Council Chamber, City Hall
January 11, 1989
1:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1988 - 1989
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to Date
Larry Lapham, Chairman X 11 2
Gary Olsen X 10 3
Barbara Whitney X 10 3
Brent Hough X 11 2
Martha Edgmon X 12 1
Chris Mills X 10 1
Michael Dotson X 10 0
Staff Present
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Siegfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
Sherri Abbas, Planner
Dave Forcucci , Zoning Enforcement
Douglas Evans , Planner
Will Miller, Traffic Engineering Assistant
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee - January 9, 1989
Brent Hough, Chairman
Will Kleindienst
William Johnson
Reuel Young
Tom Doczi
Mike Buccino
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
M/S/C (Hough/Edgmon) approving minutes of December 14, 1988 as submitted.
The January 11, 1989 agenda was available for public access at the City Hall
exterior bulletin board and the Planning Division Counter by 1:30 p.m., Friday,
January 6, 1989.
'January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 2
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
M/S/C (Whitney/Edgmon) taking the following actions:
CASE 3.0409 - MINOR (Continued). Application by WENDELL VEITH for architectural
approval of revised exterior changes to an office at 2825 E. Tahquitz-
McCallum Way (Sundial office complex) , PD-71, Section 13.
Continued to January 25 for submittal of revised plans.
CASE 3.0417 - MINOR (Continued) . Application by JOHN BUND for architectural
approval of revised plans for a remodel and addition, and final landscape
plans for an existing residence at 148 Camino Encanto, R-1-B Zone, Section
Continued to January 25 for submittal of revised plans .
CASE 3.0498 - MINOR (Continued). Application by DOMINO'S PIZZA for architectural
approval of awning for business at 1790 North Sunrise Way, C-1 Zone,
Section 1.
Denied. (Recommended that applicant apply for signs in lieu of awnings.)
CASE 3.0499 - MINOR (Continued) . Application by DOMINO'S PIZZA for architectural
approval of awning for business at 1566 N. Palm Canyon Drive, C-1 Zone,
Section 10.
Denied. Recommended that applicant apply for signs in lieu of awning.
CASE 3.0131. Application by SONNY BONO for architectural approval of landscape
and grading plans and walls for a single-family hillside residence at 294
Crestview Drive, R-1-C Zone, Section 27.
Restudy noting the following:
1. That a comprehensive landscape, irrigation and exterior lighting plan
be submitted.
2. That the plant material including turf be restudied for compatibility
with the natural hillside setting.
3. That a restoration and planting plan be submitted for the slope and
disturbed areas.
r January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 3
CASE 3.0131. (Continued)
4. That a gate and entry detail be submitted.
5-0 vote.
CASE 3.0190 (MINOR) . Application by MICHAEL BUCCINO for Ken Irwin for architec-
tural approval of revised awnings for the La Mancha condominium complex on
the southeast corner of Avenida Caballeros/Alejo Road, R-G-A-8 Zone (I .L.) ,
Section 14.
Approved as submitted.
CASE 3.0356. Application by ROBERT GARDNER for architectural approval of
detailed final landscape plans for single-family residence at 950 E. Azalea
Circle, W-R-1-B Zone, Section 35.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That trees in the front yard be increased in size to 24" box.
2. That the proposed increase in pad height is acceptable.
CASE 3.0378. Application by JACK WESTON for Lea Easton for architectural
approval of revised landscape plans for a single-family residence on Chino
Canyon Drive between Panorama Drive/dead end, R-1-A Zone, Section 3.
Removed from the agenda pending receipt of the revised plans.
CASE 3.0503 (MINOR). Application by ALLEN DAVIS for architectural approval of
main entrance at 4765 Ramon Road , M-1 Zone, Section 19.
Restudy noting the following: Proposed entrance does not conform with
overall architecture of the building.
3.0512 (MINOR) . Application by TCBY for architectural approval of equipment
screening for business at 101 S. Palm Canyon Drive, C-B-D Zone, Section 15.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That paint color match building.
2. That material be at least 18 gauge.
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 4
TTM 23764. Application by KNUTSON CAPITAL INVESTMENTS, INC. for architectural
approval of a landscape concept for an industrial subdivision on
Crossley/San Luis Rey/Sunny Dunes/Mesquite Roads , M-1 Zone, Section 20.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That entry drive on Crossley Road should have the palm tree theme
used on remainder of proposal .
2. That Rhus Lancea must be multi-trunked.
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by HILTON HOTEL for architectural approval of
revised main identification sign for hotel (former Plaza Resort & Racquet
Club) , 400 E. Tahquitz Way, C-1-AA Zone (I .L.) , Section 14.
Restudy noting the following:
1. That no sign shall be allowed on the porte-cochere. Committee
suggests applicant use existing monument sign .
2. That a more substantial monument sign should be designed using brass
5-0 vote.
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by JOAN HALLEY for architectural approval of
change of face for main identification sign for the Cambridge Inn, 1277 S.
Palm Canyon Drive, C-1 Zone, Section 22.
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
CASE 3.0193. Application by MICHAEL BUCCINO for architectural approval for
revised final detailed landscape, irrigation and exterior lighting plans
for a medical arts building on Tachevah Drive between N. Palm Canyon
Drive/N. Indian Avenue, C-1 Zone (I .L.) , Section 10.
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 5
CASE 3.0193. (Continued)
Planning Director stated that the conditions of the AAC indicate that the
landscape should be increased or additions made to soften the mass of the
buildings; that the types of materials proposed were restudied in December;
and that a restudy should be approved for specifics on the landscaping to
be returned to the Commission.
Commissioner Mills stated that the building is very massive and that the
landscape plan is too light. He stated that breaking the roof line is
important and that the palms proposed to break the roof line should be 40
ft. , at least, since they are set in low planters.
