Council Chamber, City Hall
April 13, 1988
1:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1987 - 1988
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to date
Larry Lapham, Chairman X 16 2
Hugh Curtis X 18 0
Martha Edgmon X 16 2
Brent Hough X 17 1
Earl Neel - 16 2
Gary Olsen - 15 3
Barbara Whitney - 13 5
Staff Present
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Siegfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
Dave Forcucci , Zoning Enforcement
Margo Williams, Planner
Douglas Evans, Planner
Carol Vankeeken, Planner
John Terell , Redevelopment Planner
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee - April 11, 1988
Chris Mills, Chairman Absent: Mike Buccino
Will Kleindienst Barbara Whitney, Alternate
Tom Doczi Gary Olsen, Alternate
Brent Hough
Martha Edgmon, Alternate
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
M/S/C (Curtis/Hough; Olsen/Whitney/Neel absent) approving minutes of March 23 and
March 29, 1988 as submitted.
Chairman congratulated Commissioner Earl Neel who was elected to the City Council
on April 12, 1988.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 2
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
M/S/C (Curtis/Edgmon; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent)) taking the following actions:
CASE 3.0346. Application by DENNIS AUSTIN for architectural approval of plans
for single family hillside residence on the southwest corner of Vista
Drive/Via Livorno, R-1-B Zone, Section 3.
Restudy noting the following: That the building be redesigned to integrate
with the topography of the site.
CASE 3.0355. Application by . ANGELO TORCHIA for architectural approval of a
general retail building at 343 S. Palm Canyon Drive, C-B-D Zone, Section
Restudy noting the following:
1. That sun control for upstairs windows be provided.
2. That roof access to mechanical equipment will be provided.
3. That if the building code does not permit windows in the north wall ,
resubmit elevation for north all treatment.
�.. 4. That the trash enclosure location be verified with Waste Disposal
5. That the soffit in rear of the building be redesigned.
6. That possible relocation and redesign of the stairs be considered.
7. That the chimney stack be redesigned to meet code. Lower end of
chimney be cobled.
8. That the sidewalk design of the main canopy be provided.
9. That construction details of the main canopy be provided.
10. That the relationship between roof and parapet be shown.
11. That a sign program be submitted.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 3
CASE 3.3061. Application by ROBERT NEILL for architectural approval of revised
plans for single-family hillside residence on Araby Drive between Palo
Verde/Cholla Place, R-1-B Zone, Section 25. (Reference Case 7.690-AMM)
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1 . That there be no vigas on the garage.
2. That the roof tile be mortared.
3. That the landscape be restudied noting that an integrated concept is
needed and submitted with the final plans (to be reviewed by AAC) .
4. That the grading plan be submitted for AAC.
5. That the chimney flue detail be submitted to the AAC.
6. That the ends of the lower roof be hipped.
7. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
CASE 3.0372. Application by NUGENT'S INTERIORS for architectural approval of
canvas awnings and sign for business at 391-393 N. Indian Avenue, CBD Zone,
Section 15.
�-� (Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration; no
comments received; action.)
Restudy noting the following:
1 . That the awning maintain the radius design but cover the entire
existing overhang by installing top of awning at top of existing
2. That the sign be submitted separately for review with the drawing to
be in scale.
CASE 3.0374 (MINOR) . Application by ELDER-JONES, INC. for architectural approval
of a new store in the Desert Fashion Plaza, 123 N. Palm Drive, CBD Zone,
Section 15.
Approved subject to the following condition: That the top of the sill
mullion match the height (10") of the sill at the bottom of the doors.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 4
CASE 5.0463-PD-195. Application by DESERT SUN for architectural approval of
revised site plan and detailed landscape, irrigation, and exterior lighting
plans for a planned development district to allow construction of a news-
paper publishing facility including a portion with a 50-foot building
height on Gene Autry Trail between Tachevah Drive/Ramon Road, M-1-P Zone,
Section 7 .
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the elevations, materials and colors are approved.
2. That the site plan is approved subject to adding additional screening
to buffer the delivery service area from the south.
3. That the preliminary landscape plan is approved subject to adding
substantial palm tree (or alternate material ) cluster adjacent to the
building, adding canopy trees along the street frontage, and adding
substantial tree mass adjacent to the building and in the parking
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by BEST SIGNS for Desert Hospital for architec-
tural approval of revised sign program for the Desert Hospital Sunrise
Building on the southwest corner of Sunrise Way/Vista Chino, "P" Zone,
Section 11 .
