Council Chamber, City Hall
December 14, 1983
1:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1983 - 1984
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to date
Richard Service, Chairman X 9 2
Hugh Curtis X 10 1
Hugh Kaptur X 8 3
Peter Koetting X 10 1
Don Lawrence X 11 0
Paul Madsen X 10 1
Sharon Apfelbaum X 10 1
Staff Present
John Mangione, Director of Community Development
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Sigfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
George Parmenter, Traffic Engineer
Dave Forcucci , Zoning Enforcement Officer
Douglas R. Evans, Planner III
Robert Green, Planner II
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee Present - December 21, 1983
James Cioffi , Chairman
Earl Neel
Chris Mills
Hugh Curtis
William Johnson
Sharon Apfelbaum
Michael Buccino
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
MSC (Madsen/Lawrence) approving minutes of the November 23 meeting as
• Chairman explained that the Consent Agenda process adopted by the
Commission to expedite the meeting. Commissioners removed two items
from the Consent Agenda for further review.
Planning Director stated that although the Commission can disapprove
time extensions, there are no design issues involved with the items on
the December 14 agenda and the projects would be approved if submitted
today. He stated that staff would recommend approval .
The following items are routine in nature and haev been reviewed by the
Planning Commission, AAC, and staff. No further review is required, and
all items are approved by one blanket motion upon unanimous consent.
M/S/C (Lawrence/Koetting) and unanimously carried approving and/or
taking other actions on the following applications subject to all
conditions of staff, Development Comittee and the AAC as follows and
ordering the filing of a Negative Declaration as indicated:
THIRD AND FINAL TIME EXT. TTM 16747 Revised. Request by L. PHILLIPS &
ASSOCIATES for New World Development, Inc. for a third and final 12-
month time extension for a subdivision of land for condominium purposes
on the northeast corner of Indian Ave./Racquet Club Rd. , R-2 Zone,
• Section 2.
for F. D. Management Co. for a 12-month time extension for map and
planned development district for condominium purposes east of Bogert
Trail , north of Andreas Hills, UR Zone, Section 36.
Conditions: Approve subject to the original conditions of approval .
The new expiration date for both the map and the Planned Development
District will be January 20, 1985.
TIME EXT. TTM 18302 and CASE 5.0120. Request by HACKER ENGINEERING for J.
Snedecker for third and final time extension for TTM 18302 and Case
5.0120 for 12-month time extension for subdivision of land for
condominium purposes on the southwest corner of Morongo Trail/Araby
Drive, R-1-B Zone, Section 25.
Conditions: Approve subject to all original conditions. New expiration
date will be for both the CUP and the map will be January 20, 1985.
CASE 3.205. Application by C. DUNHAM for S. Appel for architectural approval
of revised materials and final roof tile for condominium project on
Escoba Drive between Beverly Drive/E. Palm Canyon Drive, R-3 Zone,
Section 24.
Conditions: 1) That a colors and materials board be resubmitted; 2)
• that a stucco contrast be used in-lieu of siding and resubmitted; 3)
that vertical siding be used on the garage doors; and 4) that the
approval does not include the end elevations of Building "E" (restudy of
the stairways is required) .
CASE 3.250. Application by B. CRAWFORD for M. Badalian for architectural
. approval of revised colors and landscape plans for 110-unit apartment
building on Ramon Road between Calle Encilia/E1 Segundo, R-4 VP Zone
(I.L. ) , Section 14.
Conditions: 1) Landscape plans, revised roof tile, architectural
elements are approved; 2) restudy of the color of the building.
CASE 3.512. Application by F. MATIJASICH for architectural approval of
grading plan for access driveway for single family residence on
Southridge Dr. between Tigertail Lane/Southridge Circle, R-1-A Zone,
Section 25.
CASE 3.633 (MINOR) . Application by B. STRIMLING for Buddy' s Deli for
architectural approval of exterior dining area for restaurant at 401 E.
Tahquitz-McCallum Way, C-1-AA Zone (I .L. ) , Section 14.
Condition: That the umbrella colors and bench details be submitted for
staff approval .
CASE 3.635. Application by S. WILLIAMS for E. Williams for architectural
approval of single family, hillside residence on Stevens Rd. between
Rose Ave./Via Monte Vista, R-1-A Zone, Section 10.
• Condition: That all recommendations of the Development Committee be
CASE 3.637 (MINOR) . Application by B. KOHLER for architectural approval of
revised landscape plan for wall between 1430 and 1442 Vista Chino, R-1-C
Zone, Section 2.
Condition: That details of the mounding be approved in the field by
staff prior to installation of turf.
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by NUTRI JUICY for architectural approval of
main identification sign and wall graphics at 575 S. Williams Road, M-1
Zone, Section 19.
Condition: That the graphic be returned on the north and south walls
for several feet and dropped vertically.
CASE 3.594. Application by R. GREGORY for the City of Palm Springs for
architectural approval of landscape plan for City Hall expansion, C-C
Zone, Section 13.
Condition: Approval with changes as noted on the plans.
CASE 5.0201-PD-135. Application by D. CHRISTIAN for Jewish Community Center
for architectural approval of temporary addition to existing school
facility, P.D. 135, R-1-A Zone, Section D.
• Conditions: 1) That a rolled plaster parapet be used in lieu of the
redwood facia; 2) that all recommendations of the Development Committee
be met; 3) that the banister comprised a plaster wall with brick cap;
and 4) that windows be mounted from the inside.
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 and TTM 18370 (Revised) (Ref. Case 5.0173-PD-127) (Cont'd. ) .
Application by C. MILLS for J. Temple for a planned development
district for a golf course/600-unit condominium project on Ramon Rd.
between E1 Cielo Rd./Sunrise Way, R-1-C, W-R-1-C & R-G-A(8) Zones
(I.L. ) , Section 24.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration,
action for filing, and final approval . Comments received from Historic
Site Preservation Board, Community Services Department and state and
local water quality agencies. )
Recommendation: That the Commission approve the Planned Development
District application subject to conditions.
Planning Director stated that the Planned Development District (PD) has
been revised and expanded from a previously approved PD with the
applicant proposing a condominium project on the property. He stated
that the golf course has some modifications from the original, that
there are concerns about the clubhouse location, and that the project is
scheduled for the December 21 Council meeting if approved by the
Planner III noted the following concerns:
• Density. Staff is recommending 571 units; the applicant is requesting
600. The units will be lowered in height through grading. Applicant is
proposing two-story units in Site 4 next to existing single-family
residences. Staff is proposing that the 11 units in this site be
transferred to the other site and that 29 units be removed entirely.
Improvements. Applicant will install all improvements on all major
streets in the area.
Open Space and Amenities. Conforms to the General Plan.
Deviations. Project densities and two-story development.
Environmental Assessment. Previously given in conjunction with PD-127
(P. Trenchard project) . Remaining impacts are local in nature.
Mitigative measures will reduce the unit count to 571 units with ten
units to be disbursed throughout the project. If site cross-sections
are adopted by the Commission for Phase 4, the impact of two-story
dwelling units are minimized. Groundwater degradation is concern of
Tribal Council but the project has been reviewed by the regulating
agencies with minimal comments from them and the County Health
Department will review the plans. Comments received from the Health
Dept. will be sent to the Tribal Council . Mitigative measures from PD-
127 have been included in Planning Division comments.