Planning Director stated that 25 ft. palm trees at the street would
visually break the roof line and recommended that landscape elevations be
prepared for all four sides of the building.
M/S/C (Mills/Hough; Olsen abstained) for a restudy noting the following:
1. That shrubs be added on the outside of the parking area screen wall .
2. That trees be increased in size to a minimum of 36" box.
3. That palm trees located on the parking deck be increased in size by
3-4 feet (except the center planter) .
4. That additional material be added to the corner of Tachevah and Palm
Canyon Drive and at the Tachevah driveway.
5. That palms located at the entries and building corners be increased
in height. Several palms per cluster should break the roof line
6. That the north property line have tree and plant materials added
(soften the blank elevation) .
7. That landscape elevations be prepare for all sides of the building.
CASE 3.0452. Application by FRANK MUNGIA for Robertson Smith for architectural
approval of revised elevations and site plan for a retail commercial
industrial complex on Gene Autry Trail , M-1 Zone, Section 19.
Planner (Evans) stated that the project concept is moving ahead in a
positive manner, but there is a "problem" in that the proposed columns
adjacent to the parking area are in the setback and could be hit by cars;
and that the City Council reviewed the subdivision map and have asked that
the elevations be submitted to them because of scenic highway issues. He
stated that the location is opposite the Desert Water Agency, south of
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 6
CASE 3.0452. (Continued)
Commissioner Mills stated that there is no excuse for the canopy to pro-
trude into the setback since it is a new project and the canopy should be
moved to solve the vehicular problem and that the elevations are too
sketchy to comment on. He stated that he wants a full submittal per AAC
recommendations .
Planner stated that moving the columns 2-3 feet would be adequate; and that
the wall materials are tilt-up concrete.
M/S/C (Mills/Dotson) for a restudy of the application noting the following:
1. That a full AA submittal be submitted.
2. That the roof be restudies.
3. That colors and material sample board be submitted.
4. That the proposed columns adjacent to parking and drives are accept-
able with at least a three foot setback.
CASE 3.0484. Application by DAN MICLEA for architectural approval of a single-
family hillside residence at 2330 Tuscan Road, R-1-B Zone, Section 3.
Planner (Abbas) presented the plans and stated that the AAC recommended
review of working drawings.
M/S/C (Edgmon/Whitney) approving the application subject to the following
1. Prior to issuance of a building permit all working drawings must be
returned to the AAC and Planning Commission.
TTM 23557 (Continued). Application by JOHN HACKER for Kenneth Hinsvark for a
tentative tract map to develop six home sites on property on the south side
of Camino Parocela between Fern Canyon/Belardo Roads , W-R-1-A Zone, Section
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration;
Planner (Evans) stated that the Commission at the December 14 meeting
recommended exploration of moving the tennis courts; that the Tribal
Council requested that an archaeologist be on site during excavation; that
people in the area are concerned about the tennis courts; that the tennis
courts has been moved on the revised plans and there is now no vehicular
parking for the courts; and that a small retaining wall will be built to
hold the court. He stated that the wall elevations are higher than the
neighboring property and the wall will be seen from that property; that the
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 7
TTM 23557 (Continued) . (Continued)
AAC did not review the filled area; that the parking will be parallel on
the street, which is adequate in width; and that the applicant indicates
the tennis players will walk to the courts. He stated that the design is
now for seven residential lots .
Commissioner Mills asked if reducing the size of the cul-de-sac was
explored or feasible.
Planner stated that the wide cul-de-sac is because of the proposed median
with palm trees in the center and for a radius to allow turning of fire
trucks and that the roadway could be narrowed somewhat although the
applicants have requested a 32 ft. wide road. He stated that the Tribal
Council is requesting a right-of-way to Indian property in the Tahquitz
Cone; that there is no public street on the cone; and that if development
occurs access could be taken off La Mirada.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
Kenneth Hinsvark, the applicant, 770 West Sunny Dunes, stated that the
location of the courts has been changed to remove them 200 ft. from the
closest house and if necessary the streets and cul-de-sacs could be made
There being no further appearances; Chairman declared the hearing closed.
M/S/C (Olsen/Hough; Mills dissented) approving the filing of a Negative
Declaration and improving revised Tentative Tract Map 22357 based on the
following findings and subject to the following conditions:
1. That a tract map application is the proper application for the
proposed use.
2. That the proposed subdivision is in harmony with the objectives of
the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and State Map Act.
3. That the proposed lots exceed the minimum standards of development
for the R-1-A Zone.
4. That the noted environmental impacts will be mitigated upon comple-
tion of the Tahquitz Creek debris basin and the implementation of
archaeological study.
5. That the proposed subdivision is served by Camino Parocela and Fern
Canyon Drive, both standard local streets (50 foot right-of-way) of
adequate capacity to serve the site.
1. That That the common area improvements (entry gate, wall details,
guest parking and tennis court) shall be submitted for architectural
approval .
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 8
TTM 23557 (Continued) . (Continued)
2. That the individual residential sites shall be subject to architec-
tural approval .
3. That the common lot contains a minimum of 20,000 square feet and be
labeled as a common lot on the final map.
4. That the grading plan, pad location, location and street profile be
reviewed by AAC and Planning Commission.
5. That the Tahquitz Creek debris basin be constructed prior to the
recordation of the final map.
6. That the mitigation measures of the archaeological study shall be
implemented. A cultural monitor shall be on-site during all excava-
tion work.
7. That a landscape plan for the tennis court and common areas be
included with the architectural approval .
8. That the CC&R' s for the subdivision be reviewed by the City Attorney
prior to recordation of the final map. Said CC&R's to contain
language for maintenance of the common area and street, and require a
cultural monitor to be on-site during all excavations/grading work.
