helpers are employed at anv T NCY: For every collection time during the term thereof, Places, of Section -12 the pro- $60.00 per year. visions of Section 127 (U) of agency, ,�2;.00 per year. 1 } this ordinance. 36. CONTRACTORS: For A "department store" shall 47. ELECTRICAL FIX- even a place of business where, TURF i AND SUPPILIES: For (`PPrII C011tl'aCC01' Ol' SllbC011t1':LC- �( for oper'ai.ing from a fixed within the same room or build- ever electrical fixture and su place of business in the City mg, one person sells or offers y P of PaID1 Springs. which fixed for sale more than three classes Ply business, either where fix- place of business is subject of goods or commodities, such tures and supplies alone are as clothing, hats, shoes, rugs, $ carried, or where, in conjune- 1 ad valorem fixes of the City,12,40 per year. For other een_ carpets, millinery, dry goods, tion therewith, electrical busi- tractors (excluding other sul`_ hardware, furniture, paints, ness and electrical wiring are contractors), $30.00 per year, oils and paint supplies, crock_ done, and where the same is cry aver =lassware, and olh2 r carried on at a fixed place of and for other subcontractors, 5 business in the City of Palm ' 00 per yea, articles. y Springs, or where a complete I For the purpose of this or;li- 41. DETECTIVES-PRIV- electrical business is maintain- nance "contractor" shall mean A7E: For conducting a detee- ed in a fixed place of business evey person who for either Live agency, or a night watch in the said City of Palrn a fixed sum, price, fee, percent- service in the City of Palm Springs, $24.00 per year. age or other compensation, oth- Springs, 8300.00 per year. (Per- 4S. EN�PLOYMENT AC- offers than wages, undertakes or mit from Council required for offers to undertake with ,in- private patrol.) ENCY OR BUREAU: For ev- other, to construct, alter, re- ery employment agency or bu- pair, add to, or improve any 42. DOCTORS, DENTISTS, reau, $12.00 per year. building, highway, road, ex- CRiROPRACTORS, OPTICI- g g TANS, OSTEOPATHS, ETC.; 49. FILLING STATIONS: projecavatct, o1• other structure, For every Chiropodist, Chiro- For every gasoline and oil fill- prevenient,development, or in1- ". provement, other than to per- Proctor, Dentist, Masseur, Med_ inh station, either with or with- sonilty, (but not including any- 'cal Doctor, Naturopath, Ocu- out automobile equipment, sup- one who merel furnishes ma_ list, Optician, Optometrist, Os- Plies or accessories for sale, or terials or supplies without Fa- teopathic Physician or Surg- washing or greasing service bricatin' the same into, or con- con, Dietitian, Roentgenologist. available, at the rate of $6.00 X-Ray Specialist or Nurse, and Per year for each gasoline pump smiling the salve k the e con- - y or dis ;ensin machine located euupce of the work of the con- every other person conducting I g tra^tor as herein defined.) ilu business of ministering to on the premises, whether used For the purpose of this Or- sick and ailing human beings, or not, dinance ",fabcontractor" shall $12.00 per year. 50. ]FIVE, TEN, FIFTEEN, mean every contractor who un.- 43. DOG R.ENNELS: For TWENTY AND 'TWENTY- der a general contractor, or every dog kennel business FIVE CENT STORES: For ev- another subcontractor, takes where clogs are bred for sale, ery five, ten, fifteen, twenty part in the construction, alter- $12.00 per year. or twenty-five cent store, or ation, repair, addition to or store operating under similar improvement of any building, 14. DRUG STORE: For ev- plan, $48.00 per year. hinhwav, road, excavation or c'r=' drug store, $48.00 per year. 5 ]FLORIST: Pm every I ether structure, project, decc.l- florist t shop or store, or flower cnment or improvement, as 15. DRY GOODS: For every stand, selling cut flowers or above set forth, 324.00 per dry goods store, where less plants, $12.00 per year. year. than three paid clerks or help- " 52. FRUIT AND VEGETA- 7. CREAMERY: For every ers are employed at all. times during the term of the license, BLE WAGON: For selling crcalnery, $24.00 per year. $12.00 per year; where from fruit, melons or vegetables on 38. DAIRY: For every whole- three to not more than six the public streets or from wag- :•ale or retail daily or distribu- such clerks or helpers are em- ons or other vehicles, $50.00 for of milk and dairy products, Ployed at any time during the per year per wagon or vehicle.. from a wagon or other vehicle. terra of such license, $24.00 Each such wagon or vehicle $s12.00 per year for each such per year; where from six to shall have legibly posted con- wagon or vehicle, not more than ten such clerics spicuou:sly thereon, the City 221 license number thereof. where 10 or more such clerks 71. JEWELRY STORE OR 53. FRUIT AND VEGETA- or helpers are emploved at WATCH, CLOCK OR JEW- BLE STORE: For every fruit any time during the term there- ELRY REPAIR SHOP: For ev- or vegetable store where less of, $G0.00 per year. ery jewelry store, where the g stock of goods carried or sold than three paid clerks or help- 58. HARDWARE: For every at any time during the term ers are employed. at all times hardware store, $24.00 per of the license exceeds $1000.00 during the term of the license year, in value, $24.00 per year; all $12.00 per year; where from other jewelry stores and all three to not more than six 59. HARNESS, SADDLERY repairers of watches, clocks or I such clerks or helpers are em- OR TACK SHOP: For every jewelry, $12.00 per year. ployed at any time during the harness, saddlery or tack shop, term, $24.00 per year; where $24.00 per year. 72. JOB PRINTING: For ev- from six to nor more than ten cry job printing office or plant, such clerks or helpers are em_ G0. HAT STORE: For every $12.00 per year. ployed at any time during the hat store, $12.00 per year. _73. LABORATORY: For ev- term, $40.00 per year; and 61. HAT BLOCKING AND cry chemical or other labora- where ten or more such clerks CLEANING: For every hat tory, $12.00 per year. or helpers are employed at any bat blocking and cleaning busi- time during the term thereof, L 74. LAUNDRY A N D Hess, $ 00 per year. $60.00 per year. This shall CLEANING BUSINESS: For apply to fruit and vegetable 62. HEATING SALES AND a laundry or cleaning business stores operating in other mar- SERVICE: For carrying on the for laundering, washing, clean- kets where same are being business of heating sales or ing, dry cleaning, ironing or operated as separate units. service, $24.00 per year. pressing clothing, bedding or 54. FURNITURE STORE: 63. HEMSTITCHING AND any other fabrics or articles, For a furniture store business PhAITING: For every hem- which business is carried on at dealing in new or second hand stitching and plaiting busi- a fixed place of business with- goods or both, which business Hess, $8.00 per year. in the City of Palm Springs is conducted and carried on at and which fixed place of busi- a fixed place of business with- 64. IIORSESHOEING: For Hess is subject to ad valorem in the City of Palm Springs, every horseshoeing shop, $12.00 taxes of said City, as follows: and which fixed place of busi- per year. where not more than one per- ness is subject to ad valorem G5. HOTELS APART- son is engaged at any time taxes of said City, $24.00 per 11 E N T S COURTS AND during the term of the license, year. ROOMING HOUSES: For the $6.00 per year; where not more For dealing in furniture from than three persons are engaged a fixed lace of urniure roil:- business of renting or letting at any time during the term side the Cityplace and directly or rooms in any hotel, rooming of the license, $12.00 per year, I indirectly, individually or by house, boarding house, apart- and where more than three indirectly, representative,individual servant, ment house, court, or lodging persons are engaged at any ghouse, according to the Hum- time during the term of the employee, or otherwise con- her of rooms equipped for g ducting, carrying on or en- sleeping purposes which are license, $24.00 per year. gaging in the furniture busi- for rent or to be let, at the For every person operating Hess in the City or soliciting :ate of $1.00 per year for each or conducting a laundry or or accepting orders for the sale such room, .with a minimum cleaning plant or other place of furniture in the City, $48.OG charge of $12.00 per year for for laundering, washing, clean- per year. twelve such rooms or less. For ing, dry cleaning, ironing or 55. GASOLINE DELIVERY all dining rooms or restaurants pressing clothing, bedding or TANKS, ETC.: For the busi- in conjunction with any hotel, any other fabrics or articles, nes of delivery or selling ben- apartment house, outside the City, and who di- rectly rectl or indirectly,r individual- zinc, distillate, kerosene, gas- house, boarding house, lodging ly or by agent, representative, oline or any other petroleum house or court, $20.00 per year servant or otherwise, within products by means of tank additional, the City of Palm Springs so- wagons, tank trucks, or other 66. HOUSE FURNISH- licits or accepts orders for vehicles in the City of Palm INGS: (exclusive of furniture) laundering, washing, cleaning, Springs, $20.00 per year for For every store where house dry cleaning, ironing or press- each such tank wagon, tank fru•nishings, exclusive of fur- ing clothing, bedding or any truck or other vehicle. niture, are sold or kept for sale, other fabrics or other articles, 56. GIFT, ART OR CURIO $24.00 per year. or takes, secures, gathers or SHOP OR STORES: For every 67. HOUSE MOVER: For accumulates sane to be sent laun- gift, art or curio shop or store, the business of moving houses I which are sent plant said other $24.00 per year. and buildings, $12.00 per year. chv, cleaning plant or other 57. GROCERY STORE AND place outside the City for the 68. ICE MANUFACTURING purpose of laundering, wash- POULTRY, EGG AND BUT- AND DISTRIBUTING: For ing, cleaning, dry cleaning, TER MARKETS: For every every manufacturer and dis- ironing or pressing the same, I grocery store or poultry, egg tributor of ice, $40.00 per year. a license fee of $24.00 per or butter market where less For every distributor or ven- year, and an additional charge than three paid clerks or help- dor of ice, not a manufactur- of 812.00 per year for each ers are employed at all times er, $24.00 per year. motor vehicle used by said during the term of the license, person for the said business $12.00 per year; where from 69. ICE CREAM OR ICE+' Nvithin the City of Palm three to not more than six MILK: For every dealer in or Springs during the term of the clerks or helpers are employed manufacturer of ice cream or license. at anv time during the term, ice milk, $12.00 per year. $24.00 per year; where from 70. INVESTMENTS AND 75. LIVERY STABLE: For six to not more than ten such LOANS: For every investment, every livery stable, $12.00 per clerks or helpers are employ- loan or similar business, ex- year. ed at any time during the cept pawnbrokers, $24.00 per 76. LOCKSMITH: For con- term $40.00 per year; and year. ducting, carrying on or engag- ing in a key or lock repair Iv or indirectly, individually or 88. NURSERIES A N D business or shop, $12.00 uer by agent, representative, serv- GARDIENERS: For the busi- vear, provided that there first ant or an employee or other- ness of selling trees of any shall be procured from the wise, within the City of Palm kind, ornamental shrubbery, or Chief of Police and filed with Springs soliciting or accepting nursery stock, or conducting the City Clerk a certificate orders at retail for meat, fish, a gardening business, $12.00 that he has investigated and poultry or eggs at retail, $40.00 per year. determined that the issuance m per year. ruch license will not prejudice 8s PAINTERS: For the busi- the public peace, safety, morals E 0. 11dfR SERVICE: OR r theES- ness r painting houses or inter- or welfare. S�,NGE.R SERVICE: For the or structures, including inter- I business of furnishing messeng- for decorating, $12.00 per year. 77. LUMMBER OR LUMBER ear's or messengers service, q0. PAINT AND OIL DEAL- `rAR1 D: For conducting or car- %24.00 per year. ryin„a on a lumber business or ER: For every dealer in paints, lumber yard, which Cosiness '31. M.,EDICINE SHOW: For oils or painters' supplies, $24.00 or yard is conducted and car- the Cosiness of a medicine per year. icd at a fixed place of show, $100.00 per year or frac- ridon within the City of tics thereof. 91. IfAWNBROYX,31: For ev- business Springs, and which fixed For the purpose of this or- ery pawnbroker, $100.00 per Palm dinancc a "medicine sho place of business is subject to show" year. ad valorem taxes of said City, shall mean and include the us- 92. PEDDLERS: in Tr, of an music, noise, sound, $100.00 per year. y (a) DRUGS AND MEDI- animals, reptiles, lecture, en- CINIES: For any person ped- For conducting or carrying tertaincrient, operation or other on a lumber business or luur- like scheme or plan to attract dling; any drug or medicine, her yard from a fixed place Persons, and the selling or giv- or going from place to place of business outside the City ing away to any person any to place or house to house in of Palm Springs and directly drug, tonic or medicine, or the City of Palm Springs, or indirectly, individually or airy surgical or medical ap- and selling, distributing or by agent, representative, serv- pliance or instrument. giving away any drug or rant or employee or otherwise, A license under this section medicine, or any sample of conducting, carrying on or en- shall not be transferable, any drug or medicine- gaging in the business of sell- $300.00 per quarter or frac- ing limber or soliciting or ac- 82. MILLINERY STORE: tion thereof. cepting orders for the sale of 1"0r every .millinery store, (b) AGENTS: For every hunber in the City of Palm $12.00 per year. agent, canvasser, ]hawker or Springs, $150.00 per year, pro- 83. MOTOR VEHICLES: peddler or other person, oth- vided that such person shall Every person who conducts, er Chan a bona .fide sales- not use more than one motor manages or carries on the busi- man or solicitor for a B- vehicle for the said business ness of running, driving or op- censed merchant doing busi- I within the City of Palm era ting any automobile truck, ness in the City of Palm Springs, and for each acidi- or anv other motor vehicle used Springs, who is not other- tional motor vehicle used in for the transportation of goods, wise herein provided for, the City of Palm Springs, wares, merchandise, or tang- selling or offering for sale $25.00 per year. ible personal property for de- goods, wares or merchandise 78. MACHINES, it-fACHIN- livery to any place in the City in said City, by samples or ERY OP, PARTS: For the man- of Palm Springs from a stock otherwise, $300.00 per quar- ufacture