HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/1/1940 - ORDINANCES 16 I hereby certify that the foregoirly ordinance a.rd, certificate tohether Luith the maps, t7menty-one in number, referred to in said ordinance were ptlblisired -1�-�.�_��'-� �J1939 in The Limelifht, a weekly newspaper of general circultr:bion, printed, published. and circulated in the City of Palm Springs. City Clerko[ Eue Ci'i "o m i'a]m�Snrilint,s I ORDINANCE NO. 70 in furtherance of the objects for be subject to the following con- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF which they are appropriated, by ditions: PALM SPRINGS APPROPRIATING rendering the following services (a) All payments shall be THE SUM OF SEVEN HUNDRED during the current fiscal year: made upon a claim or demand FIFTY DOLT S10S -($750.00) FOR (a) To maintain suitable presented, audited and paid as USE IN PROMOTION, ADVER;fIS- quarters and facilities in the in the case of all other claims ING, AND PUBLICITY FOR SAID City of Palm Springs and cm, against the City of Palm CITY DURING TILE CURRENT ploy competent personnel to Springs, and in the manner FISCAL YEAR properly carry on the acdvi- provided by law and ordinance. The City Council of the City ties and services herein enum- (b) The Chamber shall, on of Palm Springs does ordain as erated. or before the first days of follows: (b) To promptly and care- March and July of this fiscal Section 1. The Cite Council fully answer all communications year, submit to the City Coun- of the City of Palm Springs, hav- and inquiries relative to the cil a report describing its ac- ing jurisdiction, power and au- resort, scenic, climatic and res- tivitics for the preceding thority for that purpose, pursuant idential advantages and attrac- months, and particularly setting to and in compliance with pursuant act tions of the City of Palm forth the services referred to of the Legislature of the State of Springs, facilities for accom- inthe preceding Section which California entitled "An Act Au- modation of visitors, and the have been rendered and which thorizing Municipal Corporations various recreational and sport, are contemplated by it, and no to Expend Money for Advertise mg events here, and to distri- payments shall be made to the ing Publicity Purposes" (Sta- hute information in regard Chamber of Commerce until tutes of 1927, page 14), and thereto by correspondence, pub- the reports required in this Section $1927 of 1 Act to licity through the press, and paragraph arc so filed. Provide for the Organization, In- personal contacts favorably pro- (c) The Chamber of Com- corporation and Government of moting, publicizing and adver- mercc shall receive payment Municipal Corporations" approv- using same. only for the expenses actually ed March 18, 1883 (Statutes of (c) To prepare and distri- paid or incurred by it in car- 1883, page 93), and having de- Bute to the press and public, r}'ing out the requirements of termined that the public interest, articles, news stories, photo- it as specified in Section 2 necessity and convenience so re- graphs, literature, and scientific hereof, and shall not receive quire, and the amount hereinaf- and historical information and any compensation for services ter appropriated is within the advertising, promotional and of its own officers or con- limits fixed by law, there is here publicity matter descriptive of ployees in carrying out such re- by appropriated from the general the City and its attractions and quircments. fund of the City of Palm Springs advantages, and to develop (d) The within approprsv the sum of Seven Hundred Fiftv and make proper surveys lion of funds by the City for Dollars ($750.00) for use during whereby desirable outside per- the expenditures and services the current fiscal year in pro- sons may be induced to visit contemplated, hereunder shall viding a fund to be expended for and reside in the City, not create any fixed or bind- nrometion, publicity and adver- (d) To aid in promoting ing obligations upon the City tising for the City of Palm home building programs and - to pay same to the Chamber of Springs. the desirable development and Commerce, but such payment beneficial use of unoccupied shall be dependent upon the Section 2. Said fund shall he and vacant properties. filing of proper claims and re, disbursed on claims and demands, (e) To promote and invite ports evidencing the services presented, audited and paid as desirable classes of trade, pro- rendered and expenditures made in the case of all other claims fessional and business meetings as required hereby, and shall against the City of Palm Spnngs, and conventions whereby addi- also he dependent upon the and in the manner provided by tional persons may visit and be- availability of funds for said law and ordinance, and shall be come acquainted with the City purposes during the fiscal year. expended through the instrumen- of Palm Springs. ' Section 4. The City ,Clerk is tality of the Palm Springs Cham- (f) To study the needs of hereby ordered and directed to I ber of Commerce according to the community as to public certify to the passage of this or, the contract or agreement as may improvements of every char- dinance and to cause the same to be made with that organization acter and to prepare data, at, he published once in The Lime, by the City of Palm Springs for rend conferences, and by ev- light, a newspaper of general cir- that purpose whereby it shall un- Cry proper method aid in secur- culation, printed, published and dertake to carry on such promo- ing and in regulating and plan- circulated in the City of Palm tional, advertising and publicity ring such improvements so as Springs. This ordinance shall be activities and services on behalf to benefit the City. effective thirty (30) days after of the City of Palm Springs dur- (g) To carry on such other passage. ing the current fiscal year end- duties as may be required of (CITY SEAL) ing June 30, 1940, as the City the Chamber by the r;ity PHILIP L. BOYD, Council may require of it, and Council in order to promote Mayor of the City of to use its facilities and its special the further development of the Palm Springs. knowledge and experience, and City as a high class winter re- ATTEST: shall act as an administrative sort and residential area. GUY PINNEY, agent to perform the mechanical Section 3. All payments to said City Clerk of the and ministerial functions of ap- Chamber of Commerce from the City of Palm Springs. plying and expanding said funds fund hereby appropriated shall 1, the undersigned, City Clerk � 68 of the Gity of Palm Springs, Cali, City Council held on the 17th Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the fornia, hereby certify that the day of January, 1940, by the City of Palm Springs, and attest, foregoing ordinance, being Or- following vote: cd by Guy Pinney, City Clerk dinance No. 76 of the City of Ayes: Councilmen Williams, of said City. Witness my hand Palm Springs, was introduced at Cliffton, Pershing. Murray, Shan. and the seal of said City this 17th a meeting of the City Council non, Hicks and Mayor Boyd, day of January, 1940. of said City held on the 3rd day Noes: None. GUY PINNEY, of January, 1940, and read in Absent: None. City Clerk of the City of full, and was passed at an ad- I further certify that said ordi- Palm Springs, California. journed regular meeting of said nance was thereupon signed by (CPTY SEAL) _L hereby certify that the foreroi_n�; ordinance and certificate were published I 1:g 1940, in. The Limelight, a. weelcly :eaevispaper of general c .7. ilation, Ir' Zted, punished and circulated in theCit;r of Palm Springs City Cic::rlc o ORDINANCE NO. w dence District. Palrn Springs. This ordinance AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF R-3 Bungalow Court and shall be effective thirty (30) PALM SPRINGS AMENDING SEC- multiple-family dwelling Dis- days after passage. TION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 48 trict. (CITY SEAL) OF SAID CITY, ADOPTED FEB- R•4 Apartment and Ho- PHILIP L. BOYD, RUARY 8, 1939. tel District. Mayor of the City of The CityCouncil of the City T Trailer Court District. Palma Springs. Y ATTEST: of Palm Springs does ordain as U Unclassified District. AGUY PINNEY, follows: All such auction sales within City Clerk of the I Section 1: Section 1 of Ordi- the City of Palm Springs are re, City of Palm Springs. nance . No. 48 of the City of quired to be held in the follow- 11 the undersigned, City Clerk Palm Springs, being an ordinance ing districts as are now or may of the City of Palm Springs, of said City regulating the con, hereafter be established and de, California, hereby certify that duct of auctions, adopted Fen- fined by said Palm Springs Land the foregoing ordinance, being ruary 9, 1939, is hereby amended Use Zoning Ordinance, namely: Ordinance No. 77 of the City as follows: C•1 Limited business Dis• of Palm Springs, was introduced "Section 1: It shall be unlaw- trict. at a meeting of the City Council ful for any person, firm, corpora, C-2 General retail busi- of said City held on the 24th tion or association to sell, dis• ness District. day of January, 1'940, and read pose of, or offer for sale any C-3 General commercial in full, and was passed at an real or personal property of a.,y District. adjourned regular meeting of said kind or description at public auc- The provisions of this section City Council held on the 8th day tion in the City of Palm Springs, shall not apply to the sale of of February, 1940, by the fol- or cause or permit to be sold, property belonging to the Unit- lowing vote: disposed of, or offered for sale, cd States or to the State of Cali- eyes: Councilmen Williams, any real or personal property of fornia, nor to the sale of any Cliffton, Pershing Murray, Shan, any, kind or description at public property by virtue of any process non, Hicks and Mayor 'Boyd. auction in the City of Palm issued by any Municipal, State or Noes: None. Springs, in the following districts Federal Court, nor to the sale Absent: None. as the same are now or may pursuant to order of Court, of I further certify that said orch- hereafter be established and de- any property of an estate by the nance was thereupon signed by fined by the Palm Springs Land legally appointed administrator, Philip L. Boyd, ]Mayor of the Use Ordinance, being Ordinance executor or guardian thereof." City of Palm Springs, and at- No. 75 of said City, and ordi- Section 2: The City Clerk is tested by Guy Pinney, City Clerk nances amendatory thereof, name, hereby ordered and directed to of said City. Witness my hand ly: certify to the passage of this and the seal of said City this E-1 Estate Districts, ordinance and to cause the same Sth day of February, 1940. E-2 Guest Ranch District. to be published once in The GUY PINNEY, R-1 Single-family resi• Limelight, a newspaper of gem City Clerk of the City of dence District. oral circulation printed, publish, Palm Springs, California. R-2 Two - family resi• ed and circulated in the City of (CITY 'SEAL) ]: hes°eby certiTy that the foregoing ordinance and certificate vierc published 1940, in The Limelight, a vreelcl,r newspaper of gen.cral circulation, pki:ated,, pub lashed and circulated in the City of Palm Spriig cal ._ ,u .. a_...... _...._.......-_. e�.•'Sdb-s 11 P1N wlYya�s" Ca.�,3r Clew.