`�... 9. That a turnaround area be provided in front of the entry gate.
Design to be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer and
included in the grading plan.
10. That the mitigation measures of the environmental assessment shall
11. That these and all other conditions of the Development Committee
dated December 6, 1988, shall apply.
12. That the proposed retaining wall material be compatible with the
13. That the cut slope areas be renaturalized.
14. That the landscaping of the common areas and home sites be integral
with the hillside vegetation.
15. That grading for the street excavation is to be reviewed by the
Architectural Advisory and Planning Commission prior to final map
approval .
16. That the individual front yard setbacks be increased 10 to 15 feet
greater than the minimum R-1-A standard of twenty-five feet because
of the lack of right-of-way and private streets.
NOTE: Commissioner Mills dissented because he felt that the site plan
could be improved and because of the proposed padded lot which was not to
be padded until a house was proposed and reviewed by the AAC and Planning
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 9
TTM 23557 (Continued) . (Continued)
Chairman stated that the lot will be reviewed in final development plans.
This case was initially considered by the Tribal Council at its meeting of
July 12, 1988. It was noted that this was one of several projects , i .e.
the proposed construction of the Tahquitz Creek debris basin and channel
improvements , the proposed construction of the Tribal Interpretive Center
and related amenities , etc. which will impact previously identified as well
as potential archaeological/cultural resources and significantly affect
future access and circulation to properties in the general area. The
Tribal Council strongly urged that this case be continued pending the
completion of a focused Environmental Impact Report which would address the
project' s impact on archaeological/cultural resources and on access
circulation with respect to other developed as well as undeveloped
properties in the area Southerly of Ramon Road and Westerly of Belardo
Road.The archaeological investigations conducted by Cultural Systems
Research, Inc. and documented in a report dated October 5, 1988, noted that
"due to the likelihood that buried resources may be present, it is
therefore strongly recommended that archaeological monitoring be employed
during any future construction throughout the 20 acre parcel to ensure that
buried deposits are not adversely impacted" .
After consideration of the recommendations of the Indian Planning Commis-
sion , the Tribal Council took the following actions:
1. Concurred with the filing of a Negative Declaration with mitigation
measures outlined in Planning Commission staff report dated June 22,
2. Strongly urged that a qualified archaeologist acceptable to the
Tribal Council , be on site during grading and excavation work, and
that a representative designated by the Tribal Council be advised of
any discoveries deemed to have archaeological/cultural significance.
The archaeologist and Tribal representative shall take appropriate
action with respect to the disposition of such discoveries.
3. That consideration be given to the need for providing public access
to the developed and undeveloped properties located southerly of
Ramon Road and westerly of Belardo Road which may require dedication
of a portion of the subject property.
CASE 5.0400-ZTA (Continued). Initiation by the CITY OF PALM SPRINGS of an amend-
ment to Section 9212.00 (C-1) of the Zoning Ordinance to amend the list of
permitted uses.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration;
Recommendation: That the Commission order the filing of a Negative
Declaration and approve ZTA 5.0400.
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 10
CASE 5.0400-ZTA (Continued) . (Continued)
Planning Director stated that the amendment will remove uses at the North
Palm Canyon Project Area Committee felt were most detrimental to the omni-
scient of the gallery district: sales and installation of auto parts and
liquor stores , which would be allowed by a CUP only and reviewed on an
individual basis. He stated that convenience stores and liquor stores
could also be under a CUP and perhaps on-site liquor sales as well .
Commissioner Edgmon suggested that laundromats be eliminated as C-1 uses.
Chairman declared the hearing open , there being no appearances , the hearing
was closed.
M/S/C (Edgmon/Hough) ordering the filing of a negative declaration and
approving ZTA 5.0400 amending the C-1 zoning district requiring a
Conditional Use Permit for auto part sales and installation, liquor stores,
laundromats , and convenience stores .
in keeping with its policy of reviewing and commenting on those cases that
are city-wide in nature, this case was considered by the Tribal Council at
its meeting of January 10, 1989. The Tribal Council did not take further
action in this matter.
CASE 5.0500-CZ/TTM 23938. Initiation by the Palm Springs Regional Airport of a
Change of Zone from "N-0-5" to .M-1 and for a tentative parcel map to allow
industrial development for 20 acres of property on Farrell Drive between
Tachevah Drive/Chia Road, N-0-5 Zone, Section 12.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration;
Recommendation: That the Commission order the filing of a Negative
Declaration and approve the zone change and map.
Planner (Abbas) stated that the proposed zone change is consistent with the
General Plan and zoning in the area; and that Warner Cable will develop a
service facility on of the lots. She stated that verbal and written com-
plaints have been received from the neighbors and that the neighbors on
Cerritos and Tachevah feel that they did not receive public hearing notices
in time (because of the holiday mail ); and staff recommendation is that the
zoning is appropriate for the property since the land backs onto light
industrial zoning.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
Planning Director stated that the Director of Aviation would come to the
meeting as soon as possible.
Bob Roberts , 2215 Tachevah, asked for a delay of 60 to 90 days for the
processing of the map and zone change, to give the residents a time to
organize and to seek counsel ; that his public hearing notice was dated
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 11
CASE 5.0500-CZ/TTM 23938. (Continued)
December 27 and received January 3; that little or no time was given to
study the project; that the residents are dismayed by the proposal change
of zone; that neither the Airport Commission or the Planning Commission
took into consideration the effect on the homes in the area; that the if
the project moves forward the residents' property will be devalued; that the
homes have been maintained in a way to reflect a pride in ownership; that
truck traffic, noise and pollution will increase and peace and quiet of the
area will be destroyed. He stated that the development in the project are
not known; that the proposed zone change will affect land very close to
homes; that a buffer zone should be established; that the project should be
denied or moved further north and down zoned to Tachevah; that there is a
safety factor because of the airport and its expansion regarding the
increase of density below the flight path; that the residents of Tachevah
and Cerritos are used to being in proximity to the airport; that land east
of Farrell should be explored for the project. He asked how the Commission
would protect the residents and stated that input is needed for a
creditable presentation.
