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1/1/1941 - ORDINANCES
182 ORDINANCE NO, 90 Lots Is.' 2a, Sa and 4d (be- weekly newspaper of general err- AN ORDINANCE OF TILE CITY OF ing the Southerly,ha'lvti of said culat.11on, printed;published and c1r- PALM SPRINGS AMENDING SEC- lots), and also Lots 34 and 20. culatied 1n the City of Palm 8pringa. shalTIONS 4(k), 4(p) AND 17 OF all in. Section 23, TownnliiD 4 This ordinance ,pw etfectiv4 thirty dayC;after.-ps'ssage.o. ORDINANCE NO. 75, ADOPTED .Guth, Range 4 East, bt $. E, (CiTi' SEAL), DECVAIBER 13. 1939. & M., are hereby placed{ 1n„and � ' PRILIP L, 100YD, The City Council of the City of shall be subject to the regu- Mayor of the City air Palm Springs. Palm Springs does ordain as fol- latlona of District E-2, as pro- ATTMT' lows: GUY PINNEY, vided by said ordinance. I City Cloth of the City - Fretion 1: Section 4(h) or ¢ dl- nance No. 75 of the City of Palm Section 3: Section 17 of said G t Palm springs. Ordinance No, 75 of the City of I, the undersigned, City Clerk of ^•+ring: (being the Palm Springs Laud Use Ordnance, adopted Deccan- Palm Springs is hercpy amended the City of Palm Springs, California, her 13. 1939) classifying the lands se that the last two paragraphs hereby certify that the foregoing in fcetlon 15, Township 4 South, of said Scct.on 17 shall read as ordinance, balm, Ordinance No. 90 Range 4 Last, S. B. D, & M., as follows: - of the City of Palm Springs, Was ^r Man Sheet 11 In the Official "ATHLETIC, SPORT AND RECDE- Intreduced at a mectln,, of the City I 7Oning Nap of said erinance Is ATION CLUE:i OF. ENTERPRISES, Council of said City hold on the terH>^ amended by the following OPPN TO THE GENERAL PUBL?C 5th day of February, I9n, and was chnn,vrs 0' classifications of land AND OPERATED ON A COMMER- read 1n full and was passed at an ,,red therein: CIAL DASIS, in the E-2 D13trict, adjourned regular meeting of said Io-a 19, 20, 21, 22 and the upon condition that (1) :a building Cornell hold oil the 11th day of South Half of Lot 23 In Block site containing not lc=_s than five February, 1941, by the following 16 of Palm Springs, as per Slap acres ba provided, and (2) no build. vote: r,c,rded in Bcold 9, rage 432 Ings or structures be erected closer Ales: Councilmen Cllffton, Mur. c' Mnps, Records of San Diego t'.-an One Iiundred feet to any ray, Plymlre, Shannon, serum and County, California, are hereby dwelling, guest ranch or school, or Mayor Boyd. �,Iacrn in nod shall he subject to any street or way ether than on Nors: None. to the regula'ions of District e11ey, (3) that same be Conducted Alascnt: Councilman Pershing. P-4. as provided by said ordl- without the storage, sale, giving I further certify that said ordl- Carro. avn.y or di-lcnsing of any alcoholic sane was thereupon s!gn=d by Mall- Scr,ijon 2: Section 4(p) of said beverages on the promises, and (4) tp L. Boyd, Mayor of the City of Ordinance No. 75 of the City of that same be only In such reason- Poln! Springs, and attested by Guy Palm Sorinns classifying the lands able area as may be des!gnatcd by Phutoy, City Clerk of said City. :n Section 23. Tewnslilo 4 South. the City Planning Commission for Wilco ss my hand and the seal Range 4 East. S. B. B. & M.. as such purooso: from time to time." of sent City this llth clay of Fob- I— Maup Sheet 16 of the Official i;rctlnn 4: The City Clerk. Is here. ruars, 1941. Zerin? Map nC s91d Ordinance is by Ordered and directed to certify (CITY SEAL) hereby amended by the following In the Passage of this ordinance GUY PINNBY, eban7e� of clas-lfications of land and to cause tie same to be nub- Clerk of the City of Palm nar:ed therein: !ishel once In The Limelight, a Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoi.n.g Ordinance (being Ordinance b?o. 90 of the City of Pala Spr 's, Cal'.iforni.a.) and certificate ivere published — �Lt 1941 in 'Pine Limelight,, a weekly newspaper of rener�l c],r— oulstt:iony pinied, published and circulated in the City of Pahl E>prings, Cali— forniaW �/d� ' City Clerk of the City oI Palm Springs,, California. ORDINANCE ,NO. 91 boundary line of said Section lls'.iccl once In The Limelight, a AN ORDINANCE OF f'lIE CITY' OF and hying 40 feet Easterly tl:cro- weekly newspaper of general ctr- PAL➢I SPRINGS A31ENDING SEC- ov, cula,tion printed. •ru:bl!S.I-tI and cir- TIONS 4(p AND ADDING A NEW Section 3: This ordinance is here- culited In the City of Palm Springs. SUBDIVISION NUMBERED 3(f) by ,derlascd to be in urgency PHILIP L. BOYD, TO ORDINANCE NO. 75 OF :SAID measure necessary for the lone- Mayor of the City of Palm CITY, BEING TILE PALM diata preservation of the public Springs, SPRINGS LAND USE ORDINANCE, -peace, health and safety within (CITY SEAL) ADOPTED ❑ECEMBER i^„' 1939. •ry WACIO�moamm- Of Soctlon 661 Of A'ITES T: Tice City Council of the City of "An Act to provide for the Or. GUY PINNEY, Palm Springs does ordain as folt ganlzation, Incorporation and Gov- City ClerR of the City low,: ij ernment of Munlclnal Corporations," of Palm Springs. Section: Section 4(1) of Ordi-, npnrO;•ed March 0th, 1C33 (.Statutes I, the undersigned. City Clerk n ante No. 75 of tie City of Palm'� 1963, {Page 02). as amended and Of the Cit9 of Palm SprinCs, Call. Springs (being the Palm Springs i. Shall iho c",ectiva lmmadlatcly. fornia, Imrobv certify that the fore- Land Use Ordinance, adopted Do..,,"i A sdatemcnl; of the facts constf- rain" Ordinance. h.O1ng Ordinance 13, `1939) classifying tine luting Inch necessity 1s as follows: No. Ill of the City of Palm Springs. lands In Section 14,. Totrashlp 4 It appears likely that sub- was Introduced at a m"'ing of the South. Range 4 East, S. D. B. & Al. stantlil Improvements may I's City Council of said City held on ns per Map Shwt Il of the Of`lclnl sought to be placed on tL+e the 5th Call or Pobrunry, 1941, and Zoning Map Is hereby amended by LVasterly portion of said Sec. was rend In full and was pa-scd at. the following change of classlfica- ,ion 14 In the near future, and an adjourned regular meeting of Von of land zoned therein. namely: In order to make it possible for said Council held On tl:o Ilth day The Wcstoriy rcctirnul r 165 Ito. City to Issue state and City of February, 1041, by tie following fee, of said Section 14, Town- permits for the work and to vote: ship 4 South, Range 4 East. P. apply necessary regulations Ayc=! Counclmen Cltflton, Mur- B. B. & It. 1s hereby placed thereto, It is necessary that the ray, Plym!re, Shannon, Scrum and in and shall be subject to the City have during the time this M,,yor Boyd, regulations of District. C-2. or"llninne would otherwive re- Noes: None. Section 2: A new subdivision gum- dinip'leefore becoming effective, Absent: Councilman Pershing. bered 3(f) Is hereby added to Sec- the protection of the foregoing I further certify That said ordl. tion 3 of said Ordinance No. 75, amendments and said regula- nance was thereupon signed by to read as follows: tines and provisions as to the Philip, L. Boyd, Mayor of the City "(f) For,the purposes o. In. use of the said property, there- of Palm Springs. and attested by terpreting: administering', and by to prevent and regulate Onv Pinney, City Clerk of said bindings. structures and Im- appb•Ing the yard requirements Clty. of this ordinance to all build- provemenOs and uses of same Witness my hand and the seal of ing sites adjoining the West and of gremises which endanger Bald City this filth day of February, boundary of Section 14, Town- or will endanger the public 1941. ship 4 South, Range 4 East, S. peace, health, morals end safety. (011T SFALI B. B. & M., the Ront or West- Section 4: The City Clerk Is here- GUT PINNEY, erly property line for all said by ordered and directed to certify Clerk of the. City of Palm building sites Is hereby fixed to the passage of this ordinance its a line parallel to the West and to cause the same to be pub- Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance No. 91 of the City of Palle Springs , California) and certificate were published. 1.9,11. in The Limelight„ a vveel::1_y newspaper of CWeri cula'l;ioi7, pT'I''1ted., published and circulated b, the City of 1'alm Spri.ng''s, Ca lifo rnia o City Clerk of the Ly oar -- � Palen Springs, California. 90 100 8-12-47 1 307 Repealing Ord, No. 90 U ISO 8-12-47 1 307 Repealing Ord. No. 91 ORDINANCE NO. sE fully answer all communica- to the Chamber of Commerce AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF tions and inquiries relative to until the reports required in PALM SPRINGS APPROPRIATING the resort, scenic, climatic and this paragraph are so filed. THE SUM OF ONE THOUSAND residential advantages and at, (c) The Chamber of Com- 17oLLARs ($I,eOo.00) FOR USE IN PROVIO'TION, ADVERTISING tractions of the City of Palm merce shall receive payment N6 AND PUBLICITY FOR SAID CITY Springs, facilities for accom- only for the expenses actually DURING THE CURRENT FISCAL r-:odation of visitors, and the paid out or incurred by it In YEAR. various recreational and sport- carrying out the duties required The City Council of the Citv ing events here, and to dis- of it as specified in Section 2 of Palm Springs does ordain as tribute information in regard hereof, and shall not receive follows: thereto by correspondence, pub- any compensation for services Section 1: The City Council licity through the press, and of its own officers or employees of the City of Palm Springs, hav- personal contacts favorably in carrying out such require- in- iurisdiction, power, and all, promoting, publicizing and ad runts. I thnrity in.- that purpose, pursi,- vertieing same. (d) The within appropria- ant to and' in co-•plianre with (c) To prepare and distrib- tion of funds by the City for rn a t of tu,e Lcgis!ature of the ute to the press and public the expenditures and services f±a'e of Cali°ornia cntirlcd "All articles, news stories, photo- contemplated hereunder shall Act Authorizing Mnniciral Cor, graphs, literature, and scicntif- not create any fixed or binding porations to Expend Moncy For is and historical information obligations upon the City to Adv-rtising or Puhlirity Purl and advertising, promotional pay same to the Chamber of of I017, page and publicity ratter descrip- Commerce, but such payment nn. ,•,. Srr ion R52.23 of "An tive cf the City and its at- shall be dependent upon the P rt to Provide for the Ortnni- tractions and advantages, and filing of proper claims and re- ratin;l, 1'nmrprn•a°ion and Govern- to develop and make proper ports evidencing the services r-c±,' or Mnnirinal Corporations" surveys whereby desirable out- rendered and expenditures inproved 1/farrh IS. 1SS3 ISta. side persons ±nay be induced made as required hereby, and totes of 1883, nage 93), and hid, to visit and reside in the City. shall also I-e dependent upon ink determined that the public (d) To aid in promoting the availability of funds for �"tcrrst. a^-cs'ity and conven- hcmcbuilding programs and the said purposes during the fiscal sn re-hire. and that the desirable development and ben- year. nmonnt hercinaffer annronriated eficial use of unoccupied and Section 4: The City Clerk is is within the limits fi,-rd b'. !�«, vacant properties. hereby ordered and directed to ;r'e" i s hrre',o �nrnpr a'ed from (c) To promote and invite certify to the passage of this or- ,tbe ncrcral funl of the Citv of desirable classes of trade, pro- dinance and to cause the same to Palm Springs the sure of One fessional and business meetings be published once in The Lime- Tl,oasand Dollars ($1.000.00) and conventions whereby ad- li,*ht• a newspaper of general for use during the, a;-rent fiscal ditional persons may visit and circulation, printed, published year in providing a fund to be become acauavited with the and circulated in the City of ,ncnilerl for nrcinn`ion• pnhli- City of Palm Springs. Patin Springs. This ordinance ...... a-'d 70,-crticing for the Citv (f) To study the needs of shall be effective thirty (30) 1131M °.,rings the community as to public days after passage. ''ter*inn 2; Said fvml shall he trnpro-:emerts of every char- (CITY SEAL) I di.shnrrccl on rl,is and demands acter and to prepare data, it, P'HILIP L. BOYD, rrerentcd, anditrd and paid as in tend couferenccs, and by ev- Mayor of the City of tic case of all ol,cr claims against ery proper method aid in se- Palm Springs. 'he Citv of Paln Frin^s, and curing and in regulating and ATTEST: in the manner p_-ovideel by law planning such improvements so GUY PINNEY, and o-dinancr, and shall be ex- as to benefit the City. City Clerk of the City (g) o carry on such other of Palm Springs. periled through the instrC Chamber T 1: r 1, the undersigned, City Clerk tv of the Palm Springs Chamber duties as may be required of of Commerce accord of the City in^ to the the Chamber by the City y of Palm Sprinngs, contract or agrec^unt which shall Council in order to promote California, hereby certify that the be --ode with that orgahization the further development of the foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- Fv the City of Palm Springs for City as a hirth class winter nance No. 92 o, the City of that purpose, .whereby it shall resort and rc_idcatial area. Palm Springs, was introduced at nndertal-e to rarry on, such pro- Section 3: All payments to a meeting of the Citv Council motianal, advertising and pub- said Chamber of Commerce from o,{ said City held on the 5th li-t" activities and services on the fund hereby appropriated day of February, 1941, and was 1-chaff of the City of Palm shall be subject to the follow- read in full and was passed at an Snrirv>s during the current fie- ing conditions: adjourned regular niecting of said C•I near ending June "IQ, 1941, (a) All payments shall be Cr,:naril held on the 11th day as the Citv Council may require made upon a claim or demand of February, 1941, by the fol- of it, and to use ins facilities presented, atul tcd and paid as lowing vote: and its special knowledge and i❑ the case of all other claims Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, experience, and shall act as an amine the Ca he Palm Murray, Plymire, Shannon, Sor- admini strative agent to perform Springs. y um and Mayor Boyd. ,print and in the manner Noes: None. the mechanical and ministerial functions of anplvinq and cx- provided by law and ordi- Absent: Councilman Pershing. , pending said funds in further nanre. 1 further certify that said or- rnre of the objects for which (b) The Chamber shall, on dinance was thereupon signed by they are apnropriated, by ren- or before the first days of Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the I derin., the following services dur- March and July of this fie- City of Palm Springs, and at- ing the current fiscal year: cal year, submit to the City tested by Guy Pinney, City Clerk (a) To maintain suitable Council a report describing its of said City. activities for the preceding Witness my hand and the seal quarters and facilities in the months, and particularly set- of said City this llth day of Citv of Palm Springs and em- tiny forth the services referred February, 1941. ploy competent personnel to .to ib the preceding Section (CITY SEAL) pronerly carry on the activities -which have been rendered and GUY PINNEY, and services herein enumerated. which are contemplated by it, Clerk of the City of Palm (b) To promptly and care- and no payments shall he made Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance PIO. 92 of the City of, l',_alln "apring;s, California) and certificate were published 1941 in The Limeli t, a v ctelcly newspaper of general Taboo, printed, publisher) and circulated in -the City of ?c,-s!a Spriiit;•s, Cali- fornia, City Cle;Tk 'o f the CP'_y o' Palm Spry' Cal ;, tixrs, ornia, ORDINANCE NO. 85 scaping, Horse Trails, Bridges, whole, and any action taken by AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Sidewalks, City Engineer and majority vote of the Council PALM SPRINGS PROVIDING FOR Superintendent of Streets. shall be deemed sufficient with- THE CREATION OF STANDING INDIAN LANDS AND HEAL, out reference of the matter to COMMITTEES Or THE CITY TH AND SANITATION Comrmittee. Upon a majority vote COUNCIL, DESIGNATING THEIR COMMITTEE: of the Council any committee FUNCTIONS, AND REPEALING may be required to give any re, ORDINANCES NOS. 7, 50 AND 81 Indian Relations, Airports, port information or recommenda- OF THE CITY. Waste Disposal, Health and Pon in writing. Sanitation.The City Council of the City Section 5: Ordinances Nos. 7, of Palm Springs does ordain as FINANCE COMMITTEE: 50 and El of the 'City of Palm I follows: City Treasurer, Franchises, Springs are hereby repealed as Section 1: In order to facilitate Budget, Taxation, Insurance, of the time of this Ordinance the proper consideration, over- Business Licenses, Appropria• becoming effective. sight and dispatch of all public tions and Transfers. Section G: The City Clerk is business coming under the con- PUBLIC SAFETY COMMIT- hereby ordered and directed to trol and care of the City Coon- TEE: certify to the passage of this cil, the following standing Com, Fire Department, Police De- ordinance and cause_ same to be mittees of said City Council are partment, City Court, and published once in ].he Limelight, hcrehv constituted, to-wit: Special Permits. a newspaper of general circula• Boards and Commissions Re- tion, printed, published and cir- lations Committee; GENERAL COMMITTEE: culated in the City of Palm Bionic Works Committee; Building Department, City At- Springs. This Ordinance shall be Indian Lands. and Health torncy, City Cleric, Legislation, effective thirty (30) days after and Sanitation Committee; City Buildings, and Miscel• passage. Finance Committee; laneous• PI-IILIP L. BOYD, Public Safety Committee; Section 3: Unless otherwise Mayor of the City of General Committee. ordered by the Council each of Palm Springs. It shall be the duty of each ;:aid Committees shall consist of (CITY SEAL) such Committee to be fully in- three Councilmen, including the ATTEST: formed of the business of the Chairman, and the said Com- GUY PINNEY, City pertaining to the depart- inittee and the Chairman thereof City Clerk of the City ments and subjects assigned to shall be appointed by the Mayor. of Palm Springs. it, and to report to the Council The first appointments shall be I, the undersigned, City Clerk •uch information or recommen• made upon this Ordinance tak• of Iaae City of Patin Springs, lotions concerning the business mq effect, and the Committees California, hereby certifythat the of such as shall he necessary to shall be rearranged and re-ap• foregoing ordinance, L•c g Ordi• enable the Council properly to pointed' at the first regular meet, dance No. 93 of the City of legislate concerning such depart- inn, of the Council after the Palm Springs, was introduced at ments and upon such subjects. second Tuesday in April of each a meeting of the City Council Each Committee as such shall year and also upon the election of said City held on the 5th day have no administrative control and qualification of any new of February, 1941, and was read over the various functions of tht Councilman at any time. The Citygovernment embraced with- in full and was passed f an , Mayor shall he rx-officio a men• adjourned regular meeting of said in the departments and subject+ Let of each Committee. Council held on the lath day assigned to it, but shall per- Section 4: The Mayor may at of February, 1941, by the fol- form the duties of investigation any time refer matters to the lowing vote: for and furnishing information appropriate Committee for in, Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, and recommendations to the vestigation, information and rec- Murray, Plymire, Shannon, Sor, Council in its work of legisla- ommendation to the City Colin- um and Mayor Boyd: Tien. ril, and the City Clerk shall sim• Nocs: None. Section 2: Each of said Com- ilarly refer all new matters com- mittees shall have redi- ferred to it, ing to his attention between Absent: Councilman Pershing. except as hereinafter provided, meetings of the City Council I further certify that said by all matters pertaining to the de, llpon a maiority vote of the City name was I]sreupon signed by partments and subjects set after Council at a meeting thereof, Philp L. Boyd, Mayor of the the name of such Committee re- matters also may he referred to City of Palm Springs, and at, spectively as follows: ;aid Committees for investiga• tested by Guy Pinney, City Clerk BOARDS AND COMMIS- tion, information and recommen• of said City. SIONS' RELATIONS COM- clarion, or to special Committees Witness my hand and the seal MITTEE: appointed for specific pumoses, of said City this lath day of Library, Recreation, Parks, By majority vote of the Coun• February, 1941. Schools and City Planning. ril any matter theretofore re, (CITY SEAL) PUBLIC WORKS COM- {erred to a Committee or Com- GUY PINNEY, MITTEE: mittees, may be recalled from Clerk of the City of Palm Streets, Flood Control, Land- Committee to the Council as a Springs, California. