Council Chamber, City Hall
August 13, 1986
1:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1986 - 1987
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to date
Larry Lapham, Chairman X 3 0
Hugh Curtis X 3 0
Hugh Kaptur X 3 0
Curt Ealy - 2 1
Earl Neel - 1 2
Gary Olsen X 2 0
Barbara Whitney - 0 1
Staff Present
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Siegfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
Carol Vankeeken, Planner
John Terell , Redevelopment Planner
Tom Lynch, Economic Development/Housing Director
Douglas Evans, Planner
Robert Green, Planner
Margo Williams, Planner
Dave Forcucci , Zoning Enforcement
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee - August 11, 1986
J. Cioffi , Chairman Absent: Chris Mills
William Johnson
Earl Neel
Tom Doczi
Curt Ealy
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1 :30 p.m.
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ; Whitney, Olsen absent) approving minutes of July 23, 1986
as submitted.
Commissioner Olsen entered the meeting.
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years. The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ; Whitney absent) taking the following actions:
CASE 3.231. Request by SOMERSET SPRINGS for architectural approval of revised
perimeter wall color for condominium project on E. Palm Canyon Drive
between Gene Autry Trail/Broadmoor Drive, R-3 Zone, Sections 29 & 30.
Approved as submitted.
CASE 3.947 (Continued) . Application by METROPOLITAN THEATERS for architec-
tural approval of final landscape plans for 6-plex motion picture
theater at 789 E. Tahquitz Way between Calle Alvarado/Calle E1 Segundo,
C-1-AA and R-4VP Zone, Section 14. (Ref. Case 3.309.)
Approved, subject to the following conditions :
1. That the palms be increased in height. (16' -18' -20' ) .
2. That the Rosemary be the "prostata" variety.
3. That the Wheeler's Dwarf be substituted with Natal Plum or
4. That a portion of the Crepe Myrtle be substituted with Brazilian
5. That the Mahonia be substituted with Stoke's Holly and that
Chamerops be added to the planter below the sign (as an accent) .
6. Increase size of Melaluca to 24" box and substitute Fern Pine with
36" box Melaluca.
for architectural approval of additional covered parking for condominium
project on the north side of Palm Canyon between Broadmoore Drive/Golf
Club Drive, R-3 Zone, Section 29.
Approved, subject to the following conditions:
1. Matching the existing carports , with the exception of the end
planter and column surrounds.
2. The the existing parking lot (which contains areas where striping
has faded) shall be restriped in accordance with Section 9306.00
of the Zoning Ordinance prior to issuance of occupancy permits .
CASE 3.888 (Continued) . Application by W. HOWLETT for the Vineyard Ltd.
Partnership for architectural approval of revised plans for awning for
existing shopping center on South Palm Canyon Drive, south of Tahquitz
Way, CBD Zone, Section 15.
Zoning Enforcement Officer stated that the AAC felt that the awning
should be of a singular type in the complex, but approved the awning on
the entryway of the French restaurant in the rear to expedite the
restaurant opening. He stated that the second story awnings in a darker
green were approved by the AAC whose members felt that the complex is in
need of redesign of paint, materials , and perhaps roof materials. He
stated that the AAC discussed the colors but did not resolve the issue
and gave no alternatives.
The discussion ensued on the "band-aid" approach to resolving the visual
problems of the center. Commissioner Olsen remarked that the project is
not being addressed as a whole. Chairman questioned the green color
Zoning Enforcement Officer stated that the AAC could not decide on the
colors after reviewing color samples submitted by the applicant.
W. Howlett of Palm Springs, designer, stated that the proposal is an
attempt to integrate the center, that the AAC recommended a busier pro-
posal to upgrade the project and suggested an overall study of the land-
scaping forms and materials for a stronger village concept. He stated
that the restaurant needs concept approval , that the AAC selected one
green , that there was at one time was another color palette of terra
cottas to warm beiges, that a variety of colors would be chosen if a
different approach were taken, that the entry awning to the restaurant
should be chosen carefully and that the applicant would accept any
practical color to expedite the process. He stated that he chose the
awning company because it has a durable awning in several shades of
Discussion on colors continued. Commissioner Kaptur stated that the
Commission feels that there should be a more conservative and elegant
approach to the downtown and that the chartreuse is proposed in order to
attract attention. Mr. Howlett stated that the darkest shades of green
were acceptable to the AAC and could be implemented. Commissioner
Kaptur suggested that the colors be muted. Mr. Howlett explained that
the AAC recommended a study of the project using bold bright colors . He
requested direction from the Commission since the direction of the two
bodies conflict. Commissioner Kaptur stated that the Planning
Commission direction should be taken since the Commission gives final
approval . He suggested that the color concept be discussed at a study
session. Chairman suggested that the Commission approve the one dark
green awning for the restaurant, and stated that there should be one
color although the AAC recommended a festive approach to the complex.
He requested a poll of the Commission. The consensus was that there
should be one or two colors only.
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ; Whitney absent, Olsen dissented) approving (1) the
French restaurant awning in the dark green color #1142; and (2) restudy
of the remaining awning concept for the Vineyard.
CASE 3.0048 (MINOR) . Application by WESSMAN DEVELOPMENT for architectural
approval of wood screen fencing for restaurant located at Cedar Creek
Inn, 1555 S. Palm Canyon Drive, PD-131, Section 22.
Planner (Vankeeken) stated that the fence was erected without a permit
to stop headlights which penetrate into the dining areas and that the
applicant intended that vines grow on the fence. She stated that the
fence is not set back enough from the curb, and that the AAC recommended
denial .
D. Keedy, 41 Pacifica, Palm Desert, the applicant, stated that he had
felt that the fence was an extension of the existing fence which had
received a permit, and that after notification by the city fees were
paid, and the fence was denied after that. He stated that the fence was
erected for aesthetics in the rear area and to keep headlights from
flashing into the restaurant.
Commissioner Curtis asked if something other than a fence would serve
this purpose. Mr. Keedy stated that plantings had been placed on the
inside. Commissioner Curtis stated that the restaurant is well designed
but that the fence is not in keeping with the architecture and should be
covered with plants to hide it.