Correspondence. Comments received from residents in the area include
. the following:
A request to have no clubhouse access directly to Farrell Drive (prefers
access on Mesquite) ; screening materials should be added for clubhouse;
construction and blowsand problems; residents bought in the neighborhood
because of the residential quality of the area; opposition to density of
Site 4; proposed small units will not enhance the neighborhood; loss of
I ill f-ll-p rlpt rinr-tinn in the rm-lity of
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd.)
Other issues include:
Roadway Easement. Fairchild golf course will be disrupted if Mesquite
is extended. Improvements could be delayed if cash bond were posted (to
be returned to the project in ten years if improvements are not
constructed) .
Traffic Signal and Golf Cart Crossings. Cash bond can be posted until
signals are necessary and with money to be returned to the project if in
ten years signals are not installed.
C.C. & R. ' s. To be submitted for Commission approval .
Public Golf Course. No memberships to be sold. Use of the course is
available to hotels for conventions on a reservation basis.
Development Committee Recommendations. Comments received from Economic
Development, Historic Site Preservation Board and Community Services
Department. (Comments on file in the Planning Division office. )
Tribal Council Comments. Tribal Council has concerns regarding
degradation of the groundwater resources due to the use of chemicals on
the golf course.
Tahquitz Regional Park Plan. Golf Course is proposed in the wash.
• Staff recommends corridors of play in a desert setting. Applicant
proposal not consistent with the Tahquitz Creek Regional Plan.
Circulation Plan. Being studied. Five roadways proposed in the General
Plan of Circulation which would create a future conflict with golf
course, (Sunny Dunes, Mesquite, Compadre, Ramon and Cerritos) . Mesquite
is planned to be extended to E1 Cielo on the General Plan. Traffic
Engineer's recommendation is to wait to see project's impact before
extension (with a bond to be posted) . In applicant's proposal , Mesquite
would be terminated at the entrance to the project and the bikeway would
be constructed. The applicant was proposing an alignment through the
wash which was not acceptable to the City. Mesquite will be extended
through to El Cielo when demand justifies it. This will be reviewed in
conjunction with the Fairchild Golf Course. The applicant has been
urged to negotiate an alternate easement since the City has easement
through the Fairchild Golf Course.
In response to Commission questions, Planner III stated that the number
of units had increased over the Trenchard proposal of 400 units because
the applicant acquired more land; that the previous applicant was
primarily a golf course developer, and that the present applicant is a
condominium developer who has requested to use the General Plan density
and not zoning density. He stated that specific fencing and/or well
details had not been resolved but will be included in final development
plans which will be reviewed by the Commission. He stated that Mesquite
is part of the scenic corridor plan and that the Sunshine Villas parcel
• acquired by the applicant is zoned W-R-1-C and is part of the open space
of the golf course. He noted that staff recommends deletion of all
dwelling units north of Mesquite and that these units can be transferred
to sites 1, 2 and 3; that 80 percent of the units meet City requirements
on 1150 minimum sq. ft. with 20% below that. He discussed the
elevations of the display board and explained Site 4 as follows: site
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
. cross-sections show that the two-story unit roofs will be below the site
level of the adjacent single-family residences. The actual height will
not be known until grading plans are submitted. Any revisions to the
height can be reviewed by the Commission. The grading plan can be
adopted by the Commission as a conditional of approval of final
development plans. Landscaping will be dense for privacy and the golf
course and the condominiums will have integrated landscape. He stated
that 29 units are recommended to be eliminated by staff leaving 11 units
to be dispersed to the other sites.
Chairman explained that the value of condominiums are appraised in the
field with other condominiums and that single-family residences are
appraised along with other single-family residences; therefore
condominium value do not affect single-family home values. He stated
that if, for example, seven different projects were developed on the
land, 571 units could be built, and that how they are arranged on the
land is the process of transferring of density.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
C. Mills, 278-C North Palm Canyon, the applicant and architect,
requested that the requirements for a soils report and sprinklering of
detached carport structures be deleted. He stated that the extension of
Mesquite to Compadre presents no problem to the developer and requested
that the condition in the Development Committee minutes indicates that
• the City Council can extend Mesquite at any time but that the applicant
does not want it extended until it can be extended to El Cielo for the
protection of the existing single-family residential neighborhood. He
requested also that stamp-crete be approved on Mesquite and stated that
600 units are justified according to the developers calculations with
transferring of density from the flood control easement. He stated that
construction in the easement area must be approved by the Riverside
County Flood Control District and theoretically a megastructure could be
built over the area with flood control water underdeath. He stated in
response to a Commission question that the proposed stamped paving can
be removed if Mesquite is extended and that the one-bedroom units which
are below the required square footage of 1150 sq. ft. have been designed
to add variety to the project and to have flexibility in the design. He
stated that a grove of Palo Verde trees will be preserved, although the
grove is probably more desert willow than Palo Verde and that the bike
path will traverse the grove area.
Ted Detlaff, President of the Sunshine Villas Homeowners Association,
spoke in favor of the project and stated that most of the homeowners
enthusiastically support the project although some concerns have been
expressed about the density.
E. Kass, former President of Sunshine Villas Homeowners Association, and
multiple property owner, spoke in favor stating that the project would
alleviate the present blighted area and improve the area tax base and
help to enhance the City's image.
• J. K. Moran, 777 E. Tahquitz-McCallum Way, whose home residence is on
Alta Loma, spoke in opposition stating his home was near to the Site 4
area. He noted that he lives downwind from the project, that his view
would be obstructed, that the elevations resemble apartments and are not
compatible with the existing single-family residences. He stated that
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
• the units sell below the price range in the neighborhood and that there
are areas in other parts of town where the lower price units would be
acceptable. He stated that although the Chairman explained the
appraisal process for single-family residences and condominiums, the
process is not always valid since buyers determine the price of a home,
that the benefits of the golf course would not be realized by the
existing homeowners, that desirable starting times will be taken by the
hotels and that the public would not be able to use the course. He
stated that the homes will be affected by pesticides and the increased
humidity generated by the project and that there is no indication of
wood rail fencing which is more acceptable than a wall . He stated that
the environmental assessment has not addressed noise and traffic
generation if Mesquite and Compadre were extended, that the extensions
would ruin the Fairchild Golf Course, that there is no need for the
Mesquite extension to be four lanes, and that there will be pollution
from the restaurant in the form of noise and odors. He stated that the
clubhouse should be constructed on Ramon and that current dust control
methods during construction are not successful, he stated that
mitigative measures only reduced damage, not eliminate it; and that
effluent is not always up to required standards and could become a
nuisance. He stated in response to a Commission question that he lives
four houses from the project on Alta Loma and that the fumes from the
Fairchild Restaurant blow away from his home.
R. F. Fixa, 567 Sunshine Circle, stated that the environment of some of
the residents will be sacrificed for the entire group and that he had
• not signed anything in support of the project. He stated that he had
requested a plot plan from the developer but had never received one and
described his residence location as surrounded by the project with
condominiums, the maintenance yard, a road behind his home with a wall ,
and two tennis courts. He stated that the project will lower his
property values and obscure his view; and that he was expressing
concerns of his neighbors Sam Josephson as well . He stated also that
although the golf course is acceptable, the other factors are not; and
requested consideration for the four units in the Sunshine Villas
affected by the proposal . He stated that conditions should be required
of the developer to alleviate these problems.