of machines, machin- or source of supply outside the ter or fraction thereof. cry, or parts of machines or City (other than common car•- (c) GENERAL: For every machinery, $40.00 per year. riers), not otherwise provided erson carrying an the busi- for or specifically mentioned p v g 79. MEAT MAnXETS: For herein, shall pay an annual ness of peddling, either on every retail meat, fish, poultry license fee for each such mo- foot or by vehicle, of goods, or egg market at a fixed place for vehicle, as follows Fares or merchandise other of business within the City F each such or velvcle than these mentioned in anv m mot of Palm Springs and which used for the deliver of goods, other specific section in sub- fixed place of business is sub- wares, merchandise, or angi- division of this ordinance, feet to ad valorem taxes of b1e personal property,er intend- $300„00 per quarter or frac- said City as follows: where ed for redistribution or resale, tion thereof. less than three paid clerks or and actually redistributed or 93. PHOTOGRA;'HERS: For helpers are employed at all resold, $12.00 per year, and for every photography business or times during the term of the every other such motor ve.. camera. shop, $12.00 per year. Iicense, $12.00 per year; where hick, $48.00 per year. from th three to not more an 94. PLANING MILL: For six such clerks or helpers are 84. MUSIC DEALERS: For every planing and moulding emploved at any time during every dealer in music and mill, where both planing and the term, $24.60 per year; musical instruments, $12.00 per moulding are done, $24.00 per where from six to not more year; except that where pianos year. than ten paid clerks or helpers are carried or sold, the license 95. :PLUMBERS: For every are employed at anv time char- shall be $24.00 per year. plumbing business carried on ing the term, $40.00 per year: r at a fixed place of business in and where ten or more such 85. NEON SIGNS: For the the City of Palm Springs, clerks or helpers are employed manufacturing, selling, erect4 $24.00 per year. at anv time during the term, ing, dealing in, or servicing S60.00 per year. of neon or other tubular elee- 96. ]POP CORN AND PEA- For operating or conducting tric signs, $24.00 per year. NUTS: For every stand sell- a retail meat, fish, poultry or 86. NEWSPAPERS. For ev- rig pop corn and peanuts, e business and which does $8.00 per year. egg ery newspaper, $12.00 per year. not have a fixed place of busi- 97. RADIO STORE OR ness within the City of Palm 87. NEWS STAND: For ev- SERVICE: For every person Springs subject to ad valorem cry news stand or agency, $8.00 selling radios, or radio parts taxes of said City, and direct- per year. and equipment, or furnishing �2 radio repair or maintenance are employed at any time dur- 118. TRANSFER: For the service, $12.00 per year. ing the term of the license, business of transfer, freight- 93. READY-CUT BUILD- $12.00 per year; where from ing or draying with automo- INGS: For every person deal- three to not more than six bile trucks or vehicles, $10.00 ing in, selling or erecting ready- any timaid e clerks or helpers are at the her year oreach truck or ve- so used. cut or pre-fabricated wood term, $24.00 per year; where frame buildings, $100.00 per from six to not more than ten 119. UPHOLSTERER: For year. paid clerks or helpers are em- every upholsterer, $12.00 per 99. ROCK, SAND AND gloved during the term, $40.00 year. I GRAVEL: For every person per year; and where ten or 120. VETERINARIAN: For conducting, carrying on or en- more paid clerics or helpers are every veterinarian, $12.00 per gaging in a rock, sand or gray- employed during the term year•, cl business in the City of thereof, $60.00 per year. Palm Springs, or who either 121. WALL PAPER STORE: directly or indirectly, individ- 106. SILK STORE: For ev- For every wall paper store, ually or by agent, representa- ery silk store, w24.00 per year. $12.00 per year. tive, servant, employee or oth- 107. SODA WATER FAG 122. WAREHOUSE FOR erwise, conducts, carries on or TORY: For every soda water STORAGE: For the business engages in the business of sell- factory, $24.00 per year. of keeping a warehouse for the in,, rock, sand or gravel in storage of merchandise or the City of Palm Springs or 108. SOFT DRINKS: For ev- goods $24.00 per year. solicits or accepts orders for ery soft drink stand or place g p v the, sale of rock, sauce or gravel of business, or where fruit 123. WATER BOTTLER in the City of Palm Springs, juice, soda water, cider or soft AND DISTRIBUTOR: For ev- $100.00 per year. drinks are sold, $12.00 per ery water bottler or distribu- year. tor, using trucks or delivery 100. _SALESMAN (Itinerant): wavons for each such truck For every itinerant salesman 109. SPICES AND EX- or 1 , delivery wagon, $12.00 per or vendor, $300.00 per quay- TRACTS: For dealing in spices year. ier or fraction thereof. and extracts from a fixed place of business in the City of Palm 124. WEIGHING AND OTH- The term "itinerant sales- Springs, subject to ad valorem ER COIN OPERATED MA- man shall be construed to taxes of the City, $12.00 per CHINES: For every person mean and include all persons, year. owning, possessing or main- both principal and agent, who twining any weighing machines, go from house to house, or to 110. SPORTING GOODS- vending machines, or other only one house, or to any other For every sporting goods shop, devices, the operation or use of place in the City of Palm $12.00 per year. which is controlled by placing Springs, soliciting, either by 11.1. SUITCASES AND therein any coin or disc, for I samples or otherwise, the sale TRUNKS: For every suitcase each one or more machines or m of goods, wares or erchan and trunk store, have $12.00 per devices of similar type, na- e for firms which do not have an established place year,, hue and design which perform ace or the identical service or vend business in the City of Palm 112. TAILOR SHOP: For the same commodity, $10.00 Springs. every tailor shop, $12.00 per per year or fraction thereof. The provisions of this section year. This provision shall not be shall not apply to commercial 113. TEA AND COFFEE: construed to allow or provide travellers or selling_ agents, For dealing in tea or coffee for the use of any machine or selling goods, wares or mer- from a fixed place of business device prohibited by law. chandise to dealers, at whole- in the City of Palm Springs, 125. WIRE13 MUSIC AND sale, or to hotels or restau- $12.00 per year. PIIONOGRAPHS: For every rants, or to persons, firms, or 114. TELEGRAPH COM- person owning, possessing, corporations who use the pur PANIES For ever telegraph maintaining or operating a : chased goods, wares or mer- v g wired musics stem or hono- chandise in the making of :e company, $24.00 per year. graph by which music,sound product to be manufactured in 116. TOWEL DISTRIBU- or voice intended primarily for the City of Palm Springs. TOR: For the business of col- amusement purposes is dis- 101. S E C O N D-HAND lecting and distributing towels, tributed or reproduced over DEALER: For every dealer in linens or napkins to business wires from a central station to second-hand goods, wares or houses, offices or other places, outlets or with individual mech- merchandise not otherwise spe- $12.00 per year. auical phonographs, the op- cifically mentioned in this or- oration or use of which is con- dinance, $24.00 per year. 117. AUTOMOBILE TRAIL- trolled by placing therein any ER PARKS: For the business coin or disc, $12.00 per year 102. SEED STORE: For ev- of renting or letting parking for the central station, or first ery seed store, $12.00 per space for automobile hailers individual phonograph, plus hear. which are used for living quar- $5.00 per year for each outlet 103. SEWING MACHINES: tees or for housekeeping pur- or additional phonograph, in I For every sewing machine poses, or conducting an auto- addition to the license fees re- store, $12.00 per year. mobile trailer park or court quired by this ordinance for for such automobile trailers any other business, occupa- 104. SHEET METAL used for living quarters or for tion, show, exhibition or game WORKS: For every sheet met- housekeeping purposes, a li- that the same may be con- al or tin works, $12.00 per cense fee according to the ducted in conjunction with, year. number of trailer spaces for notwithstanding the nrovisions 105. SHOE STORE: For ev- rent or to let, as follows: of subdivision 127 (b) of Sec- At the rate of 50c per tion P of this ordinance. The Sec- ery dealer in )adios', gentle- p provisions of this subdivision men's or children's shoes and year for each such space, re not intended to apply to with a minimum charge of p y footwear, where less than $12.00 per year for twenty- public telephone systems. three paid clerks or helpers four such spaces or less. 126. WOOD YARDS: For a 224 fire-wood yard business or where labor is the chief ac- ATTEST: dealing in fire-wood, $12.00 tivity and where no stock ROBERT W. PETERSON, Per year. of goods is carried or sold. City Clerk of the City 127. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION Q: If any portion, of Palm Springs. PROVISIONS: section, subsection, sentence, 1, the undersigned, City Clerk (a) For every temporary clause or phrase of this ordi- of the City of Pahn Springs, place of business of any kind nance is for any reason held California, hereby certify that in the City of Palm Springs, to be invalid or unconstitution- the foregoing ordinance, being for the sale of goods, wares al by the decision of any court Ordinance No. 119 of the City or merchandise in said City, or competent jurisdiction, such of Palm Springs, was intro- n I ot otherwise herein provid- decision shall not affect the duced at a meeting of the City ed for, $100.0U per year. validity of the remaining por- Council. of said City held on tions of this ordinance. The the 12th day of August, 1942, (b) Every person carrying City Council hereby declares and was then read in full and on or conducting more than that it would have passed this was passed at an adjourned one business or occupation ordinance and each article, sec- regular meeting of said Coun- at the same place or stand. tion, subsection, sentence, cil held on the 25th day of upon which a license is in clause and phrase thereof, ir- August, 1942, by the following this ordinance imposed, shall respective of the fact that one vote: Pay a license only for the or more of the articles, sec- business or occupation upon tions, subsections, sentences, Ayes; Councilmen) Adams, which the highest license is clauses and phrases thereof be Connell, Boyd, and Mayor imposed, unless otherwise declared invalid or unconstitu- Shannon. herein designated. tional. Noes: None. Every person conducting or SECTION R; The City Clerk Absent: Council Cliffton, carrving on a business at is hereby ordered and directed Pershing and Sorum. more than one place, stand, to certify to the passage of I further certify that said building or lot, shall pay a this ordinance and to cause Ordinance was thereupon sign- the same to be published once ed by E. V. Shannon, Mayor separate license for each of such places. p of the City of Palm Springs, (c) GENERAL: For each in The Palm Springs Limelight, and attested by Robert W. Pet- ard every other business_ a newspaper of general circu- eison, City Clerk of said City. trade or occupation, carried lation, printed, published and Witness my hand and the hoer circulated in the City of Palm seal of said City this 25th day on at a fixed place of other- Springs. This ordinance shall of August, 1942. ness in said City, not usi wise srnecifically mentioned be in full force and effect thirty days aster passage. (CITY SEAL) or covered in this ordinance, 124.00 per year, where a E. V. SHANNON, ROBERT W. PETERSON, stock of goods is carried or Mayor of the City of City Clerk of the City of I sold, and $12.00 per year Palm Springs. Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and cerificate were published August 28, 1942 in the Palm Springs Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, California I 120 208 3- 2•-49 1 344 Amending Secs. 2, 3, and 5 Repealing .Sea . 8 225 CA UXNANCE NO, 120 er for the protection of the quire or will be promoted or ohDiNANCE OF THE public peace, health, safety and best served by any such ac- CiTI O[ PALM SIRINGS general welfare, and may re- tion. kiLGi7LATING THE BUSS- quire submission to him of ad- SECTION 10: Any person NESS OF PHOTOGRAPHY ditional information by the ap- violating any of the provisions IN PUBLIC PLACES. plicant as may be necessary to of this ordinance shall be guil- 'Jhe City Council of the City such investigation. ty of a misdemeanor, and upon of Pa1u1 Springs does ordain SECTION 5: The Chief of conviction thereof shall be as follows: Police shall issue no permit punishable by a fine of not SECTION 1: it shall be un- under this ordinance unless and more than Three Hundred lawful for any person, firm or until he determines that the ($300.00) Dollars, or by im- Eu;poration to conduct or car- conduct of the business as prisonment in the Riverside r:y on the business of taking sought will comport with and County Jail for a period of not I lmotographs of persons upon the not prejudice or work to the more than three (3) months, or •,ti-cets or sidewalks or at parks disadvantage or injury or harm by both such fine and impris- Lirtl other public places within of the public peace, safety, onment. Such person shall be [ric City, including restaurants, mah, health or welfare of the deemed guilty of a separate uafcs and places of entertain- rite, its residents, or other per- offense for every day during unless by authority of cons within the City. The any portion of which any vio- a written permit from the Chief 01irf of Police in acting upon lation of any provisions of this of Police of the City of Palm ouch application may consider ordinance is committed, con- Spring, first had and obtained any and all facts and evidene, timied or permitted by such pursuant to this ordinance• pertinent, relevant or material person, and shall be punishable This ordinance shall not apply with respect thereto. Each per- therefor as provided by this to photography shops and stud- nit issued shall expire thirty ordinance. ios conducted at a fixed and (30) days from its issuance. SECTIONT It: The City private place of business which SECTION 6: The issuance Clerk is hereby ordered and is not a restaurant, cafe or of a permit shall not be deem- directed to certify to the pass- place of entertainment cd to permit any violation of age of this ordinance and to SECTION 2: Permits may be law or ordinance or rule pre- cause the same to be publish- issued by the Chief of Police scribed pursuant to Section 7 cd once in The Palm Springs upon the written application hereof. Limelight, a newspaper of gen- of any person for himself or SECTION 7; 'Tire Chief of eml circulation, printed, pub- cn behalf of any other person, Police may enact rules and lisped and circulated in the fire or corporation, and pay- regulations as may be neces- City of Palm Springs. This or- ment of the required chargr.:. sax} in ttre interest of the pub- din ance shall be in full force Every such written application shall be filed with the Chief ac peace, safety, morals, health and effect thirty days after of Police and at the time of and welfare governing the con- passage. I there shall be paid the duct of such business within P. V. SIIANNON, gum of 1�ive Dollars ($5.00) to tze City, which shall govern Mayor of the City of defray the expense of lnvesti_ and apply to all pernittees un- Palm Springs. ration. der this ordinance. Such rules ATTEST: SFCI'ION a: Every such snail be filed in the office of ROBERT W. PETERSON. written application for a per- the Police Department and City Cleric of the 1-it +Al set fourth the fnl_ ;hall be available to inspection City of Palm Springs. 