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance ado. 93 of t e City or'. Palm Sprinr,s,, Ca:Lifornia) and certificate were publc.shod 13�11 in The Limeli.ght4 a vseelly neoJspaner o 'eneral cireulation.9 printed, published and circulated in the City of Falm p. ,,•s, California, Gity CJ.erk 01 'tihe 17ty of Faint Springs;, Californ:La.n r r� , .85 ORDINANCE No. at side County Jail for a period of of Palm Springs, was introduced AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF not more than three (3) months, at a meeting of the City Coun- PALM SPRINGS PROHIBITING or by both such fine and im- cil of said City held on the llth THE FURNISHING OF FALSE IN. prisonment. day of February, 1941 and was FORMATION TO CITY OFFICERS Section 3: The City Clerk is read in full and was passed at AND DEPARTMENTS. hereby ordered and directed to an adjourned regular meeting of The City Council of the City certify to the passage of this said Council held on the 19th of Palm Sprigs does ordain as ordinance and to cause the same day of February, 1941, by the follows: to be published once in The following vote: Section 1: No person shall Limelight, a newspaper of gen- Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, willfuly make to or file with oral circulation, printed, publish- Murray, Plymire, Pershing Shan- any City officer or department ed and circulated to the City non, Sarum and Mayor Boyd. any report, statement, applica- of Palm Springs. This ordinance Noes: None. I 'ion or information which is shall be effective thirty days Absent: None. false or untrue in any particu- after passage. I further certify that said or- lar or which has a tendency to PHILIP L. BOYD, dinance was thereupon signed by mislead any employee, officer. Mayor of the City of Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the hoard, department or other body Palm Springs. City of Palm Springs, and at- of the City in the performance (CITY SEAL) tested by Guy Pinney, City Clerk of official duty. ATTEST: of said City. Section 2: Any person violas- GUY PINNEY, Witness my hand and the seal ing any of the provisions of this City Clerk of the of said City this 19th day of ordinance shall be guilty of a Patin Springs. February, 1941. misdemeanor and upon conic- 1, the underskned, City Clerk (CITY SEAL) tion thereof shall be punishable of the City of Palm Springs, NN GUY PI PIEY, Clerk o the by a fine of not more than Three California, hereby certify that Clk f h Palm Hundred -Dollars ($300.00) Or the foregoing ordinance, being y by imprisonment in the River- Ordinance No. 94 of the City Springs, California. L hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance No, 94 of the City of Palm fiprine,s, California) and certificate were ;Dub1.'i.shed -2 ...�. as , 1941 in `.Cho Limeli.ahte, a, weekly newspaper of general circulatidn, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs, California, City Clerkc--o^1���ha C?_'Ly'of' Paln Springs., Califoraia, ORDINANCE NO. as of Palm Springs. The provisions porch, steps, mailbox, vestib, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF of this section shall not be deem- house, residence, building, or ty PALM SPRINGS REGULATING cd to prohibit the handing, trans- other private property within le THE DISTRIBUTION OF HAND- mittin'a or distributing of any City of Palml Springs. he HILLS. handbill to any person willing to provisions of this section ill The City Council of the City accept such handbill at any said not be deemed to prohibit the of Palm Springs does ordain as places, handing, transmitting or & ri- fellows: Section 3. PLACING HAND- bating of any handbill to the Section 1. DEFINITIONS. BILLS IN VEHICLES. It shall owner or other occupant of or The following words, terms and be unlawful for any person, eith- Person entitled to the use of ,aid phrases when used in this ordi- cr directly or indirectly, to dis- Private yard, grounds, Ilk, nance shall have the meanings tribute, deposit, place, throw. porch, steps, mailbox, vesti, ale, ascribed to them in this section, scatter or cast, any handbill in or house, residence, building or oth- except where the context clearly ❑Pon any automobile or other ve- er private property, who is vill- indicates a different meaning: hicle of another within the Cit,, ing to accept same, but i Hess (a) "Person" includes any per- of Palm Springs. The provisions such owner or occupant p, Son, son, firth, partnership, association, of this section shall not 1�_ deem- ally receives such handbill a the corporation, company or organi- ed to prohibit the handing, trans- time and place of such r t it nation of any kind. witting, or distributing of any shall be presumed, until the con- (b) "Handbill" includes any handbill to the owner or oc, trary is proven, that no such printed or written advertising cupant of any automobile or willingness of the owner ( oc, matter, any sample or device, other vehicle who is willing to cupant, nor any request by such dodger, circular, leaflet, pamph- accept same, but in the even, person for same existed. let, newspaper, paper, booklet, or such automobile or vehicle he Section 5. POSTING ' '.tIV. ;any other printed matter or li- unoccupied at the time of such ATE PROPERTY AGF NST terature, but excludes any such act it shall be presumed, until HANDBILLS PERMITTI ). It matter which exclusively contains the contrary is proven, that no shall be lawful for the ow er or expressions of opinion on pure- such willingness of the owner or the occupant or person � ,titled I ly political matters, occupant, nor any request by to the use of any property within Section 2. DISTRIBUTING such person for same existed. the City of Patin Spr� gs to HANDBILLS ON PUBLIC Section 4. DISTRIBUTING place a si<,n or notice in cons, PROPERTY. It shall be unlaw- HANDBILLS ON PRIVATE picuous place near the r trance ful for any person, either directh, PROPERTY. It shall be un!aw- thereto indicating that nr hand- or indirectly, to deposit, place, ful for any person, either di- bills are desired; and tl reafter throw, scatter, or cast, any hand- rectly or indirectly, to distribute, and while such sign or notice bill in or on any public street, deposit, place, throw, scatter, or is in place it shall be i .lawful thoroughfare, park, ground or cast, any handbill in or upon for any person to distrih te, de- other public place within the City any private yard, grounds, walk, posit, place, throw, sea at. or cast., any handbill upon said pre- and each section, subsection, sen- GUY PINNEY, mises and property so posted, fence, clause and phrase thereof, City Clerk of the. City Section 6. DAYS and HOURS irrespective of the fact that any of Palm Springs. of DISTRIBUTION OF HAND- one or more sections, subset I, the undersigned, City Clerk BILLS LIMITED. It shall be un- tions, sentences, clauses or of the City of Palm Springs, lawful for any person to distrib- phrases be declared invalid. California, hereby certify that not any handbill within the Laity Section 9. PENALTIES. Any the foregoing ordinance, being of Palm prings between the hours person, firm or corporation vio- Ordinance No. 95 of the City of 5:00 o'clock P. M. of any lating any of the provisions of of Palm Springs, was introduced day and 8:00 o'clock A. M. this ordinance shall be guilty of at a meeting of the City Council of the following day, or on any a misdemeanor, and upon con- of said City held on the Ilth Sunday, or on any holiday as viction thereof shall be punish- day of February, 1941 and was &fined in Section 10 of the able by a fine of not more than read in full, and was passed at i'olitical Code of the State of Three Hundred ($300.00) Dob adjourned regular meeting of said California during the calendar late or by imprisonment in the Council held on the 19th day of I months of October, November, Connty Jail of the County of February, 1941, by the follow, T`,_cmber, January, February, Riverside for a period of not ing vote: M;irch and Apriol of each year. more than three (1) months, or Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, Section 7. EXEMPTIONS. by both such fine and such im- Murray, Plytnire, Pershing, Shan, The provisions of this ordinance -�riao n ment. non, Sorum and Mayor Boyd. shall not be deemed to apply Section 10. The City Clerk Noes: None. to the distrihution of the Unit- is hereby ordered and directed to Absent: None. ed States mail nor to the de- certify to the passage of this I 'Further certify that said ordi- livery of any handbill to any ordinance and to cause the same ounce was thereupon signed by person who has requested delivery to be published once in The Philipl L. Boyd, Mayor of the of same. Limelight, a newspaper of ,gen- City of Palm Springs,s, and at- Section S. SEVERABILITY oral circulation, printed, publish- tested by Guy If any section, subsection, sent- ed and circulated in the City Pinney, City Clerk erne, clause or phrase of this of Palm Springs. This ordinance of said City. nrdinance is for any reason held shall be effective thirty days af- Witness my hand) and the seal to be invalid, such decision or ter passage. of said City this 19th day of cic-ieions shall not affect the (CITY SEAL) February, 1941. validity of the remaining por- PHILIP L. BOYD, (CITY SEAL) Lions of this ordinance The City Mayor of the City of GUY PINNEY, Counrll hereby cleclares that it Palm Springs. Cleric of the City of Palm would have passed this ordinance ATTEST: Springs, California. T hereby certi y that the forer,oing Crclinance (being Crdi_naiice TTo. 95 of Lane City of Palm Sprinms, California) and certificate mere published 19,1 in he Lime .i�ht, a weekly novispaper of oneral ciaculn.ES.oii, pr rted„ published and. circulated in the City of Palm 5prinr,•s,, California. •City Cleric c'i' 112e CuLy'oE' Palm sSpri..n!,s, Cali ORDINANCE NO. 96 the corporation to which the maintain, use, repair, or re- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF franchise contemplated in this move. PALM SPRINGS, STATE OF ordinance is granted and its SECTION TWO CALIFORNIA, GRANTING TO lawful successors or assigns; That the right, privilegc and PALM SPRINGS WATER EOAI- (b) The word "City" shall franchise, subject to each and PANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORA- mean the City of Palm Springs, all of the terms and conditions TION, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE a municipal corporation of the rnn;lined in this ordinance, he AND FRANCHISE TO LAY AND State of California, in its and the same is hercbv granted USE PIPES AND APPURTENANCES present incorporated form or Palm Springs Walter Company, FOR TRANSMITTING AND DIS- in any later reorganized, con- a, corporation nrpan120d and ex- TRIEDTING WATER FOR ANY solidated or reincorporated isting under and by virtue of the AND ALL PURPOSES UNDER. form; laws of the State of California, ALONG, ACROSS, OR UPON THE (c) The word "streets' shall herein referred to as the "Gran- PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS mean the public streets, ways, tce', to lay and use pipes and AND PLACES AS THE SAAIE alleys and places as the same app+,4rtenarims for transmitting NOW OR MAY HEREAFTER EX- now or may hereafter exist and distributiriF water for any IST WITHIN SAID MUNICIPALI- He ithin said City; and all purposes, under. along, TY. (d) The phrase "Pipes and across or upon the streets, of The City Council of the City Appurtenances"shall mean pipe, the City, for an indeterminate of Palm Springs does ordain as pipeline, main, service, vault, term or period from and after follows: manhole, meter, gauge, regu- the effective date hereof, that SECTION ONE lator valve, conduit, appliance, is to say, this franchise shall en Whenever in this ordinance attachment, appurtenance and lure in full force and effect until the words or phrases hereinafter any other property located or the same shall, with the consent in this section defined are used, to be located in, upon, along, of the Railroad Commission of they shall have thn respective across, under or over the the State of California, be volun- meanings assigned to them in the streets of the City, and used tarily surrendered or abandoned following definitions (unless, in or useful in the transmitting by its possessor, or until the the given instance, the context and/or distribution of water. State of California or some ran, wherein they are used shall clear- (e) The phrase "lay and nicipal or public: corporation ly import a different meaning) : use" shall mean to lay, con- thercunto duly authorized by law (a) The "Grantee" shall mean struct, erect, install, operate, shall purchase by voluntary agree- r- merit or shall condemn and take such acceptance shall constitute or of any of the rights or priv, under the power of eminent do- a continuing agreement of the ileges granted thereby, written main, all property actually used Grantee that if and when the evidence of the same, certified and useful in the exercise of this City shall thereafter annex or thereto by the Grantee or its franchise, and situate within the consolidate with, additional ter, duly authorized officers. territorial limits of the State, mu- ritory, any and all franchise SECTION EIGHT nicipal or public corporation pur- rights and privileges owned by (a) If the Grantee of this chasing or condemning such prop- the Grantee therein, except the franchise shall fail, neglect or crty, or until this franchise shall franchise derived under the afore- refuse to comply with any of he forfeited for noncompliance said Constitutional provision, the provisions of conditions here- with its terms by the possessor shall likewise be deemed to be of, and shall not, within ten thereof. abandoned within the limits of (10) days after written demand SECTION THREE such territory. for compliance, begin the work The Grantee, must beginninh SECTION SIX of compliance, or after such be, I lanwry Ist, 1941, and thereafter The franchise granted hereon ginning shall not prosecute the anpo;-tenam;.rs for transmitting der shall not in any way or to same with due deligence to com- nay to the. City at the times arty extent impair or affect the plction, then the City, by its hereinafter specified, in lawful right of the City to acquire the legislative body, may declare this money of the United States, a property of the Grantee hereof franchise forfeited. sum annimlly which shall be either by purchase or through SECTION NINE r1uivalent to two per cent (2%) the exercise of the right of emi- Within ten 10) days aft of the 'gross amoral receipts of r ( after rent domain, and nothing herein the passage publication er Clmrltee' arising from the use, contained shall be construed to of this ordinance the Grantee shall operation or possession of said contract away or to modify or file with the City Clerk writ franchise. abridge, either for a term or in ten acceptance of the franchise The Grantee of this franchise perpetuity, the City's right of hereby granted, and an agree- City file with the Clerk of the eminent domain in respect to the merit to comply with the term- City within three (.,) months af• Grantee or any public utility. and conditions hereof. ler 17erember- list, 1941, and Nor shall this franchise ever be SECTION TEN within three (:1) months aft-: given any value before any court The City Clerk shall certify the cxmirat'ion of each and every or other public authority in any ra!endar year thereafter, a dnl to the adoption of this ordinance }' Y excess ing of any character in and shall cause the same to be verifir�l staicment,showing in de excess of the cost to the Gran- nublislied once in The Lime- tail the total E+ross receipts of We of the necessary publication the Grantee, its successors or and any other sum paid by it to bglnt, a weekly. newspaper of assigns. during the preceding cal- the City therefor at the time general circulation, printed, pub- endar year, or such fractional ca- lished and circulated in the City Y of inc acquisition thereof. IP m of Palm Springs. This ordinance year, fro the sate of the SECTION SEVEN shall be in full force and effect utilityilivy service within the City The Grantee of this franchise thirty (30) days after passage. for which this franchise is �ha11:m-anted. It shall be file, fluty of (a) construct, install and main- (CITY SEAL) the Grantee to pay to the City tain all pipes and appurtenances PHILIP L. EOYD, I within fifteen (15) days after in accordance with and in con, Mayor of the City of the time for filing such annual `ormity with all of the ordinances, Palm Springs. .statement, in lawful money of rules and regulations heretofore ATTEST: the United States, the specified or hereafter adopted by the legis- GUY PINNEY, percentage of its gross receipts lative body of this City in the City Clerk. for the calendar year, covered exercise of its police powers and I, the undersigned, City Clerk by sach statements. Any neglect, not, in conflict with the Para, of the City of Palm Springs, omission or refusal by said Gram mount authority of the State of tee to file such verified state- California, and, as to State High, California, hereby certify that ,-sent, or to pay said percentage, ways, subject to the provisions of the foregoing ordinance, being at the times or in the manner general laws relating to the lm Ordinance No. 96 of the City hereinbefore provided, shall be cation and maintenance of such of Palm Springs, was introduced erounds for the declaration of a 'facilities; at a mcetin� of the City Coun- forfeiture of this franchise and (b) pa'y, to the City, on de- cil of said City held on the 5th of s11 rights thereunder. rntlnd, the cost of all repairs to da, of.Mai-di, 1941 and was read SECTION FOUR public property made necessary in full and was passed at an This ,grant is made in lieu of by any operations of the Gram ad onrned regular meeting of said all other franchises, rights, or tee tinder this franchise; Council held on the 19th day privileges Domed b the Gran- of Mar-h. 1941, by the follow, y (c) indemnify and hold harm- ing vote: tee, or by any successor of the less the Cit,) and its officers Grantee to any rights under this from any anif all liability for Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, franchise, for transmitting and damages proximately resulting Murray, Plymire, Shannon, and distributing water within the from any operations under this Mavor Loyd. limits of the City, as said limits franchise; Noes: None. now or may hereafter exist, and (d) remove or relocate, with, Absent: Councilmen Pershing the acceptance of the franchise nut expense to the City, any ❑nd Sorum. hereby granted shall operate as facilities installed, used