Harry Berg, 3155 E. Ramon Rd. , former City Planning Director (1946-47) ,
spoke in favor stating that the golf course would be of economic and
social benefit to the City; and that he was a member of the Board of
Directors of Palm Villas which has not voted formally to support the
project but whose members are in favor.
J. Moreland, 1010 S. Farrell Drive, opposed the placement of the club
house at the corner of Mesquite and Farrell and stated that it should be
relocated north of the Wash as it was relocated in the Trenchard project
after neighbors complained. Chairman stated that the City could
authorize a restaurant and a golf course in a residential area. Mr.
Moreland stated that he was told that the area could be used only for
single family residences or a park and again requested relocation of the
• club house north of the Wash.
C. Mills (rebuttal) stated that the smaller units will be priced at
approximately $75,000 ($100/sq. ft. ) ; that the maintenance building
would be for golf course purposes only with parking facing the golf
course; that the building would be sunken; that the wall facing the
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
homeowners would be a block-wall with berming and mounding for lowering
of its height; that the other tennis courts are sunk four feet; that
deliveries to the maintenance building will be only during business
hours; that only employees will be using the road; that no ones privacy
will be violated by any two story unit because of orientation and
buffering; and that the maintenance building is in its most feasible
location from an access standpoint.
Chairman summarized concerns as follows:
1. Two story units are in a close proximity to the existing one-story
single family residences.
2. Location of the maintenance building and the tennis courts could
be a problem. (He stated that the applicant had answered some of
these questions. )
3. Wastewater effluent for golf course irrigation.
4. Location of the equestrian crossing on Farrell . (No longer a
5. Club house location.
6. Improvements on Mesquite and Compadre.
. 7. 20% of the units do not meet the City's minimum dwelling size
requirements of 1150 sq. ft.
Kaptur: The maintenance building should be relocated because of
equipment noise; the temporary construction problems of the
golf course will be overshadowed by the benefits received
such as blowsand alleviation and beautification; one bedroom
condos are necessary in a project such as the subject
project; the project will be well maintained; club house
relocation should be considered (perhaps moved north with
the golf course adjusted to accommodate it); Mesquite should
be extended (the City has rights-of-way to do this and
applicant knew this in advance. )
Koetting: Concept has changed from a golf course augmented by housing
to a residential development in conjunction with a golf
course to facilitate new hotel development; the public will
have access; the design of the course should be of high
quality; the club house could be moved and not change the
character of the project; the two story units could be
relocated on Parocela and the maintenance building
relocated; there is no problem with the proposed cut-de-sac
since the street (Mesquite) is temporary; Condition No. 6 of
• the Planning Division revised conditions should be deleted
since memberships give a club vitality and in this case the
public is allowed access to the course; the soils report
should be waived; the fire department requirement for
sprinklering of detached carports should be deleted; and the
following wording should be added to original staff
condition No. 5: "and maintained as open space."
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
Lawrence: Share same concerns as Commissioner Koetting; the units will
be approximately $75,000 which is not a value problem; the
size of the units will not accommodate families; the golf
course will be well operated; the maintenance building/yard
area and effluent water use are problem; 600-unit number is
acceptable; the club house should be relocated perhaps next
to the tennis courts; decreasing the project by 30 units
will not be of benefit; and memberships should be allowed.
Apfelbaum: Project is in keeping with the Tahquitz Regional Park plan;
the scenic corridors on Mesquite should be maintained (no
units should be built north of Mesquite) ; 20% of the units
do not meet standards (maybe the tradeoff could be loss of
units north of Mesquite) ; club house and maintenance yard
should be restudied; two-story units affecting Sunshine
Villas should be relocated; and effluent is probably not a
Curtis: Share concerns of the others; the area of open space should
be maintained; and club house should be relocated.
In response to questions by Commission, Mr. Mills stated that the club
house is in its present location because in the Trenchard proposal, the
golf course area was larger, and that the present location is at the
floodway line in the subject proposal ; and that there would be many
• problems in relocating the club house.
Curtis: Suggested that the club house be moved to the area of the
11th tee; that the equestrian area may be a problem because
of erratic golf balls but perhaps it could be screened; that
he was concerned over the extension of Mesquite (this is the
opportunity to make Mesquite a secondary thoroughfare) ; that
site 4 has been designed well but surprised that residents
did not protest; that the maintenance building should be
relocated; and that he lives in the vicinity and does not
get odors from Fairchild's restaurant.
Chairman: Not concerned about the 600-unit number since the community
is receiving benefits from the project such as flood control
improvements; streets probably would not be required in the
future because of maintenance problems; the 29 units
recommended to be deleted by staff would make a difference
to the economics of the project; the developer has a good
record and the details can be resolved with him; revised
maintenance yard/building area will be reviewed with final
development plans and impact of the club house will be the
same wherever it is located; Mesquite crossing the south
side of the wash is preferable; and that a parking lot does
not have to be flood free and could be better buffered from
the street.
• Planner III stated that if the Commission approves the 600-units, a
finding must be made as follows: "That the Zoning Map indicates a 100
to 200 ft. Watercourse Zone and that the Commission finds the 300 ft.
easement for removing the density is not the manner in which the
Commission interprets the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. "
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
M/S/C (Lawrence/Koetting; Madsen abstained) ordering the filing of a
Negative Declaration and approved PD-153 with the following findings and
subject to the following conditions:
NOTE: Condition No. 6 of the supplemental staff report and 9 under
General of the Engineering Division/Development Committee requirements
are deleted.
1. That the use applied for at the location set forth in the application is
properly one for which a planned development district is authorized by
the Zoning Ordinance.
2. That the proposed condominium development and golf course is desirable
for the development of the community, is in harmony with objectives of
the General Plan and will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses
specifically permitted in the zones in which the property is to be
3. That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to
accommodate all uses and all yard setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping
and other features required to adjust the proposed use to those existing
or permitted uses on land in the neighborhood.
4. That the site for the proposed use is located on Farrell Drive, Ramon
• Road, and Mesquite Avenue which are adequately designed to carry the
type and quantity of traffic expected to be generated. That the General
Plan of Circulation indicates four planned roadways which would bisect
the golf course thereby creating a future conflict if constructed.
These roadways are Sunny Dunes, Mesquite Avenue, Compadre Road, Ramon
Road and Cerritos Road.
5. That availability of the golf course to convention hotels will result in
a community wide public benefit and promote the generel welfare of the
6. That the regional environmental impacts were addressed in the environ-
mental assessment for PD-127 (Case 5.0173) and that State Clearinghouse
review of regional impacts has been completed and that State Clearing-
house review is not necessary for the addendum environmental assessment
and that a Negative Declaration of environmental impact has been
7. That proposed golf course encroachments into the floodway are minor and
consistent with the Tahquitz Creek Recreation Area plan and other ele-
ments of the General Plan including Open Space and Conservation Ele-
8. Although the two-story buildings will alter development patterns, the
development of the project perimeter is designed to compliment adjacent
• development and to have limited impact on view corridors.
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
• 9. That parcels 4 and 5 as indicated in the legal description of the
planned development district are not required to be included on Tenta-
tive Tract Map 18370 provided a covenant or easement is provided so the
parcels become part of the golf course for the term of the lease and for
as long as this planned development district is active.
10. That for purposes of determining the allowed density, the developer will
be given credit for that portion of the land under easement for flood
control purposes.
1. That recommended conditions of approval from the Development Committee
dated December 6, 1983 be incorporated as conditions of approval .
2. That all mitigative measures as identified in the environmental assess-
ment as amended in this report be adopoted as conditions of approval .