Sig Fields , 2195 Tachevah Drive, and Roger Pipps , 2155 Tachevah Drive,
agreed with Mr. Roberts .
Lu Keearse, 2245 Tachevah Drive , owner of property diagonally from the
project, requested a continuance and stated that the zone change is a
drastic change.
.• Al Smoot, Director of Aviation, stated that the application is to allow
property purchased by the City several years ago to be zoned the same as
what is adjacent to it; that the property was purchased as a 20 acre parcel
to protect a small portion of the airport clear zone across Farrell and
future airport development; that in the Indian rezoning of 1981 the
property across from the residents was zoned M-1-P; that the development
will be light industrial ; that three of the 13 lots (northerly) will be
limited in use because of the airport clear zone; that the southerly lots
will be leased out to generate income for the airport. He requested that
the Commission not grant a extension of time because it will not accomplish
anything. He stated that the zoning across from the neighbors is
industrial and that the neighbors will be no worse off than they are now
because of the proposed zone change. He stated, in reply to Chairman' s
question , that he had no objection to M-1-P zoning as a buffer because of
better aesthetics and lighter uses.
There being no further appearances; Chairman declared the hearing closed.
Commissioner Olsen stated that M-1-P would be appropriate as a buffer zone
and better for the neighbors than the present zoning, especially because of
the development on the east side of Farrell .
Planning Director stated that the east side of the street is zoned "0" Open
Space and read the list of M-1-P uses (light industrial ) . He stated that
there is no heavy industrial use in the M-1-P Zone and that M-1 uses are
... allowed in the M-1-P Zone under a Conditional Use Permit. He indicated M-1
uses and stated that the same kind of development standards exist although
uses are slightly intensified. He stated that open space requirements do
not exist in the M-1 or M-1-P Zones , but both have architectural review of
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 12
CASE 5.0500-CZ/TTM 23938. (Continued)
individual projects and that Warner Cable is the only development approved
on the parcel . He stated that the rest of the northwest quarter of Section
12 is vacant.
Commissioner Whitney asked if there were other appropriate zoning for the
area .
Planning Director replied that the Airport Zone allows airport related
functions but the land is not closely enough related to the airport that
the A zoning to be functional . He stated that residential zoning would be
a problem since the site is surrounded by industrial to the south, east and
north and also because of airport noise zone where residences are not
Commissioner Dotson asked if the northern part of the land could be
retained as an open space.
Planning Director replied that the site could not function as open space
but perhaps could be used for parking.
Commissioner Dotson stated that he thought that there was a safety concern.
Director of Aviation stated that the Airport Clear Zone affects three of
`•-� the lots but does not totally affect any one of the lots; and that con-
struction could be built on the edges of the Clear Zone such as auto
parking. He stated that it is important to keep the present configuration
of the subdivision map and that the land could be landscaped or parked.
Planning Director stated that buildings could be located on the lots and
the lots meet M-1-P standards and that the property across the street from
the residences is M-1-P which was rezoned in the Indian rezoning of 1981.
Commissioner Whitney asked if there were a safety issue.
Director of Aviation stated that the property does not have a flight path
over it and that the clear zone separates the site from the flight path.
He stated that industrial development is allowed by development standards
around airports to eliminate people.
Commissioner Dotson stated that the Clear Zone area makes lot 5 unusable
and that the tract map indicates that it is usable.
Planning Director stated that any other zone could be considered by the
Commissioner Dotson stated that if the public feels that there was not
proper noticing he would recommend continuing the public hearing to January
M/S/C (Dotson/Edgmon; Mills abstained; Olsen/Lapham dissented) continuing
the application to January 25.
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 13
CASE 5.0500-CZ/TTM 23938. (Continued)
Planning Director stated that staff would make plans available for the
neighbors to review.
5.0502-ZTA. Initiation by the CITY OF PALM SPRINGS of an amendment of Section
9301.00 (Tennis Courts) to amend standards including requirements for night
lighting for tennis courts in all zones , city-wide.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration; no
comments received; action.)
Recommendation: That the Commission order the filing of a Negative
Declaration and approve ZTA 5.0502.
Planner (Evans) presented the staff report and indicated the proposed
changes as follows:
Single-family zone:
(a) Landscape which screens the tennis court fence shall be installed in
the set back area.
(b) Tennis court fence height. Delete "the court surface"; add "natural
grade" . (AAC opposes this feeling that the height should be measured
.: from the natural grade.)
(c) Full architectural approval of courts dropped to minor architectural
approval (reduced fee) except for tennis court and hillside area
which shall be reviewed by the Commission. (Planning Director may
approve all other courts . )
Planning Director decision appealable to the Commission.
Night Lighting:
(a) Height fixtures shall not exceed sixteen feet at the setback line and
measured from the natural grade.
(b) No light beam off property.
(c) No court lights .
(d) Lighting shall not be greater than 400 watts per fixture.
Multi-family and other zones:
(a) 16 ft. high solid masonry wall shall be installed on the property
line between the tennis court and adjacent property and landscape
screening installed within the setback area.
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 14
5.0502-ZTA. (Continued)
(b) Height of Tennis Court: Fencing not to exceed ten feet above natural
grade. (Input received from member of the public, who is not
present, a lighting expert was consulted on light levels and .
suggestions taken by staff.
Commissioner Edgmon asked about the number of fixtures on a court.
Planner replied that at 16 ft. in height four per .side are normal .
