Council Chamber, City Hall
September 28, 1983
1:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL F-Y 1983 - 1984
Present Present Excused Absences
Planning Commission This Meeting to Date to date
Richard Service, Chairman X 4 2
Hugh Curtis X 5 1
Hugh Kaptur X 4 2
Peter Koetting X 6 0
Don Lawrence X 6 0
Paul Madsen X 5 1
Sharon Apfelbaum X 5 0
Staff Present
Marvin D. Roos, Planning Director
Richard McCoy, City Engineer
Siegfried Siefkes, Assistant City Attorney
Diana Ericksen, Community Development Coordinator
Dave Forcucci , Zoning Enforcement Officer
John Terell , Housing & Redevelopment Specialist
Vicki Nelson, Economic Development Coordinator
Douglas R. Evans, Planner III
• Robert Green, Planner II
Mary Isenberg, Recording Secretary
Architectural Advisory Committee Present - September 26, 1983
James Cioffi , Chairman
Earl Neel
Chris Mills
Michael Buccino
Hugh Curtis
William Johnson
Sharon Apfelbaum
Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
MSC (Lawrence/Koetting) approving minutes of the September 14 meeting with the
following corrections:
Page 4, last paragraph (Case 5.0276-PD-148) add under CONDITIONS: 6. That
after a period of two years, a new public hearing shall be held to determine
the sufficiency of parking and whether or not the second lot should be
installed and implemented.
• Page 23, paragraph 3 (Determination on CIP) delete "and that the $15,000 is
not improving the living environment for low income residents. She stated
she found the idea for the $15,000 study objectionable. "
Chairman stated that since there was no one in the audience who was
present specifically for review of Case 5.0272-ZTA, discussion would be
postponed to later in the meeting.
CASE 5.0275-PO-147. Application by E. J. DeBARTOLO CORP. & DESERT FASHION
PLAZA for review of the final EIR and preliminary plans for a planned
development district to allow remodeling and expansion of the existing
Desert Fashion Plaza on Tahquitz-McCallum Way/North Palm Canyon Drive
and redevelopment in a block north of the existing Desert Fashion Plaza
to include the closure of Andreas Road, the development of additional
retail space, parking facilities and a 207-room hotel , Section 15.
Recommendation: That the Planning Commission certify that the EIR is
complete and transmit it to the City Council for certification.
Chairman stated that interested persons coul dspeak on the adequacy of the
EIR and that discussion of the project itself would be held at the
October 12 meeting.
Planning Director reviewed the history of the project and stated that
• comments to the addendum to the draft EIR would be incorporated as an
appendix in the report; that a list of mitigative measures extracted
from the EIR will be given to the Commission prior to the October 12
meeting along with a statement of overriding concerns in some areas of
the project; that the most significant impact is during the construction
period; and that Tamara Smith, from BCL (EIR Consulting firm) was present
to answer questions.
Ms. Smith, BCL Consultants of Long Beach, stated that the City prepared
the initial study which determined the scope; that the EIR is focused on
items City determined may have environmental impacts; that the parking
might not be in conformance with the CBD Zone, but that the City can
approve the project under planned development (PD) guidelines which
allow flexibility; that setback requirements are not met along Amado
Road particularly; that the aesthetics of the downtown would be altered
since the hotel is six stories high and the height will cause shadows,
particularly on Amado Road; that there are buildings which could be of
historical significance which will be lost with construction of the
project; that there may be archaeological resources beneath the site
with which the Tribal Council is concerned; and that BCL has recommended
that an archaeologist be on site during excavation for the subterranean
parking since it is doubtful that much information could be obtained
prior to excavation because the site is developed.
She noted the following:
• Closure of Andreas Road: Two traffic engineerinq firms have studied the
closure and have determined that there will be no ill effects from the
closure. The volume diverted will not be significant. The 6,700 (or
8,000 under the alternate proposal) additional vehicle trips per day
generated by the project can be accommodated on Palm Canyon Drive with
signal modification.
CASE 5.0275-PD-147 (Cont' d.)
• Construction Disruption: Utility lines will have to be relocated, roads
may have to be closed and there will be temporary dust and noise
generated, and the site will not be visually pleasing but could be miti-
gated by construction of solid fencing around the construction site.
In reply to question by Commission, Ms. Smith stated that the buildings
which could be historically significant are Zaddie Bunker' s Garage
(present MDX Drugstore) ; Nate' s Deli , and the Village Theatre; that
mitigative measures to aid circulation during construction would be on
an operational plan prepared and approved by the City Engineer; that
parking would be a problem for employees during construction because of
the excavation of the site; that construction trucks will require an off
site parking location; and that the grading contractor normally prepares
the operations plans.
Planning Director stated that in addition, normal retail parking will be
Commissioner Koetting stated that employee and general public access to
the Museum should be considered.
In response to Commission question, Ms. Smith stated that the disposi-
tion of the dirt from the excavation will be determined by whomever is
buying it at the time the dirt is available; and that trucks will be
required to be covered with tarpaulin; that the applicants will be
• required to keep the road in a clean, safe condition during excavation
and construction; and that the City Traffic Engineer will determine the
truck routes.
Planning Director stated that the dirt would belong to the applicant
with City control of its transport.
In response to Commission questions, Ms. Smith stated that the Desert
Museum identity has been addressed more thoroughly after construction by
preserving the views and by development of a scu pture garden in the
grassy area between the Museum and the project; that preserving the
identity and activities of the Museum during construction should be
addressed in the operations plan; and that parking is a major issue of
the plan.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
J. Crocker, 330 W. Andreas, stated that the executive suite concept is a
new idea; that occupancy factors should be determined; and questioned
whether or not the project would be sold as time shares (questions were
asked of the developers' representative) .
Chairman stated that marketing questions are not in the Commission' s
• Planning Director stated that time sharing had not been proposed but
would require a public hearing if they were.
Mr. Crocker stated that he had requested information previously from the
developers' representative, but no one was in attendance at the Septem-
ber 14 meeting.
CASE 5.0275-PD-147 (Cont'd. )
• Chairman stated that the Commission did not have jurisdiction over
marketing occupancy of the hotel .
Mr. Crocker noted that if the project were economically unfeasible, the
City should be protected against the possibility.