Planning Director stated that the AAC recommended denial and removal of
the fence because the Committee felt that it was not in keeping with the
architecture, and that the goals could be achieved with landscaping and
other features. He stated that the fence is an unnecessary structure
and could be struck by vehicles and would be very difficult to remove
after vines were intertwined.
M/S/C (Olsen/Neel ; Ealy/Kaptur abstained; Whitney absent) denying the
fence proposal and directing that it be replaced by landscaping.
CASE 5.0393-PD-178 (Continued) . Application by the MAYER GROUP LTD. for a
Planned Development District in lieu of a Change of Zone to R-4 (high
density hotel and apartments) to construct a two-story 80 unit apartment
complex on Avenida Caballeros between Baristo Road/Ramon Road, R-G-A(8)
Zone, (Garden Apts. ) , Section 14.
(Environmental assessment; tentative approval . )
Recommendation: That the Commission order preparation of a draft
Negative Declaration, give tenative approval ; and continue the item to
August 27 for written response to the draft Negative Declaration.
Planning Director stated that the application was continued from July 23
for a full complement of Commissioners to be present. He explained the
history of the area stating that surrounding zoning had been changed to
R-4 in an agreement with the Indians in 1981, including the Rose Garden
Condominiums which were built to R-G-A(8) density prior to 1981. He
`.. described the architecture, configuration, and density of the project.
He explained that it is consistent with the General Plan, and that the
staff recommends that any density increase granted include 25% low- and
CASE 5.0393-PD-178 (Continued)
moderate-income housing per guidelines of the Economic Development and
Housing Division. He stated that staff has received a number of letters
in opposition to the proposal with many of the letters emanating from
the Rose Garden complex, whose homeowners object to the density and the
low- and moderate-cost housing, which they feel will adversely affect
their properties.
Planner (Vankeeken) presented the project and explained the configur-
ation, architecture, amenities , and surrounding zoning. She stated that
the AAC recommended approval , subject to conditions.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
D. Ring, 10960 Wilshire Blvd. , Los Angeles , stated that the attempt of
the proposal is to build a project that conforms to the General Plan and
is consistent with the neighborhood, that he sympathizes with the Rose
Garden homeowners concern regarding low- and moderate-cost housing, that
staff has suggested that this type of housing would clarify the Zoning
Ordinance regarding Indian zoning of the land, that the applicant would
to withdraw the low- and moderate-cost housing provision which was not
originally included in the application, that the plans call for a six-
foot sound wall next tothe Rose Garden to eliminate noise impacts , that
the Rose Garden units have no. visual line of sight to the proposed pro-
ject and questioned the validity of the Planning Director' s statement
that an 80-unit development generates an increase of 500 autos a day,
unless it is an aggregate from the proposed development and others in
the future (downstream) .
Planning Director stated that the Institute of Traffic
Engineers has a formula for calculating traffic which indicates 7 to 10
cars a day, (including service vehicles) for an apartment unit which
would be 800 cars (ten cars X 80 units) as a high figure, and that staff
has found that apartments in Palm Springs generate traffic on the high
side of the scale.
Mr. Ring stated that he would defer to the expertise of the Planning
Director and was just requesting clarification.
Chairman requested that those persons in the audience in opposition
raise hands. (Several people raised their hands. )
Mrs . M. Teitelbaum, 1121 Tiffany Circle South, objected to the project
stating that there is a nearby low-cost apartment building which
generates crime and makes the Rose Garden residents nervous , that 10 to
12 Rose Garden tenants have bedrooms which adjoin the proposal
(separated only by a wall ) , that with perimeter parking cars being
started in the morning will awaken the residents, that most of the
condominiums are second homes for weekenders, that the proposed two-
story structure will be visible, and that the density is too high. She
stated that traffic will be heavy and the signal light proposed as a
safety factor at the intersection would be more appropriate in a com-
mercial area, that more landscaping is not needed, since the Rose Garden
CASE 5.0393-PD-178 (Continued)
is heavily landscaped and some trees have been removed because of the
density, that as a broker for many years , she knows what happens with
apartment complexes, and that the proposal is not compatible with the
surrounding area.
T. Slate, 1285 Tiffany Circle South, stated that apartment complexes
cause the deterioration of the area such as has happened on Caballeros ,
that many Rose Garden homeowners are absent during the summer and cannot
comment, questioned the need for a Commission if a developer can build
anyway he wishes, that density is a factor, that projects in the area
have not sold because of their high density, and that two beautiful
hotels have not been full . He stated that the Convention Center will be
surrounded by this type of development, which will not be an attraction
to bring people into the City; and that successful complexes are low
density ones such as the Rose Garden, the Greenhouse and the Regency
which have much open space. He requested a reasonable development which
will not adversely affect the neighborhood.
Ms. R. Haig, 1120 Tiffany Circle North, requested the same consideration
of her area as is given to Palm Canyon Drive, that she owns a lot next
to Caballeros Estates which can be seen 30 paces from the edge of the
property, that the density is too high, and that she will hear noise
from the project. She stated that her property value will depreciate.
There being no further appearances, Chairman declared the hearing
In reply to Chairman's question, Planning Director stated that
Caballeros Estates is three-story and that a long-standing City policy
is that no density increase be granted, unless 25 percent of the units
are set aside as low- to moderate-cost housing, and that the Commission
could make the finding that there is a unique circumstance relative to
the General Plan designation of the property which allows an increase in
units . He stated that staff would pursue the density increase to allow
progress to be made in the overall housing needs of the City and that
the units would not be marked as such and would be integrated throughout
the project.
In reply to Commission question, he stated that the low/modeate
inclusion requirement could be deleted, if the proper findings were
made although the applicant is requesting 80 units with no conditions
on rental rates.
Discussion followed on rental rates . Economic Development and Housing
Director stated that one-bedroom moderate income rental rates would be
$350 to $360 a month. Chairman stated that he thought that two-bedroom
units for moderate income would be $460 a month. Mr. Ring stated that
two-bedroom would be nearer $750 a month.
Economic Development and Housing Director stated that guidelines are
provided by HUD and assist people up to 80% of the median income and
that the City has the ability to help persons up to 120% of the median
income with the figures being identified for the community by a federal
CASE 5.0393-PD-178 (Continued)
agency; and that rental rates in the $400/month range would be moderate
cost housing and under that would be low.
Planning Director explained various zoning densities (R-2, R-3, R-4) .