and I further certify that said ordi- an abandonment of all such fran- maintained under this franchise' nance was thereupon signed by chises, rights arid privileges will,- if and when made necessary by Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the I in the limits o. City of Palm Springs, and attested this City, as such any lawful change of grade, limits now or may hereafter ex- alignment or- width of any pub- City Guy Pinney, City Clerk of ist, in lieu of which this fran- lic street, way, alley or place, by card City. chise is granted. including the construction of any Witness my hand and the seal SECTION FIVE subway or viaduct by the City; of said The franchise granted hereon- an City this 19th day of d Mitch, City der shall not become effective un- (e) file with the legislative 941. tit written acceptance thereof body of the City within thirty (CITY SEAL) shall have been filed by the (30) days after any sale, trans. GUY PINNEY, Grantee thereof with the Clerk ter, assignment or lease of this Clerk of the City of Palm Of the City. When so filed, franchise, or any part thereof, Springs, California. I hereby certify that tine foregoing Ordinance (bei.ng Ordi_nzn.ce ldo. 96 of the City of Palm Springs (,'alifornia) mud certificate viere published QF 1941 in. The Limeli p t., a, weekly .newspaper of gen.ex°aA circa,l.ation, printed„ published and circula-ted in -i,he Ci-ly of Pain So 'jigs, California. h� City Clerk oi''tl e 'r-i�y of a`ll pr,`"il=�`� Ga !T6rziia. ORDINANCE NO. 97 Road on the North to Tall- to be published once in The Lime- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY quitz Drive on the South. light, a newspaper of general OF rALM SPRINGS AMENDING The foregoing p a r It i n g circuiation, printed, ][published and SECTION 44 OF ORDINANCE NO. regulations set forth in this circulated in the City of Palm 36 OF SAID CITY, ADOPTED section are not required and Springs. NOVEMBER oTH, I036. shall not be effective during (CITY SEAL) The City Council of the City the months of June, July, Aug- PHILIP L. BOYD, of Palm Springs does ordain as ust and September of each Mayor. fellows: year, but are required and ATTEST: Section 1: Section 44 of Ordi- shall be effective during the GUY PINNEY, nartce No. 36 of the City of remainder of each year." City Clerk. Palm Springs being an ordinance Section 2: This ordinance is I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City regulating traffic hereby declared to be an urgency of the City of Palm Springs, upon the public streets, adopted measure necessary for the im- California, hereby certify that the November 9th, 1938, is hereby mediate preservation of the pub- foregoing ordinance„ being Ordi- I amended to read as follows: lic peace, health and safety with- nance No. 97 of the City of "Section 44: PARKING in the meaning of Section 961 Palm Springs, was introduced at TIME LIMITED IN CEN- of "An Act to Provide for the a meeting of the City Council TRAL BUSINESS DIS- Organization, Incorporation and of said City held on the 25th TRICT. When authorized signs Government of Municipal Cor- clay of March, 1941 and was are in place giving notice there- porations," approved March ISth, read in full and was passed at of and except where more re- 1883, Statutes 1883, page 93, as an adjourned regular meeting of strictive regulations are applica- amended, and shall be effective said Council held on the 9th blc, no person shall stop, stand, immediately. day of April, 1941, by the fol- or park any vehicle between the A statement of the facts con- lowing vote: hours of 9:00 o'clock A. M. stituting such necessity is as fol- Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, and 6:00 o'clock P. M. of any lows: Murray, Plymire, Pershing, Shan- day: The seasonal increase in traf- non., and Mayor Boyd. (a) For a period of time fic and business activity within Noes: None. longer than one hour on eith- the City is now at its height Absent: Councilman Sorum. er side of Palm Canyon Drive and the volume thereof urgent- I further certify that said or- from Amado Road on the ly requires the immediate en- dinance was thereupon signed by North to Tahquitz Drive on forcement of the foregoing pro, Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the the South, nor on either side visions to accomplish the pro- City of Palm Springs, and at- of Andreas Road between Palm tection to person and property trste:d by Guy Pinney, City Clerk Canvon Drive and Indian Ave- afforded thereby during the of said City. nue; time this ordinance otherwise Witness my hand) and the seal (b) For a period of time would require before becoming of said City this 9th day of longer than two hours on eith- effective. April, 1941. cr side of Palm Canyon Drive Section 3: The. City Clerk is (City Sral) from Tahquitz Drive to Arenas hereby ordered and directed to GUY PINNEY, Road, nor cm the l;lest side ceaify to the passage of this Clerk of the City of of Indian avenue from Amado ordinance and to cause the same Palm Spring's, California. I I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (beirlp Ordinance I�lo.,, 07 o:C the City of P0.1m SPrinTs, Ca:l.i.iornia) and certificate were p'ublishod w g3 _g�d f is:,� r 194` in ' he Lim e:'1iTht, a weekly newspaper- Of' reeve^41 cirovaal rioaz, printed, published and ciroula:hed in t}pe_City of Palm Springs, California, �) " ..�.r.,.�.__._..-f__.___... City Clerk of th"e City o F3.1m Sprini;s, California ORDINANCE NO. 98 tion of the last term for which duty but his salary shall continue AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING lie was elected. (b) In case of until his removal by resolution of TH-_ OrPICE OF CITY MANAGER h,s intended removal by the Coun- the Council passed subsequent to Or THE CITY OF PALM SPRINGS, cil the Manager shall be fur- the public hearing. The Council AND DEFINING THE POWERS nished with a written notice state- in removing the Manager shall AND DUTIES Or THE MANAGER. tog the Council's intention to use its uncontrolled discretion and The City Council of the City remove him and the reasons there- its action shall be final, and shall rin s does ordain as for at least thirty days before the not depend upon any particular of Palm S p g effe tive date of his removal. showing or degree of proof at follows: Within seven days after the de- the hearing, the purpose of which Section 1. (a) The office of livery to him of such notice, is to allow the Manager publicly City Manager for the City of flip Manis,c-r may by written no, to present to the Council his Palm Springs is hereby establish- tification to the City Clerk rc- grounds of opposition to removal ed. The City Manager shall be Guest a public hearing before prior to its action. appointed by the City Council the Council. Thereafter the Coun- Section 2. The City Manager solely on the basis of his execu- A shall fix a time for the pub- shall be the administrative head tive and administrative qualifica- lie hearing which shall be held of the City Government under Coos, and shall hold office dur- at its usual place of meeting he- the dire:tion and control o, the in,, the pleasure of the City fore the eypiration of the said Council. He shall be responsible Council. No person elected to thirty day period, and at which to the City Council for the ef- membership on the City Council the Citv Manager shall aopear ficient administration of all the shall, subsequent to such elec- and he heard. After furnishing affairs of the City which are um tion, he eligible for appointment the Cite Marnaer with written der his control. In addition to the as City Manager until one year notice of intention to remove, the City Manager's general powers has elapsed following the expira- Council may suspend him from as administrative head, and not as a limitation thereon, it shall be cr performance of any obligation sentences, clauses or phrases be his duty and he shall have pow- running to the City. declared invalid. er (11) To investigate all com- Section 6. The City Clerk is (1) 'To see thatall laws.and plaints in •relation to all matters hereby ordered and directed to ordinances 'ate duty enforced. concerning the administration of certify to the passage of this or- (2) To employ, discipline or the government of the City and dinance and to cause the same to remove AL heads of departments in ,regard to the service main- be published once in The Lime- and all ;,subordinate officers and tained by public utilities in the light, a newspaper of general cir- employees of:the.'City,'to transfer City, and to see that all fran- culation, printed, published and employees from one department chtses, permits and "privileges circulated in the City of Palm to another; add':'to consolidate or ,granted by the City are faithful, Springs. This ordinance shall be combine offices,` positions, depart- ly observed. effective thirty days after pass- ments, or units under his juris- (12) To exercise general super- age. diction with the ,approval of the vision over all public buildings, F. V. SHANNON, I City Council in each instance. public parks and other public Mayor Pro Tempore, (3) To exercise control over property which , are under the of the City of Palm Springs. all departments and divisions of control and jurisdiction of the (CITY SEAL) the City Government and over City Council and ,not specifically ATTEST: all appointive officers and em• delegated to a particular Board. GUY PINNEY pl6yecs thereof; , C subject to ap• (13) To devote his entire time City Clerk , the City proval of the City Council. to the duties and interests of the (4) To attend all meetings of City, of Palm Springs. Pgned, City Clerk al the Council and its committees (14) To perform such other I, the u of the City of Palm Springs, Cali, unless excused therefrom by the duties and exercise such other forma, hereby certify that the Council or the committee, and powers as may be delegated by foregoing ordinance, being Ordi• except when his removal is un- 'ordinance or resolution of the Hance No. 9S of the City of tier consideration by the Coun• City' Council. Palm Springs, was introduced at cil. Section 3. Except £or the put, a meeting of the City Council (5) To recommend to the pose of inquiry, the City Coun- of said City held on the 9th day Council for adgtiou such mews- cil and -its members shall deal of April, 1941 and was read in ures and ordinances as 1.e deems' with the administrative service full and was passed at an ad- necessary or expedient. solely thru the City Manager, & journed regular meeting of said (6) To keep the ,City Council neither the City Council _ nor Council held on the 15th day of at all tunes, fully advised as to any member thereof shall give April, 1941,' by the following the financial condition and needs orders to any of the subordinates vote: of the City. of the City Manager. Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, (7) To,prepare and, submit to Section 4. The City Manager Murray, Plymire, Pershing and the City Council the annual bud, shall receive such salary as the Shannon. get. City Council shall from time to Noes: None. (8) To prepare and recom• time determine and fix by reso• Absent: Councilman Sorum and lution. Mayor Boyd. mend to the City Council a sal- Section 5. If an section, sub- Ifurther certify that said ordi• ' `try plan, section, sentence, clause or phrase Hance was thereupon signed by (9) To purchase all supplies for of this ordinance is for any rea• F. V. Shannon, Mayor Pro Tem• all of the departments or divisions son held to be invalid, such de, pore, of the City of Palm Springs, thereof, and no expenditure shall cision or decisions shall not affect and attested by Guy Pinney, City be submitted or recommended to the validity of the remaining per, Clerk of said City. the City Council, except upon tions of this ordinance. The City Witness my hand and the seal report or approval of the City Council hereby declares that it of said City this 15th day of Manager, would have passed this ordinance April, 1941. (10) To make investigations _ and each section, subsection, sen- (CITY SEAL) into the affairs of the City, or tence. clause •and phrase thereof, GUY PINNEY, any department or division there- irrespective of the fact that any Clerk of the City of of, or any contract, or the prop- one or more sections, subsections, Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that t-he foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinanco. ITo. 9e of the City of Pa11n prings, California) and certificate ware published Q t 1941 in The Limelight, a r, t n f' g n;� —""g , ee_cy17 netus'paper o-. e_4 a7. cl;:°x. cul.a£i.oi2, pri.nued,9 published and circula-L-ed in the City-of :fain Springs, California, _ r Ci'Ly Clerk of 'Lhr (,'i_-rpo Palm SprinFs, California. 190 street and highway." at a meeting of the City Council ORDINANCE NO. 99 Section 2: The City Clerk is of said City held on the 30th day AN oao_NANCE Or TIM CITY or hereby ordered and directed to of April, 1941 and was read in PALM SPRINGS ADDING SUB- certify to the passage of this or- full and Was passed at an ad- DIVISION (e), TO VEMION 20 clinance and to cause the same to journed regular meeting of said Or ORDINANCE NO. 36 Or SAID be published once in The Lime- Council held on the, 7th day of CITY, ADOPTS NOwEnrsDER atr, light, a weekly newspaper of gen- May, 1941, by the following 1938 oral circulation, printed, published vote: and circulated in the City of .Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, The City Council of the City Palm Springs. This ordinance Murray, Plyinire, Pershing and of Palm Srnn^s does ordain as shall be effective thirty days of , Samm. follows: cr passage. Noes: Councilman Shannon. I Section 1 : Subdivision (c) is F. V. SHANNON, .Absent: Mayor Philip L. Boyd. hcrehy added to Section 20 of Mayor Pro Tempore of the 'I further certify that said or- Ordinance No. 36 of the City of City of Palm Springs, dinance was thereupon signed by Palm Spri,r,a, helot; an ordinance (CITY SEAL) F. V. Shannon, Mayor Pro Tcni- of the Gl',Y renalating traffic ATTEST: GUY PINNEY. pore of the City of Palm Springs, nl,o, tiic pnol:c streets, adepCed City Clerk of the City of and attested by Gray Pinney, City c;u,emLer 901, 193g, which new Palm Springs. Cleric of said City. au bdre:,�ia� (c) dial rend as fol- 1, the undersigned, City Clerk Witness my hand and the seal lows: of the City of Palm Springs, of said City this 7th day of May, "(c) Arenas Road at its California, hereby certify that 1941, intersection w i t h Bclardo the foregoing ordinance, being (City Seal) GUY PINNEY, Road is hereby established Ordinance No. 99 of the City Clerk of the City of and declared to be a through of Palm Springs, was introduced Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance TIC. 99 of the City�o--�fPalm Springs,, California) and certificate were published [' G'n.✓:'��cn ��' f_.,,, , 1941 in The Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general ci roll l 'tio'n, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs, Calif(ornia. `y City C irk' f' .`pity of 01 Palm Springs, California. ORDINANCE NO. 100 multiple dwelling must provide ed and found to be resonably I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF such proper garbage containers, safe from fire hazards by the PALM SPRINGS RELATING TO and all garbage containers from Fire Chief of the City of Palm THE COLLECTION AND DISPOS- any multiple dwelling must be Springs. No garbage shall be AL Or GARBAGE, RUBBISH AND marked so as to indicate the unit placed with such material. All WASTE MATTER IN THE CITY to which they belong. cartons and cardboard boxes shall AND CHARGES THEREFOR; ALSO Section 3. All garbage contain- be broken up before placir?,,, in REPEALING ORDINANCES N equip,9 the container. The charge for OS. crs shall be made of metal, e 13, 23, 26, 33 AND 61. ped with suitable handles and collection of such material shall The City Council of the City tight fitting metal covers and be the same as for garbage in of Palm Springs does ordain as shall be water tight. Each con- containers of the same cubic, con, follows: tainer shall have a capacity of tent. Section 1, For the purposes of not less than ten (10) gallons Eiection 7. Household rubbish, this Ordinance, the following de- and not more than thirty (30) including tin cans and bottles finitions shall apply unless an, gallons, and shall be kept by the may be placed in garbage con- other meaning is clearly apparent person in possession, charge or tai!ters or same may be placed in from the context: control of the premises in a clean, separate metal containers which (a) "GARBAGE" includes all neat and sanitary condition at shall he kept clean and sanitary. refuse accumulations of animal, all times. Where regular garbage service is fruit, vegetable or other matter Section 4. Rubbish may be de- rendered by the City of Palm that attends or results from the posited with garbage or it may Springs no extra charge shall be preparation, use, cooking, dealing be placed in a separate container made for the rcmovaC of house, in or storage of food, meat, 'fish, similar to the garbage container, hold rubbish, including tin cans fowl, fruits or vegetables includ- except as provided by Sections 6 or bottles, from residential prop, ing same or parts thereof; and 7. crties once each week, not ex- (b) "RUBBIS,IT' includes all Section 5. No liquid garbagc ceedinq thirty (30) gallons per refuse and waste matter other shall be deposited in containers collection, brat where household than garbage. with any garbage or rubbish. All rubbish, tin can: or bottles alone Section 2. It shall be and is birchen garbage shall be drained are taken by the City garbage the duty of every person in pos- of liquids and completely wrapped collector, the regular charge shall session, charge"or control of any in paper before being placed in be made for such removal. place within the City of Palm the garbage container. ,Section R. Whenever the Man, Springs in or from which garbage Section 6. ,Cartons, cardboard a.ger of the Waste Disposal De- accumulates or is produced, to boxes, waste paper, excelsior and nartrncnt of the Citv shall dr.- provide, and at all times to keep other, similar light material shall termine that the garbage from any in a suitable place readily acces- be 'removed by the garbage col- premises is des4rccl for animal sible to the garbage and rubbish lector at least once a week from feeding and shall so notify the collector, containers capable of each place within the City where person in possession, charge, or holding without spilling all garb, 16 aCcu11111lates and is placed in contiol of such premises, such age which would ordinarily ac- containers for pickup. Containers person shall thereafter deposit the cumulate on such premises be- for such material need not be garbage designate' as hoT feed in tween the times of two successive regulation garbage containers, but , separate garbage container and collections. The owner of any must be metal containers inspect- <hall ]ccen such garbage free SEE PAGE 193 , from rubbish, tin cans, glass and tween the hours of 5:00 o'clock '%Oril"tnance shall be deemed guilty indigestible materials such as cof- A. M: 'and 8:00 o'clock A. M. of a separate offense for every fee grounds, egg shells, paper and on the days when the Waste Dis- day such violation shall be com- the like. `_ posal Department of the City mitted, continued or permitted, Section 9. It'shall'be unlawful collects from the particular prom, and shall be subject to the penal- for any::person„ other than the ises adjacent thereto. ties imposed by this section for i.authorized.agent§.or,,employees of Section 14. The keeping of each and every such separate of- the `City_oaf+Pahr Springs, to col, garbage in containers other than fense. lect, remove or; dispose, garb- those prescribed by this Ordi• The conviction and punishment :age"`ar 'rubbish 'in ;the, City; ex, nance, or the keeping upon prem• of any person hereunder shall wept that;,the provisions of this ises of garbage or rubbish which not relieve such person from the section' shall'"not apply `tq any is offensive, obnoxious, or un• responsibility to correct prohibit- perso'n;transpoiting,,his.own'garb, sanitary shall be unlawful, shall ed conditions or to remove pro, Ago 'or,to i-s to,;;tht', dump constitute a public nuisance and hibited matter, nor prevent the grounds on:� 'East jAalmon"Road may, be abated in the manner enforced correction or removal of At the` 1 ast it limits. ,- now or hereafter provided by law such prohibited condition or mat- I'llSi'c,60h1.10.