'owing rpfarn:atioh„ by the public. I, the undersigned, City (a) The name, age and res- SECTION 8: No person Clerk of the City of Palm idcnee of [he applicant or shall conduct, manage, carry Springs, California, hereby cer- applicants. If any applicant on, allow or participate in the tify that the foregoing ordi- be a firm, association cor- said business of photographing nance, being Ordinance No. poration or club, then also persons as described in Section 120 of the City of Palm the names and residences of 1 at any of the public places Springs, was introduced at a the partners, officers, direr- therein referred to between the meeting of the City Council of tors and managers. The hours of 9:00 o'clock P. M. said City held on the 2nd day names, ages and residence; and 2:00 o'clock A. M. of September, 1942, and was of all employees who will be SECTION 9: Upon public Then read in full and was pass- in charge of said work, hearing held by him upon ed at an adjourned regular (b) The places or loca- written notice personally sere- meeting of said Council held tions for which the pennit ed, twenty-four hours prior or on the ID11 day of September, is desired, and at which the mailed to permittee's address 1942, by tic following vote: photographs will be taken, Forty-eight hours prior, the Ayes: Councilmen Adams, also the dates and times at Chief of Police may revoke or Connell, Boyd, Sorum and which they will be taken• suspend any permit issued Mayor Shannon. (e) Such other information hereunder because of anything Noes: None. in respect to the character done or omitted by the per- Absent: Councilmen Cliff.- and east and proposed ac- mittee or its agents or employ- [on and Pershing. tivity of the applicant, as ces contrary to the provisions I further certify that said may be neecessary or desir- of any applicable State law Ordinance was thereupon sign- able to enable the Chief of or this or any other ordinance ed by F. V. Shannon, Mayor Police to make a full and of the City or any of the rules of the City of Palm Springs, complete investigation, prescribed by the Chief of Po- and attested by Robert W. I The Chief of Police shall act lice pursuant to Section 6 of Peterson, City Clerk of said Ripon all applications filed this ordinance. The said Chief City. with him not later than ten of Police upon such hearing Witness my hand and the [lays after the date on which may likewise revoke or su- seal of said City this 16th day the application is filed. mond any permit hereunder of September, 1942. SECTION 4: Upon the filing when the public peace, safety, (CITY SEAL) of each application the Chief morals, health or welfare of ROBERT W. PETERSON. of Police shall make such in- the City, its residents, or oth- City Clerk of the City of vestigation as he deems prop- cr persons within the City re- Palm Springs, California. I herebv certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate wore published September 18, 1iiA2 in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper f general cir ulation, printed, hnblished and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. f f g Chty Clerk of Pahn Springs. California 226 ORDINANCE NO. 1.21 wail: or public park within the ty days after passage. AN ORDINANCE OF THE City during the period between F. V. SHANNON, CITY OF PALM SPRINGS the hours above mentioned, ]Mayor of the City of PROHIBITING CHILDREN unaccompanied by a parent, Palm Springs. FROM LOITERING, WAN- guardian or other adult per- ATTEST: DURING OR BEING A- son having the legal custody ROBERT W. PETERSON, BOUT THE PUBLIC and control of such minor, on- City Clerk of the STREETS, SIDEWALKS, less there exists a genuine ne- City of Palm Springs. ALLEYS AND PUBLIC cessity therefor. I, the undersigned, City Clerk PARKS DURING THE. SECTION 3: Any person of the City of Palm Springs, NIGHT, California, hereby certify that The City Council of the City violating any of the provisions the foregoing ordinance, being of Palm Springs c= this ordinance shall be. Ordinance No. 121 of the City p y does ordain gn lty of a misdemeanor, and y I ae follows; of Palm Springs, was :introduc- bf? p conviction thereof shall ed at a. meeting of the City SECTen to I: ve person un- be punishable by a fine of not Council of said City held on der seventeen years of ago more than Three Hundred the 2nd day of September, shall remain, loiter or wando-r ($300.00) Dollars, or by im- 1942, and was then read in full on or about the public streets, prisonment in the Riverside and was passed at an adjourn- tidcwalks or public parks with- County jail for a period of ed regular meeting of said in the City between the hours not more than three (3) t Council held on he ]lGth clay of nine o'clock in the evening months, or by both such fine of September, by the fol- lowing six o'clock the following and imprisonment. Such per- lowing vote: morning, unless such minor son shall be deemed guilty of Ayes: Councilmen Adams, child (a) is accompanied by n a separate offense for ever), Connell, Boyd, Sormn, and parent, guardian or other adult clay rduring any portion of Mayor Shannon. person having the legal con- which any violation of any Noes: None. irol and custody of such child, provisions of this ordinance is Absent: Councilmen Cliffton (b) is in performance of an er- committed, continued or per- and Pershing. rand or duty directed by such mitted by such person, and I further certify that said parent or guardian, or (c) is shall be punishable therefor as Ordinance was thereupon sign- engaged in an employment provided by this ordinance. ed by F. V. Shannon, Mayor which makes it necessary for SECTION 4: The City Clerk of the ('ity of Pa Springs, such child to be on or about is hereby ordered and directed and attested by Robert W. the streets, sidewalks or pub- to certify to the passage of Peterson, City Clerk of said lic parks between said hours• this ordinance and to cause City. SECTION 2: No parent, the same to be published once Witness my hand and the guardian or other person hav- in The Palm Springs Limelight, seal of said City this 16th dar ing the legal rare, custody or a newspaper of general eircu- of September, 1942. control of a child under the lation, printed, published and (CITY SEAL) age of seventeen years shall circulated in the City of Palm ROBIERT W. PET'ERSON, allow such child to go or be Springs. This ordinance shall City Clerk of the City of upon or about any street, side- be in full force and effect thin' palm Springs, California. I I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published September 18, 1942 in the Pahn Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. �� n City Clerk of Palm Springs; California I 234 6-6-511 369 Amending Ord. #121 122 180 8-12-47 1 307 Repealing Orel . We. 122 227 OIf-IINANCE NO. 122 copying a premises and liv- culated in the City of Palm AN ORDINANCE OF TIIE in., separately from other Springs. This ordinance shall be CITY OF PALM SPRINGS occupants of the same preen- effective thirty days after pas- AMENDING SECTIONS y es. sage. AND 16 (b)-(4) AND RE- Front" The definition of "Yard, CITY OF PALM SPRINGS PEALING' SECTION 16 (b)- anent" therein contained is a Municipal corporation, z OF ORDINANCE NO. :r "A mended to read as follows: By F. V. Shannon, Mayor. 75 "A yard extending flail ATTEST: 7v Oh 'I'I-TE CITI. that portion of a lot which `,'it, inia R. O'Brien, The City Council of the Citv abuts a street measured be- Acting City Clerk. f Palen Springs does ordain as tween the street line or linen of the lot and anv building.' I, the undersigned, Acting SECTION 1: Section 2 of (f) The definition of "Yard, City Clerk of the City of Palm 0,rdinance No. 75 of the City of Side" therein contained is Spring,, California, hereby eer- Palm Springs, oeing the Palm amended to read as follows: tilt/ that the foregoing Orelnn- P+prings Land Use Ordinance, "A yard between the side ante, being Ordinance No. 122 adopted December 13th, 1939,- line of the: lot and the near- of the City of Palm Springs, is hereby amended as follows: est building and extending was introduced at a meeting of (a) T h e definition o 1 from the inner front yard the City Council of Said City "Building' therein contained line." held on the I6th day of Sep- is amended to read as follows: SECTION 2: Section 16 of tember, 1942, and was read in "Any structure as herein said Ordinance No. 75 is here- Bill, and was passed at a regu- de!ined." by amended to read as follows far meeting of said Council (b) The definition o f (a) Paragraph (b)-(4) there- held on the 7th day of October, "Dwelling, Two Family" of is amended to read: 1942 by the following vote: therein contained is amended -A private garage not ex- Ayes: Councilman Cliffton, to read as follows: ceeding one story in height Adams, Connell, Boyd, Sorum"A. detached building con. and detached from any oth- and Mayor Shannon. taining not more than two cr building by a distance of does: None. kitchens, designed or used "D at least five feet may occupy Absent: Councilman Persh- house two families." that portion of a side or reap in'". vard within a distance equal I further certify that said ord- (c) T h e definition o f to 2-3 of the inner width of inanec was thereupon signed "Dwelling YARJC.ple Family" such side or rear vard." by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of the there in contained is amend- (h) Sub-paragraph (b)-5 of Citv of Palm Springs, and at- ed to read as follows: -aid section 16 is hereby re- tested by Virginia R. O'Brien, "A building or portion pealed. Acting City Clerk of said Citv. . thereof, not: more than one SECTION 3: The City Clerk Witness my band and the stony in height designed or is berebv ordered and directed seal of said City this 9th day of used to house. three or more to certify to the passage of this October, 1942. farnihes. ordinance and to cause the (CITY SEAL) (d) The definition of "Fare- r:ame to be published once in Virginia R. O'Brien, I il} ' there-in untanned is The Palm Springs Limelight. a Acting City Cleric of the amended to read as follow.: newspaper of general circula- City of Palm Springs, "One or more persons oc- [ion printed, published and eir- California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published October 9, 1042 in the Pahn Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. Cit.)Clerk of Palm Springs, California ORDINANCE NO. 123 nation, Incorporation and Gov- the instrue_c:__ality of the Palen AN ORDINANCE OF THE eminent of Municipal Corpora- Springs Chamber of Commerce CITY OF PALM SPRINGS tions" approved March 18, 1883 according to the contract or I P P F' O P RIATING TILE (Statutes of ISS3, page 93). and agreement which shall be made SUM OF TWO THOUSAND leaving determined that the with that organization by the, DOLLAP,S ($2,000.00) FOB public interest, necessity and City of Palm Springs for that USE IRl PROMOTION, AD- convenience so require, and purpose, whereby it shall und- VERTISING AND PUBLi- that Pile amount hereinafter ap- ertake to carry on such prince- CITY FOUR SAID CITY propriated is within the limits tional, advertising and publi- DrJITINC 'THE CU RBENT fixed by law, there is hereby city activities and services on I FISCAL YEAR, appropriated from the general behalf of the City of Palm The City Council of the C4ty fund of the City of Palm Springs during the current £is- of Palm Springs does ordain as Springs the sum of Two Thous- cal year ending June 30, 1943, ioliows: and Dollars ($2000.00) for use as the City Council may re- SECTION 1: The City Coon- during the current fiscal year in quire of it, and to use its fa- il cif the City of Palm Springs, providing a fund to be expend- cilities and its special know- havvr?.; jurisdiction, power avd rd for promotion, publicity and ledge and experience, and shall ulliorite for that purpose, pm- advertising for the City of act as an administrative agent ^nrarrt to and in compliance with Palm Springs. to perform die mechanical ancT an act of the Legislature of the SECTION 2: Said fund shall ministerial functions of appb Sasits of C;lirornia entitled "Aii be disbursed on claims and de- hug and expanding said funds in Act Autfnerzing Municipal Cor- rnands presented, audited and furtherance of the objects for noratielns to Expend Money for Paid as in the case of all other which they are appropriated, by A Jdwifis�inl or Publicity Pill-- claims against the City of Palm rendering the following sorvicc;; 1xires" (Siabilres of 1927, page Springs, and in the manner during the current fiscal veal: 7tl4). and Section 862.23 of "An provided by lain and ordinance, (a) To maintain suitable 1\c4 to Prcvidr- for the Organ;_ and shall be expended through quarter: and facilities in the 228 �.rty ui Uahn Springs and cm- duties as may be required of by, and shall also be depend- >,of cornpetenu parsoima to the Chamber by the City ent upon the availability of p7opeiay carry on tine aet;vi- Council in order to promote funds for said purposes dur- ��n and Servrce,s licrein onuur- the further development of mg the fiscal year. C sateen. the City as a. high class win- SECTION 4: The City Cleric ,u) 'fo promptly and caic- ter resort and residential is hereby ordered and directed LI?,y answer at, cominumcn- area. to certify to the passage of this efons nand inquiries relative to SEMION S. All payments to ordinance nand to canoe the :ne, iesuit, scenic, climatic: and said Chamber of Commerce same to be published once in residential advanlagcs and at- lronn the fund hereby appropri- The Palm Springs Limelight- inactions of the City of Pa!;), sled shall be subject to the fol- News a n e w s p ap e r