Council Chamber, City Hall
June 28, 1989
1:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1988 - 1989
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning-Comm-iss-ion This Meeting to Date to Date
Larry Lapham, Chairman X 22 2
Gary Olsen X 20 4
Barbara Whitney X 19 5
Brent Hough X 22 2
Martha Edgmon - 20 4
Chris Mills X 20 2
Michael Dotson X 21 0
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Siegfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
Douglas Evans, Planner
Debra Goodwin, Planner
Richard Patenaude, Planner
Sherri Abbas, Planner
Dave Forcucci , Planner
Dean Lewis, Traffic Engineer
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secr-teary
Architectural -Advisory Comm-ittee - June 26, 1989
Brent Hough, Chairman
Will Kleindienst
William Johnson
Mike Buccino
Tom Doczi
Reuel Young
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
M/S/C (Dotson/Hough; Edgmon Absent) approving minutes of June 14, 1989 with the
following correction: Commissioner Edgmon was present (not absent) at the
During the month of July, the Tribal Council will conduct two Tribal Council
Meetings; i .e. , July llth and 25th. The next Regular Tribal Council Meeting will
be on September 5, 1989 (There are no Meetings scheduled for August) .
John Q. Adams, Tribal Planning Consultant, will be unable to provide comments for
cases which may involve Indian Trust Lands and of which may be on the Palm
Springs Planning Commission Agenda during the month of August; therefore, we
hereby request that all matters affecting Indian Trust Lands be continued until
such time as we commence with our regular Tribal Council meetings in September,
The June 28, 1989 agenda was available for public access at the City Hall
exterior bulletin board and the Planning Division Counter by p.m. , Friday, June
23, 1989.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 2
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
M/S/C (Olsen/Dotson; Edgmon absent) taking the following actions:
CASE- 1i0565- (MI-NOR)--Continued. Appl ication by ST. TROPEZ VILLAS HOA for archi-
tectural approval of revised landscape plans for a condominium complex on
Alejo Road between Alvarado/El Segundo Roads, R-G-A(8) Zone (I .L.) , Section
Continued to July 12, 1989 at the applicant's request.
CASE---3 0608---(-M-I-N-R-)---Continued. Application by SUNRISE VILLAGE for architectural
approval of entry walls and revised landscaping for a mobilehome complex at
1500 E. San Rafael , PD-116, Section 35.
Continued to July 12 pending receipt of revised plans.
C-ASE----3-:02-7-2. Application by VOSS INVESTMENTS for architectural approval of a
revised sign program for a retail/restaurant complex on the northeast
corner of Avenida Caballeros/Tahquitz Way, C-1-AA/R-4-VP Zones (I .L.) , Sec-
tion 14.
Approved awning color of blue or seafoam green; restudied sign.
j Abstention: Lapham
CASE- -3:.0342. Application by TKD ASSOCIATES for Perry Liss for architectural
approval of detailed final landscape, irrigation, and exterior lighting
plans for a hillside a hillside single-family residence on Camino Del Norte
between Via Monte Vista/Stevens Road, R-1-C Zone, Section 10.
Approved as submitted.
CASE----3-:0343. Application by PERRY LISS for architectural approval of detailed
final landscape, irrigation, and exterior lighting plans for a hillside
single-family residence on Camino Del Norte between Via Monte Vista/Stevens
Road, R-1-C Zone, Section 10.
Approved as submitted.
CASE- 3-:0477. Application by DAVID CHRISTIAN for architectural approval of
revised working drawings and revised site plan for Tony Roma's Restaurant,
S. Palm Canyon Drive between Ramon Road/Baristo Road, CBD Zone, Section
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 3
CASE---3-;0477. (Continued)
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That planters on rear of building be maximized.
2. That sacrifice of parking spaces is recommended at pedestrian
� p 9 P
entrances in order to enhance landscaping areas.
3. That center island length be reduced to allow a pass through lane.
4. That other architectural comments from June 12 meeting still apply.
CASE----3-i0530. Application by TONY WEST for architectural approval of revised
plans for a four-plex at 488 Chuckwalla Road, R-2 Zone, Section 11.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the windows on the left elevation be stacked.
2. That columns under the stairs be provided.
3. That upper windows be centered in bay on front elevation.
4. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be implemented.
CASE 3:a531. Application by TONY WEST for architectural approval of revised
plans for a four-plex at 567 Chuckwalla Road, R-2 Zone, Section 11.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That supports under the overhang of the Via Miraleste elevation be
2. That enhancement be added to the Chuckwalla elevation gateway
3. That approval of an AMM for the reduction of the west setback is
4. That parking be reconfigured on the Via Miraleste side.
5. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be implemented.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 4
CASE---3-40559. Application by ROBIN YOUNG for architectural approval of detailed
final landscape, irrigation and exterior lighting plans for a single-family
residence at 450 Bogert Trail , R-1-B Zone, Section 35.
Restudy noting the following:
1. That plants to be installed in front be listed.
2. That canopy trees be included. Add evergreens on side yard.
CAS-E---1,0560. Application by ROBIN YOUNG for architectural approval of detailed
landscape, irrigation, and exterior lighting plans for a single-family
residence at 300 Bogert Trail , R-1-B Zone, Section 35.
Restudy noting the following: That street trees on Bogert Trail be added.
CASE- 1,0561. Application by ROBIN YOUNG for architectural approval of detailed
final landscape, irrigation, and exterior lighting plans for a single-
family residence at 390 Goldenrod Lane, R-1-B Zone, Section 35.