Commissioner Curtis stated that the Rose Garden residents and the
Commission have a legitimate concern because of the high density pro-
jects in the area which have not done well ; and that the Commission
would feel more comfortable with R-2 or R-3 zoning (which was suggested
previously by the Commission and not addressed by the applicant) , and
would be more appropriate because of the size of the property and the
proximity to single-family neighbors.
Chairman stated that the problem is a Catch-22 because of the change in
the zoning in 1981 which now indicates R-4, although the Rose Garden is
built to R-G-A(8) standards and that R-2. or R-3 is more appropriate as a
buffer for heavily traffic Avenida Caballeros and the almost single-
family use of the Rose Garden.
Discussion continued. Commissioner Ealy stated that the zoning is R-4.
Chairman suggested that the density be re-studied on the project and
that the AAC recommended approval of the architecture, but the group
does not consider zoning. Commissioner Curtis stated that one of the
elevations is similar to that of a church or school and could have a
better design.
Discussion followed on whether the issue of the density bonus should be
addressed in the motion. Planning Director stated that he had received
correct figures and they indicate that for moderate income a studio
apartment would rent for $317 a month; for a two-bedroom the rate would
be $434 a month. Commissioner Curtis asked about a density bonus if
the number of units were reduced. Planning Director stated that it is
within the prerogative of the Commission to delete the low-/moderate
cost housing provision with a finding that the dens ityisconsistent with
the current General Plan.
M/S/C (Curtis/Olsen; Kaptur abstained; Whitney absent) taking the
following actions:
1. That there be a restudy of the site plan, architecture and land
use (with a consideration of R-2 or R-3 Zoning) .
2. That the density bonus provision be eliminated.
CASE 5.0400-ZTA (Continued) . Initiation by the CITY OF PALM SPRINGS for
revisions to the Zoning Ordinance (all sections) .
(Commission response to written comments on Draft Negative Declaration.
No comments received. )
CASE 5.0400-ZTA (Continued)
Planning Director explained that although unexpected, Tribal Council
comments have just been received and indicate concern over some aspects
of the new ordinance, including retention of Ordinance No. 779 (Joint
Planning Procedures Ordinance) , incorporation of the Indian Appeal
Ordinance and procedures for processing Indian land use matters . He
stated that the Indians are also concerned about upgrading development
standards in M-1 and M-1-P Zones . He recommended continuance for staff
to review the Indian recommendations and the items questioned by realtor
Jim Hicks in a letter received by staff. He stated that the City has an
industrial zoning supply for 300 years and . staff is discouraging small
lot industrial subdivision because the M-1 and M-1-P are holding zones
and the City needs to be careful about premature subdivision of the
large parcels. He recommended a continuance to September 10.
Mrs. S. Carmichael , 15919 Snow Creek Road (in the County) , stated she
was a spokesman for the Pass Association and requested that the Zoning
Ordinance prohibit off-road vehicles in Sections 22 and 23 which adjoins
Snow Creek Village. She stated, if banned by the City, the County might
follow suit and preserve the vistas.
There being no further appearances , Chairman declared the hearing
M/S/C (Kaptur/Ealy; Whitney absent) continuing the item to September 10.
Since the proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance are City-wide in
nature and will affect both developed and undeveloped Indian trust land,
the Tribal Council has previously indicated its intent to consider the
final draft of these revisions and submit comments and recommendations
thereon to the City Planning Commission.
After consideration of the recommendations of the Indian Planning
Commission with respect to draft revisions dated 3/6/86, 5/8/86 and
6/12/86, the Tribal Council took the following actions:
1. Reiterated its action of June 10, 1986, to approve the filing of a
Negative Declaration.
2. Commended the City Planning Commission and the Planning staff for
their efforts to "streamline the contents, correct errors and to
bring the Ordinance into conformance with current operational
policies and procedures."
3. In view of the relatively large acreage of undeveloped Indian
trust land within the City of Palm Springs; and in keeping with
the intent to include procedures, rules and regulations related to
zonings, use and development of these lands in the Palm Springs
Zoning Ordinance as expressed in existing agreements between the
Tribal Council and City Council (Agreement No. 1324 dated July 26,
1977, and Supplemental Agreement No. 1 thereto, dated March 28,
1978) , the Tribal Council requested that the following Ordinances
CASE 5.0400-ZTA (Continued)
and Agreements relating to the use and development of Indian trust
lands be incorporated into the Revised Zoning Ordinance as a
separate section. This action would be consistent with the agree-
ments referred to above.
a. Ordinance No. 779 of the City of Palm Springs adopted March
13, 1967, and known as "The Joint Planning Procedure
b. Ordinance No. 5 of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla
Indians adopted December 12, 1978, and known as the "The
Tribal Land Use Appeal Ordinance."
C. Agreement No. 1324 between the Tribal Council and City
Council dated July 26, 1977. This agreement established the
current procedures , rules and regulations for processing
land use matters involving Indian trust land.
4. Concurred in general with the proposed revisions to the Zoning
Ordinance with the exception of Property Development Standards for
the "M-1" and "M-1-P Zones. Large acreage of undeveloped trust
lands are included within these zones.
The Tribal Council strongly disagreed with the standards being
proposed for lot areas, setbacks, landscape buffers, etc. These
standards appear to be very restrictive when compared with other
communities , are not attuned to the current market for industrial
properties with respect to space requirements , and become a
deterrent to attracting the types of industries which contribute
significantly to job opportunities and economic stabilization
within the community.
The Tribal Council urged that input be solicited from the business
community, including the City' s Economic Development Commission,
Riverside County Department of Community and Economic Development,
etc. , with the respect to the issues note above.
CASE 5.0403-CUP. Application by the FAIRWAYS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION to amend
a on itional Use Permit to alter conditions regarding parking require-
ments for a condominium project located on Crossley Road, north of
Avenue 34, 0-5 Zone, Section 20.