Continued to April 27 pending receipt of revised plans.
CASE 3.0339 (MINOR) . Application by D & A SHADE COMPANY for architectural
approval of revised plans for awning for restaurant (SpeakEasy) at 233 E.
Saturnino Road, C-1 Zone (IL) , Section 14.
Approved subject to the following conditions :
1. That the scallop be removed and the bottom of the awning be straight
2. That a narrow awning be installed.
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
CASE 3.0326. Application by DESERT CHAPEL for architectural approval of revised
plans for a six classroom addition for church at 650. S. Sunrise Way, PD-59
Zone, Section 24.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 5
CASE 3.0326. (Continued)
Planner (Vankeeken) presented the plans and stated that new plans were
developed after a Commission restudy.
M/S/C (Curtis/Hough; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) approving the application
subject to the following conditions:
1 . That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
2. That detailed landscape, irrigation and exterior lighting plans be
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
CASE 3.0352. Application by RICHARD FISHER for Leslie Pool Mart for archi-
tectural approval of a new retail facility at 590 S. Indian Avenue, C-1
Zone, Section 23.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration; no
comments received; action.)
., Planner (Williams) presented the application and described the project set-
backs and colors. She stated that the parking is on the east property
line, that the driveway is off Parocela; that there will be no vehicular
access off Indian; and that southbound traffic on Palm Canyon will have a
left turn pocket.
M/S/C (Hough/Edgmon; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) approving the application
subject to the following conditions:
1 . That the refuse enclosure location be worked out with staff.
2. That a landscape buffer be added to the north parking lot in the
vicinity of the drive aisle.
3. That the turquoise color be deleted.
4. That the vertical screed lines below the horizontal band be deleted.
5. That vertical screeds above the horizontal band be added to the north
6. That the entrance pavement be extended to the City sidewalk.
7. That additional palms be added in groupings.
8. That the location of street trees be reconsidered.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 6
CASE 3.0352. (Continued)
9. That final landscape plans (approved by Riverside County Agricultural
Commissioner's Office) be submitted for review.
10. That the signs be submitted for review and approval .
11 . That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
CASE 3.0243 (MINOR) . Application by NICK MARTIN for Dee Anna Howard for archi-
tectural approval of an as-built roof design for a garage conversion at
2480 Leonard Road, R-1-B Zone, Section 3.
Planning Director stated that the AAC took a field trip to the location;
that the applicant wants to raise a portion of his roof two feet; and that
the project was started with a permit.
M/S/C (Curtis/Hough; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) approving the application
subject to the following condition: That all recommendations of the
Development Committee be met.
DEVELOPMENT of truck route designations on portions of East Palm Canyon
Drive, Indian Avenue, East Vista Chino, Sunrise Way, Gene Autry Trail , and
Ramon Road.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration; no
comments received; action.)
Planning Director explained that Senate Bill 2232 requires that cities
supply the use of surface streets by certain commercial vehicles; and that
the streets in Palm Springs will be primarily major thoroughfares, in and
out of town. He stated that staff is concerned that westbound truck
traffic will stay on Highway Ill until it reaches the downtown and feels
that the traffic should turn at either Gene Autry or Sunrise Way. He
stated that regular truck traffic delivering or picking up goods or
materials will not be affected and the designation is more of a directional
aid. He stated that options are being explored such as designating Indian
Avenue as Highway 111 or moving the designation to the Mid-Valley Parkway,
and discussions have begun with Caltrans.
Chairman stated that Gene Autry Trail should be used because both sides of
Sunrise from Palm Canyon through the City are residential and Gene Autry
has open space and industrial zoning which is more appropriate.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 7
CASE 5.0471-MISC. (Continued)
Planning Director stated that the purpose of the designation is to move
trucks through town without their going downtown, and that Gene Autry Trail
could be used without bringing any truck traffic into the interior; that
other streets have residential as well ; and that routing should accomplish
the purpose.
Chairman stated that there is only one stop between East Palm Canyon and
Vista Chino but Sunrise has seven or eight stops, and that it is better for
the trucks and the City if trucks use Gene Autry Trail .