J. Fadem, attorney representing the Bunker Trust, stated that he was
sure he did not need to remind the Commission that the purpose of an EIR
is to provide full disclosure in a way that the public can understand;
that it was his view that the EIR failed to achieve that purpose; that
disclosures of the consequences of the project are totally absent; that
the consequences of increased traffic, inadequate parking, flood and
fire impacts, impacts (grid lock) to the entryway to the City, impacts
on existing businesses because of customers not being able to gain
access to Palm Canyon Drive, loss of retail sales to shopping centers
outside of Palm Springs during construction, disruption of the currently
heavy load of through traffic, signalization stops and starts, and con-
sequences of accidents and the predictable effect on human beings is
undisclosed; that the experiment of closing Andreas Road seems of "zero"
value when 6,000 to 8,000 cars a day are added; that without the project
in existence, the experiment is not viable; that the effect on the
Museum is based on "shifting sand"; that the City, under a PD, can say
that the developer does not have to live up to the laws even though the
existing standards are on the books as minimums; that the proposal asked
• that the City accept without disclosures of the consequences the crea-
tion of a major project in which the consequences of mitigated parking
measures are not told; that there is a failure to address in the EIR the
grading contractor' s preparation of the development plan; that the con-
sequences of disposal of many cubic yards of dirt has not been
addressed; that impact on the air quality by idling cars on Palm Canyon
was not disclosed nor the consequences of the lowered air quality on the
elderly of the City; that the median age of the residents is not dis-
closed in the EIR; that flood provisions for only a ten year storm and
not those of more intensity are ludicrous since weather patterns are
changing and the area has been struck with several 1000 ,year storms
recently; that consequences of more severe storms were not addressed in
the EIR; that the EIR is not a full disclosure document; that although
fire department facilities are in close proximity, fire personnel will
have difficulty responding because of the inadequate streets.
Mr. Fadem summarized by stating that there will be a vast number of low
and middle income employees for construction of the project and there
will be a problem of housing them (caused by the City's unresolved low
cost housing problem) ; that the consequences of housing low income
workers has not been addressed. He concluded by stating that the EIR is
supposed to be a full disclosure document, understandable by the public,
and that the subject EIR is not.
There being no further appearances, the hearing was closed.
• In response to question by Chairman, Ms. Smith stated that the document
is "readable" and understandable by the public; and noted the following
responses to Mr. Fadem's comments:
CASE 5.0275-PD-147 (Cont' d. )
. Traffic: EIR addressed the consequences of the traffic. Level of
service was determined at the intersection and the number would not fall
below the "C" level which is continuous flow of traffic. This flow of
traffic would be dependent upon modification of traffic signals. There
are two drop-off areas for passengers and the potential for accidents to
occur is a possibility although the number of accidents cannot be pro-
Closure of Andreas/Failure of Thanksgiving Experiment: Object was to
observe traffic increase with the closure of Andreas Road since it would
be possible to predict traffic flows after implementation of the
Parking Inadequacy: BCL engineers feel parking is adequate. The
problem is that the City codes do not provide for this type of develop-
ment. Parking was calculated on each use in the Mall (leasable and
unleasable space) . Adequacy is undetermined but numerous mitigative
measures have addressed the issue such as in-lieu fees for a parking
structure located elsewhere. A major problem is that there is currently
inadequate parking downtown and it is possible that people would use
Mall parking when their destination is downtown. City is considering a
parking structure, and this is addressed in the EIR.
Grading Contractor Preparation of Operations Plan: This should be
• approved by the City but plan cannot be determined at the present time.
Will depend on final plans for the project and the City Engineer' s
expectations. There are many items still to be determined and the des-
tination of the dirt removed from the excavation cannot be determined at
the present time. If there is a problem, an additional EIR may be done.
Air Quality: Information on air quality is developed using Air Quality
Control Board charts. Idling emissions are included in the chart as
built-in factors.
Flood Provisions: EIR states there is a master plan which the City
intends to implement. It is designed for a 100-year flood. Without the
master plan, the project cannot accommodate a 100-year flood.
Employment Issues: Addressed in the EIR. In discussion with the EDD
(State Employment Office) it was learned that there is fairly high
unemployment in the area, and people travel from other cities to work in
Palm Springs.
In response to question by Commission, Planning Director stated that a
100-year storm referred to by Mr. Fadem can be accommodated in the
streets and the underground conduit system; that 500-.year storm levels
are indicated in the Federal Insurance Management Agency but are not the
levels the Master Plan will contain and that there have been no 1000-
year storms in the history of the City. In response to Mr. Fadem' s
• comments he stated that many of those comments were not full disclo-
sures; that staff has not had specific discussions with the Bunker
Trust; that full backup material was prepared and the EIR does address
the type of mitigative measures necessary and staff feels comfortable
with the numbers and the mitigative measures addressing the project as
it is to this point; that there will be unavoidable impacts which are
CASE 5.0275-PD-147 (Cont' d. )
• included in the report; that the EIR discloses the problems with no
attempt to hide them; that if comments had been received previously,
perhaps some of the responses could have been expanded; that when the
Commission takes action, that the City still has the issue of how the
mitigative measures address the project as it becomes refined; that
unavoidable impacts will be synthesized and specific comments made at
the time the project is specifically considered; that loss of business
is difficult to address; that comments of many downtown merchants indi-
cate that they feel that without the project there will be no business
although there are comments on the opposite side as well; and that
opinions on loss of business are guesses since there are no facts avail-
Chairman stated that the Commission action is to recommend to the City
Council that the EIR is complete, that Commission concerns and impacts
have been addressed, and that the Commission is not addressing whether
or not it likes or approves the project or the mitigative measures.
In reply to concerns by Mr. Fadem of loss of retail business,
Commissioner Koetting stated that many merchants feel the project will
bring retail business back to the City and that the project has been
reviewed many times by the public, staff, the Commission and Council ;
that he has never seen an EIR that gave answers to every question but
the Commission will address future concerns and issues and try to
mitigate problems.
• M/S/C (Koetting/Lawrence) recommending to the City Council that the EIR
is complete and recommending that it be certified.
Tribal Council commentsfrom September 13 :
"The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for this project has been
received by the Tribal Office. In discussions with Planning Staff, it
was noted that this item is recommended for a two-week continuance to
permit public notification.
The following preliminary comments are submitted regarding this project.
a. The EIR notes that this project may result in the exposure of
archaeological and historical resources. The Tribal Council
strongly recommends that the development of this property be
subject to the mitigating measure on page 44 of the EIR; that is,
that a qualified archaeologist be present during the excavation
work. If any potentially significant resources are uncovered
during excavation, work will be halted in that area of the site,
and make appropriate mitigation recommendations. The Agua
Caliente Tribal Council or its appointed representative should be
consulted regarding all such finds.