of ,`,prin,gs, facilities for ac-como- bnrirrg conditions: general circulation, printed, uaiion of visitors_ and tic (a) M1 payments shall be published and circulated in the vanous .recreational and sport- nude ripen a claim or demand City of Palen Springs. This iu,r, events here, and to wstri- presented, audited and paid as ordinance shall be effcctive- huta intormation in regard in the case of all other claims thirty (30) days after passage. llccrciu by cenrespondeucc_ against the• City of Palm F. V. SIIANNON, p uNicity through tide pies.,, Springs. and in the manner Mayor of the City o1 �_i:d paeisenal contacts favor- provided by law, and ordin- Palm Springs. :illy proinoting, publicizing ante. ATTEST: Feud advertising sauce. !h) The. Chamber shall, oi� VIRGINIA R. O'BRIEN, (c) To prepare and distrib- or before the first day of Tune Acting City Clerk of the ate to the press and public of this fiscal year, submit to City of Pahn Springs. caticles, news stories, photo- the City Council a report de- _— graphs, literature, and scion- scribing its activities for the I, the undersigned, City tific and historical informa- preceding months, and partic' Clerk of the City of Palm tion and advertising, promo- ❑larly setting forth the ser- Spring, California, hereby cer- €ional and publicity matter vices referred to in the pre- tify that the foregoing crelin- deseriptive of the City and riding Section which have ance, being Ordinance No. 123 its attractions and advant- b��Lcn rendered and which are of the City of Palm Springs, aces, and to develop and crntemrlated by it. and no was introduced at a meeting of inalce proper surveys where- navinents shall be made to thE, the City Council of said Citv Try desirable outside persons Charnher of Commerce until lichl on the 21st day of Octo- may be induced to visit and the repnrts required in this bee, 1942, and was then read reside in the City. harasranh are so filed. in .uIl and was pas::ed at an (d) To aid in promotincr pe) The Chamber of Com- adjourned teaular meeting of borne building programs and r ^rc• shall receive navment Lacjo Council held on the itln he desirable development rlt• fir, the rxnrn s ritual- day of November, 1942, by the nerd beneficial use of uncle- I•• raid out or incurred by it fellowirn, vote: rsmicd and vacant properties;. in on[ the duties re' Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, (e) To promote and imri'r l of it a, sp-cifir-d in Adams_ Housman, Boyd, and desirable, classes of trade. S^rt;rn 2 horror. and shall not Mayor Shannon. professional a,n d business rcorive anv compensation for Noes: None. meetings and conventions r,v;oe: of its own officers or I ,rherobv additional persoTrs IM111011pell in carrying out Absent: Councilmen Connell rnav visit and become ac rr,^b requirements. anal Sarver. fmointrd with the Cityof r Tt,- 7 further certifp that said �rl _ within anrn-onriatinY' Ordinance was thereunon sit;n- Palm Springs. of f...ids by the Cite for e,: A by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of (f) To study the needs of n-nditnres and services con- the City of Palm Sprinns and ilrr community ,Is to rniblic temnlatrd hereunder shall nor attested Try 'Virginia R. O'Brien, irnnrovemrnts of evens- char- rrrate anv fixed nr binding Acting City Clerk of said City. actrr and to prepare data. nhliRations anon the Cihr to Witness my hand and the. attend conferencrr. and Iry nay same to the Chamber of Beal of said City this Gth day of 011e1v Droner method aid in Commr-rcr. but such Davrnrnl NTovember, 1942. seonrinfy and in rr2nlating °'hr11 he drnendent anon th,, and nlanniny surf i*nnrove_ f;linv of nroner claims and ("TY SEAL) ments so as to benefit the rrnortr: rvidenrtny the c=r- VIRGINTA R. O'BRIEN. C;h, virp-,a rrnrlpri-d and exnrnrli- Acting Citv Clork of the City (n) To Barry on such other ivres n2adr as mgnirerl here rr F^her Springs, California. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published November C. l!i42 in die Pahn Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Stnrin s. ) ', 'Ci"'t-Jerk of Palm Springs; California I 121E 288 11-30--56 2 98 LiendLn j�� ORI)iNANCk. NO, 124 vided; if all members of the written notice, as above pro- AN OBIJINANCE Ol' THE,' bo:rrcr shall give their consent the immediate preservation of 4,r i x t.st, I1ALA4 SPRINGS in writing to the holcling w the public peace, health and n,,t'illst-.iMJANG A Yu.iiL1C such meeting and such consent safety within the meaning of xxk•rw1'ii CLNTEIt A_ND is oil rite with the board at Section 861 of "An Act to Pro- VELOv1DING 1 Ott ITS the time of holding such meet vide for the Organization, Itr- ,viAhAGll.r+'IEN'I AND Oe- mg. A telegraphic communica- corporation and Government of AU-LXTION. tion from a member consent- Municipal Corporations," ap- t ue laity Council of the City urg to the holding of a meet- proved March 18th, 1833, of Patin .Springs does ordain a, ing shall be deemed to be a (Statutes 1883, page 93 as tol,ows: consent in writing within thi amended), and shall be effec- :a,. ION .1: The public in.- '-,caning of the terms as ex- tive immediately. A statement wresi, xecessity, convenience pressed in the foregoing sell- of the facts constituting such ' ano general tvelrare of the City cc''ic'e• Three members of the necessity is as follows: o� l'auo Springs require a pun- board shall constitute a quorum The active season at Palm Inn health center in the laity for the transaction of business. Springs is now commencing 't h;cetore there is hereby estuU_ The board shall appoint one of and the active operation of uslii.d and there shall hereafter its number as Chairman, who the Health Center herein re- M: n-abuaiued in and for the shall serve for one year and ferred to is required for the City of Palm Springs a public until a successor is appointed, public health without delay health center, which shall not and in the Chairmans absence and without awaiting the he nor constitute a municipal shall select a Chairman pro passage of time this ordin- hospital. Said public health tern, The board shall cause a ante othenvise would require center shall be known as 'City proper record of its proceedings before becoming effective. of Palm Springs Health Center,' to be kept. SECTION 8: The City Clerk and shall be located in quar- SECTION 4: The Board of is hereby ordered and directed teas provided by the City Trustees of the Health Center to certify to the passage of this Council for that purpose at No, shall have the following power ordinance and to cause the 299 .East Amado Road in the and authority: same to be published once in City of Pahn Springs. (a) To make and enforce all the Palm Springs Limelight- SECTION 2: Said health c:en- rules, regulations and by-laws News, a newspaper of general ter shall be managed by a for the admistration, govern- circulation, printed, published r,oard of Health Center Tilts- ment and protection of the and circulated in the City of tees consisting of sit members health center and all property Palm Springs. in all, serving without compen- belonging thereto, which do not F. V. SHANNON "alior,. Five of the board niem- conflict with those which may Mayor of the City of $tors shall be appointed by ill,, be prescribed by the County Palm Springs City Council. When reasonabl., of Riverside or State of Cali- ATTEST: possible such trustees shall b+• forma under agreements for VIRGINIA R. O'BRIEN appointed from what is now the their participation in adminis- Acting City Clerk of the City Welfare and Friendly Aid Sec- tration of the Health Clinic. of Palm Springs lima of the Palm Springs (b) To prescribe the duties of 1, the undersigned; Actim,s I itflornan's Club. The, Riversidly such officers and employees of City Clerk of the Cih of Palm County He,'rlth Officer o• his the health center as may be ap- Spriugs, California, hereby cei- rlesignitted deputy shall ex-of- pointed by the Councif. Lily that the foregoing ordin- ficio constitute thesixth mein- (c) To arrange with thy-• encr,, being Ordinance No. ].24 her of the board. Said Trnstecc County of Riverside, the State of the City of Palm Springs. appointed by the City Gouncii of California and other public was introduced at a meeting of shall severally hold office er bodies for their assistance and the City Council of said City fhre;n years. The members of yarticipation in the operation held on the 4th day of Novenf- the board first appointed shall and maintenance of the health bet, 1942, and was then read so classify themselves by lot c.little. in full and was passed at all that one of their number shall fro out of office at the end if SECTION 5: The Board of adjourned regular meeting of the, current fiscal year, live at Trustees as soon as reasonably said Council held on the 1Sth the end of one year thereafter, possible after June 30th of each clay of November, 1942, by the and the other two at the end vetu, turd whenever requested following vote: of two Years thereafter. Vactrn_ by the Council; shall make a re- Ayes: Councilmen Adams. Ties shall be filled by appoint- poet to the City Council show- Connell] Housman, Boyd, Sor- ment for the unexpired term in 'rng the operations and condi- om, and `"-or Shannon. the same manner. tion of the health clinic for the Noes: None. SECTIONS: The said Board period then ended. Absent: Councilman Bacon of Trustees of the Health Ceu- SECTION 6: All. necessary, I.. Cliffton, let shall meet at least once a expenses incurred by the Board I further certify that said Month at such times and places of Health Center Trustees in Ordinance was thereupon mithin the Ciiy as they mav c'artyin4 out the provisions of signed by F. V. Shannon, fiw by resolution. Special meet- this ordinance which are cbarc*- Mayor of the City of Paler iTigs may be called nt anv t,imr os against the City shall be Springs, and attested by Vir- hv three trustees by written Pail as other expenditures liv 2inia R. O'Brien, Acting Cit uoticc, snn.ed upon each mem. the Council. Any indebtedness Clerk of said Citv. her at least throe hours befo, chargeable to the City shall b� Witness my hand and the the time snecified for the pro- incurred by the Board of seal of said City this 19th daiz I eased meeting. Any meeiol Health Center Trustees only of November, 1942. rrtintE of the Board of Heulth upon Council authorization. (CITY SEAL.) C refer' Trp feels shall be a va,l- SECTION 7: This ordinance VIRGINIA R. UBRIEN irlh, crolrd snecial mectinv, is hereby declared to be art Acting City Clerk of the City +riihout the giving of such unr cncy measure necessary for of Palm Springs, California f ireroby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published November 20, i 342 in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, f:ublisbed and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. Ci i Clerk of Palm Springs; Califonria. ` 230 (MI)INANCh NO. 125 :,ewers, such person, firm or drivewaysalso shall be kept AI CIYIF.D115�ANC;E Ol' Tlit: corporation shall make applica- opened. (311 Or' PA1LM SPRINGS tiou and obtain .a permit is SECTION S: When repair RhGULATLNG EXCAYA- writing from the Superintend- or alterations to existing pipes 11ON5 AND CONnTIIUG r nt of Streets, not less than or conduits have been made, 'PION IN FUBLIU 6Tt1EE'I', twenty-tour (24) hours in ad- or when new construction work AND THOROUGHFARES, vance of opening said streets, has been finished, notification ETC. thoroughfares or public places. in writing shall be given to the f lee City (;owleil of the City in case of aeoideut or eraser- Superintendent of Streets. For 01 Patin Sprints does ordain as gency, written notice shall be a period of forty-eigbt (40") follows: •riven to the Superintendent of hours after such written notifi- S'LCI'ION 1: It shall he uu- `streets within twenty-four (24) cation has been received by ' Jawiut for ally person, firm or hour; after any such opening. the Superintendent of Strects dc•i'poialion to lay dawn pipe:: SECTION 4: Any such per- the person who has made the I or conduits in the public streets, sou, titan or corporation shall excavation must maintain prop- tiwronghtares or other public give notice to the Superintend- cr barricades and lights and as- putcrs of the City of Pah:r crux, of Streets of the location snmc fill] responsibility for all Spri igs, or to open oy tear ill) "t ally opening in a public excavations. After receiving ^:rr rcachvay. street or thor- street, thoroughfare or other written notification, as afore- vilghlare therein, deep( under pohlic place made for the per- said, the Superintendent of the direction of the Superior- Pcctiut**, within twenty--four Streets shall[ backfill all trench- ndkrrit of Streets of the Cii}' (2'1; hours after opening, ex- cs and resurface the same.. and in accordance .ra}f the mptinn when same becomes a SECTION 9: The Superin- niles and regulations adopter( hart of other openings for tendent of Streets shall make by the City Council. which permits previously have 1rit in duplicate a bill for the r c been granted, cost of retrenchingand. resur- LCT a It shall be n poI m'e of what is termed "pros- luw}ul }oorr any person, firm o or facing each excavation and corporation to make an opening SECTION 5: (a) In the aF- shall deliver one copy thereof ill any public street, thorough- plication for a permit to make to the City Clerk and one copy fare or other public place of openings in public ,streets, thor- to the person who has made the City until they shall have oughfares or other public- such excavation. I£ such. per- deposited with the Superintend- places the location shall be de- ,it does not pay to the Super- cnt of Streets a sum equal to scribed by giving the name of intendint alf Streets the amount (a) Fifty (.50) cents per square the street and the number of of said bill within tlurty (301 root of surface of said excava the building opposite each days, it shall be the drity of tions to be made in the streets, "pulling, or between two the Superintendent of Streets 1horou.0htares, or other public opposite given numbers, in to charge the cost of said stork places which are paved with rase there are no n u m- ;e ainst any deposits then in the concrete asphaltum, bituminous hers, by giving the distance City Treasury or that may rock, or other hand surface pav- from such openings to the theeafter come into the Cit^ ing substance of pernianera Prnperty line at the nearesL T,, ,zory hrinnginfi to the err. character; and (b) A sum equal street crossing', and in all other •rr i required by this ordinance; to Twenty-five (25) cents per cases by accurate identification. to Mike such deposits. If the I square, foot of surface of said (h) The application shall in- work has been done by virtue excavations to be trade in :such elude presentation