(This action is categorically exempt from Environmental Assessment per
CEQA guidelines. )
Recommendation: That the Commission approve the application, subject to
/established in the project CUP
Planner (Vankeeken) stated that the homeowners association presented the
application to change parking requirements/because many people have con-
verted their garages into living space and eliminated one parking space
CASE 5.0403-CUP (Continued)
from their units , although the original CUP required two parking spaces
per unit. She stated that 1.5 units are bachelor quarters, but that 171
units have garages and of these, since 1973, there have been 18 con-
versions, of which six do not have the required parking. She stated
that if all units were to convert, there would be a deficiency of 95
parking spaces , but that 28 spaces of common area parking would be
available and 159 additional spaces could be made available if curb
parking were utilized, which would result in a surplus of 107 parking
In reply to Commission question, Planning Director stated that curb
parking has been counted in other "multi" type projects , and the project
parking in this instance would be internal with no access to Rush or
34th Street.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
E. Matzner, 6141 St. Andrews Place, of the Fairways Homeowners
Association requested approval of the application and stated that many
people are in favor of the proposal .
L. Grossman, 6156 St. Andrews Place, property owner and member of the
homeowners association, requested that the application not be considered
since, although submitted under the Fairways Homeowners Association, it
was never discussed with the general membership who were not aware of
`�- the proposal until the public hearing notices were received. He stated
that he did not know if the money for the application fee was generated
by those who benefited by the proposal , but that the application should
not be considered until duly authorized; that some of the conversions
are illegal with compliance now being undertaken by the City's Building
Division, and that the application does not reflect the desires of the
homeowners or due process .
Planning Director read the names of the homeowners association board
members from the application form. At the request of Chairman,
Assistant City Attorney stated that it would not be in the Planning
Division or Planning Commission purview to verify authorized signatures
and the document is valid. He stated that any other problems are
internal and without City involvement. Mr. Matzner stated that he was
on the Board of Directors , that the minutes of previous meetings
indicate that the topic was discussed, and that the persons paying the
fee were the 18 persons who had garage conversions .
Mrs. T. Ward, 1707 Sunnydale Plaza, stated that she had no idea of the
proposal until she received a public hearing notice and that only 18
units have converted of which hers is one. She stated that the streets
are narrow and parking would clutter them and that she would re-convert
her unit, if necessary, to keep parking off the internal streets.
Planning Director stated that a letter had also been received from Sarah
Robbins of St. Andrews Place protesting curb parking which she feels
will be an inconvenience and making it easier for those who illegally
converted garages , and that street parking is prohibited in the CC&Rs.
CASE 5.0403-CUP (Continued)
Planning Director stated that he had received several phone calls asking
questions about the proposal .
Commissioner Ealy stated that the only opposition relates to the home-
owner' s association internal problems.
M/S/C (Ealy/Neel ; Whitney absent; Kaptur dissented) approving CUP 5.0403
based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions:
1. That the use applied for is properly one for which a conditional
use permit is authorized by the Zoning Ordinance.
2. That the use is desirable within the Community and is in harmony
with the various elements of the General Plan.
3. That the site is adequate for the intended use, however the design
does not further the high standards established for residential
development within the community.
4. That Fairway Circle is wide enough to accommodate curb parking on
either side of the road and that all cul-de-sacs are wide enough
to handle curb parking on one side of the road.
5. That the conditions imposed are deemed necessary to protect the
public health, safety and welfare.
6. That all homeowners with units that have garage conversions with-
out Planning Department approval and without building permits
shall obtain Planning Department approval and building permits
within 90 days of final approval of Case 5.0403 C.U.P.
1. That all homeowners proposing garage conversions shall obtain
approval from the City of Palm Springs.
2. That written Homeowners Association approval shall be submitted to
the Planning Department prior to issuance of Planning Department
approval .
3. That all garage conversions shall comply with current building
codes and shall be subject to current Health and Fire Department
4. That all illegal units obtain building permits and Planning
Division approval .
CASE 5.0406-PD-183. Application by JOHN WESSMAN for a Planned Development
District to allow construction of a mixed use of commercial/retail ,
CASE 5.0406-PD-183 (Continued)
office, and carwash on Sunrise Way between Ramon Road/Sunny Dunes Road,
R-G-A(8) Zone, Section 23. (Ref. Case 5.0371-PD-173. )
(This case was previously given an Environmental Assessment in conjunc-
tion with PD-173; a Negative Declaration was ordered filed by the
Recommendation: That the Commission order the preparation of a focused
EIR (Traffic Study) .
Planning Director stated that the application is unchanged from the pre-
vious one which failed to gain approval from the Council in 1985 by a
split vote.
In reply to Commission question, Assistant City Attorney stated that
although the application is unchanged, it was denied by the Council
originally and the application brought to an end; so it is necessary to
re-submit it for processing as though it were a new application.
Planner (Green) presented the staff report and described the
configuration of the site plan, access, and architecture. He stated
that the storm channel separates the project from the mobilehome park
off Ramon Road and that the issue of noise has arisen. He stated that
the submitted study indicates that 43 decibels will be generated by the
car wash and will affect a small portion of the mobilehome park, but
`•—' that General Plan traffic noise studies indicate that traffic noise
emanating from traffic Sunrise Way reach a 70 decibel CNEL level at the
source point. The noise from the traffic on adjoining street therefore
exceeds the noise levels to be generated by the carwash. He stated that
traffic statistics indicate that trips will increase, since the previous
zoning of the site was R-G-A(8) , however Planned Development District
has been submitted and proposed uses can be analyzed so that they do
not adversely impact the street. He stated that according to staff
analysis the carwash use will adversely impact the streets and possibly
the intersection of Ramon Road and Sunrise Way in the future, and that
staff is recommending that although a preliminary traffic study is com-
pleted, a focused EIR (Traffic Study) should be done to decide whether
or not the use is suitable or whether revisions should be made to the
project; and that changes may be necessary to the project as a result of
the traffic study. The applicant has indicated that he will modify the
project after preliminary approval if the study indicates it is neces-
sary. He stated that several comments have been received from the Sun-
flower Condominium homeowners (38 signatures on a petition and two
individual letters) that objections were that some homes will face the
car wash, that traffic will be increased, that noise will become a
problem, and that a commercial area should not be in such close
proximity to residential condominiums. He explained that the AAC recom-
mended approval of the architecture, but felt that egress for the car
wash should be restudied, and that the car wash could be re-located
within the site with circulation contained onsite to eliminate confusion
and direct access from the street.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
CASE 5.0406-PD-183 (Continued)
J. Wessman, 72200 Clancy Lane, applicant and developer, stated that he
has owned the site since 1976 and has several applications for the use
of the property, that the car wash would be aesthetically integrated
with the one-story building on the corner with another one-story
building at the end and a two-story building between. He explained the
current configuration stating that access points have been changed away
from the intersection, that a drying area for cars has been provided in
the lease agreement with Classic Car Wash (the carwash operators) , that
customers can leave cars to be washed while they shop, and that a
focused EIR is not appropriate at this time, since the streets are ade-
quate for traffic generated by the build-out of Ramon Road. He stated
that the same people will come to the carwash that would use the streets
anyway, that the use is allowed in neighborhood shopping centers in
other cities, and that the use will serve the surrounding neighborhood
primarily, not persons outside the City, because there are other car-
washs to serve customers in other areas. He stated that the traffic
generation figures are not close to the actual numbers , that the project
is a good one, that the City Council denied the use originally because
some of the members felt it was not a good use for the City, based on
experience with two existing carwashes which are antiquated and not
aesthetically pleasing. He stated that the proposed project is a well
designed one.