^tr_. o: the �;�v ojfl'a".Itn �nri.ngs„ ORDINANCE NO. 78 lotion declaring that rubbish of 'Streets to abate said nuisance, AN ORDINANCE Or THE CITY oa' or other materials which may by having the rubbish or other PALM SPRINGS PROVIDING FOR endanger or injure neighbor' materials referred to removed, THE DECLARATION OF RUBBISH ing property or the health or and he and his assistants or dep- OR DANGEROUS OR UNHEALTHY welfare of residents of the vi- uties are hereby expressly author, ELPTERIALS UPON THE STREETS, cmity, were upon the street, ized to enter upon private prop- SIDEWALKS, PARRINGS, AL- parking, alley or sidewalk arty for that purpose. Any prop- LrYS, LOTS, LANDS AND PROP- alongside or upon the lot, land crty owner shall have the right ERTY WITHIN THE CITY TO or property on .............. Street, to have any rubbish or other ma- eoxelrrUl`r PUBLIC Note- in said City, and more par- terials removed at his own ex, I ANCES, AND PROVIDING FOR ticularly described in said res(r pent providing the same is douc A LIEN UPON PROPERTY UPON olution, and that same consti- prior to the arrival at the premi- WI11CH THE NUISANCE EXISTS, tute a public nuisance which ses of the Superintendent of AND FOR THE COSTS OF AIIAT- must be abated by the removal Streets Or his representatives for ING AND REMOVING SUCH of said rubbish or other ma- the purpose of doing same. NUISANCES. terials, otherwise they will be Section 6: REPORT OF The City Council of the City removed and the nuisance will S U P E R I N T E N DENT OF of Palm Springs does ordain as be abated by the municipal au- STREETS. The Superintendent follows: thorities, in which case the cost of Streets shall keep an account of such removal and abatement of the cost of abating such nuis- Section I: DECLARATION shall be assessed upon the lots, ante alongside of or on each se OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. All lands and properties from arate lot or parcel of land where rubbish or pothet is neighbor- -which or alongside which the the work is done by him or his may s r injure 6 said rubbish or materials which deputies, and shall render an wlfa}re perty or of residentthe e lvicior may endanger or injure neigh- itemized report in writing to the boring property or the health Citv Council showing the cost of ty, upon the streets, parkings, at, or welfare of residents of the removing such rubbish or other laproperty te,r sidewalks,within theds or be vicinity, are removed, and such materials on each separate lot, decayed w be a public nuisancemay be costs will constitute a lien up- alongside thereof, or both; pro, by the Co Council, and there- on such lot, lands or proper- vided that before said report is S ties until paid. Reference is submitted to the City Council, inafter abated and removed as hereby made to said resolution a copy of the same shall be post, herein provided. for further particulars. ed for at last three days prior Section 2: RESOLUTIONS. All property owners having thereto on or near the door of Whenever any such rubbish or any objections to the proposed the chambers of said City Coun, other materials are upon any removal of said rubbish or oth- cil, together with a notice of the street, parking, sidewalk, lot, land er materials are hereby noti- time when said report shall be or property within the City, the bed to attend a meeting of the submitted to the City Council for City Council may by resolution City Council of the City of confirmation, I declare the same to be a public Palm Springs to be held at the Section 7: SPECIAL ASSESS, nuisance. In the event the premi- usual place of meeting, namely. MENT TAXES. At the time fix- ses adjoin a street, said resolu- the City Council Chambers, cd for rcceiviti_ and considering the shall refer w the street by 480 North Palm Canyon Drive, said report, the City Council he name under which it is coo- on 19... , at _..._-----M shall hear the same, together with monly known, and it shall also when their objections will be any objections which may be describe i laperty lhtwhich s heard and given due considers- orn front of which the aid on. raised by any of the property public nuisance exists by the de- owners liable to he assessed for Dated --...... clay of... _--.---, scription used for the same prop, 19 ___ _ the work of abating said nuisance crty on the assessment map of thereupon and thpon make such moddi• the County Assessor of River- ----................................. ..... 1 cations in the report as they may aide County for the then cur- Superintendent of Streets deem necessary, after which, by rent year used for describing of the City of Palm motion or resolution, said reporr property on tax bills; and no Springs." shall be confirmed. other description of said prop, Said notices shall be posted at The amounts of the cost for ti crty shall be required. Any num- least five days prior to the time abang Solt nuisance alongsidesor her of streets, parkings, alleys, for hearing objections by the City of ti upon the various lots and sidewalks, lots, lands or parcels Council.of property may parcels of land mentioned in said lag included in Section 4: HEARING. At the report shall constitute special as, one and the same resolution. time stated in the notices, the scesmcnts against the respective Section 3: NOTICE POSTED. Citv Council shall hear and con- lots and parcels of land, and af- After the passage of said resolu- sider all objections or protests, ter thus made and confirmed tion, the City Superintendent of if any, to the proposed removal shall constitute a lien on said Streets shall cause to be conspic, of rubbish or other materials, nd property for the amount of such uously posted in the front of the may continue the hearing from assessments, respectively. property on which or alongside time to time. Upon the conclus- The City of Palm Springs has which such public nuisance ex- ion of said hearing, the City heretofore elected to have the ists, at not more than one hun, Council by motion or resolution duties of assessing property and dred feet in distance apart, but shall allow or overrule any or all collecting municipal taxes per I not less than three in all, notices objections, whereupon the City formed for the City by the Coun- headed `Notice to Remove Rub- Council shall be deemed to have tv Assessor and the County Tax bish and Dangerous or Unhealthy acquired jurisdiction to proceed Collector of Riverside County in Materials', such heading to be to and perform the work of remov- the mamher provided by law, and words not less than one inch in at, and the decision of the City therefore after confirmation of height and which notices shall be Council on the matter shall he said report by the City Council, in substantitally the following deemed final and conclusive. s certified copy of said report terms: Section 5: ORDER TO shall be filed with the County "NOTICE TO REMOVE ABATE NUISANCE. After fi- Auditor of Riverside County on RUBBISH AND DANGER- nal action has been taken by the or before the tenth day of Au- OUS OR UNHEALTHY MA- City Council on the disposition gust. In each such report so filed T•ERIALS., of any protests or objections, or with the County Auditor, the Notice is hereby given that in the case no protests or objec- descriptions of the properties re- on the--------day of ..__ - 19..... tions have been received, the City ported shall be the descriptions the City Council of the City Council by motion or resolution used for the same properties on of Palm Springs passed a reso- shall order the Superintendent the map books of the County Assessor for the then current ty taxes are hereby made appli- Ordinance No. 78 of the City year. The County Auditor shall cable to such special assessment of Palm Springs, was introduced enter the amounts of the respec taxes. at a meeting of the City Court, Section 8: The City Clerk is oil of said City held on the 8th tive assessments on the County hereby ordered and directed to day of February, 1940, and was tax roll opposite the respective certify to the passage of this ordi- read in full, and was passed at parcels of land, and thereafter nance and to cause the same to an adjourned regular meeting of said amounts shall be collected at be published once in The Lime- said City Council held on the p h da the same time and in the same light, a newspaper of genera] cir- 14t y of February, 1940, by manner as ordinary municipal culation printed, published and the following vote: taxes are collected, and shall be circulated in the City of Palm Ayes: Councilmen Williams, I subject to the same penalties and Springs. This ordinance shall be Clifftun, Pershing, 'Murray, Shan- the same procedure under fore- effective thirty (30) days after non., Hicks and Mayor Boyd. closure and sale in the case of passage. Noes: None. Absentdelinquency as provided for ordi- (CITY SEAL) furth None. I nary municipal taxes; provided, PHILIP L. BOYD, further certify that said or, Philip was thereupon signed by that as an alternative method of Mayor of the City of Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the procedure, the said County Tax Palm Springs. City of Palm Springs, and at- Collector may in his discretion ATTEST: LCstCd by Guy Pinney, City Clerk proceed to collect such assess- GUY PINNEY, of said City. Witness my hand ments without reference to the general' taxes, by issuing separate City Clerk of the and the seal of said City this bills therefor and issuing separate City of Palm Springs. 14th day of February, 1940. receipts for collections on ac- 1, the undersigned, City Cleric GUY PINNEY, count of such assessments. All of the City of Palm Springs, City Clerk of the City of laws applicable to the levy, col- California, hereby certify that Palm Springs, California. iection and enforcement of Coun- the foregoing ordinance, being (CITY SEAL) :1 hereby certify that the fox•egoing ordinance and cert:ificato vieric r:ub:l.ished , 19?0, in The Limelight,, a weekly newspaner• of �enera3. ::irculation,(p inted, published and circulated, in the City of Palm Springs. 2 :V cit=. "C'Icrk: o ,th iiltsT (,_ hJ �) th, �.if� Y 7.m ST s i.n s I ORDINANCE NO. ra Section 3: The Board of Trus- Cleric. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF tees of said Public Library shall Section G: No payment shall PALM SPRINGS REGULATING not in any fiscal year make any be made from the said Public PURCHASES, FUNDS, LIABILITIES expenditures or incur liabilities Library fund unless the demand AND DISBURSEMENTS OF THE in excess of the amounts appro- which is paid be duly audited as PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY priated and provided therefor, in I:his Section provided: OF PALM SPRINGS. nor shall said Board in any quar- (a) All claims and demands The City Council of the City ter of the fiscal year make any against the said Public Library of Palm Springs does ordain as expenditures or incur liabilities fund shall be paid only on de- follows: in excess of one-fourth of the mands on the Treasury as here- Section 1: There is hereby es- amounts appropriated and pro- in provided, on forms and tablished the Public Library Fund vided for the then current fiscal blanks to he prescribed by the of the City of Palm Springs, and year. City Clerk, similar to those all moneys paid into the City Section 4: All purchases of used under the general Ordi- Treasury for purposes of said materials and supplies for the r'iance of the City regulating Public Library shall he credited Public Library of the City of purchases, funds and disburse- to and kept in said fund in ac- Palm Springs, known as the Wel- ments. cordance with the provisions of woad Murray Memorial Library, (b) Every claim and dc, law and the ordinances of this shall be made by the City Clerk rnand against the said fund City. upon requisitions delivered to shall first be presented to and Section 2: The Board of Trus• him, signed by the Chairman of approved in writing by the tees of said Public Library shall the Board of Trustees of said Board of Trustees of said Pub, prepare and file with the City Public Library or such other of, tic Library as to the actual de, Council of the City not later than fiver as said Board may empow- livery or rendition of the sup, the 30th day in June of each er for that purpose. plies, materials, property or year a detailed statement and esti- Section 5: All such purchases, services for which payment is mate of the funds required for exclusive of books and literature, claimed, that the quantity, qua]- capital expenditures and for the involving an expenditure of One ity and prices correspond with operation and maintenance of said Hundred Dollars (b100.00) or the original