Restudy noting the following: That Eucalyptus shall be a minimum 15 feet
on center.
CASE-- 3:,0605. Application by ALI NIKSEFAT/LINDA LAPLANTE for architectural
approval of hillside single-family residence on the southeast corner of
Ramon Road/Fern Canyon Drive, R-1-A Zone, Section 22.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That final landscaping plans must be approved by the AAC prior to
permit issuance.
2. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be implemented.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 5
C-ASE---3.0606-- (M-I-NGR) . Application by ROGER TRAVIS for W.J. Bohannan for archi-
tectural approval of building elevations and a revised site plan at 4155 E.
Palm Canyon Drive, C-2 Zone, Section 30.
Approved as submitted.
CA-SE---- Application by BOB HOWARD for architectural approval of
revised plans for an addition to a single-family hillside residence and
complete landscaping at 588 La Mirada, R-1-A Zone, Section 22.
CASE- -8-:06-15-{MI-NOR) . Application by JACK BERNABUCCI for architectural approval
of a hillside single-family residence at 1500 Hillview Cove, R-1-C Zone,
Section 1.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That upper retaining wall is too high and too close to street.
2. That walls and landscaping on Andreas Hills frontage and corner be
3. That applicant address lowering of elevation of pool/yard area.
4. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be implemented.
CASE---3-.0619---(-M1NOR) . Application by PALM SPRINGS SHADE CO. for architectural
approval of a revised entrance awning at The Palms, 572 N. Indian Avenue,
R-3 Zone, Section 11.
Continued to July 12, 1989 at the applicant's request.
CASE- --5-:0488-CU-P. Application by CHRIS MILLS for architectural approval of
working drawings for an office/service center for Warner Cable TV on
Farrell Drive between Tachevah Drive (extended)/Vista Chino, 0-5 Zone, Sec-
tion 12.
Continued to July 12, 1989 at the applicant's request.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 6
S-IGN---A-PPL14CATION. Application by QUIEL BROTHERS SIGN COMPANY for Palm Springs
Public Storage Company for architectural approval of a revised main identi-
fication sign at 1400 S. Gene Autry Trail , M-1 Zone, Section 20.
Continued to July 12, 1989 pending receipt of revised plans.
SIGN---APPLICATION. Application by BOB CLAUSON for architectural approval of main
identification sign for a Texaco Service Station, 610 N. Palm Canyon Drive,
C-1 Zone, Section 10.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That Texaco logo radius at upper portion of cabinet.
2. That background be matte gray.
3. That height of balance of sign be reduced.
S-IGN---AP-PL-I-C-ATI-GN. Application by IMPERIAL SIGN COMPANY for revisions to main
identification sign for Hilton Hotel at 400 E. Tahquitz Way, C-1-AA/R-4-VP
Zone (I .L.) , Section 14.
Restudy noting the following:
1. That monument be a contrasting color (possibly different material ) .
2. That logo was approved as red.
3. That all other copy remain gold.
TIM-E EXTENSI-ON,, -CGAS-E,- 5-.0425-PD-186. Request by PALM SPRINGS MANOR for a 12-
month time extension of a Planned Development District for retirement
homes/residents hotel for senior citizens at 1500 Baristo Road between
Avenida Caballeros/Sunrise Way, R-G-A(8) Zone, Section 14.
Approved subject to all original conditions of approval . The new expira-
tion date will be August 5, 1990.
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 7
CASE---3wO6.14---(-14I-NOR1. Application by MIKE GILBERT for architectural approval of a
hillside single-family residence on Andreas Hills Drive, R-1-C Zone,
Section 1.
Planner (Goodwin) stated that the AAC approved the plan subject to review
of the detailed landscape plans and details of the garden wall .
Commissioner Dotson commented that he wanted to see the north - south ele-
vation. Planner stated that what was shown on the board was a section, not
an elevation.
M/S/C (Olsen/Dotson; Edgmon absent) approving the application subject to
the following conditions:
1. That final landscaping plan be approved by AAC.
2. That elevational details of garden wall be provided on front property
line to street elevations relationship.
3. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be implemented.
CASE-- 3-:Gf-18 (MINOR) . Application by SILK ROAD RESTAURANT (formerly Sensu) for
architectural approval of an revised awning over an existing patio, CBD
Zone, Section 15.
Planner (Forcucci ) stated that the AAC recommended restudy because of the
spindly support posts, although they do match the interior sign program of
Zelda's nightclub.
Planning Director stated that the awning is being reskinned.
Planner stated that there are no other awnings along Indian Avenue that
match the proposed ones.
M/S/C (Olsen/Whitney; Edgmon absent) restudying the application noting the
1. That vertical supports be redesigned.
2. That the fabric, color and awning design are approved.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 8
CA-S-E- 3-.0627. Application by ARTHUR JAFFEE for architectural approval of patio
enclosure at 277 E. Alejo Road (Villa Alejo condominiums) , C-1 Zone (IL) ,
Section 14.
Planner (Goodwin) stated that the AAC recommended that a field trip be
taken before action on the case, but that when the committee members called
their votes in to staff there was a 2-2 vote; that the homeowners associa-
tion approved the proposal ; and that the patio has been converted to a room
and requires a building permit.
Commissioner Hough stated that the AAC discussed the application and felt
that if the conversion could be clear glass, it might be acceptable and
that the conversion is the best of the several illegal ones in the complex.
Chairman suggested that the homeowners' association design a uniform appli-
cation and have homeowners conform to it if they wish to remodel their
condos in this way.
