HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/17/2000 - STAFF REPORTS (8) DATE: May 17, 2000 TO: City Council FROM: Director, Department of Facilities PURCHASE OF A "SHOWMASTER SERIES" MOBILE SOUND SHELL RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the cooperative purchase of a"Showmaster Series" mobile sound shell in an amount not to exceed $107,487, including applicable taxes and delivery charges, from Century Industries, Inc., Sellersburg, Indiana. BACKGROUND: The City's current portable stage, commonly referred to as the"Showmobile,"was purchased from Wenger Industries in 1973. The Showmobile has been heavily used for an assortment of year-round events and activities, such as stage shows, concerts, plays and a variety of special events, in Palm Springs and throughoutthe Coachella Valley. The Recreation Division has also rented the Showmobile to other outside agencies and organizations, such as the City of Indio, Palm Springs High School, College of the Desert, and the Riverside County Date Festival, over the years. The current Showmobile is erected manually for each use and requires at least three people to complete the basic setup. The proposed "Showmaster Series," manufactured by Century Industries, is operated hydraulically and requires only one person for basic setup operations. Aside from being much easier and quicker to erect, the proposed "Showmaster Series"stage is constructed of modern materials and incorporates state-of-the-art design features, such as the previously-mentioned hydraulics, fully-compliant A.D.A. handicap access lifts, and self-reliant generators for remote power requirements. Additionally, the City of Yucca Valley has contacted Recreation Division staff and expressed an interest in purchasing the existing Showmobile unit if City Council authorizes the purchase of a new Century "Showmaster Series" unit. The Showmobile has served the City and community well for over 27 years and has exceeded its useful life. City staff has rebuilt the vehicle and its components, as well as the stage, several times through the years in an effort to prolong its life. The Showmobile was originally scheduled for replacement in 1993, and maintenance staff feels the unit needs replacing at this time to continue serving the City's need for such equipment. The City's Procurement Manager, pursuant to the requirements of Municipal Code Section, finds that the competitive process conducted by the City of Huntington Beach (Purchase Order 234576) for the proposed purchase, on file with the Office of the City Clerk, is adequate to protect the public interest, and the PURCHASE OF A "SHOWMASTER SERIES" MOBILE SOUND SHELL May 17, 2000 Page Two. total cost of the services and materials is likely to be less through the proposed cooperative purchase than could be obtained through the City's independent purchasing. Funds have been set aside and are available in the Motor Vehicle Replacement "Specialized Equipment" Account, 510-/57475-50015, for this purchase. TT MTRES'ELL, Director HAROLD E. GOOD, CPPO °Department of Facilities Procurement Manager APPROVED: lw�—c�z Interim City Manager ATTACHMENT: 1. Minute Order REVIEWED BY DEPi.OF FINANCE --W f Apr—1'2—00 1 O : 19A �q e��-- P _ O 1 Century Industries Inc. P.O. Box U Sellersburg, IN 47172 Phone: 812/246-3371 - FAX 812/246- 446 FAX TRANSMITTAL FAX NUMBER: 760-323-8238 TO: Mr. Bruce Johnson, Palm Springs Purchasing FROM: Mark Ar'soMlLtll. DArl'I+1: April 12. 