M/S/C (Hough/Edgmon; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) approving the following
streets and parts and portions of streets as truck routes for the movement
of vehicles that exceed a maximum gross weight limit of 5 tons:
Name of Street Beginning at Ending at
Palm Canyon Drive North City Limits Vista Chino
Palm Canyon Drive Gene Autry East City Limits
Indian Avenue North City Limits Vista Chino
Vista Chino Palm Canyon Drive East City Limits
Gene Autry Trail North City Limits Palm Canyon Drive
Ramon Road Gene Autry Trail East City Limits
CASE 5.0466-PD-196 (Continued) . Application by MEL HABER ENTERPRISES, INC. for
a planned development district to allow construction of a 104 unit luxury
apartment project (including a 44 ft. building height) at the west end of
Tahquitz Drive, 0-20/R-2/R-3 Zones, Section 15.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration;
letters have been received from surrounding property owners; action.)
Planning Director stated that the project had been continued from the March
23 meeting and the AAC reviewed the revised plans on April 11 and recom-
mended restudy. He stated that there had been calls on the project, both
pro and con, that a field trip had been taken to the site, and that the
Tribal Council recommendation is for more study on the historical/archeo-
logical impacts of the project on the Indian burial grounds nearby. He
stated that a number of letters have also been received for additional
studies and that staff is recommending a focused EIR on the basis of the
public controversy, although the necessity for an EIR is for the Commission
to determine since the Commission should decide whether or not the public
questions raised during the testimony justifies the time and expense of an
EIR. He stated that the applicant has been advised of the EIR and that the
AAC felt that the revised architecture was improved, but the Committee's
position was crystalized that the project overwhelms the neighborhood
because of its mass and scale. He stated that letters received from the
neighbors show concern about the lack of setbacks, destruction of scenic
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 8
CASE 5.0466-PD-196. (Continued)
vistas, increased traffic and noise, and intrusion of the mass into the
neighborhood. He stated that from a traffic standpoint the project would
generate less traffic that a right-of-zone project with 160 units. He
commented that State law mandates a focused EIR unless the Commission feels
strongly that the issues raised by the public are emotional responses to a
new project. He recommended that the Commission state the direction of the
EIR, and also commented that the AAC recommendation was unusual in that it
considered the project from an existing neighborhood character viewpoint
and also from the viewpoint of a four to five story building being
acceptable; but the restudy recommendation was very strong.
Planner (Evans) stated that the revised plans changed the entry and parking
arrangement to buffer the project from the neighbors; that increased pedes-
trian access is provided toward the front; that the front gate and turn-
around is now deeper into the project and results in a better, more visible
entry; that water elements have been brought to the front toward the
street; that the cooling tower and trash locations have been moved to
another area more inward on the site; that the building elevations have
been stepped from five stories at the center to two stories at the front;
and that the model has also been changed. He stated that the AAC recom-
mended additional buffering of the unlighted tennis courts and a fire
access road either eliminated or refined. He stated in summary that the
AAC recommendation was for a restudy although the Committee felt that the
plans are moving in a positive direction.
In reply to a Commission question, he stated that the height of the Mihata
House on West Tahquitz is approximately 30 feet to the top of the roof and
the fourth house on the street is 18 feet above grade and therefore higher
than 30 feet.
Planning Director stated that there was a question that the public hearing
noticing was inadequate; but that the hearing notices were sent to the pro-
perties shown on the tax rolls except for Rosa Mihata in which the
direction "West" was deleted and the letter returned by the Post Office to
Planning. He stated that all property owners within 400 feet were noticed
per the assessors records and that a 1/8 page ad was published in the
Desert Sun regarding the public hearing since a portion of the project
touches a portion of the Tennis Club timeshare complex. He stated that the
noticing met the intent and letter of the law.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
Mel Haber, 700 W. Stevens Road, the applicant, stated that the project was
conceived because it was needed and wanted in Palm Springs; that he worked
with staff and was encouraged; that the project has been well-received
except for Mrs. Mihata who opposes it because of personal business dealings
with him; that changes were made to address concerns of the AAC and
Commission; that the AAC felt that the design was good, but was concerned
about the size; that the project will a high class apartment complex and
would affect few residents; and that Mrs. Mihata wants him to buy her
house. He stated that he did not want to build a project that is not
wanted by the City.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 9
CASE 5.0466-PD-196. (Continued)
Mrs. William Burgess, 550 Palisades Drive, spoke in favor of the project,
stating that she lives above the project and would like to see the property
developed; that the Cadillac-Fairview Project originally approved for the
site was a good one, but was built; that some of the suggested mitigative
measures would downgrade the property; and that the project would be built
at the least possible density. She stated that she realizes that density
is needed on the valuable property.