of a plat of a general deposit and said streets, thoroughfares or other in duplicate showing the loca- depositor is debtor to fire city public places which are mac- tion of such proposed excava- for work theretofore performed, adarnized, oiled, paved with tion and the dimensions there- the depositor shall thereafter desert mix or unimproved. No of, tmd such other details as the , not be pernaitted to make exca- deposit shall be less than Tweu-, soper'intendent of Streets may vations in streets until he shall ty ($20.00) Dollars. Any person, regnfre to be shown upon such have deposited the amount re- i'irm or corporation intending; to plat; provided, that the filing quired to restore said general make excavations in public if plats shall not be required deposit to the sum of Two streets, thoroughfares Or other when excavations are made for Hundred (8200,00) Dollars. The public places- may make and service connections, or for the balance of any special deposit maintain a general deposit with location of trouble in conduits may be withdrawn by the de- tic City in the sure of Two nr pipes or for making repairs posftor after the Superintend Hundred ($200,00) Dollars, in thereto. rnt of Streets has delivered to lawful money of the United SECTION 6: In the case of the cl l anv bills for the cost States, for the purposes herein- all main or service trenches, a of work &L Lr; -able against said after indicated, and while such v,ritten notification that vorl, special deposit, including; any t encral deposit is maintained at has commenced shall be given work then in progress. the stun of Two Ilimdred fo the Superintendent of Street: SECTION 10: Within fifteen (8200.00) Dollars, such person, on.the day that work is be.gim. (15) days after a depositor has firm or corporation shall not SECTION '7: No trench sht,ll received notice in writing of be. required to make the special be opened in any graded street the cost of any work charge- deposits hercinbefore in this m thoroughfare for the purposo able against a deposit, such dn- para_*,rani provided fro'., but: of laying pipes or conduits positor may file with the City shall be rcquircd to obtain iv,i- more than six hundred (600) Clerk a protest in writing ad- mits as herinafter provided. feet in advance of };ripe or eon dressed to the City 'council, Phe Superintendent of Street: duit p➢itced therein, except in stating briefly any objections to on receiving such general of cases of emergency or by writ- the action of the Superintend- special deposit, as herein re- ten consent of the Superintend. ent of Streets in makiiiarepairs, qiaried, shall open an accouri cast of Streets, All excayatcd dotug any work under the pro- _ for the .same in the manner and material shall be piled alone; visions of this ordinance or in fr.rin prescribed by the City the; trench leaving clear the drawing 111)011 any deposit. The. Treasurer, area at least one (1)foot on each Clerk shall refer such protest SECTION 3: Whenever, anv side thereef, The surface ina- in the City Council at its next person, firm or corporation de- terial shall be piled on one side rggnlar meeting, whereupon the r;res to open the public streets of the trench and the sub-soil City Council shall fix a time t}imorwhfares or other' uublic on the other side of the french, for the hearing of such pro- nlaces for the purpose of plat- When a crossing street inter- test. At such meeting, or at trig ilrerein main or lateral sects the excavation a driveway any subsequent mectina to pipes or conduits, or utilities for vehicles shall at all times which said hearing shall be equipment other than lateral he maintained. ,All prival^ postponed, the City Council 231. p.ucecd to liar such pro- tice has .been given, the Supur- uurp or 'set of maps. r aoEc stiiyu r.ucrxe ::uui 0,cdL-r nitcndent of Streets may do thu SECTION 16: Tlie provisions as it shail cietmwork at the expense of said do- of this ordinance shall not ap- ;, rrs tinqucnt person, firm or cot- ply to excavations made for n;na..xa :iuut be_tu;al arut con- poratum alter giving .the said main or lateral sewers, either parson, firm or corporation under the provisions of a cmi- lON 11: Nothing; in f'i,l i-u,nty 011i: (24) hours nasal no- tract entered into by the Su- oadivance- shall be construed to tire, and that the cost of said perintendent' of Streets under e'licve any person, firm or work may be deducted from the authority of any street im- ceiporation herein referred to ally deposit made by said per- paovement act.of the State of iron liability for accident or son, firm or corporation, or California, or under the provi- llaurages caused by failure re- may be collected by suit, or sions of a contract made by the (cn(:d to from liability for ae.- otherwise. City, where the specifications . ' eident or damages caused by SECTION 13: When any for said work provide for re- tailure or neglect to properly public service corporation is trenching or resurfacing by the guard, light or protect any permitted by said Superintend- contractor. openings in public streets, thin'- east of Streets under the provi- SECTION 17: Any person, nuglifares in other public lions of this ordinance to do its firm or corporation violating places for a period of forty- .own retrenching and resurface anv of, the provisions of this (48) hours alter the Su- . ing an inspector shall be em- ordinance shall be deemed guil- peflittendent of Streets shall ployed by the City upon said ty of a misdemeanor and upon have received written notifica- work and,the cost of such in- conviction thereof-shall be pun- . Pion of the completion of werl:, speetion at not to exceed Seven 'ished by a fine of not more. . SECTION 12: Anything in (S7.00) Dollars per day, shall than Tfiee Hundred ($300.00) this ordinance to the contrary he a proper charge against Dollars or by imprisonment'in notwithstanding,. . authority is said public service corporation the Riverside County Jail, not hereby granteS to;the Superiu and said sums shall be paid to exceeding three (3) months, or. tcndent of Streets; to permit it to the City on demand, and by both such fine and imprison- anv public service corporation in default of such payment ment. to do the retrenching or resur- may be. deducted from any de.- SECTION 18: The City facing of any excavations made posit of such public service, Cleric is hereby ordered and di- by if, provided that such pub- corporation in the City Treas- rected to certify to the passago lie service'corporation has con- ury, of this ordinance.and to cause , piled with the provisions of SECTION 14: No pipe car- the same to be published once 11riG section and at all times ruing water or gas shall be in the Palm Springs Limelight- maintairs in the City Treasury laid less than thirty (30) inches News, a newspaper of general a general deposit of not less below the official grade of any„ circulation,- printed, published than Two Hundred ($200'XV, streets, except by permit of the and circulated in the City of Dollars as idemnity against any City Council. Paler Springs. This ordinance - (lalnages that it may cause to SECTION 15: Every public shall be in full force and effect the public streets of the Citv service corporation maintaining thirty clays after passage. by virtue of any excavations pipes, conduits or otber,egiiip- E. V. SHANNON I :o made by it. Such general meat in the, streets of the.Cih' Mayor of the City of deposit must be tnainhiined at shall file with the City Couu- Palm Springs said sum of Two IIundred cil during the month of Tanuary ATTEST: ($200.00) Dollars for a period of each vear, a man (blue line \7IRCINIA R. O'BRIEN " 0f not Tess than two (2) vear, print o❑ cloth) indicating' the _ Acting City Clerk of the City after completion of all excava- ,dze and location of each pipe of Palm Springs tions and resurfacing made by or conduit owned and main- I, the undersigned, Acting . such public service corporation. rained by such public service' Citv Clerk of the City of Palm Before anv public service cor- corporation in the streets of the Springs, California, hereby cer- poration shall be allowed by City. After said public serdir_c. tifv that the foregoing ordin- said Superinlcrident of Streets corporation has in the first in- ance,.being Ordinance No. 125 to do its own retrenching or re- stance filed such map, it may of the City of Palm Springs, surfacing it shall make and file thereafter in lieu of filing a was introduced,at a meeting of with the City a written assui'- new map each year revise the the City Council of said City amce that it will refill all map on file so as to show held on the 4th day of Novem- trenches to the satisfaction of changes and extensions. ber, 1942, and was .then read r the, Superintendent of Streets Whenever any In conduit, in full and was passed at an - and aril] resurface the same to duct, tunnel or other equip- adjourned r rulaf meeting of ` as good condition as before ment or structure located under raid Council held on the 18th .: snid excnvntion vns• made and the surface of .any public day of November, 1942, by the with similar materials. and that street, thoroughfare or other following vote: - if at any time within a period public place, or the use thereof, Aves: Councilmen Adams, ? of two (2) }ears the pavement is abandoned, theperson, firer Connell, Housman, Boyd, Sor- - or surface of the streets over or eornoration owning, using, um and Mayor Shannon. said opening shall become de, controlling or having an interest Noes: None. pressed or broken, natural wear in the same, shall within thirty Absent: Councilman Bacon L.of the sin'facc or improper (30) days after such abandon- Cliffton. work of sonic other person, went, file in the office of the I further certify that said fine or corporation excepted, Superintendent of Streets a map Ordinance was thereupon I the person, firm or corporation giving in detail the location of signed by P. 1 . Shannon, for whom the street was opened the pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel Mavor of the City of Palm will upon written notice from or other equipment or sh'uc- Springs, and attested by Vir- She Superintendent of Streets hue so abandoned. Each map "[�iuia R. O'Brien, Acting City immediately proceed to repair or set of maps filed pursuant to Clerk of said City. :end restore said pavement in a the provisions of this section Witness my hand and the proper and workmanlike man- shall show in detail the loca- seal of said City. this 19tb day uer to the .satisfaction of the tion of all such pipes, conduits, of November, 1942. Superintondent of Streets. And ducts, trmnels or other equip= (CITY SEAL.) in case said pavement is not ment or structures abandoned VIRGINIA R. O'BRIEN, vompletely' restored within by such person subsequent to Actinn- City. Clerk of the City ihidV (•`3o) days after such no- [lie filing of the last preceding of Palm Springs, California I hereby Certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published November 20, 4942 in the Pahn Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, p.nNishrd and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. „ a ,, .,_-t, ti - (fG GLn1 Cidyr-Clerk of Palm Springs, California 232 ORIAINA_NCE NO. 120 City with knowledge fliat such News, a newspaper of general AN OBDINANCE OF THE ioom or, apartment is to be circulation, printed, published CrrY OF VALM SPBINGS osc:l For the purpose of sexual and circulated in the City of PROMB1TING DISORDEB- intercourse between persons Palm Springs. This ordinance L Y CONDUCT. who are not married to each shall be in full force and effect The City Council of the City other, thirh, days after passage. (if Balm Springs does.ordain as SUCTfON 5: No driver of 1F. V. SHANNON follows; any taxicab or other vehicle Mayor of the City of SLCTION 1: No parson tit used to transport persons for Palm Springs �,ny tfn'ie within this City shill hire. sliall permit any person to ATTEST: solncit auy other person to have occupy or use such vehicle for VIRGINIA R. O'BRIEN, S(;Mc 1, intercourse with am' the pmpose of prostitution or Acting City Clerk of the City petwo of the opposite sex to lewdness. nor shall such driver of Palm Springs, California who=n tile, person solicited is direct, take or transport any 1, the undersigned, Acting I riot married. person to any building or place, City Clerk of the City of Pahn SECTION 2: No person shall or to any other person,. with Spring, California, hereby eer- w copy or resmi to any public knowledge or reasonable cause tify that the foregoing ordi- park; any of the buildings to believe that the purpose of nonce, being Ordinance No. P11clei ), or to any room, roorn- such direction, taking or trans- 126 of the City of Pa1?n in- house, lodgingh resi- porting is lewdness or prostitu- Springs, was introduced at a ouse, lion. meeting of the City Council of dc:rucc r building ent house, hotel SECTION G: Any person vie- .said City held on the 4th da or other inaikling within tile, p�. �' }' Cibi with a person to whom la, latinr., any cif the provisions or of November, 1942, and was m' she is not married, eitha this ordinance shall be guilty then read in full and was for the purpose of having .se%_ of a misclemeanor, and upon passed at an adjourned regular iia,l intercourse or any other im- conviction thereof shall be pun- meeting of said Council held n:lnral Purpose, fishable by a fine of not more on the 18th day of November, than Three Hundred ($300.00) 1942, by the following vote: SECTION 3: No person Dollars; or by, imprisonment in Ayes: Councilmen Adams. within the City shall cause, She Riverside County Jail for a Connell, Housman, Boyd. Sor- procure, induce, persuade, in- period of not more ,than three nee and Mayor Shannon. vite, sug'gcst or cncorirzgc any other prison to patronize a a (3) Months, or by both such fine Noes: None. prostitute house patronize prost and imprisonment. Such person Absent: Councilman Bacon L. duct an- shall be deemed guilty of a Cliffton. hrtion or direct or con other to a prostitute place separate offense for every day I further certify that said Or- where prostitutes may be hired during any portion of which dinance was thereupon signed or obtained. 