=, 'ollegtl'on�!nd re, for the abatement of nuisances. ter. moval'`of,,.,garliage ap&d rubbish Section 15. All vehicles'' used'' Section 19. Ordinances Nos. 18, sha11 . e made"'at least'l once a to transport garbage within, the 23, 26, 35 and 61 of the City week fromr,each'pcfvate,:residence City shall have metal lined bodies,.: of Palm Springs are hereby re- and 'as an times per, week and from the time that the last pealed, as of the effective date from all meat; fi'sh,janchi7egetable' pickup of garbage is placed upon of this Ordinance. markets;' ,restaurants, n6oarding the vehicle until the vehicle Section 20. The City Clerk is fiouses; 'hotels; 'apartments; J,I,S—•, reacbt ss the place of final dis• hereby ordered and directed to tals, Uusine,'-, 'places, and'. othe�., 'posal, late garbage shall be cover- certify to the passage of this Or- like ,places as,tf e"Superintendent ,• ed' by a' tarpaulin or other suit- dinance and to cause the same of ,the= Waste Dispq�al Deji'art• _,-,able covering fastened down at to be published once in The Lime• inegt:.'-of the v City , may r or2ler, €fie sides. Every vehicle used to light, a newspaper of general cir- +.,, . rum tithe,"to 'ti de. „ rcarry garbage shalJ/be kept clean culation, printed, published and cs Sectiof 1;1. ,T1e City;C©Gticil , on the inside afid outside. On circulated in the City of. Palm of;,the:'City` q( Ealm';Springb 6v-,, the outside of each garbage truck Springs. This Ordinance shall be ;'reeolutidn"shall frofii-Iilne"to tiihe,:-,of the City's}��11 be displayed th effective thirty (30) days after _ est-Alish �an'dmaintain'- easoa$h'le. words "City of Palm S nos r rd, Y Pt] a passage. r,'rafe„and p1A,up,,sthedules,-for col% 'A,.Ulaste`Disposal�eparrruent",/The PHILIP L. BOYD, ;-r 1'ection;.ari'cl',`d}sposaU` of 2garUa'ge, provisions Hof tills sectionws1tal[ Mayor of the City of teand'�auhbisH,�acg4tuulaiiug.pm prVo not appl, to a person trans, Palm Springs. 006ic ,d,.,Aithid'the.City , and,eshall porting/ivs own garbage to the (CITY SEAL) provide. Uy` resolution lom'`the dump grounds/on East Ramon ATTEST: ` ' . =manneL;of hill}n ^•;i51'i` collecting ,Pwad at the Gity limits, but GUY PINNEY, hu es for suc)t service „pecibds i,s rvIl, person shall tlansport such City Clerk of the Mowed Uefcre dehnqugnryr of r g�a age qrj rubbish«'n a covered City of Palm Springs. thtr�es 411 diseonrtnuance ofl-s - m� tal"e kproof container as de- I, the undersigned, City Clzrl�' twee' for,non-pa" ' or. scribed'"in Sectigh. 2. of the City of Palm S rin ; +'Sectiort,.,12:: A11,.per8o its.,,,desirj ---.SeCtion''16. The Superintendent California, hereby certify that the, mg' garbage qr rubbish sgrvfee of they Waste! Disposal Depart, forgoing ordinance, being Orch; shal} make ippl;cation- "therefor teent,of file Gity of Palm Springs, t,aocc No. 100 of the City of to ;t}e` Waste' Disposal D€par€ stiWeet to the approval of the Palm Springs, was introduced at ,,,. . inert o.,tlie CiYy,of Pa ln 'ySpriugs,"' City, E2ouncil evidenced by rose" a meeting of the City Council of Speei£y',it}g,. th'e service"">!cg -,red; "lutif+n;shall. have the power to said City held on the 4th day of __-.and aarEeinQ 'tp pay, the`° prorier establish- rifles and- regulations, June, 1941, and was read in full charge " or; such,service`until•;thoc- consistaht with, the provisions of and was passed at an adjourned c .,Wa'stc'',"j�jspnsal'."I)epartmEnx,,.ofr this OrdinAnce,. governing the regular meeting of said Council ,,.^ ' T•the '-City ^'past'; eon,a dt{fied, to' "2eeping,' collection, removal and held on the 18th day of June, disc ontmue service.,Ali pavigents' >disposal of garbage and rubbish. 1941, by, the following vote: shall Ue, wide `tie, ,the City1. ,of Sectinri 17:, It shall be unlawful Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, palm ''Spr�o_as"at the Office of for any;person to burn any garb- Murray, Plymire, Pershing, Shan- ' ,tl c• Waste Aisposal,-Department,, `age with, tl e:,limits of the City non, Sorum and Mayor Boyd. an.ci�.proper,„receipts ,therefor, slialb:', of' P,2lm tip"rings except at the Noes: None. ,A be-•issue'd}'" sbowi8g,the :piemisea,=eaiIl„dump '_grbunds on East Ra Absent: None. r £erred`'to,,,-the service'ror5lered, men, Road. I further certify that said ordi- ,iatc,paidFand,perigdcovered'.-;All, "Section 1St. ,Any violation of nance was thereupon signed by such;moneys -shill' he,..depo's' i.br`non•comphance with this Ordi- Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the in,tUe Waste Disposa4Tifrid of nance pr any. rEiles"or regulations City of Palm Springs, and at• i e ,Gifu. r�1de. hereon lei, shall be deemed tested by Guy Pinney, City Clerk Section 13.,It sh'aIbe.,unlawful.,, a ml isdemeattor,_punishable by a of said City. to place or" deposif gsibage' 'or _ .fine n" ot,to 'e eQed ;Three Hun- Witness my hand and the seal "'rubbish"'in or, ,upon agy, puUlle. Bred Dgllars ($30 J.00)'or by im• of said City this ISth day of "placer-street,'_,,alley"`sideayalk or.,•pi-ikonmeuj not, exteechng three June, 1941. footparj , m 'tl e',City of_ ;Palm. -('3) " months it}..,the ' Riverside (CITY SEAL) *Spiin'es except;in.,proper,Forltam G)ufity ,,Taal, or-,:by: both such _ GUY PINNEY, ors for,.the"pu;pQse 'of Sollec[oil' -' t e and,;jmprisoninent. Every vie Clerk of the City of by the,.garbage,collector 'and. be•` later'*of 'the, provisions 'of this Palm Springs, California. , .. t:•uy 1_92 x .^ ' . p"°�4 y;�i �.:- t�f zi^I'" ri,"%i.yr/',rr'n��"•yXr Y 5 � +/.�y., fit. Pq� 3: / p.t rPaF hf{}ri�F Y4� / 7,�1, > 1^ IA rm�^ G fa, Y -Vdi 'J 0J 7 Xf�t' 9 iv, I' F�� ' P �(Yi �1�1� / ,kR r ��j ' A 4�x RIr�Yw%��kL tr iyLx/S1r pt nIP Ypy p+ d El�+A�Y71m IF, y 11P ' �2,���1 • , /^�^'��1Ax4dgWp�j1� ,)rin+b �e{Ib�r<Iooy '1 a I, , Y l . kifs , ,� y5✓rMA1l 1y P1 5� ��gLGIf�Llt��T� ' E �pyr ro h +gyfaa� ,aFr+y� � �Pahn X. E i r `je ry,r g raK ty, �li �k�r� P ,¢�r �f Y Z� /.]xF{P I Y �ji`.�,. :FrTi, ry ,�7L'S r !v nm fNvi<' M,L tXi 'Ad ri '.r r r "'e^Prx M PP r 4 �{� � `i 4��v 1Jf lX•''1�' tP wc,�5v4�M r r� }a +b1'µaw.n. �-31+L �Jr� t � I dtP"L' r, fIY d van t n1l,rn+,+p7v fiyr/i `'i�Y�j X � L. k�� 'J � ~ 5 w fi ,(x v 'j 4f1RJlf;`� lal,lih 'f . r, ,h! i' i from rubbish, tin cans, glass and tween the hours of 5:00 o'clock Ordinance shall be deemed guilty indigestible materials such as cof- A. M. and 8:00 o'clock A. M. of a separate offense for every fee grounds, egg shells; paper and on the days when the Waste Die- day,such violation shall be com- the like. posal Department of the City mitted, continued or permitted, Section 9. It shall be unlawful collects from the:particular prem- and shall be subject to the penal, for any- person, other than the ises,adjacent thereto. ties ,imposed by this section for authorized agents or employees of Section 14. The keeping of each and every such separate of, the City of Palm Springs, to col, garbage in containers other than fense. lect, remove or .dispose of garb- those prescribed by. this Ordi- The conviction and punishment age or rubbish in the City; ex- nance, or the keeping upon prem• of any person hereunder shall cept that the .provisions of this ises of garbage or'rubbish which not relieve such person from the section shall not .apply to any is offensive, obnoxious, or un- responsibility to correct prohibit- person transporting his own_ garb- sanitary shall be unlawful, shall ed conditions or to remove pro, see or rubbish to the dump constitute a public nuisance and hibited matter; nor prevent the grounds on East Ramon Road may be abated in the manner enforced correction' or removal of at the East City limits. now or hereafter provided by law such prohibited condition or mat- Section 10. Collection and re- for the abatement of nuisances, ter. moval of garbage and rubbish Section 15. All vehicles used Section 19. Ordinances Nos. 18, shall be made at least once a to transport garbage within the 23, 26, 35 and 61 of the City week from each private residence • City'shall have metal lined bodica, of Palm Springs are hereby re- and as many times per week and from the time that the last pealed, as of the effective date from all meat, fish and vegetable pickup of garbage is placed upon of this Ordinance. markets, restaurants, boarding the vehicle until the vehicle Section 20. The City Clerk is houses, hotels, apartments, hospi- reaches the place of final dis- hereby ordered and directed to tals, business places and other posal, the garbage shall be cover- certify to the passage of this Or- like places as the Superintendent ed by a tarpaulin or other suit- dinance and to cause the same of the Waste Disposal Depart- able covering fastened down at to be published once in The Lime ment of the City may order the sides. Every vehicle used to light, a newspaper of general cir, from time to time, carry garbage shall be kept clean culation, printed, published and Seetion 11. The City Comsil on the inside and outside. On circulated in the City of Palm' of the, City of Palm Springs by the outside of each garbage truck Springs. This Ordinance shall be resolution shall from time to time of the City shall be displayed tht effective thirty (30) days after establisli and maintain reasonable words "City of Palm Springs passage. rate and pickup schedules for col- Waste Disposal Department". The PHILIP L. BOYD, lection and disposal of garbage provisions of this section shall Mayor of the City of and rubbish, accumulating or pro- not apply to any person trans- Palm Springs. duced within the City, and shal! posting his own garbage to tlue (CITY SEAL) p d provide by resolution for the dump grounds on East Ramon ATTEST: manner of billing and collecting ,Road at the East City limits, but GUY PINNEY, .charges for such, service, periods such person shall transport such City Clerk of the allowed before delinquency of garbage or 'rubbish in a covered City of Palm, Springs. charges and discontinuance of ser- metal leakproof' container as de- I, the undersigned, City Clerk vice for non-payment. scribed in Section 2. of the City of Palm Springs, ISection 12. All persons desir- ....Section 16. The superintendent California, hereby certify that the ing garbage or rubbish service of the Waste Disposal Depart- forgoing ordinance, being Ordi, shall make application therefor ment of the City of Palm Springs, na,ue No. too of the City of the Waste Disposal Depart- subject to the approval of the Palm Springs, was introduced at went o, the City of Palm Springs, City Council evidenced by reso' a meeting of the City Council of specifying the service required, hition, shall have the power to said City held on the 4th day of and agreeing to pay the proper establish rules and regulations, June, 1941, and was read in full charge for such service until the consistent with the provisions of and was passed at an adiourned Waste Disposal Department of this Ordinance, governing the rc,7ular meeting of said Council the City has been notified to keeping, collection, removal and held on the 18th day of June, discontinue service. All pavments disposal of garbage and rubbish. 1941, by the following vote: shall be made to the City of Section 17. It shall be unlawful Aves: Councilmen Cliffton, Palm Springs at the office of for any person to burn any garb- Murray, Plymire, Pershing, Shan, the Waste Disposal Department, age within the limits of the City non Serum and Mayor Boyd, and proper receipts therefor shall of Palm Springs except at the Noes: None. he issued, showing' the premises said dump grounds on East Ra, Absent: None. referred to, the service ordered. mon Road I further certify that said ordi- rate paid and period covered. All Section 18. Any violation of nance was thereupon signed by such moneys shall be deposited or non-compliance with this Ordi- Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the in the Waste Disposal Fund of nance or any rules or regulations City of Palm Springs, and at, the City. made hereunder shall be deemecl tested by Guy Pinney, City Clerk Section 13. It shall be unlawful a misdemeanor punishable by a of said City. to place or deposit garbage or fine not to exceed Three Hun- Witness my hand and the seal rubbish in or upon any public dred Dollars ($300.00) or by im- of said City this 18th day of place, street, alley, sidewalk or prisonment not exceeding three June, 1941. footpath in the City of Palm (3) months in the Riverside (CITY SEAL) Sprints except in proper contain, County ,Jail, or by both such GUY PINNEY, ers for the purpose of collection fine and imprisonment. Every vio Clerk of the City of by the garbage collector and be, lator of the provisions of this Palm Springs, California, I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance No. 100 of the City, of Palm Springs, California) and certificate were published , 1941 in The Limelight, a weekly newspaper f genc a oarcu'lation, printed, publishod and circulated in the City oc" Palm Springs, California, CityCity Gler�'the—City ofU Palm Springs, California, 194 ORDINANCE NO. 101 this franchise being somewhat in and not resulting in whole or in ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF the nature of a renewal of a part from any act of omission or PALM SPRINGS, STATE OF CALI- fight already in existence, there Commission Of Said City or any FORMA, GRANTING To eALa shall be no deferment for the of its said officers, or its said em- FORNIA WATER & TELEPHONE first five years succeeding the plovees. COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA COR- date of this franchise of the pay, (d) remove or relocate, with- PORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ment of two per cent (2%) of Out expense to the City, any fa- ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVIL- the gross annual receipts of the cilities installed, used and main- EGE AND FRANCHISE TO LAY grantee, but such payment shall tained under this franchise if and AND CONSTRUCT FROM TIME commence to accrue at the time when made necessary by any law- TO TIME AND TO THEREAFTER hereinafter in this section desig- fur change of grade, alignment OPERATE AND MAINTAIN, RE- nated. Said two per cent (2%) or width of any public stret, way, PAIR, ENLARGE AND/On RE- of the gross annual receipts shall alley or place, including the law- I PLACE A SYSTEM OF TELEPHONE be payable annually and shall ful construction of any subway AND/OIL TELEGRAPH POLES, commence to accrue on the day or viaduct by the City; and W I R E S AND CABLES, TO- upon which this franchise shall (c) file with the legislative GETHER WITH SUCH first be in full force and effect; body of the City within thirty FIXTURES On APPURTENANCIiS and the grantee of this franchise (30) days after any sale, trans- As THE GRANTEE, ITS SUCCESS- shall file with the Clerk of the fer' assignment oi: lease of this OHS OR ASSIGNS, MAY DEEM City within three (3) months franchise, or any part thereof, NECESSARY on eoxveNlExT IN after the expiration of the cal- or of any of the rights or privi- CONNECTION THEREWITH, IN, endar year, or fractional cal- loges granted hereby, written UNDER, ALONG, UPON AND/OR endar year, following the date on evidence of the same certified ACROSS ALL PUBLIC STREETS, which payments under this fran- thereto by the grantee or its HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS AND/OR chisc shall commence to accrue, dulv authorized officers. PLACES OF SAID CITY OF PALM and within three O s 3 month �' section 5. The City reserves SPRINGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF after the expiration of each and the right at any time during the RENDERING CO3rn1UNICATION every calendar year thereafter, a term of this franchise, to re, SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC, FOIL duly verified statement showing THE TERM OF FIFTY YEARS. / Quire the is telcntee io remove any in reasonable detail the total gross or all of its telclibonc, telegraph , The City Council of the City receipts of the grantee, its suc- anal electric poles or wires in- of Palm Springs, does ordain as cesscrs or assi?ns, during the pre- stalled, erected, operated or follows: ceding calendar year, or such maintained, pursuant to the pro- Section 1. The right, privilege fractional calendar year, from the visions of this franchise, above and franchise to lay and construct sale of the utility service rendered the surface of said streets and to from time to time, and thereafter by the grantee entirely within place and locate the same below to operate_ and maintain, repair, the City for which this franchise the surface of said streets in the enlarge and/or replace a system is granted. It shall be the duty City or any part thereof, when, of telephone and/or telegraph of the grantee to pay to the City ever such right is exercised and poles, wires and cables, together within fifteen (15) days after enforced by the City alike against with such fixtures or' appurten- the time for filing such statement, all telephone, tdeErmph and elec- I antes as the grantee, its success- in lawful money of the United tric poles or wires within the ors or assigns, may deem neces- States, the specified percentage City of Palm Springs, owned or sary or convenient in connection of the gross receipts retained by operated by any person, firm or therewith, in, under, along, upon it for the calendar year, or such private or public corporation do and/or across all public streets, fractional calendar year, covered ins, business within said City, highways, alleys and/or places by such statement. Any neglect, nrevided, however, that nothing now or hereafter within the limits omission or refusal by said gran- herein contained shall be con- of the said City of Palm Springs, tee to file such verified state- stroccl to prohibit, the erection, as such limits now or hereafter ment, or to pay said percentage, maintenance, or use of any pole exist, for the purpose of render- at the times or in the manner or poles for street illumination, ing communication Services to the hereinbeforc provded, shall he for traffic control purposes, or public, for the term of fifty (50) grounds for the declaration of a any pedestal for the official use years from and after the effec- forfeiture of this franchise and of the fire and police departments tive date of this ordinance are of all rights thereunder, which of said City for their traffic, hereby granted to California Wit- right, if exercised, shall be ex- alarm and communication Sys, ter & Telephone Company a crcised in conformance with the tem. California corporation, its suc• provisions of Section 9 hereof. Section G. This grant is made cessors or assigns. Section 4. The grantee of this in lieu of all other franchises, Section 2. The right, privilege franchise shall: rights, or privileges owned by and franchise hereby granted is (a) construct, install, and the grantee, or by any successor not exclusive, and the right of maintain all poles, wires, cables, of the grantee to any rights on, the said City to grant like rights, fixtures and appurtenances in ac- der this franchise, to lay, con- privileges and franchises to oth- cordance