Council Chamber, City Hall
December 9, 1987
1:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1987 - 1988
Present Present Excused Absences
Planninq CgYnmissjon ' ``'' This Meeting to Date to date
Larry Lap am, Chairman - 9 1
Hugh Curtis X 10 0
Martha Edgmon X 8 2
Brent Hough X 9 1
Earl Neel X 9 1
Gary Olsen X 9 1
Barbara Whitney X 8 2
Staff Present
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Siegfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
Douglas Evans, Planner
Richard Patenaude, Planner
Margo Williams, Planner
Carol Vankeeken, Planner
John Terell, Redevelopment Planner
Dave Forcucci , Zoning Enforcement
Jerry Gonzalez, Traffic Engineer
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee - December 7, 1987
Chris Mills, Chairman Absent: Mike Buccino
Tom Doczi Barbara Whitney
Martha Edgmon, Alternate Gary Olsen
Brent Hough
William Johnson
Will Kleindienst
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
M/S/C (Edgmon/Neel ) approving minutes of November 25, 1987 as submitted.
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Puy
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
M/S/C (Curtis/Olsen) taking the following actions:
CASE 3.0318 (MINOR) (Continued) . Application by EXPRESS GAS for architectural
approval of revised building colors and revised sign for service station at
2901 N. Palm Canyon Drive, U-R Zone, Section 3.
Removed from agenda pending action by the City Attorney.
CASE 5.0424-CUP (Continued) . Application by the MARRIOTT CORPORATION for archi-
tectural approval of revised detailed landscape, irrigation and exterior
lighting plans and a main identification sign for 149 unit hotel on the
east side of Hermosa Drive/Tahquitz Way/Andreas Drive, R-4-VP/C-1-AA Zones
(I.L. ) , Section 14.
Neel abstained.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
I. That the header board be replaced with a concrete mow strip.
2. That the annual planter along Tahquitz Way be increased from four (4)
feet to six (6) feet and follow the contours of the berm.
CASE 3.785. Application by RICHARD EHRLICH for architectural approval of revised
plans for entry gates for 134 unit apartment project located between E.
Palm Canyon Drive/Avery Road/Compadre Road/R-3 Zone, Section 24.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the extension of the horizontal radiused rods into the vertical
section be a continuous size.
2. That the vertical pickets shall be smaller in size and shall extend
up to meet bottom horizontal tube. (Eliminate horizontal support
rod. )
3. That all pickets be square tubes.
4. That the pilaster shape match radius element on carport.
5. That both sides of masonry wall be even in height step to accommodate
grade difference to occur beyond corner.
6. That details to be reviewed by staff.
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 3
CASE 3.0123. Application by HERITAGE RANCH CORPORATION for architectural
approval of detailed final landscape, irrigation, and exterior lighting
plans for retail shopping center on N. Palm Canyon on Via Escuelas/7_anjero
Street, C-1 Zone, Section 3.
Removed from the agenda for staff review.
CASE 3.022.7. Application by KAPTUR & CIOFFI for architectural approval of land-
scape plans and patio furniture for PJ' s restaurant in the Vineyard
shopping complex. S. Palm Canyon Drive. , C-B-D Zone, Section 15.
Approved subject to the following condition: That details of the heaters
be submitted to staff for review.
CASE 3.0257 (Ref. Case 7.672) . Application by MIKE SEM for architectural
approval of revised plans for single-family residence on Dunham
Road/Andreas Hills Drive, R-1-C Zone, Section 1.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the parapet return at the southeast and southwest corners of the
roof and that the roof be flattened.
2. That final landscape, irrigation and lighting be submitted.
3. That the patio colonnade be restudied.
4. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
CASE 3.0310. Application by DON WILLIAMS, JR. for architectural approval of
single family hillside residence on Bisnaga Avenue between Rim Road/end of
Bisnaga Avenue, R-1-13 Zone, Section 25.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That retaining walls on north and west property lines be restudied to
perhaps achieve a more organic solution.
2. That the southwest corner of the house be restudied to visually
break solid the line of the south elevation (e.g. a wing wall ) .
3. That the color scheme be restudied to blend in more with the natural
4. That final detailed landscape, exterior lighting, and irrigation
plans be submitted.
5. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be meta
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Paq<
CASE 3.0319. Application by PAUL RICKS for architectural approval of 'single,-
family hillside residence on Crestview Drive between Ridge Road/OverIook
Road, R-1-C Zone, Section 27.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That final detailed landscape, exterior lighting, and irrigation n,
submitted for review.
2. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
CASE 3.0320 (MINOR) . Application by DOROTHY REED for architectural approval of a
detached garage covered parking area at 2277 Bisnaga Avenue, R-1-B Zone,
Section 25.
Removed from the agenda for staff approval .
:,i\Si- 3.032.6. Application by DESERT CHAPEL for architectural approval of school
classroom additions for church at 650 S. Sunrise Way, PD-59, Section 24.
Continued to January 13, 1988.
CAST-- 3.0314 (MINOR) . Application by TEES ARE US for architectural approval ;f
revised plans for sliding door to front of building at 234 N. Palm Canyon
Drive, CBD Zone, Section 1.5.
Approved as submitted.
* * * k k
CASE 7.675-AMM. Application by TOM DOCI_I for architectural approval of revised
final detailed landscape, irrigation, and exterior lighting plans for a
single family residence at 690 Stevens Road, R-1-A Zone, Section 11 .
Continued to January 13, 1988.
* * * k
CA")C :3.0116. Application by CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATES for architectural approval al
extarior lighting fixtures for a 94 unit hotel (Hampton Inn) on N. P-flm
Canyon Drive, south of Via Escuela, C-1/R-3 Zones, Section 3.
Approved subject to the following condition: That fixture #683 be used.
(Color to match stucco. )
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 5
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
CASE 3.702 (Continued) . Application by KAPTUR & CIOFFI for Peri-Mel I for
architectural approval of screening of florescent light fixtures for a
118 unit condominium project on Avenida Caballeros between Arenas
Road/Saturmino Road, R-4 Zone (I.L. ) , Section 14.
Chairman abstained; Vice-Chairman presided.
Planner (Williams) reported that the AAC reviewed the light fixtures in
the field; that the fixtures were attached to the ceiling without
shields; but that the lights needed diffusion and that the applicant put
transluscent white plastic lens over the tubes. She stated that the AAC
voted 3-1 to approve the lens, and those voting approval felt that the
shields should be longer to screen the tube completely from view.
M/S/C (Hough/Neel ; Edgmon/Olsen/Lapham abstained) approving the light
fixtures subject to the following condition: That the lens is to be
longer to shield the ends of the fixtures.
CASE 3.870 (Continued) . Application by ALEXANDER COLER for architectural
approval of detailed landscape, exterior lighting, and irrigation plans
for a single-family residence on the south side of an easement between
the Tachevah Dam Spillway/Crescent Drive, R-1-C Zone, Section 10.
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ) tabling the case.
CASE 3.0277. Application by J. SCOTT DORIUS for architectural approval of
revised plans for a mini-storage managers unit facility on Gene Autry
Trail/Palm Canyon Drive, M-1 Zone (I.L. ) , Section 20.
Planner (Vankeeken) stated that the applicant has revised the manager' s
unit and that the AAC voted for approval 6-0.
CommissionerHough explained that he had been one of the members of the AAC
who liked the original plan better but with increased landscaping, addi-
tion of plate glass, and lighting that casts, shadows on the wall . He
felt that the new plan is acceptable.
Commissioner Edgmon agreed.
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ) approving the revised plans subject to the following
1. That the vertical member on balconies be deleted.
2. That balconies and entry gates be of like material .
3. That fluted block be used on returns of storage wall facing Gene
Autry Trail .
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES page
CASE 3.047. (Continued)
4. That window treatment on the east elevations be similar to window
treatment on the. West elevation.
5. That final landscape plans incorporate amended landscape treatment
for area of manager' s unit.
6. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
CASE 3.0330 (MINOR) . Application by DOUG RICHIE for architectural approval of
hotel repaint at 555 Warm Sands, R-2 Zone, Section 23.
Zoning Enforcement Officer explained that the AAC after reviewing the
hotel on a field trip voted 3-2 in favor of repaint, feeling that the
blue color is not satisfactory.
Camiissioner Curtis stated that one of the major problems is that thre
tile roof with its chipped white paint looks worse than the blue
Discussion continued on the trim colors.
0ning Enforcement Officer stated that the AAC had no ,abjection 0 the
trim colors but there were some members of the r ,(imi `_'. who f,�l '
Gn I1up should be grayed in tone.