Chairman stated that only four Commissioners were present and making a
decision that an EIR should be done on the height and mass of the project
requires more Commissioner's present and it would be four to six months
before the project will be reviewed again by the Commission. He stated
that the decision is far in the future.
The following person spoke in opposition to the project:
Frank Tysen, 175 S. Cahuilla Road.
Rose Mihata, 468 W. Tahquitz
Virginia Moore, 175 S. Cahuilla
T.J. Haga, 412 W. Tahquitz
Ruth Thompson, 500 Arenas
They voiced the following concerns regarding the project:
- Inadequate noticing procedures by the City.
- Large size and mass of the project.
- Poor aesthetic appearance.
- Planned development district tool not used properly.
- Possible Indian artifacts and archaeological treasure on the site.
- Destruction of the historic village setting.
- Destruction of the village atmosphere as a tourist attraction.
- Destruction of views toward the mountain.
- Destruction of the "Carmel of the Coachella Valley" connotation.
- Destruction of the low-rise atmosphere of the City by the subject high-rise
project (which belongs down valley) .
- Destruction of natural climactic conditions.
- Increase in noise and traffic.
- Addition of rooms to the "empty room" syndrome in Palm Springs in the
- Project could become a "White Elephant" and turned into a hotel .
- Objections of most of the neighbors. (Very easy to obtain signatures of
neighbors opposing the project.)
- Unfairness of requiring an expensive EIR of the applicant since the use
proposed is insensitive and should not be encouraged.
- Other uses should be found for the property such as an open air museum.
- Design could be improved with input from neighbors.
- The mass looms over the area.
- The project is not in keeping with the applicant's sensitive Ingleside Inn
- The vacant property is preferrable, not an eyesore, and houses wild animal
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 10
CASE 5.0466-PD-196. (Continued)
- Project resembles a Bastille.
- Two stories should be considered, not five stories.
- The issue is justifiably emotional since the building will replace a
mountain view.
- Project affects individual properties and also the community.
- Destruction of the quietness and uniqueness of the community.
- Loss of property values.
- High-rises not needed in Palm Springs which has a Spanish/Colonial/Revival
- Mitigation of traffic issues is of upmost importance because of the
project's impact on the area's already impacted street system.
Chairman stated that the Commission can only take action on the type of
application submitted, which in this case is a Planned Development
Mel Haber (rebuttal ) requested a continuance to study objections of the
There being no further appearances, Chairman declared the hearing closed.
Commissioner Hough commented that the Commission has no alternative except
to require an EIR.
Chairman stated that the Commission decides on the necessity of an EIR
�-- document.
Commissioner Hough reiterated that the EIR is necessary, that the neighbors
do not want the project, and that the applicant will review it.
Commissioner Curtis stated that the area is unique and that some alterna-
tives have been addressed by the AAC and reflected in the AAC minutes, and
that a right of zone development can have many more units. He stated that
the applicant cannot be told he cannot build on the property and that some
resolution can be made of the height and massing which are the major
Discussion followed with the applicant on Commission action on the
application. Planning Director stated that if the project is redesigned to
a right-of-zone project, no renoticing will be done since the application
would be a major architectural approval application which does not require
noticing; and that staff will keep the residents who have inquired
informed. He suggested that the application be removed from the agenda
pending receipt of revised plans which explore other forms and a right-of-
zone project. He stated that if a Planned Development District is resub-
mitted it will be renoticed.
M/S/C (Curtis/Edgmon; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) removing the application
from the agenda pending receipt of revised plans.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 11
CASE 5.0466-PD-196. (Continued)
Planner stated that if the application becomes a condominium project, a
tentative map will be required which would have a public hearing, and if
the application is different from a right-of-zone project, the residents
will be renoticed.
Mr. Tyson requested that the City keep the residents informed.
Chairman replied that the law would be adhered to, but if the applicant
meets zoning requirements, it will not be renoticed.