M/S/C (Olsen/Dotson; Edgmon absent) for a restudy of the application with
Commission direction to the homeowners' association to submit a uniform
application for all conversions (as a prototype) .
SIGN---ARP L-ICATI-ON. Application by ARTHUR BAHN for architectural approval of a new
sign program for the Tropicana Liquor-Deli , 830 N. Palm Canyon Drive, C-1
Zone, Section 10.
Planner (Forcucci ) stated that the applicants are changing the sign face;
that the colors are orange, yellow, and green copy on black which is dup-
licated on the reverse of the sign; and that the location is in the former
Jurgensen's Market building.
Chairman asked why the case was removed from the consent agenda since it
was approved by the AAC.
Planner stated that the Commission should review the colors; that the sign
was installed without a permit; that the building was painted also without
permit, although it has since been repainted.
Representative from Tropicana stated that he was on vacation when the the
sign was installed; and is a light orange; that the sign is noticed by
passengers in cars because of the color; and that the neighbors like the
scheme. He requested that the sign remain.
Commissioner Hough suggested that the Commissioners drive by and look at
the sign before action is taken. Commissioner Whitney agreed.
Commissioner Dotson stated that the sign should be restudied and is offen-
sive on Indian Avenue.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 9
S-IGN--APRL--ICATION. (Continued)
Commissioner Olsen commented that the Commission has allowed latitude in
sign colors and that some of the new signs are interesting but that this
sign is beyond the latitude of the Commission.
Commissioner Hough stated that the applicant is reskinning an existing
sign; is not changing the box.
Tropicana representative asked that the sign remain for two days for Com-
mission review.
M/S/C (Dotson/Olsen; Edgmon absent; Whitney dissented) for a restudy of the
colors and composition of the sign.
CASE -5-.0514-CUP. Application by GEORGE GUND for a conditional use permit for a
night lighted, recessed tennis court on Camino Mirasol between Camino
Norte/Via Las Palmas, R-1-A Zone, Section 10.
(This action is categorically exempt from Environmental assessment per CEQA
guidelines. )
Recommendation: That the Commission approve the application subject to
:.a conditions.
Planner (Abbas) stated that the application is for a recessed, night-
lighted tennis court; that the light standards conform to the new night
lighting ordinance requirements of 16 ft. above the playing surface; that a
small home will be built which is not subject to architectural review and
which will be expanded in the future; that the applicant lives close to the
proposed court; and that phone calls from the neighbors have been positive.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
Nick Smith, 1186 San Joaquin, stated that the applicant is enroute to
Moscow and that he worked for him; that Mr. Gund lives in San Francisco and
comes to Palm Springs once a month; that the court is only for his use;
that the house will be expanded into an estate type of residence; that the
court will be adjacent to a neighbor's court; and that a small pool in the
back will be screened.
Tom Doczi , TKD Associates, 980 Tahquitz Way, landscape architect, stated
that the court will be recessed below grade and is adjacent to another
court; that there is a 12 to 15 ft. Oleander hedge; and that there is an
Avacado grove on the west which will screen the lights.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 10
CASE- 5-iO5.14-CUP. (Continued)
Commissioner Dotson asked if there were requirements for a house to be
built with a tennis court. He stated that the footprint of the building
appears to intrude into the court.
Commissioner Hough explained that the reason the line disturbed the tennis
court is because the applicant is saving space for the larger future resi-
Planner explained that the corners of the tennis court were removed so the
court fits the lot.
Commissioner Dotson asked if the court and house have to be developed at
the same time.
Chairman stated that the Zoning Ordinance does not require that a tennis
court have a residence with it and that the applicant will build a house.
Assistant City Attorney stated that in the Zoning Ordinance tennis courts
are an accessory use to a single-family residence and if only the tennis
court is built it becomes a primary use which is not allowed in R-1 Zones.
Planner explained that two lots will be combined as a condition of
approval .
Commissioner Dotson stated that the tennis court is not designed properly
(except for hackers) because the corners are needed for play.
M/S/C (Hough/Whitney; Edgmon/Mills absent; Dotson dissented) approving the
application based on the following findings and subject to the following
1. That the night lighting of tennis courts in an R-1-A Zone is properly
one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by the Zoning
2.. That the recreation type use is acceptable for the development of the
community, is in harmony with the various elements of the General
Plan, but would extend a noise factor into the evening hours.
3. That the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the tennis
4. That the proposed use should not generate any traffic in addition to
that expected for the main house and should not affect the local
street system.
5. That the lights may be visible from adjoining properties.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 11
CASE--5-:05-14-CUP. (Continued)
6. That the applicant is proposing landscaping along the north and west
sides of the tennis court to decrease the effect of the proposed
Cond-i t-ion s:
1. That all the Development Committee conditions dated June 28, 1989,
shall be met.