`)ours Ritchie, 555 Warm Sands, the applicant, stated that he h,i,! 1
real i tart that architectural approval was requ i r-d for repa i n ti nq Lh ,
!M11151; ':i' & the colors were galp ,ted with U _ if tsar' 10)ii
dealers; that the neighbors like the colors and feel the lmprov,,�;ic-lts
Vlrle� l to the neighborhood, and that the roof is a prot,'em but i� A, kq
aIln=d to weather.
Planner (William,.;) (:explained that three of the five AAC meNvers voted
a:iikst the color and one .+:4mbcer stated that the color *is not offegsivre
`);i t. ,)u l d be iaor Ira/0 i„ tone.
i,f!mmissionor Ed- i+ n 'suggested repai`li ing the triT,
Coon issionor Cur his suggested that the applicant contict an architect for
color nele:tion that would be more appropriate for a tr i� coat color with
Be Qnr to he reviewed by the Commission.
M/S/ : (Curtis/hough) approving painting the trim of the hotel white or
off-white (with colors to be approved by staff) .
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 7
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by ARMAND TOUGAS for architectural approval of two
main identification signs for the Tropics Hotel , 411 E. Palm Canyon Drive,
R-3 Zone, Section 26.
Zoning Enforcement Officer expemoved whenained the aphelcati newosigns on tare he bapprdoved aand
that the pole signs will be
that the new sign on the east side is smaller than the existing one.
M/S/C (Curtis/Edgmon) approving the sign application subject to the
following condition: That the monument be modified and the relief wrapped
around and upward toward the cabinet top.
CASE 3.031�bb(MI ndR)confp pence troom b orACanyonE HotelER2800 S rcPalmcSpringspResort
o y
Drive, R-2 Zone, Section 35.
Planning Director stated that the apartment units are now under the
control of the original builder and will be operated as a hotel , and that
a lobby and conference room building are to be added to the site. He
stated that the AAC restudied the application feeling that the new struc-
ture should relate to the existing building and that the applicant is
requesting approval so that he can start advertising conference room
Alexander Coler, the applicant, stated that the project was leased to the
bankrupt hotel ; that he has repossessed it; that the original recreation
building was converted to a restaurant, that a conference room is needed
to make the project economically viable; that the plans although not
sophisticated were discussed with staff for direction, that he thought
the application was being processed as a minor one; that he can finish
the building in time for the season if the approval is given soon; that
the building is sited on the only possible location; that the open space
is adequate; that the architecture is similar to the old structure except
for balconies. He requested approval instead of the AAC recommended
Chairman suggested staff review, Planning Director stated that staff
would work with the developer for a better sense of entry and to address
other Commission concerns.
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ) approving the application subject to the following
conditions: That staff review the application for a proper color match
and to make the new building compatible with the existing structure and
to reach an acceptable porte-cochere design and subject to all recom-
mendations of the development committee.
CASE 3.870 (Continued) . Application by ALEXANDER COLER for architectural
approval of detailed landscape, exterior lighting, and irrigation plans
for single-family residence at Patencio Road/Crescent Road, R-1-A Zone,
Section 10.
M/S/C (Curtis/Olsen) removing the application from the table.
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 8
CASE 3.870 (Continued) . (Continued)
Planning Director explained the house has two landscaped areas - one around
the house and tennis court, and the other the remainder of the property.
He stated that the landscape is already planted without plans submitted
until it was done, and that many of the plantings are natural vegetation
with rocks. He stated that the AAC questioned the line of Eucalyptus trees
on the north property line, feeling that a high hedge would be created and
that the area contains three golf greens and four tees. He explained that
the Eucalyptus trees grown so close together would not properly develop
that the hedge would be used as a screen to stop golf balls from hitting
neighboring property, and that the AAC did not feel that a 35 ft. high
hedge would be acceptable, and recommended sight studies. He explained
that there is a question concerning the golf course and that staff has
never dealt with a golf course as part of a single-family residential
property, that it is adjacent to existing residences, that complaints
have been received about the golf course use in this residential area;
that normally a golf course requires a conditional use permit, and that
no complaints have been received about the tennis court.
Commissioner Curtis suggested that the holes be revised so that balls are
not hit toward the residences.
Planning Director stated that rearrangement of the golf course would
require redesign of the site plan.
Mr. Coler stated that the longest hole is 225 yards.