with and in conformity =truce, operate, maintain, repair ers is hereby reserved provided with all of the ordinances, rules or replace a system of telephone that such grants shall not inter- and regulations heretofore or poles, wires and cables with their fore with the reasonable use of hereafter adopted by the leas- uecccsary or convenient fixtures the rights granted hereunder. lative body of this City in the and appurtenances, within the Section 3. The grantee herein lawful exercise of its police pow- limits of the City, as said limits or its successors and assigns, must, ers and not in conflict with the now or hereafter exist, and the during the life of said franchise, paramount authority of the State acceptance of the franchise here, pay to the City of Palm Springs of California or of the United by granted shall operate as an annually, two per cent (2%) of States of America; abandonment of all such franch- the gross annual receipts which (b) pay to the City, on de- ises, right and privileges within are retained by grantee, includ- mand, the cost of all repairs to the limits of this City, as such ing all toll receipts retained by public property made necessary limits now or hereafter exist, in grantee, and arising from the by any operations of the grantee lieu of which this franchise is use, operation or possession of under this franchise: granted. this franchise. The grantee of (c) indemnify and hold harm- Section 7, The franchise grant, this franchise being a corporation less the City and its officers from ed hereunder ,shall not become already owning, operating and any and all liability for damage effcctive until written acceptance maintaining a communication serv• proximately resulting from any thereof shall have been filed by vice in the City and accordingly operations under this franchise, the grantee thereof with the 102 180 8-1.2-47 i ;i, 007Y' Repealing Ord. No. 102 190 Clerk of the City. When so filed, er causes which are beyond the Mayor Boyd. such acceptance shall constitute a reasonable control of grantee, be, Noes: Councilmen: None. continuing agreement of the gin the work of"compliance, or Absent: Councilmen- Murray grantee that if and when the after such, beginning shall not and Plymire. City shall thereafter annex or prosecute the same with due dilig- (CITY SEAL) consolidate with, additional ter- ence to completion, except when PHILIP L. BOYD, ritory, such additional territory prevented from so doing by any Mayor of the City of shall thereupon be' included in of the causes hereinabove in this Palm Springs, State of territory governed by this franch- Section 9 (a) set forth, then the California. ise, any and all franchise rights City, by its legislative body, may ATTEST: and privileges previously owned declare this franchise forfeited. GUY PINNEY, I by the grantee therein, shall like- (b) The City may, subject to Clerk of the City of wise be deemed to be abandoned the provisions of Section 9 (a) Palm Springs, State of within the limits of such terri- hereof, sue in its own name for California. tory. the forfeiture of this franchise, I, the undersigned, City Clerk Section 8. The franchise grant- in the event of non-compliance of the City of Palm Springs, ed hereunder shall not in any by the grantee, its successors or California, hereby certify that the way or to any extent impair or assigns, with any of the condi- foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- affect the right of the City to tions thereof. nance No. 101 of the City of acquire the property of the gran- Section 10. Within ten (lo) Palm Springs, was introduced at tee hereof either by purchase or days after the passage and pub- a meeting of the City Council through the exercise of the right lication of this ordinance the gran- of said City held on the 18th of eminent domain, and nothing tee shall file with the City Clerk day of June, 1941, and was read herein contained shall be constru- a written acceptance of the in full and was passed at an ed to contract away or to modi- franchise hereby granted, and an adjourned regular meeting of said fy or abridge, either for a term agreement to comply with the Council held on the 30th day of or in perpetuity, the City's right terms and conditions hereof. June, 1941, by the following of eminent domain in respect to Section 11. The City Clerk vote: the grantee or any public utility. shall certify to the adoption of Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, Nor shall this franchise ever be this ordinance and shall cause Pershing, Shannon, Sarum and given any value before any court the same to be published once in Mayor Boyd. or other public authority in any The Limelight, a weekly news- Noes: None. proceeding of any character in paper of general circulation, print. Absent: Councilmen Murray' excess of any sum paid by it to ed, published and circulated in and Plymire. the City therefor at the time of the City of Palm Springs. This I further certify that said or- the acquisition thereof. ordinance shall be in full force durance was thereupon signed by Section 9. a If the and effect thirty days after pass- Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the City O grantee Y Y of this franchise shall fail, neg- age. of Palm Springs, and attested byGuy Pinney, City Clerk of said lent or refuse to comply with any Introduced for passage on the City. of the provisions or conditions 18th day of June, 1941, and Witness my hand and the seal I hereof, and shall not, within ten adopted and passed by said City of said City this 30th day of (10) days after written demand Council, at a regular meeting June, 1941, for compliance, except when pre- held on the 30th day of June, (CITY SEAL) vented from so doing by acts of 1941, by the following vote: GUY PINNEY, God, strikes, lockouts, war, civil Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, Clerk of the City of Palm commotion, labor disputes or oth- Pershing, Shannon, Sarum and Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance N of of the City of Palm S rings, California) and certificate were published 1941 in The Limelight, a weekly newspa r o£ ge Oral eiren ation, pri ted, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs, California, City C erk o th(TCCity= of Paj'2 Springs, California. ORDINANCE No. 162 5 is hereby amended by adding (c]) Subdivision p s an b Airports' irp of Section AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF to paragraph 4 thereof a new t PALM SPRINGS AMENDING SEC- sub-paragraph numbered '(.e)' and 16 is hereby amended by adding I TIONS va), 6(a), 7(a), 16(b) and Y readulo as follows: i; of ORDINANCE No. :5 of ' to paragraph (2) thereof a new SAID CITY. '(e)' Hospitals and Airports,' sub-paragraph numbered (c) and (b) Subdivision ( ) of Section reading as follows: The C;ty Council of the City G is hereby amendead by adding (c). In the area specifical- of Palm Springs does ordain as to paragraph 8 thereof a new ly designated in the following follows: sub-paragraph numbered '(f)' and schedule the special setback or Section 1: Ordinance No. 75 reading as follows: front yard area requirements of the City of Palm Springs, be- (f)' Hospitals and Airports.' indicated shall apply and shall supersede all other requirements ing the Palm Springs Land Use Ordinance, adopted December (c) Subdivision (a) of Sec- of this ordinance. Elsewhere 13th, 1939, is hereby amended tion 7 is hereby amended by add- the general requirements of the as follows: ing to paragraph 5 thereof a new ordinance in that 'regard shall sub-paragraph numbered '(e)' and apply. The schedule referred to (a) Subdivision (a) of Section reading as follows: is as follows: 196 PALM CANYON DRIVE APPROVED SET BACK LINE 1. Ramon Road to Indio Road'. Both sides: 10 ft. from property line. 2. Baristo Road to Ramon Road. Both sides: 10 ft. from property line. 3. Arenas Road to Baristo Road. Both sides: 10 ft. from property line. 4. Tahquitz Drive to Arenas Road, East Side: 7 ft. from property line 4a, Tahquitz Drive to Arenas Road, West side: 10 ft. from property line. 5. Andreas Road to Tahquitz Drive. Both sides: 10 ft. from prop- erty line. I 6. Andreas Road to Amado Road. Both sides: Nine. 7. Amado Road to Alejo Road. West side: 10 ft. from property line. 74. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block- 24, Palm Springs. East Side: 10 ft. from property line. 7b. Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 24, Palm Springs. East side: None 8. Alejo Road to Grand Via Valmonte. West side: 110 ft. from property line. 8a. Alejo Road to Grand Via Valmonte. East side: 12 ft. from property line. 9. Grand Via Valmonte to Tacheva!\Drive. West side: 10 ft. from property line. 9a. Grand Via Valmonte to El Alameda. East side: No setback. 9b. El Alameda to Tachevah. East side: 5 ft. from property line.. 10. Tachevah Drive to Via Las Palmas. West side: 10 fE: from property line. 10a. Tachevah Drive to Pasco El Mirador. East side: 2.5 ft. from property line. IOb. South line of Pasco El Mirador to South line of Palm Springs Estates No. 3 being a distance of 210 feet . . . East side: 25 feet from property line. 11. Via Las Palmas to Stevens Road. West side: 10 ft. from property line, except O'Donnell Reservoir site which is 30 ft. from property line. Ila. South line 'Palm Springs Estates No. 3 to Stevens Road . . . East side: 10 ft. from property line. 12. Stevens Road to Vista do Chino. Both sides: 20 ft. from prop- erty line. 13. Vista de Chino to North City limits. Both sides: 60 ft. from I center of road. INDIAN AVENUE APPROVED SET BACK LINE 14. Camino Parocela to Ramor Road. Both sides: 15 ft. from prop, erty line. 15. Ramon Road to Alejo Road. West side: 10 ft. from property line. 15a. Ramon Road to Alejo Road. East side: 40 ft. from section line. 16. Alejo Road to Grand Via Valmonte. West side: 30 ft. from property line. 16a. Alejo Road to Grand Via Valmonte. East side: 15 ft. from property line 17. Grand Via Valmonte to Vista de Chino. Both sides: 15 ft. from property line. 18. Vista de Chino to North City limits. West side: 45 ft. from center of road. 18a. Vista de Chino to North City limits. East side: 55 ft. from center of road. BELARDO ROAD APPROVED SET BACK LINE 19. Ramon Road to Tahquitz Drive. Both sides: 10 ft. from property line. CAHUILLA ROAD APPROVED SET BACK LINE 20. Ramon Road to Baristo Road. East side: 10 ft. from property line. (e) Section 17 is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof an un-numbered paragraph reading as follows: `HOSPITALS AND AIRPORTS, in all Districts.' thereby adding same to the list of buildings and uses for which the Zoning Board shall have power to recommend issuance of special permits and under the conditions stated, if any, subject to approval of its action by the City Planning Commission in each instance. Section 2: The City ,Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to certify to the passage of this ordinance and to cause, the same to be published once in The Limelight, a weekly newspaper.of ,general cir• culation printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after passage. PHILIP L. BOYD, Mayor of tlic',City of Palm Springs, ATTEST: GUY PINNEY, City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs. 103 189 4- 7.-48 1 326 Repealing Ord. No. 103 19i I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Palm Springs, California, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- nance No. 102 of the City of Palm Springs, was introduced at a meeting of the City Council of said City held on the 30th day of June, 1941, and was read in full, and was passed at an adjourneo regular meeting of said Council held on the 9th day of July, 1941 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, Pershing, Shannon, Serum an( Mayor Boyd. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Murray and Plymire. I further certify that said ordinance was thereupon signed by Philip.L. Boyd, Mayor of the Citv of Palm Springs, and attested by ' Guy Pinney, City Clerk of said City. Witness my hand and the seal of said City this 9th day of July, 1941. (CITY SEAL) I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance No. 102 of th ity of Palm prings, California) and certificate were published 1941 in The Limelight, a weekly news— pa of gen al cirou5ution printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs, California. aV City of the ity of Palm Springs, California, �d onmxnscE NO. lea vided, no sign of any kind, more than one public street AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ]laving a greater surface area shall be allowed their res ec- PALM SPRINGS AMENDING SEC- or expanse than thirty (30) rive quotas of sign area on any TONS 6(a), 7(a), 7(b), 8 AND square feet, shall be erected, two of the streets, provided 15 OF ORDINANCE NO. 82 OF applied, constructed or main- that the areas may not be cum, SAID CITY AND ADDING SUB- }' m SECTIONS I(e) AND1(d) THERE- tamed within the City Palm ulated one street, and shall Springs. "In those casess where not exceed the allowed area on TO. a business does not deal in, any one street. I The City Council of the City sell or display personal proper- 'Where same fire set back of Palm Springs does ordain as ty, nor have any window dis- twenty feet or more from the follows: plays adjacent to the street, property 'line an additional Section 1. Ordinance No. 82 but does have an entrance way twenty-five percent (25%) of of the City of Palm Springs be, from the street, and is set back sign area may be used for non- ing the "Palm Spring Sign Ordi- a distance of twenty-five (25) illuminated signs, provided fur- nance" adopted June 26th, 1940, feet or more, its entire allowed ther that the h'neal footage of is hereby amended as follows: sign area may be incorporated the property on the particular (a) A new sub-section num- into one single sign, provided street is sufficient to provide bered 1(c) is hereby added there, that it be constructed entirely for all sign area at the ratio to, reading as follows: of steel, glass and non-inflam- of one lineal foot of frontage "(c) Area, of signs shall able materials, be indirectly for each square foot of sign mean and include that of each lighted, have its lowest portion area. face of a sign, and each such at least ten (10) feet above the "In those cases where a busi- face shall be deemed a separate surface of the entrance, have ness does not deal in, sell or sign. Where a sign is painted on letters not more than ten (10) display personal property, nor a wall of a building, without inches in height, and be sup- have any window displays ad, any border, and with its back- ported only at either side of jacent to the street, but does ground the same color as the such entrance way." have an entrance way from wall of the building, the area (d) Section 7(a) thereof is the street, and is set back a of the sign shall be computed amended to read as follows: distance of twenty'five (25) by enclosing the lettering and "(a) The total or aggregate feet or more, and its signs are images within sets of parallel area of all signs affixed to or entirely of steel, glass and non, lines and taking the area thus upon any building or premises inflammable materials, indi- enclosed. The area of signs shall not exceed the equivalent rectly lighted, an additional on marquees and indirectly of one square foot per lineal twenty-five per cent (25%) of lighted signs having letters not foot of frontage which said sign area may be used." over ten inches in height shall building or premises has on the (f) Section 8 thereof is amend- be similarly computed." public streets upon which it ed to read as follows: : I (b) A new, sub-section num- immediately abuts. No single "Section 8: No sign shall bercd 1(d) is hereby added there- business regardless of its lineal extend more than thirty (30) to, reading as follows: frontage shall have affixed to inches above the roof or walls "(d) Sign' shall not include exceed fifty (50) square feet of the building to which it is the American Flag nor any of signs by reason of its front- attached. No sign shall extend support, frame or standard agc on any one public street higher than twenty (20) feet vihich is used exclusively for except as allowed by section above the average grade of the display of the American Flag." 7(b)." ground surface of the premises (c) Section 6(a) thereof is (e) Section 7(b) thereof is immediately below." amended to read as follows: amended to read as follows: (g) Section 15 thereof is amend- "(a) Except as herein pro- "(b) Buisinesses abutting on ed to read as follows: "Section 15: The City nance and to cause the same to day of June, 1941, and was then Council of the City of Palm be published once in The Lime, read in full, and was passed at Springs hereby determines that light, a newspaper of general cir- an adjourned regular meeting of the public peace, safety, morals, culation printed, published and said Council held on the 9th day health and welfare requires that circulated in the City of Palm of Judy, 1941, by the following all signs and advertising struc, Springs. This ordinance shall be vote: Lures heretofore constructed or effective thirty (30) days after Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, erected be and they are ex- passage. Pershing, Shannon, Sorum and pressly made subject hereto, and (CITY SEAL) Mayor Boyd. said signs and advertising strut- PHILIP L. BOYD, Noes. None. tures shall conform and comply Mayor of the City of Absent: Councilmen Murray with the requirements of this Palm Springs. and P'lymire. I ordinance not later than No, ATTEST: I further certify that said ordi- vember 1st, 1941, and that all GUY PINNEY, nance: was thereupon signed by signs and advertising structures City Clerk of the Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the City which shall not so conform and City of Palm Springs. of Palm Springs, and attested by comply prior to that date be I, the undersigned, City Clerk Guy Pinney, City Clerk of said and they are hereby declared of the City of Palm Springs, City, Witness my hand and the public nuisances, to be removed California, hereby certify that the Seal of said City, this 9th day and abated in the manner pro- foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- of July, 1941. vided by law." nance No. 103 of the City of (CITYY SEAL) Section 2: The City Clerk is Palm Springs, was introduced at GUY PINNEY, hereby ordered and directed to a meeting of the City Council Clerk of the City of certify to the passage of this ordi- of said City held on the 30th Palm Springs, Califorr''a, I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance Too» 03 of the 1 Cityo.f Palm Springs, California) and certificate were published \ , 1-94I, in The Limelight, a weekly newspaper of�enoral� circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs, California. City Clerk ,of the City of, Palm Springs, California ORDINANCE NO. 104 For the carrying on of the var- dinance No. 104 of the City of I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ious departments of the City, Palm Springs, was introduced at PALM SPRINGS FIXING THE ether than said public library, a meeting of the Citv Council of An1OUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY the sum of Sixty-six Thousand said City held on the 30th day TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION Flight Hundred Fifty ($66,850.00) of June, 1941, and was read in FOR THE FISCAL. YEAR BEGIN- Dollars• full and was passed: at an ad- NING JULY 1, 1941. Section 2: The City Clerk is iourncd regular meeting of said The City Council of the City hereby ordered and directed to Council held on the 9th day of of Palm Springs does ordain as certify to the passage of this July, 1941, by the following vote: follows: ordinance and to cause the same Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, Section 1: The amount of to be published once in The Limt- Pershing, Shannon, Sorum and money necessary to be raised by light, a week:y newspaper of Mayor Boyd. taxation upon the taxable prop, general circulation, printed, pub- Noes: None. erty within the City of Palm fished and circulated in the City Absent: Councilmen Murray Springs as a revenue to carry of Palm Springs. This ordinance and Plymire. on the various departments of shall be effective thirty days af- I farther certify that said ordi- such City for the fiscal year ter passage. beginning July 1, 1941, is hereby PHILIP L. BOYD, nance was thereupon signed Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the fixed as follows: (a) For the Mayor of the City of City of Palm Springs, and at- maintenance and support of and Palm Springs. tested by Guy Pinney, City Clerk the purchase of property for the (CITY SEAL) of said City. public library, known as the Attest: al Witness my hand and the se 'Welwood Murray Memorial Li- GUY PINNEY, of said City this 9th day of July, brary' of the City of Palm City Clerk of the City 1941. Springs' (the maintenance of said of Palm Springs. public library not being other- I, the undersigned, City Clerk'. (CITY SEAL) wise provided for), the sum of of the City of Palm Springs, GUY PINNEY, two Thousand One Hundred Fif- California, hereby certify that the Clerk of the City of ty ($2,150.00) Dollars, and (b) foregoing ordinance, being Or, Palm Springs, California I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance II L04 of the City of Palm Springs, California) and certificate were publishedo y1z 1941 J.n The Limelight, a weekly newspaper ni gen raI cirrulatited; published and circulated in the City of Palm Spring ,� California. '9 / j..tn-�y., 1.ty ' erlc�of t:he Ci o — Palm Springs, Califo:rnie. ORDINANCE NO. 105 the following services during priated shall be subject to the An Ordinance of the City of the current fiscal year: following conditions: Palm Springs appropriating (a) To maintain suitable (a) All payments shall be the sum of One Thousand quarters and facilities in the made upon a claim or de- Dollars ($1,000.00) for use City of Palm Springs and mand presented, audited and in promotion, advertising and employ competent personnel paid as in the case of all publicity for said City dur- to properly carry on the ac- ing the current fiscal year. tivities and services herein of Palm Springs, and in the The City Council of the City enumerated, manner provided by law and of Palm Springs does ordain as (b) To promptly and care- ordinance. follows: fully answer all communfca- Section 1: The City Council tions and inquiries relative (b) The Chamber shall, on of the City of Palm Springs, to the resort, scenic, climatic or before the first days of having jurisdiction, power and and residential advantages January of this fiscal year, authority for that purpose, pur- and attractions of the City submit to the City Council suant to and in compliance of Palm Springs, facilities a report describing its activi- with an act of the Legislature for accommodation of visi- ties for the preceding months, of the State of California eu- tors, and the various recrea- and particularly setting forth titled "An Act Authorizing Mu_ tional and sporting events the services referred to in nicipal Corporations to Lxpend here, and to distribute in- the preceding Section which Money for Advertising or Pub- formation in regard thereto have been rendered and licity Purposes" (Statutes of by correspondence; publicity which are contemplated by 1927, page 114), and Section through the press, and per- it, and no payments shall be made to the Chamber of SG2.23 of An Act to Provide sonal contacts favorably pro- Commerce until the reports for the Organization, lncorpora- moting, publicizing and ad- required in this paragraph tion and Government of Mu- vertising same. are so filed. nicipal Corporations" approved March 18, 1883 (Statutes of (c) To prepare and dis- (c) The Chamber of Com- I883, page 93), and having de- tribute to the press and pub- coerce shall receive payment termined that the public in- lip articles, news stories, only for the expenses ac- terest, necessity and conven- photographs, literature, and tually paid out or incurred ience so require, and that the scientific and historical in- by it in carrying out the amount hereinafter appropriat_ formation and advertising, duties required of it as spe- ed is within the limits fixed promotional and publicity cified in Section 2 hereof, by taw, there is hereby an- matter descriptive of the City and shall not receive any and its attractions and ad- propriated from the general compensation for services of I fund of the City of Palm vantages, and to develop and its own officers or employees make proper surveys where- in carrying Springs the sum of One Thous- out such require, and Dollars ($1,000.00) for use by desirable outside persons ments. during the current fiscal year may be induced to visit and s 3 reside in the City. (d) The within appropria- p providing a fund to be es- tion of funds by the City pcnded for promotion, publi_ m building aid in promoting for the expenditures and ser- city and advertising for the City home building programs and vices contemplated hereon- of desirable development of Palm Springs. der shall not create any fixed Section 2: Said fund shall occi beneficial use of op- or binding obligations upon be disbursed on claims and de- occupied cl and vacant prop- the City to pay same to the cities. rands presented, audited and Chamber of Commerce, but paid as in the case of all oth- (e) To promote and invite such payment shall be de- er claims against the City of pendent upon the filing of Palm Springs, and in the man- professional and business proper claims and reports ner provided by law and ordi- meetings and conventions evidencing the services ren- nance, and shall be expended whereby additional persons dered and expenditures made through the instrumentality of may visit and become ac- as required hereby, and shall the Palm Springs Chamber of quainted with the City of also be dependent upon the Commerce according to the Palm Springs. availability of funds for said contract or agreement which (f) To study the needs of purposes during the fiscal shall he made with that or- the community as to public year, ganization by the City of Palm improvements of every char- Section 4: The City Clerk is Springs for that purpose, aster and to prepare data, hereby ordered and directed to whereby it shall undertake to attend conferences, and by to certify to the passage of this carry on such promotional, ad- every proper method aid in ordinance and to cause the vertising and publicity activi- securing and in regulating same to be published once in tics and services on behalf of and planning such improve- The Palm Springs Limelight, a the City of Palm Springs dur- ments so as to benefit the newspaper of general circula- ing the current fiscal. year City ear end- City. tion, printed published and June 30, 1942, as 'the Y I in7 (g) To carry on such other circulated in the City of Palm Council may require of it, and duties as may be required Springs. This ordinance shall to use its facilities and its spe- of the Chamber by the City be effective thirty (30) days cia1_ knowledge and experience, Council in order to promote after passage. and shall act as an adminis- the further development of trative agent to perform the the City as a high class win- PHILLIP L. BOYD, mechanical and ministerial func- ter resort and residential Mayor of the City of tions of applying and expand- area. Palm Springs. ing said funds in furtherance Section 3: All payments to (CITY SEAL) of the objects for which they said Chamber of Commerce ATTEST: are appropriated, by rendering from the fund hereby appro- JOHN D. LANGE, Acting 2J00 City Clerk of the City of Palm read in full and was passed at ed by Phillip L. Boyd, Mayor of Springs: an adjourned regular meeting the City of Palm Springs, and 1, the undersigned, Acting of said Council held on the attested by John D. Lange, City Clerk of the City of Palm 19th day of November, 1941, Acting City Clerk of said City. by the following vote: Witness my hand and the Springs, California, hereby cer- Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, seal of said City this 2'ith clay tify that the foregoing ordi- Murray, Plymire, Pershing, of November, 1941. nance, being Ordinance No. Shannon, Sorum and Mayor (CITY SEAL) 105 of the City of Palm Springs, Boyd. was introduced at a meeting Noes: None. JOIIN D. LANGE, of the City Council of said Absent: None. Acting City Clerk of the. City held on the 5th day of I further certify that said City of Palm (Springs, November, 1941, and was then Ordinance was thereupon sign- California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certifice.te were bushed November 27th, 1941, in The Limelight, a weekly newspaper of genet circu— lation, printed, published and circulated in the f F)In Sprigs. c� A t i ng -}I y Clerk of--the � City of/Palm Springs, California. ORDINANCE NO. 108 expressly required by law, PHILIP L. BOYD, An Ordinance of the City of no person shall stop, stand Mayor of the City of Palm Springs Adding Section or park a vehicle at any time Palm Springs. 16 and Amending Section 34 on the following areas with- (CITY SEAL) of Ordinance No. 36 of said n the City: ATTEST: Gitty, regulating traffic upon (r) Either side of Alejo JOIIN D. LANGE, Acting the Public Sireets, adopted Road between Palm Canyon City Clerk of the City of Palm November 9th, 1938. Drive and Indian Avenue; Springs: The City Council of the lain do(1Road frohe m Alejo Roadt side of lon City Clerk:tof thegC ty of Palm , Acting of Palm Springs does ordain 1 as follows: the North to the Northerly Springs, California, hereby ce'- boundary of Lot 30 in Block tify that the foregoing ordi- otion 1. There is hereby 22 of Palm Springs, as per nance, being Ordinance No. 106 added to Ordinance No. 36 of map recorded in Book 9, of the City of Palm Springs, this City a new section num- page 432 of Maps, records was introduced at a meeting tiered Section 16, reading as of San Diego County, Cali- of the City Council of said follows: fornia, on the South; City held on the 5th clay of "Section 16: U TURNS IN (c) The West side of Be- November, 1941, and was then CERTAIN DISTRICTS. No lardo Road opposite Lots 29 read in full and was passed at vehicle entering from the and 30 in the said Block 22 an adjourned regular meeting streets named shall be turn- of ]Palm Springs; of said Council held on the ed at any time at the fol- (d) The `Jest side of Paln 19th day of November, 1941, lowing intersections in busi- Canyon Drive between Gran- by the folowing vote: ness districts within the City via Valmonte on the North Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, in a complete circle or in and Alejo Road on the South; Murray, Pershing, Shannon, such manner as to proceed - (e) The West side of the In- Serum, and Mayor Boyd. in the opposite direction up- than Avenue between An- Noes: Councilman Plymire. on the street upon which dregs Road on the North and Absent: None. said vehicle is traveling at Tahquitz Drive on the I further certify that`. said the time of entering said in- South." Ordinance was thereupon sign- tersection. section ;. The City Clerk is ed by Philip L. Boyd, Mayor hereby ordered and directed to of the City of Palm Springs, (a) Vehicles entering the certify to the passage of this and attested by John D. Lange, intersection of Palm Canyon Ordinance and to cause the Acting City Clerk of said City. Drive and Andreas Road same to be published once in Witness my hand and the from Andreas Road." The Pahn Springs Limelight, seal of said City this 27th day Section 2. Section 34 of a weekly newspaper of gener- of November, 1941. said Ordinance No. 36 is al circulation, printed, publish- (City Seal) hereby amended to read: ed and circulated in the City JOIN D. LANGE, "Section 34: NO PARKING of Palm Springs. This ordi- Acting City Cleric of ON PORTIONS OF CER- nance shall be effective thirty the City of Palm THIN STREETS. Except as days after passage. Spring's, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance end certifiowte were pub- lished November 27th, 1.941, in The Limelight, a 'meekly newspaper of 01 general circulation, printed, published and circulated in. the City of Palm Springs. 11 lv,4) Acting/City lark of the �` City cif Palm Springs, California. ORDINANCE NO. 107 compelling such employer to Springs. refrain from doing business Section 5: If any provision An Ordinance of the City of Palm Springs Declaring Car with, or handling the products of this ordinance, or the appli- ta l Acts in Restraint of of any other employer because cation of such provision to any Trade and Business to be of a dispute between the latter person or circumstance, shall be Unlawful. and his employees or a labor held invalid, the remainder of organization or any combina- this ordinance, or the applica- The City Council of the City tion or agreement to cease per- tion of such provision to per- of Palm Springs does ordain as forming, or to cause any em- sons or circumstances other follows: plover to cease performing than those as to which it is Section 1: The "hot cargo,, any services for another em- held invalid, shall not be af- and "secondary boycott" are plover, or to cause any loss fccted thereby. herebv declared to be unlawful or injury to such other employ- Section 6: Any person, firm within the City of Palm er, or to his employees, for or corporation violating any of Springs. the purpose of inducing or tile, provisions of this ordinance I Section 2: Any act, combi- compelling such other employ- shall be guilty of a misde- nation or agreement which di- er to refrain from doing busi- meanor, and upon conviction redly or indirectly causes, in Hess with, or handling the thereof shall be punishable by daces or compels a violation pr OCT"ets of any other employ- a fine of not more than Three of any of the provisions of er, beeaii.se of an agreement be- Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or this ordinance, or inflicts any tween the latter and his em- by imprisonment in the River- loss. injury or damage on any- pl(n) s or labor in or ordinance, n ioeaC u than three a months. period of one because of his refusal to °'labor this ordinance shall be unlaw m organization" means any or by both such fine and im- violate any the provisions of organization of anv kind, or prisoment. Each such person, ful any agency or emulovee rep- firm or corporation shall be re.sentation committee or plan. deemed guilty of a separate of- Section 3: (a) As used in this in which employees participate fense for every day during an) ordinance, "hot cargo" means and which exists for the pur- portion of which any violation any combination or agreement nnse. in whole or in part, of of anv_ provision of this ordi- resulting in a refusal by em- dealing with emplovers con- Hance is committed, continued ployees to handle goods or to erring grievances, labor dis- or permitted by such person, perform any services for their rndes, wages• rates of pay, firm or corporation, and shall employer because of a dispute boors of emplovment, or con- be pumishable therefor as pro- between some other emplover ditinns of work, vided by this ordinance. and his employees or a labor (d) As used in this ordinance, Section 7: This ordinance is organization or any combina- the term "emnlover" includes hereby declared to be an urg- tion or agreement resulting in anv person acting in the inter- ency measure necessary for the a refusal by employers to ban- e,,t of an emnloyet directly or immediate preservation of the goods or perform an sec- (liey indirectly and anv association public peace, health and safety vices for another employer be- of Pmnloves, including grow- Avithin the meaning of Section cause of an agreement between er- Pnrl other hirers of labor. 861 of "An Act to Provide for such employer and his em- el As used in this ordinance, the Organization, Incorporation em- ))levees or a labor organiza- the term "emnlovee" inclucl-s and Government of Municipal I tion. anv nafnral nersnn who works Corporations," approved March (b) As used in this ordi- fn,' any person for compensa- 18th, 1883, statutes 1883, page Hance, "secondary boycott" tion. 93, as amended, and shall be means airy combination or Section 4: This ordinance is effective immediately. areeinent to cease performing, enacted for the purpose of pre- A statement of the facts con- , or to cause any employee to serving_' tranquility among the stituting such necessity is as cease performing any services citizens of this City, for the follows: The City of Palm for any employer, or to cause continued protection and pres- Springs is a winter resort and anv loss or injury to such em- e•vation of our democratic way has a seasonal increase of resi- nloyer, or to his employees, of life and for the general wel- dents and visitors beginning for the purpose of inducing or fare, of the peop'.,• of Palm each December and continuing 202 throughout the following April, to be published once in the on the llth day of December, During those months many Palm Springs Limelight, a nevus- 1941, by the following vote: added thousands of persons and paper of general circulation, Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, vehicles visit and are present printed, published and circulat- Plymire, Pershing, Shannon, in the City creating abnormal ed in the City of Palm Springs. Sorunr and Mayor Boyd. conditions, throngs and great PHILIP L. BOYD, Noes: None. congestion of traffic, both ve- Mayor of the City of hicular and pedestrian. The Palm Springs. Absent: Councilmen Mur- I public peace, health and safety ATTEST: ray. imperatively require the pro- Robert W. Peterson, I further certify that said tection of this ordinance to City Clerk of the Ordinance was thereupon avoid the added congestion, City of Pahn Springs. signed by Philip L. Boyd, nuisance, clanger, hazard of ac- I, the undersigned, City Clerk Mayor of the City of Palm cidents and injury to persons of the City of Palm Springs, Springs, and attested by Rob- and property immediately, and California, hereby certify that ert W. Peterson, City Cleric of it is essential that the public the foregoing ordinance being said City. not be without the same dur- Ordinance No. 107 of the City Witness my hand and the ing the time that this ordinance of Palm Springs, was introduced seal of said City this Ilth clay otlrcrwse would require before at a meeting of the City Coun- of December, 1941. becoming offective. eil of said City held on the 5th (CITY SEAL) Section 8: The City Clerk is day of December, 1941, and herebv ordered and directed was then read in full and was ROBERT W. PETERSON. to certify to the passage of this passed at an adjourned rcgulau City Clerk of the City of ordinance and to cause same meeting of said Council held Palm Springs, California. S hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate viere pub— lished December 19, 1941, in the RtIm Springs Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed., published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. �c(mot 1i,11 e/ellI� 1,p� C; er • of the City of '.FAlm SSpringc, California. I ORDINANCE NO. 108 to and fro, back and forth, or there, or to refrain from at- An Ordinance of the City o.