In reply to Commission question, Mr. Wessman stated that there is more
parking available than required, and that Classic Car Wash operators
�... feel that there is no problem because spaces are reserved for them and
that they do not anticipate more than 10 to 12 cars sitting in the
drying area. He stated that there is access between the center and the
carwash without traveling on the streets; and that modifications could
be made to the site, but that placing the carwash in the center of the
project would destroy the 32 acre site.
Discussion ensued on the entrance to the site. Mr. Wessman stated that
it is south of the church and is across from the Sunflower condo project
which is 200 feet away from the project and has a frontage road. He
stated that there is no shade grid for drying cars , but that there is
shade in areas where the cars are parked (on all three lanes), and that
there is landscaping between the project and the highway. He described
the drainage system and stated that the building could be moved five
feet north to allow more driveway and more space to the channel for
F. Scott, Sunflower Condominiums, stated that the windows of his con-
dominium face on the carwash and warned that the proposed use can happen
to anyone. He stated that the noise of the carwash will disrupt
Saturday services at the nearby church, and that the proposal is the
only carwash in an area where there are dwellings.
Mrs. F. Amadur, 1752 Camino Parocela, Sunflower Condominiums , stated
that her husband is president of the homeowners association and wrote
the letter in opposition which has 38 of 44 owners' signatures. She
stated that the applicant indicates the carwash, not the remainder of
the development, and that the residents would not object to a good
CASE 5.0406-PD-183 (Continued)
restaurant, office building, or retail , but object to the carwash. She
stated that a neighborhood carwash would not be economically feasible,
that the applicant' s reasoning is not understandable, that Camino
Parocela is a short street which has access to Mesquite Country Club,
that many persons did not receive notices because it is the middle of
summer, and that the City Council originally denied the project.
Chairman stated that the Planning Commission approved the application,
but that the Council denied it on a split vote.
R. Hanna, 410 Rio Vista, Sunflower Condominiums, stated that the appli-
cant is indicating 125 cars a day, but that a modern carwash strives for
economical viability for 400 to 600 cars a day which would result in one
car a minute "in" and one car a minute "out" of the facility. He stated
that what is being proposed is less than what will eventually happen.
J. Wessman (rebuttal ) stated that Classic Car Wash has thirteen units in
operation and averages 125 cars a day, and that he did not know about
the economic viability of the proposal . He stated that there are
carwashes in a three to four mile radius to serve other residents and
those using the carwash would be using the highway anyway.
Discussion continued. Commissioner Curtis stated that the Commission
approved the first proposal and should approve this because there are no
changes. Commissioner Olsen remarked that he had concerns about traffic
�... and that the proposal requires a traffic study.
Chairman explained to the Sunflower Condominium residents that noise
studies have been done that indicate 43 decibels and that there is a
large setback to the condos . He stated that the highway is noisier than
the carwash.
Planning Director recommended a traffic study prior to approval .
Chairman stated that the same conditions prevail as previously existed,
and to impose the cost of a traffic study on the developer without
Council approval of the project is not viable.
Planning Director stated that on the basis of a future document a
quality traffic study could indicate that no problems would be created
or the project should be totally redesigned.
Commissioner Olsen stated that north-south traffic is not a problem, but
that east-west traffic is and that the proposal needs a traffic study.
Planning Director stated that, if approved, the project could be sent to
Council , since an environmental assessment was done originally on the
Chairman stated that the project will be reviewed several more times by
the Council and Commission and will have public input.
CASE 5.0406-PD-183 (Continued)
M/S/C (Curtis/Olsen; Ealy, Kaptur abstained; Whitney absent) approving
PD 183, based on the following findings and subject to the following
1. That the overall use applied for is properly one for which a
Planned Development District application is authorized by the
Zoning Ordinance.
2. That the use is in harmony with the General Plan.
3. That the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the
use, including yards , setbacks, walls, landscaping and other
features required to adjust the use to existing and permitted
future uses of land in the neighborhood.
4. That traffic to be generated by the use may adversely affect the
adjoining streets and the intersection of Ramon and Sunrise Way.
1. That all conditions of the Development Committee dated July 18,
1985, shall be complied with.
2. That all mechanical equipment shall be screened.
3. That the exit to the carwash shall be revised to accommodate
parked cars adjoining the exit and ancillary driveways.
4. That the Final Planned Development District application shall be
submitted in accordance with Section 9407.00 of the Zoning
5. That a traffic study which analyzes the impact of the proposal on
the adjoining roads and intersection shall be submitted prior to
submission of the Final Planned Development District application
with the type of study (focused or total ) to be resolved with the
applicant by staff.
The Planning Commission reserves the right to impose conditions as
necessary as a result of the traffic study. Note: Such condi-
tions may affect the layout of the site the configuration of
adjoining streets.
6. That signs shall be subject to a separate application.
7. That the uses approved shall comply with the requirements of the
C-D-N Zone.
8. That the architecture is acceptable, except that the entry exit of
the car wash should be re-designed with details to be reviewed by
CASE 5.0406-PD-183 (Continued)
9. That the carwash should be built with the remaining portion of
Phase 1 and not be begun without the entire phase.