Commissioner Edgmon stated that four on a side should be the maximum.
In reply to Commissioner Whitney's question, Planner stated that five
fixtures on a side would increase light glare somewhat, almost in every
case four lights are what are preferred because of cost.
Commissioner Dotson suggested that 1.D. regarding the surface level should
read "surface level of the court should be at the lowest elevation or below
He suggested also that hillside courts should be a major architectural
Planner, in reply to Commissioner Dotson' s question, stated that the
recommendation for lighting levels is 50 ft. candles are candles of light
3 ft. above the court surface from the center of the court which was
suggested by the lighting expert, but staff does not want to measure it and
wattage limits have been established instead.
Commissioner Mills asked if the courts should be 60 ft. from the property
Planner stated that the requirement has been moved to "G" "other zones" .
Commissioner Mills stated that if a 60 ft. requirement is left in, a wall
is not needed.
Planner stated that applications on a hillside are also minor architectural
Planning Director stated that a major application could imposed on a court
on a separate lot and should have design review.
Commissioner Edgmon commented that the light level being raised from 10 ft.
to 16 ft. is a big increase in height. She asked if the change was because
of discussions with the lighting expert.
Planner replied that a 10 ft. high standard shoebox light is not every
effective because the full surface is not being lighting and the solution
would be court lights which are not efficient nor state of the art because
of gl are. He stated that a 16 ft. visible internal cutoff shields can be
used for a better quality of light and that below 16 ft. it is difficult
to light some of the courts . He stated that even a 16 feet a 4 ft. arm
extension has to be used to light the court to the center. He stated that
a recessed court would receive credit for additional lighting.
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 15
5.0502-ZTA. (Continued)
Chairman declared the hearing open , there being no appearances, the hearing
was closed.
Planning Director stated that most applications are submitted with a house
which requires a major application or on a separate lot which also requires
a major architectural approval application.
M/S/C (Olsen/Hough) ordering the filing of a Negative Declaration and
approving 5.0502-ZTA with all revisions recommended by Planning Commission
and AAC.
After consideration of the recommendations of the Indian Planning
Commission , the Tribal Council approved the proposed revisions to Section
9301.01 of the City' s Zoning Ordinance.
Chairman stated that he would take statements from those who were not in
the audience at the time TTM 23557 was discussed.
TTM 23557 (continued).
Andrew Jessup, 599 Fern Canyon, stated that the changes in the location of
the court is acceptable and that berming should mitigate sound concerns ,
but that the residents feel that the gate should be a the bottom of Fern
Canyon and the other home owners need to be consulted. He also requested
that chain link fencing be out of sight of homeowners on Fern Canyon,
because there is now extensive use of chain link fencing in the immediate
Chairman stated that all of the development will be reviewed by the
Commission and that the members do not buy chain link fencing. Fie stated
that the tennis courts will be camouflaged and landscaped.
Mr. Jessup stated that he was making a note of the chain link use because
it is being used extensively in the area.
Ted Grofer, 580 Fern Canyon, stated that the revised plan is an improvement
and that the 7th house would be on an acre lot. He asked how high the
berming could be.
Chairman stated that the berming is reviewed on individual basis and that
huge berms are not acceptable.
Mr. Grofer commented that the site should be natural and have more land-
scaping to hide the courts and mitigate sound. He asked if the ordinances
required stepping down of hillside development.
Joe Tourtelow, 575 Fern Canyon , stated that the project was aesthetically
acceptable and the berming will help but that he was concerned about the
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 16
noise from the court. He requested that Commission delay action on the
tom, gates to see if residents of Fern Canyon would be willing to dedicate the
Chairman suggested that because there is a time lapse before Council
action, the property owners should be contacted by the applicant regarding
moving the gate.
Planning Director stated that the gate locations can be moved up to the
time of construction.
Consensus of the Commission "no change in its previous action at the
beginning of the meeting" .
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
CASE 3.0516. Application by ED MCGRATH for Marie Callendar' s Restaurant for
architectural approval of new storefront in Desert Fashion Plaza, N. Palm
Canyon Drive, PD-147, Section 15.
Planning Director described the proposed store front for the Marie
Callendar's Restaurant.
Commissioner Hough stated that details of the proposed "pop-out" proposed
should be returned to the Commission; that the washed rock is foreign to
the rest of the design although the applicant' s indicated the idea came
from the old Desert Inn; that the railings of washed stone do not tie into
the existing beams.
Planning Director stated that signage was a problem at the AAC meeting
because the applicant's want to place signage on the outside beam or
polished brass and backlip. He stated that the signs would be at the wall
line and underneath the canopy and that a contour for the top would have to
be bored into the material . He stated that the proposed change would
effect the sign program of the Fashion Plaza and that the restaurant should
be interesting in that it has little theater. He stated that he asked the
applicant for a letter from the Fashion Plaza supporting a change to the
sign program.
Commissioner Dotson asked if other shops were able to capture space under
the trellis .
Planning Director stated that they could; and that there is enough parking.
He stated in reply to Commissioner Whitney' s question that the Fashion
Plaza has not responded to the sign program change.
Commission Whitney stated that she was positive to the change????
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 17
CASE 3.0516. (Continued)
Commissioner Mills asked about vehicular signage on the building.
Planning Director stated that staff will work with the signage; that there
is only six square feet of space but since the development is a Planned
Development District the Commission could approve a two-sided sign program.
(One on the trellis element and the other on the face.) He stated that once
a change such as the proposed one begins every odd shaped building will be
asking for a sign change. He stated that staff' s thought was that if the
beams are used for signage, pedestrian signage should be limited to 6 sq.
Commissioner Olsen asked if hanging plants would be considered since they
will cover the signs.