CASE- --5-.0421-PD-185--J�REVI-SED) . Application by DESERT HOSPITAL for a revised
planned development district in lieu of a change of zone for a hospital
master plan and expansion including high rise structures, parking, and a
helicopter pad (on Tachevah Drive) for property on North Indian Avenue
between Tachevah Drive/Paseo El Mirador, R-4 Zone, Section 11.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration; no
comments received; action. )
Planner (Patenaude) stated that the original master plan was approved by
the Council in 1987 and included nursing towers, a parking structure, a
hospice, ancillary services, and a remodel of present hospital facilities;
that the helipad in the first phase was located on the vacated portion of
Paseo El Mirador, and at a future date was to be relocated to a nursing
.. tower roof; that because of changes in the focus of the hospital the
revised plan has been submitted which is three-phased instead of four; that
the plan now proposes two new buildings between the E1 Mirador building and
the existing facility; and that the helipad and emergency services will be
located on Tachevah Drive. He stated that the main entrance to the
hospital would be off Indian Avenue; that the first phase will be completed
in 3 to 5 years; that the second phase includes two 5-story nursing towers ,
one parking structure of 3 levels at 24 ft. in height, and that the height
is allowed in the adjacent R-2 Zone. He stated that the structures have a
25 ft. setback; that the third phase will include a 5-story nursing tower
(2 locations are being discussed) and a second parking structure; and that
the applicants are requesting a variance for reducing setbacks for the
nursing towers unless the more interior alternative location is chosen; and
that the towers are no higher than the existing tower. He stated that the
primary issues of the first master plan remain, i .e. the helipad and the
high-rise buildings; that three letters and two phone calls have been
received on the helipad location including a letter from the Palm Springs
Townhomes Board of Directors requesting that the helipad be denied because
of noise, danger, and intrusion of the use and asking for review of the
setbacks and location of the parking structures and that the parking meet
requirements of the highrise ordinance of 50% underground parking and also
asking the Commission to review the tunnel effect of the massive medical
building on the west side of the Tachevah and Indian combined with the
large parking structure proposed on the east side of Indian and Paseo E1
Mirador. He stated also that the homeowners to the south of Tachevah heli-
pad location are opposing the noise, intrusion, and danger of the helipad;
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 12
GAS-E-5:04-21--PD--185--(RE-V-ISED-) . (Continued)
and that the AAC reviewed revised plans and found them acceptable subject
to conditions.
Chairman asked if the parking garage conformed to R-2 setback requirements.
Planner replied that the setback is 25 ft. which is allowed by Ordinance as
is the 24 ft. height.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
Mike Fontana, Desert Hospital Planner, stated that the focus of the
hospital has changed because of management and operation changes; and that
Phase I is the "GROWTH" Phase, i .e.
G: Gereatric Services
R: Rehabilitation
0: Oncology .
W: Women & Infant Services
T: Trauma and Emergency Services
H: Heart Care
He stated that the money available presently is 28 million dollars rather
than the 12 million available in the first master plan; that emergency
services will be located on Tachevah with a loop out to Indian Avenue for
better access and visibility; that Phases II and III are in generalities ;
that Phase I will be completed in three years; that Phase II will reserve a
pad for a 5-story nursing tower and that additional parking will be pro-
vided by a parking structure; that employee parking will be moved to the
perimeter of the grounds to allow for patient and visitor parking in the
parking structure; and that some land will be left for expansion of radio-
logy and emergency services. He stated that Phase III will include a
second nursing tower, either over the lobby area or in the center of the
campus; and a second parking structure; that he would like to see the AAC
Minutes of June 26 to review the conditions; that variances are needed from
open space and setback requirements; and requested that the application be
continued to July 26 for a refinement of numbers in the traffic study.
Commissioner Whitney stated that the Phase III location for the parking
structure would be preferable to the Phase II location.
Mr. Fontana explained that the employee parking will have to be moved out
of the interior to the perimeter in Phase II to provide adequate parking
for visitors at ground level .
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 13
CASE- 5-;0421-PD-185 --(REVISED-) (Continued)
Commissioner Olsen stated that he was baffled as to reasons for the loca-
tion of the helipad which is situated between an existing building and
existing large trees.
Mr. Fontana stated that the trees will be removed because the street will
be widened; that they are in the right-of-way because of a jog in the
hospital property; and that the power lines are underground.
Commissioner Olsen commented that he liked the one parking structure con-
nected to the main hospital building.
Mr. Fontana stated that cars would drive under the second level for patient
drop off and then circle up to ground level parking.
Commissioner Olsen stated that the parking structures have to be sensitive
to the neighborhood and well-designed and Mr. Fontana agreed.
Planner stated that the helipad and all new buildings will be reviewed by
the Commission.
Mr. Fontana explained the Health Key Plus Program for seniors - Which
would be housed in the E1 Mirador building. He stated that offices will be
on the second floor of the building.
Commissioner Dotson asked the number of helicopter flights proposed now and
�..� in the future.
Mr. Fontana stated that there will not be a helicopter housed at the
hospital ; that for the past year the helicopters have landed at the airport
and patients transported to the hospital by ambulance; that six landings a
month for the next five years is probable with an average of 3 per month
because sometimes there are no landings during a month; that situations
occur where a helicopter has to bring patients directly to the hospital and
there must be a facility for a landing; that the site was chosen to have
proximity to the emergency departments of the hospital such as radiology,
the laboratory and surgeries; that the site is workable on Tachevah which
is a secondary thoroughfare; that the heliport is surrounded by medical and
commercial buildings; and that the location fulfills Division of Aeronatics
Commissioner Dotson asked the number of parking spaces used daily by staff
and personnel .
Mr. Fontana replied that three-fourths of the 730 parking stalls are used
by employees and that the application has 1200 parking places which will
allow employee parking to be moved to the exterior of the property.
Commissioner Dotson requested a graphic outline of the tower and its rela-
tionship with other buildings and their relationships to each other and the
rest of the campus.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 14
CAS-E--5-i0421---PD--185 -(REV-IS-ED-) . (Continued)
Mr. Fontana stated that the relationships are being worked on presently but
he did not know if they would be completed within 30 days.
Commissioner Whitney asked if most trauma centers have helipads; if there
would be maximum of 72 flights per year; and also if a study had been made
of the safety of patients if they are landed at the airport.