Further, the Tribal Council should approve the selection of the
individual archaeologist employed to perform this task. The
Tribal Council can provide a list of those archaeologists it
considers qualified to do this work.
CASE 5.0275-PD-147 (Cont'd.)
b. The Tribal Council remains concerned about the circulation impacts
caused by the proposed closure of Andreas Road in view of the
present traffic congestion and parking deficiencies in the
downtown area. All possible alternatives to the closing of
Andreas Road should have been addressed in the EIR.
C. The quantity of parking spaces provided in the proposed develop-
ment appears to be deficient. On page 59 of the EIR it is noted
that City Ordinance requires 1,443 spaces whereas the plan shows
only 1,315 spaces. This is a deficiency of 128 spaces. The EIR
also indicates a shortage of parking spaces for exclusive use by
the proposed hotel . Given the present parking difficulties in the
downtown area, some mitigation should be imposed to correct this
Memorandum from John W. Adams, Consultant, to the City Council and
Planning Commission of Palm Springs, updated.
Responses to Comments
Comment 1b: On July 13, 1981, a local land planner, Howard Lapham,
submitted to the Planning Commission an alternative design which
retained a through street between Museum Road and Palm Canyon Drive.
Mr. Lapham' s drawing was reviewed by Edward J. De Bartolo and Assoc.
and was determined to be economically infeasible. There is no evidence
to support a concern about increased traffic congestion due to the
closure of Andreas Road, which currently has an ADT of only 1,600. The
extension of Belardo Road to Museum Road will accommodate many of these
trips. Furthermore, a test closure of Andreas Road during Thanksgiving
weekend, 1982, created no noticeable increase in traffic congestion.
Mr. Lapham's drawing has been included in Appendix G of the final EIR.
In addition, the Final EIR should note that one alternative for
decreasing project intensity would be to concentrate all redevelopment
efforts on the existing mall south of Andreas Road and allow the
existing uses north of Andreas Road to remain as they are or to be
redeveloped separately.
Comment lc: The EIR notes that there are fewer parking spaces proposed
than would normally be allowed under the CBD Zone. However, the City
does have the option of approving the proposed project even if the
parking is in nonconformance under the CBD Zone, because the project is
being proposed as a Planned Development District, which allows some
flexibility. Several alternatives for increasing available parking or
reduction parking demand are addressed in Sections 4.2-C and 7.3 of the
Draft EIR.
Tribal Council comments from September 27:
The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for this case was considered
by the Tribal Council at its meeting of September 13, 1983.
CASE 5.0275-PD-147 (Cont' d. )
After consideration of the recommendations of the Indian Planning
Commission, the Tribal Council took the following actions:
1. Reiterated its comments of September 13, which are as follows:
a. The EIR notes that this project may result in the exposure
of archaeological and historical resources. The Tribal
Council strongly recommends that the development of this
property be subject to the mitigating measure on page 44 of
the EIR; that is, that a qualified archaeologist be present
during the excavation work. If any potentially significant
resources are uncoveredduring excavation, work will be
halted in that area of the site, and make appropriate
mitigation recommendations. The Agua Caliente Tribal
Council or its appointed representative should be consulted
regarding all such finds.
Further, the Tribal Council should approve the selection of
the individual archaeologist employed to perform this task.
The Tribal Council can provide a list of those
archaeologists it considers qualified to do this work.
b. The Tribal Council remains concerned about the circulation
impacts caused by the proposed closure of Andreas Road in
• view of the present traffic congestion and parking
deficiencies in the downtown area. All possible
alternatives to the closing of Andreas Road should have been
addressed in the EIR.
C. The quantity of parking spaces provided in the proposed
development appears to be deficient. On page 59 of the EIR
it is noted that City Ordinance requires 1,443 spaces
whereas the plan shows only 1,315 spaces. This is a
deficiency of 128 spaces. The EIR also indicates a shortage
of parking spaces for exclusive use by the proposed hotel .
Given the present parking difficulties in the downtown area,
some mitigation should be imposed to correct this shortage.
2. Requested that the Final EIR include the comments outlined above
together with the appropriate responses, including mitigation
measures, by City Staff and/or its consultant.
3. Requested that the preliminary plans for this planned development
district, scheduled for pubic hearing on October 12, 1983, address
those comments referred to above which relate to the closure of
Andreas Road and to parking deficiencies.
CASE 6.335-VARIANCE. Application by R. FRAGEN for a variance from sideyard
• setbacks to allow an existing carport at 1208 Calle de Maria, R-1-C
Zone, Section 23.
(This action is categorically exempt from environmental assessment per
CEQA Guidelines. )
Recommendation: That the Commission deny the variance application.
Planning Director stated that the case was continued for review at a
study session on carports and setbacks on September 21, which was
attended by only four Commissioners; that two members of the public
voiced their concerns and requested that persons who have legally
enclosed their carports be given some relief in setback requirements for
vehicle shade structures; that staff does not find that there are
appropriate grounds for a variance nor for an ordinance to allow
structures in setbacks; that any ordinance contemplated should be done
on a citywide performance standard basis; that staff finding number 3.
in the staff report should be deleted but that staff would still
recommend denial; that if the Commission wishes to change the ordinance,
it would be violating a long-standing City policy in the urban design
elements that the setback part of the Zoning Ordinance constitutes; that
if the Commission approves the subject variance, it would be necessary
for the Commission to make findings of special circumstances since staff
cannot do so; and that if the Commission wishes further staff study, an
additional motion can be made. He then discussed property boundaries on
• the display board with the Commission.
Chairman stated that discussions were held with the applicant at the
study session and strong points have been made by the applicant who
feels that persons with permits who enclosed garages should be in a
special class and allowed to shelter cars in side front yards, but that
staff feels that these are not a special class and that shade
structures, if allowed, should be citywide.
Commissioner Koetting stated that sideyards could be considered perhaps
on a percentage of open space basis.
Chairman declared the hearing open.
R. Fragen, applicant, stated that the subject structure is in a
sideyard; that the roof line is on the same plane as the house; that he
had requested the variance for his own sake and for those in similar
situations in the older areas of the City; that these persons are being
discriminated against because of lack of ability to provide shade for
their vehicles; that what was being discussed was a temporary structure
with strict guidelines so there are no problems; that the next door
neighbor, who had originally opposed the structure (Bill Graetkin, 1221
Paseo de Marcia) has sent a letter stating that the structure is
acceptable; that a temporary shade structure is a viable solution for
yearround residents; that the structure could be removed if street
improvements were ever required; that a transformer burned a stand of
. shade trees near his residence and that was when the shade structure was
erected. He requested relief from setback requirements for the shade
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 10
CASE 6.335-VARIANCE (Cont'd. )
• Mrs. P. McMahan, 1111 E. Ramon Road, stated that it was acceptable to
have cars parked at the side of the house instead of in the street; and
that her car had been ruined by the sun.