'fro person within soy violation of any provisions by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of e City shall take, or offer cr o, this ordinance is committed, the City of Palm Sprinaas, and the to take another person to anv ]see with knowledge continued or permitted by such attested by Virginia R. 0'13rien- Person, and shall be punishable Acting City Clerk of said City. p therefor as provided in this or- Witness my hand and the. reasonable cause to believe that dinance. seal of said City this 19th day such taking, offering or agree- f;ECTTON 7: The City Clerk of November, 1942. I ing to take the other is for the is hereby ordered and directed WITY SEAL.) pmpose of prostitution, or other to certify to the passage of this VIRCTN'fA R. O'BRIEN, immoral purpose. ordinance and to cause the Acting City Clerk of the City SECTION 4: No person shall same to be published once in of Palm Springs, California rent, or allow the use of any- The Palm Springs Limelight- worn or apartment within the I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance,, and certificate were published November 20, 1942 in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, ptiblished and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. Ciry,Clerk of Palm Springs. Califinrnia ORDINANCE NO, 127 Lions furnished, to inscribe his thirty days after passage. AN ORIANANCE OF THE name and address in such reg- F. V. SHANNONr, CITY OF PALM SPRINGS i.ster kept for that purpose as Mayor of the Cily of BcEQUIRING REGISTRA- hereinbefore provided, and Palm Springs TION IN HOTELS AND shall set opposite said name the U-TEST: IiEPE/WNG ORDINANCE time when said name was so VIRGINIA R. O'BRIEN, NO. I7. inscribed, and also the room oc- Acting City Clerk of the City T1 is City Council of the City cupied by such lodger, roomer of Palm Springs, California of Paint Springs sloes ordain as or guest. I, the undersigned, Acting Wows: SECTION 3: Every person City Clerk of the City of Pahn SEC'1'IC)?u 1: Every owner, engaging or to whom there is Springs, California, hereby cer- keeper or proprietor of any Furnished any room or accom- tify that the foregoing ordin- urelging house;, rooming house modations at a lodging house; ance, being Ordinance No. 121 _ ' or notel shall keep a register rooming house or hotel shall of the City of Palm Springs, whet-Cin lie shall require all first sign the register and give was introduced at a meeting of guests, rummers or lodgers to the information as provided in the City Council of said City lriscribe their names and ad- the preceding sections. held on the 4th day of NOVem- dresses upon their procuring SECTION 4: No person re- ber, 1942, and was then read indgjng or a room or accom- ]erred to in the preceding Sec- in full and was passed at an rraodaiions. Said register shall tion three shall write or allow adjourned regular meeting of also show the clay of the month to lie written any other than his said Council held on the 18th and year when said name was true name and address upon clay of November, 1942, by the Inscribed„ and the room oc- such registration, nor shall in%, following vote: copied or to be occupied by person write thereon other than Aves: Councilmen Adams; said lodger, or roomer or guest the true name and address of Connell, Housman, Boyd, Sor- in such lodging house, rooming; any other guest upon such .refs- um and Mayor Shannon. house or hotel. Said register istration. Noes: None. shall at all times be open to SECTION 5: Ordinance No. -Absent: Crnmcilman Bacon inspection by the Chief of Po- 17 of the City of Palm Springs L. Cliffton. liee or any regular policeman adopted August 3rd, 1938, is I further certify that said Or- off the City of Palm Springs. hereby repealed. dinance was thereupon signed SECTION 2: Before furnish- SECTION 6: The City Clerk by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of the ing any lodging for hire to any i.s hereby ordered and directed Citv of Palm Springs, and at- perscm in any lodging house, to cortify to the passage of this tested by Virginia R. O'Brien, or before renting any room to ordnance and to cause the Acting City Clerk of said City. any person in any rooming, ordi to be published once in Witness my hand and the house, or before furnishing any the Palm Springs Limelight- Seal November, said City this 19th day accommodations to any guest News, a newspaper of general of November, 1942. at any bole], the proprietor, circulation, printed, published (CITY SEAL.) rnarmgc:r or owner thereof, shall and circulated in the Citv of VIRGINIA R. O'BRIEN require the person to whom palm Springs. This ordinance Acting City Clerk of the City such lodging mrs are furnished, or shall be in full force and effect °f Palm Springs, California. Iroom is rented, or aeconoda- I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were published November 20, 1942 in the Palm Springs Limelight-News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printeif published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. Clerk of Palm Springs, California 234 ORDINANCE NO. 128 (c) To prepare and issue an lice for all parts of the Defense AN ORDINANCE OF THE administrative manual supple- Council, assist in the registra- CITY OF PALM SPRINGS meriting the provisions of this tion of persons for defense CREATING AND PROVID- ordinance, defining procedures work of all kinds, cooperate 1NG FOR ADMINISTRA- to be followed and powers and Nelda governmental agencies in TION OF A LOCAL DE- duties to be exercised by the making ].tans for defense hTain- P'ENSE ORGANIZATION. officers and members of the im, of skilled workers and ofh- The City Council of the City Council, its director. Commit- rr persons engaged in defense of Palnt Springs does ordain a,; tees. services and corps. work requiring special training, 1o11ows: (d) To enforce the lawful :md analyze and report to the SECTION 1. The Palm orders, and comply with the re Defense Council on all proflcis Springs Defense Council, with quests and recommendations of of assistance from private pet- its Director,Committees; Corps the Federal and State govern- eons and organizations. No re- nd offices herein referred to ,fs means and the officers and cruitinent of volunteer porsou- I hereby created as a department agencies thereof, when specif:- nel for any branch of the De. ,,f: yin the City government. calls requested to do so. lense Council ,shall be niade ex- SECTION 2. The Defense (e.) To prepare. recommend cept tbrough the Ernploymend Council shall include the May- and Transmit to the City Cot)- Off lee. or, who shall be es-officio oil a budget for the expend:- Defense Corps. whicL :Malt Chairman of the Council, the tare of moneys appropriated or consist of the head or Coni- City Manager who shall be ex- made available try the City. by mander. his staff, and Clue fol- officio Secretary of the Crain- private sources or by the State lowing services: cil, the Director of Defense or Federal governments for Low Emergency fire service; em- hereinafter provided for in See- of the objects or purposes of ergrncy police service; air raid tion S, who shall be ex-officio the Defense Council. warden service; salvage, service; a member of the Council, and (f) The heads of the pernnz- emerg.ncy medical servic not less than five nor more than nent committees, corps and ot- emergency public works ser- eight other local officials and fives of the Defense Council vice, and emergency utilities, citizens who shall be. appoint- shall be. designated by the service, including rcpreserrta- ed by the Mayor with the ap- Chairman of the: Council from tines of all essential public util- proval of the City Council. among the appointive member, ity services. The Director shall SECTION S. The appointivvc flirreof. ]Members of permanent arrange and hold poriodic drills members of the Defense Court- committees other that: the re- find such other tests of the o cil shall each serve for a term spective heads, shall be. ap- lectiveness of the, Defense of one year and until their sne- pointed by the Chairman of the Corps as may be necessary to censors _are appointed and qual- 1)f cerise Council and need not assure its effective pedormancc ified. ho members of the Defense under einergeacies. SECTIUNTT 4. The Director of -Council. Executive: Service C o r p Defense. hereinafter provided (g) Except as to the powers •,vhich shall consist of its head for in Section ° shall art as <.;ranted in Section 6 (b) hereof. :rid the transportation, con- Vice-Chairman, and shall pro- the Defense Council mav_ dole- rumor interest and block lead- side at all meetinfrs of said Dr,- gate any of its functions to the. ers divisions. ,(,rise Council in the absence of Chairman of the Defense Coun- ri special unit of the neigh I the Chairman. The Secretar'v- ril, flee Director of Defense, or boyhood and block leaders shall finder the direction of the^ the Commander of ilia Dafcnsc he attached to the staff of the Chairman, shall coordinate the Corps, head of this corps. Council's activities, keep its re- SECTION 7. (a) The follow- •The Director of Defense, cords, conduct its correspond- ing permanent corps, offices hereinafter provided for in I'Itc once and perform such other and committees of the Defense following section, may from duties as the Council ,nay from Council are hereby created: time to time rearrange and re time to time require. Protection Planning Commit- o.ssign the duties of the said SECTION 5. Special meet- tee, which shall consider de- permanent corps, officers and ings of the Defense Council fense matters relating to the committees, as may be neces- may be called at any time bi public safely, the protection of nary to their efficient operation. the Chairman, or by the Vicc- civil liberties and the mainten- SECTION 8. (a) Thp Defense Chairman in his absence. upon once of law and order, inclnd- Connell shall appoint a quadi- notice given to each member ail ing dlye preparation of a dinar. fied person, who need not be :e least our hour before the time ter preparedness plan; this con- member of the Council, as tlhc specified for the prenosed mittee also shall consider ac liirrctoi of Defcnae, who O(Lip meeting. A majority of the ivitics designed to contribute hold office if the pleasure of membersbin of the Council dh-ectly to the social. plivsiral the Council. In the event tl,r shall constitute a quonnn, and and economic well-being of the Director of Defense is not eh any action taken at a special individual and the family, thc;r ready a member of the De- meeting at which a mnnum ir, protection ham want and pro- fens(, Council the ex-officio present shall be Nafld, rrganl- traction ;against unv,-arrantecd :hall he a nnember upon hi:a ap- loss of wbeibrr the nentintil is ri,!• in prices. nninh'ncnt as such Dirrclo, regularly called or notice daly d}r a u- rrvia, Committee 7'f' Dirrrtor under the super- dven, ac"k,11 shall ronsidcr nrovisinns vi�inn cF the Drknse Council, SECTION C. Thu Defense !nr defense housing. bailclin.*r,- (,hall hive exccuLivo direct.+nr. Conne:l is hereby empowered. and =TruetureF, works for water of all commiftev,, nl'fir-s an (a) To jmtiate, morclinate supphr and transportation, hi?l2- r•o,�,s of the Council, runnels. ;rid direct, except as othenvise ways, airports and other tr;ar,s- t1w Planning Protection Conn provided by this ordinance, ail rortition facilities: shall sei...• unittre, the War Services Com activities and scnices mado n^- ;Jl ro,ul iitrrs of Die Cnuv^;l mittee, the Dnfrnse, Corns. 0W r•nstxary by the state of wql- as a piMinnn ilnropnh which to Frnplovufaer-t Off_ and the which directly affect The City irifm® tun public of defense fie, fsrralivo Service Corns, rofrrr government or which require fiviii^n. rlrvolon plans for the cd in Section 7 of this nrcdin- organized connnunity action. rise of newrpaner,, radin, and once. (b) To prepare and recom- Hher meant of public infrnnma- (h) To case of enemy atlarl; m.^-nd for consideration by thr t;on, and attract and sustain n* curing a period of air raid City Council, all rules, rmula- filUNI iutrrrsT znd participa- :-larm, and until such time as tines and ordinances wilt if, tion in rlefrnrr work. il,r rn^rrgrrow crratorl lherrl,, s:noet to matters deemed esscn- Emolcviuent Offier- which hall he declared ended eitl- r dial to the war effort. shall serve as the recmitin-1 of- by the Director or by IL( 235 Chairman of the Defense Coon- Council, airy authorize the corporation and Government of cif, the Director of Defense chief of any such service or a Municipal Corporations," ap- shall have complete executive representative designated by proved March 18th, 1883, (Sta- audiority over the city govern- him to participate in such a tutes 1883, page 93 as amend- ment, assuming during such plan and report to such a con- cd), and -shall be effective inr- period the authority of the City trol center. nrediately. A statement of the Manager. He shall exercise ail (t) The Director, in accord- taus constituting such necess- police power vested in the City ance with the provisions of ity is as follows: by the Constitution and the UmpLer 323, Statutes of 1941, This ordinance fs requir- iaws of the State of California, or otuer statutes authorizin- ed for. civilian protection including power to issue and joint exercise of powers, 1m and because of the, existing enforce rules, regulations and hereby empowered to negotiate state of war its provisions orders which he determines to mutual aid agreements with the must be effective without I be, necessary for the protection appropriate oifciers of other delay. of life and property. Whenever governmental agencies within a SECTION 12; The Citv Clerk the Director or the Chairman reasonable distance of this cily: is hereby ordered and directed nail declare the emergency to He shall submit such proposed to certify to the passage of this be ended„ the rules, regulations agreements to the Defense ordinance and to cause the and orders issued by the Direc- Council for its approval and ,ome to be published ance iu for for the period, of the emer- thereafter to the City Court- the Palm Springs Lirnelight- gency shall be of no further cil for final_ action and execu- News, a newspaper of general force or effect. Lion. Aid shall be given and re- cirerdadon, printed, published (c) The Director shall es- c:eived on behalf of the City in and circulated in the City of tablish at some safe and en- accordance with the terms of Paln Springs. closed place in this City a con ,uch agreements and may be F. V. SHANNON. trol center, which shall be used given or requested only when tvlayor of the Citv of Paim in times of emergency as the authorized by the Director. Springs. center from which the Defense (g) The Director shall e�- gTTL'ST: Corps shall be directed and co- offrcio be the Property Of- Virginia R. O'Brien. ordinated. The Director shall Herr of the Defense Council. Aching City Clerk of the Cite designate the persons and crews He is authorized to receive, ar.