Mr. Tysen replied that the neighbors could initiate a referendum since if
Mr. Haber had discussed the project with neighbors previously, the problem
would have been solved. He reiterated that it is easy to obtain signatures
in Palm Springs.
This Case was considered by the Tribal Council on March 22, 1988. It was
noted that while this proposed project is not located on Indian trust land,
the previously and currently identified impacts as well as the potential
impacts on archaeological/historical resources of the Cahuilla people are
very significant. The Tribal Council questioned the adequacy of the pro-
posed mitigation, and requested that this Case be continued pending further
research of Tribal records and discussions with elders of the Tribe, and
the possible drafting of additional mitigation.
Based on the research and discussions referred to above, and after con-
sideration of the recommendations of the Indian Planning Commission, the
Tribal Council strongly urged that a focused EIR be prepared at this time
in order to fully address the identified and potential
archaeological/historical impacts as well as other significant impacts
identified in the Planning Commission Staff Report and in the course of the
City Planning Commission's review and hearings on the Case. In view of the
environmental issues related to the design of the project, building size,
height, setbacks, etc. , it would not appear prudent to defer the
preparation of such a document, if found necessary, to the building
permit/construction stage.
TPM 23123. Application by ASL CONSULTING ENGINEERS for Peter McKernan for a
tentative parcel map to combine three lots into one at Vereda Del Sur/Via
Las Palmas, R-1-A Zone, Section 10.
(This action is categorically exempt from Environmental Assessment per CEQA
Recommendation: That the Commission approve TPM 23123 subject to condi-
Planner (Vankeeken) stated that the application is a parcel map to consoli-
date lots for a guest house.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 12
TPM 23123. (Continued)
Chairman declared the hearing open.
Jay Benoist, husband of the owner of property on the east side of the sub-
ject application, stated that there are existing improvements and that a
wall built in 1935 is in a state of disrepair and not in compliance with
current requirements . He stated that a large eucalyptus tree fell and
crushed a 50 foot section of the wall on the property line; that the rest
of the wall is on his wife's property; that the wall is not in conformance
with the survey line; and that the trash from the fallen tree was removed,
but that the wall was not reconstructed and the wall is not being
Paul Gilmore, ASL Engineers, Tahquitz-McCallum Way, stated that there will
be a separate architectural review of the building in the future; that the
original intent was to renovate the structure, but the applicant is now
going to start over; and that the parcels must be combined by law because
existing structures straddle the property lines.
Mrs. William Stein, 350 W. Vereda Sur, asked the purpose of consolidation
of the lots.
Planning Director stated that the applicant is redeveloping and improving
the property as an estate over existing property lines and the project will
be a single building parcel rather than a multiple dwelling one. He stated
that the ordinance does not indicate the price of the residences but
`.. requires a 1500 square foot minimum and two car covered parking minimally,
and the house could be around $500,000.
Mrs. Stein stated that she was content with the answer.
There being no further appearances; Chairman declared the hearing closed.
M/S/C (Curtis/Hough; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) approving the application
based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions:
1. That a Parcel Map is the appropriate application for a lot consolida-
2. That the proposed lot consolidation is in harmony with the Zoning
Ordinance and objectives of the General Plan.
3. That the proposed lot consolidation is not detrimental to the
surrounding properties or the environment.
That all conditions of the Development Committee met.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 13
CASE 5 .0473-MISC. PLANNING COMMISSION adoption of a resolution approving the
boundaries of a new redevelopment project area (#9) (nine small areas
scattered throughout the City) .
Roy Evans, Redevelopment Consultant, stated that a larger area will be
returned to the Commission for review because the Tribal Council has
requested continuance for discussion to add Indian parcels to the
redevelopment project areas. He stated the project area can be decreased
by the Commission and the City Council , but cannot be increased without
Council and Commission approval . He stated that no expansion can take
place until the recommendation by the Tribal Council has been reviewed.
M/S/C (Edgmon/Hough; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) continuing the application
to April 27.
TIME EXTENSION - CASE 5.0357-PD-167. Request by LASZLO SANDOR for a retroactive
12 month time extension for a planned development district to allow con-
struction of a 119 unit apartment building on the northeast corner of San
Rafael/McCarthy Road, R-2 Zone, Section 34.
Planner (Williams) stated that through an oversight the application expired
in May and the applicants are requesting a one-year retroactive time
extension to June 1988 and an additional one-year time extension to June
1989 to complete financing.