There being no further appearances, the hearing was closed.
In reply to questions by Commission, Planning Director stated that
awnings for covered parking on apartments are not necessarily a
violation since they may have been approved that way; that there are two
or three in the City; that the condominium complex north of the hospital
has carports out of the setbacks on the Mel Avenue side; that violators
of the setback requirements are reviewed as time permits by staff; that
there would be a steady flow if variances were approved; that in 1982,
the Commission denied a variance for carports in setbacks on the public
street for a particular condominium complex but allowed carports on a
private street; that if an ordinance were passed for shade structures in
setbacks, people could ask for temporary structures; and that the point
of having an ordinance is to have an equitable distribution for anyone
who wants to do it, and that the City Attorney agrees.
Commissioner Lawrence stated that the shade structure should have been
addressed when the ordinance was first written; and that shaded parking
adds value to a home.
• Chairman stated that setbacks give Palm Springs character, encroachments
upon them would detract from the openness, and that he would not support
the variance.
Commissioner Koetting stated that Palm Springs has a unique climate;
that the auto is an extension of the family and is a factor of the urban
element; that a lightweight shade structure that provides shade for the
community is a valid element of the urban fabric and should be dealt
with individually; and that the urban design issue could be worked into
the scheme; and that his major concern was cars parking everywhere.
Commissioner Kaptur stated that it was the person' s free will to enclose
a garage for additional space; that cars should be covered by structures
but that the structure should not be in the setbacks; and that he could
not support the variance.
Commissioner Curtis stated that there is a need for shade and an
ordinance should be passed with controls with proper designing and
Chairman stated that there are three actions to be considered: denial ,
postponement, and approval .
Commissioner Apfelbaum stated that the issue is bulding in the setbacks;
that the aesthetics of the City would not be helped by structures in the
setbacks; that the variance does not have the necessary findings; that
• temporary structures are not beneficial to the people of the City; that
the structures in existence are in the setbacks; and requested another
study session.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 11
CASE 6.335-VARIANCE (Cont'd. )
• M/Lawrence approving the variance subject to an ordinance being adopted
with the next year under which the applicant would be required to comply
with the new ordinance.
Chairman stated that the motion for a variance could not be taken since
a variance has to stand on its own merits.
Commissioner Lawrence withdrew his motion.
Planning Director stated that the variance application could be
continued to a date certain or removed from the agenda and renoticed at
a future date.
M/S/C (Lawrence/Koetting) to continue the item to the January 11, 1984
meeting. The vote was as follows:
AYES: Koetting, Lawrence
NOES: Curtis, Apfelbaum, Kaptur, Madsen, Service
The motion failed.
Commissioner Lawrence stated that he would like the matter to be
reviewed to be fair to the applicant since to deny or approve it would
present other problems.
• Further discussion followed on the proper Commission action. Chairman
stated that he felt that action should be taken since the Commission
would not be doing the applicant a favor to continue it to a meeting in
M/S/C (Madsen/Apfelbaum; Curtis, Koetting, Lawrence dissenting) denying
Variance application 6.335 based on the following findings:
1. That there are no special circumstances applicable to the subject
property which determines that the strict application of the
Zoning Ordinance would deprive the subject property of privileges
enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under identical zone
2. That conditions cannot be applied to the proposal which would
assure that the adjustment would not constitute a special
privilege inconsistent with the Zoning Ordinance.
3. That the granting of a variance would not adversely affect the
General Plan of the City.
4. That the existing carport on the side attached to the dwelling has
been legally converted to a bedroom. Conversion occurred in 1971
prior to regulations which required two spaces for each dwelling
attached to the main building being adopted by the City.
5. That no consent has been given by the City for the structure in
the required yard.
6. That the lot has width, depth, and area that conforms to the
Zoning Ordinance.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 12
CASE 6.335-VARIANCE (Cont'd. )
• Commissioner Madsen requested that the subject of carports and setbacks
be placed on the October 19 study session agenda for further review.
(All Commissioners indicated that they would attend) .
public and Planning Commission comment on the draft EIR prepared for S. Palm
Canyon, Ramon/Bogie, N. Palm Canyon, and Highland/Gateway Redevelopment
Project Area and proposed redevelopment plans for the S. Palm Canyon and
Ramon/Bogie Redevelopment Project areas.
Recommendation: That the Planning Commission find that the redevelop-
ment plans are in conformance with the City's General Plan and trans-
mitting the resolutions for the Ramon/Bogie and S. Palm Canyon
Redevelopment Plans to the City Council.
Housing & Redevelopment Specialist reviewed the three documents (EIR for
the remaining five redevelopment project areas and the two redevelopment
plans for Ramon/Bogie and S. Palm Canyon) with the Commission. In
response to questions by Commission, he stated that the fiscal impact on
the Indian property owners is not in the EIR and was brought up as a
point of discussion with the Tribal Council ; that this discussion will
be held on October 19; that the impact on Indian property owners could
• not be addressed in the EIR without their specific concerns; that the
impact is insignificant and a fiscal rather than an EIR impact; that
there is a fiscal review process through the County and a meeting will
be held on October 20 with taxing agencies individually being informed
of the projected revenue impact; that the Redevelopment Agency will
negotiate separately with each taxing agency which will provide infor-
mation on the impacts; and that tax increments will be separated as has
been done on the Tahquitz/Andreas project.
Chairman stated that the purpose of the meeting was to receive input on
the adequacy of the documentation in accessing impacts and to adopt the
resolutions if the Commission chooses to transmit the document to the
City Council and the Redevelopment Agency.
Chairman declared the hearing open; there being no appearances, the
hearing was closed.
Housing & Redevelopment Specialist stated that the Commission should
find that the plans are in conformance with the City' s General Plan and
adopt the resolutions.
M/S/C (Koetting/Madsen) adopting Resolution #3568 (Ramon-Bogie
Redevelopment Plan) and Resolution #3569 (S. Palm Canyon Redevelopment
Plan) and transmitting them to the City Council with Commission
findings that the Redevelopment plans are in conformance with the City's
General Plan.