Mr. Fontana stated that most centers have a helipad, and that no one has
died being transported from a landing at the airport, but that there is a
15 minute delay which causes problems in continuity of personnel ; and that
the airport landing is not a preferable way and is risky for trauma
Vince Dundee, 455 The Palms, stated that since his residence backs to the
hospital development he has appeared before the Commission several times;
that he would like to compliment the hospital for improving its master plan
but two issues remain; that since the last meeting he has researched
medical helicopters to see if the use is worth the risk; that crashes often
kill doctors, nurses and the patients they are transporting; that other
Commissions in other cities are denying heliports; that one of the reasons
for crashes are power lines; that there are power lines throughout the
hospital area; that inexperienced helicopter pilots crash and the heli-
copters cut wide swaths- through the land before they crash. He stated that
he had saved several clippings regarding fatal helicopter crashes (and
showed them to the Commission)�;and stated that he hoped that the hospital
would reconsider upon the Commission's recommendation the stipulation of
building the helipad; that many people could be killed by the helicopters
if they crashed; that many of the homeowners in the area have secured the
services of a legal authority on heliports and helicopter damage; that if a
helipad is approved, the homeowners will have no alternative but to file
action seeking damages against the hospital and the city; that the second
issue is of the height and design of the parking structures which will
overshadow the neighboring homes. He stated that he hoped the Commission
would also consider this issue.
Debbie Foster, resident of Avenida Olivos stated that she had concerns
about the helipad location and the location of the emergency entrances on
Tachevah and requested a 30-day continuance for notification of the neigh-
boring residents. She presented a letter from Dr. Picchione opposing the
project and stated that the hospital planner informed them that he would
work with the neighbors; that the neighbors object to entrances and exits
on Tachevah because of the location of Katherine Finchey School ; that the
exit aligns with Avenida Olivos; that the public hearing notice did not
show the entrances and exits; that every parent of every child attending
Katherine Fincheyshould know about the proposal ; that the City has stated
that there would be no parking on Tachevah when a medical building was
built and at first there was not, but the red paint has been removed and
cars park on Tachevah.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 15
CASE-•5,.:0421-PD--185 . (REV-ISED) . (Continued)
Chris Foster, Avenida Olivos, member of the N. Palm Canyon Advisory Com-
mittee, asked for a 30-day continuance to discuss the proposal at the
regular meeting of the committee.
Kip Lyons, 400 S. Farrell , representing Mr. Sayles, 1001 Palos Verdes,
behind the medical building on Tachevah and Indian stated that his client
would be directly impacted and is opposed to the relocation of the emer-
gency room and helipad to Tachevah and feels that the close proximity of
the emergency room to the neighborhood is not appropriate; and that there
will be a traffic impact on the small street. He stated that the neighbor-
hood is changing and there is commercial use on Tachevah, but the neigh-
boring residents have estate homes; and that the busiest and noisiest uses
of the hospital will be on Tachevah. He stated that the helicopter pad has
negative impacts and is in one of the busiest parts of the City rather than
in an outlying area; that the heliport is near residences, other buildings,
and hospital buildings and is also elevated which will made the sound
ricochet over to the homes on the south; that further investigation on
helicopters and safety concerns is important; that either a Negative
Declaration or a mitigative negative declaration is not appropriate where
there are substantial impacts; and that the helipad use should have an EIR
and that there is case law supporting an EIR; and that "taking" of the
property will be reviewed later if the helipad is built. He stated that
the hospital expansion should be done delicately because of the impacts;
that Mr. Sayles has an estate type of home which he bought for peace and
quiet; and that to have a heliport or emergency services use impacts use of
his property; that emergency rooms are not quiet places because of noisy
loud speakers and squad cars; that the small office building between the
uses and the Sayles residence will not be effective as a noise buffer; and
that sensitivity should be reviewed by the hospital because the helipad is
a substantial change in use for the hospital . He stated that the area is
not large; that the entrance to the emergency room is not appropriate off
Tachevah; that the north and west sides of the hospital have been tried as
locations for the helipad and now the south side is being tried; and that
the emergency entrance should be on Indian Avenue.
There being no further appearances, the hearing was closed.
Chairman asked for the staff recommendation.
Planner stated that staff recommended continuance to resolve traffic
Commissioner Whitney stated that she had concerns about the helipad and
questioned the value of it for the few trauma cases and the fact that no
lives have been lost because of transportation by ambulance from the air-
port. She stated that sometimes people get carried away by technology;
that she objected to the increased traffic on Tachevah because of the
school and the existing heavy traffic; and that the south side may not be
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 16
CASE--5-i0421--P-D-1-8-5---(REV-IS-ED-) . (Continued)
the place for the emergency room since it would be a poor situation if
ambulances were trying to reach the emergency room at the same time that
school was being let out.
M/S/C (Dotson/Whitney; Edgmon/Mills absent) continuing the application to
July 26 for revisions to the traffic study.
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
CASE -5:0-065-PD-86. Application by CATHEDRAL CANYON COUNTRY CLUB for architec-
tural approval of landscape plans adjacent to a bikeway and an equestrian
trail on a condominium golf course complex on Cathedral Canyon Drive, R-1-
C/RTP Zones (I .L.) , Section 28.