Chairman noted that the home owners in the area bought homes on the
reasonable assurance that nobody would be hitting golf balls into their
yards and are understandably upset.
Planning Director stated that the Eucalyptus trees could be maintained at
predetermined height for no view obstruction and a condition for this
could be monitored, but would probably be lost in files ,years from now.
He stated that a covenant could be recorded, but would also have to be
monitored. Chairman asked whether or not the city could be sued if no
CUP were required since the Commission knows that the area is a golf
Assistant City Attorney stated that it is difficult to determine the
action of a plaintiff, but in his opinion the City could not be sued since a
CUP would not be required for a backyard in which there are areas for
golf, although the Planning Director and he disagree regarding whether or
not the area is a golf course.
Commissioner Curtis asked if the application were architectural approval
Planning Director stated that whether the area is landscaping or a golf
course should be determined by the Commission and on record.
Commissioner Neel stated that the greens should be redesigned to
eliminate golf balls being hit into the yards because it is not fair to
the people in the neighborhood.
Decemher 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 9
CASE 3.870 (Continued) . (Continued)
Mr. Coler, the applicant, stated that only he and a guest would be playing
on the course, that there have been tees installed on other properties
without approval , that the case planner did not comment to the contrary and
required only submittal of the landscape plan for a golf course and that he
carries proper liability insurance. He stated that the Eucalyptus trees
should not obstruct the view because the trees are lacy and are 10 feet
(not 6 feet) on center and staggered, that he would sign a covenant for
keeping trees at a certain height and felt that he had done nothing out of
the ordinary.
Commissioner Hough stated that he feels the area is a recreation area in a
yard and that he was concerned about
mountain Eucalyptus
thedge houses since
before will
hide the mountain view although '
Eucalyptus trees do.
Commissioner Neel agreed that the trees could block the mountain view,
stated keeping them topped is expensive, and that grouping the trees
would be a better solution.
Planning Director stated that one complaint about the golf course had
been received six weeks ago, but not since, and that there ' were some
complaints from home owners behind the course at a Commission meeting,
but also some were in favor of the application.
Commissioner Curtis requested that the applicant take the concerns of the
Commission regarding grouping of the trees, obstruction of the view, and
height of the tree hedge to an architect for a redesigned plan to be
brought back to the Commission.
Mr. Coler stated that if the trees obstruct the view he will tear them
out since they are set back at a great distance leaving at least 3/4 of
the mountain visible and entire skyline open to view. He stated that the
hedge should be allowed.
Commissioner Olsen suggested a field review of the area.
Planning Director explained to Commission that the landscape plans were
submitted after the trees were planted, and that the installation was
done before approval was obtained.
M/S/C (Curtis/Olsen) continuing the application to January 13 with a
field trip scheduled prior to January 13 with the Commission to be
informed of the date and time.
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 10
DETERMINATION. PLANNING COMMISSION approval of land use permit for a collector
car auction February 27 and 28, 1988, at the Marquis Hotel .
Planning Director stated that a recent change to the Municipal Code
regarding auctions allows special event auctions in any facility designed
to hold large scale public meetings as long as it is an appropriate use
and that staff recommends approval .
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ) approving a land use permit permitting a collector car
auction in February at the Marquis Hotel .
CASE 5.0400-ZTA (Continued) . PLANNING COMMISSION review of M-1 provisions on
scenic corridors for inclusion in the Zoning Ordinance.
(An Environmental Assessment/Initial Study has been previously considered
and a Negative Declaration filed on the original zoning text amendment. )
Recommendation: That the Commission continue the item to January 13, 1988.