• Tribal Council comments:
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 13
CASE 5.0252 (Cont'd. )
• "A significant portion of the South Palm Canyon Redevelopment Project
Area and a major portion of the Ramon-Bogie Redevelopment Project Area
are comprised of Indian trust lands. The Tribal Council , at its meeting
of June 21, 1983, considered the Environmental Assessment/Initial Study
for these proposed projects and disapproved any further action to
proceed with the redevelopment program until those issues related to
benefits to the allottees and to the community as a whole, were
The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the five proposed project
areas was received at the Tribal Council Office on September 17, 1983.
The Proposed Redevelopment Plans for the South Palm Canyon and the
Ramon-Bogie Redevelopment Project Areas were received on September 26.
The Tribal Council will be reviewing these documents and submitting its
comments thereon prior to the end of the review period (November 2,
1983) for the Draft EIR."
Planning Director read a letter from landscape architect, David Hamilton,
regarding the Landsdale residence (Case 3.487) in which Mr. Hamilton stated he
was no longer associated with the project and noted his concerns that the
. Commission felt that his involvement would achieve a high quality of
landscaping which may no longer be achieved.
Commission consensus was that the approved plans should be implemented and the
landscape installation monitored. Planning Director stated that staff was
aware of the situtation and was in contact with the architect, who is aware of
staff scrutiny of the construction.
Planning Director reviewed and explained the maps and the Planning Com-
mission discussed and took action on the following tract and parcel maps
based on the finding that the proposed subdivision, together with the
provisions for design and improvement, are consistent with the General
Plan of the City of Palm Springs. A Negative Declaration has been
ordered filed based on the finding that the project will not have a sig-
nificant adverse effect on the environment and subject to conditions as
TTM 19441. Application by HACKER ENGINEERING for Ronson Investments, Inc. for
condominium conversion of existing apartment complex on E. Palm Canyon
Drive/Golf Club Drive, R-3 Zone, Section 29.
(This action categorically exempt from environmental assessment per CEQA
. guidelines. )
Chairman stated that the map was continued for a City engineering report
regarding flooding on East Palm Canyon and also addressing Commission' s
concern regarding isolation of the condominium project in a heavy rain
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 14
TTM 19441 (Cont'd. )
• City Engineer stated that the residents are isolated in a heavy storm
and must go to Bogie Road and come back on Waverly because there is a
drainage problem. He stated that the proposed Master Drainage Plan
proposes facilities which will solve the problem and that the developers
have been told that they must conform to the requirements and pay
drainage fees if they are adopted before recordation of the map.
Planning Director stated that the City has passed an amendment that
exempts previously constructed facilities where the map was only to
change the ownership. He stated that the fees were preempted by the
Council action .
City Engineer stated that if the property were in Zone 6, drainage fees
would be imposed under Prop. F and the map could be exempted under that.
Planner III stated that the new drainage conditions have been discussed
with the applicant.
C. Mills, 2332 Starr Road, representing the applicant, stated that the
statement on drainage was a standard one, and that the applicant had no
objections to it.
D. Hacker, Engineer, 490 S. Farrell , stated that the original condition
was that the developer provides adequate flood control and the City
waives fees.
• Chairman stated that a lake forms in the area in heavy rains and before
the map proceeds and multiple ownerships begins, the City must be
satisfied that no long term problems will be inherited. Commissioner
Lawrence stated that unless the condition were placed in the white
papers, the buyer would not know of the flooding problem. Mr. Mills
stated that a 40 ft. easement for flood control purposes is shown in
the white papers.
Commissioner Lawrence stated that easements would mean nothing to a
buyer, and that he was concerned about the situation and reiterated that
a condition should be placed in the white paper.
Mr. Mills replied that, if it is the condition of the white paper, it
will be there and that problems begin to the east of the property. He
stated that the attempt by Gemco for flood control is the first attempt
ever made, and the situation will improve since Cathedral City is a City
and that there is cooperation between the cities. City Engineer stated
that the buyers will be receiving reports in individual buyers packages
and that part of the problem is poor maintenance of the channel which
has now been cleaned. He stated that there will be an agreement for
maintenance in the C.C.& R. ' s, and that this severe drainage problem
will be rectified in the long run, but in the short term there is
protection only against a 10 year storm.
Discussion followed on the origin point of the water. City Engineer
• described the water flow and retention and stated that Cathedral City
will agree to the Palm Springs Master Plan of Drainage being prepared by
Riverside County Flood Control District.
M/S/C Lawrence, Madsen approving TTM 19441 subject to all
recommendations of the Development Committee.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 15
TTM 16759. Request by P. TYNBERG for reconsideration of requiring archi-
tectural approval of lots within TTM 16759, a subdivision of 34 single
family residential lots on Bogert Trail , east of S. Palm Canyon Dr. ,
W-R-1-B Zone, Section 35.
Planning Director stated that the applicant had requested
reconsideration of the condition requiring architectural approval of
single-family homes on lots within Tract 16759 and read the letter of
request (on file in the Department of Community Development) . He stated
that all new tracts within the last three years have had the requirement
for design review including maps in proximity to the subject tract. He
stated that the basis of Commission authority requiring architectural
review of the homes lies within the Municipal Code and is a logical
requirement since the area is of high quality and quality projects
should result. He knows that although it is flat land, hillside lots
overlook the property, that nearby streets in the County do not require
architectural approval , that the tennis court lots require this approval
and the appropriate time to discuss the architectural review would have
been at the time of map approval . He stated that staff does not have a
recommendation other than consistency and that the AAC recommended that
the architectural review remain. He noted that eight lots face Bogert
Trail and the remaining lots are internal .
P. Tynberg, the applicant, stated that at the time the initial
conditions were required, the Commission did not know about the internal
control by professional designers, who had been hired to review the
• architecture. He explained requirements for tracts in the area and
stated that custom homes within Tract 16759 have controls. He
distributed a copy of the architectural approval section of the
Chairman explained that the requirement for tracts to have architectural
approval is throughout the City and stated that the Commission has
reviewed tracts in the northern part of the City, that C.C. & R's
cannot prevent placing a modular house on a single-family lot, and that
architectural approval of new houses and tracts are to help control the
aesthetics. He stated that the reason the City adopted the policy three
years ago was because people did not want mobilehomes in proximity to
their homes. He stated that he could not support removing the
Planning Director explained that modulars can be placed on single-family
lots, but that mobilehomes require a CUP.