- of Palm Springs. rvho shall be present in the count for, and distribute, in ac- control center, during times of cordance with the orders of th,� 1, the undersigned, Acting emergency and drills. No other Defense Council and the terms City Clerk of the City person shall be permitted to of any agreement executed by of Palm Springs, Califor- enter the control centers during the, City Council, any personal nia, h c r eb y certify that times of emergency, unless property which has been or the foregoing ordinance, being corder authority of the Direc- may hereafter be given or Ordinanec No. 128 of the CRv for. ]maned to the City for the pro- o1 Palm Springs, was introduc- (d) The Director and the lrction of persons or property ed at a meeting of the City respective heads of the per- agaiint air raids and other war Council of said City held on mancnt committees, corps and hazards. the I6fl1 day of December, offices, with the approval of (It) The Director shall per- 1942, and was read in full and I the Defense Council, shall da- corn such other duties and was passed at an adjourned signate deputies to take their have such other autboritics as rroidar meeting of said Coun.- places, exercise their power, may be delegated to Trim by the 01 held on the 30th day of De.- and perform their duties in Defense Council, (ember, 1942, by the followine, the event they are absent, be- SECTION 9. No person rote: come incapacitated, or other- shall receive any compensation Aves: Councilmen Cliffton. vise unable to act. The Direr- from the City for his services Adorns. Housman- Boyd and for shall staff, equip and oiler- or duties contemplated by this Afi' 'or Shanuon. ate the control center as nearly ordinance, unless such compen_ Noes: None, in accordance with the reeorn- cation be expressly mrovided for Absent. Councilman Connell. mendations of the Federal Di- by ilre Citv Council. 1 further certify that said rector of Civilian Defense as SECTION ip: Ordinance No Ordinance was thereunon sign- local conditions warrant. I II of The City of Palm Springs. ^rl by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of (e) In the event this Citv is adopted December 171h, 1941, thr City of Palnr Smril s- and included in ant, plan for the is herebv reiraaled. -,tTr^tad by Virginia R. O'Brien. Operation of a control center SECTION D: This ordinaner Artinq Citv Clerk of said Cay. over a Iargcr area within whirl is hereby declared to be an 1�Jitnrcr, my hand and seal of this City is included, which irt�encv measure neee.ssary for ',!"l City. this 31st clay of Re- plan calls for ale presence Fie in--ediate pre%^rvaiion of I ^tuber-. 1942. therein of a representative of the rnrblie nrace, health and (C17 Y SEAL) any of the Frnerirency Servir,_, dofv within the rneaoin<r of Virginia B. O'Brien or this Citv, th- Director, Vyilrr cz—Hrn 8Rl of "An Art to Pm- Aeti,.r Citv Clerk of tlr- City the approval of the Defcn�, vid^ fnr tbo Orr-,nni7ation_ fo- of Palm SPrin¢a_ f",nlifm-nia 1 hereby certify that the fnreooinn ordinmrer and cortificate ry rr published 'December 81. I 19,12 in the 1'alm Springs Limelight-News. a weekh- newspaper of general circulation, nrintrd nublirhed suer circulated in ,the City of Palm Spric,g�;, yl Ciiv(61�erk of Palm Springs. California. 236 1 ukiDINANCE NO. 1.29 shall execute a surety bond in the provisions of this ordinance; AN OfWINANC.L OF TI3E the sum of One Thousand Dol- and said Illumine Officer and CITY OF PALM SPRINGS lags ($1,000.00)'payable to th,i his assisl-ants are hereby given iiLiGULATING THE "EP- City, conditioned upon th(; the power and authority, and iNG OF FOWLS A 4D,AN1- faithful performance of his da- it is Hereby declared to be their MALE WITHIN ME CITY, ties. duty to go upon any such un- AUTHOBIGING A PUBLIC. It shall be the duty of the cuclosed lots or lands for the POUND AND CREATING Humane Officer and his assist- purpose of taking up and im- THE POSITION OIL HU- ants to operate and care for the pounding any animal found MANE OFFICER. City pound, to enforce the pro- funning at large thereon, or The City Council of the City visions of this ordinance and to staked, herded In grazed therc- Palm Springs does ordain as perform all duties imposed up- on, contrary to thn proyi;ionz follows: on him by the laws of the State of this ordinance. SECTION 1: TITLE, APPLI- of California, ordinances of the 1ary person finding at any I CATION AND DEFINITIONS. City of Paler Springs and reso- time in .said City any stray do this ordinance shall be lutions of the City Council of mestic animal, or any such ani- known as the `Palm Springs this City, oral found running, at kiige con 11unane Ordinance,' and it The Humane Officer shall re.- trary to the provisions of this shall be sufficient to refer to ccive such compensation as ordinance, may take i o and said ordinance as such in any .nay from time to time be au- hold the same, p-ovidod, hove prosecution for violation of any thorized by the City Council of ever, that such person so tak- provisions thereof or otherwise. this City, and he shall furnish ing up such animal .sliill, with- It shall also be sufficient to a.ncl maintain his own equip- iu four hours after taking up designate any ordinance adding ;Went, including necessary mo- such animal, give notice to the: to, amending or repealing said for vehicles. Huninno'' Officer or to coiur po- Palm Springs humane Ordi- Sections S: POWERS OF IIU- lice officer of *aid City- of thf• mince or any part thereof as an MANE OFFICER. Fact that he has such animal in addition or amendment to, or In the perferinance of his du his possession and shall fuunish repeal of, the Palm Springs Hot- tics as such, the humane O.- therewith a descripton of such mane Ordinance:' ficcr, and each of his assistauis, anirsial and a statement of ill- The provisions of this ordi shall have, and is hereby in- place where, Ire found and nance shall apply to all terii vested with, the power and au- %vliore lee has confined Ili?, tory within the City of Palm I!ie;ity of a police; officer of tame. Springs, hereinafter called the this City; but shall not he In caec such notice is given "City." It shall be the duty of dermcd to be a member of the to any police officer, such of. the flumans Officer and his i,olice Department. ficcr sliall immediately notif; assistants to enforce all the pro- Section d: PUBLIC POUND. the. Humane Officer, Iurnish- visions of this ordinance, and it The public pound shall bo in,, thereto all tho information shall be unlawful for anyone In 1,opt open for the transaction of which h. has obtained. interfere with said Humane Of- bnsnees during, such hours as if the taking ❑p of such ani- ficer and his assistants in duo shall be designated by the Cihv n,al occurs at a time when such performance of his ditties. C;niuicil Crom time to time. A l;nblic pound is not open foi Unless another meaning is notice showing the hours in the transaction of business, rho clearly apparent from the con.- which the pound is open shall notice Herein required ;hall ba tent, the—following words when lie kept posted upon Ili- en- m rt made to the Police Depament. used in this ordinance shall trance to the pound. Any ;person taking tip any have the meanings in this Sec- Section 5: RECORDS. such .'stray domestic animal or Lion set forth: The lidumane Officer shall ;ilimals found running at larg•^ "DOG: Any dog of any agu, keep a record of each animal s'nall surrender such animal to ifieluding female as well as impounded by him, cr anv of the Humane Officer eipon de- male. his assistants, which record wand. "UNLICENSED DOG." Arr} shall show the (late of receipt 11 shall be unlawful for any dog for which the City license of such animal, the date and nerson taking ❑p any such ani- for the current year has not ,.•anner of its disposal, and if mal to fail or nege'cl to (site item paid, or- to which the tau{ :,,deemed, reclaimed or sold, notice thereof as required Ire provided for in this ordinance the name of the norson by this section, or to fail or refov is not attached. whom redeemed, reclaimed or to :surrender such animal In "ANjIMAL." Any animal or purchased, the address of such r-aid Humane Officer. fowl. and amounts of all fees Section 7: DISPOSI'l"toN On, `TFUMANE OFFICER.` The icceived or collected fof or be- IMPOUNDED .AtNTMALS. EIumane Officer_ of the City nP tango, of the rupomiciing, re- Any n.niiral or fond foui,d Palm Springs; also his deputie•; claiming of pnrcha,ine ilwreof. (tinning at large- or othciti(i— and assistants. leg,flier with tlic number of contrary to the provisions n, "HEALTH OFFICER." I'll,, anv tau;, the (late of anv Iieen.c� This ordinance. ,hall be taken Mialth Officer of the City of (xhihited or issued upon the re up kind impounded by tar Hie Pahn Springs, also his depuac: ;lemption or sale of any such Irani, Officer of this Citv. find assistants. nin:a). When any tutimal or fowl is SECTION 2: POUND ANi) 0: tMPOlfND1Nf_: to impounded, the flninant Of- HUMANE OFFICER. OF 4_TRAi AMMAT.S. ficcr shall immediatefa nolZv A public pound is hereby au- It shall I- the duty of Iho the owucrthercnfhyrcgi;;tend thorized and its location shall H titiane Officer of this Citv- marl return recoint requested, if he determined and Csta.blishcd and of hie a^sistants- to l:akc nm i:nmvii- to him: if not so known Iry the City Council from lime nd Impound in the nnbL^ in him lie, shall ensl a notice in to time. "'nod of ^aid City r:nv animal,, ;i cnnsnicnous nlaoe fit the cvt- The position of Humanc Offic found rnnninp; at lai e is or trance of the Citv llali. Sail of is hereby created, and said mine anv nublio hio'hw;ly, unlices shall cnntnin e d�srril;- Officer and any deputies and as- irret, l:me, alley- park or pith- Lion of the .said and,al oi- fowl sistants that mrry hereafter b- lh educe- or noon anv incnclos- imrinund,-d andshall set froth coiliorized shall be appointed d lnt or land, or fmind staked flit, Fart Hnat unless it is re- iiv resohition of the City Corn- im+ h(-I&CI or +,-azr,l upon n7w Maimed it will he ,sold at nub oil. nublio strer-t, 12ne, allev or oth- he auction to the hiehott bi'l- Before enteringupon the die- e, rrnil-,tic ulacc- (IT found stsle-I der lit n tune and place to �l chara,e of the duties of his )n- ent noon any vnencloseel lnt 01- iroified in saifl notice. i*rb�•-li sition, the flnnrane Officer land in a mannrr contrary to tin;c shall not N; lets than " ,• S- 242 373 Amending Ord. 129 Sec. 6 256 2-4-53 1 382 Amending Ord. 129 Sec. 2 (5) days, nor more than ten (10) calves, per head, 25 Cents; Cty Council. clays from the posting thereol, Ducks, geese and domestic Section 13: UNNECES- and if said animals or fowl are fowl, per head, 5 Cents; SARY NOISE. not reclaimed before the expira- For posting any notice of sale, It .is hereby declared to be ation of the time specked in 50 Cents, a nuisance and it shall be un- said notice, the Humane Offi- Section II: BURYING laws_ful_ to keep, maintain- or cer shall proceed to sell the DEAD ANIMALS. permit on any premises with- same at the time and place, It shall be the duty of all in this City any animals or and In the manner, specified in persons having dead animals or fowls which by any sound or said notice; provided, that aii Jowl upon their premises, or cry shall disturb- .the pears, animals and fowl so taken into who shall be the owners or pos- and comfort of any neighbor- the custody of the Humane Ui- sessors of any dead animals or (rood, or interfere with any per- fiecr which, by reason of age fowl within this City, to bury son in the reasonable or Win- or disease or other infirmity, the same at least four (4) feet fellable enjoyment of life or are unfit for further use, or underground, except cats, dogs, property. dangerous to be kept impound- or fowl, which shall be buried Section 14: SANITARY eci, shall be destroyed by him, at least two (2) feet under- KEEPING OF ANIMALS. as soon thereafter as is convent- ground, either upon the preen- It shall be unlawful for any ently possible, and in case of ices of such owner, or upon the person in this City to keep any such destruction of such ani- premises where such dead ani- cow, horse, cattle, goat, swine oral or fowl, the Humane Of- orals or fowl is found, or in the or other animal, or any fowl, in ficer shall be not be required city burial place for dead ani- such manner as may injuriously to give the aforesaid notice. orals, or to have such dead ani- affect the health of any neigh- No impounded animal or coals or fowl incinerated, either borheecl, or anv person, or to fowl shall be sold, given away under private contract or by keep the same in any yard, sta- o' disposed of for any experi- the City pound, within twenty- ble, pen or place which is not mental or laboratory purposes. four (24) hours after the same at all times kept clean and free Any animal or fowl impound- shall die; and upon the request from stagnant water and all ed and not redeemed or sold of any owner or possessor of filthy and unhealthful condi- within the time and in the man- any dead animal or fowl, it tions. ner specified in this ordinance, shall be the duty of the IIu- Section 15: DOG LICENSES. shall be killed by the Humane mane Officer to proceed forth- Anv person owning or having Officer in a humane manner. with to dispose of the same, custody or control of one or Section 8: REDEMPTION for which he shall collect and more clogs within this City OF IMPOUNDED ANIMALS. receive from the owner or pos- shall pay for the privilege of The owner or person entitled sessor of such dead animal or keeping same within his cus- to the custody of any animal fowl the following fees: iedy and control, a license tas taken up and impounded under For disposing of horses, of One and 50-100 Dollars the provisions of this ordinance, bulls, oxen and cows, each (;I.M) for each male dog or may at any time before the sale $5.00; shaved female clog over the age or disposal thereof, as herein For disposing of jacks, mules, of three (3) months, and Two provided, redeem such animal steers and colts, each $4.00; and 50-100 Dollars ($2.50) for hv, paying to such Humane Of- For disposing of bogs, sheep, each female not spaved and ficer the fees, charges, and in goats and calves, each $3.00; over the age of three (3) the case of dogs, the licenses For disposing of ducks, geese, months. Such license lax.shall b= prescribed by this ordinance and domestic fowl, each $.50; paid annually to the City Clerk accruing up to the time of such For disposing of dogs or cats, of this Citv, and shall be due redemption. each, $1.00. and, payable in advance on llic Section 0: CARE OF ANI- If any person fails or neglects first day of ,Jul}- of each year, MALS BY HUMANE OFFI- to bury any dead animal or and shall expire on the thirtieth CER. fowl as provided for in this sec- day of June of the next year. The Humane Officer shall tion, then in such case it will Fees for the period from the. cause all animals and fowl be the duty of the Hmnane Of- effective date of this ordinance impounded by him to be pro- ficer to proceed forthwith to to the following June 30th shall vided