TPM 21270. Application by C. DUNHAM for a subdivision of land to divide
property pursuant to an approved Planned Development District at South
Palm Canyon Drive/Murray Canyon Drive, R-2 and 0-20 Zones (portion
I .L. ) , Section 34. (Ref. Cases 5.0185-PD-132, 5.0308-PD-155 and TTM
16495. )
(EIR was prepared in conjunction with the original planned development
District. )
Recommendation: That the Commission approve TPM 21270, subject to con-
ditions .
Planner (Williams) stated that the map application is to facilitate
conditions of approval to provide access to a dedicated road on a pre-
viously approved map (TTM 16495) . She described conditions of approval
and stated that the 11-lot subdivision will be reviewed architecturally
by the Planning Commission as the lots are developed.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
�... Mrs . D. Lawenda, 2850 Andalucia Court, stated that the proposed access
road would abut the Vista Canyon subdivision, that the homeowners
association has not had time to review the proposal , that the road may
cause security problems which would require an additional security
guard. She stated that a notice had been received regarding the
development from Mr. Platt, the developer.
J. Acquefreda, 1729 E. Palm Canyon, Control Security Services , stated
that the main concern is the security of the property if an access road
is constructed and the homeowners have no idea of the location. He
stated that the property would be difficult to secure because of the
road and that there is a problem with off-road vehicles on the rear of
the property at the present time.
Planning Director stated that there is no final road design from the
Platt development district, although the map does show the relationship
of the private road to the existing condominium project (Vista Canyon) .
Mr. Acquefreda stated that he had just been apprised that Mr. Platt will
give him plans and take him to the site and that the plans would then be
reviewed by the homeowners association.
Mrs . A. Weinrich, 2912 Cervantes Court, Canyon Heights, stated that she
had been unaware of the proposal and would like information on it since
the road abuts the Canyon Heights property.
H. Weinberg, 2644 La Condesa, Vista Canyons, stated that he was con-
cerned about construction blasting, debris, and the possibility of a
TPM 21270 (Continued)
change in the water drainage system in the area. He stated that the
road will destroy the beauty of the mountain backdrop west of the City.
Chairman stated that the project will be continued until the developer
gives a specific plan to the homeowners association for their review.
Ms. D. Frumeni of Lomita, California, requested information for her
employer (Mr. Chan) who owns property adjacent to the proposal .
Planner stated that the road will not be through Mr. Chan' s property,
but access will go through the Platt property.
There being no further appearances , Chairman declared the hearing
M/S/C (Curtis/Kaptur; Whitney absent) continuing the application to
August 27 for review by the adjoining homeowners association (Vista
Canyon) .
Although it was not noted in the agenda, this case includes Indian trust
lands. After consideration of the recommendations of the Indian
Planning Commission, the Tribal Council took the following actions:
L,. 1. Concurred with the findings listed in Planning Commission Staff
Report dated August 13, 1986.
2. Approved Tentative Parcel Map No. 21270.
3. Planning Staff Reprot indicates that TPM No. 21270 overlays TTM
No. 16495 which was conditionally approved in 1984. The report
also indicated that TPM No. 21270 has been filed for the purpose
of facilitating the development of TTM No. 16495 by the exchange
of Parcel 1 of TPM No. 21270 for access right sfor TTM No. 16495
to South Palm Canyon Drive. under the circumstances, Development
Committee conditions for TPM No. 21270 dated July 20, 1986, would
appear to be inappropriate.
The Tribal Council recommended that this matter be clarified prior
to Planning Commission action on TPM No. 21270.
Approval of architectural cases is valid for two years . The approval granted
must be exercised within that time period unless extended.
CASE 3.0022 (Continued) . Application by R. GENGLER for architectural approval
of revised elevations for a five unit apartment complex on Saturmino
Road/Calle Lileta, R-2 Zone, Section 13.
CASE 3.0022 (Continued)
Planner (Green) described the revised plan and stated that changes
include a trellis supported by two columns at the entry.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Olsen; Whitney absent) approving the application subject
to the following condition: That the preliminary landscape plans be
CASE 3.0078 (MINOR) Continued. Application by PORTALS for Arthur Friedman for
architectural approval. of revised awning program for Tackett Center at
120 North Palm Canyon Drive, CBD Zone, Section 15.
Zoning Enforcement Officer described the proposed revision to the center
in the 100 block of North Palm Canyon, which is under new ownership. He
stated that the owner wants to upgrade the center, that the revisions
have been reviewed previously, and the Commission felt that there were
too many colors, but that they have been reduced to a two color family
and the AAC has reviewed and recommended approval subject to conditions.
Commissioner Kaptur stated that the problem is the same as that of the
Vineyard and that a casually elegant environment should be created for
the downtown rather than a "casino" appearance to attract attention
which is not necessary in the first block on Palm Canyon Drive. He
suggested that a tri-color scheme - one color for the buildings, one for
the awnings, and an accent color be used.
Commissioner Ealy agreed. Chairman stated that the graphic "art deco"
approach is trendy and will become dated, and the building' s appearance
will be difficult to change in the future. He stated that a subdued,
elegant paint scheme is more appropriate.
Commissioner Kaptur remarked that the applicant is trying to improve the
center with minimal cost and that unless much money is to be spent, the
center should remain as it is with subdued colors and simple
Zoning Enforcement Officer requested clear direction on Planning
Commission direction and asked about the use of two colors and the
whether or not the configuration of the awning is a problem.
Chairman stated that color is the main issue.
A. Friedman, applicant and manager of the center, stated that the
building is "art deco" which is attractive and that he had thought that
the Commission would favor an elegant but casual approach. He requested
Commission direction and stated that the average tourist would find the
center appealing. He stated that he had brought some subdued color
samples to the meeting if the Commission wished to review them.
Discussion ensued on an appealing color combination. Commissioner
Kaptur suggested as an elegant color scheme: a light gray building,
maroon awnings, and a pink or white accent color.
CASE 3.0078 (Continued)
Mr. Friedman stated that the AAC has different opinions. Commissioner
Kaptur that the building needs to be beautified with color.
Mr. Friedman remarked that one color will not identify individual
merchants. Commissioner Kaptur stated that the identity is in the
windows .