Discussion followed on possible City approval of all single-family
homes. Commissioner Kaptur stated that the applicant was undertaking a
great deal of responsibility. Dr. Tynberg stated that C.C. & R. ' s state
that the applicant must comply with conditions of the architectural
approval committee.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 16
TTM 16759 (Cont'd. )
• Discussion continued on the visibility of the lot and whether or not
internal control of the architecture would be sufficient. Dr. Tynberg
stated that the main reason for internal approval was to avoid the delay
required by the City approval process. He stated that his architectural
committee will do a good job. Discussion continued. Chairman suggested
three possible actions: allowing the requirement to remain; reversing
the original actions; or requiring only those lots fronting on Bogert
Trail to have architectural approval . Commissioner Kaptur stated that
he doubted that the City staff would want architectural approval of
every single-family lot and Chairman stated that the requirement is for
lots in subdivisions only.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Lawrence, Apfelbaum/Madsen dissented; Curtis/Koetting
abstained) approving revision of conditions for Tract 16759 as follows:
That houses on major roadways (later amended to "Bogert Trail") and the
tennis courts for Tract 16759 shall require architectural approval, but
internal lots within the map do not require architectural approval .
The Planning Commission reviewed plans, discussed, and took action on
• the following items involving architectural approval subject to the con-
ditions as outlined.
CASE 3.568 (Ref. Case 3.421) . Application by L. SANDOR for R. Floyd for
architectural approval of revised elevations for hillside residence at
555 N. Patencio Rd. , R-1-A Zone, Section 10.
Planning Director explained revisions to the approved plan on the
display board and stated that the revised elevations were recommended
for approval by the AAC, but that the lighting plans were recommended
for restudy because the AAC felt there was too much lighting indicated
on the plan.
L. Sandor, the architect, stated that the current construction activity
on the site is for remodeling of the interior and for construction of
the plans for the extension of the dining room which were approved by
the Commission. He stated that there was a bridge on the west with a
cavity under it.
Commissioner Koetting suggested that the Council be informed that there
is a change in the plans.
M/S/C (Curtis/Kaptur; Service dissented) approving the house revisions
with a restudy of the lighting (noting that the number of light fixtures
should be reduced, that the drive area of the house and the mountain
side are overlit, and that the existing lighting is unsatisfactory and
• should be refined to comply with the preceeding comments) .
Discussion followed on the extraordinary amount of light proposed by the
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 17
CASE 3.568 (Cont'd. )
M/S/C (Koetting/Lawrence) that the Council be notified that there has
been a change in the original plans for the house.
M. Sabath for architectural approval and map approval for 60-unit
condominium project on S. Palm Canyon Dr. between Ave. Granada/Sierra
Madre, R-2 Zone, Section 35.
Planner III presented the project on the board and described concerns
such as the circulation pattern, building height (26 feet at the highest
point), and sewers. He stated that the zone allows only 24 feet of
building height, but that the AAC felt that there should be some
flexibility in the Ordinance in R-2 Zones and recommended approval
noting that if the Ordinance were not amended prior to submission of
construction documents, the documents would have to be redesigned. He
noted that the applicant feels that the sewer conditions are unfair
since the Development Committee recommendations are for the applicant to
build a parallel line 1-1/2 miles off-site.
Discussion followed on the clerestory windows.
Chairman stated that the issue of building height is not in the AAC' s
• purview.
In reply to Commission question, Planning Director stated that the
building could be approved only if the building height were lowered two
feet or staff were directed to revise the Ordinance. He stated that to
revise the building height in R-2 Zones would affect every R-2 property
in the City. He stated that the application could be approved with the
provision it meets code or denied on the grounds that it does not.
Commissioner Koetting expressed concern about the long wall on the end
elevation of the two-story building, and stated that he felt that it
could be made more interesting.
Discussion followed.
H. Kaptur, the architect, stated that after discussion with his staff,
it was decided to not design windows not related to the floor plan and
screen the wall with landscaping.
In reply to Commission question, Planning Director stated that awnings
had been discussed with the architect and staff felt that theygave life
and color to the project but did not know what vehicle could be used to
have them all replaced at the same time (when they faded) with the same
color and material . He stated that the language for replacement of the
awnings should be specific. Commissioner Lawrence stated that even
though the requirement were in the C.C. & R.s, the document could be
• changed.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 18
CASE 3.603 & TTM 19603 (Cont'd. )
M/S/C (Apfelbaum/Koetting; Kaptur abstained) approving Case 3.603 and
Tentative Tract Map 19603 subject to the following conditions:
1. That the roof height meet the R-2 Zoning Ordinance requirements.
2. That the C.C. & R.s for the project include maintenance and
replacement provisions for the awning, providing that the awnings
are uniformly replaced with the same material and in the color
originally approved.
3. That awning replacement material and color be submitted to the AAC
and Planning Commission for approval .
4. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
5. That the condition regarding maintenance and replacement of the
awnings be placed as a condition of the tract C.C. & R. 's with a
provision that that particular C.C. & R. not be changed without
approval of the City.
Chairman left the meeting; Vice-Chairman presided.
• CASE 5.0032-PD-78. Application by TKD for Canyon Heights for architectural
approval of final landscape plans for recreation area for 93-unit
condominium project on S. Palm Canyon Dr. , W-R-2 Zone (I .L. ), Section
Planning Director stated that although the tennis courts are approved
for lighting, two will not be lighted, and that the AAC recommends
approval of the landscaping as submitted.
M/S/S (Lawrence/Apfelbaum; Service absent) approving the application
subject to the following condition: that all recommendations of the
Development Committee be met. * * * * *
Chairman returned to the meeting, but abstained on Case 5.0106 -CUP and Case
3.336; Vice-Chairman presided.
CASE 5.0106-CUP & 3.336. Application by M. STARKMAN ASSOC. for architectural
approval of revised site plan, parking layout,and architectural
elevations and a request for a subterranean tunnel under Calle Encilia;
& D. JUNG for architectural approval of preliminary landscape plans for
hotel and condominium complex on N. Indian Ave. between Tahquitz-
McCallum Way/Arenas Rd. , C-2, C-1-AA Zones, & R-4VP (I .L. ) , Section 14.