specifications and Library during the succeeding fis- more, required for said Public contracts, if any, upon which calr year in accordance with the Library of the City of Palm the claim is based, and that obligations and agreements of the Springs shall be made by the City the demand in all other re, City of Palm ,Springs to George Clerk of the City of Palm Springs spects is proper and valid. Welwood Murray and May Ditto from the lowest responsible bid- (c) Said Board shall satis- Murray, his wife, heretofore made der after request for and receipt fy themselves that the money in that regard. of written quotations by the City is legally due and remains un- 79 268 6--30-53 2 9 Repealing paid, whether the payment rant upon the treasury shall in newspaper of general circulation, thereof from the said Public all cases be paid on presentation printed, published and circulated Library fund is authorised by and cancelled, and the proper en- in the City of Palm Springs. law, and that there is an avid- try thereof be made, if there be - PHILIP L. BOYD, sufficient stoney in ,the treasut Mayor of the City of able balance therein in an ap- belonging to the Public Library Palm 'Springs. propriate budget account there' fund. (CITY SEAL) of for the payment of the de- Section 8: This ordinance is ATTEST: mand, shall cause same to be hereby declared to be an urgency GUY PINNEY, compared with the requisition measure necessary for the im- City Clerk of the I and order, and the prices and mediate preservation of the pub- City of Palm Springs. computations checked, lic peace, health and safety with, I, the undersigned, City Clerk (d) No claim or demand in the meaning of Section 861 of of the City of Palm Springs, shall be approved by said Board "An Act to Provide for the Or, California, hereby certify that the or be audited unless it be ganisation, Incorporation and foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- verified and specify each sev- Government of Municipal Cor- nance No. 79 of the City of cral item, with the date and perations," approved March 18th, Palm Springs, was introduced at amount thereof. In all cases, 1883; Statutes 1883, page 93, a meeting of the City Council the date of approval shall be as amended, and shall be effec- of said City held on the 28th given. tive immediately. day of February, 1940, and read (e) The Board of Library A statement of the facts con- in full, and was passed at a Trustees must keep a record situting such necessity is as fol- regular meeting of said City Council held on the 6th day of lows: of all demands on the said March 1940, by the following Public Library fund of the City Public moneys for the con- vote: Treasury approved by said duct of said Library have very Ayes: Councilman Williams, Board, showing the number, recently become available, and Cliffton, Murray, Shannon, Hicks date, amount and the name of it is essential, in order to pay and Mayor Boyd. the payee thereof. current obligations and ex- Noes: None. Section 7: Upon the allowance penses thereof, that said funds Absent: Councilman Pershing. of any demand in accordance be made available for proper I further certify that said ordi- with the preceding section, the disbursement in fulfillment of nance was thereupon signed by Chairman of the Board of Li, the purposes for which they Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the brary Trustees shall draw a war- were appropriated within the City of Palm Springs, and at- rant upon the City Treasurer for time this ordinance otherwise tested by Guy Pinney, City Clerk same, which warrant shall be would require before becom of said City. Witness my hand counter-signed by the Secretary ing effective, and the seal of said City this 6tb of the Board of Library Trustees, Section 9: The City Clerk is day of Match, 1940. and shall specify for what pur- hereby ordered and directed to GUY PINNEY, I pose the same is drawn, and that certify to the passage of this ordi- City Clerk of the City of same is payable from the Public nance and cause same to be pub- Palm Springs, California. Library fund. Every lawful war- lished once in The Limelight, a (CITY SEAL) I hereby certil'y that the forei;oinr; ordinance and certificate lvere published 1?11 r qQ 1940, in The Limeli.�h`L, a weelay nevaspapor oi' Cenernl __. �.._..I._..ti,__,..__.�" cimalation, ;printed, published and circulated in the City of =alm 5princsm 04 City Clen:c tine Ci;� r,'of Palm oprin[ s. ORDINANCE No. so equipped with and using a to the passage of this ordinance AN ORDINANCE or THE CITY or sound amplifying or loud and to cause the same to be pub, PALM SPRINGS A31ENDING sec- speaking device for advertising lished once in The Limelight, a TION 28 or ORDINANCE No. ac purposes upon any public newspaper of general circulation oI SAID CITY ADOPTED No- street, sidewalk or alley within printed, published and circulated VEMRER oTH, 1938. the City of Palm springs at in the City of Palm Springs. I The City Council of the City any time, unless under a tem- This ordnance shall be effective of Palm Springs does ordain as porary permit for that pur- thirty (30) days after passage. follows: pose, which the City Council (CITY SEAL) Section 1: Section 28 of Ordi- may grant for any civic, char- PHILIP L. BOYD, dance No. 36 of the City of itable or patriotic event of Mayor of the City of Palm Springs, being an ordinance general public interest upon Palm Springs. of the City regulating traffic such conditions as it may cleem ATTEST: upon the public streets, adopted proper and in those instances GUY PINNEY, November 9th, 1938, is hereby where it determines that such City Clerk of the City amended to read as follows: permit will accord with and of Palm Springs. "Section 28: ADVERTIS- not be materially detrimental I, the undersigned, City' Clerk ING VEHICLES. No person to the public peace, welfare, of the City of Palm '8prings, shall operate or drive any ve- interest or safety." California, hereby certify that hicle used primarily for adver- Section 2: The City is hereby the foregoing ordinance, being tising purposes, or any vehicle ordered and directed to certify Ordinance No. 80 of the City W..�IT 2 of Palm Springs, was introduced Ayes: Councilmen Williams, tested by Guy Pinney, City Clerk at a meeting of the City Coun- Cliffton, Pershing, Murray, Shan- of said City. Witness my band cil of said City held on the 6th non, )•licks and Mayor Boyd. and tTie seal of said City this day of March, 1940, and was Noes: None. 20tb, day of March. 1940. read in full and was passed at Absent: None. an adjourned regular meeting of d further certify that said ordi- (CITY SEAL) said City Council held on the nance was thereupon signed by GUY PINNEY, 20th day of March, 1940, by Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the City Clerk of the City of the following vote: City of Palm Springs, and at- Palm Springs, California. I: hereby certify that tt-.e foregoin71 ordinance and certificate were published I g� a P��,_ m_ „ :1940, in The Limelight. a weekIy� nevrapaper of general oirculatton, printed.,, published and circulated. in the City of Palm Sprinnso City%Cler1-_of 1te Uf7bt 7­4' �n1re Springs. ORDINIANCE No. st the Council properly- to legis- hereby ordered and directed to AWNS ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Or late for such division. Each certify to the passage of this PALM 6si"L'LNGS AMENDING OR- council committee shall, as such Ofdinanf_e and to cause the same FDIINANCE Is®. 7 OF SAID €ITY, committee, have no adminn- to be published sue in The E,E,Na AN ORDINANCE rRO- trative control over the var- LID:ch;tit, a newspaper of gen- VLD3NG FOR THE GREATLON ions functions of the city gov- oral circulation printed, publish, OF STANDING COo2elIT^oEES OF ernment embraced within the ed and circulated in the City of 'SLS CITY COUNCIL. AND ➢E°,LG- division to which it is assign- Palm Springs. This ordinance NATI.NG TVI,IR FUNCTIONS, ed, but shall perform the club shall be effective thirty (30) days ,tDG 'T§L,.?S 17A: 19711, 1933, Ity ies of investigation for and after passage. A➢IIENi7IILdG BrCTiONS t IND z recommendation to the Coun- PHILIP L. BOYD, TIILELCE£Dir. cil in its work of legislation." Mayor of the City of "1 he City Council of the City Section 2: Section 2 of said Patin Sprins. of Palm Springs does ordain as Ordinance No. 7 of the City of (C1Ty SEAL) follows: Paim Springs is hcrcby amended A-fTl✓ST: "Section 1: That in order to read as follows: GCIy FINNEY, nance No. 7 of the City of Palm "Section 2: Each of said Spnnas being an ordinance of Committees shall have referred City Clerk of the City (A Pali Si;rin-;s. Slid City pwvidnag for the ere- to it, except as hcremaftcr lerk anon of srandiut; committees of provided, all matters permiinn 1 th,c undcrsii;..ed, City C g of tFc Clf Patin Springs, the City Council and designating to the departments set after Y o l their functions, adopted May the name of such committee re, C".alifomta, hereby certify that 19th, 19>S, is hcrcby amended to spectioely, as follows: he "orr;oiiv! orihuancc, bcino read as follows; Finance Committee: Income, Ordinance No. M of the City Beeson 1: Section 1 of Orch, B..penditures, City Auditor, n, Paln Span^q was in'roduxd to fulinte the proper con- Clitt� Treasurer, Bud,ct, _All, at a meeting of the City Coun- sid�ntion, oversight and dis- propriations, Taxes and his ur 'ii of said City hckf on the 1st itch of all public business gage. day of 1Viay, i9'0, and was p lead in fu11 and was e passed at c0min S under the control and Public afety Committee: >" care of the City Council, there Police Depirnncut, Eire De- an adjourned regular mectm? of are hereby roustiteted the fol, partmcnt and City Court. .id Council hc1d on the Mh lowim; standing Cortiaces of Library, Landscaping and day of May, 1940, by the fol- said City Council, to-wit Lducalatin Columittec: Parks, lowing vote: Finance Library, Landscaping, Play- ;es; Councih::il Cliffton, Public Safety g Recreation rounds, and Perrhin;�. Murray. Thales S. Library Landscaping and Schools pf)o Ii, Flbannon, '--iic6-s ana P✓lay, Education Streets Coal'm tee: Sheets, cr i'.uli;x L. Boyd. Streets Sewers, Sanitation and Health, :dr1cs: None. Airport, Flood Control and Hcalth Department, Badges, ='.]sent: None. Indian Relations Crry En.,vacer and Superm 1 Bather certfy That said or, General. tcndent of Streets. dinance was di ieupon simicd It shall be the duty of each Ai'+poart, )flood Control and by Pk'lilx L. Bcyd, 7\4ayor of Lhe such committee to be filly in- hacoan Relations Conemttter.: City of Pa.hriTSprmgs, and at' formed of the business of the Airport, Flood Control, In- tested by Cuy rinnc.a, C+ry ;;Imlc city inducted v�ithna subjectso it, than Rf lations, 'c'trcets and of s>id Cite. Witness niy hand assigned t and to report casements across Indian land. awl the seal of said City tl�is to the Co it,l such informs- General C7ovsnalttce: City 15th day of May, 1940. tion or recommendations Coll- Ifall, City Clerl,, Mayor, City (r1iTy 5EAL) cerning the business of such Attorney, Ordinances, Lcgis- GUY i'IN-1.11L'y, as shalt be necessary to enabl e 1Vlisccllaneous. Clerk of 'the City of Palm kition, Building Inspector and Sectum ",: The City Clerk ic. Springs, California. 1. hereby cei,Ut Fy that the fol^egoin_ ordinance and cert.ifirata yore published �, 7.040� in The Limel.ighty a vise]=_1`h newspa per oP general circulati. r , pri.nted., published and circulated 5.n the Citp of Pa Lai Springs. Cicy Clei^1; o==' the Tit}• of'Q.3 m Spriiil� 81 93 2-11-41 184 Repealing Ord. No. 81 82 103 6-30-41 1 197 Amending Sec. 6(a) , 7(a) , 7(b ) , St 15 Adding Sees . 