3. That all conditions of the Architectural Advisory Committee be incor-
porated as conditions of approval as follows:
a. Final Elevations - Phase I & II - approved subject to the use of
bronzed windows, glue lam beams and increase of overhangs (3'
min. ) .
b. Final Landscape, Irrigation & Exterior Lighting Plan (Phase I &
• II) - approved subject to the following:
1. That camphor be deleted and a golf course tree be added.
2. That the details of the landscape transition between condo-
miniums and golf course be submitted to the Planning Comm-
C. Tile - Restudy noting that barrel tiles, as originally submitted,
be used with 60% mortar.
d. Grading/Signs/Colors - approved as submitted.
4. That 600 dwelling units be developed on Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 as indicated
on TTM 18370 and that Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 and Parcels 4 and 5 per the
Planned Development District legal description which encompasses the
golf course remain permanent open space.
5. Pursuant to Condition No. 4 above Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 and Parcels 4 and
5 per the Planned Developm;ent District legal description as indicated
on Tentative Tract Map 18370 have a note placed on the final map which
states "permanent open space for flood control and golf course purposes
only and maintained as open space" .
6. That one additional lot may be permitted for the clubhouse facility if
• needed for leasing or financing purposes.
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
• 7. That an offer of street dedications pursuant to the General Plan Street
Plan be required on the final map. Improvement of those right-of-ways
which are in conflict with the golf course may be deferred and a
covenant and bond shall be provided for the future installation of these
roadways. The deferred street construction be installed by the owner of
the golf course upon demand by the City Council . (If the current
circulation study now under way results in changes to the Master Plan
affecting this project, adjustments may be necessary to conditions of
approval .
8. That final development plans specifically indicate the location of full
right-of-ways and the temporary street sections.
9. That all proposed facilities, not limited to residential units and
clubhouse facilities, shall comply with Section 9306.00. Off-Street
Parking of the Zoning Ordinance.
10. That the following mitigation measures adopted as conditions of PD-127
are incorporated by reference as conditions of approval for this
proposal :
a. That golf course and pedestrian crossings over the Tahquitz Creek
be either at grade crossings or be bridge structures designed to
withstand the 100-year flood. Design and construction shall be
subject to review and approval of Riverside County Flood Control
and the City Engineer. No break-away bridges shall be permitted.
• b. That the proposal shall be subject to further conditions of
Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
when further hydrology and flood information is submitted to the
City and the District.
C. That all proposed channel reinforcements shall be constructed of
native rock and where feasible, alternative hydrologic containment
shall be utilized (sub-surface structures, grass-lined channels,
etc. ) .
d. That a specific blowsand abatement program be submitted with the
final grading program and be approved by the Planning Commission
for all grading during the general windy season (March-June) .
e. That the final grading plan shall reflect the outcome of on-site
landscape inventory and shall indicate the materials intended to
be preserved. The Architectural Advisory Committee shall make the
final recommendations as to materials to be retained and materials
that will be removed. The existing stand of trees located south
of Camino Parocela and Cerritos Road is to be incorporated into
the golf course open space. Those trees which are located in the
residential development areas shall be utilized to the greatest
extent possible.
• f. That the State Department of Fish and Game be notified pursuant to
the State Fish and Game Code for stream bed alteration permits
(The Tahquitz Project EIR Biological Studies shall be incorporated
by reference for permit processing purposes. )
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
g. That a water services plan shall be completed which analyzes the
potential use of wastewater effluent for the golf course.
11. That equestrian, bikepath, and pedestrian trails be dedicated,
constructed and maintained pursuant to the guidelines contained in the
Tahquitz Creek Scenic Recreation Area Plan (equestrian easement 25 feet;
bikepath easement 15 feet minimum) . Adequate buffers in the form of
setbacks, mounting, fences, walls, walks, landscaping, or any
combination shall be provided to adequately protect the health, safety,
welfare, and provide a pleasing environment for this publci amenity.
12. That an arboretum/interpretative center/rest facility related to bike
and equestrian trails be constructed and dedicated. The size of these
facilities is yet to be established; therefore, this issue shall be
resolved during final development stages of the golf course.
13. That night lighting of the golf course be prohibited except for security
14. That the clubhouse is to be operated only in conjunction with the golf
course and the proposed restaurant facility under no circumstances be
open later than 10 p.m.
15. That major golf tournaments shall be approved by the Planning Commission
on the basis of tournament crowd control and parking. A land use permit
. (LUP) is required to facilitate individual events.
16. That the golf course final development plan include: a) final grading
plans and written comments from Riverside County Flood Control ; b) water
services, detailed irrigation plans and golf course maintenance program
including pesticide and fertilizer use with associated permit approvals
(State and County Health Departments, DWA, Regional Water Quality
Control Board) ; c) final landscape plans; d) final lighting plans; f)
clubhouse plans; g) maintenance facility plan; h) golf course and
pedestrian crossing plan; i) equestrian trails; j) bikeways; k)
interpretative center; 1) signs.
17. That final development plans for Phases III and IV shall be submitted in
accordance with Section 9407, Planned Development District procedures of
the Zoning Ordinance.
18. That Phases I and II may proceed with construction permits however no
certificate of occupancies shall be issued until the golf course is
either completed or fully bonded to insure timely completion.
19. That the clubhouse location be restudied with the developer to submit
alternatives for its relocation.
20. That signage is approved as recommended by staff (one sign at the
• 21. That construction of Mesquite Avenue easterly of the project entrance
and Compadre Road north of its current terminus may be deferred at this
time provided that the following conditions are met:
a. That dedications be offered;
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
• b. That pedestrian facilities and bikeways be provided in accordance
with engineering conditions setforth in Development Committee
C. That improvement plans be completed and approved by the
Engineering Division;
d. That a cash bond be posted so that the City Council may install
said improvements (including removal of decorative paving) upon
Council discretion and that bonds have a sunset clause whereby
funds are returned to the project in a ten year period if
improvements are not needed;
e. That rights-of-way shall be landscaped and maintained by the
project; and
f. That a hold harmless and non-suit convenant be provided for
proposed decorative paving within rights-of-way.
22. That a pedestrian, golf cart, equestrian crossing signal be provided
approximately 500 feet north of Mesquite Avenue. Installation may be
deferred at this time provided a cash bond is provided in accordance to
1-1-d above.
23. That the use of wastewater for golf course irrigation must be
• demonstrated as bing technically and/or economically infeasible if it is
not be be used.
24. That project C.C. & R. 's and maintenance provisions for the project,
including the golf course be submitted for Planning Commission approval .
M/S/C (Koetting/Curtis; Madsen abstained) approving final development
plans and TTM 18370 revised for all development for Phases I and II
subject to all conditions of the AAC and Development Committee with the
caveat that if the clubhouse is relocated the Commission will review
revisions to the site.
Tribal Council comments:
"The Tribal Council, at its meeting of November 22, 1983, requested that
action in the Environmental Assessment/Initial Study dated November 23,
1983 be continued in order to provide adequate time for the Indian
Planning Commission and the Tribal Planning Consultant to review and
comment on the potential environmental impacts of the project.