2000 NUMBER OF PAGE'S, INCLUDING TIIIS SIIEE,r: 5 IF ALL OF rl,lI ESE PAGES ARE NOT RE GE PLV,ASI+, CALL 812/246-3371, Olt FAX 812/246 ,>446' Bruce intbrnrrtion yau'vc requested regarding towing re.quiremCnts and tt cony or"I recent California order. The Showtnttster unit weighs in the range of 15,000 to 20,000 Ibs., depending upon equipment ordered. Average weights of a MSM.3600 unit arc approx. I9,500 lbs. Most municipalities use a puhlic k\orks dump truck or other vehicle with a pintle hitch already installed. A Llood rcl"erence un LO\%in�_ the unit nttd its operation "OUld be front Mr. John Sidt.m , operator of" the Poloona titauc that Mite Kemp rcccntk t isilcd. The units nre sutble On the road, and bec�uisc OI' their 11CM dutc truck suspMnsion, the\ can handle a IOL OI'uhtisC "Itch ❑> Lod\ InL' Oyer rurhs. etc. I halve a1SO included inhOrrttatiOn On the salt Mature, OfOur ShO\� nuiatItr unit. Apr- 12-00 10: 19A P _ 02 P(i. 2/2 And, I have included a copy of a recent order from the City of Huntiot;ton Beach, They have used the pre-negotiated, government contract to order the unit without having to go through the bid process. The city of Vacaville has also ordered a unit. FrOln this list as well. Upon request, I can IaX YOU the entire price list which includes all the available options. :appreciate your consideration with our ShowmasLe• unit and I look lorward to working with you on this project. II' 1 can be of Further assistance, please feel tree to contact me anytime. Sincorel'. Marl: Ar.Scnault ('cnuu-v Industrlcs Apr- 12-00 10- 2OA P _ O3 Century Industries' ShowMaster Exclusive Safety Features • Safety Discs{-Up i-new11anicA1 canopy locks ALneln;itie activating nlechantual canupy Io:1(o provent the .St;tl;o froul aullipsIIIk on perl'uluu•I.c Should it hydruuhc. cylindo.r failure occur. lived wills hvtlr,lullc check vnlvos and rountor hilanre valves the potent.lnl for It l'aihlr•e still esltits. especially IIR ;I Altge gete uldel. The luechuniU;tl lock e11P.ure that even if'the cylinder fails the rsnlopy ennnut colhlpne. • Flexible hydraulic lines All hydrndle cylinder~ am,, connected Lo flemble rubber lmlr:ullir hnoi, that arc• rlr•tiignod to withstand the rtgora of luw'ing elver rough terrain lvilhout breaking. which curl uu:ur with Burl lines. • Enclosed hydraulic; cylinders Slluw':\•lastor hyrlraubc cyllrlder.9 are protected by steel cnlunms it mwh and ONO Stake. This keep:: unaulhorlrud persons from tampering with the canopy' hydistolica and causing expe.n.;ive dornago. • Professional Engineer certified 16MPH wind load rating Mvevy ('entut;e Singe A certified by an inrlependont. Professlunal Engineer to deternliuc thu .,oPct% fkclol'o of our stngex. Shoo&btstar !r(w bucn rated all to dG \I Ill I collstnnl, vvlocuy herure becoanuk comprouu..ed. This is achiave.d be nunalLnlk stllbtlizcr.o ;It the, rxtrt•mr corn( n, of'tho .aat;o. • 21" of(around Clearance. 'I'lle (It"II a❑ nI Hhl JNV. Il sTr1•',s I('v(-I I I IV oy,f;I(All 1111 ot%, (•a411 out hoil Id 1;wk I(, pl('nl to l' tl,IT I Sp Ill'I. a I11 ell L',Wk-s the .tllpe 21" (it l,,rot Ind vIonl,mvt•. '['his hruund CIONI'M1t'e 011nh1(•- elhl 10WH1P Ill'el ellrh-. null hilly' Ivrrntn w Illun.lt scars:l of d:n ligv ro Thv mitt'. • Over 800 lb. canopy leading ed;;e load r•;itinpv In ndtlitlnn to holm; P.I? (rvrtil'icd hn• w'ind. 'ihow\Iirtol' i:= aloO t'or11rINI 1'I11' CA110; v Ieidltlg' od♦;o luid. \\'t• ;Ictxmlpll:dl IIIL.s anp;u;tllcled lun(I r:lting rhroul!h rha .trrngth of II V, huge Arvl nlanllwvr_ Tll]-. 111(m.<y(ill to Ioid Ih(• rinop)' w'llh lighting, \t'ilhunt Isar of&Iln:q•,v ur ovcrorrt."inµ rht• I nnllpc. • Sell'rleployinh stage deck leg,; truss .\II ('ens ury tiU1Fu, I'uulurc it now iv;1ilahllr drr lc tru..'.s .,y.,tem lhnt nut only r ir•n lly pu:.hv:- thu fuldnlp, sta1;e dccic log': to Iheu• daplovt-d pm:ilu.ut its the deck openo t'r1116r indil Idual IcV, wlucll 11-qu11r it 1PA'SMl to poll nor thin ](.go is thin dvck Is dvploy alp. Ihl:: 1,. duav IUIlnaliulC;tll%-. • Tnte:r•rtudiatc fratno ,jacks In order (o awoL sl inguril ITC ll'nlfurnl 1401ding (!Avl rr(luirt•mt•nt, ('vnrtu•y n(Id:. inmrmrdl.lnc I'v.nno,jade: In Inee1 125 Ih.:/.