Planning Director stated that staff had worked with applicant in a
special study session prior to the meeting since there are several
• changes to the approved plans.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 19
CASE 5.0106-CUP & 3.336 (Cont'd. )
Planner III stated that floor plans and parking plans are the primary
issues since the applicant is proposing two additional hotel rooms, a
3,900 sq. ft. ballroom, much more meeting room area and restaurant
seating. He stated that the applicant is requesting parking based on
the largest meeting room use (9300 sq. ft. ) and not provide parking on-
site for the 3900 sq. ft. of meeting rooms. He explained the parking
program including use of the connecting tunnel to the condominium. He
noted that emergency vehicle provisions will be difficult with valet
parking as planned, but that the building is fully sprinklered. He
noted that the model of the project had not been shown to the AAC and
addressed openness better than the renderings, and that AAC members
Mills, Cioffi and Buccino and planning staff met with the applicant who
agrees to the AAC recommendations and wishes approval with the AAC
conditions incorporated as conditions of that approval . He explained
that the connecting tunnel is to provide full hotel services to the
condomiums, and that staff is requesting a delineation of the use
agreement between the two properties to bind them together legally.
L. Slaten, 10787 Wilshire Blvd. , Los Angeles, the applicant, explained
financing arrangements for the condominiums and hotel and stated that
the tunnel will be used for services provided for guests. He noted that
the original Holiday Inn concept has changed to a Marquis Hotel with
additional services provided, such as a ballroom and more restaurant
space. He stated that the revisions are considered minor modifications
• to the site plan, that the model indicates depth of the frontage more
precisely than the renderings, and that City requirements will be met.
Discussion followed on the exterior materials of the hotel .
Commissioner Kaptur suggested more substantial material , and Mr. Slaten
stated that the suggestion will be considered.
R. Haley, the architect, also explained the types of materials to be
used. Commissioner Kaptur stated that the building should be of
"Type 1" construction.
Further discussion followed on the revisions. Vice-Chairman stated that
the changes are substantial, and that he was surprised that the
applicant had not presented the revisions previously to the Commission
since plans are required to be built as approved unless there are
problems. He stated that there are changes on the elevations that he
could not support and they should be reviewed by the Commission.
Discussion followed. The architect indicated colors on the material
board. Commissioner Kaptur suggested a joint meeting with the AAC to
review the changes. Vice-Chairman stated that the AAC recommendation
was for restudy. Planning Director explained the AAC voting on the
restudy recommendation and reminded the Commission that two AAC
architects and a landscape architect reviewed the project with staff and
the applicant at a special study session.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 20
CASE 5.0106-CUP & 3.336 (Cont'd. )
• Further discussion followed on the appropriate Commission action since
the project had been recommended for a restudy by the AAC. Planner III
reminded Commission that the applicant accepts the restudy conditions as
conditions of approval since the applicant wishes to proceed as quickly
as possible. Vice-Chairman stated that there is less open space, that
the project has more intensity, and that the Indian Avenue elevations
are not acceptable. He stated that the changes makes it a lesser
Mr. Slaten stated that the architect has worked with staff on the
changes, and that the Indian Avenue revision is similar to what was
originally approved.
Mr. Haley stated that the hotel has been upgraded from the Holiday Inn
to a four- or five-star hotel and that interior elevations would show
its quality.
Vice-Chairman reiterated that he felt that the revisions should be
Further discussion followed Mr. Slaten stated that he did not want to be
delayed. Commissioner Kaptur suggested that the applicant be allowed to
M/S/C (Lawrence/Kaptur) that the revisions be approved subject to AAC
recommendations and Planning Commission review of the revisions at a
study session.
Vice-Chairman requested clarification of the motion. Commissioner
Lawrence stated that the approval was for the parking design,
subterranean tunnel , and preliminary landscape plans as revised, noting
that the AAC had recommended a restudy of certain elements, and that the
applicant has accepted the suggestions made in the special study session
with staff and the three AAC members.
At the request of Vice-Chairman, Assistant City Attorney stated that
approval should be of the "footprint" of the project with the remainder
of the project scheduled for a restudy.
Commissioner Lawrence withdrew his motion with consent of second.
M/S/C (Lawrence/Kaptur; Service abstained; Koetting dissented) approving
the revised "footprint" of the hotel (Case 5.0106-CUP) project subject
to the following conditions of restudy per AAC recommendations:
1. That the Indian Avenue elevation include increased planting to add
visual interest to the blank elevation shown on the revised plans.
2. The elements of the original porte cochere design be retained
(i .e. elements which reflect the open design of the original) .
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 21
CASE 5.0106-CUP & 3.336 (Cont'd. )
3. That the building form, massing and landscape concepts of the
interior court be retained as in the originally approved plans
(AAC considered that the original court design was more attractive
and had more visual interest than the revised) .
4. That the first floor perimeter roof planter be retained.
5. AAC recommended that rooftop (i .e. third story) planters be
Note: All other planters (including balcony and low level roof planters)
shall be retained on both condo and hotel projects.
6. That details of planters including depth, drainage and
specifications for soil shall be provided with detailed
landscaping plans.
Note: Developer was reminded that an original condition of approval
required retention of existing mature palm trees on site.
Discussion followed on the parking requirements for the hotel and
condominiums. Planning Director stated that staff had not reviewed the
major architectural revisions until recently, and that the applicant has
had many problems with the project including financing.
• Discussion continued on the long, linear south elevation of the hotel .
Planner III stated that the applicant felt certain that the problems
could be resolved.
Commissioner Kaptur suggested a pedestrian bridge as a viable solution
to tie the two disparate projects together and aid in the function of
the project. Planning Director stated that a bridge would not be
functional .
Commissioner Curtis left the meeting at this point.
M/S/C (Lawrence/Apfelbaum; Curtis. absent; Service abstained) approving
the "footprint" of the condominiums (Case 3.336) , subject to the
following restudy recommendations of the AAC:
1. That the visual break shown in the original south and east
elevations be retained.
2. That increased sun control be explored in the service core on the
east elevation.
3. Courtyard designs consistent with original approval .
Chairman and Commissioner Apfelbaum left the meeting; Vice-Chairman pre-
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 22
SIGN APPLICATION. Application by IMPERIAL SIGN CO. for architectural approval
• of revised sign program for Sunrise Square shopping center on the NW
corner of Sunrise Way/Vista Chino, R-1-C Zone, Section 2 (Ref. Case
5.938-CUP) .
Zoning Enforcement Officer explained the proposed revision to the sign
program stating that Best Pharmacy desired separate identification and
that the shopping center owner, W. Carver, has indicated that the signs
will all be changed within two years to the "Best Pharmacy" prototype.
M/S/C (Madsen/Kaptur; Curtis/Apfelbaum/Service absent) approving the
revised sign program for the Sunrise Square Shopping Center, subject to
the following conditions:
1. That the sign program revisions be completed within two years.
2. That letters be raised a minimum of 1" from the base of the
M/S/C (Madsen/Kaptur; Curtis/Apfelbaum/Service absent) taking the following ac-
tions per staff recommendations.