Planner stated that the Tribal Council requests additional review time and
that staff met with Commissioner Hough to review ordinance changes. He
stated that in Part I of the ordinance, the clause to allow any uses
allowed in the C-1, C-Z & C-M Zone was removed, and that several uses from
the C-1 to the M-1-P Zones were developed as a list for the M-1 Zone. He
stated that certain uses were not listed such as apartments, hotels and
retail types of uses and some uses left (such as art galleries) that can
occur in industrial parks. He stated that catalog showrooms and hi-tech
manufacturing uses were added by right of zone, that the Part II uses on
lots not located with 200 ft. of a scenic corridor had a few changes, and
that the conditional use list is the same as before except for the
additional of chemical supply uses and cocktail lounges. He stated that
the Tribal Council consultant is concerned about adding CUP requirements to
the zone, questioned if there were any gain, suggested that scenic
corridors by street names be added to the list on M-1 properties for easy
reference, and that if the item is continued it would not be reviewed with
the other amendments at the next Council meeting. He stated that No. 32
(manufacturing uses) is not automotive, but is hi-tech electronic uses.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
Scott Dorius, 1111 Tahquitz Way, stated that he was concerned about the
effect of a CUP requirement on his mini-warehouse project on Gene Autry
Trail , since he has spent two years in assembling and processing plans, and
if he had known about the revisions to the ordinance, the project would
have taken a different direction. He stated that he had practiced land use
law and the project can be constructed although a CUP requirement could
stop it until a hearing is held, and that he feels challenged by the Zoning
Ordinance direction.
There being no further appearances, Chairman closed the hearing.
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 11
CASE 5.0400-Z_TA. (Continued)
Chairman explained that no one is being singled out, but that the
Commission wants a different direction for lots in the area.
Planning Director stated that the project has been discussed at length with
the applicant and that if the Commission wants the project to proceed, a
clause could be inserted to applications projects such as this which are in
the development process. He stated that if a CUP were required for the
project, the developer would have only three months to begin construction
and that the applicant would like a vote on whether or not the Commission
would be amenable to grandfathering the project. He stated that the next
meeting will be on January 13, giving the Commission a month to decide
whether or not the use should be considered in the M-1 Ordinance.
Commissioner Hough suggested that staff prepare a list of affected projects
for the January 13 meeting. Chairman reiterated that the Commission
concern is for uses on scenic corridors in general .
M/S/C (Curtis/Edgmon) continuing the application to January 13.
The Tribal Council understands that consideration is being given to
revisions the M-1 Section of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to permitted
uses along the scenic corridors.
In view of the potential impact on Indian trust lands and the lack of
specific information with respect to the proposed revisions, the Tribal
Council requested that this Case be continued to the Planning Commission' s
next regularly scheduled meeting.
TPM 22406 (Continued) . Application by HACKER ENGINEERING COMPANY for John Rocca
for Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide property into 13 lots for residential
purposes at Morongo Trail/Araby Drive, R-1-B Zone, Section 25.
(Commission response to written comments on Draft Negative Declaration; no
comments received; action. )
Planning Director stated that the applicant requested removing the map from
the agenda because the City did not want to maintain private streets on the
project and the applicant will redesign the map for public streets, and
that the map will be renoticed when it is on an agenda in the future.
Chairman declared the hearing open; there being no one in the audience the
hearing was closed.
M/S/C (Curtis/Olsen) removing TPM 22406 from the agenda for redesign.
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 12
CASE 5.0461-GTA. Initiation by the CITY OF PALM SPRINGS for amendments to the
General Plan Circulation Element, city-wide.
(Commission response to written comments on Draft Negative Declaration; no
comments received; action. )
Recommendation: That the Commission continue the item to January 27, 1988.
Planner Evans stated that the report is based on the JHK Traffic Study and
SCAG/CBVG Study involving regional transportation needs and that Commission
input was provided' after a Commission meeting in June. He stated that the
traffic service level goal is Level "C", which is a moderate level of
service, that Los Angeles has "D" level service and the City will be in the
"D" service level by the year 2010. He stated that the level of the
service tables are at full build-out and that service level "E" will be
service level on most larger thoroughfares during peak months and/or at
isolated locations such as the eastern side of the City near Cathedral
City. He stated that upgrades include addition of lanes; that one-way
streets will be Indian and North Palm Canyon from Alejo to Via Escuela;
that some streets will be downgraded to smaller roadways; that the
Commission should consider several alternatives for Alejo, especially
whether or not it should extend under the airport. He stated that there
will be some new General Plan streets, some deleted General Plan streets,
that some streets will be renamed, and that noise impacts will occur even
if the General Plan amendment is not approved; therefore, an EIR is not
required and an Environmental Assessment was given, and a negative
declaration recommended. He recommended continuance to form discussion
groups to solve problems and to contact adjacent communities.