Planner (Evans) stated that the bikeway relocation started in 1986 and cul-
minated in September 1988 with an agreement between the Council , the
developer and the title company outlining the terms of an exchange of loca-
tion of the bikepath from its alignment course on a private street to the
existing equestrian trail but on a different alignment. He stated that the
agreement included non-planning issues such as finance; that the Council
and the Recreation and Parks Commission approved the concept plan; and that
substantial improvements were made which were not approved by the Planning
staff nor the Planning Commission; that the agreement had a provision that
the Commission approve the final plans before installation began, but that
the bikeway was built without Commission review; and that the developer was
told to bring in the "as built" plan to be approved by the City; that the
developer was given the opportunity to prepare a plan that could be
approved by the Commission; that staff approved the landscape plan which
was installed, inspected and accepted by staff; that after the installation
he was at Cathedral Canyon Country Club on June 2, 1989 and saw planting
activity and issued a stop work order which is the reason that the plan is
brought before the Commission. He stated that the AAC reviewed the appli-
cation on Monday, June 26 and that the area of concern is actually two-
thirds of the area of the bikepath. He explained that the intent was to
have a 4 to 5 ft. chain link fence on the golf course with landscaping
filling up to about 5 ft. so that equestrians and bikers were not walled in
by a hedge, but that Falcon Lakes had added additional landscaping
material ; that he had met with Mr. Bushman, the president of Falcon Lakes,
to discuss problems; and that some additional materials were approved to
solve problems of adjoining land uses and because the homeowners overlook
an industrial area of Cathedral City, a plant nursery and a mobile home
• June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 17
GAS-E--5-:0065--PD-86. (Continued)
park. He stated that if the approved landscaping were allowed to grow and
the trees not trimmed, in one or two years the landscaping would form a
fairly solid landscaping barrier around the perimeter but that the appli-
cant after pressure from the homeowners planted additional plantings such
as Sumac and Ficus on the golf course side and that the AAC felt that the
plantings were inappropriate because they are too large; that the other
materials will cause maintenance problems for the City; and that the AAC
recommended a restudy and that a concept be developed after a review of
property lines for dwellings so that windows are formed onto the golf
course by scattered hedgerows. He stated that in the future phases of the
auto park there may be walls and buffers, and that the staff recommendation
is for restudy to work out a solution that will be beneficial to the City
and the homeowners.
Commissioner Hough asked about diagonal hedgerows. Planner explained that
there is not enough room for a diagonal arrangement of plantings and that
the intent is to keep the trail open to the golf course for bikers and
Chairman stated that the item is not a public hearing; that the Commis-
sioners have received many letters; and that he would like comments from
the developer, a representative of the homeowners' association, and a
representative from Parks & Recreation.
Al Bushman,
/President of Falcon Lake Properties stated that he was frustrated; that the
�> problems began in 1986 and have continued to June 2, 1989 when he received
a notice of code violation; that he had a letter from the former Director
of Community Services approving the plantings; that the original plan was
submitted under the Parks and Recreation Department; that there was no
intent not to make a quality landscaping plan'.,; that he has spent $100 a
square foot for the plantings to date ($333,000) ; that the former Parks &
Recreation Director was terminated and review taken over by the Planning
Division; that there has been friction between the Parks Department and the
Planning Division on who has authority over the project; that when the
planner (Evans) became involved the plantings were removed; that landscape
architect. Ron Gregory had been hired and additional plantings were added;
that oleanders along the trail were removed; that he thought he had a ver-
bal agreement for additional plantings as long as they were limited to
Oleaders (24 Oleanders along a 5,000 ft. trail ) ; that Oleanders were
planted on the golf course site to satisfy the homeowners and that he was
then told that oleanders are poison for horses (although there are
oleanders in playgrounds for children) ; and that he would have to take out
the 24 oleanders; that he wrote a letter on August 19, 1988 stating that he
was planting the oleanders and was never told not to; that taking out the
Sumac and Ficus is unreasonable; that he has been trying to please every-
body; and that a maintenance fund has been established for whatever is
approved regarding planting material ; that a check from Stewart Title
Company to the City for $35,000 was lost; that he sent a $20,000 check to
his attorney as a bond; that he is speaking for the homeowners who want the
plantings; that the trail can be walked in 12 minutes and the view is not
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 18
CASE- 5-:OO65--RD-86. (Continued)
obscured from the trail ; that he is becoming very stressed over the situa-
tion; that he cannot satisfy the neighbors, the bikers, the equestrians,
the homeowners, and the City; that he has not been given good advice or
instructions; that the homeowners pay taxes and should be satisfied before
the bikers and equestrians (who also do not participate in maintenance) ;
that everyone thinks the trail is pretty except for some Planning and Parks
y people; and that he was told to build a rail fence and purchased $20,000
worth of wood and then was told he would not have to have a fence; and
requested that the planting plan be approved.
Joel Simon, 3081 Regency, asked that the plantings be kept to reduce the
amount of light from the auto park; to achieve a green belt; and to avoid
monetary devaluation of their homes and mental anguish to the homeowners.
Bill Morton, President of Homeowners Association No. 15, Cathedral Canyon
Country Club, stated that he lived close to the fence; that he took a ride
around the circumference; that Falcon Lakes has improved the original
planting concept; that there is a green belt that is maintained; that the
auto park is overlighted; and that staff has shown more concern for the
bikers and equestrians than the homeowners who are taxpayers ; that Falcon
Lakes has done everything to comply with City requirements; and that is
acceptable for the bikers to use the bikepath.
Jack Isley, President Cathedral Canyon Homeowners Association No. 1, stated
that it is necessary to have a buffer around holes Nos. 15 and 16 for
safety and that he has seen only 3 horses in 12 years along the trail .