After consideration of the recommendations of the Indian Planning
Commission, the Tribal Council took the following actions:
1. Noted that the design of the proposed project involves the
deletion of sections of the following streets from the City' s
General Plan Street Plan:
• a. Sunny Dunes Road - Secondary/Collector
b. Cerritos Road - Collector
C. Compadre - Collector
CASE 5.0303-PD-153 (Cont'd. )
• 2. Noted that the Environmental Assessment/Initial Study does not
address the potential degradation of the ground water resources
due to use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, soil
conditioners, etc, on the proposed golf course located in the
Tahquitz wash and upstream of the percolation ponds at the City's
wastewater treatment plant.
Strongly recommended that careful consideration be given at this time as
to mitigation measures that would propose some reasonable as to the type
and quantity of these substances."
CASE 5.0282-PD-150. Application by S. CROWE for Palm Canyon Plaza Ltd. , for a
planned development district to allow construction of a 310-room hotel ,
including a proposal for a portion of the structure with a 60 ft.
height on S. Palm Canyon Dr. between Sunny Dunes Rd./Mesquite Ave. C-1
Zone, Section 23.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration,
action for filing, and final approval . ) Comments received from the
Historic Site Preservation Board.
Recommendation: That the Commission order the filing of a negative
declaration and approve Planned Development District 150 subject to
• Planner III stated that staff would add a condition that 17 additional
surface parking spaces be added; that the Commission review the parking
management plan; that employee parking be onsite. He explained
revisions to Condition #4 in the staff report by stating that setbacks
may be reduced by the Planning Commission; that the Historic Site
Preservation Board recommended that the large wooden structure at the
front of the property be retained and perhaps placed in a park as a
shade structure; and that this relocation would be addressed in final
development plans.
Chairman read letters in favor of the project into the record and noted
concerns of one letter writer that if Mesquite is widened it will
eliminate his side yard. He stated that staff is aware of the impacts
of widening Mesquite.
Planner III stated he has met with several property owners and height
does not seem to be a problem; that in a preliminary development plan
massing studies and landscaping are required to be submitted and that if
the developer seeks to utilize the south portion of the property for
expansion and a new Planned Development District (PD) would be required.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
S. Crowe, the applicant, stated that the developer is desirous of
• building a hotel of high quality; that the high-rise portion of the
structure is a roof-top restaurant which has been indicated as desirous
by many people in Palm Springs; that building the structure would be
costly but would be of benefit to both the City and the hotel . He
explained the configuration of the hotel and parking and stated that the
developer did not want to negatively impact the neigborhood.
CASE 5.0282-PD-150 (Cont'd.)
. K. Boyle, 555 San Lorenzo Drive, spoke in opposition stating he
represented several neighborhood organizations, residents and small
hotels. He stated that the project would be beautiful if built in areas
such as Marina del Rey or Honolulu in which the developer has experience
but is very insensitive to Palm Springs which is a village. He stated
that a 60-foot structure is insult and that the number of rooms could be
reduced. He noted that the project overwhelms the adjacent single-
family residences, churches and small inns; and that it will block views
of people who have come to the inns for many years. He stated that
homes in the area would be depressed in value because of loss of views;
and that he appreciated no driveway access on Random Road but felt that
the hotel parking was deficient; and that financing the project would be
a problem (Chairman stated that economics is not in the Commission's
purview). Mr. Boyle stated that the neighbors do not want a 60-foot
high restaurant and that the area has returned to its native state which
the residents enjoy. He noted that the developers need to learn what
makes Palm Springs special ( low-density and peace and quiet) ; and that
it was hoped that staff could have guided the developers to what is
appropriate in Palm Springs. In reply to Commission question, Mr. Boyle
stated he was not officially representing organizations but several
persons and organizations in the neighborhood. Chairman informed Mr.
Boyle that the project has less impact in its current proposal than what
could be built on the property by right of zone. Mr. Boyle stated that
the residents did not realize this but feel that the project would be an
eyesore and problems of equal stature. Chairman stated that the
• property is zoned C-1 and building density is intense.
There being no further appearances the hearing was closed.
M/S/C (Apfelbaum/Curtis) ordering the filing of the negative declaration
with the following findings is subject to the following conditions.
1. That the resort hotel applied for at the location setforth in the
application is properly one for which a Planned Development
District is authorized by the Zoning Ordinance.
2. That the resort hotel is necessary and desirable for the
development of the community, is in harmony with the elements and
objectives of the General Plan and is not detrimental to existing
uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the
property is located.
3. That the 12-acre site is adequate in size and configuration to
accommodate a resort hotel and all property development standards
in order to adjust the use to those existing and future uses on
land in the neighborhood.
4. That the project is located on South Palm Canyon Drive and
Mesquite Ave both of which are required to be fully improved in
• order to carry the type and quantity of traffic generated by the
resort hotel .
5. That the visual impact of the high-rise portion of the hotel is
comparable or less significant than what potentially could be
proposed by right of zone.
CASE 5.0282-PD-150 (Cont'd.)
• 6. That the addition of a 310-room resort hotel will result in
community wide public benefits and will promote the general
welfare of the City.
7. That the project is located within a proposed redevelopment
project area and is consistent with the proposed redevelopment
8. That preservation of the "Huddle Springs" building would propose a
significant hardship.
1. That all recommended conditions of approval from the Development
Committee be met with the following exception: that Mesquite
Avenue street widening improvements be deferred at this time and
that a covenant and bond be provided for their future
Note: Per EA/IS a general plan amendment study for Mesquite
Avenue is being recommended.
2. That relief be added to plane of the frontage of the building.
3. That the tennis court and parking structure be refined to provide
• screening of chain link fencing.
4. That the open design to the atrium and building module connection
be explored.
5. That the final development plan be submitted in accordance with
Section 9407.00 of the Zoning Ordinance and include site,
landscape, irrigation and exterior lighting plan, building
elevations, colors and materials, grading (including excavation,
disposition and truck routes, signing, site cross-section and
other exhibits deemed necessary to fully illustrate the project) .
6. That Mesquite Ave. building setbacks be measured from the ultimate
44 foot right-of-way and that if this right-of-way is reduced in
the future, setbacks may be reduced by the Planning Commission.
7. That all mitigative measures identified in the amended EA/IS be
adopted as conditions.
8. That 17 additional parking spaces be provided for staff.
9. That the wooden structure on the property be retained and a
location found (to be included in final development plans) .
CASE 5.0257-CUP. Application by C. MILLS for Coble-Hampton Development Co.
• for Phase II of a CUP for construction of a 44-unit residential
condominium project on Escoba Dr. between El Cielo Rd./Desert Way, R-1-C
Zone (I.L. ) , Section 30.
(Previously given an Environmental Assessment in conjunction with the
original CUP.)
Recommendation: That the Commission approve CUP 5.0257 subject to
Planner III stated that the Commission had required a public hearing for
Phase II development plans for the project when the original CUP was
approved. He stated that the AAC took no action on the project because
there was no quorum.
Discussion followed on the energy calculations and the size of the wood
elements on Elevation B-1. Mr. Mills stated that the energy
calculations had been approved and that the wood elements were not
designed to be heavy.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
C. Mills, 278-C North Palm Canyon Drive, the applicant, stated that the
design was consistent with the first phase and has a wall, berming and
heavy landscaping. He stated that there has been a program developed so
that designs will be distributed throughout the project and one design
• not concentrated in any specific area.
R. Watt, 1134 N. Calle Rolph, representing Los Compadres Stables on E1
Cielo Road, stated that most of the concerns of the original project had
been alleviated, and that the Planning Director has assured him that the
easement for ingress and egress for horses to the wash is in effect. He
requested a statement by the developer to buyers indicating the location
of the stables and the equestrian center adjacent to the subject
There being no further appearances the hearing was closed.