Planning Director stated that Avenue 34 is called Dinah Shore Drive only in
Cathedral City, but the two ends of the street may never connect, so the
renamed street in the City of Palm Springs should be Crossley Road. He
described the street configuration on the board and stated that a study
session will be scheduled if the Commission wants to have one, and that
there should be a discussion on a street by street basis since it is a
large issue and affects many residents. He stated that if Alejo Road is
recommended to be built under the airport by the Commission, it should be
discussed and a direction given. He stated that an article will be placed
in the newspaper regarding the street changes.
Chairman directed that the study session of January 20 include the amend-
ment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan.
M/S/C (Olsen/Neel ) continuing the item to January 27 with a study session
scheduled for January 20.
It was noted that the Planning Staff is recommending that this Case be
continued to the Planning Commission's meeting of January 27, 1988. The
Tribal Council concurred with this recommendation and withheld comments on
the proposed amendments to the Circulation Element of the General Plan
pending further review of Staff Report dated December 9, 1987.
December 9, 1987
tentative beparcel tween N map Palm Canbyone two parcls into Drivve/Indian Avenue, C 1n the north Zone, Sectionde of
(An Environmental Assessment/Initial Study was previously reviewed in
conjunction with Case 3.0193. )
Recommendation: That the Commission approves the map subject to condi-
Chairman declared the hearing open; there being no appearances, the hearing
was closed.
M/S/C (Neel/Curtis; Olsen abstained) approving TPM 21832 based on the
following findings and subject to the following conditions.
1. That a parcel map is the appropriate application for a lot
2. That the proposed lot consolidation is in harmony with the Zoning
Ordinance and objectives of the General Plan.
3. That the proposed lot consolidation is not detrimental to the
surrounding property or the environment.
That the Development Committee conditions of December 1, 1987, be met.
CASE 5.0346-CUP . PLANNING COMMISSION review of compliance with CUP conditions
for Palm Springs Recycling Company on Oasis Road between Indian Avenue/Del
Sol Road, M-1 Zone, Section 34.
Planning Director stated that the original conditions of approval included
review of the recycling plant operation in January of 1988 and that the
plan is very successful but there are problems with the operation and is
violating conditions of approval with trucks and bins blocking streets
and open storage. He stated that the items should be continued to
January 13 for individual Commissioners to review the operation in the
field. He stated that the curb and gutter requirement should be reviewed
and that several complaints have been received from businesses around the
recycling plant. He stated that the applicant was notified of the meeting,
but was not in attendance, but will be at the January 13, 1988 meeting.
Commissioner Olsen stated that because semi-trucks are so long they are
larger than the property and a car cannot get through the streets.
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 14
CASE 5.0346-CUP. (Continued)
Planning Director stated that the operation has outgrown the site and
described the businesses and uses around the plant. He stated that the
general area has been improving.
M/S/C (Edgmon/Neel ) continuing the application to January 13, 1988.
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
CASE 3.752. Application by JOHN WESSMAN for architectural approval of revised
site plan and elevations for remodel of the McCallum Civic Center complex
at the southeast corner of Tahquitz-McCallum Way between Indian Avenue/S.
Palm Canyon, CBD Zone, Section 15.
Planning Director stated that the revised proposal by developer John
Wessman would remove the library's east wing to create an opening to the
plaza behind, and that the wing was constructed at the same time as the
library, but was actually the original Desert Museum and that the AAC
recommended concept approval subject to conditions including the east
wing being removed and the area restored to its original condition. He
stated that the previous library remodeling proposal has been withdrawn by
the applicant, the front of the library will remain as it is, and that the
original library architect, John Porter Clark, left the original plans of
the old Desert Museum which should assist the working drawings for Mr.
Wessman. He stated that the long term status of the building as far as the
library operation is unknown and the agreement would allow the developer
the right of first refusal if the library is closed and the City were to
consider selling it. He stated that the east wing has approximately 1.200
Sq. ft.
Redevelopment Director requested Commission action on whether or not the
porches on the site should be open.
M/S/C (Curtis/Hough) approving the revised site plan and elevations subject
to the following conditions:
1. That the east wing portion of the library building be removed.
2. That the elevations of all sides of all structures be submitted.
3. That the porches be open.
4. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
December 9, 1987 PC MINUTES Page 15
CIfY COUNCIL ACTIONS. Update of City Council actions.
CASE 6.359-VARIANCE (Victors Restaurant Appeal ) . Council approved the
variance with the same basic findings as the Herman Wouk Variance.
ADDED STARTERS. (Determination of eligibility for consideration. ) None.
There being no further business, Chairman adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m.