with sufficient food and dispose of the same, and it be paid at the annual rate, and water and with shelter suit- shall be lawful for the Humane shall be due and payable with- able for such animals and Officer to charge, receive or in twenty days from the effec- fowl. collect from the owner or pos- tive date of this ordinance. The Section 10: FEES FOR sessor of such dead animal or full amount of such license tax KEEPING ANIMALS. fowl disposed of by him, the ;;hall be payable for any frac- The Humane Officer .shall fees hereinbefore provided;and Lion of such year. receive and collect from the any such person so refusing or Provided that any person owne of an}v of the followinu, neglecting to bury or cause to who is a non-resident of the animals on fowls, the following be buried any such dead ani- City, either travelling through fees for impounding the same- mal or fowl as herein provided it or temporarily sojourning Horses, bulls, oxen and cows, shall be deemed guilty of a there for a period not exceed- per head $4,00; misdemeanor. ing three months and has in his Dogs ar.d cats, per head, Section 12: REPORTS OF custody stody or control one or more. $] ac; ICEogs currently licensed by an- The Humane Officer shall other municipality, shall pay leer head, $4.00; - _ make a true and correct report for the privilege of keeping Hogs, sheep, goats and calves, to the City Council on the such clog or clogs in his custody Pei- Tread, $1.50; first day of each month of the anti control within this City. a Ducks, geese and domestic aninhals and fowl of each kind license tax of One Dollar fowl, per head, 25 Cents. impounded by him during the (81.00) each for such period. And the further sum for keep- previous month; of the nun- The licensing provisions of in, the same per day: bei redeemed and sold, and the this ordinance shall not apply to Horses, mulls, oxen and cows, amount received therefor, and dogs temporarily brought into per ltaad, 50 Cents; the number killed of each the City for the exclusive pur- Der,, per head. 50 Cents; land, with the number and pose of entering them in a Cats per head, 25 Cents: kind buried 'and the amount bench show or dog exbibition Jacks, mules, steers and colt,;, received therefor, together and which are kept at such Per held, 50 Cents; wadi such other information bench show or clog exhibition Hogs, sheep, goats a n d as may be required by the temporarily. A.i G1/ Before any license may be is- It shall be unlawful for any Whenever within the limits sued m2der the provisions of person to have, harbor or keep, of this City; any dog shall have this ordinance for any spayed or to cause or permit to be bitten any person, it shall be female clog, a certifcate in writ- harbored or kept, any unlicens- the •duty of the Humane Offi- ing, signed by some person ed clog in this City. eer,,and :he is' hereby 'directed, duly licensed to practice veter Section IS: KEEPING DOGS to take into custody and keep inary medicine or surgery in the NOT LICENSED, REGISTER- such°clog'at the City Pound, w State of California, describing ED OR 'FAGGED. other sale place, for a period such female dog and reciting It shall be unlawful for any of not to exceed two (2) weeks, the fact that such female dog person to permit or allow anv during which period the Health has been spayed, shall be ex- dog to be kept, or to remain Officer shall determine whether hibited to the person issuing upon any premises under his or not Said dog is diseased or said license. immediate control, unless such vicious. if the Health Officer (Gentinued-from-Page Nine)- clog shall be registered and Ii- shall determine that said dog is Each license issued pursuant censed, and which dog, except diseased or visclous, and in his t 1-1 provisions of this ordi- when indoors or in on enclos- judgment should be killed, he nance shall be signed by the ed vard or pen, shall have a shall notify the humane Offices City Clerk. collar or leather band attach- of such determination. It shall Each such license shall state ed thereon, on which there then be the duty of the Hu- the name and residence of the shall be a tag inscribed as in mane Officer and he is hereby person to whom such license is this ordinance prescribed. directed, to kill said diseased issued, the amount paid there- Section 19: DOGS AT or vicious dog immediately. If for, -and the character thereof, LARGE. the Health Officer shall deter- the date when issued, the date It shall be unlawful for anv mine that such dog is not Bis- on which such license shall ex- person owning or having eased or vicious, said dog shall pire, and a description of the charge, care or control of any be released and delivered by clog for which such license is dog, to permit such dog to be th Humane Officer to the own- issued, also the number of the upon any street, lane, alley m er or person lawfully entitled metallic tag accompanying public or unenclosed place thereto, upon 'payment of his same. within this City unless such dog fees in accordance with Section With each license for an in- shall be registered and licensed I hereof. dividual dog there .shall be is- as in this ordinance provider], Section 22: RABIES EPi- sued_ a metal tag with the num- and shall have a collar or leath- DEMIC. her thereof and the year for er band attached thereon, on Notwithstanding the other which issued, together with the which there shall be a tag in- provisions of this ordinance, words: "Palm Springs Dog Li- scribed as in Section 18 provid- whenever the City Council of cense" plainly inscribed there- ed; or to permit or allow such this City, upon the report and on. dog, whether licensed and Deg- showing of the Health Officer Such tag shall be securely af- isterered or 'not, or leashed or or any other competent proof, fixed to a collar, harness or oth- unleashed, to be in any public shall determine that any epi- er device, which shall at all park of the City; or to permit demie exists within the City by times be worn by such dog ex- or allow such dog, whether h- reason of rabies, and that it is cept while such dog remains in- censed and registered or not, necessary to protect and pre- doors or in an enclosed yard or or leashed or unleashed, in or :serve the public health and pen. upon any school yard, public safety, the Council shall by The City Clerk shall procure playground or school building; . resolution declare the existence the number of tags needed each or for anv person-having charge- of an epidmie of such disease year, and shall keep a registar or control or care of any fe- and thereupon, and until snch wherein shall be entered the male dog, to permit- or allow tame as it may be determined name and address of the per- the same, whether licensed and by said Council that such dis- son to whom each such license registered, or not, or leashed ease• epidemic no longer exi�N, and tag are issued, the number or unleashed, to run at larg h Police Denmtmont and the of such tag, and the date of is- when in heat during the cost Humane Officer shall be em- nuance thereof, and a descrip- Dial period, upon any street, 11—vered to cans, to be destrov- tion of the dog for which issa- ],me, alley, court, park or other ed any dog which may have ed. public place, or on any private bitten arry.nersnn. dot, or oth,-•r Any person keeping or bar- property, without the consentof animal, or which the Heal,tu boring any dog for five con- the owner thereof, within the Officer determines is soffern* secutive days shall be deemed City. from the disease or rabies, and to be the owner thereof within Section 20: TRANSFERRING cause to be destroved the dw, the meaning of this ordinance. COUNTERFE^.ITING A N b or clogs, or anv other animal Section 16: DOG LICENSE REM0171NG DOG TAGS. or animals which may have A DEBT. It shall be unlawful for anv horn bitten by anv such dog. The amount of any license person to attach to m keep un- and the Police Department nr imposed by this ordinance shall on, or to cause or permit to he the Hnrnane Officer may take be deemed a debt to this Citv. attached to or kept upon, anv and hold any dog or animal for Any person owning, having or clout anv tali provided for in examination and further action, keeping a dog in this City with- Section 16 of this ordinance, ex- Such do,g or dogs, and such out having obtained a license to cept a tag; issued to him lm other all or animals, during do so from the City, shall be. Fort] clog; under the provisions the existence of such epidemic. liable in an action in the name of this ordinance, or to attach are hereby declared to be an of the City, in any court of to or keep upon, or to cause or imminent menace to the public competent jurisdiction, for the nerrnit to be attached to or health and safety. During the amount of the license imposed kept u,.mon any dog, or to make continuance of such epidemic% and required by this ordinance. o, to have in possession, anv anv person or persons own;ma to be paid for the privilege of counterfeit or imitation of am, any dot; or dogs within the having and keeping such dot; lag provided for in section 16 City shall keep such dog con- in said City.; The maintenance hereof, or to take fi'om anv Fined to the private premises of of any such action shall not af- dog any collar or leather band such owner, and -any clog m feet the criminal liability of or tag attached thereto, excerrt dogs found upon any of the, any person for violation of the as provided' in Section 16 of public streets, lanes, alleys or penal provisions hereof. this ordinance. other public places of the City Section 17: UNLICENSED Section 21: EXAMINATION during such epidemic shall h� DOGS. OF DOGS THAT BITE. killed, or captured and held 239 speci3vaUi—the faet-tha"rey termine that any dog or other articles, sections, sub-sections, toy action by the Health Q,ffi- animal is afflicted with rabies sentences, clauses, or phrases cer, whether or not such clog he shall so notify said Humane thereof be declared invalid or or dogs be suffering from ra Officer, and said Humane Of- unconstitutional. hies or any other disease. The beer shall cause said animal to Section 27: Tire City Clerk Humane Officer and all mem- be destroyed. is hereby ordered ,and directed hers of the Police Department Section 24: All proceeds ie- to certify to the passage of this ere hereby authorized to en- ceived by the City Clerk and ordinance and to cause same force the provisions hereof. the Humane Officer and his to be published once in The During the existence of any assistants pursuant to this ordi- Limelight-News, a newspaper such epidemic, it shall be on- nance, whether for license of general circulation, printed, lawful to violate any reguln- impounding or keeping auf- published and circulated in the tions issued by the Health 01- rerals, disposing of or burying City of Patin Springs. I ficer and by resolution approv- animals, or otherwise shall au- F. V. SHANNON. cd by the City Council, govern crue to the City and be deposit- Mayor of the City of Palm ing the removal of dogs from ed in its general fund. lee City, or the bringing of Seection 25: PENALTIES. Springs. clogs into said City, or the: Any person, firm or corpora- ATTEST: transportation of dogs within 'ion violating any of the pro- Virginia R. O'Brien, the City. visions of this ordinance shall Acting City Clerk of the City Section 21. It shall be the he guilty of a misdemeanor;and of Palm Springs. duty of the Humane Officer to upon conviction thereof shall immediately notify the Health be punishable by a fine of not The undersigned, Actin Officer of the location and de- more than Three Hundred Dot 11 Cit}, Clerk of the Citv scription of any dog or other lays ($300.00), or by imprison- ' Palm Springs, Califon animal infected, or believed by men i in the Riverside County nit hereby certify him to be infected with rabies, Jail for a period of not more y that ia foregoing ordinance, being or which is known to such of- than three (3) months, or by Ordinance, No. 129 of the City ficer, or believed by him to both such fine and imprison- „f Palm Springs, was introdnc- have been exposed thereto. ment. Each such person. firm ed at a meeting of the City Upon receipt by said Health or corporation shall be deemed Council of said City held on Officer of such notice, or of no- guilty of a separate offense the IGth day of December, tice by any other person as to for every day during any per- 1942 and was read in full and Such dog or other animal, said tion of -,ybich anv violation of was passed at an adjourned Health Officer shall isolate and any provisions of thisordin- t-egu➢ar meeting of said Coam- rtuarantiue for observation such ancc is committed, continued clncif ]'old on the 30th day of Dn- lie or other animal at the nab or r or cted by such person, ceireber, 1J��, b}, the followin,, lie pound, or other, safe play.. firm or corporation. and shall vote: as deemed advisable uv said h- nunishable therefor as pro- Health Officer, and such ani- vided by this ordinance. Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, oral so isolated and quarantined Section 26: SEPARATE FN- Adams. Housman, Boyd and shall not be. released therefrom 4CTMENT OF PARTS. 'Mayor Shannon. I except upon the written au- If any portion, section, sub- *does: None. deorization of said Health Of eection, sentence, clause or -lbsent. Councilman Connell. Steer. nhiase of this ordinance i,, for l further certify that said Said Health Officer or nis anv reason held to be invalid Ordinance was thereunon sign- duly authorized representative or unconstitutional by the de- ,Cl, by F. V. Shannon, Mayor of is hereby authorized and em- cision of any court of comae- thy- Citv of Palm Shrines, and powered to enter upon privale tent jurisdiction .such decision attested by Virginia R. O'Brien, property where any doe or hail not affect the validity of e-line Citv Clerlr of said City. nther animal is kept or believed the remaining portions of the }Vien,ss m,. hard and seal of by him to he imm. for the Prey ordinance. Thy City Counr;1 rnirl City, this Tst day of De- pose of aseertainirn; wbelher lxerebv declares that it world (-rnber, 1942. snrh don or other animal is have passed this o-01"s"'.- 'CITY SEAL) afflicted nr infected with ra- and each rkmtion. article, sec- Me" t i on, soh-section, ^entenr„ Virginia R. O'Brien. If neon examination thereof elapse or nhraee 0,ereof- irre_ Acting City Clerk of th,, aid I-Iealth OrMoor sh-ill d nee or morn of the nrnticn- Cily of Palm Springs. I hereby certify that the foregoing nriif„ r,-- and certificate were published December „t. inn?, to 1i, Mgr ,Sprint*^ Luuelight-Nc,c, a wr-M- nev,,rpaptr of general circulation, pr-`ntni Published and circyderted in the City of Palm Sprin s. II i C+[ty Clerk of Palm Spy;,.e:s Ca➢iCernnia I