` in any other repeated or suc- tempting to do any of the fore- Palm Springs Reg ly W eessive mor continuous manner, going. Piciceting the Interest of or to stand, sit or reain, in (b) The (term "place of busi- the Public Peace, Safety and front of, in the vicinity of, or ness" shall mean and include, Order. about any place of business, but not be limited to, any any place of residence, or any works, factory, plant, ware- The City Council of the City of the a roaches leadin of Palm Springs does ordain thereto or therefrom, for or on house, store, shop, office, bo- as follows: behalf of, or in support of tel, theater, eating place, con- Section 1: The right of peace- arry labor or anization, with- stru ge parking lot, building, job, service station, fuI picketing and the right to in the view of any person or garage„ or place where business or ser- strike are expressly recognized persons who are in or upon vice of any sort is being, or by this ordinance. The purpose anv public place in a manner is usually, carried on or ren- oF this ordinance is to insure calculated to, or with the intent tiered or where any labor is peaceful orderly picketing, to to inform such persons that a being; or is usually, employed. prevent intimidation and vio- labor dispute exists at a place (c)�The tern "placard" shall lence directed at the public o: business, or to influence or mean and include, but not be and those engaged in labor induce any person to refrain disputes, to prevent obstruc- from entering, occupying, leav- limited to, any banner, trans- tion and interference with the ing or revisiting any place of parency, paper, sign, insignia, use of streets and public places, business, or to refrain from Uaat),'e. emblem, symbol, rib- to furnish adequate regulation performing services or labor bon, card. picture, arm ban- and supervision for the above there, or to refrain from seek- ne, band or sign, hat band or purposes and to charge license ing or obtaining employment si,n, sash, waist band, banner fees proportionate to the cost thee, or to refrain from pm._ or sign. of such regulation and supend- chasing, selling, using, deliv- (d) The term "public 'place" Sion. wring, transporting, orreceiv- shall mean and include, but Section 2: (a) The term "to ing an", goods, wares, merchan_ not be limited to, any public picket" shall mean and include dise. services, entertainment, street, parltwav, sidewalk, alley, to walk, march, patrol or ride accommodations or articles way, lane, walk or park. 203 (e) The term "labor organ- hereby determines that the viction thereof shall be pun- zation" shall mean and include said amount represents the rea- ishable by a fine of not more airy organization of any kind sonable expense to the City than Three Hundred Dollars or any agency or employee of Palm Springs for the regu- ($300.00), or by imprisonment representation committee or lation and supervision requir- in the Riverside County Jail plan in which employees par- ed in the interest of the pub- for a period of not more than ticipate and which exists for lie peace, safety- and order, three (3) months, or by both I the purpose, in whole or in Section 6: No person engag_ such fine and imprisonment, part, of dealing with employers cd in picketing or the main- Each such person, firm or cor- concerning grievances, labor tenance of a picketing line, poration shall be deemed guil- disputes, wages, rates of pay, or otherwise advertising on a ty of a separate offense for hoursdition of employment, em l yment, or con- public way by carrying a pla- ,,ery clay during anyportion of carol, sha1I show or display y ) Section 3: No person shall any placards aggregating more Provisions of this ordinance is act as a picket nor shall any than four square feet of area committed, continued or per- labor organization maintain a devoted to printing or display, mitted by such person, firm or picket Iine within this City ,or any placard which exceeds corporation, and shall be plan- unless an indentification card twelve inches by twenty-four isbable therefor as provided by shall have been issued by the inches in its greatest dimen- this ordinance. Chief of Police of this City sions'to Section 11: This ordinance is taking hpindividual rt cketkline and or Section 7: No person engaged hereby declared to be an urg- be carried U each individual in picketing or maintenance shall ency measure necessary for the v a picket line or otherwise shall so engaged, nor unless each block, impede or obstruct any immediate preservation of the such person so acting shall public place or any entrance, public peace, health and safe- have complied and then be exit or approach to any place ty within the meaning of Sec- complying with this ordinance. of business so as to prevent, ticn SGI of "An Act to Pro- Section 4: (a) Anv person in- delay, hinder or interfere with Pro- tending to picket or engage in the free passage of persons or vide for the Organization, In- maintenance of a picket line vehicles. corporation and Government of must file with the Chief of Municipal Corporations," ap- Police of this City an applica- Section 8: The number of proved March 18th, 1883, Sta- tion stating the name, age, Persons engaged in picketing tutes 1883, page 93, as amend- address and personal descrip_ or maintenance of a picket ed, and shall be effective im- tion of the applicant. The line at any one place of Uusi- mediately. Chief of Police shall photo- ness within the City shall be ' graph and finger print each limited as follows: not more A statement of the facts con- applicant and make such rec- than one picket from each lab- stituting such necessity is as ord a part of the application. or organization to each one follows: The City of Palm hundred feet of frontage which Springs is a winter resort and (h) The Chief of Police shall said business has with en- has a seasonal increase of res- a a licaan inves andtigation the ore me trances or exits on a public idents and visitors beginning sc stations contained in the a street or way. One picket shall each December and continuing en ation, and ai the event lie be allowed to a business hav- throughout the following April. pliing less than 100 feet of front During these months man rseteruaines truthful, that thatthe theapplication licant age and businesses having a added thousands of persons and is tr good moral th appl and frontage greater than 100 feet vehicles visit and are present that the public interest and shall be allowed one picket for in the City creating abnormal crcnerat welfare will not he each hundred feet plus -one conditions, throngs and great Wicket for any frontage of 25 congestion of traffic, both ve- injured by the applicant acting feet or more remaining after hicular and pedestrian. The in the proposed activity, he dividing the frontage into hull- public peace, health and safe- shall issue an indentification dreds of feet. Said limitation tv imperatively require the card to such applicant bearing shall apply to each labor or- protection of this ordinance i l is phot said indentificationad inger ganization regardless of the to avoid the added congestion, prim shall s d fora per- munber of locals, affiliates, nuisances, danger, hazard of ca-d1 trades or crafts which may be accidents and injury to per- iod of thirty (30) days and associated with it. Pickets must sons and propertv immediatelv, shall be issued without charge. 'be' spaced so as to be on their and it is essential that the pub- Section 5: Every person en- resp^ctive frontages and must lie not be without the same gaging in picketing or main- not be cumulated. during the time that this ondi- tenance of a picket line must Section 9: If any provision nance otherwise would require personally register at the of- of this ordinance, or the ap- before becoming effective. fice of the Police Department plication of such provision to Of this City each day before any person or circumstance, Section 12: The City Clerk engaging in such activity, stat- shall be held invalid, the re- is herebv ordered and directed I ing the location and hours mainder of this ordinance, or to certify to the passage of during which he will be so the application of such provi- this ordinance and to cause engaged during that day. Each lion to persons or circumstances `ame to Ue published once in such person must also pay in other t1�an these as to which The Palm Springs Limelif4ht. a advance at the office of the it is held invalid, shall not be newspaper of general. circula- Citv Clerk the sum of Two affected thereby. +ion, printed, published and 1,2.11) Dollars per day or frac- Section 10: Any person, firm circulated in the City of Palm lion thereof during which such or corporation violating any Springs. person will be engaged in pick- of the provisions of this ordi- PHILIP L. BOYD, sting or the maintenance of a nance shall be guilty of a Mayor of the City of picket line. The City Council misdemeanor, and upon con- Patin Springs. 204 ATTEST: was then read in full and was signed by Philip L. Boyd, ROBERT `V. PETERSON, passed at an adjourned regular Mayor of the City of Palm City Clerk of the City meeting of said Council held ,Springs, and attested by Rob- of Palm Springs. on the llth day of December, ert IV. Peterson, City Clerk of 1, the undersigned, City Clerk 1941, by the following vote: said City. of the City of Palm Springs, Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, _Witness my hand and the California, hereby certify that Plymire, Pershing, Shannon, seal of said City this llth day the foregoing ordinance being Sorum and Mayor Boyd. of December, 1941. I Ordinance No. 108 of the City Noes: None. (CITY SEAL) of Palm Springs, was introduced Absent: Councilmen Mur- at a meeting of the City Coun- ray. cil of said City held on the 5th T further certify that said City Clerk of the City of day of December, 1941, and Ordinance was thereupon Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were pub- lished. December 19, 1941, in The Palm Springs Limelight, a vreekly :newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. p(%^/g City Clerk of the City of a�prings, California. ORDINANCE NO. 109 ty Five Thousand ($25,000.00) California, hereby certify that An Ordinance of the City of Dollars; City Manager, One the foregoing ordinance being Palm Springs Fixing the Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars Ordinance No. 109 of the City Amount of the Official Bonds and Collection Clerk of the of Palm Springs, was introduced of the City Clerk, City Treas- Waste Disposal Department, at a meeting of the City Coun- urer, City Manager, and Col- One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dol- oil of said City held on the 3rd lection Clerk of the Waste lags. clay of December, 1941, and I Disposal Department; Also Section 2: Ordinances Nos. 4 was then read in full and.was Revealing Ordinances Nos. 4 and 37 of the City of Palm passed at an adjourned regular and 37. Springs are hereby repealed as meeting of said Council held of the effective date of this on the llth clay of December, The City Council of the City 1941, by the following vote: of Palm Springs does ordain aS ordinance. Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, follows: Section 3: The City Clerk Plymire, Pershing, Shannon, is hereby ordered and direct- Section 1: The City Clerk, ed to certify to the passage of Sorunr and Mayor Boyd, City Treasurer, City Manager Noes: None. and Collection Cleric of the this ordinance and to cause Absent: Councilmen Mur- same to be published once in tl este CitvDisposa of Palm Sp ings,naftof The Palm Springs Limelight, ray further certify that, said the effective date of this ord:'- a Meekly newspaper of general Ordinance was thereupon circulation, printed, published Hance and before continuing siRnecl by Philip L. Boyd, upon' the duties of their re- and circulated in the City of ,favor of the City of Palm spective offices, shall each exe- Palm Springs. Springs, and attested by Rob- cute a surety bond to the city PHILIP L. BOYD. ert IV. Peterson, Citv Clerk of of Palm Springs. to be an- Mayor of the City of said City. proved by the City Council, Palm Springs. Witness my hand and the covering the faithful discharge ATTEST: seal of said Citv this llth day of their respective duties, in ROBERT W. PETERSON, of December, 1941. the following respective venal City Clerk of the City (CITY SEAL) sums: City Cleric, Two Thous- of Palm Springs. ROBERT W. PETERSON. and Five Hundred ($2,500.00) I, the undersigned, City Clerk City Clerk of the City of Dollars; City Treasurer, Twen- of the City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing; ordinance and certificate were pub— lished December 19, 1941, in The Palm Springs Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. City Clerk of th3� i�Z�ty of ] aElm �`�pringie, California. 109 ji 230 1-10-51 1 365 Repealing Ord. No. 109 205 ORDINANCE NO. 110 or agent, representative of unless the same is sooner re- An Ordinance of the City of such owner or proprietor of voked or suspended by the Palm Springs Amending Sec- such establishment shall at Health Officer for good tion 18 of Ordinance No. 29, all times keep such certificate cause. The Health Officer Being the Palm Springs Sani- of every person so employed shall order a re-examination tary, Health and Food Code. and shall exhibit such cer- of any certificate holder The City Council of the City tificate of every person so whenever he determines same I of Palm Springs does ordain employed to the Health Of- to be in the interest of the as follows: ficer upon request. public health, safety and wel- Section 1: Section 18 of or- (c) Each person, who fare. When such re-exami- dinance No. 29 of the City of may be engaged in or in- nation shows a certificate Palm Springs, being the `Palm tends to engage in an occu- holder to be not entitled Springs Sanitary, Health and pation in which a health cer- thereto, the certificate shall Food Code". Adopted October tificate is required, shall be- be immediately revoked." 26, 1938, is hereby amended fore he begins such work file Section 2: The City Clerk is to read as follows: with the Health Officer an hereby ordered and directed to "Section IS: (a) It shall be application for a certificate certify to the passage of this unlawful for any person af- of health. Such application ordinance and to cause the fectd once in ble e with disease,an or cwithout S e a may be accompanied by a The Palm Springs to be Limelight a health certificate provided statement over the signature Meekly newspaper of general for in this section to engage of a physician dulv author- circulation, printed, published or serve in any work men- canezed to and practicing medi and circulated in the City of tinned in Section 12 of this Sine is, the City al Palm palm Springs. This ordinance ordinance, or in any occupa- Springs, State of California, shall be effective thirty days showing the result of the h Y Lion or employment which after passage. requires or occasions the complete physical examina- then of such person within PHILIP L. BOYD, handling of any food or liquid- or material intended the past three months. If d q any tests shall have been Mayor of the City of for human consumption, or made in anv bacteriological Palm Springs. the handling of any dishes ]abratory a statement show- ATTEST: or other articles used in the ing the result thereof, signed Robert W. Peterson, nrenaration or service of by tare bacteriologist who Cit Clerk of the food or chink for human ern,- Y sumption. It also shall be conducted such test shall City of Palm Springs. unlawful for anv such n-,-- also be presented. Any such I, the undersigned, City son without a health certifi- Person, in filing his applies- y Clerk Sate or affected with anv ti a free certificate h health, California,the City of Palm Springs, I communicable disease to may request that the de by ef hereby certify that engage or serve as a barber- cab examination he made re the foregoing ordinance being the Health Officer. where- Ordinance No. 110 of the City masseur, hairdresser, bean- anon it shall be the duty of Palm Springs, was introduced tician, cosmetologist, man;- of the Health Officer to at a meeting of the City Coun- curist. pedicurist, electrolysis make or arrange, for the mak- cil of said City held on the 3rd I o steam or hot water inn of the necessary phvsi_ day of December, 1941, and bath operator. or as aporen- cal examination for which a u as then read in full and was fire e. assistant to anv a the reasonable fee shall he passed at an adjourned regular above. It shall he unlawfil ebar;ge.d. If the Health Offi- meeting of said Council held for any person knowing m cer shall determine from an on the lit], day of December, having reasonable cause to examination of the state- 1941, by the following vote: believe himself m• herself ments accompanying such Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, be affected with such diseassee application or from the ex- Plynnre, Pershing, Shannon, e mplovment seek or continue in such amination he causes to be Serum and Mayor Boyd. or service. Noes: None. W It shall be unlawfid Made or from such other evi- dence as he may require, Absent: Councilmen Mur- for any owner, proprietor. that the anolicant for a "V. manager or agent or repre- health certificate is free from I further certify that said sentativproprietor of such owner oilcommunicable diseases. he Ordinance was thereupon proprietor of any shall issue a certificate of signed Uv Philip L. Boyd, meat business or occupation establish- health:. Mayor of the City of Palm to employ or retain in his Springs, and attested by Rob- or her emnlov for the per- (d) Each such certificate ert W. Peterson, City Clerk of formance of such service anv shall apply to the fiscal year said City. person who may be without from each July 1st to and Witness my hand and the such certificate, or who re- including the following Tune seal of said Citv this llth day Imes to exhibit the same. or g0th. and mnst be secured of December, 1941. I who is known or reasnnablN for such period or any nart (CITY SEAL) believed to be affected with or fraction thereof. Such BOBERT W. PETERSON. such disease. Every such certificate shall he valid rm- City Clerk of the City of owner, proprietor. manager til the following Time 30tb Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were pub- lished December 19, 1941, in The Palm Springs Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general circulation., printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. _ e city Cie rFof t-e VJty of a prangs, California. 