Zoning Enforcement Officer stated that there will be a mechanical problem
to place the signs on the beams. He stated that the landscaping has to be
Chairman commented that if installed properly the signs would be accept-
Commissioner Mills commented that the signs do not have to be lit, but that
conduit could be hidden and that the mechanics of lighted signage should
not be visible; and that all signs should be lit not not lit for con-
M/S/C (Mills/Dotson) for a restudy noting the following:
1. That sections of planters shall be resubmitted.
2. That all elements covered in stone veneer shall be restudies .
3. That a sign program for the entire Palm Canyon frontage be submittd
rather than signs on an individual basis out on the trellis .
CASE 5.0406-PD-183. Application by JOHN WESSMAN for architectural approval of
final development plans for a mixed use complex of commercial , retail and
office uses and restaurants on Sunrise Way between Ramon Road/Sunny Dunes
Road, "P" Zone, Section 23.
Chairman abstained, Vice-Chairman presided.
Planner (Evans) stated that there was concern that the landscaping of the
project was not in character with certain southwest landscape criteria, but
that the developer feels that it is compatible.
He stated that the landscaping includes Jacaranda , California Pepper,
Filifera, and Robusta Palm, Mesquite trees and Bottle trees. He stated
that the AAC almost restudied the landscaping but the applicant stated that
he would work in more desert vegetation and that changes to the buildings
are minor. He stated that the AAC is comfortable with the changes proposed
and that the wall in front of the second building was
i -
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 18
CASE 5.0406-PD-183. (Continued)
lowered at the applicant's discretion because the developer does not like
walls around his building. He stated that the developer has complied with
all conditions at the preliminary stage and that the parking lot tree
requirement is not met on the project because the developer does not want
trees next to the building (from the retailer' s standpoint) and that there
is a cooling tower within the building (no mechanical equipment on the
roof) .
M/S/C (Mil ls/Edgmon; Lapham abstained) approving the landscaping as
CASE 5.0459-PD-193. Application by MICHAEL HARRIS for architectural approval of
a final site plan and elevations for a Planned Development District of
mixed use (retail/office/food) uses on E1 Cielo Road between Tahquitz
Way/Ramon Road, "P" Zone, Section 18.
Chairman abstained; Vice-Chairman presided.
Planner (Evans) stated that the revised driveway location is on the final
site plan and the landscaping changed. He stated that the roof material is
metal ; that the architect is concerned about approving the metal roof on
the subject project which will appear to be part of the adjacent one which
has flat concrete tile roof, since there might be a compatibility issue.
Planning Director stated that the roofs of the two projects should match
and that it is still an issue. He stated that the stucco will match on
both projects and that the ovals and circles on the buildings are for
signs. He stated that the orange detailing is marble.
Commissioner Olsen commented that the project is a good one for the corner
of the airport, especially since the first buildings constructed are not as
M/S/C (Hough/Edgmon; Lapham abstained) approving the application subject to
the following conditions:
1. That the glu-lam beam be re-evaluated.
2. That the landscape plan be re-evaluated and additional trees be added
to the parking lot (50% shaded spaces per code) .
3. That pedestrian access be provided from the bus shelter.
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by JOAN HALLEY for architectural approval of
change of face for main identification sign for the Cambridge Inn, 1277 S.
Palm Canyon Drive, C-1 Zone, Section 22.
Zoning Enforcement Officer stated that the sign will be changed because of
new ownership and that the AAC recommended changes and a new design was
submitted by the applicants for the Planning Commission meeting which
.January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 19
reflects AAC concerns . He stated that the sign will be plastic faced and
interior lit by fluorescent lighting and opaque beige background and the
letters will be rounded. He stated that the colors were an alternative to
the red letters on a white background first submitted.
M/S/C (Mills/Hough) approving the revised site plan, application as sub-
mitted on January 11 reflecting AAC concerns as follows:
1. That the background of the sign shall be a dark, opaque beige.
2. That the copy shall be red serif letters.
3. That the words "Palms Springs" shall be added to the sign in serif
4. That the overall copy shall be reduced in size.
LUP. Application by KEITH MCCORMICK for a land use permit to allow a one-time
collector and vintage car auction, February 25 & 26 at the Palm Springs
Convention Center on Avenida Caballeros , PD-164 (I .L. ) , Section 14.
Planning Director stated that a one-time auction requires Commission
approval of findings; that the auction be no more often that every three
months; that there is adequate parking and seating and that the auction is
appropriate for the location.
M/S/C (Olsen/Edgmon) approving the application and LUP on a one-time
auction of collector and vintage cars at the Convention Center, February 25
& 26, based on the above findings.
After consideration of the recommendations of the Indian Planning
Commission, the Tribal Council found that the granting of a Land Use Permit
was appropriate for this proposed use, and approved the granting of such a
10.369. PLANNING COMMISSION determination that a Dental Assistant School is an
allowable use in the C-B-D Zone.
Planning Director stated that the allowance of a Dental Assistant School
was reviewed at length in the December study session of the Planning
Commission; that this type of school is allowed in the C-M, C-1, and C-2
Zones without a Commission determination; and that the use is being
reviewed again at the request of Dr. Lewis Friedman who wants to establish
a Dental Assistant School in the C-B-D Zone. He stated that the CBD is
intended to be a lively, exciting area catering to the pedestrian and that
the question as arisen about the Dental Assistant School use being that of
.January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 20
10.369. (Continued)
a beauty college which is permitted in the C-1 but not the C-B-D Zone; he
stated that the C-B-D Zone allows beauty parlors and supplies and that
trade schools and technical schools are allowed in the C-2 and below zones.