M/S/C (Curtis/Hough; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) approving a retroactive 12-
month time extension to June of 1988 and a one-year time extension to June
5, 1989.
DISCUSSION. COMMISSION discussion on land use permit requirements for Christmas
tree lots.
Planning Director stated that in the new ordinance there is an expanded
category of uses under a land use permit (LUP) . He stated that the LUP was
developed to regulate problem uses or potential problems, or when specific
conditions are needed to adapt a use to the site such as outdoor dining
areas and fast food restaurants, in which cleanup is needed, and that
Christmas tree lots fall under the LUP. He stated that there was no
regulation in the past and tree lots are difficult to regulate since they
often have illegal signs, illegal electrical cords, and other conditions
which must be monitored. He stated that the LUP costs $300 which is the
same fee for all land use permits except "incidental " ones such as post
card racks, etc. ; and that the Assistant City Manager has had complaints
about the costs of the fee and some people felt that the vendors are being
forced down valley. He stated that staff feels the fee is fair since the
lots require much staff time to monitor, do not return any monies to the
City and that the applicants are not charged sign permit fees and often use
plywood or similar signs. He stated that the $300 fee is no more than that
charged for art sales, car shows, street mimes, or outdoor fashion shows;
and that staff did not think the fee was unfair but if the Commission feels
the fee is too high the use should be removed from the LUP ordinance or a
specific fee charged.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 14
DISCUSSION. (Continued)
Zoning Enforcement Officer stated that other events controlled . by an LUP
often stay only a short time while Christmas tree lots are in existence for
weeks and are very difficult to keep free from safety hazards and to
regulate. He stated that staff feels strongly that the City should remain
in control of the process.
Discussion continued. In reply to Commission question, Assistant City
Attorney stated that the City is a public entity in this type of situation
and that liability falls on the property owner. Commissioner Hough com-
mented that opposition to the fee is probably occurring because 1987 was
the first year it was required.
M/S/C (Curtis/Hough; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) to retain the LUP fee and
policy as it is.
DISCUSSION. COMMISSION discussion regarding tree trimming policy, city-wide.
Planning Director stated that the Zoning Ordinance has a property main-
tenance policy stating that "trees and shrubs" shall be left in their
natural state and pruned only to maintain the health of the plant" , and in
the past there has been much poorly designed tree trimming. He stated that
it is an impossibility to make projects comply 100% and that staff feels
that an educational direction should be given to homeowner associations and
`•-- gardeners if the Commission feels strongly about policy. He stated that in
some homeowner associations, someone runs for the homeowners association
board to remove a tree (which is violation and a citation can be issued) ,
but after the tree is butchered, there is nothing that can be done. He
stated that if the Commission does not feel strongly about the issue, staff
will not pursue it, and that staff would like to continue the discussion
subject to review of the landscape architects on the AAC.
Chairman stated that there should be a policy on tree trimming formulated
by landscape architects and that a strong recommendation is needed from the
M/S/C (Hough/Curtis; Neel/Olsen/Whitney absent) continuing the discussion
to April 27 for further discussion with the AAC and landscape architects.
CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS. Update of City Council actions. No report was given.
Staff to review upgrade of landscaping for Desert Flower and Ehrlich
Condominium projects on East Palm Canyon Drive, west of Escoba.
April 13, 1988 PC MINUTES Page 15
ADDED STARTERS. (Determination of eligibility for consideration.) None.
There being no further business, Chairman adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m.
Council Chamber, City Hall
April 27, 1988
1 :30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1987 - 1988
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to date
Larry Lapham, Chairman X 17 2
Hugh Curtis X 19 0
Martha Edgmon X 17 2
Brent Hough X 18 1
Gary Olsen X 16 3
Barbara Whitney - 13 6
Staff Present
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Siegfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
Dave Forcucci , Zoning Enforcement
Margo Williams, Planner
Douglas Evans, Planner
Richard Patenaude, Planner
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee - April 25, 1988
Chris Mills, Chairman Absent: Brent Hough
Will Kleindienst Barbara Whitney, Alternate
Tom Doczi Gary Olsen, Alternate
. Martha Edgmon, Alternate
Mike Buccino
William Johnson
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
M/S/C (Hough/Edgmon; Whitney absent) approving minutes of April 13, 1988 as