SIGN APPLICATION (Cont'd. ) . Application by YOUNG ELECTRIC CO. for archi-
tectural approval of main identification monument sign for Shari ' s
Restaurant in shopping center on the SE corner of Palm Canyon
• Dr./Racquet Club Rd. , PD-113, Section 3. (Ref. Case 5.0127-PD-113)
Approved as submitted.
Koetting abstained.
CASE 3.403 (Cont'd. ). Application by POMONA FIRST FEDERAL for architectural
approval of as-built landscape plans for savings & loan on Tahquitz-
McCallum Way beween Ave. Caballeros/Hermosa Dr. , C-1-AA & R-4-VP Zones
(I.L. ), Section 14.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That Eucalyptus be extended approximately one-third of the width
elevation of the building.
2. That a group of palms be included on the west elevation.
3. That desert landscaping be merged into the western edge of the
front setback area.
CASE 3.592. Application by R. RICCIO for architectural approval of revised
elevations for a single family residence on W. Dogwood Dr. , off Golden
Rod Lane, R-1-B Zone, Section 23.
• CASE 3.586 (Minor) . Application by T. SKORMAN for architectural approval of
revised details for awning on the front elevation of business at 310 N.
Palm Canyon Dr. , C-B-D Zone, Section 15.
Continued to October 12, 1983, at the applicant's request.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 23
• CASE 3.452. Application by W. KLEINDEINST for J. Zarowitz for architectural
approval of revised elevations, colors, and landscaping at 563 Fern
Canyon Rd. , R-1-A Zone, Section 22.
Restudy, noting the following: That the landscape and wall materials
are satisfactory but that the garden wall height should be increased to
screen the front elevation or the front elevations of the house refined.
CASE 5.0237-PD-142. Application by M. BUCCINO for 1st. Nationwide Savings for
architectural approval of revised landscape development plans for
savings & loan facility located at E. Palm Canyon Dr./Sunrise Way,
Section 26.
In reply to Vice-Chairman's question, landscape architect, M. Buccino,
stated that the landscaping had been revised to unify the project with
the existing projects and the massing of the planters increased.
M/S (Kaptur/Madsen) approving the application as submitted. The vote
was as follows:
• AYES: Kaptur/Madsen
NOES: Koetting/Lawrence
ABSENT: Service/Curtis/Apfelbaum
There was a tie vote. No action was taken.
Discussion followed on moving the palm trees from their straight
alignment. C. Hellman, the applicant, stated that the palm tree
alignment could be kept.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Madsen; Service/Curtis/Apfelbaum absent) approving the
application subject to the following condition:
That the palm trees be moved to a location behind the sidewalk, to
maintain continuity with the established streetscape.
CASE 5.0272-ZTA (Cont'd. ) . Initiation by the City of Palm Springs for amend-
ments to the C-B-D Zone, Section 15.
(Commission response to written comments on draft Negative Declaration,
action for filing, and final approval . )
• Recommendation: That the Planning Commission continue the item to
October 12.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 24
CASE 5.0272-ZTA (Cont'd.)
• Planning Director stated that staff was requesting continuance for
further staff review.
Vice-Chairman declared the hearing open; there being no appearances the
hearing was closed.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Lawrence; Service/Curtis/Apfelbaum absent) continuing the
case to October 12.
TTM 17430 (Cont'd. ) . Application by HALLMARK ENGINEERING for Investors Real
Estate for revised map and phasing plan for private club and condominium
development on the northeast corner of Ave. Caballeros/Amado Rd. , R-
G-A(8) Zone (I.L. ) , Section 14. (Ref. Cases 3.101 & 5.0259-CUP)
(Previously given environmental assessment in conjunction with Case
3.101. )
Planner II stated in response to Commission concerns that prospective
buyers will be apprised of the private club in the Development Committee
conditions, and that an ongoing issue is that the Engineering Division
• recommends that all street improvements be constructed with Phase I of
the project although street improvements usually are constructed
adjacent to phases of a project.
Planning Director stated that Commission recommended in the CUP for the
project that the remaining improvements be constructed upon demand by
the commission if a convention center is approved.
M/S/C (Madsen/Kaptur; Curtis/Apfelbaum/Service absent) approving TTM
17430 subject to all recommendations of the Development Committee, with
the exception that street improvements be constructed adjacent to phases
as previously stated in the commission' s actions concerning this
Tribal Council comments:
"This case was considered by the Tribal Council On September 13, 1983
and subsequently continued by the City Planning Commission to September
28 in order to receive written Development Committee comments and
After consideration of the recommendations of the Indian Planning
Commission, the Tribal Council took the following actions:
1. Reiterated its action of September 13 to approve the revised map
and phasing plan for 77M 17430.
2. Took exception with the Development Committee's recommendation
that the developer construct all off-site improvements adjacent to
all phases of 77M 17430 with the approval fo Phase I.
September 28, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 25
TTM 17430 (Cont'd. )
3. Concurred with an earlier action by the City Planning Commission
(May 11, 1983-CASE 5.0259-CUP) which provided "that the applicant
be given six months notice by the Planning Commission to complete
street improvements in Amado Road if the Commission and Staff
determine that improvements are necessary".
TPM 18352 (Cont'd. ) . Application by WEBB ENGINEERING for R. Ellis for
approval of C.C. & R. ' s for landscape maintenance guidelines for a
subdivision on Crossley Rd. , M-1 Zone (I.L. ) , Section 20.
Planning Director stated that no vehicle had been developed for
maintenance of the landscaping.
M/S/C (Lawrence/Madsen; Service/Curtis/Apfelbaum absent) approving TPM
18352 subject to the following conditions:
1. That all recommendations of the Development Committee be met.
2. That a vehicle be submitted for landscape maintenance.
• CASE 3.205. Application by R. BARNETT for S. Appel for architectural approval
of revised elevations for a condominium project on Escoba Dr. between
Beverly Dr./E. Palm Canyon Dr., R-3 Zone, Section 24.
Planning Director stated that working drawings showed deletion of the
originally approved diagonal siding.
M/S/C (Kaptur/Madsen; Curtis/Apfelbaum/Service absent) approving the
revised elevations subject to the following conditions:
1. That a sample of the roof tile be submitted for Planning
Commission approval .
2. That the cedar siding be included as originally approved.
3. That one stucco color be used (either of the first two colors
There being no further business to discuss, Vice-Chairman adjourned the
meeting at 6:45 p.m.