He stated that the Commission could determine that such a use could be
added to the C-B-D, but that specific locations cannot be reviewed and that
once a use is allowable it will be treated equally throughout the zone. He
stated that a CUP could be required for the use as the Commission desires;
and that the perimeters of the CBD are Alejo to Ramon and Belardo and
including the west side of Indian and that some areas north of Alejo to
Mary' s Playhouse. He stated that the CBD also extends to the mountain
behind the Fashion Plaza and the boundaries may be changed after the design
workshops on the General Plan.
In reply to Commission Dotson's question, he stated that the Dental
Assistant School use is a trade school use allowable in the C-M Zone and
that there is a question of intensity for its use in C-1 Zone. He stated
that school proposed by Dr. Friedman would be in limited use and could be
unnoticeable anywhere, but if allowed in the C-B-D, a largerschool would
also be allowed. He stated that the use most similar allowed in the C-B-D
Zone is medical offices. He stated that perhaps Commission could determine
that it is an accessory to a dental office.
Commissioner Dotson commented that the use would be best in the C-1 Zone
because of the limited amount of C-B-D Zoning.
Dr. Lewis Friedman, the applicant, stated that the use is not listed in the
Zoning Ordinance, so staff is probably placing it; that the use should be
in the same category as a beauty college; that he could open a Dental
Assistant Teaching School in any Community College because of facilities of
these colleges are the same as those of a Dental Assistant School .
Chairman stated that the use is considered a trade school use.
Dr. Friedman commented that it is not a trade school use; that it is a
small facility to teach dental assisting to under privileged students and
not a trade school , like those in San Bernardino or Riverside. He stated
that he did not want anything more than a beauty college use; that it is
not an industrial use and requested that the wording be added to the C-B-D
Zone in the Ordinance.
Chairman stated that the staff and Commission have determined that the use
is a school and there are zones where it is allowed, but not in the C-B-D.
Dr. Friedman commented that he had rented a facility and that his neighbors
are a pediatrician, a chiropractor, and a psychiatrist. He stated that he
had tried to start a school before but had to leave; that the new facility
is only a block away; that he is a doctor like the others in the complex;
that 10 students could be accommodated; and that he wanted to apply legiti-
mately for the use but a CUP costs $2,000. He stated that if he could not
have the use in his present facility he would find another place; that he
could not afford other zones. He said he requested permission to- place the
�'' use in the C-B-D.
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 21
10.369. (Continued)
Planning Director stated that staff and Commission understand Dr.
Friedman's argument and the location; that a similar use is a business
school and the questions is whether or not dental schools should be added
to the C-B-D or the C-1 Zone.
Commissioner Hough stated that it is not an appropriate use in the C-B-D
but would be in the C-2 Zone.
Commissioner Whitney stated that she did not understand the difference in
the traffic patterns between the medical use and the proposed use; and that
she understood the difference between a trade school and a medical office.
Planning Director stated that the use is not a major pedestrian oriented
downtown one; and that a medical office supports services to the downtown.
He stated that a parking count is based on students not on the mode of
transportation of the students; that schools of any type downtown are up to
the Commission .
Commissioner Mills stated that beauty colleges are allowed in certain
zones , there is not reason dental schools could not be.
Commissioner Edgmon commented that it is a unique use but should not be by
right of zone in the C-B-D and Commissioner Whitney agreed.
Dr. Friedman stated that he is a dentist and could give dental service.
Chairman stated that a dentist office could be allowed and that Dr.
Friedman could appeal to the City Council .
M/S/C (Hough/Dotson; Whitney dissented) determining that a Dental Assistant
Teaching School is not an appropriate use in the C-B-D Zone, but is allow-
able in the C-1 Zone.
CASE 20.108. PLANNING COMMISSION review of draft EIR for auto raceway on I-10
north of the city limits, Sphere-of-Influence.
Planning Director stated that traffic, transportation, air quality, and
noise are staff concerns regarding the raceway and that the EIR does not
fully address those concerns.
Planner (Evans) stated that not all information has been received; that the
traffic issue has not resolved; that only two access points have been
proposed (off Indian and off Gene Autry); that the applicants have not
addressed 37,000 cars leaving the parking lot after the event; that two
roadways are not enough; that the City recommends that an additional
freeway on-ramp be considered; that there is not consideration for
expansion of existing overpass or off-ramps; that access is difficult; and
that the Traffic Engineer is ill but indicated that he is concerned about
access into Palm Springs and that the EIR does not address the access
questions. He stated that the applicants feel that the raceway is a good
neighbor with only 5,000 cars on weekdays but in major or moderate events
north and south arteries will be closed down and cars could not get from
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 22
CASE 20.108. (Continued)
Desert Hot Springs to Palm Springs. He stated that other issues are noise
at 45 dba outside the developed areas of Palm Springs and that audibility
of the raceway will reach the central part of Palm Springs (depending on
meteorological conditions) to the Airport and Ramon Road. He stated that
the noise in the EIR has been averaged which does not address the noise
level of individual events.
Chairman asked if anything could be done about the noise.
Planner stated that berming on the north side is proposed, but on the south
side, which would affect Palm Springs , no berming has been shown. He
stated that berming or a wall would help the closest properties but the
real problem with the noise may be on properties away from the raceway. He
stated that the EIR should address mitigation in a better fashion. He
explained that the air quality will be affected in the south coast desert
and Orange and Riverside County air basins and that air quality will also
be affected by the distances people drive autos to attend the raceway
events. On major race days the facility will generate more smog because of
idling engines in traffic tie-ups; and that the facility will hold 37,000
cars. He stated that if congestion could be eliminated (vehicular) the air
quality would be better and to understand the magnitude of the project,
traffic signals would have to be synchronized in the Riverside area but the
impact would happen in the desert although offsets could be made locally;
and that the desert will receive smog generated eventually. He stated that
the City can perhaps help to solve some of the local problems caused by the
Planning Director stated that the Environmental Protection Agency and the
Southcoast Air Quality Board will have to a immense job in the next twenty
years to lessen the smog problem; and that synchronized signals in
Riverside should be done anyway.