1(c ) , l(d) 172 2- 5-17 1 299 Amending See. 2(c ) 189 4- 7-48 1 326 Repealing Ord. No. 82 `i' ' -A w Ordinance No. 82 the provisions of this ordinance. welfare, as well as the popularity AN ORDINANCE Or THE CITY Or A permit shall not be required and prosperity of the community PALDI SPRINGS REGULATING for minor repairs or painting or are dependent largely upon quiet, THE CONSTRUCTION, LOCATION, changing of advertising platter on restful, health inducing, attrae- PLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE a permitted sign of advertising tivc and orderly arrangement and OF ADVERTISING SIGNS AND structure. appearance throughout the City, DEVICES. (b) Said permit shall be grant- all improved parts of which are ed by the said Building Inspec- used for residences, apartments, The City Council of the City for only tinder the conditions res�rt hotels, hotels, and places ng of Palm Spris does ordain as hereinafter set forth, and said of abode and lodging. Therefore, follows: permit may at any time be re- the City Council hereby declares Section 1: (a) This ordinance scinded by the City Council of that in the interest of the pub, shall be known as the 'Palm said City should any of the pro- he health, morals, safety and wel- Springs Sign Ordinance', and it visions of this ordinance be vio- fare, it is the policy of the City shall be sufficient to refer to atcd The granting of a permit of Pahn Springs to restrict and same as such in any prosecution shall not be deemed to be a per- regulate advertising signs as here- for violation of any provisions mit for or an approval of any in provided. thereof-, or in any ordinance add- violation of this ordinance, and Section 5: (a) No sign shall ing to, amending or repealing no permit shall be valid except so be supported in whole or in part same or any part thereof, or far as the work or use which from any street, sidewalk, park- otherwise. it authorizes is valid. The grant- way or other public property, or (b) The provisions of this in,, of a permit shall not pre- from any private property used ordinance shall apply to all ter vent the Building Inspector from or intended for use as a public ritary within the City of Palr_h thereafter requiring the correc- way, nor shall it be fastened or Springs. It shall be the duty of tioil m errors in the work nor attached thereto. the Building Inspector of the froin prohibitin, further opera- (b) No sign shall be placed City to enforce all of the provis- Lions bcmg, carried on thereunder upon any vacant lot or un-im- ions of this orchnince, and it c,hcu w viola.ion of dais or any proved property in Zones or Dis- shall be unlawful for anyone to other ordinance of the City. tricts E-1, E-2, R-1, R-2, R-3, interfere with the said Building (c) Any electric wiring or R-4 or U, as established by inspector in the performance of ins'.allation to be used in con- Ordhnance No. '75 of said City his duties. section with any sign Shall he and amendments thereto (these (c) Unlcss another meaning is clone under permit for that pur- being the estates, residential, and dearly apparent from the inn- Pose pro pursuant to the apartment districts), except that tcyt, the followin; words, terms provisions of the Palm Springs it deal e::clusively with the sale, and phrases, when used in this Electrical Code and in compli- lease or transfer of such I property,ordinance shall have the mean, ance with same and all other and no such sign shall exceed ings hereinafter in this section applicable laws and ordinances. five (5) square feet in area (ex, set forth: Section 3: (a) All applications elusive of supports), nor be erect, "Buildiny' shall, in addition to for perriissrori to erect, construct, cd nearer than fifteen (15) feet the ordinary meaning, include ina:ntain, move, nisei, change, re- to any property line or any oth- any structure. pain', place, suspend or attach any Cr sign. Such sins shall not be "Face or will of building" shall sign shall be filed with the uluminated, nor shall any past Btiildn_} Inspector on forms to 'Hereof be more than five (5) niean the general outer surface be provided therefor, and shall of any i;nain exterior wall or I sect aL, the general level of the oundation wall of the building, be accompanied by detailed plans surroundiug ground within fifi mid shall include windows and and specifications �howinq the tons 11',) feet of said sign. store fronts. number of square feet therein, (c) in said Zones or Districts „S. as well as proposed construction, P-f, E-2, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and "Sign" shall mean any name, lettering, location, and such oth- i-i, as established by said Otchi- figurc, character, outline, spec- er details as may be required, cane No. 75 and arncnchncnts tale, display, delineation, am noup camult, advertising, bill- (b) All such applications shall t' crc:o, only one non-illuminated' boards, signboards, clevice, appli- be aceompained by the written si-n, not e:ceee ling four (4) ante, or any other thing of semi- consent of the owner, holder, square Ice', m area (exclusive of lar nature to attract attention out, lessee, agent or trustee having supports) may be affixed to each doors or on the face or wall of charge of the property on which parcel of improved property any building, and shall include it is propcsed to erect, construct, (other than those parcels having all parts, portions, units, and maintain, move, alter, chaa.r, to a non-conforming right under materials composing the same, to- pair, place, suspend or attach =tenon 20 of said Ordinance gether with the frame, back such sign. No. 75), and shall only advertise ground, structure, and supports (c) All applications shall be the lease, sale or transfer of the or anchorage therefor, as the case accot,ipanied by a fee of Two froperty to which affixed. When may be. Dollars ($2.00) to defray cx- sn.h parcel of land abuts on Sertivn 2: (a) It shall be un- Pcnses of invcstigatio:, wh, h lcc pore than one public street, two I !awful for any person, firm or shall be retained by the City ouch signs may be used. No part corporation to erect, construct, whether such pera it is granted of such sign shall b mor e ore than maintain, move, alter, change, rc- er ❑W. eight (8) feet above the general pair, place, suspend, attach or to (d) The Building Inspector, {:round level within fifteen (lj) cause or permit to he erected, hcforc the granting of a permit icct of said sign. constructed, moved, altered, for the erection, construction, to- (d) Two signs, not to cxcccd changed, repaired, placed, su- construction, repair, or almration twenty (20) square feet each, spended, attached or maintained of any sign, shall determine that in,y be affixed to ca_h subdivi- wit in the City of Palm Springs, the proposed sign in all resuccts Sion of land within the City to any sign or advertising structure of design, construction, location, dcsi,uate that fact and the name other than one existing prior to and materials conforms to all ap- an'•-I the address of the seller_ the effective date of this ordi- plicable ordinances, regulations, le) 'I`he City Council of the nance, contorining to the pro- and sound practices, for the pur- City of Palm Springs hereby de- visions hereof, without first ob- pose of insuring that no public tontines that the public peace, taining from the Building In- ha^ard he created. safety, morals, health and wcl'ar^ Spector of said City a written Section 4: Palm Springs is a requires that all signs and adver- permit so to do, paying the fees restful resort community in a tisin,* structures hertofore con- prescribed therefor, and conform- scenic desert area, and the pub- strutted or erected, be and they ing to and complying with all lic health, morals, safety and are hereby made subject to the provisions of this Section 5 and buildings, movement of traffic or which its subdivisions, and shall con- Section S: No sign slTTall ex- Indes from view any official form and comply with such re- tend more than two (2) feet traffic sign or signal. quirements not later than Novcm- above the front elevation of the Section 14: (a) The Gi Ly her 30, 1940, and that all signs building to which attached or to hereby reserves the power and and advertising structures which which it is adjacent nor in any authority to revoke any permits shall not so conform anci comply event above highest level of such z;i"t��lcd hereunder when any prior to that date shall be and building, and in no case shall sign or advertising structure cow they are hereby declared public the hi,hest portion of any scan crcd thrchy is mnaintainccl in nuisances to be removed and he more than twenty-seven (27) violation of this ordinance, or i u-,ated in the rnanner provided feet above the average grad, of cuntiat, to the permit for same, I by law. the street, sidewalk or way income, and the Building Inspector shall Section 6: (a) Except as here- diately bclova such sign. order it to be altered, repaired, in provided, no sign of any kind, Section 9: The lettering and changed, reconstructed, demolish- having a greater surface area or advertising matter on all signs cc! to removed as may be neces- e:panse than thirty (30) square within the City, except as herein r,cry to conform and comply with feet, shall he erected, applied, provided, shall solely deal with the ordinance and permit, and constructed or maintained within and clear] indicate the business such work or act shall be com- y days from the City of Palm piered wit Springs. done or services rendered upon h" ten (10) da�'' b No art of an i^n shall the date of service of such order, ( } p y s - such premises. es.tend over or above any street, Section 10: (a) No rotating unless an appeal be taken as parkway, alley, sidewalk or other or moving signs shall be per- hinomafter provided. public property, or over or al:ove mitted, nor shall any c!ectrica: The service of any such order any private property used or or illuminated sign blink or be shall he made upon the holder intcud,d for use as a pul-,lic Bray n!l, I; bled All signs of the perr,,iL to whom it is di- escept in rtlr '�i _,-.--11� i�;;tan�es: sL,all be kept, eafe'}� all secirrch, r,ct�d by cid-cr c-zlivering a true Where the lowest parr of such rns'cncd and in s,f� coudirion copy ref same to each permnitee sign is eight feet or more abov". and in good o,-dcr and repa i x: or one of its officers personally tlsc remote of such street, side- all time, or ley delivering the same to and walk or way immediately below, (11) Clear floodlights or Simi- Icaviq it wish any person in the sign may extend for not es' at lights to illuminate partially chatgc of the premises, or in rceding _i:;teen (]6) inches over' unoccupied land upon whidr is case rig such person be found such street, sidewalk or way. concluded a regularly licensed upon the premises, by affixing a Micro the sign is non-electrir_- acid lawfully conducted business mop., t}rrcof in a conspicuous ai and is used in conne_tion with shall be permitted when wholly pace on the door at an entrance and on the premises of a regular- installed on pnva;,e nropert0, to sail premises, and nailing an- lv licensed business at a location ;,and when no direct bcuns there- other copy to said permincc's where conduct of such business from fall on publt, streets, ai!ey;. last I,no in post office address is not contrary to City ordv highways or other private limp. I y depositing mine in the United nance, allot the lowest part of erty to all objcctiona!,le dc�ree „taus P✓ayl at Palm Springs, such sign is one toot or more e t:oa J l: No illuminated, 4'-051.agc prCN' above din graue of such street, clsrrical or tnhc sign shall use (h) Within five days from: s.dcwala or way rinniedrately be- other color_ .Tian whire, service `of such order; the pr-r- Lw, Lhe sign may extend for and the softer shades of Ric irides ur the owns, holder, ](s- nut exceeding lour k4) inches and green as prcdmintiltmq cob a , a,'cor or trustee having over such street, sidewalk or its. Red r_,a}, he used in con ;c of the premses or huild- way. function with the forrir,.nn,d I1c'n lit the si;n or adverLis- (c) Provided, however, that missible colors when subordinated iI structure is Situated, may ap- on marquccs, canopies, awnings, thereto. peal the order to the City Co-on arcades or Similar structures or Section 1?: (a) Nothu�; here d, by de,h .tic C vertng to ity attachments now lawfully exist- in contained shall prev=tit dh,: ii written and si?ncd notice in; or irercatter erected in con- erection, constrit-tian and rmin .