Sandara Levin, Cathedral Canyon Country Club, across the lake from the 15th
green, stated that removing the shrubs would make the area ugly; that
plantings on the Cathedral Country Club site are beautiful , but not on the
other side; and that trees are needed. She asked that the plantings be
kept for enjoyment of homes and views.
Herbert Montgomery, 119 Calle Morelos, stated that he overlooked the bike
trail ; that the oleanders were 10 to 12 ft. high when he bought his home so
no noise could be heard from the road because they buffer the noise but
when they were cut down the area became very noisy and s" nce they have been
replanted , it is not noisy. He stated that soil from the nursery blows
into his yard when- there are no Oleanders; and that the shrubbery is
beautiful and no one has complained. He. stated that Mr. Bushman has spent
a fortune on planting and replanting the landscaping; and that if the
shrubbery is not allowed he will go to the taxing board to have his
property devalued.
Grover Wade, 291 Calle Landers, stated that a pedestrian can get hit by
golf balls on the dangerous bike path which is Ievidenced by the
sign at the entry as follows: "You are entering a dangerous area. Duck
those flying golf balls.
Diane Marantz, #6 Palomino, 2 year member of the Parks and Recreation Com-
mission, stated that the bike trail was relocated at the request of the
06/28/89 PC MINUTES Page 19
CA-SE-5 (Continued)
Cathedral Canyon Country Club because homeowners thought they lived in a
gated community and did not want bikers riding though their complex; that
there was nothing wrong with the existing bike trail as it was two years
ago; that she did not know details of the circumstances before she was
appointed to the Commission; that the developer knows the process; that
when the new bike trail was opened it was dangerous, but is a tunnel now
and in 6 months no one will be able to get through; that if the new home-
owners do not want to look at the auto park it is not the City's problem
and has nothing to do with the bike trail ; that the bike trail was filthy
until the Planning Commission field trip at which time the developer
cleaned the trail ; that the developers want the bikers removed; that the
item has been on the Parks and Recreation Commission agenda many times;
that if the developers do not want to work with the City, they can give the
City back its bike trail .
Planning Director stated that the Director of Operations and the Parks
Supervisor were present to answer questions.
Chairman asked about accepting the trail the way it is.
Planner stated that there are design problems; that the City does not want
a hedge condition that obscures the bikeway from the golf course; that some
of the plants will grow fast and large and will grow through the fence and
encroach upon the equestrian trail ; that some shrub species have been
planted too close to the fence and will eventually lift the fence; that if
.. the Commission wants to approve an "as built" design, a written agreement
should be provided by Cathedral Canyon Country Club that the hedge be main-
tained and all the materials kept off the equestrian trail ; and that the
plantings were neglected originally. Commissioner Hough stated that he went
on the field trip and the original plan would have resulted in a screen as
the plants grew; that the existing materials look good but will create a
tunnel on the trail which is not the intent of the City. He stated that
the problem could be solved by a restudy of the plan to make view corridors
into the golf course for the users of the trail and by blocking the view on
the condominium portion of the plan; and that the current plantings may
form an area where a unsavory element could gather and harm people using
the trail .
Commissioner Olsen stated that the bike trail was moved at the request of
the developer and with that comes the obligation for the developer to make
things nicer for the homeowners and trail users; that the trail resembles a
vegetative tunnel ; and that the developers concern is to make the area
green to sell houses and then leave; that the application is patchwork and
that the developer and the planners should meet to resolve the problem of
plantings that are not part of the original plans.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 20
CASE--5-;O065-PD-8f. (Continued)
Commissioner Dotson stated that he agreed with Commissioners Olsen and
Hough and a creative solution should be devised; that he was concerned
about the tunnel effect; and also the intensification. He stated that the
lack of view on either side is a problem and that a creative approach
should be used to solve it.
Mr. Bushman stated that he was not looking at the problem as a developer
but as a citizen of Palm Springs; and whether or not it was worth it and
that he did not think safety was a factor. He stated that there is a
maintenance fund for whatever is planted and gardeners clean the trail at
least weekly.
M/S/C (Hough/Olsen; Edgmon absent) for a restudy with direction that staff
and the developer meet and design a landscape plan per AAC direction with a
maintenance agreement established so the growth does not encroach into the
trail .
NB: The AAC recommended a restudy noting the following: That the
developer work toward creating a staggered landscape to allow "windows"
onto the golf course.
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
TTM 23557. Application by JOHN HACKER for Kenneth Hinsvark for architectural
approval of a grading plan for a tentative tract map to allow seven home
sites on the south end of Camino Parocela between Fern Canyon Drive/Belardo
Road, W-R-1-A Zone, Section 22.
Planner (Evans) stated that the application was reviewed by the AAC on May
22 and the applicant requested a continuance to prepare additional exhi-
bits; that the concept is to create lots, put in tennis courts, and prepare
a grading plan for individual lots; that there is a misunderstanding and
the developer does not want natural pads but graded pads and that the
grading plan was reviewed on May 22 by the AAC who recommended restudy. He
stated that there is a 15 ft. fill on the worst condition and the whole
area may be disturbed in the grading process. He stated that the AAC felt that
the grading cut did not comply with City standards and the AAC did not want
large bench pads created; and that he had met with the applicant and recom-
mended that an acceptable grading plan be developed but that the applicant
wants a large one-level pad for himself which can be done (but not as was
originally proposed) ; that the applicant has prepared a scale model ; that
no restoration plans have been indicated; that there will be much grading
for roads and the pads; that soil in the area takes a long time to restore
because water brings weeds which also scar and that the model shows a
driveway change.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 21
TTM- 23557. (Continued)
Commissioner Dotson asked if one house was eliminated from the plan and
Planner replied no; that there are seven buildable sites.