Commissioner Lawrence stated that it was incumbent upon the developer to
make buyers aware of the existence of the stables and the equestrian
center and that this fact should be indicated in the C.C. & R.s.
M/S/C (Koetting/Madsen, Curtis abstained, Kaptur dissented) approving
CUP 5.0257 with the following findings and subject to the following
1. That the cluster residential development at the location set forth
in the application is properly one for which a conditional use
permit is authorized by Section 9206.01.C.5 of the Zoning
CASE 5.0257-CUP (Cont'd. )
• 2. That the cluster residential development is desirable for the
development of the community, is in harmony with the elements and
objectives of the General Plan, and is compatible in building
height, density and general architectural character to existing
uses and to uses specifically permitted in the zoning in which the
proposed project is located.
3. That the 10.17 acre site is adequate in size and configuration to
accommodate the proposed cluster residential use and meets or
exceeds all yard, setback, landscaping and other features in order
to adjust this use to existing and/or future uses on lands in the
4. That the project site, being located on Escoba Drive (a local
street) is designed and will be improved to carry type and
quantity of traffic to be generated by the proposed use.
1. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
2. That working drawings be submitted for the single-family
3. That detailed final landscape, irrigation, and exterior lighting
. plans be submitted.
4. That the C.C. & R.s indicate the location of Los Compadre Stables
and the equestrian center.
Note: Commissioner Kaptur dissented because he felt that the glue
lam beam detail on Elevation B-1 was weak.
Tribal Council Comments
"It was noted that the Tribal Council had concurred with the granting of
a conditional use permit for this project at its meeting of February 8,
After consideration of the recommendations of the Indian Planning
Commission, the Tribal Council approved Phase II of this project,
subject to the conditions set forth in Planning Commission Staff Report
dated December 14, 1983.
The Tribal Council also reiterated its recommendaiton of February 8th
that buyers be made aware of the land uses adjacent to the project site
including the equestrian facilities, the flood control channel , church
activities, etc. These uses had been the subject of considerable
discussion in earlier public hearings in the project."
CASE 6.339-VARIANCE. Application by L. H. JOHNSON for a variance from side-
yard setbacks to allow constrution of a shade structure at 2332 Cntina
Way, R-1-A Zone, Section 27.
(This action is categorically exempt from environmental assessment per
Recommendation: That the Commission approve the variance application
based on findings in the staff report.
Planner II stated that the AAC had recommended denial because of the
intrusive nature of the structure on the hillside; that it was built
without permits; that three letters had been received objecting to the
structure noting concerns such as insensitivity to the hillside,
building the structure without permits; and setting of a precedent.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
Mrs. L. Johnson, the applicant, requested approval of the shade
structure for her flowers, stating that she was a rose fancier and
wished to cover her rose garden area because the roses had died in last
summer's heat; that she would reconstruct the structure as the Planning
Commission wanted if necessary in order to keep it; and that she did not
know that she had to obtain a permit.
There being no further appearances, the hearing was closed.
• Commissioner Madsen .suggested that a better design without intrusion
into the skyline be developed. Discussion followed.
M/S (Madsen/Koetting) for approval of the variance and denial of the as-
built structure. The vote was as follows:
AYES: Curtis, Apfelbaum, Madsen
NOES: Kaptur, Koetting, Lawrence, Service
The motion failed.
Discussion followed on grounds for a variance and the design of the
structure. Planning Director stated that a trellis design could be
developed which did not protrude into the sideyard, that an AMM could be
approved at staff level which did not require a variance; and that the
design could be brought back to the AAC and the Commission.
M/S/C (Lawrence/Kaptur; Madsen/Curtis dissented) denying Variance
application 6.339 based on the following findings:
1. That there are no special circumstances applicable to the subject
property which would deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by
other properties in the same zone and vicinity.
• 2. That the granting of a variance would constitute a special
privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties
in the same vicinity and zone.
3. That the granting of a variance will not adversely affect the
General Plan.
CASE 6.339-VARIANCE (Cont'd. )
• 4. That the structure intrudes into the skyline viewed from South
Palm Canyon Drive.
NOTE: Chairman advised the applicant to contact Planning staff for
further advice in regard to the structure.
CASE 6.340-VARIANCE. Application by J. M. PETERS CO. for a variance in
height for a block wall for a condominium project on El Cielo Road
between Ramon Road/Baristo Road, R-2 Zone, Section 13.
(This action is categorically exempt from environmental assessment per
Recommendation: That the Commission approve the variance subject to
Planner III stated that the 38-foot wide strip is in the location
instead of a frontage road and presented staff recommendations.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
S. Morse, Palm Desert, engineer for the project and representing the
applicant, explained the request for a variance to build a wall within
• setbacks and stated that the intent to provide a 30 ft. parkway has been
In response to questions by Commission, Mr. Morse stated that it was a
decorative wall ; that a brick cap could be added if required by the
Commission; and that an additional requirement for a bus stop would be
an appropriate condition.
M/S/C (Madsen/Kaptur) approving Variance 6.340 based on the following
findings and subject to the following conditions:
1. That the intent of the setback requirement of the Ordinance i .e. ,
to provide a 30 ft. parkway free of structures higher than 42 ft.
has been met.
2. That because of the special circumstances of the configuration of
the curb and property lines on the southern boundaries of the
site, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance would deprive
the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in
the vicinity and under identical zone classification.
3. That any variance granted is subject to a condition which insures
that the parkway is consistent with the other properties in the
• zone and does not constitute the granting of a special privilege
inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the
same vicinity and zone.
CASE 6.340-VARIANCE (Cont' d.)
4. That the granting of the variance will not be materially
detrimental to the public health, safety, convenience or welfare
or injurious to property improvements in the same vicinity and
zone in which the subject property is located.
1. That the wall maintain a minimum average setback of thirty feet to
the curb line (to insure that a parkway is maintained along Ramon
Road) .
2. That an amended plan which shows the above detail (Condition No.
1) shall be submitted for the approval of the Planning Division
prior to issuance of building permits.
3. That C.C.& R. 's include details of the maintenance of the
landscaping between property lines and the curb line at E1 Cielo
and Ramon Road. The C.C. & R. 's shall be submitted for approval
of the City Attorney prior to final approval .
4. That a bus stop be developed if requested by SunLine Transit
The Planning Commission reviewed plans, discussed, and took action on
the following items involving architectural approval subject to the
conditions as outlined.
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by VON'S MARKET for architectural approval of
main identification sign in the Palm Springs Mall on Tahquitz-McCallum
Way between Sunset Way and Farrell Drive, PD-11 (C-S-C Zone) , Section 13
(Ref. Case 3.573).
Discussion ensued on the possibility of using a rust color rather than
red for the letters. Chairman stated that there is no problem with
visibility of the sign and that rust should be used. Some Commissioners
felt that the cabinet' s being the same color as the stucco would
accentuate the sign.
M/S (Madsen/Koetting) for approval subject to AAC recommendations.
Planning Director stated that the AAC recommended red letters with the
cabinet in the color of the stucco.
After further discussion, Commissioner Madsen withdrew his motion with
the consent of the seconder.
Commissioner Kaptur stated that he felt that the AAC was correct in
• recommending that the cabinet be painted the color of the stucco since
it will make the sign appear to be flush.