�itims, in dctarl the grounds of fortuity to the ordinances of the lonprou of o4i_ial traffi::- fir, such appeal, whl.'h the City City of I-aim Springs and all and police signs, stgrals- rlr.i e: U:cl:L shall y✓itlnout delay deliver other applicable requirements, and markings of thy- State 1`c- to said Council at its next meet- painted, non-illmninatcd sins partment of Public Works, rile rn�, at which time the appellant shall be permitted on the borders Cir: Council or othe,- coma'=tent :Bail be entitled to be heard. of such marquees, canopies, awn- nT,Nir authorities, nor the postin, 9an1 City Counci'1 shall at such ings, arcades or similar structures of ne:tires required by law. .actin, or the oar_ next eucceed- or attachments which are parallel {1,) Notlun,? hercm con`mncal ❑,u', revoiw such order and rcc- with the street, way, public shall prevent the City Col�ncii ,rd its decision thereon with Lhc Property or private property in, from grantin, a temporary spe- City Clerk, who stall without tended for use by the public. ual permit on such terms and dJny cause a copy of such cde- Section 7: (a) The total or conditions as it n:ay dorm proper iron to be serve(_ in the ;uan- aggregate area of all signs affixed for signs advcrtisnr! or ocrta,n- orr set out in Lls preec,!inC to or upon any bi!ildmp, or pre- in, to any civic, patriotic st,e para;rap). ilnless such ordv: is mises shall not exceed the equival- vial event of general public in- r_ccl.cd or modifier] ' i'.'a• oat of one square foot per dincal trrr_,e tilling place within the C'u-anci!, it shall be a.d r- ,gin � foot of frontage which said build- boundaries of the City 1-m it In full force a., l cf',� t: i'h for ing or premises has on the pub- detcrrnires drat same v,iii not cvUYt it is inochEcd, it shill b,- lic streets upon which it imme- be nlatcr idly detrimental to the in force and effect as mudificd diately abuts. No single busi- public welfare, interest or safe- fiool the time of sciv4re by the ness, regardless of its lineal from- ty, nor in7urrous to adia:ent C_'ty Clerk of a ropy of the de- tagc, Shall have ai`i::cd to cx property or improvements. ,_Tinos. !',ny perinittce failing to Geed fifty (50) square feet of Section 13: No nerson sl^ail curq-Iy with slid) urrhi ,d the signs. place, maintun or dis�lav upon. 11, i:d io Inspector within ten (b) Where buildii-,s used for r, in visit, of any street or )il;h- days from scrvi;e of soh or- purposes of a regularly liccnsecl ,.v111 nor unofficial .si"n, si,*nal der, or in the event an apj�rd business are set bail: from the or device Or any signal, si,±n or be taken, within five Jn/s aC'er street or public way, they shall device which purports to be or said appeal has been detern i•hed have similar, but no greater right, = no hnitat'on of or resembles an wl,,erwisc than b;, rc,,oc.iiton of to affix signs than in this ordi- official traffic sign or si- Tat or the crdcr, and ra pv of 111 nance provided for abutting which attempts to dir�(­t '' c cis+'on =c:vcd by t!" !"nv C1•�'=. 17. shall thereby automatically have both such fine and imprison, after passage. his permit revoiced and shall be trent. Each such person, firm or PHILIP L. BOYD, deemed guilty of a violation of corporation shall be deemed guil- Mayor of the City of this ordinance and liable to all ty of a separate offense for every Palm Springs. the penalties provided thereby. day during any portion of which (CITY SEAL) Section 15: The City Council any violation of any provisions ATTEST: of the City of Palm Springs here- of this ordinance is committed, GUY PINNEY, by determines that the, public continued or permitted by such City Clerk of the peace, safety, morals, health and person, firm or corporation, and City of Palm Springs. wc-,Ifarc requires that all signs shall be punishable therefor as I, the undersigned, City Clerk ' and advertising structures here- provided by this ordinance. of the City of Palm Springs, tofore constructed or erected be Section 17: In the event any California, hereby certify that and they are expressly made sub portion, section, sub-section, sent- the foregoing ordinance, being lect hereto, and with the excep- once, clause or phrase of this ordinance No. 82 of the City of tion of those sins and advertis- ordinance is for any reason held Palm Springs, was introduced at inF structures designated in Sec- to be invalid or unconstitutional a meeting of the City Council 5 (a), (b), (c) and (d), to by the decision of any Court of said City held on the 26th conform and comply at an earl- of competent jurisdiction, such day of June, 1940, and was read ier data, said signs and ach cr- decision shall not affect the vali- in full and was passed at an ad, rising structures shall confotm dity of the remaining portions of journed regular resting of said and comply with the requirements the ordinance. The City Council Council held on the 3rd day of of this ordinance not later titan hereby declares that it would July. 1940, by the following September :,Oth, 1941, and that have passed this ordinance, and vote: all signs and advertising strut, each portion, article, section, sub- Ayes: Councilmen Thalcs S. lures which shall not so conform section, sentence, clause and Boyd, Chifton, Pershing, Mur- and comply prior to that date phrase thereof, irrespective of the ray, Shannon, Serum and Mayor be and they are hereby declared fact that any one or riore of the Philip L. Boyd. public nuisanres, to be removed portions, articles, sections, sub- Noc: None. and abated in the manner pro- sections, sentences, clauses or Abscet: None, vided by law. phrases thereof be declared in- I further certify that said or, Section 16: Any person, firm valid or unconstitutional. dinance w,ts thereupon si ned by or corporation violating any of Section 1S: The City Clerk is Philip L. fioyd, Mayor of the the provisions of this ordinance hereby ordered and di.'eced to Cup of I'ahn Spins, and attest, shall be guilty of a nnisdemcanor, certify to the passage of this ed by Guy Pinney, City Clerk and upon conviction thereof shall ordinance and to calls-- the same of said C''y, 'Wimes, my Fiend be punishable by a fine of not to be published once in The ,ind the ,t,il of said City this more than Three Hundred Dol- Limelight, a newspaper of gencr- 3rd clay of July, P),19. Lars ($300.00), or by imprison- a1 circulation printed, nnblished (CITY SEAL) ment in the Riverside County and circulated in the City of (_,'UY PIN VEY, ,'Jail for a period of not more Palm Sprin This ordinance ("itv Clerk !£ the City of than three (3) months, or by ,slmh 1-c effective thirty (30) day; Pilm Spri.igs, California. I her-eby certify tPat the foregoing ordinance and certificate tyere published_, 1940, in Die Limelight, a weelrly nowspanor o1' general" circ;if177f7ii printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Spr°ini,s, City Clerk of the City of 'a.].m Spriiigso '— ORDINANCE, NO. 33 public library, known as the of Patin Springs This ordinance AN ORDINANCE O1� 'EIRE CITY OF ' Y, Springs.o . Wclwood Murray Memori5i Li- shall be effective thirty days af- 1PALM SPRING, FIXING TIRE brary of the City of Palm let passage. AMOUNT OF MONEY NECCS- Springs' (the maintenance of said PHILIP L. BOYD, Rlayor of SARY TO DE RABSP;H) BY TAXA- ra i public lb not bcin other-FOP, TUE FISCAL YEAR y g h the City of Palm Springs. wise provided for), the sum of (CITY SEAL) I lBEGJNNING IIILY 1, Into. Two Thousand ($2,000,00) Dol- Attest: The City Council of the City Jars, and (b) For the cairying Guy PINNEY, of Palm Springs close orciain as on of the various departmclits of City Clcrl of the City follows: the City, other than said public of Palm Section 1: The amount of library, 'h I, t e sum of Sixty-three 1, Springs. he undersigned, City Clerk money necessary to be raised by Thousand Eight Hundred ($63,- of the Cityof Palm Spring., g taxation upon the taxable prop- 500.00) Dollars. I Calimrnia, hereby certify that erty within the City of Palm Section 2: The City Clerk is the foregoing ordinance, being Springs as a revenue to carry hereby ordered and directed to Ordinance No. S3 of the City' on the various departments of certify to the passage of this of Palm Springs, was introduced such City for the fiscal year be- ordinance and to cause the same at a meeting of the City' Coun- ,mmning July 1, 19,10, is hereby to be published once in The cil of said City held on the fixed as follows: (a) For the Limelight, a weekly newspaper of 26th day or June, 1940, and maintenance and support of and general circulation, printed, pub- was read in Fill and was passed the purchase of property for the lished and circulated in the City at a regular meeting of said s�� Council held on the 3rd day of Noes: None. Clerk of said City. Witness my July, 1940, by the following Boyd, Cliffton and Pershing. hand and the seal of said City vote: I further certify that said or this 3rd day of July, 1940. Ayes: Councilmen Murray, dinance was thereupon signed by (CITY SEAL) Shannon, Sarum and -"Mayor Phillip L. Boyd,l Mayor of the GUY PINNEY, Clerk of the Philip L. Boyd. City of Pahn Springs, and at- Absent: Council men Thales S. tested by Guy Pinney, City City of Palm Springs, California. 1 It r•ebv certify tha:L- the foregoing; ordinance and ce-rL-ificate nvore published -n, � V °'�tiGx 1.910, in. The Litneli ht, a week)°r :newspaper' oi' y;ene,:.al ;-lateen,, published and circulated. in the City of Palrn Spr°in;_ts. Cii; L irk oL f 'bhe City nJ' lj;dri Spr:i.n'— I onnaNaNcE No. srt the City Council. scribe the duties of and provide AN OaDENANUc OF Ti-n CITY of Section 4. Said Commission for the compensation and neces• PALM 9➢"L2dNG3 EsTy,-,1d911IINGa ,hall Elicit at least once each sary ccpcnses regarding such rec• .a CO-MMUNITY JlECuTaTaoN month in the City of Palm reatronal directors, cupervasors, COIIUMLSSION. `;;rings, during the months of the custndrans, assistants, deputes 111, City Council of the Gity calrndal year other than June, and other cmploy a,s as it may of- )?alm borings does ordain as Jul}', ��uguct ,Ind September, at deer, rcaso.nti;,,e nsc::sary for thr,• fallovas: sing times and places as it shall purposes of soul Canimssion. fix by Rc=oltion, and Special Sectfort 7, The City 'le-I,. is Gc:.alon, 1. The Community rnceiungs may be called at any hcrchy ordered and cl';ccfeci to 13.ecreatfon Commission of Palm ;ime by three Commissioners, by .crLfy co the pa:rage of this Spans i=_ hereby created and es- written nuts sp�:!faYing the Ordinance anal to cause the same tablished with floe membership 1_to, place rind purpose or the to he puhliched once in The pu!