206 I ORDINANCE NO. Ill Defense Council to coordinate co-operate with and assist the An Ordinance of the City of cil so as to en- of activities rnment ltlandtlpriva e e city Defense the Council to accomplish Palm Springs Creating a Lo- agencies, and of individuals, the objectives of this ordinance. cal Defense Council and Pre- cooperating in the defense ef- The Defense Council shall co- scribing Its Duties and Be- fort; to stimulate public inter- operate wifh the County Coun- sponsibilities. est and participation in de- oil of Defense for the purpose The City Council of the City fense activities; to consider and of co-ordinating defense activi- of Palm Springs does ordain recommend to appropriate gov- ties between the city and the as follows: ernmental authorities plans for county. Section 1. There is hereby the public safety, health and Section 5: There are hereby created the Pahn Springs De- welfare; to plan a major dis- created as permanent commit- fense Council. aster program, capable of func- tees of the Defense Council: Section 2. The Defense Coun- tioning in a defense emergency: (1) Committee on Civil Pro- cil shall be composed of the and to perform such other ad- tection, which shall consider Mayor, who shall be ex-officio visory functions as may be defense matters relating to the chairman of the Council, the requested of it by officials of public safety, the protection of I City Manager, who shall be the city, county, state, and civil liberties and the main- es-officio secretary of the Federal agencies engaged in tenance of law and order, in- Council, and such other local the defense effort. eluding the preparation of a officials and citizens as may be disaster preparedness plan; appointed thereto by the Mayor Said Council shall receive, (o) Committee on Human Re- with the approval of the City acknovdedge and appraise prof- sources and Skills, which shall Council. The Mayor shall desig_ fcrs of facilities, services and assist in the registration of per- nate one of the members of ideas originating within the sons for defense work of all the Defense Council as vice- comonmity and make appro- kinds, cooperate with govern- chairman, who shall preside priatc disposition of same; mental agencies in malting at all meetings of said council clear information concerning ense training of in the absence of the Mayor. defense programs and object plans for deef olks suet other per- The Secretary, subject to the tries among cooperating ag- sons engaged in defense work Mayor's direction, shall be re- encics: recommend adjustments regrririn� special training, and sponsible for coordinating its or arrangements necessary for analyze and report to the De- activities, keeping its records, prompt assimilation of govern- fense Council on all proffers conducting its correspondence meat programs for defense to of assistance from private per- and performingsuch other dn- the appropriate officers. de- 1 ties as the said Council may partments or agencies; receive sons and organizations;Committee on Health, Welfare, from time to time require of requests for assistance from the and Consumer Interest, which him. State and County Councils of .shall consider activities'. de- Section 3. The member of Defense and from Federal de- signed to contribute directly said Defense Council shall fense authorities and transmit to the social, physical and eco- serve for a term of one year these requests to the proper nomic well-being of the indi- and until their successors are city authorities or agencies; ac- virlmd and the family, protec- appointed and qualified. A five- cimiulato or assist in the ac- tion from want, protection sevenths vote of all the menr_ cumulation of information re- anrainst unwarranted rise in hers of ill-- City Council will gardinn, local governmental, fi- nrices; (46) Committee on be required to remove any nancial, economic, industrial Transportation, Housing, '4lrorks member of said Defense Coun- and human facilities and re- and Facilities, which shall con- IL cil from office prior to the ex- sources and transmit any such sider provisions for defense piration of his term of of- facts, as well as other neces- housing, buildings, and strue- fic:e. Vacancies on the Defense sary information, to the State trues, works for water :supply Council shall be filled by ap- and County Councils of De- and transportation, highways, pointment by the Mayor, with fense and to Federal defense airports and other transporta- the approval of the City Coun_ authorities. tion facilities; (5) Committee on Every department, commis- Public information, which Section 4. It shall be the du- lion, officer and employee of shall serve all committees of ty and responsibility of the the City of Palm 'Springs shall the Council as a medium T 128 12-30-42 1 234 Repealing Ord, No. 111. 207 througla which to inform the vide for the Organization, In- ATTEST: public of defense activities, corporation and Government of ROBERT W. PETERSON, develop plans for the use of Municipal Corporations,' ap- newcpapers, radio, and other proved March 18th, 1883, Sta- City Clerk of the City means of public information, tutes 1883; of Palm Springs. 1 page 93, as amend- I, the undersigned, City and attract and sustain citizen ed, and shall take effect and Cleric of the City of Palm interest and participation in be, in force from and after its' Springs, California, hereby cer- fc nse k; passage and publication as re-wor tify that the foregoing ordi- The City Council by resolution n'lired by law. The following mince, being Ordinance No. shall create such other perma- 1, a specific statement show- III of the City of Patin vent and such temporary con_ ing the urgency of this ordi- Springs, was introduced at a mittees of the Defense Coun- nance: meeting of the City Council ciI as the City Council deems An emergency exists in the of said City held on the llth necessary, shall define their tJnited States and in this State day of December 1941, and was duties within the purpose of in providing adequate Nation- then read in full and was pass- this ordinance and may abol- al and Local Defense. It is nee- eel at an adjourned regular ish any such committee. The essary that all information be meeting of said Council held chairman of the permanent ❑alhered relating to National on the 17th clay of December, committee of the Defense Defense and to provide for the 1941, by the following vote: Connoil shall be designated by pmper cooperation and coos- Aves: Councilmen Cliffton, the Defense Council Chairman dination of public and private Plvmire, Pershing, Shannon, from among the members of agenries so that adequate Lo- Sorum, and Mayor Boyd. the Defense Council appointed Pal Defense may he provided Noes: None. -s provided in Section 3 of frr at as early a elate as pos- .Absent: Councilman Murray. this ordinance. Members of Bible. I further certify that said permanent committees other 'hereby 7: The City Clerk Ordinance was thereupon sign- than the chairman and all mein- is hereby ordered and directed ed b-v Philip L. Boyd, Mayor he s of temporary committees to certify to the passage of of the City of Palm Springs, shall be appointed by the char- this ordinance and to cause and attested by Robert W. man of the Defense Council the same to be published once Peterson, City Clerk of said and need not be members of in The Palm S rings Limelf, tit City. thr Defense-. a a vrr1:U ne.ysnaprr of enral Witness my hand and the Section G. This ordinance is circulation, printed, published seal of said City this 17th day horehv declared to be an and circulated in the City of of December, 1941. rmei Rcney measure necessary Palm Springs. (CITY SEAL) For the immediate preservation ROBERT W. PETERSON, I of the public peace, health and PPIILIP L. BOYD, City Clerk of the City safety within the meaning of Mayor of the City of or Pater. Springs, Section S61 of 'An Act to Pro- Palm Springs. California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were pub- lished December 19, 1941, in The Palm Springs Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. City 0erk ofthe City of Falm Springs, California, ORDINANCE NO. 112 fluctuating or warbling signal A "Blackout structure" shall An Ordinance of the City of of varying pitch or a succession mean any space so enclosed Palm Springs Relating to Air of intermittent blasts of about that any illumination main- Raid Precautions. five seconds duration separat- tained or existing therein is The City Council of the City ed by a silent period of about not visible from any point out I of Palm Springs does hereby three seconds, of doors. ordain as follows: (b) "All clear signal" shall Section 2. The Chief of Po- Section 1. As used in this mean a continuous signal, by lice is hereby authorized and ordinance the following words siren or air horn, of two min- directed to cause the sounding and phrases shall have the uses duration at a steady pitch. of an air raid warning signal meanings hereinafter in this (c) "Period of air raid alarm" and of an all clear signal when, section set forth: shall mean the interval of time and only when, the district in (a) "Air raid warning signal" between the giving of the air which this city is located is shall mean a signal, by siren raid warning signal and the notified so to do by the Sher- or air horn, of two minutes du- giving of the next succeeding iff of Riverside County. ration consisting of either a all clear signal. Section 3. 'Any person who 208 effects or nrintains any Mum- alarm, the operator of any organization. ination, or permits my i➢➢umi- motor vehicle upon a street, Section ➢.1. It shall be un- nation under his control to be load or highway shall forth- lawful for any person to op- c(footed or maintained, at any with bring such vehicle to a crate a siren, or air horn or !Nate within the City of Palm stop paiallcl to and as close other audible device in such Springs during any peiied of as possible to the right side of a manner as to simulate an air r raid alarm, except within the street, road or highway, off raid warning signal or an all a� blackout structure, shall be the main traveled portion clear signal, except upon or- cuilty of a misdemeanor, thereof, and clear o£ any cross- der of the Chief of Police. Section 4. The maintenance in,, intersection, fire house, fire Section 1.2. During the time cr icaving of any illunination, plug, hospital or other emerg- that tine United States remains except within a blackout strut- envy depot or area; such op- in a state of war, all out of lure, without provision for its orator shall extinguish all lights doors illumination required by cttinguishment within on. Amin- therein or thereon and said or under any ordinance or re- ute after the commencement motor vehicle shall remain so solution of the City of Palm of a period of air raicl alarm situated during the period of Springs shall be, during the bzi a competent iperson over the air raid alarm, unless directed perioa between any air raid c of eighteen years attend- or ordered to move by a peace `yarning and the next succeed- ant at the place where each i]- officer, highvvay patrolman, or ing all clear signal, hooded, lamination is controlled, is fireman. covered and guarded in such it^rebv prohibited and declar- Section 9. The provisions of a way that said illumination is cd unlawful. this ordinance shall not apply not visible from any point Sectisn 5. In order to en- to blackout emergency vehioes, above its location, any provi- able the Chief of Police to shall include Lie fol- sions of any ordinance or rose- whichcon`orrn to the request of thc, lowing: lotions of the City of Palm Sheriff of Riverside County far (]) all 6.rrny and Navy ve- Springs to the contrary not- the obscuration, diminution or wrthstandinb h=_chess extinguishment or any illunni- Section 13.Any person, firm or � (`✓) All vehicles with United nation,which in in cr coot Of corporation which shall violate doors, ,vhich increases the vtrl_ Slates Government credentials p nerability of the City of Pahn indicating fire necessity of on any rule o1 regulation adapt- Springs or any portion thereof erne'gemcy movement; sd pursuant thereto shall be to air attack, or for the rcgula_ 3) All authorized emergency ` d vehicles as defined in Sections guilty of misdemeanor, and tie_n of traffic dnrhng tie per- �14 and 44.1 of the Vehicle Code upon conviction thereof, shall iod of air raid alarm, the City be punishable by a fine of not Council may adopt and pro- of Cali'mma; more tharr Three Hundred Dol- muk ate reasonable rules and (4) All vehicles of the Cali- lays ($30o.00) or 13v imprison- rc^uu7ations for such nu oscs, foruia State Guard, being op- I 1 p in in die Riverside and any rules or regulations sn crated by the California State Jail not exceeding tlnv,e (3) adopted by the Council shall Guard in the transportation of months, of by both such fine be and remain in effect until troops, equipment or material; and imprisonment. Each such rescinded or cancelled by the (5) All vehicles certified by person, firm or corporation Council. Violation of any such the Sheriff, District Attorney hat➢ be deemed guilty of a rut^ or regulation so adopted and the California State High- separate offense for each per;iod- and prorrrul_gated is hereby de- way Patrol, acting jointly, when of air raid alarm during any clarcd to be a misdemeanor. operated by a State, County portion of which any violation Section 6. It shall be unlaw- or City official, pursuant to the of any provisions of this ordi- fznl to disobey any lawful cli- nroclarnation of the Govern- nance or of any rule or regu- rection or order of a peace of- nrcnt of the State of California laLlOn 'adopted hereunder is ficer, highway patrolman, or rnade and proclaimed on the committed,' continued or per- fireman given during a period 14th day of December, 1941, mitted. of air raid alarm, which: order in the territorial jurisdiction of Section 14, This ordinance is is reasonably necessary for the the City of Palm Springs; pro- hereby declared to be an urg- maintenance of public order or vided, however, that such ve- e.ncv measure for the imnned- safety or to effect the exting- hicles shall conform to the uni- rate preservation of the public uishmcnit or obscuration of form lighting regulations ap- peace, health and safer with- light. proved by the Department of in the meaning of Section 861 Section 7. Any illumination Motor Vehicles and the Cali- of `An Ant to Provide for the contrary to the provisions of foruia State Highway Patrol Organization, incorporation anct this ordinance, or to any rule for blackout emergency ve- Government of Municipal Coi- or regulation adopted and pro- hicl_es. poration" approve March 18th, mulgated in accordance with NO certificate shall be issued 1883 (Statutes 1883, page 93) Seddon 5 hereof, constitutes a which conflicts with any regu- as amended, and shall be ef- public nuisance, and the same Iation or order of the United fcctive iminediately. , may be summarily abated by States Army .applicable in the A statement of the facts con- any peace officer, highway pa- area for which the certificate stituting such urgency is as trohnan, or fireman. Any strut- is issued, follows: tore may be entered by any Section 10. It shall be un- The United States is at war peace officer, highway patrol- lawful for any person without and the Slate of California re- man, or fireman, using reason- authority, during any air raid quires the safeguards provided able force if necessary fo• the alarm, to use, wear, exhibit or by this ordinance. purpose of abating such a nuis- possess any uniform, insi.gnia, Section 15. If any provision ante by extinguishing such il- credential, or other indication of this ordinance or the appli- lumination• of authority, or any imitation cation thereof to any person Sections 8. At the commoner- thereof, adopted and issued or circumstances is hold in- ment of a period of air raid by any official civilian defense valid, such invalidity shall not 209 affect other provisions or ap- Mayor of the City of December, 1941, by the follow- plications of this ordinance Palm Springs. in,. vote: which can be given effect ATTEST: Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, without teon or applical`ionllva andctolthislsi end ROBERT W. PETERSON, PIynire, Pershing, Shannon, City Clerk of the City Sorum and Mayor Boyd. the provisions of this severable. ordinance y 1 Noes: None. are desired to be severable. of Palm Springs, California. Absent: Councilman Murray. Section 16. The City Clerk 1, the undersigned, City Cleric I further certify that said. I is hereby ordered and directed of the City of Palm Springs, Ordinance was thereupon sign- to certify to the passage of this California, hereby certify that ed by Philip L. Boyd, Mayor ordinance and cause the same the foregoing ordinance, being Of the City of Palm Springs, to be published once in the Ordinance No. 112 of the City and attested by Robert W. Pet- Palm Springs Limelight, a of Palm Springs, was introdue- crson, City Clerk of said City. weekly newspaper of general ed at a meeting of the City Witness nay hand and the circulation, printed and pub- Council of said City held on seal of said City this 23rd day lisped in this city and thence- the 17th day of December, of December, 1942. lortlr and thereafter the same 1941, and was then read in full (CITY SEAL) shall be in full force and ef- and was passed at an adjourned ROBERT W. PETERSON, feet. regular meeting of said Coun- City Clerk of the City of PHILIP L. BOYD, eil held on the 23rd clay of Palm Springs, California. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance and certificate were pub— lished December 26, 1941, in the Palm Springs Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Falm Springs. ti, City Clerk of the City of ft1m Springs, California. IORnINANCE NO: 113 he expended for promotion, tivities and services herein. An Ordinance Of The City Of publicity and advertising for enumerated. Palm Springs Appropriating the City of Palm Springs. (b) To promptly and care- The'$um Of Two Thousand Section 2: Said fund shall be fully answer all communica- Five, 13undred bohars ($2,- disbursed on claims and de- tions and inquiries relative 500:00) For Use to Promo- mands presented, audited' and to the resort, scenic, climatic tion, Advertising , And Pub- paid as in the case of all oth- and residential advantages licity For Said City During er claims against the City of and attractions of the City The Current Fiscal Year. Palm Springs, and in the man- of Palm Springs, facilities for The City Council of the City ner provided by law and ordi- accomodation of visitors, and of Palm Springs does ordain mince, and shall be expended the various recreational and as follows: through the instrumentality of sporting events here, and to Section 1- The City Council the Palm Springs Chamber of distribute information in re- of the City of Palm Springs, Commerce according to the gard thereto by correspond- having jurisdiction, power and contract or agreement which ence, publicity through the authority for that purpose, pur- shall he made with that or- press, and personal contacts suant to and in compliance ganization by the City of Palm favorably promoting, pub- with an act of the Legislature Springs for. that purpose, licizing and advertising same., of the State of California en- whereby it shall undertake to (c) To prepare and distri- titled "An Act Authorizing earry on such promotional, ad- bute to the press and pub.. Municipal Corporations to Ex- vertisin,g and publicity activi- lie articles, news stories, pend Money for Advertising or ties and services on behalf of photographs, literature, and Publicity Purposes" (Statutes of the City of Palm Springs during scientific and historical ,in- 1927, page 114), and Section the current fiscal year ending formation and advertising, 862,23 of "An Act to Provide June 30, 1942, as the ..City promotional and publicity for the Organization, Incorpora- Council may require of it, ,and matter descriptive of the City tion and Government of Mn- to use its facilities and its spe- and its attractions and ad- nicipal Corporations" approved cial knowledge and ex,,erience. vantages, and to develop and March 18, 1883 (Statutes of and shall act as an administra- make proper surveys where- 1883, page 93), and having de- live agent to perform the meth- by desirable outside per- termined that the public in- anical and ministerial functions sons may be induced to visit terest, necessity and conven- of applying and expanding said and reside in the City. ience so require, and that the funds in furtherance of the (d) To aid in promoting amount hereinafter apnropriat- objects for which, they are ap- home building programs and ed is within the limits fixed propriated, by rendering the the desirable development by law, there is hereby apnro- following services during the and beneficial use of 'unoc- priated from the general fund current 'fiscal veftr: copied and vacant properties. of the Citv of Palm Snr;nvs (a) To, maintain suitable (e) To promote and invite, the sum of Two Thousand Five quarters and'.facilities in the desirable classes of trade. Hundred Dollars ($2.500 00) City of Palm Springs and professional and business For n^e during the cnrrPnt fi,- eihploy competent, personnel meetings and conventions cal vear in providing a fund to to properly carry on the ac- whereby additional persons