Ken Hinsvark, 770 West Sunny Dunes, the applicant stated, that he lives to
the east of the property and that he blended a pad into the desert and
there was no problem with restoration of the natural desert. He stated
that a 29 lot subdivision was proposed before he bought the land for a
prestige development and to preserve the desert landscaping; that staff
advises him to wait until the houses are designed before grading plans are
approved; that the AAC might force him to move the houses downhill where
there are no views; that no direction has been given to him by the AAC;
that he wants a concept established for seven level building sites; and
that if that is not possible he will go back to a normal subdivision.
Commissioner Hough stated that a; grading plan for the road can be approved
to allow the applicant to continue the process and he asked if the lots
will be sold individually.
Mr. Hinsvark stated that there was no mention in the conditions of approval
of the map that a grading plan would not be developed until house plans
were submitted.
Planning Director stated that the roadway grading could be approved and
that the applicant is trying to pre-approve a concept that someone will not
have to submit a house without a preapproved grading plan on the lot.
Commissioner Dotson asked if a developable area foot print could be desig-
nated on individual pieces to allow flexibility and Planning Director
stated that it would be possible to do this.
Commissioner Dotson asked if the applicant wanted a flat pad or wanted to
know where he could build.
Mr. Hinsvark stated that he has to have a flat pad on the upper level
because he wants a one-level house for his family and that his partner
wants a two-level.,. He stated that he did not want the AAC to give him
trouble when he sells the land because the committee wants him to grade to
the contours of the land.
Chairman stated that he was in favor of approving the grading plans for the
roadway system and the subdivision of seven lots; the applicant has con-
cerns about flat houses on one level but that the only ones who can afford
the houses would be older and would want a house on only one level ; that
the grading can be stairstepped with retaining walls so that scarring is
not evident; and that native material can be used to build flat pads and
individual cases reviewed. He stated that the AAC is advisory only; that
the Commission makes the decision; that an architect can design the grading
to fit the house and that the land does not have to be scarred to make flat
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 22
TTM- 23557. (Continued)
Mr. Hinsvark replied that he wanted approval of flat pads; that
terraces and retaining walls are acceptable; that he wants seven level pads
and that otherwise he will build a subdivision; and that he did not trust
the AAC because he had a difficult time with the Committee on a previous
Chairman stated that the grading plan cannot be approved and that no one
will approve scarring the hillsides.
Commissioner Dotson stated that the applicant's grading plan cannot be
approved because the circulation system has changed and suggested that he
prepare a plan for the present circulation pattern and the two pads and
that the buildable area be established by the Commission on the other
sites, which is the normal procedure.
Planning Director stated that the applicant is not worried about every
house being stairstepped down but wants every house at a single level to
sell the lots which would solve both issues.
Mr. Hinsvark stated that he had prepared a motion for action by the Commis-
sion that he would accept.
Chairman stated that he had concerns about taking action on the specific
plan of the applicant although he had no problem with stating that the lots
could be 25,000 feet of flat pad (if done properly) . He stated that taking
`�-- action on the specific plan submitted by Mr. Hinsvark removes flexibility
for an outstanding submittal .
Mr. Hinsvark reiterated that he wanted the action per the grading
plan that he submitted; and that an architect could change the plan when a
house is designed.
Chairman explained that under R-1-A Zone provisions the setback is 25 ft.
and people can build at 25 ft. from the front of the property, which is the
applicant's option and that a level pad could be allowed at each site but
not as depicted on the applicant's grading plan.
M/S/C (Olsen/Whitney; Edgmon absent; Dotson dissented) approving the con-
cept of houses on a single level ; approving street grading; and requiring
that lots be reviewed by the Commission when house plans are submitted.
CITY-COUNCIL -ACTIONS. Update of City Council actions.
No report given.
June 28, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 23
No action taken.
ADDED- STARTERS. (Determination of eligibility for consideration.)
CASE--5.0457-MISC. Request by the STATE MINING & GEOLOGY BOARD for Commission
review and comment on the proposed Designation of Regionally Significant
Construction Aggregate in the Palm Springs Production-Consumption Region
within the city limits and Sphere of Influence.
No action taken due to lack of quorum.
CommissionerOlsen and Chairman left.
There being no further business, Chairman adjourned the meeting at
4:45 p.m. due to a lack of a quorum.
Council Chamber, City Hall
July 12, 1989
1:30 p.m.
• ROLL CALL F-Y 1988 - 1989
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to Date
Larry Lapham, Chairman X 1 0
Gary Olsen X 1 0
Barbara Whitney X 1 0
Brent Hough X 1 0
Martha Edgmon X 1 0
Chris Mills X 1 0
Michael Dotson X 1 0
Staff Present
Frank Balistrieri , Deputy City Attorney
Douglas Evans, Planner
Debra Goodwin, Planner
Richard Patenaude, Planner
Sherri Abbas, Planner
Dave Forcucci , Planner
John Terell , Redevelopment Coordinator
Dean Lewis, Traffic Engineer
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee - July 10, 1989
• Brent Hough, Chairman
Will Kleindienst
William Johnson
Mike Buccino
Tom Doczi
Reuel Young
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
M/S/C (Dotson/Hough) approving minutes of June 28, 1989 with the following
correction: Commissioner Mills was absent (not present) at the meeting.
There were no Tribal Council comments .
The July 12, 1989 agenda was available for public access at the City Hall
exterior bulletin board and the Planning Division Counter by 5:00 p.m., Friday,
Is July 7, 1989.