-poce,, authority, hmction, lle` mom; served upon each mcm- Limelight, a newspal-�er of -'en, tuN US and duties (.is modified r ar )cast three hours before cral circulation. printed, publish- ]nercby) aS provided' by anrAcL the time speci{ied foi the pro, rd i::d ,.1 .Slouch in the City of of the L�;islature of ElAr State posed meeting. A nln-onty of thr Pah•i +priirs. This Clydieancc of Calforna, adopted jane 14, Boa1:l shall constitute a quorum s11.111 be rllc;ti-,c rhirl.y days a,f' 1939 (Statutes 1939, page 1960) for the transaction of business. ter passage as hereafter from tiisc on time Such Conuaission shall appont PHILIP L. BOYD, amendecl, I:n0wn as the Calilor• one of its inamhcr 'President, �,�hn Mayor of the City of Ilia Community Recreation Lnabl si,aa "vc for ono year and um Palm Spun;;. inn; Aa of 1939. Tbc City Coun• tit his succcesoc is aPpou•.'cd, :acl (CITY 6IIALy cif hereby dca;rmi lcs and de• lit M5 aiascnce shall ccle;t :1 A.T 1 Ts,`iT: flares that the public interest, Par:ulent pro tcm Duch Co'=,• lIUty PINIW Y, i-calth, ,-rclfare and ncccscity re• mission shal1. ca:isc a propar rec- City clerk of the City uirc the creation and. appoint• ,trd of [rs proacedtngs to he kept. of Palai iprinrs. mcnt of Ecld CaroniSsion Section 5. The said Cornati. ' Sertton 3 The said Commit, 1, the undersl•;ncd, C.tv Clcr,c lion shall have pov,er aid t shall of the City of Palm Siprim s, Lilly Recreation Coininission of he its duty to maim rccommen- Cahfornia, liercby certify that the Palm Springs shall consist of lotions to the City Council and lorcyoining ordiixmace, being Or- five inembers, to be appointed to advise the. Council in all mat- d'n"' re No. 54 of the City of by the Mayor by and with Elie tens pertainmg to the creation. Patin Springs, vacs introduced it consent of file City Council. operation, maintenance, manage• i „reii;'io of the Gti:y Council Such commissioners shall several- meat and control of community of acid City held on the Ith dnv ly hold office for two years, recreation programs, and matters )I September, INN, and was provided, that the members of �f play grounds and recreational lead in full and was passed at an the first Commission appointer) activities, both indoor and out, adjourned regular mccting of said shall so classify themselves by lot door, and to organize, promote Council held on the 25th day of that two of their number shall and conduct programs of corn' September, 1940, by the follow- 110 out of office at the end of inanity recreation, establish Sys, inp vote: the current fiscal year and the terns of playgrounds and reci-ea- Ayes: Counrilmer, S411rray, other three at the end of the site- tion and operate and maintain 9lvuu:on, Serum end Mayor deeding fiscal year. Men and we- recreation centers within the City f'h-lip Boyd. nnen shall be equally eligible to under the direction and control Noes: None such appointment and vacancies of the City Council. f\becrt: Councilmen Cliffton, shall be filled by appointment for Section 6. The said Commis, T'hales S. Boyd and Pershing. the unexpired terms in the same Sion shall not incur any expenses manner. of any kind unless first atathori-- I further certify that said or- manner. S. The members of ed and approved by the City dinance;was thereupon si�ncd by the Commission shall serve with, Council. Nothing in this odi• Philip Boyd, Pbayor of the r out compensation but the City nance shall be construed as re• City of Palm S; rings, and a", Council may approve payment stricting or curtailing any of the tested by Guy Pinncy. City Clerk of necessary expenses incurred by powers of the City Council nor of said City, Witness nxv land them while acting in their offi• as delegating to said Commis- and the seal of said City this dial capacities. Any member of lion of any of the authority or 23th day of September, 1940. the Commission may be removed discretionary powers Vested and (t IITY SEAL) by the Mayor at his pleasure and imposed by law in the City GUY PINNEY, without cause, but each removal Council. The City Council may Cleric of the City of PDIPI shall be subject to approval by from time to time appoint, pre- Springs, California. +_ he; eb�r -.Setif?r that 'hie f��o;^e;oin; ordinance andoerti Cirate were published r:)b ftlfr7 ab1 he 9 1940, in The Limelif,ht, a. weekl;r newspaper of E general. c`1rcuintion, p-in Led, published and circulates. in the Cite of Palrq Snrin-,'s ..� ., I City Clerk of the City of Pai'!�t Sniinrs 85 119 8-25-42 1 215 Repealing Ord. No. 85 I 7 ORDINANCE No. 85 every person conducting or (g) A new subdivision 124.5 AN ORDINANCE Or THE CITY carrying on or engaging in a is hereby added thereto, reading OF PALM SPRINGS AMENDING , fire-wood yard business or as follows: ORDINANCE No. I1 Or SAID dealing in fire-wood, $12.00 "124.5 NEON SIGNS: For (Ary, BEING AN ORDINANCE per year.,, every person conducting,tiOR. THE LICENSING g, (d} A new section numbered rying on or engaging in the OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 57.5 is hereby 14dee thereto, manufacturing, selling, erect- BU',INESSES TRADES AND OC- ,eading as follows: ing, dealing in, or servicing of CITPA'TION'S, ADOPTED JUNE "57 5 FUR N I T U R E neon or other tubular electric 3, 1933, BY ADDING TO SECTION STORE: For every person con- signs, $24.00 per year. P THEREOF SUBDIVISIONS 57.51 ducting or carrying on a fur, (h) Subdivision 123.5 of said 112.5, 122.1 AND 124.5, BY niture store or -dealing in fur > Section I of Ordinance No. 11 AMENDING SUBDIVISIONS 57, 78 � niture from a fixed place of is hereby repealed. AND 123 THEREOF, AND BY RE- business outside the City of Section 2: The City Clerk is I PEALING SUBDIVISION 123.5 OF Palm Springs and who directh' hereby ordered and directed to SAID SECTION P. i indirc,tly, individually or certify to She passage of this or- The Cit11 Cotvlcil of the City by agent, representative. scrv, dinancc and to cause the same of Palm Springs does ordain os Ant. c.riployce, or Odwnarise to be puNished once in The Lime follows: conducts. carries on or en,aoc, li„ht, a weekly newspaper of Sectiosa 1: Sc;:kion P of Ordi- in the furniture store business general circulation, printed, pub, nance No. 11 of ll:c City of or solicits or accepts nrrl, lishcd, auld circulated in the City Palm Springs, being an Ordinance for the sale of furnitur: it, of Palm Springs. This ordinance of said City prmsiditlq for the the City of Palm Sorinn-s shall be effective thirty (30) hcensinu of wholesale and retail 545.00 per year." clays after passage. businesses, trade; and oxupations. (c) A new &ubdivision num- PHIhIP L. BOYD, adopted ,)uric £, 1935, is hereh:� tiered 112.5 thereof is hereby Mayor of the City of amended in the following part.icu- added 111Creto, reading as fol Palm Sprangs. Iowa: F( TY SEAL) la) SnbdiWSinn SC tlwrror yr'STEST: hereby amended to read as foh "112.5 TILE SETTEE: For GUY PINNEY. lows: every person conducting, car City Clerk of -he "57. FURNITURE STOrTt. rying o;t or engay;in<* in the City of Palm Springs. For every pereaa conductin^, business of the ,setting, $12.00 1, the undersigned, City Clerk carrying on or enea,>,in^ in a per year.,, �-f the City of Palm Sprf3ups, furniture stare• business dell- (f) A new subdivision purr- California, hereby certify that the ing in new or se-nndhand krrcd 172 I r hereh, added farcgoin•, ordinance. being Ordi- goods nr both- which husiness thereto• reading as follows: nan-e No. 85 of the City of is conducted and carried no "122.1 WIRED MUSIC: l'al'u Snrin"S, was introduced and at r fixed 111,ce of business Fe- rvery person owning, pos- -=a.,l in full at a meeting of the within the City of Palm scssnP,, maintaing or operat• City Council of said City held Snrinas, and which fixed place in, wired music system by (In the 9th day of October, 1940, of husiness ir, subject to ad ,yhi^h music, sound, or voice and was rasscd at an adjourned valorem tarea of said Citv, intended primarily for amuse- mectmq of said Council S24.00 ner year." meat purposes is distribntcd 6,�d on 1,— 30rh daa of Ortnher, (b) Slibdi,.;..i•­io "9 fl,ercnf + or reproduced over wires f,orn i7In. by tr r following vnte: herchy amended to rc:zd as fol- I central station to outl„ts, /+ -s: Councilmen Cliffton, lows: the oneration or use of which 1'er*,I�i�t,�. Marra--, Shannon, Sor "7S. T:OCKSMTTH: For ev- is rnnsrolled by plarin, there ur, a-id Ma+-or Philip L. Bovd, ery person eonductin,+, carry- in anv rain or disks .$12.00 hd•:ns: None. imi on or ivi,aging in a lrcv ner vear for the central s'R Absent: Thole- S. Boyd. rn• lock repair basinerr, or shop, tion. plus $5.00 ner year for i further certify that said or. i. e+, 0o ,.=,r nrnvirled that r,,h nutl-t, in addition to th, dinance was thereupon signed there. first shall he nrocured license fees required by this by PhilipL. Boyd, Mayor of the from the Chief of Police and nrdinance for am, other hngi- ;'itv of Palm Snrim�sv and at, „>;rh ahr City Clark a ness, o^cuoation, shr„•, cxhihi• certificate that he has investi- tion or gamy that the sa^r `c= ted by Guy Pinney, City Clerk vated Roll determined that the may be conducted in ranjunc, of 'aid City, Witness my hand ;,snance of sn,fi license will tion with, notwithstandin" the end the seal of said City this not prejudice the public peace, provisions of 126 (d) of this u0;lu da•,, of Oct., 1940. r,afety, morals or welfare.(r) Suhdi,qsion 173 thereof is ordinance. The provision of {CITY SEAL) herehv amended to read as fol- this Subdivision are not intend- t-UY PINNEY• lows- ded to apply to public tole- (llerk of the Citv of "123, V1001) YARDS. For phone systems." Palm Sprin;=s, Catirnrnia. I hereby certify that, the foregoing ordinance (being Ordinance No. 85 of the City of Palm Springs, California' and certificate were published t2(,`1940 in The Limelight, a weekly newspaper of general circa ation, printed, published, and circulated in the City of Palm Springs, California. ICity C erk of the City of Palm Springs, California. ORDINANCE NO. 86 (h), Section 20 of Ordinance known as Patin Canyon Drive IN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF No. 36 of the City of Palm during its general northerly PALM SPRINGS AMENDING SUB- Springs being an ordinance of the and southerly course), Palm ❑Ivt: IONS (a) AND (b), SEC- City regulating traffic upon the Canyon Drive from the North- TION 20 OF ORDINANCE NO. public streets adopted November west corner of Section 26, Sit OF SAID CITY, ADOPTED NO- 9, 1938, are hereby amended t- T4S, R4E, S B.B. fy M. to the VEMBER 0, 1938. read as follows: City limits of the City of Palm The City Council of the City .,(a) State Highway No. Springs on the South, also Ire of Palm Springs does ordain as 111 during its entire le : •` dian Avenue (]ran L6 URA follows: through the City of Palm limits of the City of Palm Section 1: Subdivisions (a) and Springs, (.same being also Springs on the North to its ]unction with Palm Canyon oral circulation, printed, nub• journed regular meeting of said Drive on the South, and also lished, and circulated in the City Council held. on the 30th clay of the portion of Tamarisk Road of Palm Springs. This ordinance October, 1940, by the following from Indian Avenue on the shall be effective thirty (30) vote.: West to via Miraleste on the days after passage. Ayes: Counc.ilmeu Clifftou, East inclusive, are hereby es, PHILIP L. BOYD, Pei shing, Murray, Shannon, Set, tablishcd and declared to be Mayor of the City of urn and Mavor Philip L. Boyd. through streets and highways. Palm Springs. ldocs: ]Torte. (b) The intersections of (CITY SEAL) Absent: Thales L. Boyd. Tachevaln Drive, Alejo Road, ATTEST: 1 further ertify that said or, Andreas Road and Ramon GUY PfNNEY, dinance was thereupon signed.] by I Read with Indian Avenue, City Clerk of the Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the and also the in`crscrtion of City of Palm Springs. City of Paler Springs, and at, Tamarisk Road with Via Mir- 1. the undersigned, City Clerk tested by Gu. Pinney, City aleste are hereby estehhshcd of the City of Palm Springs, Clerk of sail Citq, Witness my and declared to be stop, inter- California, hereby certify that hand and the seal of said City ,sections."' the foregomg ordinance, bein' 1n._ Section 2: The City Clerk is Ordinan_c No. M of the City t , 30th day of Oct., 1940. hereby ordered and directed to of Patin Springs, was introduced (CPT'Y ,SE!1i_) certify to the passage of this ordi- and read in full at a meeting of GUY PIPSNEY, ntmce and to cause the same to the City Council of said City he published once in The Lime- held on the 9tb day of October. Clerk of the City of light, a weekly newspaper of gcn- 1940, and was passed at an ad- Palm 7,priegs, California. 1. hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance No. 86 of the City of Palm Springs, Californa:a) and certificate were published L, °� q r�� , 1.940 in The Limelight, a Weekly newspaper general cirrulati.on, printed., published and circulated :in the city of N.lm Springs, California. ) City G'�F,rk o� tTie U�ty�of.