�q, Ill, hvv load r(.,lluirvoIvIIt.s • ADA compliant stair~ ('vnun•yo .:lou;: aced ill AI)A cods•' wish vrl(:1,1,a16 1 7111 4)11o. ;Intl hindl;nl dnura::nn1:. • I)o,r conspicuit}, and underrirlc compliance All ('(n1liv\' `tllgvr hill 1t11rIl ( i:,1lir.ull\ :Intl Ilndcrvidr ,o1'IutP. von Fu my (i dorilk Ill lnd:11cd .I lid Sh''\t'\ i.-icl' I. It,, (1111t l"M NIHM Mil.+10I'n III:�II',Il nit•t IN 1111: llopin'1111)1 anll• 1n 1u llo{ 11 ImN 111n,,1: II':Illov. Thr: nrr,ur: Ihnl Ibo r,^u' nl Iln• trolls r 1. 1, �-. slims IIt, 21C 1, Ilmrrd bt 1.11, I0 " , 11 :l lmlo- lilrl:. Irons lutdvrrldlna Iho rl.:lr odicl, I mlvr. In nddll Il I dw In.n h\ clans . ('vill ill t h:r hl-, n o-1n;, rrd :Ind tl hilt' rrllr(Iiv,. I;Ipr : 1111 II hII'tl -nlv mnI LLI... ll, IM111' Ihvill 1111r1 li-1L111 r11.:1I1'In,' ri 11111,11.1111'I' to lh ,'on=pirllll� It-ylnrl•na nt, Apr-12-00 10 : 20A P _04 S E SLESSER ENGINEERING, INC, W CONSULTING ENGINEERS September 1 , 1994 Century Industries P 'O. Box U Sellersburg, IN 47172-0919 SOBJECT : Mobile Stage Model No. MSM 3600 MSM 2800 MSM 3200 MSM 2400 Dear Sirs : This letter certifies that we have analyzed the Century Industries Mobile Stage (Model No. Is MSM 3600, MSM 320-0i MSM 2800, and MSM 2400) . our analysis indicates that the mobile stage oan safely support a stage- floor live load of 125 PSF. Our analysis also Indicates that the mobile stage will remain stable when exposed to a wind load of up to 46 MPH before it begins to tip over. Sincerely, SLE`'� SLESSER ENGINE G, INC. h Thomas ewis , P.E . Pro,jee E gineer : ,q STATE of r? TEL/kl ' OFF �QNUTAW' ���.% '�.ss/ONAL Carl J. Slesser, P.E . President 2A1 Noro'ood Ofllu parWY400 LGraa�.Ao.dlLavinlllr,K.aluelry 10222!(302)d23.OI CY/(502)423.1646 PURCHAk bRDER City of Huntington''Beach ?000 MAIN STREET PURCHASE ORDER j HUNTINGTk,,)N BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92648 This number must - (714)536-5221 appear Packages and Invoices. Billingse Inquiries: s Attn:A countsPayab T34�7G Please send invoices Attn:Accounts Payable DATE 03/29/2000 r 880130018 CENTURY INDUSTRIES INC COMMUNITY SERVICES PO BOX U 2000 MAIN ST. SELLERSBURG IN 47172-0000 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648-0000 MARK ARSENAULT I ATT: NAIDA DSLINE (FOB.DESTINATION DELIVERY WITHIN CONFIRM PLUS FRT.PREPAY&ADD TERMS. N0 120 D^Ys N(1 YES DESCRIPTION PRICING PER NPA AGREEMENT, CONTRACT - - - - -- - - ;!iF41999=96=D=6005—- -- -- _ - 1 EA MSM3600 "SHOWMMASTER SERIES" MOBILE SOUND 59388.00 SHELL STAGE OPTIONS: 1 EA 20536 PREMIUM ANTI-CORROSION PACKAGE UPGRADE 1587.00 1 EA 90650 HINGED END WALL PANELS 4555.00 1 EA 42201 ELECTRICAL UPGRADE PKG. #1 1993.00 2 PR 10207 PREMIUM STAIR UPGRADE 209.00 418.00 2 PR 42100 DEPLOYABLE T-BAR LIGHT MOUNTS 492.00 984.00 1 EA 42005 INTERMEDIATE LIGHT PACKAGE 2234.00 1 EA 90636 STAGE DECK SUPPORT TUSS 36 614.00 1 EA HYDRAULIC LEVELING/SUPPORT UPGRADE 1/90550 5574.00 2 EA 40029 COMPARTMENT LIGHTS 100.00 200.00 3 EA 40028 EXTERIOR FLOOD LIGHTS 101.00 300yfi3.00 8 EA 11003 DECK TIE-DOWNS TAX 72'0 JAM DELIVERY 4200.00 (SG) a I a $ ***88704.017 pic grdAlhr�,Pa♦"h'esin an rof glorr6e c 7 REG.NBA. AMOUNT REG.NBR. AMOUNT REQ.NSRR. AMOUNT 0015/EAACS37965900/ 88704.02 PURCHASING MINUTE ORDER NO. APPROVING THE COOPERATIVE PURCHASE OF A "SHOWMASTER SERIES" MOBILE SOUND SHELL IN AN AMOUNTNOTTO EXCEED$107,487, INCLUDING APPLICABLE TAXES AND DELIVERY CHARGES, FROM CENTURY INDUSTRIES, INC., SELLERSBURG, INDIANA. I HEREBY CERTIFY that this Minute Order, approving the cooperative purchase of a "Showmaster Series" mobile sound shell in an amount not to exceed $107,487, including applicable taxes and delivery charges, from Century Industries, Inc., Sellersburg, Indiana, was adopted by the City Council of the City of Palm Springs, California, in a meeting thereof held on the 171" day of May, 2000. BY: PATRICIA A. SANDERS City Clerk