In reply to Commissioner Whitney' s question, Planner stated that any
specific concerns of the Commission should be relayed to staff and these
will be consolidated in the City' s recommendation on the technical part of
the EIR. He stated that no action should be taken until responses are
received from the applicant regarding the City' s concerns; and that the
raceway benefits the are financially but the Commission should determine if
other issues concerned with the raceway are offset by the financial bene-
Commissioner Whitney stated that the financial benefits are not worth the
problems caused by the track.
In reply to Commissioner Mill 's question, Planner stated that six to eight
major events are proposed in the fall and winter and there will be no
spring or summer events .
Commissioner Mills asked if staff knew about problems caused by the now
defunct Ontario and Riverside raceways and that I-10 is a larger highway
than those near the two other raceways and that he grew up next to River-
side Raceway and does not remember disturbances being caused by it. He
January 11, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 23
CASE 20.108. (Continued)
stated that the noise will be heard everywhere in the City and the issue is
whether or not the City wants the raceway and if the City is willing to
overlook the problems caused.
Commissioner Whitney stated that air quality will get worse.
Commissioner Mills stated that eight events a year will not worsen the air
Commissioner Edgmon commented that the City has a lot more to lose than
gain and will not receive benefit.
Planner stated that there will be eight major events but in the race season
the raceway will be open every weekend and a constant sound is better than
hearing a blast of sound and then nothing; that one of the mitigative
measures might be no nighttime events , although some small events could be
Chairman recommended that the Commission echo staff concerns with no action
on the EIR until the concerns are addressed clearly.
Planner stated that there may be some opposition to the raceway at the
board levels since some alternatives proposed have been forced to withdraw
because of residents opposition in other the areas.
Commissioner Mills stated that the proposal is good since there will be no
development adjacent to it.
Planning Director stated that Fringe-Toed Lizard may be endangered since
the raceway will draw a clientele that uses off-road vehicles which tear up
the area.
Commissioner Whitney asked if the Council is taking any action on
annexation of the entryways to the City.
Planning Director stated that he would ask the Director of Community
Development to address the issue before the Commission.
Chairman stated that the City can annex all the land up to I-10 and alot of
problems can be solved.
Consensus: That Commission concerned with staff' s concerns regarding the
raceway, but will take no action until the EIR addressed the City's con-
cerns more clearly.
CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS. Update of City Council actions.
No report given.
,January 11 , 1989 PC MINUTES Page 24
Downtown Design Workshop. January 30th and February 2nd, 1 to 9 p.m. ,
Maxim' s Hotel .
Carwash on South Palm Canyon Drive. Traffic hazard because line up to get
into the facility.
ADDED STARTERS. (Determination of eligibility for consideration.)
There being no further business, Chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:00
Council Chamber, City Hall
i January 25, 1989
1:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1988 - 1989
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to Date
Larry Lapham, 'Chairman X 72 2
Gary Olsen X 11 3
Barbara Whitney - 10 4
Brent Hough X 12 2
Martha Edgmon X 13 1
Chris Mills X 11 1
Michael Dotson X 11 0
Staff Present
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Siegfried Siefkes, Assistent,tity Attorney
Richard Patenaude, Planner
Debra Goodwin, Planner
Sherri Abbas, Planner '
Dave Forcucci , Zoning=Enforcement
Douglas Evans, Planner
Dean Lewis, Traffic Engineer
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee. - January 23, 1989
Brent Hough, Chairman
Will Kleindienst
William Johnson
Reuel Young
Tom Doczi
Mike Buccino
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
M/S/C (Mills/Edgmon; iiMftey, absent). approving mimRes, of January 11, 1"9 with
the following corrections:
Page 3, Case 3:0131; delete "5-0 vote".
Page 4, Sign Application (Joan Halley):. Add AAC Minutes.
Restudy noting the following:
1. That the background of-the sign shall be a dark, opaque beige.
to 2. That the copy shall be red serif letters.
3. That the words "Palms Springs" shall be added to the sign in serif
4. That the overall copy shall be reduced in size.
January 25, 1989 PC MINUTES Page 2
Pag9e 13, Single-Family Zones: (b) Should read "AAA. ... ..from the court surface."
(c) Should read " . . ...tennis courts in hillside areas" .
Page 13, Night lighting: (c) Should read "no quartz light."
Page 13, Multi-Family & other Zones: (a ) Should read: "6' high solid masonry
wall " .
Page 16, Case 3.0516, last paragraph. Delete question marks.
Page 16, Case 3.0516; Paragraph 3; add "existing" before "hanging plants" .
Page 16, Paragraph 8; should be "wash" not "washed" before rock.
Page 16, Paragraph 6 should read "lit or not lit".
Page 18; Case 5.0459. Add to motion "Mills abstained" .
Planning Director introduced new Planner II , Debra Goodwin, who replaced Margo
The January 25, 1989 agenda was available for public access at the City Hall
exterior bulletin board and the Planning Division Counter by 1:30 p.m. , Friday,
January 20, 1989.
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
M/S/C (Olsen/Edgmon; Whitney absent) taking the following actions:
CASE 3.0409 - MINOR (Continued). Application by WENDELL VEITH for architectural
approval of revised exterior changes to an office at 2825 E. Tahquitz-
McCallum Way (Sundial office complex), PD-71, Section 13.
Removed from the agenda pending; receipt of revised plans.
CASE 3.0417 - MINOR (Continued) . -Application by JOHN BUND for architectural
approval of revised• plans for a remodel and addition, and final landscape
plans for an existing residence at 148 Camino Encanto, R-1-B Zone, Section
Approved as suNnitted.