�__J� Palm Springs, California, l ORDLtANCE No, sr forge and effect for the firll +a.d Cu.y V:"hcn so filed 5uCIP G?.6'•TlNG A FRANCnI9E TO 'epee term and period of fifty (''t) a'ccinancc shall nan..stitutie a con- NEcnnA-CALIFORNIA FILECTRIC years from and after the c,`lr_rirh imumg agcc..ecram of such Ul.u - COnPORATION. .,.,. of this Ordinance. tee that, if what said Ciry The Council of thin City at Seruon 4. That the franchise shall therca!tcr annex, or coma. Palm Springs do ordain as fol- shall confer upon the: grantee, hdare wnh. .y-Witional territory, lows: rrs succcrsurs and aesiarns, the aw, sad all sw:h franchises, nr_+ties Section 1 That it frniJusr. br t to use and to construct and ainl privileges uvnnrd by tl�c slid tha sama is, hereby. granted rise and to Lay, operate, tnain:ain, C7rarr:cc ther:<i shall likew,=o 're. to The Nevada-California Elea. rcl:air and replace poles, wires, die:net tri h. a6a ndnroeda�t!iu iric Corporation, a corporation, dusts, concluits, cables, guys, the lvnits of s"ich territory and its successors and nw) orm br;a;cs, transforiaus, Provided, lzn;eve:, ,li;r. if this herein called "Giantce,` tar a=e, _+�anc�s, .,r.ad other aaachreeuts, franchise or the .t�.t wider which and to construct and use !voles, ftxrarn mnd appurtenances for the ;rune is grm_icd -,hall be inn. wire, coadnus and appurtenances the purpose of transrnitti.ng and Jily rlct.ernn;uc:; to he unumct,- for transmitting and distributing dittrihutin;; electricity for any tutional or r0.ei%isc invalid, or electricity for any and all put and all purposes, in, under, along, if the Railrold C:ommrssion of poses, under, along, across or across, upon and over any (or the State of Califurnin shall fail upon any or all the public streets, all of the public streets, ;��:r;., or refuse to issue to the Grail, ways, alleys, and places, as the alleys, and places as the sa.nTc t r, a ui public corn same now or may hereafter ex- does now or may hereafter c..ic: '�cnicncc and 11ecr.5sity to ist within said City of Palm within said City as the hound- ''ce. this franchise, then, t�.c Springs and within. the bmindr aries thereuf do now or r�-,y Gnintce's presently or previous- ics of said City as the same may hereafter exist. ly eelStnrI !ranchLe and all rights hereafter be extended, upon the Section 5. That this fnn�h, and privileges thereunder shall he terms herein set forth, shall be in hcu of all other franc deemed ncvcr have- fhrcn 11 ,ur Section 2. That the G rantrn chiles, rights or privi!egcs owned done,, surrcnd,swd, v.,nord err '... shall annually pay, to said t1t: by the Grantee, or, by m", sue- any wisc cif`^.era, hu; e;:ril !-r during the life of this franchise, cessoi of the Grantee to ary >'cl rcr.a,u"1 1:. i 'Il -oru as two per cent (2 i) of the ;raps rights Under, Such Ilan.:hire, fi" ihi:, frmnri;r:, b.id ❑u: :.acn annual receipts of the Grantee transmitting and distributinc_; u l: ;reamed and .:, a'LeaLdnee hcae- arising from the use, operation utiln'V r,nvice within the limit. t r '' " ! ta"n !c-d by the Gr.ur or possession of this franchise of said City as such limits sh.,il tec. provided, however, that such exist at the time of the grantrn„ G. Thar nothuie hire annual payment; shall in no of this fianduae, or es the s:a­c in ,.Lall be J.=seed or construed event be less than one per cent may hereafter exist, and the ao to impair or of lent., in any way, (leJo) of the gross annual re- ceprance of this fa:mchisc shall to any Chahar, the ,-inUi ni ceipts of the Grantee derived operate as an abandonment of said City to aen wire the propcity from the sale within the limits ail such franchises, rights and of the Grantor zither by pitr- of said City of the utility service privileges within the limits of chase or dhn;uelr the e:,er-:isc of for which this franchise: is said City as said limits shall ar the right of eminent cinnain, and _ granted. any time exist, in lie,.a of which nothing herein ;onlai icd shall be Section 3. 'That this franchisc this franchise is granted. Thu= conctrued to contaaer away oo to and all rights and privileges here franchise shall not becorrc effec modify or abutif!c, either for a under shall, unless sooner sur- tive until written acceptance terin or in periictuity, said City's rendered or terminated as 'acre- hereof shall have been filed by right of cminei,t dumain in re- in provided, be and remain ui the. Grantee.. with the Clerk of spect to any public utility. This a franchise shall not be given any of said City in the exercise of such fractional, calendar year, value before any court or other its police powers and not in con- arising from the use, operation or public authority, or in any pro, flict with the paramount authori- possession of this franchise. It ceeding of any character in ex, ty of the State of California, shall be the duty of the Gran- Coss of the cost to the Grantee and, as to state highways, sub, tee, its successors or assigns, to of the necessary publication and lect to the provisions of general pay to ,aid City, within fifteen any other sum paid by it to said laws relating to the location and (15) days after the time for City therefor at the time of maintenance of such facilities filing such statement, in lawful the acquisition thereof. therein; (b) pay, to the said money of the United States, the In order, further, to preserve City on demand, the cost of all specified percentage of its gross I ic ri;"Iht of said City to acquire repairs to public property made receipts for the calendar year or his franchise and the property of necessary by any of the opera- such fractional calendar year, cov- the. Grantee, its successors and tions by the Grantee under this ercd by such statement. Any assigns, by purchase or by right franchise, (c) indemnify and hold neglect, omission or refusal by Of eminent contain at any time harmless the said City and its said Grantee to file such verfied during the existence of this fran- offi.crs from any and all liabili, statement, or to pay said percent- chise, it is expressly ordained ty for damages proximately re. age at the times or in the man, arid provided that, if, at any linking from any operations unI nor hcrc nbefOre provided, shall time, this franchise shall be cc- der this franchise; (d) remove or be grounds for the declaration of quned by eminent domain pro- relocate without expense to said a forefefturc of Hits franchise ccedutgs by any municipal car, City any (a ilit:es installed, nserl and all rights hereunder. potation, public corporation, pub- and maintained under the fran- Section 11. That the Grantee he agency, political subdivision. chise if and when roads necessary hereof shall pay to said City a district or other public or poll- by any lawful chan,c of grade, sum of money sufficient to reim• L' matt or width of any pub- Lursc it for all publica on cx- tical entity, except said City, of then and in any such event, said he street, way, alley or place, periscs incurred by said City in City reserves and shall have the W.!udin the construction of any connection with the ,granting of rig}it, at any time after thus subway or viaduct, by said City, this franchise; such paymcnt to `ranchise shall become vested In and (e) file with the legislative be made within thirty (30) days any such municipal corporation, body of said City within thirty after said City shall furnish said public corporation, public agency, (30) clays after any sale, trans- Grantee with a written statement political subdivision, district or for, assignment or lease of this of such expenses. other public or political entity, franchise, or any part thereof or Section 12, That this franchise except said City, to terminate this any of the rights or privileges shall be assignable, except as here. franchise by ordinance or resulu- granted hereby, written evidence in othenvicc expressly provided, tion and this franchise and all of the same, certified to by the and in the event of a valid as, rights and privileges hereunder Grantee or its duly authorized stgnmoot or transfer hereof, each shall thereupon terminate and officers, and all of the terms, provision:: be void as in such ordinance or Suwon 9. That, if the Grantee and conditions hereof shall iota" resoluoon provided. of this franchise shall fail, neg- to the benefit of and be, bindln_ Section 7. That the Grantee Icct or refuse to comply with upon the successors and shall file a bond running to said any of the provisions or condi- of the Grantee. City with at (cast two good and tions hereof, or of the Franrbis,: Section 13, -That this U;Jr sufficient sureties to be approved Act of 1937 of the State of mince shall be s "lord by h,, by the legislative body of said California, in accordance with Ma},: and attested by tic City, or in lieu of such two sure- the provisions of which this ;t.�d ilia Clerk is hereby instruct, ties, a surety company duly au- franchise is granted, and shall ad to cauxc the same_ to be pub- thori;ed to do business and to not, within ten (10) days after hshed ;quint tv;u mouths after execute such bonds in the State written demand for compliance, its pa a,,e at least three times in of California, in the penal sum be�jn the work of compliance, a nemsj7aper of general circula, of One Thousand Dollars or after such beginning, shall tion publishcd in said City. ($1000.00), conditioned that not prosecute the same with due Signed this 6th day of No- such Grantee shall well and tru- diligence to completion, then the vcmbcr, 1940. ly observe, fulfill and perform said City, by its legislative body, (CITY SEAL) each and every term and condo may declare this franchise for- PHILIP L. BOYD, tion of this franchise, and that, feited. Said City may sue in its Mayor of the City of in case of any breach of cote own came for the forfeiture of Vain Spring dition of such bond, the wiho.c this franchise, in the event of AI TEST: amount of the penal sum there- non-compliance by the Grantee„ GUY MNNEy, in named shall be taken and its successors or assigns, with any City Clcrk of the City deemed to be lipnidated damages of the conditions hereof, of Palm Springs. California and shall be recoverable from the Section 10. That the Grantee Submitted to and approved principal and sureties upon said of this franchise shall file with prior to passaec this 30th day of bond. Said bond shall be filed the Clerk of said City, within Urin}er, 1940. with the legislative body of said three (3) months after the ea: ROY W C10LEGA'TE, City within five, (5) clays after piration of the calendar ycii,. City Attorney for the die date of the granting of su-b or fractional calendar year, lul- City of 0;drh Springs. I franchise: and, fn case said bond lowing the date of the grantin 1. GliY l'INNEY, the duly shall not be so filed, or shall of this franchise and within innoiwcd, qualified and acting riot receive the approval of such three (3) months after the. ex- City C]lcrk of the City of Palm legislative body, such franchise piration of each and every cal- Springs, California, hereby, cer- shall be forfeited and any money endar year thereafter, a duly tin;/ that the foregoing Ordi- paid to said City nt connection verified statement showing in tic- nancc being Ordinance No. 87 therewith shall likewise be for' tail the total gross receipts of of the City of Palm Springs was feited. such Grantee, its successors or duly and regularly introduced on Section S. That the Grantee ¢signs, during the preceding cal- the 30th day of October, 1940, shall (a) construct, install and endar year, or such fractional and was adopted by the Council maintain all' pipes, conduits, poles, calendar year, from the sale of of said City at its regular meet, wires and appurtenances in ac, th,r utilitv service for which this ing held on the 6th day of No- curdance and in conformity with franchise is granted, and, also, vember, 1940, by the following all the ordinances, rules and rag- the dross receipt, of the Grantee, vote: ulations heretofore or hereafter its successors or assigns, during Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, adopted by the legislative body the preceding calendar year or Murray, Shannon, Scrum and �j0 Mayor Boyd. GUY PINNEY, Palm Springs. California Noes: None. City Clerk, City of (CITY SEAL) Absent: Councilman Pershing. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance No. 87 of the City of Palm Springs, California) and certificate were published `il,,rw:�r:'�,.�`�_ 1940 1940, and .�s� "�'�p ,.� , 1940 in 'Phe imel:ight, a w­ �'­e ely newspaper of general on circulati , i'inted, published and circulated in the, City of Palm 8pr!ngs., California. City Clerk of the] City of Palm Springs, California. I,V ORDINANCE NO. ss (3) The total sum which the purposes set forth in the par- AN ORDINANCE Or THE CITY OF is sought to be raised. ty'e application arc not being PAL➢T SPRINGS REGULATING (4) The names and ad- subserved and that the further dresses of all persons who will activity of such person, firm, as, SOLICITATION OF DONA- 1 Y TIONS FOR CHARITABLE, PHIL- be in any manner engaged in sociation or corporation in the ANTIIROPIC AND PATRIOTIC the work. City of Palm Springs would be PURPOSES. (5) The bank or place contrary to the public interest and The City Council of the City where all or any part of the general welfare, he may direct a of Palm Springs does ordain as funds raised by such activity registered letter to the applicant follows: will be placed on deposit or at the address given upon the invested. application filed with the said Section 1: It shall be unlawful (6) The times when such Chief of Police and the reasons for any person, firm, organiza- solicitation will be wade. said permit shall become null and tion, society, association or cor- (7) The amount of any void on and after the third clay poration to make any appeal to wages, fees, commissions, costs, from the date on which said let- the public for a charity, p14il- expenses or emoluments to be ter is deposited in the United anthropy or patriotic organiza- expended or paid in connection States Post Office in the City tion either by soliciting or col- with such solicitation. of Palm Springs, whereupon said I leering gifts, contributions, land- permit shall become- null and void tions or subscriptions or by pro- (3) Such other information on the date named in accordance mating or conducting any bazaar, n respect to the character andr wiElr the provisions herein. sale or exhibition or by any oth- past: and proposed activity or Section 5: If any firm, er means whatsoever, at an .ne applicant, as may be neces- y person, y sary or desirable to enable the °r.=;wization, society, association, place or to any person in the Chief of Police to make a fill] or corporation is aggrieved by City of Palm Springs, unless an and complete investigation. any ruling of the Chief of Po, application therefore has been lice of the City of Palm Springs filed with and a permit issued Section 3: The Chief of Po- upon any application filed put- by the Chief of Police of the lice of the City of Palm Springs scant to the provisions or this or, City of Palm Springs, in the must act upon all applications dinnncc, such aggrieved party manner herein provided. filed with him pursuant to the may file with the City Cleric of Section 2: Any person, firm, provisions of this ordinance not the City of Palm Springs a state, . association or corporation their- later than ten (10) days after merit, addressed to the City ing to make an appeal to the the date on which any such ap- Council of the City of Palm public for a charity, philanthropy plication is filed. Springs, setting forth the full or patriotic organization either by Should the said Chief of Po- content of the application filed soliciting donations or subscrip- lice, after a complete investiga- with the said Chief of Police, the tions or by promoting or conduct- tion of the applicant and of the action taken thereon by the said ing any bazaar, sale, exhibition or representations contained in the Chief of Police and the reasons by any other means whatsoever application, determine that the it is believacl the Chicf of at any place, or to any person application is truthful, that the Police a.:tcd improperly or failed in the City of Palm Springs, may applicant is acting in goon] faith to act properly. file an application with the Chief and that the public interest and Tl,e City Co.nu it of the C11y of Police of the City of Palm general welfare will not be in, of Palm Sprints at its next rep; Springs, setting forth the fol- jured by the applicant's proposed nlar meetim, held not Icss thou lowing information: activity, he shall issue a permit ivil clays from ibe date on which (1) The name and address to such applicant to act for such such appeal be filed with the of the applicant, together with period of time as may be rea- said City Clerk, shall hear the the names of the chief officer sonable and in accordance with applicant and his witnesses dill and secretary of the organiza- the public health, safety, and shall determine whether the re- tion, and the names of the per, '.velfare, provided, however, that quircments of Section 3 of this sons who will be responsible no permit shall be valid for a ordinance have been met, and for distribution of such funds period of more than six (6) the ruling of the said City Count and objects, months from the date of issuance. cil thereon shall be final. (2) The exact purposes for Section 4: Should the Chief Section 6: The provisions of which the proceeds of the soli- of Police of the City of Palm this ordinance shah. not apply to _ cition, sale, bazaar, exhibition Springs determine that the active the solicitation or collection of or other promotion are to be ity of any person, firm, associa- gifts, contributions, donations or used, and the location of the tion or corporation in the City subscriptions ,or the promotion of place or places from which of Palm Springs, pursuant to any any bazaar, sale, or exhibition or distribution or disbursement of permit issued by him in accord- other act of appeal to the public such funds shall be made for ance with the terms of this ordi- for a charity, philanthropy or such purposes and objects. ance, is such as to indicate that patriotic organization made by 130 4-14-43 1 240 Repealing Ord. No. 88 -'T C39 180 8-12--17 1 307 Repealing Oi-d. No. 89 the members of any religious, ply with an order or regulation of the City of Palm Springs, charitable, philanthropic or pa- made hereunder shall be deemed California, hereby certify that triotic organization which has guilty of a misdemeanor, and the foregoing ordinance, being been in existence in, and which upon conviction thereof, such per, Ordinance No. 33 of the City has regularly maintained head- son, firm, association or corpora- of Palm Springs, was introduced quarters or a place of worship tion shall be punishable by a fine at a meeting of the City Coun- in the City of Palm Springs for a of not more than Three Hundred cil of said City held on the 30th period of at least five years next Dollars ($300.00) or imprisonment day of October, 1940, and was preceding the date on which such in the Riverside County Jail for read in full and was passed at an activity shall be begun. not more than three (3) months, adjourned regular meeting of Section 7: If any section, sub- or by Loth such fine and im- said Council held on the loth section, sentence, clause or phrase prisonment. day of November, 1940, by the I of this Ordinance is for any rea- Section 9: The City Cleric is, following vote: son held to be unconstitutional, hereby ordered and directed to Ayes: Councilmen Cliffton, such decision shall not affect the certify to the passage of this or- Murray, Shannon, and Serum, validity of the remaining por- dinance and to cause the same to Mayor Pro Tempore. tions of this Ordinance. The be published once in The Lime- Noes: None. Council hereby declares that it light, a newspaper of general Absent: Councilman Pershing would have passed this Ordi- circulation, printed, published and Mayor Philip Boyd. nance, and each section, subsec- circulated in the City of Palm I further certify that said or- tion, sentence, clause and phrase Spring.. This ordinance shall be dinance was thereupon signed by thereof, irrespective of the fact effective thirty (30) days after Raymond M. Serum, Mayor Pro that any one or more sections, passage. Tempore of the City of Palm subsections, sentences, clauses, or R. M. SORUM, Springs, and attested by Guy phrases be declared unconstitu- Mayor Pro Tem, of the City Pinney, City Clerk of said City, tional. of Palm Springs. Witness my hand and the seal Section S: Any person, firm (CITY SEAL) of said City this 14th day of organization, society, association ATTEST: November, 1940. or corporation violating any of GUY PINNEY, (CITY SEAL) the provisions of this ordinance City Clerk of the GUY PINNEY, or failing to comply with same, City of Palm Springs. Clerk of the City of Palm or violating or failing to com- I, the undersigned, City Clerk Springs, California. I hereby certi.a:`y that the foregoing Ordinance (being Ordinance No.. 88 of the City of Palm Springs, California) and certificate were published 1940 in The Limelight, a weekly newspaper of genera. circu anon, printed, published and circulated in the City of Palm Springs, California. I City Cfrlc of hr City of Pa.1tn Springs, California U ORDINANCE No. 89 tions of District C-1; of the City of Palm Springs, Cal- AN ORDINANCE or THE CITY or (b) Lot 24 and the North ifornia, hereby certify that the PALM SPRINGS AMENDING See- half of Lot 23 in Block 16 of foregoing ordinance, being Ordi- TsoN 14 (tc) or ORDINANCE No. Palm Springs, as per map re- nance No. E9 of the City of Palm 75 OF SAID CITY, BEING The corded in Book 9, page 432 of Springs, was introduced at a PALM SPRINGS LAND USE ORDI- Maps, Records of San Diego meeting of the City Council of NANCE, ADOPTED DCCEMBER 13, County, California, is hereby said City held on the 20th day of iosa. placed in and shall be subject November, 1940, and was read in The City Council of the City to the regulations of District full and was passed at a regular of Palm Springs does ordain as R-4• meeting, of said Council held on follows: Section 2: The City Clerk is the 4th clay of December, 1940, Section 1: Section 14(k) of hereby ordered and directed to by the following vote: Ordinance No. 75 of the City of certify to the passage of this or- Ayes: Councilmen Murray, Palm Springs (being the Palm dinance and to cause the same Plyrnire, Pershing, Shannon, So- Springs Land Use Ordinance, to be published once in The rum and Mayor Boyd. adopted December 13th, 1909), Limelight, a newspaper of gen- Noes: None. classifying the lands in Section eral circulation, printed, publish- Absent: Councilman Cliffton. 15, Township 4 South, Range 4 ed and circulated in the City of I further certify that said ordi- East, S.B.B.&M. as per Map Palm Springs. This ordinance nance was thereupon signed by Sheet 11 of the Official Zoning shall be effective thirty clays after Philip L. Boyd, Mayor of the Map, is hereby amended by the Passage. City of Palm Springs, and attest- following changes of classifica- PHILIP L. EOYD, cd by Guy Pinney, City Clerk of tions of land zoned therein: Mayor of the City of Pahn said City. (a) The Southerly One Hun- Springs. Witness my hand and the Seal I 'red Thirty (130) feet of Lot (City Seal) of said City this 4th day of De- 1 of Black 23 of Palm Springs, Attest: comber, 1940. as per map recorded in Boole 9, page 432 of Maps, Records Guy Pinney, GUY PINNEY, of San Diego County, Califor- City Clerk of the City of Palm Clerk of the City of Palm nia, is hereby placed in and Springs. Springs, California. shall be subject to the regula- I, the undersigned, City Clerk (City Seal) I hereby certify that the foregoing 0-rdinance (being OrdinQwe Nop 89 of the City of Palm Springs, California) and certificate were published Z�L , 1940 in The Limelight, a weekly newspaper o.i genera circu» ation, printed, published and circulated in the City.-of Palm Springs, California,.: City' C_sr'lc of th-e 7aty 7f 1 Palm Springs, California.