M/S/C (Madsen/Kaptur; Koetting/Lawrence dissenting) approving the sign
application subject to the following conditions:
1. That the cabinet be painted the same color as the stucco of the
2. That the sign letters be rust in color.
Commissioner Koetting left the meeting at this time.
CASE 3.507 (MINOR). Application by GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS for architectural
approval of walkup teller machine at 499 S. Palm Canyon Drive, C-B-D
Zone, Section 15.
Discussion ensued on the placement of the walkup teller and its
M/S/C (Lawrence/Kaptur; Koetting absent) approving the walkup teller
application subject to the following conditions:
1. That the top of the sign not exceed seven feet from grade.
2. That the cabinet be constructed of stainless steel with a routed
face (with one face plate for the entire unit) backed by white
plexiglass letters.
CASE 3.639 (MINOR) . Application by J. BOURAZANIS for architectural approval
of revised exterior details and two main identification signs for
portion of Desert Fashion Plaza, 119-J North Palm Canyon Drive, C-B-D
Zone, Section 15.
Zoning Enforcement Officer explained the AAC recommendations.
L. Hart, Imperial Signs, stated that the recommendations of the AAC were
M/S/C (Lawrence/Apfelbaum; Koetting absent) approving the sign
application subject to the following condition:
That both signs be on two lines as submitted on the south
M/S/C (Kaptur/Madsen; Koetting absent) approving revised exterior
details subject to the following conditions:
• 1. That window jambs be extended to the floor and window panels be
introduced to match the door.
2. That the canopy have internal support only (details of framing and
support shall be submitted for staff approval ) .
CASE 8.219-SIGN VARIANCE. Application by BANK OF GLENDALE for siqn variance
and architectural approval of main identification free-standing monument
sign at 901 E. Tahquitz-McCallum Way, C-1-AA Zone (I.L. ) , Section 14.
Discussion ensued with the applicant on grounds for a variance.
J. Riley, the applicant stated that channel letters had been disapproved
by the AAC and a monument sign application submitted in response to AAC
recommendations. Zoning Enforcement Officer explained that the monument
sign is for more visibility from the west. Commissioner Kaptur stated
that temporary approval should be given until the Sign Ordinance is
Motion was made by Kaptur (Koetting absent) approving a temporary sign
until the Sign Ordinance is completed. The motion died for lack of a
Planning Director stated that the Sign Ordinance is near completion and
will be scheduled for a Planning Commission study session at which
concerns regarding free-standing signing can be discussed; that the
proposed large, three foot by seven foot, double-faced, plexiglass sign
is inappropriate; that he was surprised that the AAC recommended
approval ; and that the sign does not integrate well with the good
landscaping of the building.
Further discussion followed. Mr. Riley stated that suggestions had been
made to the applicant but were rejected. Discussion continued relative
to the proposed sign.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Curtis; Koetting absent) denying the sign variance with a
restudy of the sign. (The Commissioners encouraged use of a monument
sign identifying the entire complex. )
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by FUN IN THE SUN CANDIES for architectural
approval of revised main identification sign for business at 200 S.
Indian Avenue, C-2 Zone (I .L. ) , Section 14.
Chairman stated that the AAC had recommended approval of the original
D. Pringle, 356 Ridge Road, the applicant, stated that he wanted to use
the existing sign canisters on the building; that the coloring and the
style of the letters had been in existence for 40 years; that he should
not be asked to revise the sign; and that the red and white combination
is like a peppermint stick.
M/S (Lawrence/Curtis; Koetting absent) to approve the original sign.
After discussion, the motion was withdrawn.
Discussion followed on requiring the use of a rust color for the
• lettering. Zoning Enforcement Officer stated that large signs often use
rust for less glare. Mr. Pringle stated that he would prefer red.
M/S/C (Lawrence/Apfelbaum; Curtis dissented; Koetting absent) that the
sign be approved as originally submitted with rust letters instead of
CASE 3.641 . Application by D. CHRISTIAN for H. Kassinger for architectural
approval of revised entry canopies on Tahquitz-McCallum Way for
• commercial-professional complex (Bank of Palm Springs Center) located
between Calle E1 Segundo/Calle Alvarado/Arenas Road, C-1-AA and R-4-VP
Zones, Section 14. (Ref. Case 3.309. )
Planning Director explained the proposed revisions to the Center. He
stated that the applicant feels more visibility is necessary and that is
the reason for the proposal ; that the dissenting AAC votes were because
the members felt that the project requires review as a whole which is
not being done. Further discussion followed. Commissioner Kaptur
stated that he agreed with the AAC that the orange tile should be
removed with polished brass replacing it; that "tack-ons" will not
resolve the problem; and that the project should be reviewed totally
although the proposal is a good beginning.
Commissioner Lawrence stated that action should be taken on the project.
Commissioner Kaptur suggested that the item be continued for more
revisions; that the Commission had attempted to alert the applicant to
the problems of the Center when the application was originally
submitted; and that continuing it to January 11 would probably not
affect the applicant.
Further discussion followed.
D. Christian, architect representing the applicant, stated that he was
one of those who opposed the project originally when he was on the
• Commission since it does not resemble a retail center; and that he hoped
to change the orientation and to have better signing. He explained
possible alternatives and described the color combination. He stated
that it was an emergency measure to make tenants more visible.
M. Kassinger, the applicant, explained that tenants will leave unless
more visible identification is provided and requested Commissioner
approval .
M/S (Kaptur/Lawrence; Koetting absent; Curtis/Madsen abstained) to
continue the application for the applicant to consider AAC and Planning
Commission comments.
Discussion followed with the applicant who stated that he would lose the
tenants unless the awnings were approved; and that he would make further
renovations after approval of the awnings.
Chairman stated that he felt that the applicant was overly enthusiastic
about the results the awnings would attain.
In repy to question by Chairman, Mr. Kassinger stated that he would
accept a condition that the project be studied to enhance the total
Commissioner Kaptur withdrew his motion with the consent of the
• M/S/C (Lawrence/Apfelbaum; Koetting absent; Kaptur dissented) approving
the awnings for a six-month period with a study addressing the total
enhancement of the Center to be submitted for AAC and Planning
Commission approval .
CASE 3.631 (MINOR) . Application by H. MARTER for architectural approval of
revised exterior changes to existing restaurant (Coco's) at 1596 N. Palm
Canyon Drive, C-1 and R-3 Zones, Section 10.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Apfelbaum; Koetting absent; Madsen dissented) for a
restudy of the whole entryway.
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by ARTECH SIGN, INC. for Loehmann' s Plaza for
architectural approval of main identification sign for shopping center
on northeast corner of Racquet Club Road/North Palm Canyon Drive, PD-
136, Section 3 (Ref. Case 5.0209-PD-136) .
M/S/C (Lawrence/Curtis; Koetting absent; Kaptur dissented) approving the
application subject to the following condition: That the plexiglass
face have a matte finish.
CASE 3.559. Application by T. KOENLEIN ARCHITECTS for architectural approval
of revised tower detail for 270-room resort hotel on East Palm Canyon
Drive between Cherokee Way/Southridge Drive, C-2 Zone (I .L. ) , Section
Discussion ensued on the window treatment. Planning Director stated
that the stained glass windows were unlit. Chairman also expressed the
opinion that the tower did not resemble a bell tower. Commissioner
Kaptur stated that the tower breaks the mass of the building which is
M/S (Kaptur/Curtis; Koetting absent) to approve the application subject
to AAC recommendations. After discussion, the motion was withdrawn with
the consent of the seconder.