M . Beatty, Portals, Palm Desert, requested that subdued color samples
be placed on the elevations on the display board and discussed the
colors with the Commission. Mr. Friedman stated that he preferred a
series of graduated grays on the front elevation. Mr. Beatty explained
that new colors shown on the board are a pallet ranging from beige to
mauve. Commissioner Kaptur suggested that the front be painted first
and again suggested gray, maroon (not mauve) , and pink or white as
accents. He stated that the applicant can return to the Commission if
the colors do not satisfy him after the front is finished.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Curtis; Whitney absent) approving the application subject
to the following conditions:
1. Restudy of entry canopy.
2. Restudy interior awnings on radius .
3. Restudy oriental awning on Indian and design it as a more sub-
stantial element.
4. Submit sign detail for stores (Alexia and Cena' s) .
5. Submit new lighting fixtures for Palm Canyon frontage.
6. Submit complete landscape plan, including both parking lots .
7. Submit colored elevation of north side of building, same scale as
Palm Canyon submittal .
8. Restudy alleyways .
9. Submit lighting plan for interior courtyard.
10. That the color scheme (for continuity) be as follows: building -
gray; awnings (including interior and Indian Avenue frontage) all
one color - maroon; accent color - pink or white.
CASE 3.0049. Application by RITA COTY for architectural approval of a 4-plex
complex at 600 Cabrillo Way between Junipero/Palm Canyon Drive, R-2
Zone, Section 3.
Chairman left briefly. Vice-Chairman presided.
Planner (Williams) presented the project, including colors, and stated
that it meets zoning requirements and is recommended for approval by the
AAC. She stated that a condition has been placed on the parking that no
CASE 3.0049 (Continued)
building permits be issued until the Zoning Ordinance is approved, and
if the bay parking portion of the ordinance is not approved, the site
plan must be revised.
J. Stanford, architect, stated that the AAC had discussed colors at the
meeting, that the color pallet is found in nature and in the desert
subt -ety (not as depicted by the Magic Marker colors) , that the site is
difficult, that the interior space is being maximized, and that the
complex will be built as economically as possible. He stated that
design of the exterior evolved out of concern for shading of the glass ,
and most of the elements are integrated with the overhang. He stated
that the three colors were picked from different color families but
integrate well .
M/S/C (Kaptur/Ealy; Whitney/Lapham absent) approving the application
subject to the following conditions:
1. That final detailed landscape, irrigation, and exterior lighting
plans be submitted.
2. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
Chairman returned.
CASE 3.0059. Application by MIKE ARCARO for architectural approval of auto
shop building on Del Sol Road, M-1 Zone, Section 34.
Planner (Vankeeken) presented the case and stated that it is a simple
building with adequate parking.
M/S/C (Neel/Kaptur; Ealy abstained; Whitney absent) approving the
application subject to the following conditions:
1. That all block be the same (either slump or precision) and all the
bonding be the same.
2. Fascia to extend just beyond the doorways on the end elevations
and that the fascia be vertical .
3. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
CASE 3.0082 (MINOR) . Application by ESTRELLA INN for architectural approval
of roof changes and window replacement at 415 S. Belardo Road, R-3 Zone,
Section 15.
Planner (Vankeeken) described the revisions and stated that the owner
� -� wants to stucco and repaint the building and modernize the cottages for
aesthetic and security reasons.
CASE 3.0082 (Continued)
D. Bean, the architect, stated that the flat roof portions will not be
M/S/C (Kaptur/Curtis; Whitney absent) approving the application subject
to the following conditions:
1. That clay barrel tile be used.
2. That the colors are approved; and that the main building color is
to match the townhouse and cottages.
CASE 5.0360-PD-170. Request by R. P. WARMINGTON COMPANY for reconsideration
of landscape plans for 195 unit hotel on E. Palm Canyon between R-2 and
R-3 Zones, Section 26.
Planner (Williams) stated that staff recommended that a berm and wall be
constructed to screen the parking from the street in addition to the
retaining wall on the Twin Palms frontage where parking is below grade
but that the applicant desires to add, for safety reasons, a wrought
iron fence on top of the retaining wall with plantings in front and
bottle trees on the reverse side.
M/S/C (Neel/Olsen; Ealy abstained; Whitney absent) approving the applic-
ation as submitted.
CASE 5.0414-CUP. Request by R. LANLEY/WILLIAM GARNER for architectural
approval of revisions for a restaurant at 500 E. Palm Canyon Drive, R-3
Zone, Section 23.
Planner (Vankeeken) presented the project and stated that the applicant
wants the restaurant to open by the first of the year. Discussion
followed on the rock work proposed.
J. Stanford, architect, explained that the applicants want a French
country appearance using rock and wish to change the window spacing for
hanging of artwork on the interior. He described minor revisions and
stated that the bar will be halved and moved downstairs with an
entertainment platform upstairs.
Chairman stated that the existing building is well designed and has good
M/S/C (Kaptur/Curtis; Whitney absent) continuing the application to
August 27 for a Planning Commission/AAC field trip on August 25 at
8 a.m.
CASE 3.0058 (MINOR) . Application by GOLDEN STATE SIGNS for architectural
approval of revised main identification sign for Cafe Mahvalous in the
Desert Fashion Plaza, North Palm Canyon Drive, CBD Zone, Section 15.
M/S/C (Curtis/Kaptur; Whitney absent) continuing the application to
`''' August 27 pending receipt of plans.
for architectural approval of a temporary trailer for classroom use at
the Palm Springs Youth Center, WRIC Zone, Section 19. (Ref. 5.0025-
CUP/Case 10.354-Determination. )
M/S/C (Kaptur/Olsen; Whitney absent) approving the application subject
to the following conditions:
1. That the trailer be oriented in a north-south direction.
2. That details be reviewed by staff.
CASE 5.0144-PD-166 (Continued). Discussion of windbreak plant material for
performance to date and possible alterations to plant list for the
AFCOM/Presley Homes project of mobilehomes and residences (low and
moderate cost housing) on the northwest corner of Sunrise Way/San
Rafael , 0-5 Zone, Section 35.
Planning Director stated that a maintenance and monitoring program has
been established after a field trip with two landscapers from the AAC to
the site.
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ; Whitney absent) establishing the following windbreak
maintenance program:
1. Oleanders.
a. Clean out watering basins at base of plant.
b. Apply 1 cup fertilizer (11-8-4) around each plant now and
again in a month and then every two months.