Chairman stated that the design of the horizontal windows in a vertical
form is incongruous.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Curtis; Koetting absent) referring the bell tower detail
back to the AAC for a restudy with the windows to be integrated into the
vertical shape of the tower.
• CASE 5.0305-ZTA. Initiation by the CITY OF PALM SPRINGS for environmental
assessment of zoning text amendment for G-R-5 Zone to allow increased
building height.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration,
action for filing and final approval . No comments received. )
Recommendation: That the Commission order the filing of a Negative
Declaration and approve the zoning text amendment.
Chairman declared the hearing open; there being no appearances, the
hearing was closed.
M/S/C (Curtis/Lawrence; Koetting absent) ordering the filing of a
Negative Declaration and approving zoning text amendment 5.0305 based on
the following findings and subject to the following conditions:
1. That the G-R-5 Zone and development standards were originally
designed as a holding zone including single family uses.
2. That the height limit as currently established was designed to
establish a low profile due to the many square miles of such
3. That the limited number of vacant parcels of G-R-5 Zoning have
• been analyzed to preclude view blockage or privacy disruptions due
to added height.
4. That added height is necessary for the maintenance facilities
located in this zone.
5. That a revision be made to Section 9202.02, USES PROHIBITED, as
follows: "Any uses not specifically permitted are hereby
CASE 5.0299-CUP. Application by L. KAY for CI Resources International Ltd.
for a CUP to allow a public restaurant in a private tennis club (Riviera
Racquet Club) on the southeast corner of North Indian Avenue/Via
Escuela, R-3 Zone, Section 2 (Ref. Case 5.0063-CUP) .
Recommendation: That the Planning Commission approve the application
subject to conditions.
Chairman declared the hearing open; there being no appearances, the
hearing was closed.
M/S/C (Madsen/Apfelbaum; Koetting absent) approving the CUP based on the
following findings and subject to the following conditions:
CASE 5.0299-CUP (Cont' d. )
1. That a conditional use permit is required for a public restaurant
in the R-3 Zone when the property is located on a major
2. That the site has a minimum frontage of 100 ft. on a major
thoroughfare and a minimum lot area of 30,000 sq. ft. as required
in the Zoning Ordinance.
3. That the proposed restaurant building is a minimum of 150 ft. from
any single family residential zone.
4. That parking spaces are not located within the front yard setback.
5. That a minimum of 25% of the total site is landscaped open space.
6. That the restaurant use enhances the resort nature of the
community and is in harmony with the various elements and
objectives of the General Plan, and that the restaurant proposal
is not detrimental to existing or future uses in the same zone.
7. That the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use
and all yards, setbacks, walls, or fences, landscaping and other
features to adjust the use to those existing and future uses on
land in the neighborhood.
8. That the site is serviced by Indian Avnue and Via Escuela which
have been properly designed and improved to carry the type and
quantity of traffic generated or to be generated by the proposed
restaurant as well as the tennis club.
1. That a land use permit application be submitted for approval of
any tournament spectator seating for the championship court
involving non-members and the remaining courts.
2. That this approval refers to public use of the restaurant and not
to public use other facilities located within the complex such as
the gym, beauty shop, pro shop, etc.
3. That the fixture for the tennis court is approved subject to the
original conditions of Case 5.0063-CUP (no lights after 10 p.m. ) .
• Planning Director reviewed and explained the maps and the Planning
Commission discussed and took action on the following tract and parcel
maps based on the finding that the proposed subdivision, together with
the provisions for design and improvement, are consistent with the
General Plan of the City of Palm Springs. A Negative Declaration has
been ordered filed based on the finding that the project will not have a
significant adverse effect on the environment and subject to conditions
as outlined.
TTM 19544 (Revised) . Application by SANBORN/WEBB for Stone Pine Partners,
Ltd. for subdivision of land for commercial/industrial sites on the
southwest corner of Ramon Road/Crossley Road, M-1 Zone (I .L. ), Section
(Given environmental assessment previously. )
Planning Director described the project on the display board and stated
that the applicant requests curb cuts in the median islands; that
specific site plans and sign programs will be submitted; and that
architectural approval application will be submitted for the common
Discussion ensued on the streetscape.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Apfelbaum; Koetting absent) approving TTM 19544 subject to
• Development Committee recommendations with the following additional
1. That a landscape buffer of 25 ft. be provided on all perimeter
2. That the landscape buffer area can be used for new car display
purposes (on pads) but no parking will be allowed.
3. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
DISCUSSION. Commission review of experimental palm tree lighting fixtures.
Chairman stated that after reviewing the light fixtures in the field,
the Commission would like to see alternatives to the fixtures.
Traffic Engineer requested that no action be taken until a recently
formed task force reviews the lighting in the City and gives
M/S/C (Kaptur/Curtis; Koetting absent) continuing the discussion to the
• Planning Commission meeting of March 28, 1984.
DISCUSSION. Commission review of proposed utility corridor by Southern
California Edison Company in the Windy Point area in the Palm Springs
sphere of influence (Case 5.0306-MISC. )
Chairman explained that the Edison Company wants to put a mega system of
utility lines through Windy Point area.
Planning Director stated that staff is opposed to the proposal and will
be reiterating their opposition at the PUC hearings; that if the
Commission wishes to review the EIR, it is available for perusal in the
Planning Division office; and that Edison has stated that if the court
order is approved, it will eliminate many of the wind turbines in the
M/S/C (Madsen/Kaptur; Koetting absent) recommending to the City Council
that it voice opposition to the proposed utility corridor.
Revisions to the "P" Zone. Planning Director stated that staff has
developed changes to the "P" Zone which allow financial institutions,
health clubs and restaurants under a CUP. He requested Commission input
on whether or not to have staff proceed on the revisions. Commission
consensus was for staff to proceed and to schedule a zoning text
amendment on revisions to the the "P" Zone for a future agenda.
There being no further business to discuss, Chairman adjourned the
meeting at 8:05 p.m.
19 W11 TOR
Council Chamber, City Hall
• January 11, 1984
1:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1983 - 1984
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to date
Richard Service, Chairman X 10 2
Hugh Curtis X 11 1
Hugh Kaptur X 9 3
Peter Koetting X 11 1
Don Lawrence X 12 0
Paul Madsen X 11 1
Sharon Apfelbaum X 11 1
Staff Present
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Sigfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
Dave Forcucci , Zoning Enforcement Officer II
Douglas R. Evans, Planner III
Robert Green, Planner II
Mary E. Lawler, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee Present - January 9, 1984
James Cioffi , Chairman
Earl Neel
Chris Mills
Hugh Curtis
William Johnson
Sharon Apfelbaum
Michael Buccino
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
MSC (Koetting/Kaptur) approving minutes of the December 14, 1983 meeting with
the following corrections:
Page 2, Time Extension TTM 18302. Correction: First time extension (delete
"third and final") .
Page 19, Case 5.0257-CUP. Correction: Delete condition #2 (working drawings
were approved by the Commission); condition #3 should read as follows: That
detailed landscape, irrigation and exterior lighting plans are continued for
review by the AAC.
Page 29, TTM 19544. Add Tribal Council comments as follows: "From
• discussions with City Staff, the Tribal Planning Consultant understands that
this matter involves a revision in the design of TTM 19544 to accommodate a
new land use concept for the subject property, i .e. an auto sales and service