C. Rake fertilizer in lightly.
d. Maintain irrigation system to provide adequate daily
e. Allow height to increase to 14 feet before trimming.
f. Include entire line of oleanders (including plants north of
existing development.
2. Palm Trees .
a. Clean out watering basins at base of tree (approximately 12"
around tree) .
b. Apply 1 cup fertilizer (11-8-4) around each tree now, again
in a month and then every two months.
C. Maintain irrigation system to provide adequate daily
CASE 5.0144-PD-166
`-f d. Leave all fronds on tree to encourage development of broad
canopy effect.
e. In addition to fertilizer add 1 cup of blood meal to each
CASE 3.758 (Error in case number and description on the Agenda) . Application
by RATTNER INVESTMENTS NO. III for architectural approval for a one and
two story apartment complex of 129 units located on Farrell drive
between Hwy 111 on the south and Sonora Road on the north in an R-3
Zone, Section 24.
Planner (Green) stated that parking is to be provided under carports in
the complex and explained the open space on the project.
M/S/C (Olsen/Neel ; Kaptur abstained; Whitney absent; Curtis dissented)
approving the application as submitted.
NOTE: Commissioner Curtis dissented because of lack of open space in
the project.
CASE 3.856. Application by LUCINDA D. ROMANO for architectural approval of a
4-plex complex on Cottonwood Road between Vista Chino/Chuckwalla Road,
R-2 Zone, Section 11.
Planner (Green) stated that the applicant accepts the restudy recommend-
M/S/C (Kaptur/Olsen; Whitney absent) for a restudy of the architecture
as follows:
1. That more usable open space be added (private patios suggested) .
2. That the room orientation/site plan be revised/simplified.
CASE 3.960. Application by BENEQUITY PROPERTIES for architectural approval of
revised site plan and garden center for K-Mart for community shopping
center on Farrell Drive between Tahquitz-McCallum Way/Baristo Road, CSC
Zone, Section 13.
Planner (Williams) explained the revised site plan and the proposed
garden center for K-Mart. She stated that the working drawings of the
garden center show a trellis with unappealing light fixtures above the
wall and that the AAC recommended a restudy of the trellis and lighting.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Olsen, Whitney absent) approving the application subject
to the following conditions:
1. That the revised site plan is approved.
2. That the garden center be restudied (trellis and lighting to be
integrated with the building design) .
CASE 3.960 (Continued)
3. That the metal flashing (at the garden center) be deleted.
CASE 3.0092 (MINOR) . Application by FAIRMONT SIGNS for K-Mart for
architectural approval of main identification sign for business in
existing shopping center on the southwest corner of Farrell
Drive/Tahquitz-McCallum Way, CSC Zone, Section 13.
M/S/C (Ealy/Kaptur; Whitney absent) continuing the application to August
27 for receipt of accurate plans.
CASE 3.0089 (MINOR). Application by KEITH MCCORMICK for architectural
approval of outside dining addition to an existing restaurant for resort
at 2601. Golf Club Drive, R-3 Zone, Section 29.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Neel ; Whitney absent) approving the application subject to
the following conditions:
1. That final awning color and material to be approved by staff.
2. That replacement details of existing awnings to be reviewed by
3. That all recommendations of the the Development Committee be met.
CASE 5.0410-MISC. (CONTINUED). Planning Commission review of DESERT WATER
AGENCY capital improvement program (CIP) .
M/S/C (Curtis/Kaptur; Ealy abstained; Whitney absent) finding that the
DWA CIP is in conformity with the General Plan .
CASE 5.0411-MISC. (CONTINUED). Planning Commission review of a draft EIR for
the Riverside County Redevelopment Agency for projects within the City's
Sphere of Influence.
Planning Director stated that staff had recommended that all areas in
the City be deleted from the redevelopment plan, but that the City' s
Redevelopment Director has requested that a meeting be held between
staff and the County Redevelopment Director.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Neel ; Whitney absent) continuing the item to August 27.
CASE 5.0412-MISC. (CONTINUED). Planning Commission review of revision to
South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1307 (a) affecting air
Planning Director stated that the item is being removed from the agenda,
because of prior Council action which opposes the particular revision.
CASE 5.0412 (Continued)
He stated that the proposed revision makes it easier to locate polluting
industries on the eastern side of the County with a minimal effect on
air quality, but that any lessening of air quality standards is opposed
by the Council .
CASE 10.362 - DETERMINATION. Planning Commission determination that an out
patient veterianarian clinic is an allowable use in the CDN Zone city-
Planning Director explained that the use would be placed in the Zoning
Ordinance but was not in effect presently and that the veterinarian is
anxious to establish the clinic.
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ; Whitney absent; Ealy dissented) determining that an
out patient veterinarian clinic is an allowable use in the CDN Zone.
CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS. Planning Commission Update on City Council actions.
CASE 5.0258-PD-145. Council did not choose to process the revised plan.
AAC PROCESS. To be reviewed at September 17 Planning Commission Study
Session. Also newly appointed Commissioner Barbara Whitney will replace
Commissioner Neel on the AAC.
held. Next regularly scheduled study session will be September 17 at 3
p.m. in the Large Conference Room.
There being no further business to discuss, Chairman adjourned the
meeting at 5:40 p.m.
Council Chamber, City Hall
August 27, 1986
1:30 P.M.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1986 - 1987
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to date
Larry Lapham, Chairman X 4 0
Hugh Curtis X 4 0
Hugh Kaptur - 3 1
Curt Ealy X 3 1
Earl Neel X 2 2
Gary Olsen X 3 0
Barbara Whitney X 1 1
Staff Present
Siegfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
Douglas Evans, Planner
Robert Green, Planner
Margo Williams , Planner
Dave Forcucci , Zoning Enforcement
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee - August 25, 1,986
J. Cioffi , Chairman Absent: William Johnson
William Johnson
Chris Mills
Earl Neel
Tom Doczi
Curt Ealy
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1 :30 p.m.
M/S/C (Curtis/Neel ; Kaptur absent) ) approving minutes of August 13, 1986 as
There were no Tribal Council comments .
Chairman welcomed new commissioner Barbara Whitney, local realtor and long
time resident, stating that she will contribute a great deal to Commission